
1136 lines
35 KiB

// This is an open source non-commercial project. Dear PVS-Studio, please check
// it. PVS-Studio Static Code Analyzer for C, C++ and C#:
// Implements extended marks for plugins. Each mark exists in a btree of
// lines containing btrees of columns.
// The btree provides efficent range lookups.
// A map of pointers to the marks is used for fast lookup by mark id.
// Marks are moved by calls to: extmark_col_adjust, extmark_adjust, or
// extmark_col_adjust_delete which are based on col_adjust and mark_adjust from
// mark.c
// Undo/Redo of marks is implemented by storing the call arguments to
// extmark_col_adjust or extmark_adjust. The list of arguments
// is applied in extmark_apply_undo. The only case where we have to
// copy extmarks is for the area being effected by a delete.
// Marks live in namespaces that allow plugins/users to segregate marks
// from other users.
// For possible ideas for efficency improvements see:
// TODO(bfredl): These ideas could be used for an enhanced btree, which
// wouldn't need separate line and column layers.
// Other implementations exist in gtk and tk toolkits.
// Deleting marks only happens when explicitly calling extmark_del, deleteing
// over a range of marks will only move the marks. Deleting on a mark will
// leave it in same position unless it is on the EOL of a line.
#include <assert.h>
#include "nvim/vim.h"
#include "charset.h"
#include "nvim/mark_extended.h"
#include "nvim/memline.h"
#include "nvim/pos.h"
#include "nvim/globals.h"
#include "nvim/map.h"
#include "nvim/lib/kbtree.h"
#include "nvim/undo.h"
#include "nvim/buffer.h"
# include "mark_extended.c.generated.h"
/// Create or update an extmark
/// must not be used during iteration!
/// @returns whether a new mark was created
int extmark_set(buf_T *buf, uint64_t ns, uint64_t id,
linenr_T lnum, colnr_T col, ExtmarkOp op)
Extmark *extmark = extmark_from_id(buf, ns, id);
if (!extmark) {
extmark_create(buf, ns, id, lnum, col, op);
return true;
} else {
ExtmarkLine *extmarkline = extmark->line;
extmark_update(extmark, buf, ns, id, lnum, col, op, NULL);
if (kb_size(&extmarkline->items) == 0) {
kb_del(extmarklines, &buf->b_extlines, extmarkline);
return false;
// Remove an extmark
// Returns 0 on missing id
int extmark_del(buf_T *buf, uint64_t ns, uint64_t id, ExtmarkOp op)
Extmark *extmark = extmark_from_id(buf, ns, id);
if (!extmark) {
return 0;
return extmark_delete(extmark, buf, ns, id, op);
// Free extmarks in a ns between lines
// if ns = 0, it means clear all namespaces
void extmark_clear(buf_T *buf, uint64_t ns,
linenr_T l_lnum, linenr_T u_lnum, ExtmarkOp undo)
if (!buf->b_extmark_ns) {
bool marks_cleared = false;
if (undo == kExtmarkUndo) {
// Copy marks that would be effected by clear
u_extmark_copy(buf, ns, l_lnum, 0, u_lnum, MAXCOL);
bool all_ns = ns == 0 ? true : false;
ExtmarkNs *ns_obj;
if (!all_ns) {
ns_obj = pmap_get(uint64_t)(buf->b_extmark_ns, ns);
if (!ns_obj) {
// nothing to do
FOR_ALL_EXTMARKLINES(buf, l_lnum, u_lnum, {
FOR_ALL_EXTMARKS_IN_LINE(extmarkline->items, 0, MAXCOL, {
if (extmark->ns_id == ns || all_ns) {
marks_cleared = true;
if (all_ns) {
