
618 lines
18 KiB

// This is an open source non-commercial project. Dear PVS-Studio, please check
// it. PVS-Studio Static Code Analyzer for C, C++ and C#:
#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "nvim/vim.h"
#include "nvim/ui.h"
#include "nvim/memory.h"
#include "nvim/map.h"
#include "nvim/msgpack_rpc/channel.h"
#include "nvim/api/ui.h"
#include "nvim/api/private/defs.h"
#include "nvim/api/private/helpers.h"
#include "nvim/popupmnu.h"
#include "nvim/cursor_shape.h"
#include "nvim/highlight.h"
# include "api/ui.c.generated.h"
# include "ui_events_remote.generated.h"
typedef struct {
uint64_t channel_id;
Array buffer;
int hl_id; // current higlight for legacy put event
Integer cursor_row, cursor_col; // Intended visibule cursor position
// Position of legacy cursor, used both for drawing and visible user cursor.
Integer client_row, client_col;
} UIData;
static PMap(uint64_t) *connected_uis = NULL;
void remote_ui_init(void)
connected_uis = pmap_new(uint64_t)();
void remote_ui_disconnect(uint64_t channel_id)
UI *ui = pmap_get(uint64_t)(connected_uis, channel_id);
if (!ui) {
UIData *data = ui->data;
api_free_array(data->buffer); // Destroy pending screen updates.
pmap_del(uint64_t)(connected_uis, channel_id);
ui->data = NULL; // Flag UI as "stopped".
/// Wait until ui has connected on stdio channel.
void remote_ui_wait_for_attach(void)
Channel *channel = find_channel(CHAN_STDIO);
if (!channel) {
// this function should only be called in --embed mode, stdio channel
// can be assumed.
LOOP_PROCESS_EVENTS_UNTIL(&main_loop, channel->events, -1,
pmap_has(uint64_t)(connected_uis, CHAN_STDIO));
void nvim_ui_attach(uint64_t channel_id, Integer width, Integer height,
Dictionary options, Error *err)
if (pmap_has(uint64_t)(connected_uis, channel_id)) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeException,
"UI already attached to channel: %" PRId64, channel_id);
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation,
"Expected width > 0 and height > 0");
UI *ui = xcalloc(1, sizeof(UI));
ui->width = (int)width;
ui->height = (int)height;
ui->rgb = true;
ui->grid_resize = remote_ui_grid_resize;
ui->grid_clear = remote_ui_grid_clear;
ui->grid_cursor_goto = remote_ui_grid_cursor_goto;
ui->mode_info_set = remote_ui_mode_info_set;
ui->update_menu = remote_ui_update_menu;
ui->busy_start = remote_ui_busy_start;
ui->busy_stop = remote_ui_busy_stop;
ui->mouse_on = remote_ui_mouse_on;
ui->mouse_off = remote_ui_mouse_off;
ui->mode_change = remote_ui_mode_change;
ui->grid_scroll = remote_ui_grid_scroll;
ui->hl_attr_define = remote_ui_hl_attr_define;
ui->raw_line = remote_ui_raw_line;
ui->bell = remote_ui_bell;
ui->visual_bell = remote_ui_visual_bell;
ui->default_colors_set = remote_ui_default_colors_set;
ui->flush = remote_ui_flush;
ui->suspend = remote_ui_suspend;
ui->set_title = remote_ui_set_title;
ui->set_icon = remote_ui_set_icon;
ui->option_set = remote_ui_option_set;
ui->event = remote_ui_event;
ui->inspect = remote_ui_inspect;
memset(ui->ui_ext, 0, sizeof(ui->ui_ext));
for (size_t i = 0; i < options.size; i++) {
ui_set_option(ui, true, options.items[i].key, options.items[i].value, err);
if (ERROR_SET(err)) {
if (ui->ui_ext[kUIHlState] || ui->ui_ext[kUIMultigrid]) {
ui->ui_ext[kUILinegrid] = true;
UIData *data = xmalloc(sizeof(UIData));
data->channel_id = channel_id;
data->buffer = (Array)ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
data->hl_id = 0;
data->client_col = -1;
ui->data = data;
pmap_put(uint64_t)(connected_uis, channel_id, ui);
/// @deprecated
void ui_attach(uint64_t channel_id, Integer width, Integer height,
Boolean enable_rgb, Error *err)
Dictionary opts = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
PUT(opts, "rgb", BOOLEAN_OBJ(enable_rgb));
nvim_ui_attach(channel_id, width, height, opts, err);
void nvim_ui_detach(uint64_t channel_id, Error *err)
if (!pmap_has(uint64_t)(connected_uis, channel_id)) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeException,
"UI not attached to channel: %" PRId64, channel_id);
void nvim_ui_try_resize(uint64_t channel_id, Integer width,
Integer height, Error *err)
if (!pmap_has(uint64_t)(connected_uis, channel_id)) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeException,
"UI not attached to channel: %" PRId64, channel_id);
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation,
"Expected width > 0 and height > 0");
UI *ui = pmap_get(uint64_t)(connected_uis, channel_id);
ui->width = (int)width;
ui->height = (int)height;
void nvim_ui_set_option(uint64_t channel_id, String name,
Object value, Error *error)
if (!pmap_has(uint64_t)(connected_uis, channel_id)) {
