
1801 lines
47 KiB

// This is an open source non-commercial project. Dear PVS-Studio, please check
// it. PVS-Studio Static Code Analyzer for C, C++ and C#:
// sign.c: functions for managing with signs
#include "nvim/vim.h"
#include "nvim/sign.h"
#include "nvim/ascii.h"
#include "nvim/buffer.h"
#include "nvim/charset.h"
#include "nvim/cursor.h"
#include "nvim/ex_docmd.h"
#include "nvim/edit.h"
#include "nvim/fold.h"
#include "nvim/move.h"
#include "nvim/screen.h"
#include "nvim/syntax.h"
/// Struct to hold the sign properties.
typedef struct sign sign_T;
struct sign
sign_T *sn_next; // next sign in list
int sn_typenr; // type number of sign
char_u *sn_name; // name of sign
char_u *sn_icon; // name of pixmap
char_u *sn_text; // text used instead of pixmap
int sn_line_hl; // highlight ID for line
int sn_text_hl; // highlight ID for text
int sn_num_hl; // highlight ID for line number
static sign_T *first_sign = NULL;
static int next_sign_typenr = 1;
static void sign_list_defined(sign_T *sp);
static void sign_undefine(sign_T *sp, sign_T *sp_prev);
static char *cmds[] = {
#define SIGNCMD_LIST 2
#define SIGNCMD_JUMP 5
#define SIGNCMD_LAST 6
static hashtab_T sg_table; // sign group (signgroup_T) hashtable
static int next_sign_id = 1; // next sign id in the global group
/// Initialize data needed for managing signs
void init_signs(void)
hash_init(&sg_table); // sign group hash table
/// A new sign in group 'groupname' is added. If the group is not present,
/// create it. Otherwise reference the group.
static signgroup_T * sign_group_ref(const char_u *groupname)
hash_T hash;
hashitem_T *hi;
signgroup_T *group;
hash = hash_hash(groupname);
hi = hash_lookup(&sg_table, (char *)groupname, STRLEN(groupname), hash);
// new group
group = xmalloc((unsigned)(sizeof(signgroup_T) + STRLEN(groupname)));
STRCPY(group->sg_name, groupname);
group->refcount = 1;
group->next_sign_id = 1;
hash_add_item(&sg_table, hi, group->sg_name, hash);
} else {
// existing group
group = HI2SG(hi);
return group;
/// A sign in group 'groupname' is removed. If all the signs in this group are
/// removed, then remove the group.
static void sign_group_unref(char_u *groupname)
hashitem_T *hi;
signgroup_T *group;
hi = hash_find(&sg_table, groupname);
if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi)) {
group = HI2SG(hi);
if (group->refcount == 0) {
// All the signs in this group are removed
hash_remove(&sg_table, hi);
/// Returns TRUE if 'sign' is in 'group'.
/// A sign can either be in the global group (sign->group == NULL)
/// or in a named group. If 'group' is '*', then the sign is part of the group.
int sign_in_group(signlist_T *sign, const char_u *group)
return ((group != NULL && STRCMP(group, "*") == 0)
|| (group == NULL && sign->group == NULL)
|| (group != NULL && sign->group != NULL
&& STRCMP(group, sign->group->sg_name) == 0));
/// Get the next free sign identifier in the specified group
int sign_group_get_next_signid(buf_T *buf, const char_u *groupname)
int id = 1;
signgroup_T *group = NULL;
signlist_T *sign;
hashitem_T *hi;
int found = false;
if (groupname != NULL) {
hi = hash_find(&sg_table, groupname);
return id;
group = HI2SG(hi);
// Search for the next usuable sign identifier
while (!found) {
if (group == NULL) {
id = next_sign_id++; // global group
} else {
id = group->next_sign_id++;
// Check whether this sign is already placed in the buffer
found = true;
FOR_ALL_SIGNS_IN_BUF(buf, sign) {
if (id == sign->id && sign_in_group(sign, groupname)) {
found = false; // sign identifier is in use
return id;
/// Insert a new sign into the signlist for buffer 'buf' between the 'prev' and
/// 'next' signs.
static void insert_sign(
buf_T *buf, // buffer to store sign in
signlist_T *prev, // previous sign entry
signlist_T *next, // next sign entry
int id, // sign ID
const char_u *group, // sign group; NULL for global group
int prio, // sign priority
linenr_T lnum, // line number which gets the mark
int typenr // typenr of sign we are adding
signlist_T *newsign = xmalloc(sizeof(signlist_T));
newsign->id = id;
newsign->lnum = lnum;
newsign->typenr = typenr;
if (group != NULL) {
newsign->group = sign_group_ref(group);
} else {
newsign->group = NULL;
newsign->priority = prio;
newsign->next = next;
newsign->prev = prev;
if (next != NULL) {
next->prev = newsign;
buf->b_signcols_max = -1;
if (prev == NULL) {
// When adding first sign need to redraw the windows to create the
// column for signs.
if (buf->b_signlist == NULL) {
redraw_buf_later(buf, NOT_VALID);
// first sign in signlist
buf->b_signlist = newsign;
} else {
prev->next = newsign;
/// Insert a new sign sorted by line number and sign priority.
static void insert_sign_by_lnum_prio(
buf_T *buf, // buffer to store sign in
signlist_T *prev, // previous sign entry
int id, // sign ID
const char_u *group, // sign group; NULL for global group
int prio, // sign priority
linenr_T lnum, // line number which gets the mark
int typenr // typenr of sign we are adding
signlist_T *sign;
// keep signs sorted by lnum, priority and id: insert new sign at
// the proper position in the list for this lnum.