ns_obj = pmap_get(uint64_t)(buf->b_extmark_ns, extmark->ns_id);
} else {
ns_obj = pmap_get(uint64_t)(buf->b_extmark_ns, ns);
pmap_del(uint64_t)(ns_obj->map, extmark->mark_id);
kb_del_itr(markitems, &extmarkline->items, &mitr);
if (kb_size(&extmarkline->items) == 0) {
kb_del_itr(extmarklines, &buf->b_extlines, &itr);
// Record the undo for the actual move
if (marks_cleared && undo == kExtmarkUndo) {
u_extmark_clear(buf, ns, l_lnum, u_lnum);
// Returns the position of marks between a range,
// marks found at the start or end index will be included,
// if upper_lnum or upper_col are negative the buffer
// will be searched to the start, or end
// dir can be set to control the order of the array
// amount = amount of marks to find or -1 for all
ExtmarkArray extmark_get(buf_T *buf, uint64_t ns,
linenr_T l_lnum, colnr_T l_col,
linenr_T u_lnum, colnr_T u_col,
int64_t amount, bool reverse)
ExtmarkArray array = KV_INITIAL_VALUE;
// Find all the marks
if (!reverse) {
FOR_ALL_EXTMARKS(buf, ns, l_lnum, l_col, u_lnum, u_col, {
if (extmark->ns_id == ns) {
kv_push(array, extmark);
if (kv_size(array) == (size_t)amount) {
return array;
} else {
FOR_ALL_EXTMARKS_PREV(buf, ns, l_lnum, l_col, u_lnum, u_col, {
if (extmark->ns_id == ns) {
kv_push(array, extmark);
if (kv_size(array) == (size_t)amount) {
return array;
return array;
static void extmark_create(buf_T *buf, uint64_t ns, uint64_t id,
linenr_T lnum, colnr_T col, ExtmarkOp op)
if (!buf->b_extmark_ns) {
buf->b_extmark_ns = pmap_new(uint64_t)();
ExtmarkNs *ns_obj = NULL;
ns_obj = pmap_get(uint64_t)(buf->b_extmark_ns, ns);
// Initialize a new namespace for this buffer
if (!ns_obj) {
ns_obj = xmalloc(sizeof(ExtmarkNs));
ns_obj->map = pmap_new(uint64_t)();
pmap_put(uint64_t)(buf->b_extmark_ns, ns, ns_obj);
// Create or get a line
ExtmarkLine *extmarkline = extmarkline_ref(buf, lnum, true);
// Create and put mark on the line
extmark_put(col, id, extmarkline, ns);
// Marks do not have stable address so we have to look them up
// by using the line instead of the mark
pmap_put(uint64_t)(ns_obj->map, id, extmarkline);
if (op != kExtmarkNoUndo) {
u_extmark_set(buf, ns, id, lnum, col, kExtmarkSet);
// Set a free id so extmark_free_id_get works
extmark_free_id_set(ns_obj, id);
// update the position of an extmark
// to update while iterating pass the markitems itr
static void extmark_update(Extmark *extmark, buf_T *buf,
uint64_t ns, uint64_t id,
linenr_T lnum, colnr_T col,
ExtmarkOp op, kbitr_t(markitems) *mitr)
assert(op != kExtmarkNOOP);
if (op != kExtmarkNoUndo) {
u_extmark_update(buf, ns, id, extmark->line->lnum, extmark->col,
lnum, col);
ExtmarkLine *old_line = extmark->line;
// Move the mark to a new line and update column
if (old_line->lnum != lnum) {
ExtmarkLine *ref_line = extmarkline_ref(buf, lnum, true);
extmark_put(col, id, ref_line, ns);
// Update the hashmap
ExtmarkNs *ns_obj = pmap_get(uint64_t)(buf->b_extmark_ns, ns);
pmap_put(uint64_t)(ns_obj->map, id, ref_line);
// Delete old mark
if (mitr != NULL) {
kb_del_itr(markitems, &(old_line->items), mitr);
} else {
kb_del(markitems, &old_line->items, *extmark);
// Just update the column
} else {
if (mitr != NULL) {
