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// This is an open source non-commercial project. Dear PVS-Studio, please check
// it. PVS-Studio Static Code Analyzer for C, C++ and C#:
* message.c: functions for displaying messages on the command line
#include <assert.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "nvim/vim.h"
#include "nvim/ascii.h"
#include "nvim/assert.h"
#include "nvim/message.h"
#include "nvim/charset.h"
#include "nvim/eval.h"
#include "nvim/ex_eval.h"
#include "nvim/ex_docmd.h"
#include "nvim/fileio.h"
#include "nvim/func_attr.h"
#include "nvim/getchar.h"
#include "nvim/main.h"
#include "nvim/mbyte.h"
#include "nvim/memory.h"
#include "nvim/misc1.h"
#include "nvim/keymap.h"
#include "nvim/garray.h"
#include "nvim/ops.h"
#include "nvim/option.h"
#include "nvim/normal.h"
#include "nvim/regexp.h"
#include "nvim/screen.h"
#include "nvim/strings.h"
#include "nvim/syntax.h"
#include "nvim/highlight.h"
#include "nvim/ui.h"
#include "nvim/ui_compositor.h"
#include "nvim/mouse.h"
#include "nvim/os/os.h"
#include "nvim/os/input.h"
#include "nvim/os/time.h"
#include "nvim/api/private/helpers.h"
* To be able to scroll back at the "more" and "hit-enter" prompts we need to
* store the displayed text and remember where screen lines start.
typedef struct msgchunk_S msgchunk_T;
struct msgchunk_S {
msgchunk_T *sb_next;
msgchunk_T *sb_prev;
char sb_eol; /* TRUE when line ends after this text */
int sb_msg_col; /* column in which text starts */
int sb_attr; /* text attributes */
char_u sb_text[1]; /* text to be displayed, actually longer */
/* Magic chars used in confirm dialog strings */
#define DLG_BUTTON_SEP '\n'
#define DLG_HOTKEY_CHAR '&'
static int confirm_msg_used = FALSE; /* displaying confirm_msg */
# include "message.c.generated.h"
static char_u *confirm_msg = NULL; /* ":confirm" message */
static char_u *confirm_msg_tail; /* tail of confirm_msg */
MessageHistoryEntry *first_msg_hist = NULL;
MessageHistoryEntry *last_msg_hist = NULL;
static int msg_hist_len = 0;
static FILE *verbose_fd = NULL;
static int verbose_did_open = FALSE;
* When writing messages to the screen, there are many different situations.
* A number of variables is used to remember the current state:
* msg_didany TRUE when messages were written since the last time the
* user reacted to a prompt.
* Reset: After hitting a key for the hit-return prompt,
* hitting <CR> for the command line or input().
* Set: When any message is written to the screen.
* msg_didout TRUE when something was written to the current line.
* Reset: When advancing to the next line, when the current
* text can be overwritten.
* Set: When any message is written to the screen.
* msg_nowait No extra delay for the last drawn message.
* Used in normal_cmd() before the mode message is drawn.
* emsg_on_display There was an error message recently. Indicates that there
* should be a delay before redrawing.
* msg_scroll The next message should not overwrite the current one.
* msg_scrolled How many lines the screen has been scrolled (because of
* messages). Used in update_screen() to scroll the screen
* back. Incremented each time the screen scrolls a line.
* msg_scrolled_ign TRUE when msg_scrolled is non-zero and msg_puts_attr()
* writes something without scrolling should not make
* need_wait_return to be set. This is a hack to make ":ts"
* work without an extra prompt.
* lines_left Number of lines available for messages before the
* more-prompt is to be given. -1 when not set.
* need_wait_return TRUE when the hit-return prompt is needed.
* Reset: After giving the hit-return prompt, when the user
* has answered some other prompt.
* Set: When the ruler or typeahead display is overwritten,
* scrolling the screen for some message.
* keep_msg Message to be displayed after redrawing the screen, in
* main_loop().
* This is an allocated string or NULL when not used.
// Extended msg state, currently used for external UIs with ext_messages
static const char *msg_ext_kind = NULL;
static Array msg_ext_chunks = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
static garray_T msg_ext_last_chunk = GA_INIT(sizeof(char), 40);
static sattr_T msg_ext_last_attr = -1;
static size_t msg_ext_cur_len = 0;
static bool msg_ext_overwrite = false; ///< will overwrite last message
static int msg_ext_visible = 0; ///< number of messages currently visible
/// Shouldn't clear message after leaving cmdline
static bool msg_ext_keep_after_cmdline = false;
static int msg_grid_pos_at_flush = 0;
static int msg_grid_scroll_discount = 0;
static void ui_ext_msg_set_pos(int row, bool scrolled)
char buf[MAX_MCO];
size_t size = utf_char2bytes(curwin->w_p_fcs_chars.msgsep, (char_u *)buf);
buf[size] = '\0';
ui_call_msg_set_pos(msg_grid.handle, row, scrolled,
(String){ .data = buf, .size = size });
void msg_grid_set_pos(int row, bool scrolled)
if (!msg_grid.throttled) {
ui_ext_msg_set_pos(row, scrolled);
msg_grid_pos_at_flush = row;
msg_grid_pos = row;
if (msg_grid.chars) {
msg_grid_adj.row_offset = -row;
bool msg_use_grid(void)
return default_grid.chars && msg_use_msgsep()
&& !ui_has(kUIMessages);
void msg_grid_validate(void)
bool should_alloc = msg_use_grid();
if (should_alloc && (msg_grid.Rows != Rows || msg_grid.Columns != Columns
|| !msg_grid.chars)) {
// TODO(bfredl): eventually should be set to "invalid". I e all callers
// will use the grid including clear to EOS if necessary.
grid_alloc(&msg_grid, Rows, Columns, false, true);
msg_grid.dirty_col = xcalloc(Rows, sizeof(*msg_grid.dirty_col));
// Tricky: allow resize while pager is active
int pos = msg_scrolled ? msg_grid_pos : Rows - p_ch;
ui_comp_put_grid(&msg_grid, pos, 0, msg_grid.Rows, msg_grid.Columns,
false, true);
ui_call_grid_resize(msg_grid.handle, msg_grid.Columns, msg_grid.Rows);
msg_grid.throttled = false; // don't throttle in 'cmdheight' area
msg_scrolled_at_flush = msg_scrolled;
msg_grid.focusable = false;
if (!msg_scrolled) {
msg_grid_set_pos(Rows - p_ch, false);
} else if (!should_alloc && msg_grid.chars) {
msg_grid.throttled = false;
msg_grid_adj.row_offset = 0;
redraw_cmdline = true;
} else if (msg_grid.chars && !msg_scrolled && msg_grid_pos != Rows - p_ch) {
msg_grid_set_pos(Rows - p_ch, false);
if (msg_grid.chars && cmdline_row < msg_grid_pos) {
// TODO(bfredl): this should already be the case, but fails in some
// "batched" executions where compute_cmdrow() use stale positions or
// something.
cmdline_row = msg_grid_pos;
* msg(s) - displays the string 's' on the status line
* When terminal not initialized (yet) mch_errmsg(..) is used.
* return TRUE if wait_return not called
int msg(char_u *s)
return msg_attr_keep(s, 0, false, false);
/// Like msg() but keep it silent when 'verbosefile' is set.
int verb_msg(char *s)
int n = msg_attr_keep((char_u *)s, 0, false, false);
return n;
int msg_attr(const char *s, const int attr)
return msg_attr_keep((char_u *)s, attr, false, false);
/// similar to msg_outtrans_attr, but support newlines and tabs.
void msg_multiline_attr(const char *s, int attr, bool check_int)
const char *next_spec = s;
while (next_spec != NULL) {
if (check_int && got_int) {
next_spec = strpbrk(s, "\t\n\r");
if (next_spec != NULL) {
// Printing all char that are before the char found by strpbrk
msg_outtrans_len_attr((const char_u *)s, next_spec - s, attr);
if (*next_spec != TAB) {
msg_putchar_attr((uint8_t)(*next_spec), attr);
s = next_spec + 1;
// Print the rest of the message. We know there is no special
// character because strpbrk returned NULL
if (*s != NUL) {
msg_outtrans_attr((char_u *)s, attr);
/// @param keep set keep_msg if it doesn't scroll
bool msg_attr_keep(char_u *s, int attr, bool keep, bool multiline)
static int entered = 0;
int retval;
char_u *buf = NULL;
if (keep && multiline) {
// Not implemented. 'multiline' is only used by nvim-added messages,
// which should avoid 'keep' behavior (just show the message at
// the correct time already).
// Skip messages not match ":filter pattern".
// Don't filter when there is an error.
if (!emsg_on_display && message_filtered(s)) {
return true;
if (attr == 0) {
set_vim_var_string(VV_STATUSMSG, (char *) s, -1);
* It is possible that displaying a messages causes a problem (e.g.,
* when redrawing the window), which causes another message, etc.. To
* break this loop, limit the recursiveness to 3 levels.
if (entered >= 3)
return TRUE;
/* Add message to history (unless it's a repeated kept message or a
* truncated message) */
if (s != keep_msg
|| (*s != '<'
&& last_msg_hist != NULL
&& last_msg_hist->msg != NULL
&& STRCMP(s, last_msg_hist->msg))) {
add_msg_hist((const char *)s, -1, attr, multiline);
/* When displaying keep_msg, don't let msg_start() free it, caller must do
* that. */
if (s == keep_msg)
keep_msg = NULL;
/* Truncate the message if needed. */
buf = msg_strtrunc(s, FALSE);
if (buf != NULL)
s = buf;
if (multiline) {
msg_multiline_attr((char *)s, attr, false);
} else {
msg_outtrans_attr(s, attr);
retval = msg_end();
if (keep && retval && vim_strsize(s) < (int)(Rows - cmdline_row - 1)
* Columns + sc_col) {
set_keep_msg(s, 0);
return retval;
* Truncate a string such that it can be printed without causing a scroll.
