
159 lines
5.4 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Description: simple port check netdata python.d module
# Original Author: ccremer (
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import socket
from time import monotonic as time
except ImportError:
from time import time
from bases.FrameworkServices.SimpleService import SimpleService
PORT_LATENCY = 'connect'
PORT_SUCCESS = 'success'
PORT_TIMEOUT = 'timeout'
PORT_FAILED = 'no_connection'
ORDER = ['latency', 'status']
'latency': {
'options': [None, 'TCP connect latency', 'milliseconds', 'latency', 'portcheck.latency', 'line'],
'lines': [
[PORT_LATENCY, 'connect', 'absolute', 100, 1000]
'status': {
'options': [None, 'Portcheck status', 'boolean', 'status', 'portcheck.status', 'line'],
'lines': [
[PORT_SUCCESS, 'success', 'absolute'],
[PORT_TIMEOUT, 'timeout', 'absolute'],
[PORT_FAILED, 'no connection', 'absolute']
# Not deriving from SocketService, too much is different
class Service(SimpleService):
def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None):
SimpleService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name)
self.order = ORDER
self.definitions = CHARTS = self.configuration.get('host')
self.port = self.configuration.get('port')
self.timeout = self.configuration.get('timeout', 1)
def check(self):
Parse configuration, check if configuration is available, and dynamically create chart lines data
:return: boolean
if is None or self.port is None:
self.error('Host or port missing')
return False
if not isinstance(self.port, int):
self.error('"port" is not an integer. Specify a numerical value, not service name.')
return False
self.debug('Enabled portcheck: {host}:{port}, update every {update}s, timeout: {timeout}s'.format(, port=self.port, update=self.update_every, timeout=self.timeout
# We will accept any (valid-ish) configuration, even if initial connection fails (a service might be down from
# the beginning)
return True
def _get_data(self):
Get data from socket
:return: dict
data = dict()
data[PORT_SUCCESS] = 0
data[PORT_TIMEOUT] = 0
data[PORT_FAILED] = 0
success = False
for socket_config in socket.getaddrinfo(, self.port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM):
# use first working socket
sock = self._create_socket(socket_config)
if sock is not None:
self._connect2socket(data, socket_config, sock)
success = True
except socket.gaierror as error:
self.debug('Failed to connect to "{host}:{port}", error: {error}'.format(, port=self.port, error=error
# We could not connect
if not success:
data[PORT_FAILED] = 1
return data
def _create_socket(self, socket_config):
af, sock_type, proto, _, sa = socket_config
self.debug('Creating socket to "{address}", port {port}'.format(address=sa[0], port=sa[1]))
sock = socket.socket(af, sock_type, proto)
return sock
except socket.error as error:
self.debug('Failed to create socket "{address}", port {port}, error: {error}'.format(
address=sa[0], port=sa[1], error=error
return None
def _connect2socket(self, data, socket_config, sock):
Connect to a socket, passing the result of getaddrinfo()
:return: dict
af, _, proto, _, sa = socket_config
port = str(sa[1])
self.debug('Connecting socket to "{address}", port {port}'.format(address=sa[0], port=port))
start = time()
diff = time() - start
self.debug('Connected to "{address}", port {port}, latency {latency}'.format(
address=sa[0], port=port, latency=diff
# we will set it at least 0.1 ms. 0.0 would mean failed connection (handy for 3rd-party-APIs)
data[PORT_LATENCY] = max(round(diff * 10000), 0)
data[PORT_SUCCESS] = 1
except socket.timeout as error:
self.debug('Socket timed out on "{address}", port {port}, error: {error}'.format(
address=sa[0], port=port, error=error
data[PORT_TIMEOUT] = 1
except socket.error as error:
self.debug('Failed to connect to "{address}", port {port}, error: {error}'.format(
address=sa[0], port=port, error=error
data[PORT_FAILED] = 1
def _disconnect(self, sock):
Close socket connection
if sock is not None:
self.debug('Closing socket')
sock.shutdown(2) # 0 - read, 1 - write, 2 - all
except socket.error: