# built application files *.apk *.ap_ # files for the dex VM *.dex # Java class files *.class # generated files bin/ gen/ target/ # Local configuration files (sdk path, etc) local.properties oc_workaround/local.properties oc_framework/local.properties oc_framework-test-project/local.properties tests/local.properties # Mac .DS_Store files .DS_Store # Proguard README proguard-project.txt oc_workaround/proguard-project.txt oc_framework/proguard-project.txt oc_framework-test-project/proguard-project.txt tests/proguard-project.txt # Android Studio and Gradle specific entries .gradle .idea *.iml build # Actionbarsherlock is now ignored since scripts takes care of init the sub-modules. actionbarsherlock