* Returns an allocated string or NULL when no truncating is done.
char_u *
msg_strtrunc (
char_u *s,
int force /* always truncate */
char_u *buf = NULL;
int len;
int room;
/* May truncate message to avoid a hit-return prompt */
if ((!msg_scroll && !need_wait_return && shortmess(SHM_TRUNCALL)
&& !exmode_active && msg_silent == 0 && !ui_has(kUIMessages))
|| force) {
len = vim_strsize(s);
if (msg_scrolled != 0)
/* Use all the columns. */
room = (int)(Rows - msg_row) * Columns - 1;
/* Use up to 'showcmd' column. */
room = (int)(Rows - msg_row - 1) * Columns + sc_col - 1;
if (len > room && room > 0) {
// may have up to 18 bytes per cell (6 per char, up to two
// composing chars)
len = (room + 2) * 18;
buf = xmalloc(len);
trunc_string(s, buf, room, len);
return buf;
* Truncate a string "s" to "buf" with cell width "room".
* "s" and "buf" may be equal.
void trunc_string(char_u *s, char_u *buf, int room_in, int buflen)
size_t room = room_in - 3; // "..." takes 3 chars
size_t half;
size_t len = 0;
int e;
int i;
int n;
if (room_in < 3) {
room = 0;
half = room / 2;
/* First part: Start of the string. */
for (e = 0; len < half && e < buflen; ++e) {
if (s[e] == NUL) {
/* text fits without truncating! */
buf[e] = NUL;
n = ptr2cells(s + e);
if (len + n > half) {
len += n;
buf[e] = s[e];
if (has_mbyte)
for (n = (*mb_ptr2len)(s + e); --n > 0; ) {
if (++e == buflen)
buf[e] = s[e];
// Last part: End of the string.
half = i = (int)STRLEN(s);
for (;;) {
do {
half = half - utf_head_off(s, s + half - 1) - 1;
} while (half > 0 && utf_iscomposing(utf_ptr2char(s + half)));
n = ptr2cells(s + half);
if (len + n > room || half == 0) {
len += n;
i = half;
if (i <= e + 3) {
// text fits without truncating
if (s != buf) {
len = STRLEN(s);
if (len >= (size_t)buflen) {
len = buflen - 1;
len = len - e + 1;
if (len < 1) {
buf[e - 1] = NUL;
} else {
memmove(buf + e, s + e, len);
} else if (e + 3 < buflen) {
// set the middle and copy the last part
memmove(buf + e, "...", (size_t)3);
len = STRLEN(s + i) + 1;
if (len >= (size_t)buflen - e - 3) {
len = buflen - e - 3 - 1;
memmove(buf + e + 3, s + i, len);
buf[e + 3 + len - 1] = NUL;
} else {
// can't fit in the "...", just truncate it
buf[e - 1] = NUL;
* Note: Caller of smgs() and smsg_attr() must check the resulting string is
* shorter than IOSIZE!!!
int smsg(char *s, ...)
va_list arglist;
va_start(arglist, s);
vim_vsnprintf((char *)IObuff, IOSIZE, s, arglist);
return msg(IObuff);
int smsg_attr(int attr, char *s, ...)
va_list arglist;
va_start(arglist, s);
vim_vsnprintf((char *)IObuff, IOSIZE, s, arglist);
return msg_attr((const char *)IObuff, attr);
int smsg_attr_keep(int attr, char *s, ...)
va_list arglist;
va_start(arglist, s);
vim_vsnprintf((char *)IObuff, IOSIZE, s, arglist);
return msg_attr_keep(IObuff, attr, true, false);
* Remember the last sourcing name/lnum used in an error message, so that it
* isn't printed each time when it didn't change.
static int last_sourcing_lnum = 0;
static char_u *last_sourcing_name = NULL;
* Reset the last used sourcing name/lnum. Makes sure it is displayed again
* for the next error message;
void reset_last_sourcing(void)
last_sourcing_lnum = 0;
* Return TRUE if "sourcing_name" differs from "last_sourcing_name".
static int other_sourcing_name(void)
if (sourcing_name != NULL) {
if (last_sourcing_name != NULL)
return STRCMP(sourcing_name, last_sourcing_name) != 0;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/// Get the message about the source, as used for an error message
/// @return [allocated] String with room for one more character. NULL when no
/// message is to be given.
static char *get_emsg_source(void)
if (sourcing_name != NULL && other_sourcing_name()) {
const char *const p = _("Error detected while processing %s:");
const size_t buf_len = STRLEN(sourcing_name) + strlen(p) + 1;
char *const buf = xmalloc(buf_len);
snprintf(buf, buf_len, p, sourcing_name);
return buf;
return NULL;
/// Get the message about the source lnum, as used for an error message.
/// @return [allocated] String with room for one more character. NULL when no
/// message is to be given.
static char *get_emsg_lnum(void)
// lnum is 0 when executing a command from the command line
// argument, we don't want a line number then
if (sourcing_name != NULL
&& (other_sourcing_name() || sourcing_lnum != last_sourcing_lnum)
&& sourcing_lnum != 0) {
const char *const p = _("line %4ld:");
const size_t buf_len = 20 + strlen(p);
char *const buf = xmalloc(buf_len);
snprintf(buf, buf_len, p, (long)sourcing_lnum);
return buf;
return NULL;
* Display name and line number for the source of an error.
* Remember the file name and line number, so that for the next error the info
* is only displayed if it changed.
void msg_source(int attr)
char *p = get_emsg_source();
if (p != NULL) {
msg_attr(p, attr);
p = get_emsg_lnum();
if (p != NULL) {
msg_attr(p, HL_ATTR(HLF_N));
last_sourcing_lnum = sourcing_lnum; /* only once for each line */
/* remember the last sourcing name printed, also when it's empty */
if (sourcing_name == NULL || other_sourcing_name()) {
if (sourcing_name == NULL)
last_sourcing_name = NULL;
last_sourcing_name = vim_strsave(sourcing_name);
* Return TRUE if not giving error messages right now:
* If "emsg_off" is set: no error messages at the moment.
* If "msg" is in 'debug': do error message but without side effects.
* If "emsg_skip" is set: never do error messages.
int emsg_not_now(void)
if ((emsg_off > 0 && vim_strchr(p_debug, 'm') == NULL
&& vim_strchr(p_debug, 't') == NULL)
|| emsg_skip > 0
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static bool emsg_multiline(const char *s, bool multiline)
int attr;
int ignore = false;
int severe;
// Skip this if not giving error messages at the moment.
if (emsg_not_now()) {
return true;
called_emsg = true;
// If "emsg_severe" is TRUE: When an error exception is to be thrown,
// prefer this message over previous messages for the same command.
severe = emsg_severe;
emsg_severe = false;
if (!emsg_off || vim_strchr(p_debug, 't') != NULL) {
* Cause a throw of an error exception if appropriate. Don't display
* the error message in this case. (If no matching catch clause will
* be found, the message will be displayed later on.) "ignore" is set
* when the message should be ignored completely (used for the
* interrupt message).
if (cause_errthrow((char_u *)s, severe, &ignore) == true) {
if (!ignore) {
return true;
// set "v:errmsg", also when using ":silent! cmd"
set_vim_var_string(VV_ERRMSG, s, -1);
* When using ":silent! cmd" ignore error messages.
* But do write it to the redirection file.
if (emsg_silent != 0) {
if (!emsg_noredir) {
char *p = get_emsg_source();
if (p != NULL) {
const size_t p_len = strlen(p);
p[p_len] = '\n';
redir_write(p, p_len + 1);
p = get_emsg_lnum();
if (p != NULL) {
const size_t p_len = strlen(p);
p[p_len] = '\n';
redir_write(p, p_len + 1);
redir_write(s, strlen(s));
// Log (silent) errors as debug messages.
if (sourcing_name != NULL && sourcing_lnum != 0) {
DLOG("(:silent) %s (%s (line %ld))",
s, sourcing_name, (long)sourcing_lnum);
} else {
DLOG("(:silent) %s", s);
return true;
// Log editor errors as INFO.
if (sourcing_name != NULL && sourcing_lnum != 0) {
ILOG("%s (%s (line %ld))", s, sourcing_name, (long)sourcing_lnum);
} else {
ILOG("%s", s);
ex_exitval = 1;
// Reset msg_silent, an error causes messages to be switched back on.
msg_silent = 0;
cmd_silent = false;
if (global_busy) { // break :global command
if (p_eb) {
beep_flush(); // also includes flush_buffers()
} else {
flush_buffers(FLUSH_MINIMAL); // flush internal buffers
did_emsg++; // flag for DoOneCmd()
emsg_on_display = true; // remember there is an error message
msg_scroll++; // don't overwrite a previous message
attr = HL_ATTR(HLF_E); // set highlight mode for error messages
if (msg_scrolled != 0) {
need_wait_return = true; // needed in case emsg() is called after
} // wait_return has reset need_wait_return
// and a redraw is expected because
// msg_scrolled is non-zero
if (msg_ext_kind == NULL) {
* Display name and line number for the source of the error.
// Display the error message itself.
msg_nowait = false; // Wait for this msg.
return msg_attr_keep((char_u *)s, attr, false, multiline);
/// emsg() - display an error message
/// Rings the bell, if appropriate, and calls message() to do the real work
/// When terminal not initialized (yet) mch_errmsg(..) is used.