api_set_error(error, kErrorTypeException,
"UI not attached to channel: %" PRId64, channel_id);
UI *ui = pmap_get(uint64_t)(connected_uis, channel_id);
ui_set_option(ui, false, name, value, error);
static void ui_set_option(UI *ui, bool init, String name, Object value,
Error *error)
if (strequal(, "rgb")) {
if (value.type != kObjectTypeBoolean) {
api_set_error(error, kErrorTypeValidation, "rgb must be a Boolean");
ui->rgb =;
// A little drastic, but only legacy uis need to use this option
if (!init) {
// LEGACY: Deprecated option, use `ext_cmdline` instead.
bool is_popupmenu = strequal(, "popupmenu_external");
for (UIExtension i = 0; i < kUIExtCount; i++) {
if (strequal(, ui_ext_names[i])
|| (i == kUIPopupmenu && is_popupmenu)) {
if (value.type != kObjectTypeBoolean) {
api_set_error(error, kErrorTypeValidation, "%s must be a Boolean",;
bool boolval =;
if (!init && i == kUILinegrid && boolval != ui->ui_ext[i]) {
// There shouldn't be a reason for an UI to do this ever
// so explicitly don't support this.
api_set_error(error, kErrorTypeValidation,
"ext_linegrid option cannot be changed");
ui->ui_ext[i] = boolval;
if (!init) {
ui_set_ext_option(ui, i, boolval);
api_set_error(error, kErrorTypeValidation, "No such UI option: %s",;
/// Tell Nvim to resize a grid. Triggers a grid_resize event with the requested
/// grid size or the maximum size if it exceeds size limits.
/// On invalid grid handle, fails with error.
/// @param grid The handle of the grid to be changed.
/// @param width The new requested width.
/// @param height The new requested height.
void nvim_ui_try_resize_grid(uint64_t channel_id, Integer grid, Integer width,
Integer height, Error *error)
if (!pmap_has(uint64_t)(connected_uis, channel_id)) {
api_set_error(error, kErrorTypeException,
"UI not attached to channel: %" PRId64, channel_id);
ui_grid_resize((handle_T)grid, (int)width, (int)height, error);
/// Pushes data into UI.UIData, to be consumed later by remote_ui_flush().
static void push_call(UI *ui, const char *name, Array args)
Array call = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
UIData *data = ui->data;
// To optimize data transfer(especially for "put"), we bundle adjacent
// calls to same method together, so only add a new call entry if the last
// method call is different from "name"
if (kv_size(data->buffer)) {
call = kv_A(data->buffer, kv_size(data->buffer) - 1).data.array;
if (!kv_size(call) || strcmp(kv_A(call, 0), name)) {
call = (Array)ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
ADD(data->buffer, ARRAY_OBJ(call));
ADD(call, STRING_OBJ(cstr_to_string(name)));
ADD(call, ARRAY_OBJ(args));
kv_A(data->buffer, kv_size(data->buffer) - 1).data.array = call;
static void remote_ui_grid_clear(UI *ui, Integer grid)
Array args = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
if (ui->ui_ext[kUILinegrid]) {
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(grid));
const char *name = ui->ui_ext[kUILinegrid] ? "grid_clear" : "clear";
push_call(ui, name, args);
static void remote_ui_grid_resize(UI *ui, Integer grid,
Integer width, Integer height)
Array args = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
if (ui->ui_ext[kUILinegrid]) {
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(grid));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(width));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(height));
const char *name = ui->ui_ext[kUILinegrid] ? "grid_resize" : "resize";
push_call(ui, name, args);
static void remote_ui_grid_scroll(UI *ui, Integer grid, Integer top,
Integer bot, Integer left, Integer right,
Integer rows, Integer cols)
if (ui->ui_ext[kUILinegrid]) {
Array args = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(grid));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(top));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(bot));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(left));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(right));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(rows));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(cols));
push_call(ui, "grid_scroll", args);
} else {
Array args = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(top));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(bot-1));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(left));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(right-1));
push_call(ui, "set_scroll_region", args);
args = (Array)ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(rows));
push_call(ui, "scroll", args);
// some clients have "clear" being affected by scroll region,
// so reset it.