// The btree stays organized during iteration with kbitr_t
extmark->col = col;
} else {
// Keep the btree in order
kb_del(markitems, &old_line->items, *extmark);
extmark_put(col, id, old_line, ns);
static int extmark_delete(Extmark *extmark,
buf_T *buf,
uint64_t ns,
uint64_t id,
ExtmarkOp op)
if (op != kExtmarkNoUndo) {
u_extmark_set(buf, ns, id, extmark->line->lnum, extmark->col,
// Remove our key from the namespace
ExtmarkNs *ns_obj = pmap_get(uint64_t)(buf->b_extmark_ns, ns);
pmap_del(uint64_t)(ns_obj->map, id);
// Remove the mark mark from the line
ExtmarkLine *extmarkline = extmark->line;
kb_del(markitems, &extmarkline->items, *extmark);
// Remove the line if there are no more marks in the line
if (kb_size(&extmarkline->items) == 0) {
kb_del(extmarklines, &buf->b_extlines, extmarkline);
return true;
// Lookup an extmark by id
Extmark *extmark_from_id(buf_T *buf, uint64_t ns, uint64_t id)
if (!buf->b_extmark_ns) {
return NULL;
ExtmarkNs *ns_obj = pmap_get(uint64_t)(buf->b_extmark_ns, ns);
if (!ns_obj || !kh_size(ns_obj->map->table)) {
return NULL;
ExtmarkLine *extmarkline = pmap_get(uint64_t)(ns_obj->map, id);
if (!extmarkline) {
return NULL;
FOR_ALL_EXTMARKS_IN_LINE(extmarkline->items, 0, MAXCOL, {
if (extmark->ns_id == ns
&& extmark->mark_id == id) {
return extmark;
return NULL;
// Lookup an extmark by position
Extmark *extmark_from_pos(buf_T *buf, uint64_t ns, linenr_T lnum, colnr_T col)
if (!buf->b_extmark_ns) {
return NULL;
FOR_ALL_EXTMARKS(buf, ns, lnum, col, lnum, col, {
if (extmark->ns_id == ns) {
if (extmark->col == col) {
return extmark;
return NULL;
// Returns an avaliable id in a namespace
uint64_t extmark_free_id_get(buf_T *buf, uint64_t ns)
if (!buf->b_extmark_ns) {
return 1;
ExtmarkNs *ns_obj = pmap_get(uint64_t)(buf->b_extmark_ns, ns);
if (!ns_obj) {
return 1;
return ns_obj->free_id;
// Set the next free id in a namesapce
static void extmark_free_id_set(ExtmarkNs *ns_obj, uint64_t id)
// Simply Heurstic, the largest id + 1
ns_obj->free_id = id + 1;
// free extmarks from the buffer
void extmark_free_all(buf_T *buf)
if (!buf->b_extmark_ns) {
uint64_t ns;
ExtmarkNs *ns_obj;
kb_del_itr(extmarklines, &buf->b_extlines, &itr);
map_foreach(buf->b_extmark_ns, ns, ns_obj, {
buf->b_extmark_ns = NULL;
// k?_init called to set pointers to NULL
kb_destroy(extmarklines, (&buf->b_extlines));
// Save info for undo/redo of set marks
static void u_extmark_set(buf_T *buf, uint64_t ns, uint64_t id,
linenr_T lnum, colnr_T col, UndoObjectType undo_type)
u_header_T *uhp = u_force_get_undo_header(buf);
if (!uhp) {
ExtmarkSet set;
set.ns_id = ns;
set.mark_id = id;
set.lnum = lnum;
set.col = col;
ExtmarkUndoObject undo = { .type = undo_type,
.data.set = set };
kv_push(uhp->uh_extmark, undo);
// Save info for undo/redo of deleted marks
static void u_extmark_update(buf_T *buf, uint64_t ns, uint64_t id,
linenr_T old_lnum, colnr_T old_col,
linenr_T lnum, colnr_T col)
u_header_T *uhp = u_force_get_undo_header(buf);
if (!uhp) {
ExtmarkUpdate update;
update.ns_id = ns;
update.mark_id = id;
update.old_lnum = old_lnum;
update.old_col = old_col;
update.lnum = lnum;
update.col = col;
ExtmarkUndoObject undo = { .type = kExtmarkUpdate,
