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34 KiB

// This is an open source non-commercial project. Dear PVS-Studio, please check
// it. PVS-Studio Static Code Analyzer for C, C++ and C#:
// Environment inspection
#include <assert.h>
#include <uv.h>
#include "nvim/vim.h"
#include "nvim/ascii.h"
#include "nvim/charset.h"
#include "nvim/fileio.h"
#include "nvim/os/os.h"
#include "nvim/memory.h"
#include "nvim/message.h"
#include "nvim/path.h"
#include "nvim/macros.h"
#include "nvim/strings.h"
#include "nvim/eval.h"
#include "nvim/ex_getln.h"
#include "nvim/version.h"
#include "nvim/map.h"
#ifdef WIN32
#include "nvim/mbyte.h" // for utf8_to_utf16, utf16_to_utf8
#include <crt_externs.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
// Because `uv_os_getenv` requires allocating, we must manage a map to maintain
// the behavior of `os_getenv`.
static PMap(cstr_t) *envmap;
static uv_mutex_t mutex;
void env_init(void)
envmap = pmap_new(cstr_t)();
void os_env_var_lock(void)
void os_env_var_unlock(void)
/// Like getenv(), but returns NULL if the variable is empty.
/// @see os_env_exists
const char *os_getenv(const char *name)
char *e;
size_t size = 64;
if (name[0] == '\0') {
return NULL;
int r = 0;
if (pmap_has(cstr_t)(envmap, name)
&& !!(e = (char *)pmap_get(cstr_t)(envmap, name))) {
if (e[0] != '\0') {
// Found non-empty cached env var.
// NOTE: This risks incoherence if an in-process library changes the
// environment without going through our os_setenv() wrapper. If
// that turns out to be a problem, we can just remove this codepath.
goto end;
pmap_del2(envmap, name);
e = xmalloc(size);
r = uv_os_getenv(name, e, &size);
if (r == UV_ENOBUFS) {
e = xrealloc(e, size);
r = uv_os_getenv(name, e, &size);
if (r != 0 || size == 0 || e[0] == '\0') {
e = NULL;
goto end;
pmap_put(cstr_t)(envmap, xstrdup(name), e);
// Must do this before ELOG, log.c may call os_setenv.
if (r != 0 && r != UV_ENOENT && r != UV_UNKNOWN) {
ELOG("uv_os_getenv(%s) failed: %d %s", name, r, uv_err_name(r));
return (e == NULL || size == 0 || e[0] == '\0') ? NULL : e;
/// Returns true if environment variable `name` is defined (even if empty).
/// Returns false if not found (UV_ENOENT) or other failure.
bool os_env_exists(const char *name)
if (name[0] == '\0') {
return false;
// Use a tiny buffer because we don't care about the value: if uv_os_getenv()
// returns UV_ENOBUFS, the env var was found.
char buf[1];
size_t size = sizeof(buf);
int r = uv_os_getenv(name, buf, &size);
assert(r != UV_EINVAL);
if (r != 0 && r != UV_ENOENT && r != UV_ENOBUFS) {
ELOG("uv_os_getenv(%s) failed: %d %s", name, r, uv_err_name(r));
return (r == 0 || r == UV_ENOBUFS);
/// Sets an environment variable.
/// Windows (Vim-compat): Empty string (:let $FOO="") undefines the env var.
/// @warning Existing pointers to the result of os_getenv("foo") are
/// INVALID after os_setenv("foo", …).
int os_setenv(const char *name, const char *value, int overwrite)
if (name[0] == '\0') {
return -1;
#ifdef WIN32
if (!overwrite && os_getenv(name) != NULL) {
return 0;
if (value[0] == '\0') {
// Windows (Vim-compat): Empty string undefines the env var.
return os_unsetenv(name);
if (!overwrite && os_env_exists(name)) {
return 0;
int r;
#ifdef WIN32
// libintl uses getenv() for LC_ALL/LANG/etc., so we must use _putenv_s().
if (striequal(name, "LC_ALL") || striequal(name, "LANGUAGE")
|| striequal(name, "LANG") || striequal(name, "LC_MESSAGES")) {
r = _putenv_s(name, value); // NOLINT
assert(r == 0);
r = uv_os_setenv(name, value);
assert(r != UV_EINVAL);
// Destroy the old map item. Do this AFTER uv_os_setenv(), because `value`
// could be a previous os_getenv() result.