args = (Array)ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(0));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(ui->height-1));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(0));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(ui->width-1));
push_call(ui, "set_scroll_region", args);
static void remote_ui_default_colors_set(UI *ui, Integer rgb_fg,
Integer rgb_bg, Integer rgb_sp,
Integer cterm_fg, Integer cterm_bg)
Array args = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(rgb_fg));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(rgb_bg));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(rgb_sp));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(cterm_fg));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(cterm_bg));
push_call(ui, "default_colors_set", args);
// Deprecated
if (!ui->ui_ext[kUILinegrid]) {
args = (Array)ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(ui->rgb ? rgb_fg : cterm_fg - 1));
push_call(ui, "update_fg", args);
args = (Array)ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(ui->rgb ? rgb_bg : cterm_bg - 1));
push_call(ui, "update_bg", args);
args = (Array)ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(ui->rgb ? rgb_sp : -1));
push_call(ui, "update_sp", args);
static void remote_ui_hl_attr_define(UI *ui, Integer id, HlAttrs rgb_attrs,
HlAttrs cterm_attrs, Array info)
if (!ui->ui_ext[kUILinegrid]) {
Array args = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(id));
ADD(args, DICTIONARY_OBJ(hlattrs2dict(rgb_attrs, true)));
ADD(args, DICTIONARY_OBJ(hlattrs2dict(cterm_attrs, false)));
if (ui->ui_ext[kUIHlState]) {
ADD(args, ARRAY_OBJ(copy_array(info)));
} else {
push_call(ui, "hl_attr_define", args);
static void remote_ui_highlight_set(UI *ui, int id)
Array args = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
UIData *data = ui->data;
if (data->hl_id == id) {
data->hl_id = id;
Dictionary hl = hlattrs2dict(syn_attr2entry(id), ui->rgb);
push_call(ui, "highlight_set", args);
/// "true" cursor used only for input focus
static void remote_ui_grid_cursor_goto(UI *ui, Integer grid, Integer row,
Integer col)
if (ui->ui_ext[kUILinegrid]) {
Array args = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(grid));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(row));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(col));
push_call(ui, "grid_cursor_goto", args);
} else {
UIData *data = ui->data;
data->cursor_row = row;
data->cursor_col = col;
remote_ui_cursor_goto(ui, row, col);
/// emulated cursor used both for drawing and for input focus
static void remote_ui_cursor_goto(UI *ui, Integer row, Integer col)
UIData *data = ui->data;
if (data->client_row == row && data->client_col == col) {
data->client_row = row;
data->client_col = col;
Array args = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(row));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(col));
push_call(ui, "cursor_goto", args);
static void remote_ui_put(UI *ui, const char *cell)
UIData *data = ui->data;
Array args = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
ADD(args, STRING_OBJ(cstr_to_string(cell)));
push_call(ui, "put", args);
static void remote_ui_raw_line(UI *ui, Integer grid, Integer row,
Integer startcol, Integer endcol,
Integer clearcol, Integer clearattr,
Boolean wrap, const schar_T *chunk,
const sattr_T *attrs)
UIData *data = ui->data;
if (ui->ui_ext[kUILinegrid]) {
Array args = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(grid));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(row));
ADD(args, INTEGER_OBJ(startcol));
Array cells = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
int repeat = 0;
size_t ncells = (size_t)(endcol-startcol);
int last_hl = -1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ncells; i++) {
if (i == ncells-1 || attrs[i] != attrs[i+1]
|| STRCMP(chunk[i], chunk[i+1])) {
Array cell = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
