
792 lines
30 KiB

* libcsync -- a library to sync a directory with another
* Copyright (c) 2008-2013 by Andreas Schneider <>
* Copyright (c) 2012-2013 by Klaas Freitag <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "config_csync.h"
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "c_lib.h"
#include "csync_private.h"
#include "csync_exclude.h"
#include "csync_update.h"
#include "csync_util.h"
#include "csync_misc.h"
#include "vio/csync_vio.h"
#include "csync_rename.h"
#include "common/utility.h"
#include "common/asserts.h"
#include <QtCore/QTextCodec>
// Needed for PRIu64 on MinGW in C++ mode.
#include <inttypes.h>
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcUpdate, "nextcloud.sync.csync.updater", QtInfoMsg)
/* Return true if the two path have the same extension. false otherwise. */
static bool _csync_sameextension(const char *p1, const char *p2) {
/* Find pointer to the extensions */
const char *e1 = strrchr(p1, '.');
const char *e2 = strrchr(p2, '.');
/* If the found extension contains a '/', it is because the . was in the folder name
* => no extensions */
if (e1 && strchr(e1, '/')) e1 = NULL;
if (e2 && strchr(e2, '/')) e2 = NULL;
/* If none have extension, it is the same extension */
if (!e1 && !e2)
return true;
/* c_streq takes care of the rest */
return c_streq(e1, e2);
static QByteArray _rel_to_abs(CSYNC* ctx, const QByteArray &relativePath) {
return QByteArray() % const_cast<const char *>(ctx->local.uri) % '/' % relativePath;
/* Return true if two mtime are considered equal
* We consider mtime that are one hour difference to be equal if they are one hour appart
* because on some system (FAT) the date is changing when the daylight saving is changing */
static bool _csync_mtime_equal(time_t a, time_t b)
if (a == b)
return true;
/* 1h of difference +- 1 second because the accuracy of FAT is 2 seconds (#2438) */
if (fabs(3600 - fabs(difftime(a, b))) < 2)
return true;
return false;
* The main function of the discovery/update pass.
* It's called (indirectly) by csync_update(), once for each entity in the
* local filesystem and once for each entity in the server data.
* It has two main jobs:
* - figure out whether anything happened compared to the sync journal
* and set (primarily) the instruction flag accordingly
* - build the ctx->local.tree / ctx->remote.tree
* See doc/dev/ for an overview.
static int _csync_detect_update(CSYNC *ctx, std::unique_ptr<csync_file_stat_t> fs) {
OCC::SyncJournalFileRecord base;
if (fs->type == ItemTypeSkip) {
} else {
/* Check if file is excluded */
if (ctx->exclude_traversal_fn)
excluded = ctx->exclude_traversal_fn(fs->path, fs->type);
if( excluded == CSYNC_NOT_EXCLUDED ) {
/* Even if it is not excluded by a pattern, maybe it is to be ignored
* because it's a hidden file that should not be synced.
* This code should probably be in csync_exclude, but it does not have the fs parameter.
* Keep it here for now */
if (ctx->ignore_hidden_files
&& fs->is_hidden
&& !fs->path.endsWith(".sync-exclude.lst")) {
qCInfo(lcUpdate, "file excluded because it is a hidden file: %s", fs->path.constData());
} else {
/* File is ignored because it's matched by a user- or system exclude pattern. */
qCInfo(lcUpdate, "%s excluded (%d)", fs->path.constData(), excluded);
return 1;
return 1;
if (ctx->current == REMOTE_REPLICA && ctx->callbacks.checkSelectiveSyncBlackListHook) {
if (ctx->callbacks.checkSelectiveSyncBlackListHook(ctx->callbacks.update_callback_userdata, fs->path)) {
return 1;
auto localCodec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale();
if (ctx->current == REMOTE_REPLICA && localCodec->mibEnum() != 106) {
/* If the locale codec is not UTF-8, we must check that the filename from the server can
* be encoded in the local file system.
* We cannot use QTextCodec::canEncode() since that can incorrectly return true, see
QTextEncoder encoder(localCodec, QTextCodec::ConvertInvalidToNull);
if (encoder.fromUnicode(QString::fromUtf8(fs->path)).contains('\0')) {
qCInfo(lcUpdate, "cannot encode %s to local encoding %d",
fs->path.constData(), localCodec->mibEnum());
if (fs->type == ItemTypeFile ) {
if (fs->modtime == 0) {
qCInfo(lcUpdate, "file: %s - mtime is zero!", fs->path.constData());
if (excluded > CSYNC_NOT_EXCLUDED || fs->type == ItemTypeSoftLink) {
if (ctx->current_fs) {
ctx->current_fs->has_ignored_files = true;
goto out;
/* Update detection: Check if a database entry exists.
* If not, the file is either new or has been renamed. To see if it is
* renamed, the db gets queried by the inode of the file as that one
* does not change on rename.
if(!ctx->statedb->getFileRecord(fs->path, &base)) {
return -1;
* When file is encrypted it's phash (path hash) will not match the local file phash,
* we could match the e2eMangledName but that might be slow wihout index, and it's
* not UNIQUE at the moment.
if (!base.isValid()) {
if(!ctx->statedb->getFileRecordByE2eMangledName(fs->path, &base)) {
return -1;
if(base.isValid()) { /* there is an entry in the database */
// When the file is loaded from the file system it misses
// the e2e mangled name
if (fs->e2eMangledName.isEmpty() && !base._e2eMangledName.isEmpty()) {
fs->e2eMangledName = base._e2eMangledName;
fs->path = base._path;
/* we have an update! */
qCInfo(lcUpdate, "Database entry found for %s, compare: %" PRId64 " <-> %" PRId64
", etag: %s <-> %s, inode: %" PRId64 " <-> %" PRId64
", size: %" PRId64 " <-> %" PRId64 ", perms: %x <-> %x"
", checksum: %s <-> %s , ignore: %d, e2e: %s",
base._path.constData(), ((int64_t) fs->modtime), ((int64_t) base._modtime),
fs->etag.constData(), base._etag.constData(), (uint64_t) fs->inode, (uint64_t) base._inode,
(uint64_t) fs->size, (uint64_t) base._fileSize, *reinterpret_cast<short*>(&fs->remotePerm), *reinterpret_cast<short*>(&base._remotePerm),
fs->checksumHeader.constData(), base._checksumHeader.constData(), base._serverHasIgnoredFiles, base._e2eMangledName.constData());
if (ctx->current == REMOTE_REPLICA && fs->etag != base._etag) {
fs->instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_EVAL;
// Preserve the EVAL flag later on if the type has changed.
if (base._type != fs->type) {
fs->child_modified = true;
goto out;
if (ctx->current == LOCAL_REPLICA &&
(!_csync_mtime_equal(fs->modtime, base._modtime)
// zero size in statedb can happen during migration
|| (base._fileSize != 0 && fs->size != base._fileSize))) {
// Checksum comparison at this stage is only enabled for .eml files,
// check #4754 #4755
bool isEmlFile = csync_fnmatch("*.eml", fs->path, FNM_CASEFOLD) == 0;
if (isEmlFile && fs->size == base._fileSize && !base._checksumHeader.isEmpty()) {
if (ctx->callbacks.checksum_hook) {
fs->checksumHeader = ctx->callbacks.checksum_hook(
_rel_to_abs(ctx, fs->path), base._checksumHeader,
bool checksumIdentical = false;
if (!fs->checksumHeader.isEmpty()) {
checksumIdentical = fs->checksumHeader == base._checksumHeader;
if (checksumIdentical) {
qCInfo(lcUpdate, "NOTE: Checksums are identical, file did not actually change: %s", fs->path.constData());
goto out;
// Preserve the EVAL flag later on if the type has changed.
if (base._type != fs->type) {
fs->child_modified = true;
fs->instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_EVAL;
goto out;
bool metadata_differ = (ctx->current == REMOTE_REPLICA && (fs->file_id != base._fileId
|| fs->remotePerm != base._remotePerm))
|| (ctx->current == LOCAL_REPLICA && fs->inode != base._inode);
if (fs->type == ItemTypeDirectory && ctx->current == REMOTE_REPLICA
&& !metadata_differ && ctx->read_remote_from_db) {
/* If both etag and file id are equal for a directory, read all contents from
* the database.