while (prev != NULL && prev->lnum == lnum
&& (prev->priority < prio
|| (prev->priority == prio && prev->id <= id))) {
prev = prev->prev;
if (prev == NULL) {
sign = buf->b_signlist;
} else {
sign = prev->next;
insert_sign(buf, prev, sign, id, group, prio, lnum, typenr);
/// Get the name of a sign by its typenr.
char_u * sign_typenr2name(int typenr)
sign_T *sp;
for (sp = first_sign; sp != NULL; sp = sp->sn_next) {
if (sp->sn_typenr == typenr) {
return sp->sn_name;
return (char_u *)_("[Deleted]");
/// Return information about a sign in a Dict
dict_T * sign_get_info(signlist_T *sign)
dict_T *d = tv_dict_alloc();
tv_dict_add_nr(d, S_LEN("id"), sign->id);
tv_dict_add_str(d, S_LEN("group"), ((sign->group == NULL)
? (char *)""
: (char *)sign->group->sg_name));
tv_dict_add_nr(d, S_LEN("lnum"), sign->lnum);
tv_dict_add_str(d, S_LEN("name"), (char *)sign_typenr2name(sign->typenr));
tv_dict_add_nr(d, S_LEN("priority"), sign->priority);
return d;
// Sort the signs placed on the same line as "sign" by priority. Invoked after
// changing the priority of an already placed sign. Assumes the signs in the
// buffer are sorted by line number and priority.
static void sign_sort_by_prio_on_line(buf_T *buf, signlist_T *sign)
// If there is only one sign in the buffer or only one sign on the line or
// the sign is already sorted by priority, then return.
if ((sign->prev == NULL
|| sign->prev->lnum != sign->lnum
|| sign->prev->priority > sign->priority)
&& (sign->next == NULL
|| sign->next->lnum != sign->lnum
|| sign->next->priority < sign->priority)) {
// One or more signs on the same line as 'sign'
// Find a sign after which 'sign' should be inserted
// First search backward for a sign with higher priority on the same line
signlist_T *p = sign;
while (p->prev != NULL
&& p->prev->lnum == sign->lnum
&& p->prev->priority <= sign->priority) {
p = p->prev;
if (p == sign) {
// Sign not found. Search forward for a sign with priority just before
// 'sign'.
p = sign->next;
while (p->next != NULL
&& p->next->lnum == sign->lnum
&& p->next->priority > sign->priority) {
p = p->next;
// Remove 'sign' from the list
if (buf->b_signlist == sign) {
buf->b_signlist = sign->next;
if (sign->prev != NULL) {
sign->prev->next = sign->next;
if (sign->next != NULL) {
sign->next->prev = sign->prev;
sign->prev = NULL;
sign->next = NULL;
// Re-insert 'sign' at the right place
if (p->priority <= sign->priority) {
// 'sign' has a higher priority and should be inserted before 'p'
sign->prev = p->prev;
sign->next = p;
p->prev = sign;
if (sign->prev != NULL) {
sign->prev->next = sign;
if (buf->b_signlist == p) {
buf->b_signlist = sign;
} else {
// 'sign' has a lower priority and should be inserted after 'p'
sign->prev = p;
sign->next = p->next;
p->next = sign;
if (sign->next != NULL) {
sign->next->prev = sign;
/// Add the sign into the signlist. Find the right spot to do it though.
void buf_addsign(
buf_T *buf, // buffer to store sign in
int id, // sign ID
const char_u *groupname, // sign group
int prio, // sign priority
linenr_T lnum, // line number which gets the mark
int typenr // typenr of sign we are adding
signlist_T *sign; // a sign in the signlist
signlist_T *prev; // the previous sign
prev = NULL;
FOR_ALL_SIGNS_IN_BUF(buf, sign) {
if (lnum == sign->lnum && id == sign->id
&& sign_in_group(sign, groupname)) {
// Update an existing sign
sign->typenr = typenr;
sign->priority = prio;
sign_sort_by_prio_on_line(buf, sign);
} else if (lnum < sign->lnum) {
insert_sign_by_lnum_prio(buf, prev, id, groupname, prio, lnum, typenr);
prev = sign;
insert_sign_by_lnum_prio(buf, prev, id, groupname, prio, lnum, typenr);
// For an existing, placed sign "markId" change the type to "typenr".
// Returns the line number of the sign, or zero if the sign is not found.
linenr_T buf_change_sign_type(
buf_T *buf, // buffer to store sign in
int markId, // sign ID
const char_u *group, // sign group
int typenr // typenr of sign we are adding
signlist_T *sign; // a sign in the signlist
FOR_ALL_SIGNS_IN_BUF(buf, sign) {
if (sign->id == markId && sign_in_group(sign, group)) {
sign->typenr = typenr;
return sign->lnum;
return (linenr_T)0;
/// Gets a sign from a given line.
/// Return the type number of the sign at line number 'lnum' in buffer 'buf'
/// which has the attribute specified by 'type'. Returns 0 if a sign is not
/// found at the line number or it doesn't have the specified attribute.
/// @param buf Buffer in which to search
/// @param lnum Line in which to search
/// @param type Type of sign to look for
/// @param idx if there multiple signs, this index will pick the n-th
// out of the most `max_signs` sorted ascending by Id.
/// @param max_signs the number of signs, with priority for the ones
// with the highest Ids.
/// @return Identifier of the matching sign, or 0
int buf_getsigntype(buf_T *buf, linenr_T lnum, SignType type,
int idx, int max_signs)
signlist_T *sign; // a sign in a b_signlist
signlist_T *matches[9];
int nr_matches = 0;
FOR_ALL_SIGNS_IN_BUF(buf, sign) {
if (sign->lnum == lnum
&& (type == SIGN_ANY
|| (type == SIGN_TEXT
&& sign_get_text(sign->typenr) != NULL)
|| (type == SIGN_LINEHL
&& sign_get_attr(sign->typenr, SIGN_LINEHL) != 0)
|| (type == SIGN_NUMHL
&& sign_get_attr(sign->typenr, SIGN_NUMHL) != 0))) {
matches[nr_matches] = sign;
// signlist is sorted with most important (priority, id), thus we
// may stop as soon as we have max_signs matches
if (nr_matches == ARRAY_SIZE(matches) || nr_matches >= max_signs) {
if (nr_matches > 0) {
if (idx >= nr_matches) {
return 0;
return matches[nr_matches - idx -1]->typenr;
return 0;
/// Delete sign 'id' in group 'group' from buffer 'buf'.
