
234 lines
6.4 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
#include "../libnetdata.h"
storage_number pack_storage_number(NETDATA_DOUBLE value, SN_FLAGS flags) {
// bit 32 = sign 0:positive, 1:negative
// bit 31 = 0:divide, 1:multiply
// bit 30, 29, 28 = (multiplier or divider) 0-7 (8 total)
// bit 27 SN_EXISTS_100
// bit 25 SN_ANOMALY_BIT = 0: anomalous, 1: not anomalous
// bit 24 to bit 1 = the value
storage_number r = flags & SN_ALL_FLAGS;
// The isnormal() macro shall determine whether its argument value
// is normal (neither zero, subnormal, infinite, nor NaN).
goto RET_SN;
int m = 0;
NETDATA_DOUBLE n = value, factor = 10;
// if the value is negative
// add the sign bit and make it positive
if(n < 0) {
r += (1 << 31); // the sign bit 32
n = -n;
if(n / 10000000.0 > 0x00ffffff) {
factor = 100;
r |= SN_EXISTS_100;
// make its integer part fit in 0x00ffffff
// by dividing it by 10 up to 7 times
// and increasing the multiplier
while(m < 7 && n > (NETDATA_DOUBLE)0x00ffffff) {
n /= factor;
if(m) {
// the value was too big and we divided it
// so we add a multiplier to unpack it
r += (1 << 30) + (m << 27); // the multiplier m
if(n > (NETDATA_DOUBLE)0x00ffffff) {
error("Number " NETDATA_DOUBLE_FORMAT " is too big.", value);
r += 0x00ffffff;
goto RET_SN;
else {
// 0x0019999e is the number that can be multiplied
// by 10 to give 0x00ffffff
// while the value is below 0x0019999e we can
// multiply it by 10, up to 7 times, increasing
// the multiplier
while(m < 7 && n < (NETDATA_DOUBLE)0x0019999e) {
n *= 10;
if (unlikely(n > (NETDATA_DOUBLE) (0x00ffffff))) {
n /= 10;
// the value was small enough and we multiplied it
// so we add a divider to unpack it
r += (0 << 30) + (m << 27); // the divider m
// without this there are rounding problems
// example: 0.9 becomes 0.89
r += lrint((double) n);
r += (storage_number)n;
if (r == SN_EMPTY_SLOT)
return r;
// Lookup table to make storage number unpacking efficient.
NETDATA_DOUBLE unpack_storage_number_lut10x[4 * 8];
__attribute__((constructor)) void initialize_lut(void) {
// The lookup table is partitioned in 4 subtables based on the
// values of the factor and exp bits.
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
// factor = 0
unpack_storage_number_lut10x[0 * 8 + i] = 1 / pow(10, i); // exp = 0
unpack_storage_number_lut10x[1 * 8 + i] = pow(10, i); // exp = 1
// factor = 1
unpack_storage_number_lut10x[2 * 8 + i] = 1 / pow(100, i); // exp = 0
unpack_storage_number_lut10x[3 * 8 + i] = pow(100, i); // exp = 1
int print_netdata_double(char *str, NETDATA_DOUBLE value)
char *wstr = str;
int sign = (value < 0) ? 1 : 0;
if(sign) value = -value;
// without llrintl() there are rounding problems
// for example 0.9 becomes 0.89
unsigned long long uvalue = (unsigned long long int) llrintl(value * (NETDATA_DOUBLE)100000);
unsigned long long uvalue = value * (NETDATA_DOUBLE)100000;
wstr = print_number_llu_r_smart(str, uvalue);
// make sure we have 6 bytes at least
while((wstr - str) < 6) *wstr++ = '0';
// put the sign back
if(sign) *wstr++ = '-';
// reverse it
char *begin = str, *end = --wstr, aux;
while (end > begin) aux = *end, *end-- = *begin, *begin++ = aux;
// wstr--;
// strreverse(str, wstr);
// remove trailing zeros
int decimal = 5;
while(decimal > 0 && *wstr == '0') {
*wstr-- = '\0';
// terminate it, one position to the right
// to let space for a dot
wstr[2] = '\0';
// make space for the dot
int i;
for(i = 0; i < decimal ;i++) {
wstr[1] = wstr[0];
// put the dot
if(wstr[2] == '\0') { wstr[1] = '\0'; decimal--; }
else wstr[1] = '.';
// return the buffer length
return (int) ((wstr - str) + 2 + decimal );
int print_netdata_double(char *str, NETDATA_DOUBLE value) {
// info("printing number " NETDATA_DOUBLE_FORMAT, value);
char integral_str[50], fractional_str[50];
char *wstr = str;
if(unlikely(value < 0)) {
*wstr++ = '-';
value = -value;
NETDATA_DOUBLE integral, fractional;
fractional = modfndd(value, &integral) * 10000000.0;
fractional = ((unsigned long long)(value * 10000000ULL) % 10000000ULL);
unsigned long long integral_int = (unsigned long long)integral;
unsigned long long fractional_int = (unsigned long long)llrintndd(fractional);
if(unlikely(fractional_int >= 10000000)) {
integral_int += 1;
fractional_int -= 10000000;
// info("integral " NETDATA_DOUBLE_FORMAT " (%llu), fractional " NETDATA_DOUBLE_FORMAT " (%llu)", integral, integral_int, fractional, fractional_int);
char *istre;
if(unlikely(integral_int == 0)) {
integral_str[0] = '0';
istre = &integral_str[1];
// convert the integral part to string (reversed)
istre = print_number_llu_r_smart(integral_str, integral_int);
// copy reversed the integral string
while( istre >= integral_str ) *wstr++ = *istre--;
if(likely(fractional_int != 0)) {
// add a dot
*wstr++ = '.';
// convert the fractional part to string (reversed)
char *fstre = print_number_llu_r_smart(fractional_str, fractional_int);
// prepend zeros to reach 7 digits length
int decimal = 7;
int len = (int)(fstre - fractional_str);
while(len < decimal) {
*wstr++ = '0';
char *begin = fractional_str;
while(begin < fstre && *begin == '0') begin++;
// copy reversed the fractional string
while( fstre >= begin ) *wstr++ = *fstre--;
*wstr = '\0';
// info("printed number '%s'", str);
return (int)(wstr - str);