
146 lines
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# you can disable an alarm notification by setting the 'to' line to: silent
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# True (1) if the node is experiencing a configuration-related error, false (0) otherwise.
template: kubelet_node_config_error
on: k8s_kubelet.kubelet_node_config_error
class: Errors
type: Kubernetes
component: Kubelet
calc: $experiencing_error
units: bool
every: 10s
warn: $this == 1
delay: down 1m multiplier 1.5 max 2h
info: the node is experiencing a configuration-related error (0: false, 1: true)
to: sysadmin
# Failed Token() requests to the alternate token source
template: kubelet_token_requests
on: k8s_kubelet.kubelet_token_requests
class: Errors
type: Kubernetes
component: Kubelet
lookup: sum -10s of failed
units: requests
every: 10s
warn: $this > 0
delay: down 1m multiplier 1.5 max 2h
info: number of failed Token() requests to the alternate token source
to: sysadmin
# Docker and runtime operation errors
template: kubelet_operations_error
on: k8s_kubelet.kubelet_operations_errors
class: Errors
type: Kubernetes
component: Kubelet
lookup: sum -1m
units: errors
every: 10s
warn: $this > (($status >= $WARNING) ? (0) : (20))
delay: up 30s down 1m multiplier 1.5 max 2h
info: number of Docker or runtime operation errors
to: sysadmin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Pod Lifecycle Event Generator Relisting Latency
# 1. calculate the pleg relisting latency for 1m (quantile 0.5, quantile 0.9, quantile 0.99)
# 2. do the same for the last 10s
# 3. raise an alarm if the later is:
# - 2x the first for quantile 0.5
# - 4x the first for quantile 0.9
# - 8x the first for quantile 0.99
# we assume the minimum latency is 1000 microseconds
# quantile 0.5
template: kubelet_1m_pleg_relist_latency_quantile_05
on: k8s_kubelet.kubelet_pleg_relist_latency_microseconds
class: Latency
type: Kubernetes
component: Kubelet
lookup: average -1m unaligned of 0.5
units: microseconds
every: 10s
info: average Pod Lifecycle Event Generator relisting latency over the last minute (quantile 0.5)
template: kubelet_10s_pleg_relist_latency_quantile_05
on: k8s_kubelet.kubelet_pleg_relist_latency_microseconds
class: Latency
type: Kubernetes
component: Kubelet
lookup: average -10s unaligned of 0.5
calc: $this * 100 / (($kubelet_1m_pleg_relist_latency_quantile_05 < 1000)?(1000):($kubelet_1m_pleg_relist_latency_quantile_05))
every: 10s
units: %
warn: $this > (($status >= $WARNING)?(100):(200))
crit: $this > (($status >= $WARNING)?(200):(400))
delay: down 1m multiplier 1.5 max 2h
info: ratio of average Pod Lifecycle Event Generator relisting latency over the last 10 seconds, \
compared to the last minute (quantile 0.5)
to: sysadmin
# quantile 0.9
template: kubelet_1m_pleg_relist_latency_quantile_09
on: k8s_kubelet.kubelet_pleg_relist_latency_microseconds
class: Latency
type: Kubernetes
component: Kubelet
lookup: average -1m unaligned of 0.9
units: microseconds
every: 10s
info: average Pod Lifecycle Event Generator relisting latency over the last minute (quantile 0.9)
template: kubelet_10s_pleg_relist_latency_quantile_09
on: k8s_kubelet.kubelet_pleg_relist_latency_microseconds
class: Latency
type: Kubernetes
component: Kubelet
lookup: average -10s unaligned of 0.9
calc: $this * 100 / (($kubelet_1m_pleg_relist_latency_quantile_09 < 1000)?(1000):($kubelet_1m_pleg_relist_latency_quantile_09))
every: 10s
units: %
warn: $this > (($status >= $WARNING)?(200):(400))
crit: $this > (($status >= $WARNING)?(400):(800))
delay: down 1m multiplier 1.5 max 2h
info: ratio of average Pod Lifecycle Event Generator relisting latency over the last 10 seconds, \
compared to the last minute (quantile 0.9)
to: sysadmin
# quantile 0.99
template: kubelet_1m_pleg_relist_latency_quantile_099
on: k8s_kubelet.kubelet_pleg_relist_latency_microseconds
class: Latency
type: Kubernetes
component: Kubelet
lookup: average -1m unaligned of 0.99
units: microseconds
every: 10s
info: average Pod Lifecycle Event Generator relisting latency over the last minute (quantile 0.99)
template: kubelet_10s_pleg_relist_latency_quantile_099
on: k8s_kubelet.kubelet_pleg_relist_latency_microseconds
class: Latency
type: Kubernetes
component: Kubelet
lookup: average -10s unaligned of 0.99
calc: $this * 100 / (($kubelet_1m_pleg_relist_latency_quantile_099 < 1000)?(1000):($kubelet_1m_pleg_relist_latency_quantile_099))
every: 10s
units: %
warn: $this > (($status >= $WARNING)?(400):(800))
crit: $this > (($status >= $WARNING)?(800):(1200))
delay: down 1m multiplier 1.5 max 2h
info: ratio of average Pod Lifecycle Event Generator relisting latency over the last 10 seconds, \
compared to the last minute (quantile 0.99)
to: sysadmin