
133 lines
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// google charts
// Codacy declarations
/* global google */
NETDATA.googleInitialize = function (callback) {
if (typeof netdataNoGoogleCharts === 'undefined' || !netdataNoGoogleCharts) {
url: NETDATA.google_js,
cache: true,
dataType: "script",
xhrFields: {withCredentials: true} // required for the cookie
.done(function () {
NETDATA.registerChartLibrary('google', NETDATA.google_js);
google.load('visualization', '1.1', {
'packages': ['corechart', 'controls'],
'callback': callback
.fail(function () { = false;
NETDATA.error(100, NETDATA.google_js);
if (typeof callback === "function") {
return callback();
} else { = false;
if (typeof callback === "function") {
return callback();
NETDATA.googleChartUpdate = function (state, data) {
let datatable = new google.visualization.DataTable(data.result);
state.google_instance.draw(datatable, state.google_options);
return true;
NETDATA.googleChartCreate = function (state, data) {
let datatable = new google.visualization.DataTable(data.result);
state.google_options = {
colors: state.chartColors(),
// do not set width, height - the chart resizes itself
//width: state.chartWidth(),
//height: state.chartHeight(),
lineWidth: 1,
title: state.title,
fontSize: 11,
hAxis: {
// title: "Time of Day",
// format:'HH:mm:ss',
viewWindowMode: 'maximized',
slantedText: false,
format: 'HH:mm:ss',
textStyle: {
fontSize: 9
gridlines: {
color: '#EEE'
vAxis: {
title: state.units_current,
viewWindowMode: 'pretty',
minValue: -0.1,
maxValue: 0.1,
direction: 1,
textStyle: {
fontSize: 9
gridlines: {
color: '#EEE'
chartArea: {
width: '65%',
height: '80%'
focusTarget: 'category',
annotation: {
'1': {
style: 'line'
pointsVisible: 0,
titlePosition: 'out',
titleTextStyle: {
fontSize: 11
tooltip: {
isHtml: false,
ignoreBounds: true,
textStyle: {
fontSize: 9
curveType: 'function',
areaOpacity: 0.3,
isStacked: false
switch (state.chart.chart_type) {
case "area":
state.google_options.vAxis.viewWindowMode = 'maximized';
state.google_options.areaOpacity = NETDATA.options.current.color_fill_opacity_area;
state.google_instance = new google.visualization.AreaChart(state.element_chart);
case "stacked":
state.google_options.isStacked = true;
state.google_options.areaOpacity = NETDATA.options.current.color_fill_opacity_stacked;
state.google_options.vAxis.viewWindowMode = 'maximized';
state.google_options.vAxis.minValue = null;
state.google_options.vAxis.maxValue = null;
state.google_instance = new google.visualization.AreaChart(state.element_chart);
case "line":
state.google_options.lineWidth = 2;
state.google_instance = new google.visualization.LineChart(state.element_chart);
state.google_instance.draw(datatable, state.google_options);
return true;