/// If 'id' is zero, then delete all the signs in group 'group'. Otherwise
/// delete only the specified sign.
/// If 'group' is '*', then delete the sign in all the groups. If 'group' is
/// NULL, then delete the sign in the global group. Otherwise delete the sign in
/// the specified group.
/// Returns the line number of the deleted sign. If multiple signs are deleted,
/// then returns the line number of the last sign deleted.
linenr_T buf_delsign(
buf_T *buf, // buffer sign is stored in
linenr_T atlnum, // sign at this line, 0 - at any line
int id, // sign id
char_u *group // sign group
signlist_T **lastp; // pointer to pointer to current sign
signlist_T *sign; // a sign in a b_signlist
signlist_T *next; // the next sign in a b_signlist
linenr_T lnum; // line number whose sign was deleted
buf->b_signcols_max = -1;
lastp = &buf->b_signlist;
lnum = 0;
for (sign = buf->b_signlist; sign != NULL; sign = next) {
next = sign->next;
if ((id == 0 || sign->id == id)
&& (atlnum == 0 || sign->lnum == atlnum)
&& sign_in_group(sign, group)) {
*lastp = next;
if (next != NULL) {
next->prev = sign->prev;
lnum = sign->lnum;
if (sign->group != NULL) {
redraw_buf_line_later(buf, lnum);
// Check whether only one sign needs to be deleted
// If deleting a sign with a specific identifier in a particular
// group or deleting any sign at a particular line number, delete
// only one sign.
if (group == NULL
|| (*group != '*' && id != 0)
|| (*group == '*' && atlnum != 0)) {
} else {
lastp = &sign->next;
// When deleting the last sign the cursor position may change, because the
// sign columns no longer shows. And the 'signcolumn' may be hidden.
if (buf->b_signlist == NULL) {
redraw_buf_later(buf, NOT_VALID);
return lnum;
/// Find the line number of the sign with the requested id in group 'group'. If
/// the sign does not exist, return 0 as the line number. This will still let
/// the correct file get loaded.
int buf_findsign(
buf_T *buf, // buffer to store sign in
int id, // sign ID
char_u *group // sign group
signlist_T *sign; // a sign in the signlist
FOR_ALL_SIGNS_IN_BUF(buf, sign) {
if (sign->id == id && sign_in_group(sign, group)) {
return (int)sign->lnum;
return 0;
/// Return the sign at line 'lnum' in buffer 'buf'. Returns NULL if a sign is
/// not found at the line. If 'groupname' is NULL, searches in the global group.
static signlist_T * buf_getsign_at_line(
buf_T *buf, // buffer whose sign we are searching for
linenr_T lnum, // line number of sign
char_u *groupname // sign group name
signlist_T *sign; // a sign in the signlist
FOR_ALL_SIGNS_IN_BUF(buf, sign) {
if (sign->lnum == lnum && sign_in_group(sign, groupname)) {
return sign;
return NULL;
/// Return the identifier of the sign at line number 'lnum' in buffer 'buf'.
int buf_findsign_id(
buf_T *buf, // buffer whose sign we are searching for
linenr_T lnum, // line number of sign
char_u *groupname // sign group name
signlist_T *sign; // a sign in the signlist
sign = buf_getsign_at_line(buf, lnum, groupname);
if (sign != NULL) {
return sign->id;
return 0;
/// Delete signs in buffer "buf".
void buf_delete_signs(buf_T *buf, char_u *group)
signlist_T *sign;
signlist_T **lastp; // pointer to pointer to current sign
signlist_T *next;
// When deleting the last sign need to redraw the windows to remove the
// sign column. Not when curwin is NULL (this means we're exiting).
if (buf->b_signlist != NULL && curwin != NULL) {
lastp = &buf->b_signlist;
for (sign = buf->b_signlist; sign != NULL; sign = next) {
next = sign->next;
if (sign_in_group(sign, group)) {
*lastp = next;
if (next != NULL) {
next->prev = sign->prev;
if (sign->group != NULL) {
} else {
lastp = &sign->next;
buf->b_signcols_max = -1;
/// List placed signs for "rbuf". If "rbuf" is NULL do it for all buffers.
void sign_list_placed(buf_T *rbuf, char_u *sign_group)
buf_T *buf;
signlist_T *sign;
char lbuf[MSG_BUF_LEN];
char group[MSG_BUF_LEN];
MSG_PUTS_TITLE(_("\n--- Signs ---"));
if (rbuf == NULL) {
buf = firstbuf;
} else {
buf = rbuf;
while (buf != NULL && !got_int) {
if (buf->b_signlist != NULL) {
vim_snprintf(lbuf, MSG_BUF_LEN, _("Signs for %s:"), buf->b_fname);
FOR_ALL_SIGNS_IN_BUF(buf, sign) {
if (got_int) {
if (!sign_in_group(sign, sign_group)) {
if (sign->group != NULL) {
vim_snprintf(group, MSG_BUF_LEN, _(" group=%s"),
} else {
group[0] = '\0';
vim_snprintf(lbuf, MSG_BUF_LEN,
_(" line=%ld id=%d%s name=%s priority=%d"),
(long)sign->lnum, sign->id, group,
sign_typenr2name(sign->typenr), sign->priority);
if (rbuf != NULL) {
buf = buf->b_next;
/// Adjust a placed sign for inserted/deleted lines.