.data.update = update };
kv_push(uhp->uh_extmark, undo);
// Hueristic works only for when the user is typing in insert mode
// - Instead of 1 undo object for each char inserted,
// we create 1 undo objet for all text inserted before the user hits esc
// Return True if we compacted else False
static bool u_compact_col_adjust(buf_T *buf, linenr_T lnum, colnr_T mincol,
long lnum_amount, long col_amount)
u_header_T *uhp = u_force_get_undo_header(buf);
if (!uhp) {
return false;
if (kv_size(uhp->uh_extmark) < 1) {
return false;
// Check the last action
ExtmarkUndoObject object = kv_last(uhp->uh_extmark);
if (object.type != kColAdjust) {
return false;
ColAdjust undo =;
bool compactable = false;
if (!undo.lnum_amount && !lnum_amount) {
if (undo.lnum == lnum) {
if ((undo.mincol + undo.col_amount) >= mincol) {
compactable = true;
} } }
if (!compactable) {
return false;
undo.col_amount = undo.col_amount + col_amount;
ExtmarkUndoObject new_undo = { .type = kColAdjust,
.data.col_adjust = undo };
kv_last(uhp->uh_extmark) = new_undo;
return true;
// Save col_adjust info so we can undo/redo
void u_extmark_col_adjust(buf_T *buf, linenr_T lnum, colnr_T mincol,
long lnum_amount, long col_amount)
u_header_T *uhp = u_force_get_undo_header(buf);
if (!uhp) {
if (!u_compact_col_adjust(buf, lnum, mincol, lnum_amount, col_amount)) {
ColAdjust col_adjust;
col_adjust.lnum = lnum;
col_adjust.mincol = mincol;
col_adjust.lnum_amount = lnum_amount;
col_adjust.col_amount = col_amount;
ExtmarkUndoObject undo = { .type = kColAdjust,
.data.col_adjust = col_adjust };
kv_push(uhp->uh_extmark, undo);
// Save col_adjust_delete info so we can undo/redo
void u_extmark_col_adjust_delete(buf_T *buf, linenr_T lnum,
colnr_T mincol, colnr_T endcol, int eol)
u_header_T *uhp = u_force_get_undo_header(buf);
if (!uhp) {
ColAdjustDelete col_adjust_delete;
col_adjust_delete.lnum = lnum;
col_adjust_delete.mincol = mincol;
col_adjust_delete.endcol = endcol;
col_adjust_delete.eol = eol;
ExtmarkUndoObject undo = { .type = kColAdjustDelete,
.data.col_adjust_delete = col_adjust_delete };
kv_push(uhp->uh_extmark, undo);
// Save adjust info so we can undo/redo
static void u_extmark_adjust(buf_T * buf, linenr_T line1, linenr_T line2,
long amount, long amount_after)
u_header_T *uhp = u_force_get_undo_header(buf);
if (!uhp) {
Adjust adjust;
adjust.line1 = line1;
adjust.line2 = line2;
adjust.amount = amount;
adjust.amount_after = amount_after;
ExtmarkUndoObject undo = { .type = kLineAdjust,
.data.adjust = adjust };
kv_push(uhp->uh_extmark, undo);
// save info to undo/redo a :move
void u_extmark_move(buf_T *buf, linenr_T line1, linenr_T line2,
linenr_T last_line, linenr_T dest, linenr_T num_lines,
linenr_T extra)
u_header_T *uhp = u_force_get_undo_header(buf);
if (!uhp) {
AdjustMove move;
move.line1 = line1;
move.line2 = line2;
move.last_line = last_line;
move.dest = dest;
move.num_lines = num_lines;
move.extra = extra;
ExtmarkUndoObject undo = { .type = kAdjustMove,
.data.move = move };
kv_push(uhp->uh_extmark, undo);
// copy extmarks data between range, useful when we cannot simply reverse
// the operation. This will do nothing on redo, enforces correct position when
// undo.