/// @return true if wait_return not called
bool emsg(const char_u *s)
return emsg_multiline((const char *)s, false);
void emsg_invreg(int name)
EMSG2(_("E354: Invalid register name: '%s'"), transchar(name));
/// Print an error message with unknown number of arguments
bool emsgf(const char *const fmt, ...)
bool ret;
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
ret = emsgfv(fmt, ap);
return ret;
bool emsgf_multiline(const char *const fmt, ...)
bool ret;
va_list ap;
static char errbuf[MULTILINE_BUFSIZE];
if (emsg_not_now()) {
return true;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vim_vsnprintf(errbuf, sizeof(errbuf), fmt, ap);
ret = emsg_multiline(errbuf, true);
return ret;
/// Print an error message with unknown number of arguments
static bool emsgfv(const char *fmt, va_list ap)
static char errbuf[IOSIZE];
if (emsg_not_now()) {
return true;
vim_vsnprintf(errbuf, sizeof(errbuf), fmt, ap);
return emsg((const char_u *)errbuf);
/// Same as emsg(...), but abort on error when ABORT_ON_INTERNAL_ERROR is
/// defined. It is used for internal errors only, so that they can be
/// detected when fuzzing vim.
void iemsg(const char *s)
emsg((char_u *)s);
/// Same as emsgf(...) but abort on error when ABORT_ON_INTERNAL_ERROR is
/// defined. It is used for internal errors only, so that they can be
/// detected when fuzzing vim.
void iemsgf(const char *s, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, s);
(void)emsgfv(s, ap);
/// Give an "Internal error" message.
void internal_error(char *where)
IEMSG2(_(e_intern2), where);
static void msg_emsgf_event(void **argv)
char *s = argv[0];
(void)emsg((char_u *)s);
void msg_schedule_emsgf(const char *const fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vim_vsnprintf((char *)IObuff, IOSIZE, fmt, ap);
char *s = xstrdup((char *)IObuff);
multiqueue_put(, msg_emsgf_event, 1, s);
* Like msg(), but truncate to a single line if p_shm contains 't', or when
* "force" is TRUE. This truncates in another way as for normal messages.
* Careful: The string may be changed by msg_may_trunc()!
* Returns a pointer to the printed message, if wait_return() not called.
char_u *msg_trunc_attr(char_u *s, int force, int attr)
int n;
// Add message to history before truncating.
add_msg_hist((const char *)s, -1, attr, false);
s = msg_may_trunc(force, s);
msg_hist_off = true;
n = msg_attr((const char *)s, attr);
msg_hist_off = false;
if (n)
return s;
return NULL;
* Check if message "s" should be truncated at the start (for filenames).
* Return a pointer to where the truncated message starts.
* Note: May change the message by replacing a character with '<'.
char_u *msg_may_trunc(int force, char_u *s)
int n;
int room;
room = (int)(Rows - cmdline_row - 1) * Columns + sc_col - 1;
if ((force || (shortmess(SHM_TRUNC) && !exmode_active))
&& (n = (int)STRLEN(s) - room) > 0) {
if (has_mbyte) {
int size = vim_strsize(s);
/* There may be room anyway when there are multibyte chars. */
if (size <= room)
return s;
for (n = 0; size >= room; ) {
size -= utf_ptr2cells(s + n);
n += utfc_ptr2len(s + n);
s += n;
*s = '<';
return s;
/// @param[in] len Length of s or -1.
static void add_msg_hist(const char *s, int len, int attr, bool multiline)
if (msg_hist_off || msg_silent != 0)
/* Don't let the message history get too big */
while (msg_hist_len > MAX_MSG_HIST_LEN)
/* allocate an entry and add the message at the end of the history */
struct msg_hist *p = xmalloc(sizeof(struct msg_hist));
if (len < 0)
len = (int)STRLEN(s);
/* remove leading and trailing newlines */
while (len > 0 && *s == '\n') {
while (len > 0 && s[len - 1] == '\n') {
p->msg = (char_u *)xmemdupz(s, (size_t)len);
p->next = NULL;
p->attr = attr;
p->multiline = multiline;
p->kind = msg_ext_kind;
if (last_msg_hist != NULL) {
last_msg_hist->next = p;
last_msg_hist = p;
if (first_msg_hist == NULL) {
first_msg_hist = last_msg_hist;
* Delete the first (oldest) message from the history.
* Returns FAIL if there are no messages.
int delete_first_msg(void)
struct msg_hist *p;
if (msg_hist_len <= 0)
return FAIL;
p = first_msg_hist;
first_msg_hist = p->next;
if (first_msg_hist == NULL) { /* history is becoming empty */
assert(msg_hist_len == 1);
last_msg_hist = NULL;
return OK;
/// :messages command implementation
void ex_messages(void *const eap_p)
const exarg_T *const eap = (const exarg_T *)eap_p;
struct msg_hist *p;
int c = 0;
if (STRCMP(eap->arg, "clear") == 0) {
int keep = eap->addr_count == 0 ? 0 : eap->line2;
while (msg_hist_len > keep) {
if (*eap->arg != NUL) {
p = first_msg_hist;
if (eap->addr_count != 0) {
// Count total messages
for (; p != NULL && !got_int; p = p->next) {
c -= eap->line2;
// Skip without number of messages specified
for (p = first_msg_hist; p != NULL && !got_int && c > 0; p = p->next, c--) {
// Display what was not skipped.
if (ui_has(kUIMessages)) {
Array entries = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
for (; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
if (p->msg != NULL && p->msg[0] != NUL) {
Array entry = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
ADD(entry, STRING_OBJ(cstr_to_string(p->kind)));
Array content_entry = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
ADD(content_entry, INTEGER_OBJ(p->attr));
ADD(content_entry, STRING_OBJ(cstr_to_string((char *)(p->msg))));
Array content = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
ADD(content, ARRAY_OBJ(content_entry));
ADD(entry, ARRAY_OBJ(content));
ADD(entries, ARRAY_OBJ(entry));
} else {
msg_hist_off = true;
for (; p != NULL && !got_int; p = p->next) {
if (p->msg != NULL) {
msg_attr_keep(p->msg, p->attr, false, p->multiline);
msg_hist_off = false;
* Call this after prompting the user. This will avoid a hit-return message
* and a delay.
void msg_end_prompt(void)
need_wait_return = false;
emsg_on_display = false;
cmdline_row = msg_row;
msg_col = 0;
lines_left = -1;
/// wait for the user to hit a key (normally a return)
/// if 'redraw' is true, redraw the entire screen NOT_VALID
/// if 'redraw' is false, do a normal redraw
/// if 'redraw' is -1, don't redraw at all
void wait_return(int redraw)
int c;
int oldState;
int tmpState;
int had_got_int;
FILE *save_scriptout;
if (redraw == true) {
/* If using ":silent cmd", don't wait for a return. Also don't set
* need_wait_return to do it later. */
if (msg_silent != 0)
* When inside vgetc(), we can't wait for a typed character at all.
* With the global command (and some others) we only need one return at
* the end. Adjust cmdline_row to avoid the next message overwriting the
* last one.
if (vgetc_busy > 0)
need_wait_return = TRUE;
if (no_wait_return) {
if (!exmode_active)
cmdline_row = msg_row;
redir_off = TRUE; /* don't redirect this message */
oldState = State;
if (quit_more) {
c = CAR; /* just pretend CR was hit */
quit_more = FALSE;
got_int = FALSE;
} else if (exmode_active) {
MSG_PUTS(" "); /* make sure the cursor is on the right line */
c = CAR; /* no need for a return in ex mode */
got_int = FALSE;
} else {
// Make sure the hit-return prompt is on screen when 'guioptions' was
// just changed.
cmdline_row = msg_row;
// Avoid the sequence that the user types ":" at the hit-return prompt
// to start an Ex command, but the file-changed dialog gets in the
// way.
if (need_check_timestamps) {
do {
/* Remember "got_int", if it is set vgetc() probably returns a
* CTRL-C, but we need to loop then. */
had_got_int = got_int;
// Don't do mappings here, we put the character back in the
// typeahead buffer.
// Temporarily disable Recording. If Recording is active, the
// character will be recorded later, since it will be added to the
// typebuf after the loop
const int save_reg_recording = reg_recording;
save_scriptout = scriptout;
reg_recording = 0;
scriptout = NULL;
c = safe_vgetc();
if (had_got_int && !global_busy) {
got_int = false;
reg_recording = save_reg_recording;
scriptout = save_scriptout;
* Allow scrolling back in the messages.
* Also accept scroll-down commands when messages fill the screen,
* to avoid that typing one 'j' too many makes the messages
* disappear.
if (p_more) {
if (c == 'b' || c == 'k' || c == 'u' || c == 'g'
|| c == K_UP || c == K_PAGEUP) {
if (msg_scrolled > Rows)
/* scroll back to show older messages */
else {
msg_didout = FALSE;
msg_col =
cmdmsg_rl ? Columns - 1 :
if (quit_more) {
c = CAR; /* just pretend CR was hit */
quit_more = FALSE;
got_int = FALSE;
} else if (c != K_IGNORE) {
} else if (msg_scrolled > Rows - 2
&& (c == 'j' || c == 'd' || c == 'f'
|| c == K_DOWN || c == K_PAGEDOWN))
} while ((had_got_int && c == Ctrl_C)
|| c == K_IGNORE
|| c == K_MOUSEDOWN || c == K_MOUSEUP
|| (!mouse_has(MOUSE_RETURN)
&& mouse_row < msg_row
&& (c == K_LEFTMOUSE
|| c == K_X1MOUSE
|| c == K_X2MOUSE))
* Avoid that the mouse-up event causes visual mode to start.
|| c == K_X1MOUSE || c == K_X2MOUSE)
(void)jump_to_mouse(MOUSE_SETPOS, NULL, 0);
else if (vim_strchr((char_u *)"\r\n ", c) == NULL && c != Ctrl_C) {
/* Put the character back in the typeahead buffer. Don't use the
* stuff buffer, because lmaps wouldn't work. */
do_redraw = true; // need a redraw even though there is
// typeahead
redir_off = false;
// If the user hits ':', '?' or '/' we get a command line from the next
// line.
if (c == ':' || c == '?' || c == '/') {
if (!exmode_active)
cmdline_row = msg_row;
skip_redraw = true; // skip redraw once
do_redraw = false;
msg_ext_keep_after_cmdline = true;
// If the window size changed set_shellsize() will redraw the screen.