void sign_mark_adjust(
linenr_T line1,
linenr_T line2,
long amount,
long amount_after
signlist_T *sign; // a sign in a b_signlist
linenr_T new_lnum; // new line number to assign to sign
curbuf->b_signcols_max = -1;
FOR_ALL_SIGNS_IN_BUF(curbuf, sign) {
new_lnum = sign->lnum;
if (sign->lnum >= line1 && sign->lnum <= line2) {
if (amount != MAXLNUM) {
new_lnum += amount;
} else if (sign->lnum > line2) {
new_lnum += amount_after;
// If the new sign line number is past the last line in the buffer,
// then don't adjust the line number. Otherwise, it will always be past
// the last line and will not be visible.
if (sign->lnum >= line1 && new_lnum <= curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count) {
sign->lnum = new_lnum;
/// Find index of a ":sign" subcmd from its name.
/// "*end_cmd" must be writable.
static int sign_cmd_idx(
char_u *begin_cmd, // begin of sign subcmd
char_u *end_cmd // just after sign subcmd
int idx;
char_u save = *end_cmd;
*end_cmd = (char_u)NUL;
for (idx = 0; ; idx++) {
if (cmds[idx] == NULL || STRCMP(begin_cmd, cmds[idx]) == 0) {
*end_cmd = save;
return idx;
/// Find a sign by name. Also returns pointer to the previous sign.
static sign_T * sign_find(const char_u *name, sign_T **sp_prev)
sign_T *sp;
if (sp_prev != NULL) {
*sp_prev = NULL;
for (sp = first_sign; sp != NULL; sp = sp->sn_next) {
if (STRCMP(sp->sn_name, name) == 0) {
if (sp_prev != NULL) {
*sp_prev = sp;
return sp;
/// Allocate a new sign
static sign_T * alloc_new_sign(char_u *name)
sign_T *sp;
sign_T *lp;
int start = next_sign_typenr;
// Allocate a new sign.
sp = xcalloc(1, sizeof(sign_T));
// Check that next_sign_typenr is not already being used.
// This only happens after wrapping around. Hopefully
// another one got deleted and we can use its number.
for (lp = first_sign; lp != NULL; ) {
if (lp->sn_typenr == next_sign_typenr) {
if (next_sign_typenr == MAX_TYPENR) {
next_sign_typenr = 1;
if (next_sign_typenr == start) {
EMSG(_("E612: Too many signs defined"));
return NULL;
lp = first_sign; // start all over
lp = lp->sn_next;
sp->sn_typenr = next_sign_typenr;
if (++next_sign_typenr == MAX_TYPENR) {
next_sign_typenr = 1; // wrap around
sp->sn_name = vim_strsave(name);
return sp;
/// Initialize the icon information for a new sign
static void sign_define_init_icon(sign_T *sp, char_u *icon)
sp->sn_icon = vim_strsave(icon);
/// Initialize the text for a new sign
static int sign_define_init_text(sign_T *sp, char_u *text)
char_u *s;
char_u *endp;
int cells;
size_t len;
endp = text + (int)STRLEN(text);
for (s = text; s + 1 < endp; s++) {
if (*s == '\\') {
// Remove a backslash, so that it is possible
// to use a space.
STRMOVE(s, s + 1);
// Count cells and check for non-printable chars
cells = 0;
for (s = text; s < endp; s += (*mb_ptr2len)(s)) {
if (!vim_isprintc(utf_ptr2char(s))) {
cells += utf_ptr2cells(s);
// Currently must be one or two display cells
if (s != endp || cells < 1 || cells > 2) {
EMSG2(_("E239: Invalid sign text: %s"), text);
return FAIL;
// Allocate one byte more if we need to pad up
// with a space.
len = (size_t)(endp - text + ((cells == 1) ? 1 : 0));
sp->sn_text = vim_strnsave(text, len);
if (cells == 1) {
STRCPY(sp->sn_text + len - 1, " ");
return OK;
/// Define a new sign or update an existing sign
int sign_define_by_name(
char_u *name,
char_u *icon,
char_u *linehl,
char_u *text,
char_u *texthl,
char_u *numhl
sign_T *sp_prev;
sign_T *sp;
sp = sign_find(name, &sp_prev);
if (sp == NULL) {
sp = alloc_new_sign(name);
if (sp == NULL) {
return FAIL;
// add the new sign to the list of signs
if (sp_prev == NULL) {
first_sign = sp;
} else {
sp_prev->sn_next = sp;
// set values for a defined sign.
if (icon != NULL) {
sign_define_init_icon(sp, icon);
if (text != NULL && (sign_define_init_text(sp, text) == FAIL)) {
return FAIL;
if (linehl != NULL) {
sp->sn_line_hl = syn_check_group(linehl, (int)STRLEN(linehl));
if (texthl != NULL) {
sp->sn_text_hl = syn_check_group(texthl, (int)STRLEN(texthl));
if (numhl != NULL) {
sp->sn_num_hl = syn_check_group(numhl, (int)STRLEN(numhl));
return OK;
/// Free the sign specified by 'name'.
int sign_undefine_by_name(const char_u *name)
sign_T *sp_prev;
sign_T *sp;
sp = sign_find(name, &sp_prev);
if (sp == NULL) {
EMSG2(_("E155: Unknown sign: %s"), name);
return FAIL;
sign_undefine(sp, sp_prev);
return OK;
/// List the signs matching 'name'
static void sign_list_by_name(char_u *name)
sign_T *sp;
sp = sign_find(name, NULL);
if (sp != NULL) {
} else {
EMSG2(_("E155: Unknown sign: %s"), name);
/// Place a sign at the specified file location or update a sign.