// if ns = 0, it means copy all namespaces
void u_extmark_copy(buf_T *buf, uint64_t ns,
linenr_T l_lnum, colnr_T l_col,
linenr_T u_lnum, colnr_T u_col)
u_header_T *uhp = u_force_get_undo_header(buf);
if (!uhp) {
bool all_ns = ns == 0 ? true : false;
ExtmarkCopy copy;
ExtmarkUndoObject undo;
FOR_ALL_EXTMARKS(buf, 1, l_lnum, l_col, u_lnum, u_col, {
if (all_ns || extmark->ns_id == ns) {
copy.ns_id = extmark->ns_id;
copy.mark_id = extmark->mark_id;
copy.lnum = extmark->line->lnum;
copy.col = extmark->col; = copy;
undo.type = kExtmarkCopy;
kv_push(uhp->uh_extmark, undo);
void u_extmark_copy_place(buf_T *buf,
linenr_T l_lnum, colnr_T l_col,
linenr_T u_lnum, colnr_T u_col,
linenr_T p_lnum, colnr_T p_col)
u_header_T *uhp = u_force_get_undo_header(buf);
if (!uhp) {
ExtmarkCopyPlace copy_place;
copy_place.l_lnum = l_lnum;
copy_place.l_col = l_col;
copy_place.u_lnum = u_lnum;
copy_place.u_col = u_col;
copy_place.p_lnum = p_lnum;
copy_place.p_col = p_col;
ExtmarkUndoObject undo = { .type = kExtmarkCopyPlace,
.data.copy_place = copy_place };
kv_push(uhp->uh_extmark, undo);
// Save info for undo/redo of extmark_clear
static void u_extmark_clear(buf_T *buf, uint64_t ns,
linenr_T l_lnum, linenr_T u_lnum)
u_header_T *uhp = u_force_get_undo_header(buf);
if (!uhp) {
ExtmarkClear clear;
clear.ns_id = ns;
clear.l_lnum = l_lnum;
clear.u_lnum = u_lnum;
ExtmarkUndoObject undo = { .type = kExtmarkClear,
.data.clear = clear };
kv_push(uhp->uh_extmark, undo);
// undo or redo an extmark operation
void extmark_apply_undo(ExtmarkUndoObject undo_info, bool undo)
linenr_T lnum;
colnr_T mincol;
long lnum_amount;
long col_amount;
linenr_T line1;
linenr_T line2;
long amount;
long amount_after;
// use extmark_col_adjust
if (undo_info.type == kColAdjust) {
// Undo
if (undo) {
lnum = (
lnum_amount =;
col_amount =;
mincol = (
+ (colnr_T);
// Redo
} else {
lnum =;
col_amount =;
lnum_amount =;
mincol =;
lnum, mincol, lnum_amount, col_amount, kExtmarkNoUndo);
// use extmark_col_adjust_delete
} else if (undo_info.type == kColAdjustDelete) {
if (undo) {
mincol =;
col_amount = (
- + 1;
// Redo
} else {
// use extmark_adjust
} else if (undo_info.type == kLineAdjust) {
if (undo) {
// Undo - call signature type one - insert now
if ( == MAXLNUM) {
line1 =;
line2 = MAXLNUM;
amount =;
amount_after = 0;
// Undo - call singature type two - delete now
} else if ( == MAXLNUM) {
line1 =;
line2 =;
amount =;
amount_after =;
// Undo - call signature three - move lines
} else {
line1 = (
line2 = (
amount =;
amount_after =;
// redo
} else {
line1 =;
line2 =;
amount =;
amount_after =;
line1, line2, amount, amount_after, kExtmarkNoUndo, false);
// kExtmarkCopy
} else if (undo_info.type == kExtmarkCopy) {
// Redo should be handled by kColAdjustDelete or kExtmarkCopyPlace
if (undo) {
// uses extmark_copy_and_place
} else if (undo_info.type == kExtmarkCopyPlace) {
// Redo, undo is handle by kExtmarkCopy
if (!undo) {
kExtmarkNoUndo, true, NULL);
// kExtmarkClear
} else if (undo_info.type == kExtmarkClear) {
// Redo, undo is handle by kExtmarkCopy
if (!undo) {
// kAdjustMove
} else if (undo_info.type == kAdjustMove) {
apply_undo_move(undo_info, undo);
// extmark_set