// Otherwise the screen is only redrawn if 'redraw' is set and no ':'
// typed.
tmpState = State;
State = oldState; // restore State before set_shellsize
need_wait_return = false;
did_wait_return = true;
emsg_on_display = false; // can delete error message now
lines_left = -1; // reset lines_left at next msg_start()
if (keep_msg != NULL && vim_strsize(keep_msg) >=
(Rows - cmdline_row - 1) * Columns + sc_col) {
XFREE_CLEAR(keep_msg); // don't redisplay message, it's too long
if (tmpState == SETWSIZE) { /* got resize event while in vgetc() */
} else if (!skip_redraw) {
if (redraw == true || (msg_scrolled != 0 && redraw != -1)) {
if (ui_has(kUIMessages)) {
* Write the hit-return prompt.
static void hit_return_msg(void)
int save_p_more = p_more;
p_more = FALSE; /* don't want see this message when scrolling back */
if (msg_didout) /* start on a new line */
if (got_int) {
MSG_PUTS(_("Interrupt: "));
MSG_PUTS_ATTR(_("Press ENTER or type command to continue"), HL_ATTR(HLF_R));
if (!msg_use_printf()) {
p_more = save_p_more;
* Set "keep_msg" to "s". Free the old value and check for NULL pointer.
void set_keep_msg(char_u *s, int attr)
if (s != NULL && msg_silent == 0)
keep_msg = vim_strsave(s);
keep_msg = NULL;
keep_msg_more = FALSE;
keep_msg_attr = attr;
void msg_ext_set_kind(const char *msg_kind)
// Don't change the label of an existing batch:
// TODO(bfredl): would be nice to avoid dynamic scoping, but that would
// need refactoring the msg_ interface to not be "please pretend nvim is
// a terminal for a moment"
msg_ext_kind = msg_kind;
* Prepare for outputting characters in the command line.
void msg_start(void)
int did_return = false;
if (!msg_silent) {
XFREE_CLEAR(keep_msg); // don't display old message now
if (need_clr_eos) {
// Halfway an ":echo" command and getting an (error) message: clear
// any text from the command.
need_clr_eos = false;
if (!msg_scroll && full_screen) { // overwrite last message
msg_row = cmdline_row;
msg_col =
cmdmsg_rl ? Columns - 1 :
} else if (msg_didout) { // start message on next line
did_return = TRUE;
if (exmode_active != EXMODE_NORMAL)
cmdline_row = msg_row;
if (!msg_didany || lines_left < 0)
if (msg_silent == 0) {
msg_didout = false; // no output on current line yet
if (ui_has(kUIMessages)) {
if (!msg_scroll && msg_ext_visible) {
// Will overwrite last message.
msg_ext_overwrite = true;
// When redirecting, may need to start a new line.
if (!did_return) {
redir_write("\n", 1);
* Note that the current msg position is where messages start.
void msg_starthere(void)
lines_left = cmdline_row;
msg_didany = FALSE;
void msg_putchar(int c)
msg_putchar_attr(c, 0);
void msg_putchar_attr(int c, int attr)
char buf[MB_MAXBYTES + 1];
if (IS_SPECIAL(c)) {
buf[0] = (char)K_SPECIAL;
buf[1] = (char)K_SECOND(c);
buf[2] = (char)K_THIRD(c);
buf[3] = NUL;
} else {
buf[utf_char2bytes(c, (char_u *)buf)] = NUL;
msg_puts_attr(buf, attr);
void msg_outnum(long n)
char buf[20];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%ld", n);
void msg_home_replace(char_u *fname)
msg_home_replace_attr(fname, 0);
void msg_home_replace_hl(char_u *fname)
msg_home_replace_attr(fname, HL_ATTR(HLF_D));
static void msg_home_replace_attr(char_u *fname, int attr)
char_u *name;
name = home_replace_save(NULL, fname);
msg_outtrans_attr(name, attr);
* Output 'len' characters in 'str' (including NULs) with translation
* if 'len' is -1, output up to a NUL character.
* Use attributes 'attr'.
* Return the number of characters it takes on the screen.
int msg_outtrans(char_u *str)
return msg_outtrans_attr(str, 0);
int msg_outtrans_attr(const char_u *str, int attr)
return msg_outtrans_len_attr(str, (int)STRLEN(str), attr);
int msg_outtrans_len(const char_u *str, int len)
return msg_outtrans_len_attr(str, len, 0);
* Output one character at "p". Return pointer to the next character.
* Handles multi-byte characters.
char_u *msg_outtrans_one(char_u *p, int attr)
int l;
if ((l = utfc_ptr2len(p)) > 1) {
msg_outtrans_len_attr(p, l, attr);
return p + l;
msg_puts_attr((const char *)transchar_byte(*p), attr);
return p + 1;
int msg_outtrans_len_attr(const char_u *msgstr, int len, int attr)
int retval = 0;
const char *str = (const char *)msgstr;
const char *plain_start = (const char *)msgstr;
char_u *s;
int mb_l;
int c;
/* if MSG_HIST flag set, add message to history */
if (attr & MSG_HIST) {
add_msg_hist(str, len, attr, false);
attr &= ~MSG_HIST;
// If the string starts with a composing character first draw a space on
// which the composing char can be drawn.
if (enc_utf8 && utf_iscomposing(utf_ptr2char(msgstr))) {
msg_puts_attr(" ", attr);
* Go over the string. Special characters are translated and printed.
* Normal characters are printed several at a time.
while (--len >= 0) {
// Don't include composing chars after the end.
mb_l = utfc_ptr2len_len((char_u *)str, len + 1);
if (mb_l > 1) {
c = utf_ptr2char((char_u *)str);
if (vim_isprintc(c)) {
// Printable multi-byte char: count the cells.
retval += utf_ptr2cells((char_u *)str);
} else {
// Unprintable multi-byte char: print the printable chars so
// far and the translation of the unprintable char.
if (str > plain_start) {
msg_puts_attr_len(plain_start, str - plain_start, attr);
plain_start = str + mb_l;
msg_puts_attr((const char *)transchar(c),
(attr == 0 ? HL_ATTR(HLF_8) : attr));
retval += char2cells(c);
len -= mb_l - 1;
str += mb_l;
} else {
s = transchar_byte((uint8_t)(*str));
if (s[1] != NUL) {
// Unprintable char: print the printable chars so far and the
// translation of the unprintable char.
if (str > plain_start) {
msg_puts_attr_len(plain_start, str - plain_start, attr);
plain_start = str + 1;
msg_puts_attr((const char *)s, attr == 0 ? HL_ATTR(HLF_8) : attr);
retval += (int)STRLEN(s);
} else {
if (str > plain_start) {
// Print the printable chars at the end.
msg_puts_attr_len(plain_start, str - plain_start, attr);
return retval;
void msg_make(char_u *arg)
int i;
static char_u *str = (char_u *)"eeffoc", *rs = (char_u *)"Plon#dqg#vxjduB";
arg = skipwhite(arg);
for (i = 5; *arg && i >= 0; --i)
if (*arg++ != str[i])
if (i < 0) {
for (i = 0; rs[i]; ++i)
msg_putchar(rs[i] - 3);
/// Output the string 'str' up to a NUL character.
/// Return the number of characters it takes on the screen.
/// If K_SPECIAL is encountered, then it is taken in conjunction with the
/// following character and shown as <F1>, <S-Up> etc. Any other character
/// which is not printable shown in <> form.
/// If 'from' is TRUE (lhs of a mapping), a space is shown as <Space>.
/// If a character is displayed in one of these special ways, is also
/// highlighted (its highlight name is '8' in the p_hl variable).
/// Otherwise characters are not highlighted.
/// This function is used to show mappings, where we want to see how to type
/// the character/string -- webb
int msg_outtrans_special(
const char_u *strstart,
int from ///< true for LHS of a mapping
if (strstart == NULL) {
return 0; // Do nothing.
const char_u *str = strstart;
int retval = 0;
int attr = HL_ATTR(HLF_8);
while (*str != NUL) {
const char *string;
// Leading and trailing spaces need to be displayed in <> form.
if ((str == strstart || str[1] == NUL) && *str == ' ') {
string = "<Space>";
} else {
string = str2special((const char **)&str, from, false);
const int len = vim_strsize((char_u *)string);
// Highlight special keys
msg_puts_attr(string, (len > 1
&& (*mb_ptr2len)((char_u *)string) <= 1
? attr : 0));
retval += len;
return retval;
/// Convert string, replacing key codes with printables
/// Used for lhs or rhs of mappings.
/// @param[in] str String to convert.
/// @param[in] replace_spaces Convert spaces into `<Space>`, normally used fo
/// lhs, but not rhs.
/// @param[in] replace_lt Convert `<` into `<lt>`.
/// @return [allocated] Converted string.
char *str2special_save(const char *const str, const bool replace_spaces,
const bool replace_lt)
garray_T ga;
ga_init(&ga, 1, 40);
const char *p = str;
while (*p != NUL) {
ga_concat(&ga, (const char_u *)str2special(&p, replace_spaces, replace_lt));
ga_append(&ga, NUL);
return (char *)ga.ga_data;
/// Convert character, replacing key with printable representation.
/// @param[in,out] sp String to convert. Is advanced to the next key code.
/// @param[in] replace_spaces Convert spaces into <Space>, normally used for
/// lhs, but not rhs.
/// @param[in] replace_lt Convert `<` into `<lt>`.