int sign_place(
int *sign_id,
const char_u *sign_group,
const char_u *sign_name,
buf_T *buf,
linenr_T lnum,
int prio
sign_T *sp;
// Check for reserved character '*' in group name
if (sign_group != NULL && (*sign_group == '*' || *sign_group == '\0')) {
return FAIL;
for (sp = first_sign; sp != NULL; sp = sp->sn_next) {
if (STRCMP(sp->sn_name, sign_name) == 0) {
if (sp == NULL) {
EMSG2(_("E155: Unknown sign: %s"), sign_name);
return FAIL;
if (*sign_id == 0) {
*sign_id = sign_group_get_next_signid(buf, sign_group);
if (lnum > 0) {
// ":sign place {id} line={lnum} name={name} file={fname}":
// place a sign
buf_addsign(buf, *sign_id, sign_group, prio, lnum, sp->sn_typenr);
} else {
// ":sign place {id} file={fname}": change sign type
lnum = buf_change_sign_type(buf, *sign_id, sign_group, sp->sn_typenr);
if (lnum > 0) {
redraw_buf_line_later(buf, lnum);
} else {
EMSG2(_("E885: Not possible to change sign %s"), sign_name);
return FAIL;
return OK;
/// Unplace the specified sign
int sign_unplace(int sign_id, char_u *sign_group, buf_T *buf, linenr_T atlnum)
if (buf->b_signlist == NULL) { // No signs in the buffer
return OK;
if (sign_id == 0) {
// Delete all the signs in the specified buffer
redraw_buf_later(buf, NOT_VALID);
buf_delete_signs(buf, sign_group);
} else {
linenr_T lnum;
// Delete only the specified signs
lnum = buf_delsign(buf, atlnum, sign_id, sign_group);
if (lnum == 0) {
return FAIL;
redraw_buf_line_later(buf, lnum);
return OK;
/// Unplace the sign at the current cursor line.
static void sign_unplace_at_cursor(char_u *groupname)
int id = -1;
id = buf_findsign_id(curwin->w_buffer, curwin->w_cursor.lnum, groupname);
if (id > 0) {
sign_unplace(id, groupname, curwin->w_buffer, curwin->w_cursor.lnum);
} else {
EMSG(_("E159: Missing sign number"));
/// Jump to a sign.
linenr_T sign_jump(int sign_id, char_u *sign_group, buf_T *buf)
linenr_T lnum;
if ((lnum = buf_findsign(buf, sign_id, sign_group)) <= 0) {
EMSGN(_("E157: Invalid sign ID: %" PRId64), sign_id);
return -1;
// goto a sign ...
if (buf_jump_open_win(buf) != NULL) { // ... in a current window
curwin->w_cursor.lnum = lnum;
} else { // ... not currently in a window
if (buf->b_fname == NULL) {
EMSG(_("E934: Cannot jump to a buffer that does not have a name"));
return -1;
size_t cmdlen = STRLEN(buf->b_fname) + 24;
char *cmd = xmallocz(cmdlen);
snprintf(cmd, cmdlen, "e +%" PRId64 " %s",
(int64_t)lnum, buf->b_fname);
return lnum;
/// ":sign define {name} ..." command
static void sign_define_cmd(char_u *sign_name, char_u *cmdline)
char_u *arg;
char_u *p = cmdline;
char_u *icon = NULL;
char_u *text = NULL;
char_u *linehl = NULL;
char_u *texthl = NULL;
char_u *numhl = NULL;
int failed = false;
// set values for a defined sign.
for (;;) {
arg = skipwhite(p);
if (*arg == NUL) {
p = skiptowhite_esc(arg);
if (STRNCMP(arg, "icon=", 5) == 0) {
arg += 5;
icon = vim_strnsave(arg, (size_t)(p - arg));
} else if (STRNCMP(arg, "text=", 5) == 0) {
arg += 5;
text = vim_strnsave(arg, (size_t)(p - arg));
} else if (STRNCMP(arg, "linehl=", 7) == 0) {
arg += 7;
linehl = vim_strnsave(arg, (size_t)(p - arg));
} else if (STRNCMP(arg, "texthl=", 7) == 0) {
arg += 7;
texthl = vim_strnsave(arg, (size_t)(p - arg));
} else if (STRNCMP(arg, "numhl=", 6) == 0) {
arg += 6;
numhl = vim_strnsave(arg, (size_t)(p - arg));
} else {
EMSG2(_(e_invarg2), arg);
failed = true;
if (!failed) {
sign_define_by_name(sign_name, icon, linehl, text, texthl, numhl);
/// ":sign place" command
static void sign_place_cmd(
buf_T *buf,
linenr_T lnum,
char_u *sign_name,
int id,
char_u *group,
int prio
if (id <= 0) {
// List signs placed in a file/buffer
// :sign place file={fname}
// :sign place group={group} file={fname}
// :sign place group=* file={fname}
// :sign place buffer={nr}
// :sign place group={group} buffer={nr}
// :sign place group=* buffer={nr}
// :sign place
// :sign place group={group}
// :sign place group=*
if (lnum >= 0 || sign_name != NULL
|| (group != NULL && *group == '\0')) {
} else {
sign_list_placed(buf, group);
} else {
// Place a new sign
if (sign_name == NULL || buf == NULL
|| (group != NULL && *group == '\0')) {
sign_place(&id, group, sign_name, buf, lnum, prio);
/// ":sign unplace" command
static void sign_unplace_cmd(
buf_T *buf,
linenr_T lnum,
char_u *sign_name,
int id,
char_u *group
if (lnum >= 0 || sign_name != NULL || (group != NULL && *group == '\0')) {
if (id == -2) {
if (buf != NULL) {
// :sign unplace * file={fname}
// :sign unplace * group={group} file={fname}
// :sign unplace * group=* file={fname}
// :sign unplace * buffer={nr}
// :sign unplace * group={group} buffer={nr}
// :sign unplace * group=* buffer={nr}
sign_unplace(0, group, buf, 0);
} else {
// :sign unplace *
// :sign unplace * group={group}
// :sign unplace * group=*
if (cbuf->b_signlist != NULL) {
buf_delete_signs(cbuf, group);
} else {
if (buf != NULL) {
// :sign unplace {id} file={fname}
// :sign unplace {id} group={group} file={fname}
// :sign unplace {id} group=* file={fname}
// :sign unplace {id} buffer={nr}
// :sign unplace {id} group={group} buffer={nr}
// :sign unplace {id} group=* buffer={nr}
sign_unplace(id, group, buf, 0);
} else {
if (id == -1) {
// :sign unplace group={group}
// :sign unplace group=*
} else {
// :sign unplace {id}
// :sign unplace {id} group={group}
// :sign unplace {id} group=*
sign_unplace(id, group, cbuf, 0);
/// Jump to a placed sign commands:
/// :sign jump {id} file={fname}
/// :sign jump {id} buffer={nr}
/// :sign jump {id} group={group} file={fname}
/// :sign jump {id} group={group} buffer={nr}
static void sign_jump_cmd(
buf_T *buf,
linenr_T lnum,
char_u *sign_name,
int id,
char_u *group
if (sign_name == NULL && group == NULL && id == -1) {
if (buf == NULL || (group != NULL && *group == '\0')
|| lnum >= 0 || sign_name != NULL) {
// File or buffer is not specified or an empty group is used
// or a line number or a sign name is specified.
