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* Nextcloud - Gallery
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later. See the COPYING file.
* @author Olivier Paroz <>
* @copyright Olivier Paroz 2017
namespace OCA\Gallery\Service;
use OCP\Files\File;
use OCP\Files\Folder;
use OCP\Files\Node;
* Contains various methods to retrieve information from the filesystem
* @package OCA\Gallery\Service
abstract class FilesService extends Service {
/** @var int */
protected $virtualRootLevel = null;
/** @var string[] */
protected $features;
/** @var string */
protected $ignoreAlbum = '.nomedia';
* Retrieves all files and sub-folders contained in a folder
* If we can't find anything in the current folder, we throw an exception as there is no point
* in doing any more work, but if we're looking at a sub-folder, we return an empty array so
* that it can be simply ignored
* @param Folder $folder
* @param int $subDepth
* @return array
protected function getNodes($folder, $subDepth) {
try {
$nodes = $folder->getDirectoryListing();
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
$nodes = $this->recoverFromGetNodesError($subDepth, $exception);
return $nodes;
* Determines if the files are hosted locally (shared or not) and can be used by the preview
* system
* isMounted() doesn't include externally hosted shares, so we need to exclude those from the
* non-mounted nodes
* @param Node $node
* @return bool
protected function isAllowedAndAvailable($node) {
try {
return $node && $this->isAllowed($node) && $this->isAvailable($node);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
$message = 'The folder is not available: ' . $exception->getMessage();
return false;
* Returns the node type, either 'dir' or 'file'
* If there is a problem, we return an empty string so that the node can be ignored
* @param Node $node
* @return string
protected function getNodeType($node) {
try {
$nodeType = $node->getType();
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return '';
return $nodeType;
* Returns various information about a node
* @param Node|File|Folder $node
* @return array<string,int|string|bool|array<string,int|string>>
protected function getNodeData($node) {
$imagePath = $this->environment->getPathFromVirtualRoot($node);
$nodeId = $node->getId();
$mTime = $node->getMTime();
$etag = $node->getEtag();
$size = $node->getSize();
$sharedWithUser = $node->isShared();
$ownerData = $this->getOwnerData($node);
$permissions = $node->getPermissions();
//$this->logger->debug("Image path : {var1}", ['var1' => $imagePath]);
return $this->formatNodeData(
$imagePath, $nodeId, $mTime, $etag, $size, $sharedWithUser, $ownerData, $permissions
* Returns various information about a folder
* @param Folder $node
* @return array<string,int|string|bool|array<string,int|string>>
protected function getFolderData($node) {
$folderData = $this->getNodeData($node);
$folderData['freespace'] = $node->getFreeSpace();
return $folderData;
* Returns the node if it's a folder we have access to
* @param Folder $node
* @param string $nodeType
* @return array|Folder
protected function getAllowedSubFolder($node, $nodeType) {
if ($nodeType === 'dir') {
/** @var Folder $node */
if (!$node->nodeExists($this->ignoreAlbum)) {
return [$node];
return [];
* Determines if we've reached the root folder
* @param Folder $folder
* @param int $level
* @return bool
protected function isRootFolder($folder, $level) {
$isRootFolder = false;
$rootFolder = $this->environment->getVirtualRootFolder();
if ($folder->getPath() === $rootFolder->getPath()) {
$isRootFolder = true;
$virtualRootFolder = $this->environment->getPathFromVirtualRoot($folder);
if (empty($virtualRootFolder)) {
$this->virtualRootLevel = $level;
return $isRootFolder;
* Throws an exception if this problem occurs in the current folder, otherwise just ignores the
* sub-folder
* @param int $subDepth
* @param \Exception $exception
* @return array
* @throws NotFoundServiceException
private function recoverFromGetNodesError($subDepth, $exception) {
if ($subDepth === 0) {
throw new NotFoundServiceException($exception->getMessage());
return [];
* Determines if we can consider the node mounted locally or if it's been authorised to be
* scanned
* @param Node $node
* @return bool
private function isAllowed($node) {
$allowed = true;
if ($this->isExternalShare($node)) {
$allowed = $this->isExternalShareAllowed();
if ($node->isMounted()) {
$mount = $node->getMountPoint();
$allowed = $mount && $mount->getOption('previews', true);
return $allowed;
* Determines if the node is available, as in readable
* @todo Test to see by how much using file_exists slows things down
* @param Node $node
* @return bool
private function isAvailable($node) {
return $node->isReadable();
* Determines if the user has allowed the use of external shares
* @return bool
private function isExternalShareAllowed() {
$rootFolder = $this->environment->getVirtualRootFolder();
return ($this->isExternalShare($rootFolder)
|| in_array('external_shares', $this->features));
* Determines if the node is a share which is hosted externally
* @param Node $node
* @return bool
private function isExternalShare($node) {
$sid = explode(
return ($sid[0] === 'shared' && $sid[2][0] !== '/');
* Returns what we known about the owner of a node
* @param Node $node
* @return null|array<string,int|string>
private function getOwnerData($node) {
$owner = $node->getOwner();
$ownerData = [];
if ($owner) {
$ownerData = [
'uid' => $owner->getUID(),
'displayname' => $owner->getDisplayName()
return $ownerData;
* Returns an array containing information about a node
* @param string $imagePath
* @param int $nodeId
* @param int $mTime
* @param string $etag
* @param int $size
* @param bool $sharedWithUser
* @param array <string,int|string> $ownerData
* @param int $permissions
* @return array
private function formatNodeData(
$imagePath, $nodeId, $mTime, $etag, $size, $sharedWithUser, $ownerData, $permissions
) {
return [
'path' => $imagePath,
'nodeid' => $nodeId,
'mtime' => $mTime,
'etag' => $etag,
'size' => $size,
'sharedwithuser' => $sharedWithUser,
'owner' => $ownerData,
'permissions' => $permissions