/// @return Converted key code, in a static buffer. Buffer is always one and the
/// same, so save converted string somewhere before running str2special
/// for the second time.
const char *str2special(const char **const sp, const bool replace_spaces,
const bool replace_lt)
static char buf[7];
// Try to un-escape a multi-byte character. Return the un-escaped
// string if it is a multi-byte character.
const char *const p = mb_unescape(sp);
if (p != NULL) {
return p;
const char *str = *sp;
int c = (uint8_t)(*str);
int modifiers = 0;
bool special = false;
if (c == K_SPECIAL && str[1] != NUL && str[2] != NUL) {
if ((uint8_t)str[1] == KS_MODIFIER) {
modifiers = (uint8_t)str[2];
str += 3;
c = (uint8_t)(*str);
if (c == K_SPECIAL && str[1] != NUL && str[2] != NUL) {
c = TO_SPECIAL((uint8_t)str[1], (uint8_t)str[2]);
str += 2;
if (IS_SPECIAL(c) || modifiers) { // Special key.
special = true;
if (!IS_SPECIAL(c)) {
const int len = utf_ptr2len((const char_u *)str);
// Check for an illegal byte.
if (MB_BYTE2LEN((uint8_t)(*str)) > len) {
transchar_nonprint((char_u *)buf, c);
*sp = str + 1;
return buf;
// Since 'special' is TRUE the multi-byte character 'c' will be
// processed by get_special_key_name().
c = utf_ptr2char((const char_u *)str);
*sp = str + len;
} else {
*sp = str + 1;
// Make unprintable characters in <> form, also <M-Space> and <Tab>.
if (special
|| char2cells(c) > 1
|| (replace_spaces && c == ' ')
|| (replace_lt && c == '<')) {
return (const char *)get_special_key_name(c, modifiers);
buf[0] = (char)c;
buf[1] = NUL;
return buf;
/// Convert string, replacing key codes with printables
/// @param[in] str String to convert.
/// @param[out] buf Buffer to save results to.
/// @param[in] len Buffer length.
void str2specialbuf(const char *sp, char *buf, size_t len)
while (*sp) {
const char *s = str2special(&sp, false, false);
const size_t s_len = strlen(s);
if (len <= s_len) {
memcpy(buf, s, s_len);
buf += s_len;
len -= s_len;
*buf = NUL;
* print line for :print or :list command
void msg_prt_line(char_u *s, int list)
int c;
int col = 0;
int n_extra = 0;
int c_extra = 0;
int c_final = 0;
char_u *p_extra = NULL; // init to make SASC shut up
int n;
int attr = 0;
char_u *trail = NULL;
int l;
if (curwin->w_p_list) {
list = true;
// find start of trailing whitespace
if (list && curwin->w_p_lcs_chars.trail) {
trail = s + STRLEN(s);
while (trail > s && ascii_iswhite(trail[-1])) {
// output a space for an empty line, otherwise the line will be overwritten
if (*s == NUL && !(list && curwin->w_p_lcs_chars.eol != NUL)) {
msg_putchar(' ');
while (!got_int) {
if (n_extra > 0) {
if (n_extra == 0 && c_final) {
c = c_final;
} else if (c_extra) {
c = c_extra;
} else {
assert(p_extra != NULL);
c = *p_extra++;
} else if ((l = utfc_ptr2len(s)) > 1) {
col += utf_ptr2cells(s);
char buf[MB_MAXBYTES + 1];
if (curwin->w_p_lcs_chars.nbsp != NUL && list
&& (utf_ptr2char(s) == 160 || utf_ptr2char(s) == 0x202f)) {
utf_char2bytes(curwin->w_p_lcs_chars.nbsp, (char_u *)buf);
buf[utfc_ptr2len((char_u *)buf)] = NUL;
} else {
memmove(buf, s, (size_t)l);
buf[l] = NUL;
s += l;
} else {
attr = 0;
c = *s++;
if (c == TAB && (!list || curwin->w_p_lcs_chars.tab1)) {
// tab amount depends on current column
n_extra = curbuf->b_p_ts - col % curbuf->b_p_ts - 1;
if (!list) {
c = ' ';
c_extra = ' ';
c_final = NUL;
} else {
c = (n_extra == 0 && curwin->w_p_lcs_chars.tab3)
? curwin->w_p_lcs_chars.tab3
: curwin->w_p_lcs_chars.tab1;
c_extra = curwin->w_p_lcs_chars.tab2;
c_final = curwin->w_p_lcs_chars.tab3;
attr = HL_ATTR(HLF_8);
} else if (c == 160 && list && curwin->w_p_lcs_chars.nbsp != NUL) {
c = curwin->w_p_lcs_chars.nbsp;
attr = HL_ATTR(HLF_8);
} else if (c == NUL && list && curwin->w_p_lcs_chars.eol != NUL) {
p_extra = (char_u *)"";
c_extra = NUL;
c_final = NUL;
n_extra = 1;
c = curwin->w_p_lcs_chars.eol;
attr = HL_ATTR(HLF_AT);
} else if (c != NUL && (n = byte2cells(c)) > 1) {
n_extra = n - 1;
p_extra = transchar_byte(c);
c_extra = NUL;
c_final = NUL;
c = *p_extra++;
/* Use special coloring to be able to distinguish <hex> from
* the same in plain text. */
attr = HL_ATTR(HLF_8);
} else if (c == ' ' && trail != NULL && s > trail) {
c = curwin->w_p_lcs_chars.trail;
attr = HL_ATTR(HLF_8);
} else if (c == ' ' && list && curwin-> != NUL) {
c = curwin->;
attr = HL_ATTR(HLF_8);
if (c == NUL)
msg_putchar_attr(c, attr);
// Use grid_puts() to output one multi-byte character.
// Return the pointer "s" advanced to the next character.
static char_u *screen_puts_mbyte(char_u *s, int l, int attr)
int cw;
attr = hl_combine_attr(HL_ATTR(HLF_MSG), attr);
msg_didout = true; // remember that line is not empty
cw = utf_ptr2cells(s);
if (cw > 1
&& (cmdmsg_rl ? msg_col <= 1 : msg_col == Columns - 1)) {
// Doesn't fit, print a highlighted '>' to fill it up.
msg_screen_putchar('>', HL_ATTR(HLF_AT));
return s;
grid_puts_len(&msg_grid_adj, s, l, msg_row, msg_col, attr);
if (cmdmsg_rl) {
msg_col -= cw;
if (msg_col == 0) {
msg_col = Columns;
} else {
msg_col += cw;
if (msg_col >= Columns) {
msg_col = 0;
return s + l;
* Output a string to the screen at position msg_row, msg_col.
* Update msg_row and msg_col for the next message.
void msg_puts(const char *s)
msg_puts_attr(s, 0);
void msg_puts_title(const char *s)
msg_puts_attr(s, HL_ATTR(HLF_T));
* Show a message in such a way that it always fits in the line. Cut out a
* part in the middle and replace it with "..." when necessary.
* Does not handle multi-byte characters!
void msg_puts_long_attr(char_u *longstr, int attr)
msg_puts_long_len_attr(longstr, (int)STRLEN(longstr), attr);
void msg_puts_long_len_attr(char_u *longstr, int len, int attr)
int slen = len;
int room;
room = Columns - msg_col;
if (len > room && room >= 20) {
slen = (room - 3) / 2;
msg_outtrans_len_attr(longstr, slen, attr);
msg_puts_attr("...", HL_ATTR(HLF_8));
msg_outtrans_len_attr(longstr + len - slen, slen, attr);
* Basic function for writing a message with highlight attributes.
void msg_puts_attr(const char *const s, const int attr)
msg_puts_attr_len(s, -1, attr);
/// Write a message with highlight attributes
/// @param[in] str NUL-terminated message string.
/// @param[in] len Length of the string or -1.
/// @param[in] attr Highlight attribute.
void msg_puts_attr_len(const char *const str, const ptrdiff_t len, int attr)
assert(len < 0 || memchr(str, 0, len) == NULL);
// If redirection is on, also write to the redirection file.
redir_write(str, len);
// Don't print anything when using ":silent cmd".
if (msg_silent != 0) {
// if MSG_HIST flag set, add message to history
if (attr & MSG_HIST) {
add_msg_hist(str, (int)len, attr, false);
attr &= ~MSG_HIST;
// When writing something to the screen after it has scrolled, requires a
// wait-return prompt later. Needed when scrolling, resetting
// need_wait_return after some prompt, and then outputting something
// without scrolling
bool overflow = false;
if (ui_has(kUIMessages)) {
int count = msg_ext_visible + (msg_ext_overwrite ? 0 : 1);
// TODO(bfredl): possible extension point, let external UI control this
if (count > 1) {
overflow = true;
} else {
overflow = msg_scrolled != 0;
if (overflow && !msg_scrolled_ign) {
need_wait_return = true;
msg_didany = true; // remember that something was outputted
// If there is no valid screen, use fprintf so we can see error messages.
// If termcap is not active, we may be writing in an alternate console
// window, cursor positioning may not work correctly (window size may be
// different, e.g. for Win32 console) or we just don't know where the
// cursor is.
if (msg_use_printf()) {
int saved_msg_col = msg_col;
msg_puts_printf(str, len);
if (headless_mode) {
msg_col = saved_msg_col;
if (!msg_use_printf() || (headless_mode && default_grid.chars)) {
msg_puts_display((const char_u *)str, len, attr, false);
/// Print a formatted message
/// Message printed is limited by #IOSIZE. Must not be used from inside
/// msg_puts_attr().
/// @param[in] attr Highlight attributes.
/// @param[in] fmt Format string.
void msg_printf_attr(const int attr, const char *const fmt, ...)
static char msgbuf[IOSIZE];
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
const size_t len = vim_vsnprintf(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf), fmt, ap);
msg_scroll = true;
msg_puts_attr_len(msgbuf, (ptrdiff_t)len, attr);
static void msg_ext_emit_chunk(void)
// Color was changed or a message flushed, end current chunk.
if (msg_ext_last_attr == -1) {
return; // no chunk
Array chunk = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
ADD(chunk, INTEGER_OBJ(msg_ext_last_attr));
msg_ext_last_attr = -1;
String text = ga_take_string(&msg_ext_last_chunk);
ADD(chunk, STRING_OBJ(text));
ADD(msg_ext_chunks, ARRAY_OBJ(chunk));
* The display part of msg_puts_attr_len().