(void)sign_jump(id, group, buf);
/// Parse the command line arguments for the ":sign place", ":sign unplace" and
/// ":sign jump" commands.
/// The supported arguments are: line={lnum} name={name} group={group}
/// priority={prio} and file={fname} or buffer={nr}.
static int parse_sign_cmd_args(
int cmd,
char_u *arg,
char_u **sign_name,
int *signid,
char_u **group,
int *prio,
buf_T **buf,
linenr_T *lnum
char_u *arg1;
char_u *name;
char_u *filename = NULL;
int lnum_arg = false;
// first arg could be placed sign id
arg1 = arg;
if (ascii_isdigit(*arg)) {
*signid = getdigits_int(&arg, true, 0);
if (!ascii_iswhite(*arg) && *arg != NUL) {
*signid = -1;
arg = arg1;
} else {
arg = skipwhite(arg);
while (*arg != NUL) {
if (STRNCMP(arg, "line=", 5) == 0) {
arg += 5;
*lnum = atoi((char *)arg);
arg = skiptowhite(arg);
lnum_arg = true;
} else if (STRNCMP(arg, "*", 1) == 0 && cmd == SIGNCMD_UNPLACE) {
if (*signid != -1) {
return FAIL;
*signid = -2;
arg = skiptowhite(arg + 1);
} else if (STRNCMP(arg, "name=", 5) == 0) {
arg += 5;
name = arg;
arg = skiptowhite(arg);
if (*arg != NUL) {
*arg++ = NUL;
while (name[0] == '0' && name[1] != NUL) {
*sign_name = name;
} else if (STRNCMP(arg, "group=", 6) == 0) {
arg += 6;
*group = arg;
arg = skiptowhite(arg);
if (*arg != NUL) {
*arg++ = NUL;
} else if (STRNCMP(arg, "priority=", 9) == 0) {
arg += 9;
*prio = atoi((char *)arg);
arg = skiptowhite(arg);
} else if (STRNCMP(arg, "file=", 5) == 0) {
arg += 5;
filename = arg;
*buf = buflist_findname_exp(arg);
} else if (STRNCMP(arg, "buffer=", 7) == 0) {
arg += 7;
filename = arg;
*buf = buflist_findnr(getdigits_int(&arg, true, 0));
if (*skipwhite(arg) != NUL) {
} else {
return FAIL;
arg = skipwhite(arg);
if (filename != NULL && *buf == NULL) {
EMSG2(_("E158: Invalid buffer name: %s"), filename);
return FAIL;
// If the filename is not supplied for the sign place or the sign jump
// command, then use the current buffer.
if (filename == NULL && ((cmd == SIGNCMD_PLACE && lnum_arg)
|| cmd == SIGNCMD_JUMP)) {
*buf = curwin->w_buffer;
return OK;
/// ":sign" command
void ex_sign(exarg_T *eap)
char_u *arg = eap->arg;
char_u *p;
int idx;
sign_T *sp;
// Parse the subcommand.
p = skiptowhite(arg);
idx = sign_cmd_idx(arg, p);
if (idx == SIGNCMD_LAST) {
EMSG2(_("E160: Unknown sign command: %s"), arg);
arg = skipwhite(p);
if (idx <= SIGNCMD_LIST) {
// Define, undefine or list signs.
if (idx == SIGNCMD_LIST && *arg == NUL) {
// ":sign list": list all defined signs
for (sp = first_sign; sp != NULL && !got_int; sp = sp->sn_next) {
} else if (*arg == NUL) {
EMSG(_("E156: Missing sign name"));
} else {
char_u *name;
// Isolate the sign name. If it's a number skip leading zeroes,
// so that "099" and "99" are the same sign. But keep "0".