ADD(cell, STRING_OBJ(cstr_to_string((const char *)chunk[i])));
if (attrs[i] != last_hl || repeat > 1) {
ADD(cell, INTEGER_OBJ(attrs[i]));
last_hl = attrs[i];
if (repeat > 1) {
ADD(cell, INTEGER_OBJ(repeat));
ADD(cells, ARRAY_OBJ(cell));
repeat = 0;
if (endcol < clearcol) {
Array cell = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
ADD(cell, STRING_OBJ(cstr_to_string(" ")));
ADD(cell, INTEGER_OBJ(clearattr));
ADD(cell, INTEGER_OBJ(clearcol-endcol));
ADD(cells, ARRAY_OBJ(cell));
ADD(args, ARRAY_OBJ(cells));
push_call(ui, "grid_line", args);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < endcol-startcol; i++) {
remote_ui_cursor_goto(ui, row, startcol+i);
remote_ui_highlight_set(ui, attrs[i]);
remote_ui_put(ui, (const char *)chunk[i]);
if (utf_ambiguous_width(utf_ptr2char(chunk[i]))) {
data->client_col = -1; // force cursor update
if (endcol < clearcol) {
remote_ui_cursor_goto(ui, row, endcol);
remote_ui_highlight_set(ui, (int)clearattr);
// legacy eol_clear was only ever used with cleared attributes
// so be on the safe side
if (clearattr == 0 && clearcol == Columns) {
Array args = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
push_call(ui, "eol_clear", args);
} else {
for (Integer c = endcol; c < clearcol; c++) {
remote_ui_put(ui, " ");
static void remote_ui_flush(UI *ui)
UIData *data = ui->data;
if (data->buffer.size > 0) {
if (!ui->ui_ext[kUILinegrid]) {
remote_ui_cursor_goto(ui, data->cursor_row, data->cursor_col);
push_call(ui, "flush", (Array)ARRAY_DICT_INIT);
rpc_send_event(data->channel_id, "redraw", data->buffer);
data->buffer = (Array)ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
static Array translate_contents(UI *ui, Array contents)
Array new_contents = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
for (size_t i = 0; i < contents.size; i++) {
Array item = contents.items[i].data.array;
Array new_item = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
int attr = (int)item.items[0].data.integer;
if (attr) {
Dictionary rgb_attrs = hlattrs2dict(syn_attr2entry(attr), ui->rgb);
ADD(new_item, DICTIONARY_OBJ(rgb_attrs));
} else {
ADD(new_item, copy_object(item.items[1]));
ADD(new_contents, ARRAY_OBJ(new_item));
return new_contents;
static Array translate_firstarg(UI *ui, Array args)
Array new_args = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
Array contents = args.items[0].data.array;
ADD(new_args, ARRAY_OBJ(translate_contents(ui, contents)));
for (size_t i = 1; i < args.size; i++) {
ADD(new_args, copy_object(args.items[i]));
return new_args;
static void remote_ui_event(UI *ui, char *name, Array args, bool *args_consumed)
if (!ui->ui_ext[kUILinegrid]) {
// the representation of highlights in cmdline changed, translate back
// never consumes args
if (strequal(name, "cmdline_show")) {
Array new_args = translate_firstarg(ui, args);
push_call(ui, name, new_args);
} else if (strequal(name, "cmdline_block_show")) {
Array new_args = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
Array block = args.items[0].data.array;
Array new_block = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
for (size_t i = 0; i < block.size; i++) {
ARRAY_OBJ(translate_contents(ui, block.items[i].data.array)));
ADD(new_args, ARRAY_OBJ(new_block));
push_call(ui, name, new_args);
} else if (strequal(name, "cmdline_block_append")) {
Array new_args = translate_firstarg(ui, args);
push_call(ui, name, new_args);
Array my_args = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
// Objects are currently single-reference
// make a copy, but only if necessary
if (*args_consumed) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size; i++) {
ADD(my_args, copy_object(args.items[i]));
} else {
my_args = args;
*args_consumed = true;
push_call(ui, name, my_args);
static void remote_ui_inspect(UI *ui, Dictionary *info)
UIData *data = ui->data;
PUT(*info, "chan", INTEGER_OBJ((Integer)data->channel_id));