
78 lines
2.4 KiB

"Contacts" : "Kontaktuak",
"All contacts" : "Kontaktu guztiak",
"Details" : "Xehetasuna",
"Loading" : "Kargatzen",
"Company" : "Konpainia",
"Title" : "Izenburua",
"Download" : "Jaitsi",
"Delete" : "Borratu",
"Groups" : "Taldeak",
"New contact" : "Kontaktu berria",
"Select type" : "Hautatu mota",
"Add contact in group" : "Gehitu kontaktua taldera",
"Rename" : "Izena aldatu",
"Can not copy" : "Ezin da kopiatu",
"Copy link" : "Esteka kopiatu",
"Share with users or groups" : "Erabiltzaile edo taldeekin partekatu",
"No users or groups" : "Erabiltzaile edo talderik ez",
"Import into" : "Inportatu hona",
"First name" : "Izena",
"Last name" : "Abizena",
"Display name" : "Pantaila-izena",
"Contact not found" : "Kontaktua ez da aurkitu",
"Nickname" : "Ezizena",
"Detailed name" : "Izen osoa",
"Additional names" : "Tarteko izenak",
"Prefix" : "Aurrizkia",
"Suffix" : "Atzizkia",
"Notes" : "Oharrak",
"Website" : "Webgunea",
"Federated Cloud ID" : "Federatutatako Hodei ID",
"Home" : "Etxekoa",
"Work" : "Lanekoa",
"Other" : "Bestelakoa",
"Address" : "Helbidea",
"Post office box" : "Posta kutxatila",
"City" : "Hiria",
"State or province" : "Estatu edo probintzia",
"Postal code" : "Posta kodea",
"Country" : "Herrialdea",
"Birthday" : "Jaioteguna",
"Anniversary" : "Urteurrena",
"Date of death" : "Heriotze data",
"Email" : "E-posta",
"Instant messaging" : "Istanteko mezularitza",
"Phone" : "Telefonoa",
"Mobile" : "Mugikorra",
"Work mobile" : "Laneko mugikorra",
"Fax" : "Faxa",
"Fax home" : "Etxeko Faxa",
"Fax work" : "Laneko faxa",
"Pager" : "Bilagailua",
"Voice" : "Ahotsa",
"Car" : "Kotxea",
"Work pager" : "Laneko orriztapena",
"Social network" : "Sare soziala",
"Relationship" : "Erlazioa",
"Spouse" : "Emaztea",
"Child" : "Semea",
"Mother" : "Ama",
"Father" : "Aita",
"Parent" : "Ondokoa",
"Brother" : "Anaia",
"Sister" : "Arreba",
"Relative" : "Familiakoa",
"Friend" : "Laguna",
"Colleague" : "Lankidea",
"Manager" : "Jefea",
"Assistant" : "Asistentea",
"Emergency" : "Larrialdia",
"Gender" : "Generoa",
"Female" : "Emakumea",
"Male" : "Gizonezkoa"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");