* May be called recursively to display scroll-back text.
static void msg_puts_display(const char_u *str, int maxlen, int attr,
int recurse)
const char_u *s = str;
const char_u *t_s = str; // String from "t_s" to "s" is still todo.
int t_col = 0; // Screen cells todo, 0 when "t_s" not used.
int l;
int cw;
const char_u *sb_str = str;
int sb_col = msg_col;
int wrap;
int did_last_char;
did_wait_return = false;
if (ui_has(kUIMessages)) {
if (attr != msg_ext_last_attr) {
msg_ext_last_attr = attr;
// Concat pieces with the same highlight
size_t len = strnlen((char *)str, maxlen); // -V781
ga_concat_len(&msg_ext_last_chunk, (char *)str, len);
msg_ext_cur_len += len;
cmdline_was_last_drawn = redrawing_cmdline;
while ((maxlen < 0 || (int)(s - str) < maxlen) && *s != NUL) {
// We are at the end of the screen line when:
// - When outputting a newline.
// - When outputting a character in the last column.
if (!recurse && msg_row >= Rows - 1
&& (*s == '\n' || (cmdmsg_rl
? (msg_col <= 1
|| (*s == TAB && msg_col <= 7)
|| (utf_ptr2cells(s) > 1
&& msg_col <= 2))
: (msg_col + t_col >= Columns - 1
|| (*s == TAB
&& msg_col + t_col >= ((Columns - 1) & ~7))
|| (utf_ptr2cells(s) > 1
&& msg_col + t_col >= Columns - 2))))) {
// The screen is scrolled up when at the last row (some terminals
// scroll automatically, some don't. To avoid problems we scroll
// ourselves).
if (t_col > 0) {
// output postponed text
t_puts(&t_col, t_s, s, attr);
/* When no more prompt and no more room, truncate here */
if (msg_no_more && lines_left == 0)
// Scroll the screen up one line.
bool has_last_char = (*s >= ' ' && !cmdmsg_rl);
msg_row = Rows - 2;
if (msg_col >= Columns) /* can happen after screen resize */
msg_col = Columns - 1;
// Display char in last column before showing more-prompt.
if (has_last_char) {
if (maxlen >= 0) {
// Avoid including composing chars after the end.
l = utfc_ptr2len_len(s, (int)((str + maxlen) - s));
} else {
l = utfc_ptr2len(s);
s = screen_puts_mbyte((char_u *)s, l, attr);
did_last_char = true;
} else {
did_last_char = false;
// Tricky: if last cell will be written, delay the throttle until
// after the first scroll. Otherwise we would need to keep track of it.
if (has_last_char && msg_do_throttle()) {
if (!msg_grid.throttled) {
msg_grid.throttled = true;
if (p_more) {
// Store text for scrolling back.
store_sb_text((char_u **)&sb_str, (char_u *)s, attr, &sb_col, true);
need_wait_return = true; // may need wait_return in main()
redraw_cmdline = true;
if (cmdline_row > 0 && !exmode_active) {
* If screen is completely filled and 'more' is set then wait
* for a character.
if (lines_left > 0)
if (p_more && lines_left == 0 && State != HITRETURN
&& !msg_no_more && !exmode_active) {
if (do_more_prompt(NUL))
s = confirm_msg_tail;
if (quit_more)
/* When we displayed a char in last column need to check if there
* is still more. */
if (did_last_char)
wrap = *s == '\n'
|| msg_col + t_col >= Columns
|| (utf_ptr2cells(s) > 1
&& msg_col + t_col >= Columns - 1)
if (t_col > 0 && (wrap || *s == '\r' || *s == '\b'
|| *s == '\t' || *s == BELL)) {
// Output any postponed text.
t_puts(&t_col, t_s, s, attr);
if (wrap && p_more && !recurse) {
// Store text for scrolling back.
store_sb_text((char_u **)&sb_str, (char_u *)s, attr, &sb_col, true);
if (*s == '\n') { /* go to next line */
msg_didout = FALSE; /* remember that line is empty */
if (cmdmsg_rl)
msg_col = Columns - 1;
msg_col = 0;
if (++msg_row >= Rows) /* safety check */
msg_row = Rows - 1;
} else if (*s == '\r') { /* go to column 0 */
msg_col = 0;
} else if (*s == '\b') { /* go to previous char */
if (msg_col)
} else if (*s == TAB) { /* translate Tab into spaces */
do {
msg_screen_putchar(' ', attr);
} while (msg_col & 7);
} else if (*s == BELL) { // beep (from ":sh")
} else if (*s >= 0x20) { // printable char
cw = utf_ptr2cells(s);
if (maxlen >= 0) {
// avoid including composing chars after the end
l = utfc_ptr2len_len(s, (int)((str + maxlen) - s));
} else {
l = utfc_ptr2len(s);
// When drawing from right to left or when a double-wide character
// doesn't fit, draw a single character here. Otherwise collect
// characters and draw them all at once later.
if (cmdmsg_rl || (cw > 1 && msg_col + t_col >= Columns - 1)) {
if (l > 1) {
s = screen_puts_mbyte((char_u *)s, l, attr) - 1;
} else {
msg_screen_putchar(*s, attr);
} else {
/* postpone this character until later */
if (t_col == 0)
t_s = s;
t_col += cw;
s += l - 1;
// Output any postponed text.
if (t_col > 0) {
t_puts(&t_col, t_s, s, attr);
if (p_more && !recurse) {
store_sb_text((char_u **)&sb_str, (char_u *)s, attr, &sb_col, false);
/// Return true when ":filter pattern" was used and "msg" does not match
/// "pattern".
bool message_filtered(char_u *msg)
if (cmdmod.filter_regmatch.regprog == NULL) {
return false;
bool match = vim_regexec(&cmdmod.filter_regmatch, msg, (colnr_T)0);
return cmdmod.filter_force ? match : !match;
/// including horizontal separator
int msg_scrollsize(void)
return msg_scrolled + p_ch + 1;
bool msg_use_msgsep(void)
// the full-screen scroll behavior doesn't really make sense with
// 'ext_multigrid'
return ((dy_flags & DY_MSGSEP) || ui_has(kUIMultigrid));
bool msg_do_throttle(void)
return msg_use_grid() && !(rdb_flags & RDB_NOTHROTTLE);
/// Scroll the screen up one line for displaying the next message line.
void msg_scroll_up(bool may_throttle)
if (may_throttle && msg_do_throttle()) {
msg_grid.throttled = true;
msg_did_scroll = true;
if (msg_use_msgsep()) {
if (msg_grid_pos > 0) {
msg_grid_set_pos(msg_grid_pos-1, true);
} else {
grid_del_lines(&msg_grid, 0, 1, msg_grid.Rows, 0, msg_grid.Columns);
memmove(msg_grid.dirty_col, msg_grid.dirty_col+1,
(msg_grid.Rows-1) * sizeof(*msg_grid.dirty_col));
msg_grid.dirty_col[msg_grid.Rows-1] = 0;
} else {
grid_del_lines(&msg_grid_adj, 0, 1, Rows, 0, Columns);
grid_fill(&msg_grid_adj, Rows-1, Rows, 0, Columns, ' ', ' ',
/// Send throttled message output to UI clients
/// The way message.c uses the grid_xx family of functions is quite inefficient
/// relative to the "gridline" UI protocol used by TUI and modern clients.
/// For instance scrolling is done one line at a time. By throttling drawing
/// on the message grid, we can coalesce scrolling to a single grid_scroll
/// per screen update.
/// NB: The bookkeeping is quite messy, and rests on a bunch of poorly
/// documented assumtions. For instance that the message area always grows while
/// being throttled, messages are only being output on the last line etc.
/// Probably message scrollback storage should reimplented as a file_buffer, and
/// message scrolling in TUI be reimplemented as a modal floating window. Then
/// we get throttling "for free" using standard redraw_win_later code paths.
void msg_scroll_flush(void)
if (msg_grid.throttled) {
msg_grid.throttled = false;
int pos_delta = msg_grid_pos_at_flush - msg_grid_pos;
assert(pos_delta >= 0);
int delta = MIN(msg_scrolled - msg_scrolled_at_flush, msg_grid.Rows);
if (pos_delta > 0) {
ui_ext_msg_set_pos(msg_grid_pos, true);
int to_scroll = delta-pos_delta-msg_grid_scroll_discount;
assert(to_scroll >= 0);
// TODO(bfredl): msg_grid_pos should be 0 already when starting scrolling
// but this sometimes fails in "headless" message printing.
if (to_scroll > 0 && msg_grid_pos == 0) {
ui_call_grid_scroll(msg_grid.handle, 0, Rows, 0, Columns, to_scroll, 0);
for (int i = MAX(Rows-MAX(delta, 1), 0); i < Rows; i++) {
int row = i-msg_grid_pos;
assert(row >= 0);
ui_line(&msg_grid, row, 0, msg_grid.dirty_col[row], msg_grid.Columns,
HL_ATTR(HLF_MSG), false);
msg_grid.dirty_col[row] = 0;
msg_scrolled_at_flush = msg_scrolled;
msg_grid_scroll_discount = 0;
msg_grid_pos_at_flush = msg_grid_pos;
void msg_reset_scroll(void)
if (ui_has(kUIMessages)) {
// TODO(bfredl): some duplicate logic with update_screen(). Later on
// we should properly disentangle message clear with full screen redraw.
if (msg_use_grid()) {
msg_grid.throttled = false;
// TODO(bfredl): risk for extra flicker i e with
// "nvim -o has_swap also_has_swap"
msg_grid_set_pos(Rows - p_ch, false);
clear_cmdline = true;
if (msg_grid.chars) {
// non-displayed part of msg_grid is considered invalid.
for (int i = 0; i < MIN(msg_scrollsize(), msg_grid.Rows); i++) {
grid_clear_line(&msg_grid, msg_grid.line_offset[i],
(int)msg_grid.Columns, false);
} else {
msg_scrolled = 0;
msg_scrolled_at_flush = 0;
* Increment "msg_scrolled".