* The metadata comparison ensure that we fetch all the file id or permission when
* upgrading owncloud
qCInfo(lcUpdate, "Reading from database: %s", fs->path.constData());
ctx->remote.read_from_db = true;
/* If it was remembered in the db that the remote dir has ignored files, store
* that so that the reconciler can make advantage of.
if( ctx->current == REMOTE_REPLICA ) {
fs->has_ignored_files = base._serverHasIgnoredFiles;
if (metadata_differ) {
/* file id or permissions has changed. Which means we need to update them in the DB. */
qCInfo(lcUpdate, "Need to update metadata for: %s", fs->path.constData());
} else {
fs->instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NONE;
} else {
/* check if it's a file and has been renamed */
if (ctx->current == LOCAL_REPLICA) {
qCInfo(lcUpdate, "Checking for rename based on inode # %" PRId64 "", (uint64_t) fs->inode);
OCC::SyncJournalFileRecord base;
if(!ctx->statedb->getFileRecordByInode(fs->inode, &base)) {
return -1;
// Default to NEW unless we're sure it's a rename.
fs->instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW;
bool isRename =
base.isValid() && base._type == fs->type
&& ((base._modtime == fs->modtime && base._fileSize == fs->size) || fs->type == ItemTypeDirectory)
&& _csync_sameextension(base._path, fs->path)
// Verify the checksum where possible
if (isRename && !base._checksumHeader.isEmpty() && ctx->callbacks.checksum_hook
&& fs->type == ItemTypeFile) {
fs->checksumHeader = ctx->callbacks.checksum_hook(
_rel_to_abs(ctx, fs->path), base._checksumHeader,
if (!fs->checksumHeader.isEmpty()) {
qCInfo(lcUpdate, "checking checksum of potential rename %s %s <-> %s", fs->path.constData(), fs->checksumHeader.constData(), base._checksumHeader.constData());
isRename = fs->checksumHeader == base._checksumHeader;
if (isRename) {
qCInfo(lcUpdate, "pot rename detected based on inode # %" PRId64 "", (uint64_t) fs->inode);
/* inode found so the file has been renamed */
if (fs->type == ItemTypeDirectory) {
csync_rename_record(ctx, base._path, fs->path);
goto out;
} else {
qCInfo(lcUpdate, "Checking for rename based on fileid %s", fs->file_id.constData());
/* Remote Replica Rename check */
fs->instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW;
bool done = false;
auto renameCandidateProcessing = [&](const OCC::SyncJournalFileRecord &base) {
if (done)
if (!base.isValid())
// Some things prohibit rename detection entirely.
// Since we don't do the same checks again in reconcile, we can't
// just skip the candidate, but have to give up completely.
if (base._type != fs->type) {
qCWarning(lcUpdate, "file types different, not a rename");
done = true;
if (fs->type != ItemTypeDirectory && base._etag != fs->etag) {
/* File with different etag, don't do a rename, but download the file again */
qCWarning(lcUpdate, "file etag different, not a rename");
done = true;
// Record directory renames
if (fs->type == ItemTypeDirectory) {
// If the same folder was already renamed by a different entry,
// skip to the next candidate
if (ctx->renames.folder_renamed_to.count(base._path) > 0) {
qCWarning(lcUpdate, "folder already has a rename entry, skipping");
csync_rename_record(ctx, base._path, fs->path);
/* A remote rename can also mean Encryption Mangled Name.
* if we find one of those in the database, we ignore it.