pmap_del2(envmap, name);
// Must do this before ELOG, log.c may call os_setenv.
if (r != 0) {
ELOG("uv_os_setenv(%s) failed: %d %s", name, r, uv_err_name(r));
return r == 0 ? 0 : -1;
/// Unset environment variable
int os_unsetenv(const char *name)
if (name[0] == '\0') {
return -1;
pmap_del2(envmap, name);
int r = uv_os_unsetenv(name);
// Must do this before ELOG, log.c may call os_setenv.
if (r != 0) {
ELOG("uv_os_unsetenv(%s) failed: %d %s", name, r, uv_err_name(r));
return r == 0 ? 0 : -1;
/// Returns number of variables in the current environment variables block
size_t os_get_fullenv_size(void)
size_t len = 0;
#ifdef _WIN32
wchar_t *envstrings = GetEnvironmentStringsW();
wchar_t *p = envstrings;
size_t l;
if (!envstrings) {
return len;
// GetEnvironmentStringsW() result has this format:
// var1=value1\0var2=value2\0...varN=valueN\0\0
while ((l = wcslen(p)) != 0) {
p += l + 1;
# if defined(HAVE__NSGETENVIRON)
char **environ = *_NSGetEnviron();
# else
extern char **environ;
# endif
while (environ[len] != NULL) {
return len;
void os_free_fullenv(char **env)
if (!env) { return; }
for (char **it = env; *it; it++) {
/// Copies the current environment variables into the given array, `env`. Each
/// array element is of the form "NAME=VALUE".
/// Result must be freed by the caller.
/// @param[out] env array to populate with environment variables
/// @param env_size size of `env`, @see os_fullenv_size
void os_copy_fullenv(char **env, size_t env_size)
#ifdef _WIN32
wchar_t *envstrings = GetEnvironmentStringsW();
if (!envstrings) {
wchar_t *p = envstrings;
size_t i = 0;
size_t l;
// GetEnvironmentStringsW() result has this format:
// var1=value1\0var2=value2\0...varN=valueN\0\0
while ((l = wcslen(p)) != 0 && i < env_size) {
char *utf8_str;
int conversion_result = utf16_to_utf8(p, -1, &utf8_str);
if (conversion_result != 0) {
EMSG2("utf16_to_utf8 failed: %d", conversion_result);
p += l + 1;
env[i] = utf8_str;
# if defined(HAVE__NSGETENVIRON)
char **environ = *_NSGetEnviron();
# else
extern char **environ;
# endif
for (size_t i = 0; i < env_size && environ[i] != NULL; i++) {
env[i] = xstrdup(environ[i]);
/// Copy value of the environment variable at `index` in the current
/// environment variables block.
/// Result must be freed by the caller.
/// @param index nth item in environment variables block
/// @return [allocated] environment variable's value, or NULL
char *os_getenvname_at_index(size_t index)
#ifdef _WIN32
wchar_t *envstrings = GetEnvironmentStringsW();
if (!envstrings) {
return NULL;
wchar_t *p = envstrings;
char *name = NULL;
size_t i = 0;
size_t l;
// GetEnvironmentStringsW() result has this format:
// var1=value1\0var2=value2\0...varN=valueN\0\0
while ((l = wcslen(p)) != 0 && i <= index) {
if (i == index) {
char *utf8_str;
int conversion_result = utf16_to_utf8(p, -1, &utf8_str);
if (conversion_result != 0) {
EMSG2("utf16_to_utf8 failed: %d", conversion_result);
// Some Windows env vars start with =, so skip over that to find the
// separator between name/value
const char * const end = strchr(utf8_str + (utf8_str[0] == '=' ? 1 : 0),
assert(end != NULL);
ptrdiff_t len = end - utf8_str;
assert(len > 0);
name = xstrndup(utf8_str, (size_t)len);
// Advance past the name and NUL
p += l + 1;
return name;
# if defined(HAVE__NSGETENVIRON)
char **environ = *_NSGetEnviron();
# else
extern char **environ;
# endif
// check if index is inside the environ array
for (size_t i = 0; i <= index; i++) {
if (environ[i] == NULL) {
return NULL;
char *str = environ[index];
assert(str != NULL);
const char * const end = strchr(str, '=');
assert(end != NULL);
ptrdiff_t len = end - str;
assert(len > 0);
return xstrndup(str, (size_t)len);
/// Get the process ID of the Neovim process.
/// @return the process ID.
int64_t os_get_pid(void)
#ifdef _WIN32
return (int64_t)GetCurrentProcessId();
return (int64_t)getpid();
/// Gets the hostname of the current machine.
/// @param hostname Buffer to store the hostname.
/// @param size Size of `hostname`.
void os_get_hostname(char *hostname, size_t size)
struct utsname vutsname;
if (uname(&vutsname) < 0) {
*hostname = '\0';
} else {
xstrlcpy(hostname, vutsname.nodename, size);
#elif defined(WIN32)
wchar_t host_utf16[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1];
DWORD host_wsize = sizeof(host_utf16) / sizeof(host_utf16[0]);
if (GetComputerNameW(host_utf16, &host_wsize) == 0) {
*hostname = '\0';
DWORD err = GetLastError();
EMSG2("GetComputerNameW failed: %d", err);
host_utf16[host_wsize] = '\0';
char *host_utf8;
int conversion_result = utf16_to_utf8(host_utf16, -1, &host_utf8);
if (conversion_result != 0) {
EMSG2("utf16_to_utf8 failed: %d", conversion_result);
xstrlcpy(hostname, host_utf8, size);
EMSG("os_get_hostname failed: missing uname()");
*hostname = '\0';
/// To get the "real" home directory:
/// - get value of $HOME
/// For Unix:
/// - go to that directory
/// - do os_dirname() to get the real name of that directory.
/// This also works with mounts and links.
/// Don't do this for Windows, it will change the "current dir" for a drive.
static char *homedir = NULL;
void init_homedir(void)
// In case we are called a second time.
homedir = NULL;
const char *var = os_getenv("HOME");
#ifdef WIN32
// Typically, $HOME is not defined on Windows, unless the user has
// specifically defined it for Vim's sake. However, on Windows NT
// platforms, $HOMEDRIVE and $HOMEPATH are automatically defined for
// each user. Try constructing $HOME from these.
if (var == NULL) {
const char *homedrive = os_getenv("HOMEDRIVE");
const char *homepath = os_getenv("HOMEPATH");
if (homepath == NULL) {
homepath = "\\";
if (homedrive != NULL
&& strlen(homedrive) + strlen(homepath) < MAXPATHL) {
snprintf(os_buf, MAXPATHL, "%s%s", homedrive, homepath);
if (os_buf[0] != NUL) {
var = os_buf;
if (var == NULL) {
var = os_getenv("USERPROFILE");
// Weird but true: $HOME may contain an indirect reference to another
// variable, esp. "%USERPROFILE%". Happens when $USERPROFILE isn't set
// when $HOME is being set.
if (var != NULL && *var == '%') {
const char *p = strchr(var + 1, '%');
if (p != NULL) {
vim_snprintf(os_buf, (size_t)(p - var), "%s", var + 1);
const char *exp = os_getenv(os_buf);
if (exp != NULL && *exp != NUL
&& STRLEN(exp) + STRLEN(p) < MAXPATHL) {
vim_snprintf(os_buf, MAXPATHL, "%s%s", exp, p + 1);
var = os_buf;
// Default home dir is C:/
// Best assumption we can make in such a situation.
if (var == NULL
// Empty means "undefined"
|| *var == NUL) {
var = "C:/";
if (var != NULL) {
#ifdef UNIX
// Change to the directory and get the actual path. This resolves
// links. Don't do it when we can't return.
if (os_dirname((char_u *)os_buf, MAXPATHL) == OK && os_chdir(os_buf) == 0) {
if (!os_chdir(var) && os_dirname(IObuff, IOSIZE) == OK) {
var = (char *)IObuff;
if (os_chdir(os_buf) != 0) {
homedir = xstrdup(var);
#if defined(EXITFREE)
void free_homedir(void)
/// Call expand_env() and store the result in an allocated string.
/// This is not very memory efficient, this expects the result to be freed
/// again soon.
/// @param src String containing environment variables to expand
/// @see {expand_env}
char_u *expand_env_save(char_u *src)
return expand_env_save_opt(src, false);
/// Similar to expand_env_save() but when "one" is `true` handle the string as
/// one file name, i.e. only expand "~" at the start.
/// @param src String containing environment variables to expand
/// @param one Should treat as only one file name
/// @see {expand_env}
char_u *expand_env_save_opt(char_u *src, bool one)
char_u *p = xmalloc(MAXPATHL);
expand_env_esc(src, p, MAXPATHL, false, one, NULL);
return p;
/// Expand environment variable with path name.
/// "~/" is also expanded, using $HOME. For Unix "~user/" is expanded.
/// Skips over "\ ", "\~" and "\$" (not for Win32 though).
/// If anything fails no expansion is done and dst equals src.
/// @param src Input string e.g. "$HOME/vim.hlp"
/// @param dst[out] Where to put the result
/// @param dstlen Maximum length of the result
void expand_env(char_u *src, char_u *dst, int dstlen)
expand_env_esc(src, dst, dstlen, false, false, NULL);
/// Expand environment variable with path name and escaping.
/// @see expand_env
/// @param srcp Input string e.g. "$HOME/vim.hlp"
/// @param dst[out] Where to put the result
/// @param dstlen Maximum length of the result
/// @param esc Escape spaces in expanded variables
/// @param one `srcp` is a single filename
/// @param prefix Start again after this (can be NULL)
void expand_env_esc(char_u *restrict srcp,
char_u *restrict dst,
int dstlen,
bool esc,
bool one,
char_u *prefix)
char_u *tail;
char_u *var;
bool copy_char;
bool mustfree; // var was allocated, need to free it later
bool at_start = true; // at start of a name
int prefix_len = (prefix == NULL) ? 0 : (int)STRLEN(prefix);
char_u *src = skipwhite(srcp);
dstlen--; // leave one char space for "\,"
while (*src && dstlen > 0) {
// Skip over `=expr`.
if (src[0] == '`' && src[1] == '=') {
var = src;
src += 2;
if (*src == '`') {
size_t len = (size_t)(src - var);
if (len > (size_t)dstlen) {
len = (size_t)dstlen;
memcpy((char *)dst, (char *)var, len);
dst += len;
dstlen -= (int)len;
copy_char = true;
if ((*src == '$') || (*src == '~' && at_start)) {
mustfree = false;
// The variable name is copied into dst temporarily, because it may
// be a string in read-only memory and a NUL needs to be appended.
if (*src != '~') { // environment var
tail = src + 1;
var = dst;
int c = dstlen - 1;
#ifdef UNIX
// Unix has ${var-name} type environment vars
if (*tail == '{' && !vim_isIDc('{')) {
tail++; // ignore '{'
while (c-- > 0 && *tail != NUL && *tail != '}') {
*var++ = *tail++;
} else // NOLINT
while (c-- > 0 && *tail != NUL && vim_isIDc(*tail)) {
*var++ = *tail++;
#if defined(UNIX)
// Verify that we have found the end of a Unix ${VAR} style variable
if (src[1] == '{' && *tail != '}') {
var = NULL;
} else {
if (src[1] == '{') {
*var = NUL;
var = (char_u *)vim_getenv((char *)dst);
mustfree = true;
#if defined(UNIX)
} else if (src[1] == NUL // home directory
|| vim_ispathsep(src[1])
|| vim_strchr((char_u *)" ,\t\n", src[1]) != NULL) {
var = (char_u *)homedir;
tail = src + 1;
} else { // user directory
#if defined(UNIX)
// Copy ~user to dst[], so we can put a NUL after it.
tail = src;
var = dst;
int c = dstlen - 1;
while (c-- > 0
&& *tail
&& vim_isfilec(*tail)
&& !vim_ispathsep(*tail)) {
*var++ = *tail++;
*var = NUL;
// Get the user directory. If this fails the shell is used to expand
// ~user, which is slower and may fail on old versions of /bin/sh.
var = (*dst == NUL) ? NULL
: (char_u *)os_get_user_directory((char *)dst + 1);
mustfree = true;
if (var == NULL) {
expand_T xpc;
xpc.xp_context = EXPAND_FILES;
var = ExpandOne(&xpc, dst, NULL,
mustfree = true;
// cannot expand user's home directory, so don't try
var = NULL;
tail = (char_u *)""; // for gcc
#endif // UNIX
// If 'shellslash' is set change backslashes to forward slashes.