static void inc_msg_scrolled(void)
if (*get_vim_var_str(VV_SCROLLSTART) == NUL) {
char *p = (char *) sourcing_name;
char *tofree = NULL;
// v:scrollstart is empty, set it to the script/function name and line
// number
if (p == NULL) {
p = _("Unknown");
} else {
size_t len = strlen(p) + 40;
tofree = xmalloc(len);
vim_snprintf(tofree, len, _("%s line %" PRId64),
p, (int64_t) sourcing_lnum);
p = tofree;
set_vim_var_string(VV_SCROLLSTART, p, -1);
if (must_redraw < VALID) {
must_redraw = VALID;
static msgchunk_T *last_msgchunk = NULL; // last displayed text
typedef enum {
} sb_clear_T;
// When to clear text on next msg.
static sb_clear_T do_clear_sb_text = SB_CLEAR_NONE;
/// Store part of a printed message for displaying when scrolling back.
static void store_sb_text(
char_u **sb_str, // start of string
char_u *s, // just after string
int attr,
int *sb_col,
int finish // line ends
msgchunk_T *mp;
if (do_clear_sb_text == SB_CLEAR_ALL
|| do_clear_sb_text == SB_CLEAR_CMDLINE_DONE) {
clear_sb_text(do_clear_sb_text == SB_CLEAR_ALL);
do_clear_sb_text = SB_CLEAR_NONE;
if (s > *sb_str) {
mp = xmalloc((sizeof(msgchunk_T) + (s - *sb_str)));
mp->sb_eol = finish;
mp->sb_msg_col = *sb_col;
mp->sb_attr = attr;
memcpy(mp->sb_text, *sb_str, s - *sb_str);
mp->sb_text[s - *sb_str] = NUL;
if (last_msgchunk == NULL) {
last_msgchunk = mp;
mp->sb_prev = NULL;
} else {
mp->sb_prev = last_msgchunk;
last_msgchunk->sb_next = mp;
last_msgchunk = mp;
mp->sb_next = NULL;
} else if (finish && last_msgchunk != NULL)
last_msgchunk->sb_eol = TRUE;
*sb_str = s;
*sb_col = 0;
* Finished showing messages, clear the scroll-back text on the next message.
void may_clear_sb_text(void)
do_clear_sb_text = SB_CLEAR_ALL;
/// Starting to edit the command line, do not clear messages now.
void sb_text_start_cmdline(void)
do_clear_sb_text = SB_CLEAR_CMDLINE_BUSY;
/// Ending to edit the command line. Clear old lines but the last one later.
void sb_text_end_cmdline(void)
do_clear_sb_text = SB_CLEAR_CMDLINE_DONE;
/// Clear any text remembered for scrolling back.
/// When "all" is FALSE keep the last line.
/// Called when redrawing the screen.
void clear_sb_text(int all)
msgchunk_T *mp;
msgchunk_T **lastp;
if (all) {
lastp = &last_msgchunk;
} else {
if (last_msgchunk == NULL) {
lastp = &last_msgchunk->sb_prev;
while (*lastp != NULL) {
mp = (*lastp)->sb_prev;
*lastp = mp;
* "g<" command.
void show_sb_text(void)
msgchunk_T *mp;
/* Only show something if there is more than one line, otherwise it looks
* weird, typing a command without output results in one line. */
mp = msg_sb_start(last_msgchunk);
if (mp == NULL || mp->sb_prev == NULL) {
} else {
* Move to the start of screen line in already displayed text.
static msgchunk_T *msg_sb_start(msgchunk_T *mps)
msgchunk_T *mp = mps;
while (mp != NULL && mp->sb_prev != NULL && !mp->sb_prev->sb_eol)
mp = mp->sb_prev;
return mp;
* Mark the last message chunk as finishing the line.
void msg_sb_eol(void)
if (last_msgchunk != NULL)
last_msgchunk->sb_eol = TRUE;
* Display a screen line from previously displayed text at row "row".
* Returns a pointer to the text for the next line (can be NULL).
static msgchunk_T *disp_sb_line(int row, msgchunk_T *smp)
msgchunk_T *mp = smp;
char_u *p;
for (;; ) {
msg_row = row;
msg_col = mp->sb_msg_col;
p = mp->sb_text;
if (*p == '\n') /* don't display the line break */
msg_puts_display(p, -1, mp->sb_attr, TRUE);
if (mp->sb_eol || mp->sb_next == NULL)
mp = mp->sb_next;
return mp->sb_next;
* Output any postponed text for msg_puts_attr_len().
static void t_puts(int *t_col, const char_u *t_s, const char_u *s, int attr)
attr = hl_combine_attr(HL_ATTR(HLF_MSG), attr);
// Output postponed text.
msg_didout = true; // Remember that line is not empty.
grid_puts_len(&msg_grid_adj, (char_u *)t_s, (int)(s - t_s), msg_row, msg_col,
msg_col += *t_col;
*t_col = 0;
/* If the string starts with a composing character don't increment the
* column position for it. */
if (enc_utf8 && utf_iscomposing(utf_ptr2char(t_s)))
if (msg_col >= Columns) {
msg_col = 0;
// Returns TRUE when messages should be printed to stdout/stderr:
// - "batch mode" ("silent mode", -es/-Es)
// - no UI and not embedded
int msg_use_printf(void)
return !embedded_mode && !ui_active();
/// Print a message when there is no valid screen.
static void msg_puts_printf(const char *str, const ptrdiff_t maxlen)
const char *s = str;
char buf[7];
char *p;
while ((maxlen < 0 || s - str < maxlen) && *s != NUL) {
int len = utf_ptr2len((const char_u *)s);
if (!(silent_mode && p_verbose == 0)) {
// NL --> CR NL translation (for Unix, not for "--version")
p = &buf[0];
if (*s == '\n' && !info_message) {
*p++ = '\r';
memcpy(p, s, len);
*(p + len) = '\0';
if (info_message) {
} else {
int cw = utf_char2cells(utf_ptr2char((const char_u *)s));
// primitive way to compute the current column
if (cmdmsg_rl) {
if (*s == '\r' || *s == '\n') {
msg_col = Columns - 1;
} else {
msg_col -= cw;
} else {
if (*s == '\r' || *s == '\n') {
msg_col = 0;
} else {
msg_col += cw;
s += len;
msg_didout = true; // assume that line is not empty
* Show the more-prompt and handle the user response.
* This takes care of scrolling back and displaying previously displayed text.
* When at hit-enter prompt "typed_char" is the already typed character,
* otherwise it's NUL.
* Returns TRUE when jumping ahead to "confirm_msg_tail".
static int do_more_prompt(int typed_char)
static bool entered = false;
int used_typed_char = typed_char;
int oldState = State;
int c;
int retval = FALSE;
int toscroll;
bool to_redraw = false;
msgchunk_T *mp_last = NULL;
msgchunk_T *mp;
int i;
// We get called recursively when a timer callback outputs a message. In
// that case don't show another prompt. Also when at the hit-Enter prompt
// and nothing was typed.
if (entered || (State == HITRETURN && typed_char == 0)) {
return false;
entered = true;
if (typed_char == 'G') {
/* "g<": Find first line on the last page. */
mp_last = msg_sb_start(last_msgchunk);
for (i = 0; i < Rows - 2 && mp_last != NULL
&& mp_last->sb_prev != NULL; ++i)
mp_last = msg_sb_start(mp_last->sb_prev);
State = ASKMORE;
if (typed_char == NUL)
for (;; ) {
* Get a typed character directly from the user.
if (used_typed_char != NUL) {
c = used_typed_char; /* was typed at hit-enter prompt */
used_typed_char = NUL;
} else {
c = get_keystroke(resize_events);
toscroll = 0;
switch (c) {
case BS: /* scroll one line back */
case K_BS:
case 'k':
case K_UP:
toscroll = -1;
case CAR: /* one extra line */
case NL:
case 'j':
case K_DOWN:
toscroll = 1;
case 'u': /* Up half a page */
toscroll = -(Rows / 2);
case 'd': /* Down half a page */
toscroll = Rows / 2;
case 'b': /* one page back */
case K_PAGEUP:
toscroll = -(Rows - 1);
case ' ': /* one extra page */
case 'f':
toscroll = Rows - 1;
case 'g': /* all the way back to the start */
toscroll = -999999;
case 'G': /* all the way to the end */
toscroll = 999999;
lines_left = 999999;
case ':': /* start new command line */
if (!confirm_msg_used) {
/* Since got_int is set all typeahead will be flushed, but we
* want to keep this ':', remember that in a special way. */
cmdline_row = Rows - 1; /* put ':' on this line */
skip_redraw = TRUE; /* skip redraw once */
need_wait_return = FALSE; /* don't wait in main() */
case 'q': // quit
case Ctrl_C:
case ESC:
if (confirm_msg_used) {
/* Jump to the choices of the dialog. */
retval = TRUE;
} else {
got_int = TRUE;
quit_more = TRUE;
/* When there is some more output (wrapping line) display that
* without another prompt. */
lines_left = Rows - 1;
case K_EVENT:
// only resize_events are processed here
// Attempt to redraw the screen. sb_text doesn't support reflow
// so this only really works for vertical resize.
to_redraw = true;
default: /* no valid response */
// code assumes we only do one at a time
assert((toscroll == 0) || !to_redraw);
if (toscroll != 0 || to_redraw) {
if (toscroll < 0 || to_redraw) {
// go to start of last line
if (mp_last == NULL) {
mp = msg_sb_start(last_msgchunk);
} else if (mp_last->sb_prev != NULL) {
mp = msg_sb_start(mp_last->sb_prev);
} else {
mp = NULL;
/* go to start of line at top of the screen */
for (i = 0; i < Rows - 2 && mp != NULL && mp->sb_prev != NULL;
mp = msg_sb_start(mp->sb_prev);
if (mp != NULL && (mp->sb_prev != NULL || to_redraw)) {
// Find line to be displayed at top
for (i = 0; i > toscroll; i--) {
if (mp == NULL || mp->sb_prev == NULL) {
mp = msg_sb_start(mp->sb_prev);
if (mp_last == NULL)
mp_last = msg_sb_start(last_msgchunk);
mp_last = msg_sb_start(mp_last->sb_prev);
if (toscroll == -1 && !to_redraw) {
grid_ins_lines(&msg_grid_adj, 0, 1, Rows, 0, Columns);
grid_fill(&msg_grid_adj, 0, 1, 0, Columns, ' ', ' ',
// display line at top
(void)disp_sb_line(0, mp);
} else {
// redisplay all lines
// TODO(bfredl): this case is not optimized (though only concerns
// event fragmentization, not unnecessary scroll events).
grid_fill(&msg_grid_adj, 0, Rows, 0, Columns, ' ', ' ',
for (i = 0; mp != NULL && i < Rows - 1; i++) {
mp = disp_sb_line(i, mp);
to_redraw = false;
toscroll = 0;
} else {
/* First display any text that we scrolled back. */
while (toscroll > 0 && mp_last != NULL) {
if (msg_do_throttle() && !msg_grid.throttled) {
// Tricky: we redraw at one line higher than usual. Therefore
// the non-flushed area is one line larger.