p = skiptowhite(arg);
if (*p != NUL) {
*p++ = NUL;
while (arg[0] == '0' && arg[1] != NUL) {
name = vim_strsave(arg);
if (idx == SIGNCMD_DEFINE) {
sign_define_cmd(name, p);
} else if (idx == SIGNCMD_LIST) {
// ":sign list {name}"
} else {
// ":sign undefine {name}"
} else {
int id = -1;
linenr_T lnum = -1;
char_u *sign_name = NULL;
char_u *group = NULL;
int prio = SIGN_DEF_PRIO;
buf_T *buf = NULL;
// Parse command line arguments
if (parse_sign_cmd_args(idx, arg, &sign_name, &id, &group, &prio,
&buf, &lnum) == FAIL) {
if (idx == SIGNCMD_PLACE) {
sign_place_cmd(buf, lnum, sign_name, id, group, prio);
} else if (idx == SIGNCMD_UNPLACE) {
sign_unplace_cmd(buf, lnum, sign_name, id, group);
} else if (idx == SIGNCMD_JUMP) {
sign_jump_cmd(buf, lnum, sign_name, id, group);
/// Return information about a specified sign
static void sign_getinfo(sign_T *sp, dict_T *retdict)
const char *p;
tv_dict_add_str(retdict, S_LEN("name"), (char *)sp->sn_name);
if (sp->sn_icon != NULL) {
tv_dict_add_str(retdict, S_LEN("icon"), (char *)sp->sn_icon);
if (sp->sn_text != NULL) {
tv_dict_add_str(retdict, S_LEN("text"), (char *)sp->sn_text);
if (sp->sn_line_hl > 0) {
p = get_highlight_name_ext(NULL, sp->sn_line_hl - 1, false);
if (p == NULL) {
p = "NONE";
tv_dict_add_str(retdict, S_LEN("linehl"), (char *)p);
if (sp->sn_text_hl > 0) {
p = get_highlight_name_ext(NULL, sp->sn_text_hl - 1, false);
if (p == NULL) {
p = "NONE";
tv_dict_add_str(retdict, S_LEN("texthl"), (char *)p);
if (sp->sn_num_hl > 0) {
p = get_highlight_name_ext(NULL, sp->sn_num_hl - 1, false);
if (p == NULL) {
p = "NONE";
tv_dict_add_str(retdict, S_LEN("numhl"), (char *)p);
/// If 'name' is NULL, return a list of all the defined signs.
/// Otherwise, return information about the specified sign.
void sign_getlist(const char_u *name, list_T *retlist)
sign_T *sp = first_sign;
dict_T *dict;
if (name != NULL) {
sp = sign_find(name, NULL);
if (sp == NULL) {
for (; sp != NULL && !got_int; sp = sp->sn_next) {
dict = tv_dict_alloc();
tv_list_append_dict(retlist, dict);
sign_getinfo(sp, dict);
if (name != NULL) { // handle only the specified sign
/// Returns information about signs placed in a buffer as list of dicts.
list_T *get_buffer_signs(buf_T *buf)
signlist_T *sign;
dict_T *d;
list_T *const l = tv_list_alloc(kListLenMayKnow);
FOR_ALL_SIGNS_IN_BUF(buf, sign) {
d = sign_get_info(sign);
tv_list_append_dict(l, d);
return l;
/// Return information about all the signs placed in a buffer
static void sign_get_placed_in_buf(
buf_T *buf,
linenr_T lnum,
int sign_id,
const char_u *sign_group,
list_T *retlist)
dict_T *d;
list_T *l;
signlist_T *sign;
d = tv_dict_alloc();
tv_list_append_dict(retlist, d);
tv_dict_add_nr(d, S_LEN("bufnr"), (long)buf->b_fnum);
l = tv_list_alloc(kListLenMayKnow);
tv_dict_add_list(d, S_LEN("signs"), l);
FOR_ALL_SIGNS_IN_BUF(buf, sign) {
if (!sign_in_group(sign, sign_group)) {
if ((lnum == 0 && sign_id == 0)
|| (sign_id == 0 && lnum == sign->lnum)
|| (lnum == 0 && sign_id == sign->id)
|| (lnum == sign->lnum && sign_id == sign->id)) {
tv_list_append_dict(l, sign_get_info(sign));
/// Get a list of signs placed in buffer 'buf'. If 'num' is non-zero, return the
/// sign placed at the line number. If 'lnum' is zero, return all the signs
/// placed in 'buf'. If 'buf' is NULL, return signs placed in all the buffers.
void sign_get_placed(
buf_T *buf,
linenr_T lnum,
int sign_id,
const char_u *sign_group,
list_T *retlist
if (buf != NULL) {
sign_get_placed_in_buf(buf, lnum, sign_id, sign_group, retlist);
} else {
if (cbuf->b_signlist != NULL) {
sign_get_placed_in_buf(cbuf, 0, sign_id, sign_group, retlist);
/// List one sign.
static void sign_list_defined(sign_T *sp)
smsg("sign %s", sp->sn_name);
if (sp->sn_icon != NULL) {
msg_puts(" icon=");
msg_puts(_(" (not supported)"));
if (sp->sn_text != NULL) {
msg_puts(" text=");
if (sp->sn_line_hl > 0) {
msg_puts(" linehl=");
const char *const p = get_highlight_name_ext(NULL,
sp->sn_line_hl - 1, false);
if (p == NULL) {
} else {
if (sp->sn_text_hl > 0) {
msg_puts(" texthl=");
const char *const p = get_highlight_name_ext(NULL,
sp->sn_text_hl - 1, false);
if (p == NULL) {
} else {
if (sp->sn_num_hl > 0) {
msg_puts(" numhl=");
const char *const p = get_highlight_name_ext(NULL,
sp->sn_num_hl - 1, false);
if (p == NULL) {
} else {
/// Undefine a sign and free its memory.
static void sign_undefine(sign_T *sp, sign_T *sp_prev)
if (sp_prev == NULL) {
first_sign = sp->sn_next;
} else {
sp_prev->sn_next = sp->sn_next;
/// Gets highlighting attribute for sign "typenr" corresponding to "type".
int sign_get_attr(int typenr, SignType type)
sign_T *sp;
int sign_hl = 0;
for (sp = first_sign; sp != NULL; sp = sp->sn_next) {
if (sp->sn_typenr == typenr) {
switch (type) {
sign_hl = sp->sn_text_hl;
sign_hl = sp->sn_line_hl;
sign_hl = sp->sn_num_hl;
if (sign_hl > 0) {
return syn_id2attr(sign_hl);
return 0;
/// Get text mark for sign "typenr".