// Can't use slash_adjust(), p_ssl may be set temporarily.
if (p_ssl && var != NULL && vim_strchr(var, '\\') != NULL) {
char_u *p = vim_strsave(var);
if (mustfree) {
var = p;
mustfree = true;
// If "var" contains white space, escape it with a backslash.
// Required for ":e ~/tt" when $HOME includes a space.
if (esc && var != NULL && vim_strpbrk(var, (char_u *)" \t") != NULL) {
char_u *p = vim_strsave_escaped(var, (char_u *)" \t");
if (mustfree) {
var = p;
mustfree = true;
if (var != NULL && *var != NUL
&& (STRLEN(var) + STRLEN(tail) + 1 < (unsigned)dstlen)) {
STRCPY(dst, var);
dstlen -= (int)STRLEN(var);
int c = (int)STRLEN(var);
// if var[] ends in a path separator and tail[] starts
// with it, skip a character
if (*var != NUL && after_pathsep((char *)dst, (char *)dst + c)
&& dst[-1] != ':'
&& vim_ispathsep(*tail))
dst += c;
src = tail;
copy_char = false;
if (mustfree) {
if (copy_char) { // copy at least one char
// Recognize the start of a new name, for '~'.
// Don't do this when "one" is true, to avoid expanding "~" in
// ":edit foo ~ foo".
at_start = false;
if (src[0] == '\\' && src[1] != NUL) {
*dst++ = *src++;
} else if ((src[0] == ' ' || src[0] == ',') && !one) {
at_start = true;
if (dstlen > 0) {
*dst++ = *src++;
if (prefix != NULL
&& src - prefix_len >= srcp
&& STRNCMP(src - prefix_len, prefix, prefix_len) == 0) {
at_start = true;
*dst = NUL;
/// Check if the directory "vimdir/<version>" or "vimdir/runtime" exists.
/// Return NULL if not, return its name in allocated memory otherwise.
/// @param vimdir directory to test
static char *vim_version_dir(const char *vimdir)
if (vimdir == NULL || *vimdir == NUL) {
return NULL;
char *p = concat_fnames(vimdir, VIM_VERSION_NODOT, true);
if (os_isdir((char_u *)p)) {
return p;
p = concat_fnames(vimdir, RUNTIME_DIRNAME, true);
if (os_isdir((char_u *)p)) {
return p;
return NULL;
/// If `dirname + "/"` precedes `pend` in the path, return the pointer to
/// `dirname + "/" + pend`. Otherwise return `pend`.
/// Examples (path = /usr/local/share/nvim/runtime/doc/help.txt):
/// pend = help.txt
/// dirname = doc
/// -> doc/help.txt
/// pend = doc/help.txt
/// dirname = runtime
/// -> runtime/doc/help.txt
/// pend = runtime/doc/help.txt
/// dirname = vim74
/// -> runtime/doc/help.txt
/// @param path Path to a file
/// @param pend A suffix of the path
/// @param dirname The immediate path fragment before the pend
/// @return The new pend including dirname or just pend
static char *remove_tail(char *path, char *pend, char *dirname)
size_t len = STRLEN(dirname);
char *new_tail = pend - len - 1;
if (new_tail >= path
&& fnamencmp((char_u *)new_tail, (char_u *)dirname, len) == 0
&& (new_tail == path || after_pathsep(path, new_tail))) {
return new_tail;
return pend;
/// Iterates $PATH-like delimited list `val`.
/// @note Environment variables must not be modified during iteration.
/// @param[in] delim Delimiter character.
/// @param[in] val Value of the environment variable to iterate over.
/// @param[in] iter Pointer used for iteration. Must be NULL on first
/// iteration.