if (!base._e2eMangledName.isEmpty()) {
qCWarning(lcUpdate, "Encrypted file can not rename");
done = true;
qCInfo(lcUpdate, "remote rename detected based on fileid %s --> %s", base._path.constData(), fs->path.constData());
done = true;
if (!ctx->statedb->getFileRecordsByFileId(fs->file_id, renameCandidateProcessing)) {
return -1;
if (fs->instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW
&& fs->type == ItemTypeDirectory
&& ctx->current == REMOTE_REPLICA
&& ctx->callbacks.checkSelectiveSyncNewFolderHook) {
if (ctx->callbacks.checkSelectiveSyncNewFolderHook(ctx->callbacks.update_callback_userdata, fs->path, fs->remotePerm)) {
return 1;
goto out;
/* Set the ignored error string. */
if (fs->instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE) {
if( fs->type == ItemTypeSoftLink ) {
fs->error_status = CSYNC_STATUS_INDIVIDUAL_IS_SYMLINK; /* Symbolic links are ignored. */
} else {
if (excluded == CSYNC_FILE_EXCLUDE_LIST) {
fs->error_status = CSYNC_STATUS_INDIVIDUAL_IGNORE_LIST; /* File listed on ignore list. */
} else if (excluded == CSYNC_FILE_EXCLUDE_INVALID_CHAR) {
fs->error_status = CSYNC_STATUS_INDIVIDUAL_IS_INVALID_CHARS; /* File contains invalid characters. */
} else if (excluded == CSYNC_FILE_EXCLUDE_TRAILING_SPACE) {
fs->error_status = CSYNC_STATUS_INDIVIDUAL_TRAILING_SPACE; /* File ends with a trailing space. */
} else if (excluded == CSYNC_FILE_EXCLUDE_LONG_FILENAME) {
fs->error_status = CSYNC_STATUS_INDIVIDUAL_EXCLUDE_LONG_FILENAME; /* File name is too long. */
} else if (excluded == CSYNC_FILE_EXCLUDE_HIDDEN ) {
} else if (excluded == CSYNC_FILE_EXCLUDE_STAT_FAILED) {
} else if (excluded == CSYNC_FILE_EXCLUDE_CONFLICT) {
} else if (excluded == CSYNC_FILE_EXCLUDE_CANNOT_ENCODE) {
if (fs->instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NONE
&& fs->instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE
&& fs->type != ItemTypeDirectory) {
fs->child_modified = true;
// If conflict files are uploaded, they won't be marked as IGNORE / CSYNC_FILE_EXCLUDE_CONFLICT
// but we still want them marked!
if (ctx->upload_conflict_files) {
if (OCC::Utility::isConflictFile(fs->path.constData())) {
ctx->current_fs = fs.get();
qCInfo(lcUpdate, "file: %s, instruction: %s <<=", fs->path.constData(),
QByteArray path = fs->path;
switch (ctx->current) {
ctx->local.files[path] = std::move(fs);
ctx->remote.files[path] = std::move(fs);
return 0;
int csync_walker(CSYNC *ctx, std::unique_ptr<csync_file_stat_t> fs) {
int rc = -1;
if (ctx->abort) {
qCDebug(lcUpdate, "Aborted!");
ctx->status_code = CSYNC_STATUS_ABORTED;
return -1;
switch (fs->type) {
case ItemTypeFile:
if (ctx->current == REMOTE_REPLICA) {
qCDebug(lcUpdate, "file: %s [file_id=%s size=%" PRIu64 "]", fs->path.constData(), fs->file_id.constData(), fs->size);
} else {
qCDebug(lcUpdate, "file: %s [inode=%" PRIu64 " size=%" PRIu64 "]", fs->path.constData(), fs->inode, fs->size);
case ItemTypeDirectory: /* enter directory */
if (ctx->current == REMOTE_REPLICA) {
qCDebug(lcUpdate, "directory: %s [file_id=%s]", fs->path.constData(), fs->file_id.constData());
} else {
qCDebug(lcUpdate, "directory: %s [inode=%" PRIu64 "]", fs->path.constData(), fs->inode);
case ItemTypeSoftLink:
qCInfo(lcUpdate, "symlink: %s - not supported", fs->path.constData());
qCInfo(lcUpdate, "item: %s - item type %d not iterated", fs->path.constData(), fs->type);
return 0;
rc = _csync_detect_update(ctx, std::move(fs));
return rc;
static bool fill_tree_from_db(CSYNC *ctx, const char *uri)
int64_t count = 0;
QByteArray skipbase;
auto &files = ctx->current == LOCAL_REPLICA ? ctx->local.files : ctx->remote.files;
auto rowCallback = [ctx, &count, &skipbase, &files](const OCC::SyncJournalFileRecord &rec) {
if (ctx->current == REMOTE_REPLICA) {
/* When selective sync is used, the database may have subtrees with a parent
* whose etag is _invalid_. These are ignored and shall not appear in the
* remote tree.
