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// This is an open source non-commercial project. Dear PVS-Studio, please check
// it. PVS-Studio Static Code Analyzer for C, C++ and C#:
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <uv.h>
#include "nvim/assert.h"
#include "nvim/os/time.h"
#include "nvim/os/input.h"
#include "nvim/event/loop.h"
#include "nvim/os/os.h"
#include "nvim/main.h"
static uv_mutex_t delay_mutex;
static uv_cond_t delay_cond;
# include "os/time.c.generated.h"
/// Initializes the time module
void time_init(void)
/// Gets a high-resolution (nanosecond), monotonically-increasing time relative
/// to an arbitrary time in the past.
/// Not related to the time of day and therefore not subject to clock drift.
/// @return Relative time value with nanosecond precision.
uint64_t os_hrtime(void)
return uv_hrtime();
/// Gets a millisecond-resolution, monotonically-increasing time relative to an
/// arbitrary time in the past.
/// Not related to the time of day and therefore not subject to clock drift.
/// The value is cached by the loop, it will not change until the next
/// loop-tick (unless uv_update_time is called).
/// @return Relative time value with millisecond precision.
uint64_t os_now(void)
return uv_now(&main_loop.uv);
/// Sleeps for `ms` milliseconds.
/// @see uv_sleep() (libuv v1.34.0)
/// @param ms Number of milliseconds to sleep
/// @param ignoreinput If true, only SIGINT (CTRL-C) can interrupt.
void os_delay(uint64_t ms, bool ignoreinput)
if (ignoreinput) {
if (ms > INT_MAX) {
ms = INT_MAX;
LOOP_PROCESS_EVENTS_UNTIL(&main_loop, NULL, (int)ms, got_int);
} else {
os_microdelay(ms * 1000u, ignoreinput);
/// Sleeps for `us` microseconds.
/// @see uv_sleep() (libuv v1.34.0)
/// @param us Number of microseconds to sleep.
/// @param ignoreinput If true, ignore all input (including SIGINT/CTRL-C).
/// If false, waiting is aborted on any input.
void os_microdelay(uint64_t us, bool ignoreinput)
uint64_t elapsed = 0u;
uint64_t base = uv_hrtime();
// Convert microseconds to nanoseconds, or UINT64_MAX on overflow.
const uint64_t ns = (us < UINT64_MAX / 1000u) ? us * 1000u : UINT64_MAX;
while (elapsed < ns) {
// If ignoring input, we simply wait the full delay.
// Else we check for input in ~100ms intervals.
const uint64_t ns_delta = ignoreinput
? ns - elapsed
: MIN(ns - elapsed, 100000000u); // 100ms
const int rv = uv_cond_timedwait(&delay_cond, &delay_mutex, ns_delta);
if (0 != rv && UV_ETIMEDOUT != rv) {
} // Else: Timeout proceeded normally.
if (!ignoreinput && os_char_avail()) {
const uint64_t now = uv_hrtime();
elapsed += now - base;
base = now;
// Cache of the current timezone name as retrieved from TZ, or an empty string
// where unset, up to 64 octets long including trailing null byte.
static char tz_cache[64];
/// Portable version of POSIX localtime_r()
/// @return NULL in case of error
struct tm *os_localtime_r(const time_t *restrict clock,
struct tm *restrict result) FUNC_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
#ifdef UNIX
// POSIX provides localtime_r() as a thread-safe version of localtime().
// Check to see if the environment variable TZ has changed since the last run.
// Call tzset(3) to update the global timezone variables if it has.
// POSIX standard doesn't require localtime_r() implementations to do that
// as it does with localtime(), and we don't want to call tzset() every time.
const char *tz = os_getenv("TZ");
if (tz == NULL) {
tz = "";
if (strncmp(tz_cache, tz, sizeof(tz_cache) - 1) != 0) {
xstrlcpy(tz_cache, tz, sizeof(tz_cache));
return localtime_r(clock, result); // NOLINT(runtime/threadsafe_fn)
// Windows version of localtime() is thread-safe.
// See
struct tm *local_time = localtime(clock); // NOLINT(runtime/threadsafe_fn)
if (!local_time) {
return NULL;
*result = *local_time;
return result;
/// Gets the current Unix timestamp and adjusts it to local time.
/// @param result Pointer to a 'struct tm' where the result should be placed
/// @return A pointer to a 'struct tm' in the current time zone (the 'result'
/// argument) or NULL in case of error
struct tm *os_localtime(struct tm *result) FUNC_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
time_t rawtime = time(NULL);
return os_localtime_r(&rawtime, result);
/// Portable version of POSIX ctime_r()
/// @param clock[in]
/// @param result[out] Pointer to a 'char' where the result should be placed
/// @param result_len length of result buffer
/// @return human-readable string of current local time
char *os_ctime_r(const time_t *restrict clock, char *restrict result,
size_t result_len)
struct tm clock_local;
struct tm *clock_local_ptr = os_localtime_r(clock, &clock_local);
// MSVC returns NULL for an invalid value of seconds.
if (clock_local_ptr == NULL) {
snprintf(result, result_len, "%s\n", _("(Invalid)"));
} else {
strftime(result, result_len, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y\n", clock_local_ptr);
return result;
/// Gets the current Unix timestamp and adjusts it to local time.
/// @param result[out] Pointer to a 'char' where the result should be placed
/// @param result_len length of result buffer
/// @return human-readable string of current local time
char *os_ctime(char *result, size_t result_len)
time_t rawtime = time(NULL);
return os_ctime_r(&rawtime, result, result_len);
/// Obtains the current Unix timestamp.
/// @return Seconds since epoch.
Timestamp os_time(void)
return (Timestamp) time(NULL);