/// @param[out] dir Location where pointer to the start of the current
/// directory name should be saved. May be set to NULL.
/// @param[out] len Location where current directory length should be saved.
/// @return Next iter argument value or NULL when iteration should stop.
const void *vim_env_iter(const char delim,
const char *const val,
const void *const iter,
const char **const dir,
size_t *const len)
const char *varval = (const char *) iter;
if (varval == NULL) {
varval = val;
*dir = varval;
const char *const dirend = strchr(varval, delim);
if (dirend == NULL) {
*len = strlen(varval);
return NULL;
} else {
*len = (size_t) (dirend - varval);
return dirend + 1;
/// Iterates $PATH-like delimited list `val` in reverse order.
/// @note Environment variables must not be modified during iteration.
/// @param[in] delim Delimiter character.
/// @param[in] val Value of the environment variable to iterate over.
/// @param[in] iter Pointer used for iteration. Must be NULL on first
/// iteration.
/// @param[out] dir Location where pointer to the start of the current
/// directory name should be saved. May be set to NULL.
/// @param[out] len Location where current directory length should be saved.
/// @return Next iter argument value or NULL when iteration should stop.
const void *vim_env_iter_rev(const char delim,
const char *const val,
const void *const iter,
const char **const dir,
size_t *const len)
const char *varend = (const char *) iter;
if (varend == NULL) {
varend = val + strlen(val) - 1;
const size_t varlen = (size_t)(varend - val) + 1;
const char *const colon = xmemrchr(val, (uint8_t)delim, varlen);
if (colon == NULL) {
*len = varlen;
*dir = val;
return NULL;
} else {
*dir = colon + 1;
*len = (size_t) (varend - colon);
return colon - 1;
/// @param[out] exe_name should be at least MAXPATHL in size
void vim_get_prefix_from_exepath(char *exe_name)
// TODO(bfredl): param could have been written as "char exe_name[MAXPATHL]"
// but c_grammar.lua does not recognize it (yet).
xstrlcpy(exe_name, (char *)get_vim_var_str(VV_PROGPATH),
MAXPATHL * sizeof(*exe_name));
char *path_end = (char *)path_tail_with_sep((char_u *)exe_name);
*path_end = '\0'; // remove the trailing "nvim.exe"
path_end = (char *)path_tail((char_u *)exe_name);
*path_end = '\0'; // remove the trailing "bin/"
/// Vim getenv() wrapper with special handling of $HOME, $VIM, $VIMRUNTIME,
/// allowing the user to override the Nvim runtime directory at runtime.
/// Result must be freed by the caller.
/// @param name Environment variable to expand
/// @return [allocated] Expanded environment variable, or NULL
char *vim_getenv(const char *name)
// init_path() should have been called before now.
assert(get_vim_var_str(VV_PROGPATH)[0] != NUL);
#ifdef WIN32
if (strcmp(name, "HOME") == 0) {
return xstrdup(homedir);
const char *kos_env_path = os_getenv(name);
if (kos_env_path != NULL) {
return xstrdup(kos_env_path);
bool vimruntime = (strcmp(name, "VIMRUNTIME") == 0);
if (!vimruntime && strcmp(name, "VIM") != 0) {
return NULL;
// When expanding $VIMRUNTIME fails, try using $VIM/vim<version> or $VIM.
// Don't do this when default_vimruntime_dir is non-empty.