* Sometimes folders that are not ignored by selective sync get marked as
* _invalid_, but that is not a problem as the next discovery will retrieve
* their correct etags again and we don't run into this case.
if (rec._etag == "_invalid_") {
qCInfo(lcUpdate, "%s selective sync excluded", rec._path.constData());
skipbase = rec._path;
skipbase += '/';
/* Skip over all entries with the same base path. Note that this depends
* strongly on the ordering of the retrieved items. */
if (!skipbase.isEmpty() && rec._path.startsWith(skipbase)) {
qCDebug(lcUpdate, "%s selective sync excluded because the parent is", rec._path.constData());
} else {
std::unique_ptr<csync_file_stat_t> st = csync_file_stat_t::fromSyncJournalFileRecord(rec);
/* Check for exclusion from the tree.
* Note that this is only a safety net in case the ignore list changes
* without a full remote discovery being triggered. */
if (ctx->exclude_traversal_fn)
excluded = ctx->exclude_traversal_fn(st->path, st->type);
if (excluded != CSYNC_NOT_EXCLUDED) {
qInfo(lcUpdate, "%s excluded from db read (%d)", st->path.constData(), excluded);
/* store into result list. */
files[rec._path] = std::move(st);
if (!ctx->statedb->getFilesBelowPath(uri, rowCallback)) {
return false;
qInfo(lcUpdate, "%" PRId64 " entries read below path %s from db.", count, uri);
return true;
/* set the current item to an ignored state.
* If the item is set to ignored, the update phase continues, ie. its not a hard error */
static bool mark_current_item_ignored( CSYNC *ctx, csync_file_stat_t *previous_fs, CSYNC_STATUS status )
if(!ctx) {
return false;
if (ctx->current_fs) {
ctx->current_fs->instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE;
ctx->current_fs->error_status = status;
/* If a directory has ignored files, put the flag on the parent directory as well */
if( previous_fs ) {
previous_fs->has_ignored_files = true;
return true;
return false;
/* File tree walker */
int csync_ftw(CSYNC *ctx, const char *uri, csync_walker_fn fn,
unsigned int depth) {
QByteArray filename;
QByteArray fullpath;
csync_vio_handle_t *dh = NULL;
std::unique_ptr<csync_file_stat_t> dirent;
csync_file_stat_t *previous_fs = NULL;
int read_from_db = 0;
int rc = 0;
bool do_read_from_db = (ctx->current == REMOTE_REPLICA && ctx->remote.read_from_db);
const char *db_uri = uri;
if (ctx->current == LOCAL_REPLICA && ctx->should_discover_locally_fn) {
const char *local_uri = uri + strlen(ctx->local.uri);
if (*local_uri == '/')
db_uri = local_uri;
do_read_from_db = !ctx->should_discover_locally_fn(QByteArray(local_uri));
if (!depth) {
mark_current_item_ignored(ctx, previous_fs, CSYNC_STATUS_INDIVIDUAL_TOO_DEEP);
return 0;
read_from_db = ctx->remote.read_from_db;
// if the etag of this dir is still the same, its content is restored from the
// database.
if( do_read_from_db ) {
if( ! fill_tree_from_db(ctx, db_uri) ) {
errno = ENOENT;
ctx->status_code = CSYNC_STATUS_OPENDIR_ERROR;
goto error;
return 0;
if ((dh = csync_vio_opendir(ctx, uri)) == NULL) {
if (ctx->abort) {
qCDebug(lcUpdate, "Aborted!");
ctx->status_code = CSYNC_STATUS_ABORTED;
goto error;
int asp = 0;
/* permission denied */
ctx->status_code = csync_errno_to_status(errno, CSYNC_STATUS_OPENDIR_ERROR);
if (errno == EACCES) {
qCWarning(lcUpdate, "Permission denied.");
if (mark_current_item_ignored(ctx, previous_fs, CSYNC_STATUS_PERMISSION_DENIED)) {
return 0;
} else if(errno == ENOENT) {
asp = asprintf( &ctx->error_string, "%s", uri);
ASSERT(asp >= 0);
// 403 Forbidden can be sent by the server if the file firewall is active.