} else if (undo_info.type == kExtmarkSet) {
if (undo) {
// Redo
} else {
// extmark_set into update
} else if (undo_info.type == kExtmarkUpdate) {
if (undo) {
// Redo
} else {
// extmark_del
} else if (undo_info.type == kExtmarkDel) {
if (undo) {
// Redo
} else {
// undo/redo an kExtmarkMove operation
static void apply_undo_move(ExtmarkUndoObject undo_info, bool undo)
// 3 calls are required , see comment in function do_move (ex_cmds.c)
linenr_T line1 =;
linenr_T line2 =;
linenr_T last_line =;
linenr_T dest =;
linenr_T num_lines =;
linenr_T extra =;
if (undo) {
if (dest >= line2) {
extmark_adjust(curbuf, dest - num_lines + 1, dest,
last_line - dest + num_lines - 1, 0L, kExtmarkNoUndo,
extmark_adjust(curbuf, dest - line2, dest - line1,
dest - line2, 0L, kExtmarkNoUndo, false);
} else {
extmark_adjust(curbuf, line1-num_lines, line2-num_lines,
last_line - (line1-num_lines), 0L, kExtmarkNoUndo, true);
extmark_adjust(curbuf, (line1-num_lines) + 1, (line2-num_lines) + 1,
-num_lines, 0L, kExtmarkNoUndo, false);
extmark_adjust(curbuf, last_line, last_line + num_lines - 1,
line1 - last_line, 0L, kExtmarkNoUndo, true);
// redo
} else {
extmark_adjust(curbuf, line1, line2,
last_line - line2, 0L, kExtmarkNoUndo, true);
if (dest >= line2) {
extmark_adjust(curbuf, line2 + 1, dest,
-num_lines, 0L, kExtmarkNoUndo, false);
} else {
extmark_adjust(curbuf, dest + 1, line1 - 1,
num_lines, 0L, kExtmarkNoUndo, false);
extmark_adjust(curbuf, last_line - num_lines + 1, last_line,
-(last_line - dest - extra), 0L, kExtmarkNoUndo, true);
/// Get the column position for EOL on a line
/// If the lnum doesn't exist, returns 0
colnr_T extmark_eol_col(buf_T *buf, linenr_T lnum)
if (lnum > buf->b_ml.ml_line_count) {
return 0;
return (colnr_T)STRLEN(ml_get_buf(buf, lnum, false)) + 1;
// Adjust columns and rows for extmarks
// based off mark_col_adjust in mark.c
// returns true if something was moved otherwise false
static bool extmark_col_adjust_impl(buf_T *buf, linenr_T lnum,
colnr_T mincol, long lnum_amount,
bool for_delete,
long update_col)
bool marks_exist = false;
ExtmarkLine *extmarkline = extmarkline_ref(buf, lnum, false);
if (!extmarkline) {
return false;
FOR_ALL_EXTMARKS_IN_LINE(extmarkline->items, mincol, MAXCOL, {
marks_exist = true;
// Calculate desired col amount where the adjustment should take place
// (not taking) eol into account
long col_amount;
if (for_delete) {
if (extmark->col < update_col) {
// When mark inside range
colnr_T start_effected_range = mincol - 1;
col_amount = -(extmark->col - start_effected_range);
} else {
// Mark outside of range
// -1 because a delete of width 0 should still move marks
col_amount = -(update_col - mincol) - 1;
} else {
// for anything other than deletes
col_amount = update_col;
// No update required for this guy
if (col_amount == 0 && lnum_amount == 0) {
// Set mark to start of line
if (col_amount < 0
&& extmark->col <= (colnr_T)-col_amount) {
extmark_update(extmark, buf, extmark->ns_id, extmark->mark_id,
extmarkline->lnum + lnum_amount,
1, kExtmarkNoUndo, &mitr);
// Update the mark
} else {
// Note: The undo is handled by u_extmark_col_adjust, NoUndo here
