Don't bother doing init procedure on FinderSync in macosx shell integration of invalid self

Signed-off-by: Claudio Cambra <>
This commit is contained in:
Claudio Cambra 2022-12-28 22:50:58 +01:00 committed by Matthieu Gallien
parent 65cb8f8395
commit 18188e5cac
1 changed files with 51 additions and 49 deletions

View File

@ -21,57 +21,59 @@
- (instancetype)init
self = [super init];
FIFinderSyncController *syncController = [FIFinderSyncController defaultController];
NSBundle *extBundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]];
// This was added to the bundle's Info.plist to get it from the build system
NSString *socketApiPrefix = [extBundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"SocketApiPrefix"];
NSImage *ok = [extBundle imageForResource:@"ok.icns"];
NSImage *ok_swm = [extBundle imageForResource:@"ok_swm.icns"];
NSImage *sync = [extBundle imageForResource:@"sync.icns"];
NSImage *warning = [extBundle imageForResource:@"warning.icns"];
NSImage *error = [extBundle imageForResource:@"error.icns"];
[syncController setBadgeImage:ok label:@"Up to date" forBadgeIdentifier:@"OK"];
[syncController setBadgeImage:sync label:@"Synchronizing" forBadgeIdentifier:@"SYNC"];
[syncController setBadgeImage:sync label:@"Synchronizing" forBadgeIdentifier:@"NEW"];
[syncController setBadgeImage:warning label:@"Ignored" forBadgeIdentifier:@"IGNORE"];
[syncController setBadgeImage:error label:@"Error" forBadgeIdentifier:@"ERROR"];
[syncController setBadgeImage:ok_swm label:@"Shared" forBadgeIdentifier:@"OK+SWM"];
[syncController setBadgeImage:sync label:@"Synchronizing" forBadgeIdentifier:@"SYNC+SWM"];
[syncController setBadgeImage:sync label:@"Synchronizing" forBadgeIdentifier:@"NEW+SWM"];
[syncController setBadgeImage:warning label:@"Ignored" forBadgeIdentifier:@"IGNORE+SWM"];
[syncController setBadgeImage:error label:@"Error" forBadgeIdentifier:@"ERROR+SWM"];
// The Mach port name needs to:
// - Be prefixed with the code signing Team ID
// - Then infixed with the sandbox App Group
// - The App Group itself must be a prefix of (or equal to) the application bundle identifier
// We end up in the official signed client with:
// With ad-hoc signing (the '-' signing identity) we must drop the Team ID.
// When the code isn't sandboxed (e.g. the OC client or the legacy overlay icon extension)
// the OS doesn't seem to put any restriction on the port name, so we just follow what
// the sandboxed App Extension needs.
NSURL *container = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier:socketApiPrefix];
NSURL *socketPath = [container URLByAppendingPathComponent:@".socket" isDirectory:NO];
NSLog(@"Socket path: %@", socketPath.path);
if (socketPath.path) {
self.lineProcessor = [[LineProcessor alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
self.localSocketClient = [[LocalSocketClient alloc] init:socketPath.path
[self.localSocketClient start];
} else {
NSLog(@"No socket path. Not initiating local socket client.");
self.localSocketClient = nil;
if (self) {
FIFinderSyncController *syncController = [FIFinderSyncController defaultController];
NSBundle *extBundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]];
// This was added to the bundle's Info.plist to get it from the build system
NSString *socketApiPrefix = [extBundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"SocketApiPrefix"];
NSImage *ok = [extBundle imageForResource:@"ok.icns"];
NSImage *ok_swm = [extBundle imageForResource:@"ok_swm.icns"];
NSImage *sync = [extBundle imageForResource:@"sync.icns"];
NSImage *warning = [extBundle imageForResource:@"warning.icns"];
NSImage *error = [extBundle imageForResource:@"error.icns"];
[syncController setBadgeImage:ok label:@"Up to date" forBadgeIdentifier:@"OK"];
[syncController setBadgeImage:sync label:@"Synchronizing" forBadgeIdentifier:@"SYNC"];
[syncController setBadgeImage:sync label:@"Synchronizing" forBadgeIdentifier:@"NEW"];
[syncController setBadgeImage:warning label:@"Ignored" forBadgeIdentifier:@"IGNORE"];
[syncController setBadgeImage:error label:@"Error" forBadgeIdentifier:@"ERROR"];
[syncController setBadgeImage:ok_swm label:@"Shared" forBadgeIdentifier:@"OK+SWM"];
[syncController setBadgeImage:sync label:@"Synchronizing" forBadgeIdentifier:@"SYNC+SWM"];
[syncController setBadgeImage:sync label:@"Synchronizing" forBadgeIdentifier:@"NEW+SWM"];
[syncController setBadgeImage:warning label:@"Ignored" forBadgeIdentifier:@"IGNORE+SWM"];
[syncController setBadgeImage:error label:@"Error" forBadgeIdentifier:@"ERROR+SWM"];
// The Mach port name needs to:
// - Be prefixed with the code signing Team ID
// - Then infixed with the sandbox App Group
// - The App Group itself must be a prefix of (or equal to) the application bundle identifier
// We end up in the official signed client with:
// With ad-hoc signing (the '-' signing identity) we must drop the Team ID.
// When the code isn't sandboxed (e.g. the OC client or the legacy overlay icon extension)
// the OS doesn't seem to put any restriction on the port name, so we just follow what
// the sandboxed App Extension needs.
NSURL *container = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier:socketApiPrefix];
NSURL *socketPath = [container URLByAppendingPathComponent:@".socket" isDirectory:NO];
NSLog(@"Socket path: %@", socketPath.path);
if (socketPath.path) {
self.lineProcessor = [[LineProcessor alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
self.localSocketClient = [[LocalSocketClient alloc] init:socketPath.path
[self.localSocketClient start];
} else {
NSLog(@"No socket path. Not initiating local socket client.");
self.localSocketClient = nil;
_registeredDirectories = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
_strings = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
_menuIsComplete = [[NSCondition alloc] init];
_registeredDirectories = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
_strings = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
_menuIsComplete = [[NSCondition alloc] init];
return self;