char *vim_path = NULL;
if (vimruntime
&& *default_vimruntime_dir == NUL
) {
kos_env_path = os_getenv("VIM");
if (kos_env_path != NULL) {
vim_path = vim_version_dir(kos_env_path);
if (vim_path == NULL) {
vim_path = xstrdup(kos_env_path);
// When expanding $VIM or $VIMRUNTIME fails, try using:
// - the directory name from 'helpfile' (unless it contains '$')
// - the executable name from argv[0]
if (vim_path == NULL) {
if (p_hf != NULL && vim_strchr(p_hf, '$') == NULL) {
vim_path = (char *)p_hf;
char exe_name[MAXPATHL];
// Find runtime path relative to the nvim binary: ../share/nvim/runtime
if (vim_path == NULL) {
if (append_path(
"share" _PATHSEPSTR "nvim" _PATHSEPSTR "runtime" _PATHSEPSTR,
vim_path = exe_name; // -V507
if (vim_path != NULL) {
// remove the file name
char *vim_path_end = (char *)path_tail((char_u *)vim_path);
// remove "doc/" from 'helpfile', if present
if (vim_path == (char *)p_hf) {
vim_path_end = remove_tail(vim_path, vim_path_end, "doc");
// for $VIM, remove "runtime/" or "vim54/", if present
if (!vimruntime) {
vim_path_end = remove_tail(vim_path, vim_path_end, RUNTIME_DIRNAME);
vim_path_end = remove_tail(vim_path, vim_path_end, VIM_VERSION_NODOT);
// remove trailing path separator
if (vim_path_end > vim_path && after_pathsep(vim_path, vim_path_end)) {
// check that the result is a directory name
assert(vim_path_end >= vim_path);
vim_path = xstrndup(vim_path, (size_t)(vim_path_end - vim_path));
if (!os_isdir((char_u *)vim_path)) {
vim_path = NULL;
assert(vim_path != exe_name);
// When there is a pathdef.c file we can use default_vim_dir and
// default_vimruntime_dir
if (vim_path == NULL) {
// Only use default_vimruntime_dir when it is not empty
if (vimruntime && *default_vimruntime_dir != NUL) {
vim_path = xstrdup(default_vimruntime_dir);
} else if (*default_vim_dir != NUL) {
if (vimruntime
&& (vim_path = vim_version_dir(default_vim_dir)) == NULL) {
vim_path = xstrdup(default_vim_dir);
// Set the environment variable, so that the new value can be found fast
// next time, and others can also use it (e.g. Perl).
if (vim_path != NULL) {
if (vimruntime) {
os_setenv("VIMRUNTIME", vim_path, 1);
didset_vimruntime = true;
} else {
os_setenv("VIM", vim_path, 1);
didset_vim = true;
return vim_path;
/// Replace home directory by "~" in each space or comma separated file name in
/// 'src'.
/// Replace home directory with tilde in each file name
/// If anything fails (except when out of space) dst equals src.
/// @param[in] buf When not NULL, uses this buffer to check whether it is
/// a help file. If it is then path to file is removed
/// completely, `one` is ignored and assumed to be true.
/// @param[in] src Input file names. Assumed to be a space/comma separated
/// list unless `one` is true.
/// @param[out] dst Where to put the result.
/// @param[in] dstlen Destination length.
/// @param[in] one If true, assumes source is a single file name and not
/// a list of them.
/// @return length of the string put into dst, does not include NUL byte.
size_t home_replace(const buf_T *const buf, const char_u *src,
char_u *const dst, size_t dstlen, const bool one)
size_t dirlen = 0;
size_t envlen = 0;
if (src == NULL) {
*dst = NUL;
return 0;
if (buf != NULL && buf->b_help) {
const size_t dlen = xstrlcpy((char *)dst, (char *)path_tail(src), dstlen);
return MIN(dlen, dstlen - 1);
// We check both the value of the $HOME environment variable and the
// "real" home directory.
if (homedir != NULL) {
dirlen = strlen(homedir);
const char *homedir_env = os_getenv("HOME");
#ifdef WIN32
if (homedir_env == NULL) {
homedir_env = os_getenv("USERPROFILE");
char *homedir_env_mod = (char *)homedir_env;
bool must_free = false;
if (homedir_env_mod != NULL && *homedir_env_mod == '~') {
must_free = true;
size_t usedlen = 0;
size_t flen = strlen(homedir_env_mod);
char_u *fbuf = NULL;
(void)modify_fname((char_u *)":p", false, &usedlen,
(char_u **)&homedir_env_mod, &fbuf, &flen);
flen = strlen(homedir_env_mod);
assert(homedir_env_mod != homedir_env);
if (vim_ispathsep(homedir_env_mod[flen - 1])) {
// Remove the trailing / that is added to a directory.
homedir_env_mod[flen - 1] = NUL;
if (homedir_env_mod != NULL) {
envlen = strlen(homedir_env_mod);
if (!one) {
src = skipwhite(src);
char *dst_p = (char *)dst;
while (*src && dstlen > 0) {
// Here we are at the beginning of a file name.