extmark_update(extmark, buf, extmark->ns_id, extmark->mark_id,
extmarkline->lnum + lnum_amount,
extmark->col + (colnr_T)col_amount, kExtmarkNoUndo, &mitr);
if (kb_size(&extmarkline->items) == 0) {
kb_del(extmarklines, &buf->b_extlines, extmarkline);
return marks_exist;
// Adjust columns and rows for extmarks
// based off mark_col_adjust in mark.c
// use extmark_col_adjust_impl to move columns by inserting
// Doesn't take the eol into consideration (possible to put marks in invalid
// positions)
void extmark_col_adjust(buf_T *buf, linenr_T lnum,
colnr_T mincol, long lnum_amount,
long col_amount, ExtmarkOp undo)
assert(col_amount > INT_MIN && col_amount <= INT_MAX);
bool marks_moved = extmark_col_adjust_impl(buf, lnum, mincol, lnum_amount,
false, col_amount);
if (undo == kExtmarkUndo && marks_moved) {
u_extmark_col_adjust(buf, lnum, mincol, lnum_amount, col_amount);
// Adjust marks after a delete on a line
// Automatically readjusts to take the eol into account
// TODO(timeyyy): change mincol to be for the mark to be copied, not moved
// @param mincol First column that needs to be moved (start of delete range) + 1
// @param endcol Last column which needs to be copied (end of delete range + 1)
void extmark_col_adjust_delete(buf_T *buf, linenr_T lnum,
colnr_T mincol, colnr_T endcol,
ExtmarkOp undo, int _eol)
colnr_T start_effected_range = mincol;
bool marks_moved;
if (undo == kExtmarkUndo) {
// Copy marks that would be effected by delete
// -1 because we need to restore if a mark existed at the start pos
u_extmark_copy(buf, 0, lnum, start_effected_range, lnum, endcol);
marks_moved = extmark_col_adjust_impl(buf, lnum, mincol, 0,
true, (long)endcol);
// Deletes at the end of the line have different behaviour than the normal
// case when deleted.
// Cleanup any marks that are floating beyond the end of line.
// we allow this to be passed in as well because the buffer may have already
// been mutated.
int eol = _eol;
if (!eol) {
eol = extmark_eol_col(buf, lnum);
FOR_ALL_EXTMARKS(buf, 1, lnum, eol, lnum, -1, {
extmark_update(extmark, buf, extmark->ns_id, extmark->mark_id,
extmarkline->lnum, (colnr_T)eol, kExtmarkNoUndo, &mitr);
// Record the undo for the actual move
if (marks_moved && undo == kExtmarkUndo) {
u_extmark_col_adjust_delete(buf, lnum, mincol, endcol, eol);
// Adjust extmark row for inserted/deleted rows (columns stay fixed).
void extmark_adjust(buf_T *buf,
linenr_T line1,
linenr_T line2,
long amount,
long amount_after,
ExtmarkOp undo,
bool end_temp)
ExtmarkLine *_extline;
// btree needs to be kept ordered to work, so far only :move requires this
// 2nd call with end_temp = true unpack the lines from the temp position
if (end_temp && amount < 0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < kv_size(buf->b_extmark_move_space); i++) {
_extline = kv_A(buf->b_extmark_move_space, i);
_extline->lnum += amount;
kb_put(extmarklines, &buf->b_extlines, _extline);
kv_size(buf->b_extmark_move_space) = 0;
bool marks_exist = false;
linenr_T *lp;
linenr_T adj_start = line1;
if (amount == MAXLNUM) {
// Careful! marks from deleted region can end up on en extisting extmarkline
// that is goinig to be adjusted to the target position.