// A file or directory should be ignored and sync must continue. See #3490
else if(errno == ERRNO_FORBIDDEN) {
qCWarning(lcUpdate, "Directory access Forbidden (File Firewall?)");
if( mark_current_item_ignored(ctx, previous_fs, CSYNC_STATUS_FORBIDDEN) ) {
return 0;
/* if current_fs is not defined here, better throw an error */
// The server usually replies with the custom "503 Storage not available"
// if some path is temporarily unavailable. But in some cases a standard 503
// is returned too. Thus we can't distinguish the two and will treat any
// 503 as request to ignore the folder. See #3113 #2884.
qCWarning(lcUpdate, "Storage was not available!");
if( mark_current_item_ignored(ctx, previous_fs, CSYNC_STATUS_STORAGE_UNAVAILABLE ) ) {
return 0;
/* if current_fs is not defined here, better throw an error */
} else {
qCWarning(lcUpdate, "opendir failed for %s - errno %d", uri, errno);
goto error;
while (true) {
// Get the next item in the directory
errno = 0;
dirent = csync_vio_readdir(ctx, dh);
if (!dirent) {
if (errno != 0) {
// Note: Windows vio converts any error into EACCES
qCWarning(lcUpdate, "readdir failed for file in %s - errno %d", uri, errno);
goto error;
// Normal case: End of items in directory
/* Conversion error */
if (dirent->path.isEmpty() && !dirent->original_path.isEmpty()) {
ctx->error_string = c_strdup(dirent->original_path);
goto error;
// At this point dirent->path only contains the file name.
filename = dirent->path;
if (filename.isEmpty()) {
ctx->status_code = CSYNC_STATUS_READDIR_ERROR;
goto error;
/* skip "." and ".." */
if ( filename == "." || filename == "..") {
if (uri[0] == '\0') {
fullpath = filename;
} else {
fullpath = QByteArray() % uri % '/' % filename;
/* if the filename starts with a . we consider it a hidden file
* For windows, the hidden state is also discovered within the vio
* local stat function.
if( filename[0] == '.' ) {
if (filename != ".sys.admin#recall#") { /* recall file shall not be ignored (#4420) */
dirent->is_hidden = true;
// Now process to have a relative path to the sync root for the local replica, or to the data root on the remote.
dirent->path = fullpath;
if (ctx->current == LOCAL_REPLICA) {
ASSERT(dirent->path.startsWith(ctx->local.uri)); // path is relative to uri
// "len + 1" to include the slash in-between.
dirent->path = dirent->path.mid(strlen(ctx->local.uri) + 1);
previous_fs = ctx->current_fs;
bool recurse = dirent->type == ItemTypeDirectory;
/* Call walker function for each file */
rc = fn(ctx, std::move(dirent));
/* this function may update ctx->current and ctx->read_from_db */
if (rc < 0) {
if (CSYNC_STATUS_IS_OK(ctx->status_code)) {
ctx->status_code = CSYNC_STATUS_UPDATE_ERROR;
ctx->current_fs = previous_fs;
goto error;
if (recurse && rc == 0
&& (!ctx->current_fs || ctx->current_fs->instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE)) {
rc = csync_ftw(ctx, fullpath, fn, depth - 1);
if (rc < 0) {
ctx->current_fs = previous_fs;
goto error;
if (ctx->current_fs && !ctx->current_fs->child_modified
&& ctx->current_fs->instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_EVAL) {
if (ctx->current == REMOTE_REPLICA) {
ctx->current_fs->instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_UPDATE_METADATA;
} else {
ctx->current_fs->instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NONE;
if (ctx->current_fs && previous_fs && ctx->current_fs->has_ignored_files) {
/* If a directory has ignored files, put the flag on the parent directory as well */
previous_fs->has_ignored_files = ctx->current_fs->has_ignored_files;
if (ctx->current_fs && previous_fs && ctx->current_fs->child_modified) {
/* If a directory has modified files, put the flag on the parent directory as well */
previous_fs->child_modified = ctx->current_fs->child_modified;
ctx->current_fs = previous_fs;
ctx->remote.read_from_db = read_from_db;
csync_vio_closedir(ctx, dh);
qCInfo(lcUpdate, " <= Closing walk for %s with read_from_db %d", uri, read_from_db);
return rc;
ctx->remote.read_from_db = read_from_db;
if (dh != NULL) {
csync_vio_closedir(ctx, dh);
return -1;
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