// First, check to see if the beginning of the file name matches
// $HOME or the "real" home directory. Check that there is a '/'
// after the match (so that if e.g. the file is "/home/pieter/bla",
// and the home directory is "/home/piet", the file does not end up
// as "~er/bla" (which would seem to indicate the file "bla" in user
// er's home directory)).
char *p = homedir;
size_t len = dirlen;
for (;;) {
if (len
&& fnamencmp(src, (char_u *)p, len) == 0
&& (vim_ispathsep(src[len])
|| (!one && (src[len] == ',' || src[len] == ' '))
|| src[len] == NUL)) {
src += len;
if (--dstlen > 0) {
*dst_p++ = '~';
// If it's just the home directory, add "/".
if (!vim_ispathsep(src[0]) && --dstlen > 0) {
*dst_p++ = '/';
if (p == homedir_env_mod) {
p = homedir_env_mod;
len = envlen;
// if (!one) skip to separator: space or comma.
while (*src && (one || (*src != ',' && *src != ' ')) && --dstlen > 0) {
*dst_p++ = (char)(*src++);
// Skip separator.
while ((*src == ' ' || *src == ',') && --dstlen > 0) {
*dst_p++ = (char)(*src++);
// If (dstlen == 0) out of space, what to do???
*dst_p = NUL;
if (must_free) {
return (size_t)(dst_p - (char *)dst);
/// Like home_replace, store the replaced string in allocated memory.
/// @param buf When not NULL, check for help files
/// @param src Input file name
char_u * home_replace_save(buf_T *buf, char_u *src) FUNC_ATTR_NONNULL_RET
size_t len = 3; // space for "~/" and trailing NUL
if (src != NULL) { // just in case
len += STRLEN(src);
char_u *dst = xmalloc(len);
home_replace(buf, src, dst, len, true);
return dst;
/// Function given to ExpandGeneric() to obtain an environment variable name.
char_u *get_env_name(expand_T *xp, int idx)
# define ENVNAMELEN 100
// this static buffer is needed to avoid a memory leak in ExpandGeneric
static char_u name[ENVNAMELEN];
assert(idx >= 0);
char *envname = os_getenvname_at_index((size_t)idx);
if (envname) {
STRLCPY(name, envname, ENVNAMELEN);
return name;
return NULL;
/// Appends the head of `fname` to $PATH and sets it in the environment.
/// @param fname Full path whose parent directory will be appended to $PATH.
/// @return true if `path` was appended-to
bool os_setenv_append_path(const char *fname)
#ifdef WIN32
// 8191 (plus NUL) is considered the practical maximum.
# define MAX_ENVPATHLEN 8192
// No prescribed maximum on unix.
if (!path_is_absolute((char_u *)fname)) {
return false;
const char *tail = (char *)path_tail_with_sep((char_u *)fname);
size_t dirlen = (size_t)(tail - fname);
assert(tail >= fname && dirlen + 1 < sizeof(os_buf));
xstrlcpy(os_buf, fname, dirlen + 1);
const char *path = os_getenv("PATH");
const size_t pathlen = path ? strlen(path) : 0;
const size_t newlen = pathlen + dirlen + 2;
if (newlen < MAX_ENVPATHLEN) {
char *temp = xmalloc(newlen);
if (pathlen == 0) {
temp[0] = NUL;
} else {
xstrlcpy(temp, path, newlen);
xstrlcat(temp, ENV_SEPSTR, newlen);
xstrlcat(temp, os_buf, newlen);
os_setenv("PATH", temp, 1);
return true;
return false;
/// Returns true if `sh` looks like it resolves to "cmd.exe".
bool os_shell_is_cmdexe(const char *sh)
if (*sh == NUL) {
return false;
if (striequal(sh, "$COMSPEC")) {
const char *comspec = os_getenv("COMSPEC");
return striequal("cmd.exe", (char *)path_tail((char_u *)comspec));
if (striequal(sh, "cmd.exe") || striequal(sh, "cmd")) {
return true;
return striequal("cmd.exe", (char *)path_tail((char_u *)sh));