linenr_T join_num = line1 - amount_after;
ExtmarkLine *joinline = (join_num > line2
? extmarkline_ref(buf, join_num, false) : NULL);
// extmark_adjust is already redoable, the copy should only be for undo
marks_exist = extmark_copy_and_place(curbuf,
line1, 1,
line2, MAXCOL,
line1, 1,
kExtmarkUndoNoRedo, true, joinline);
adj_start = line2+1;
marks_exist = true;
lp = &(extmarkline->lnum);
if (*lp <= line2) {
// 1st call with end_temp = true, store the lines in a temp position
if (end_temp && amount > 0) {
kb_del_itr_extmarklines(&buf->b_extlines, &itr);
kv_push(buf->b_extmark_move_space, extmarkline);
*lp += amount;
} else if (amount_after && *lp > line2) {
*lp += amount_after;
if (undo == kExtmarkUndo && marks_exist) {
u_extmark_adjust(buf, line1, line2, amount, amount_after);
/// Range points to copy
/// if part of a larger iteration we can't delete, then the caller
/// must check for empty lines.
bool extmark_copy_and_place(buf_T *buf,
linenr_T l_lnum, colnr_T l_col,
linenr_T u_lnum, colnr_T u_col,
linenr_T p_lnum, colnr_T p_col,
ExtmarkOp undo, bool delete,
ExtmarkLine *destline)
bool marks_moved = false;
if (undo == kExtmarkUndo || undo == kExtmarkUndoNoRedo) {
// Copy marks that would be effected by delete
u_extmark_copy(buf, 0, l_lnum, l_col, u_lnum, u_col);
// Move extmarks to their final position
// Careful: if we move items within the same line, we might change order of
// marks within the same extmarkline. Too keep it simple, first delete all
// items from the extmarkline and put them back in the right order.
FOR_ALL_EXTMARKLINES(buf, l_lnum, u_lnum, {
kvec_t(Extmark) temp_space = KV_INITIAL_VALUE;
bool same_line = extmarkline == destline;
(extmarkline->lnum > l_lnum) ? 0 : l_col,
(extmarkline->lnum < u_lnum) ? MAXCOL : u_col, {
if (!destline) {
destline = extmarkline_ref(buf, p_lnum, true);
same_line = extmarkline == destline;
marks_moved = true;
if (!same_line) {
extmark_put(p_col, extmark->mark_id, destline, extmark->ns_id);
ExtmarkNs *ns_obj = pmap_get(uint64_t)(buf->b_extmark_ns,
pmap_put(uint64_t)(ns_obj->map, extmark->mark_id, destline);
} else {
kv_push(temp_space, *extmark);
// Delete old mark
kb_del_itr(markitems, &extmarkline->items, &mitr);
if (same_line) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < kv_size(temp_space); i++) {
Extmark mark = kv_A(temp_space, i);
extmark_put(p_col, mark.mark_id, extmarkline, mark.ns_id);
} else if (delete && kb_size(&extmarkline->items) == 0) {
kb_del_itr(extmarklines, &buf->b_extlines, &itr);
// Record the undo for the actual move
if (marks_moved && undo == kExtmarkUndo) {
u_extmark_copy_place(buf, l_lnum, l_col, u_lnum, u_col, p_lnum, p_col);
return marks_moved;
// Get reference to line in kbtree_t, allocating it if neccessary.
ExtmarkLine *extmarkline_ref(buf_T *buf, linenr_T lnum, bool put)
kbtree_t(extmarklines) *b = &buf->b_extlines;
ExtmarkLine t, **pp;
t.lnum = lnum;
pp = kb_get(extmarklines, b, &t);
if (!pp) {
if (!put) {
return NULL;
ExtmarkLine *p = xcalloc(sizeof(ExtmarkLine), 1);
p->lnum = lnum;
// p->items zero initialized
kb_put(extmarklines, b, p);
return p;
// Return existing
return *pp;
void extmarkline_free(ExtmarkLine *extmarkline)
kb_destroy(markitems, (&extmarkline->items));
/// Put an extmark into a line,
/// caller must ensure combination of id and ns_id isn't in use.
void extmark_put(colnr_T col, uint64_t id,
ExtmarkLine *extmarkline, uint64_t ns)
Extmark t;
t.col = col;
t.mark_id = id;
t.line = extmarkline;
t.ns_id = ns;
kbtree_t(markitems) *b = &(extmarkline->items);
// kb_put requries the key to not be there
assert(!kb_getp(markitems, b, &t));
kb_put(markitems, b, t);