/// Returns NULL if there isn't one.
char_u * sign_get_text(int typenr)
sign_T *sp;
for (sp = first_sign; sp != NULL; sp = sp->sn_next) {
if (sp->sn_typenr == typenr) {
return sp->sn_text;
return NULL;
/// Undefine/free all signs.
void free_signs(void)
while (first_sign != NULL) {
sign_undefine(first_sign, NULL);
static enum
EXP_SUBCMD, // expand :sign sub-commands
EXP_DEFINE, // expand :sign define {name} args
EXP_PLACE, // expand :sign place {id} args
EXP_LIST, // expand :sign place args
EXP_UNPLACE, // expand :sign unplace"
EXP_SIGN_NAMES, // expand with name of placed signs
EXP_SIGN_GROUPS, // expand with name of placed sign groups
} expand_what;
// Return the n'th sign name (used for command line completion)
static char_u *get_nth_sign_name(int idx)
// Complete with name of signs already defined
int current_idx = 0;
for (sign_T *sp = first_sign; sp != NULL; sp = sp->sn_next) {
if (current_idx++ == idx) {
return sp->sn_name;
return NULL;
// Return the n'th sign group name (used for command line completion)
static char_u *get_nth_sign_group_name(int idx)
// Complete with name of sign groups already defined
int current_idx = 0;
int todo = (int)sg_table.ht_used;
for (hashitem_T *hi = sg_table.ht_array; todo > 0; hi++) {
if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi)) {
if (current_idx++ == idx) {
signgroup_T *const group = HI2SG(hi);
return group->sg_name;
return NULL;
/// Function given to ExpandGeneric() to obtain the sign command
/// expansion.
char_u * get_sign_name(expand_T *xp, int idx)
switch (expand_what) {
return (char_u *)cmds[idx];
case EXP_DEFINE: {
char *define_arg[] = { "icon=", "linehl=", "text=", "texthl=", "numhl=",
return (char_u *)define_arg[idx];
case EXP_PLACE: {
char *place_arg[] = { "line=", "name=", "group=", "priority=", "file=",
"buffer=", NULL };
return (char_u *)place_arg[idx];
case EXP_LIST: {
char *list_arg[] = { "group=", "file=", "buffer=", NULL };
return (char_u *)list_arg[idx];
char *unplace_arg[] = { "group=", "file=", "buffer=", NULL };
return (char_u *)unplace_arg[idx];
return get_nth_sign_name(idx);
return get_nth_sign_group_name(idx);
return NULL;
/// Handle command line completion for :sign command.
void set_context_in_sign_cmd(expand_T *xp, char_u *arg)
char_u *end_subcmd;
char_u *last;
int cmd_idx;
char_u *begin_subcmd_args;
// Default: expand subcommands.
xp->xp_context = EXPAND_SIGN;
expand_what = EXP_SUBCMD;
xp->xp_pattern = arg;
end_subcmd = skiptowhite(arg);
if (*end_subcmd == NUL) {
// expand subcmd name
// :sign {subcmd}<CTRL-D>
cmd_idx = sign_cmd_idx(arg, end_subcmd);
// :sign {subcmd} {subcmd_args}
// |
// begin_subcmd_args
begin_subcmd_args = skipwhite(end_subcmd);
// Expand last argument of subcmd.
// :sign define {name} {args}...
// |
// p
// Loop until reaching last argument.
char_u *p = begin_subcmd_args;
do {
p = skipwhite(p);
last = p;
p = skiptowhite(p);
} while (*p != NUL);
p = vim_strchr(last, '=');
// :sign define {name} {args}... {last}=
// | |
// last p
if (p == NULL) {
// Expand last argument name (before equal sign).
xp->xp_pattern = last;
switch (cmd_idx) {
expand_what = EXP_DEFINE;
// List placed signs
if (ascii_isdigit(*begin_subcmd_args)) {
// :sign place {id} {args}...
expand_what = EXP_PLACE;
} else {
// :sign place {args}...
expand_what = EXP_LIST;
// :sign list <CTRL-D>
// :sign undefine <CTRL-D>
expand_what = EXP_SIGN_NAMES;
expand_what = EXP_UNPLACE;
xp->xp_context = EXPAND_NOTHING;
} else {
// Expand last argument value (after equal sign).
xp->xp_pattern = p + 1;
switch (cmd_idx) {
if (STRNCMP(last, "texthl", 6) == 0
|| STRNCMP(last, "linehl", 6) == 0
|| STRNCMP(last, "numhl", 5) == 0) {
xp->xp_context = EXPAND_HIGHLIGHT;
} else if (STRNCMP(last, "icon", 4) == 0) {
xp->xp_context = EXPAND_FILES;
} else {
xp->xp_context = EXPAND_NOTHING;
if (STRNCMP(last, "name", 4) == 0) {
expand_what = EXP_SIGN_NAMES;
} else if (STRNCMP(last, "group", 5) == 0) {
expand_what = EXP_SIGN_GROUPS;
} else if (STRNCMP(last, "file", 4) == 0) {
xp->xp_context = EXPAND_BUFFERS;
} else {
xp->xp_context = EXPAND_NOTHING;
if (STRNCMP(last, "group", 5) == 0) {
expand_what = EXP_SIGN_GROUPS;
} else if (STRNCMP(last, "file", 4) == 0) {
xp->xp_context = EXPAND_BUFFERS;
} else {
xp->xp_context = EXPAND_NOTHING;
xp->xp_context = EXPAND_NOTHING;