// scroll up, display line at bottom
grid_fill(&msg_grid_adj, Rows-2, Rows-1, 0, Columns, ' ', ' ',
mp_last = disp_sb_line(Rows - 2, mp_last);
if (toscroll <= 0) {
// displayed the requested text, more prompt again
grid_fill(&msg_grid_adj, Rows - 1, Rows, 0, Columns, ' ', ' ',
/* display more text, return to caller */
lines_left = toscroll;
// clear the --more-- message
grid_fill(&msg_grid_adj, Rows - 1, Rows, 0, Columns, ' ', ' ',
redraw_cmdline = true;
clear_cmdline = false;
mode_displayed = false;
State = oldState;
if (quit_more) {
msg_row = Rows - 1;
msg_col = 0;
} else if (cmdmsg_rl) {
msg_col = Columns - 1;
entered = false;
return retval;
#if defined(WIN32)
void mch_errmsg(char *str)
assert(str != NULL);
wchar_t *utf16str;
int r = utf8_to_utf16(str, -1, &utf16str);
if (r != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "utf8_to_utf16 failed: %d", r);
} else {
fwprintf(stderr, L"%ls", utf16str);
// Give a message. To be used when the UI is not initialized yet.
void mch_msg(char *str)
assert(str != NULL);
wchar_t *utf16str;
int r = utf8_to_utf16(str, -1, &utf16str);
if (r != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "utf8_to_utf16 failed: %d", r);
} else {
wprintf(L"%ls", utf16str);
#endif // WIN32
* Put a character on the screen at the current message position and advance
* to the next position. Only for printable ASCII!
static void msg_screen_putchar(int c, int attr)
attr = hl_combine_attr(HL_ATTR(HLF_MSG), attr);
msg_didout = true; // remember that line is not empty
grid_putchar(&msg_grid_adj, c, msg_row, msg_col, attr);
if (cmdmsg_rl) {
if (--msg_col == 0) {
msg_col = Columns;
} else {
if (++msg_col >= Columns) {
msg_col = 0;
void msg_moremsg(int full)
int attr;
char_u *s = (char_u *)_("-- More --");
attr = hl_combine_attr(HL_ATTR(HLF_MSG), HL_ATTR(HLF_M));
grid_puts(&msg_grid_adj, s, Rows - 1, 0, attr);
if (full) {
grid_puts(&msg_grid_adj, (char_u *)
_(" SPACE/d/j: screen/page/line down, b/u/k: up, q: quit "),
Rows - 1, vim_strsize(s), attr);
* Repeat the message for the current mode: ASKMORE, EXTERNCMD, CONFIRM or
* exmode_active.
void repeat_message(void)
if (State == ASKMORE) {
msg_moremsg(TRUE); /* display --more-- message again */
msg_row = Rows - 1;
} else if (State == CONFIRM) {
display_confirm_msg(); /* display ":confirm" message again */
msg_row = Rows - 1;
} else if (State == EXTERNCMD) {
ui_cursor_goto(msg_row, msg_col); /* put cursor back */
} else if (State == HITRETURN || State == SETWSIZE) {
if (msg_row == Rows - 1) {
/* Avoid drawing the "hit-enter" prompt below the previous one,
* overwrite it. Esp. useful when regaining focus and a
* FocusGained autocmd exists but didn't draw anything. */
msg_didout = FALSE;
msg_col = 0;
msg_row = Rows - 1;
* Clear from current message position to end of screen.
* Skip this when ":silent" was used, no need to clear for redirection.
void msg_clr_eos(void)
if (msg_silent == 0)
* Clear from current message position to end of screen.
* Note: msg_col is not updated, so we remember the end of the message
* for msg_check().
void msg_clr_eos_force(void)
if (ui_has(kUIMessages)) {
int msg_startcol = (cmdmsg_rl) ? 0 : msg_col;
int msg_endcol = (cmdmsg_rl) ? msg_col + 1 : Columns;
if (msg_grid.chars && msg_row < msg_grid_pos) {
// TODO(bfredl): ugly, this state should already been validated at this
// point. But msg_clr_eos() is called in a lot of places.
msg_row = msg_grid_pos;
grid_fill(&msg_grid_adj, msg_row, msg_row + 1, msg_startcol, msg_endcol, ' ',
grid_fill(&msg_grid_adj, msg_row + 1, Rows, 0, Columns, ' ', ' ',
redraw_cmdline = true; // overwritten the command line
if (msg_row < Rows-1 || msg_col == (cmdmsg_rl ? Columns : 0)) {
clear_cmdline = false; // command line has been cleared
mode_displayed = false; // mode cleared or overwritten
* Clear the command line.
void msg_clr_cmdline(void)
msg_row = cmdline_row;
msg_col = 0;
* end putting a message on the screen
* call wait_return if the message does not fit in the available space
* return TRUE if wait_return not called.
int msg_end(void)
* If the string is larger than the window,
* or the ruler option is set and we run into it,
* we have to redraw the window.
* Do not do this if we are abandoning the file or editing the command line.
if (!exiting && need_wait_return && !(State & CMDLINE)) {
return FALSE;
// NOTE: ui_flush() used to be called here. This had to be removed, as it
// inhibited substantial performance improvements. It is assumed that relevant
// callers invoke ui_flush() before going into CPU busywork, or restricted
// event processing after displaying a message to the user.
return true;
void msg_ext_ui_flush(void)
if (!ui_has(kUIMessages)) {
if (msg_ext_chunks.size > 0) {
msg_ext_chunks, msg_ext_overwrite);
if (!msg_ext_overwrite) {
msg_ext_kind = NULL;
msg_ext_chunks = (Array)ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
msg_ext_cur_len = 0;
msg_ext_overwrite = false;
void msg_ext_flush_showmode(void)
// Showmode messages doesn't interrupt normal message flow, so we use
// separate event. Still reuse the same chunking logic, for simplicity.
if (ui_has(kUIMessages)) {
msg_ext_chunks = (Array)ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
msg_ext_cur_len = 0;
void msg_ext_clear(bool force)
if (msg_ext_visible && (!msg_ext_keep_after_cmdline || force)) {
msg_ext_visible = 0;
msg_ext_overwrite = false; // nothing to overwrite
// Only keep once.
msg_ext_keep_after_cmdline = false;
void msg_ext_clear_later(void)
if (msg_ext_is_visible()) {
msg_ext_need_clear = true;
if (must_redraw < VALID) {
must_redraw = VALID;
void msg_ext_check_clear(void)
// Redraw after cmdline or prompt is expected to clear messages.
if (msg_ext_need_clear) {
msg_ext_need_clear = false;
bool msg_ext_is_visible(void)
return ui_has(kUIMessages) && msg_ext_visible > 0;
* If the written message runs into the shown command or ruler, we have to
* wait for hit-return and redraw the window later.
void msg_check(void)
if (ui_has(kUIMessages)) {
if (msg_row == Rows - 1 && msg_col >= sc_col) {
need_wait_return = TRUE;
redraw_cmdline = TRUE;
* May write a string to the redirection file.
* When "maxlen" is -1 write the whole string, otherwise up to "maxlen" bytes.
static void redir_write(const char *const str, const ptrdiff_t maxlen)
const char_u *s = (char_u *)str;
static int cur_col = 0;
if (maxlen == 0) {
/* Don't do anything for displaying prompts and the like. */
if (redir_off)
/* If 'verbosefile' is set prepare for writing in that file. */
if (*p_vfile != NUL && verbose_fd == NULL)
if (redirecting()) {
/* If the string doesn't start with CR or NL, go to msg_col */
if (*s != '\n' && *s != '\r') {
while (cur_col < msg_col) {
if (capture_ga) {
ga_concat_len(capture_ga, " ", 1);
if (redir_reg) {
write_reg_contents(redir_reg, (char_u *)" ", 1, true);
} else if (redir_vname) {
var_redir_str((char_u *)" ", -1);
} else if (redir_fd != NULL) {
fputs(" ", redir_fd);
if (verbose_fd != NULL) {
fputs(" ", verbose_fd);
size_t len = maxlen == -1 ? STRLEN(s) : (size_t)maxlen;
if (capture_ga) {
ga_concat_len(capture_ga, (const char *)str, len);
if (redir_reg) {
write_reg_contents(redir_reg, s, len, true);
if (redir_vname) {
var_redir_str((char_u *)s, maxlen);
// Write and adjust the current column.
while (*s != NUL
&& (maxlen < 0 || (int)(s - (const char_u *)str) < maxlen)) {
if (!redir_reg && !redir_vname && !capture_ga) {
if (redir_fd != NULL) {
putc(*s, redir_fd);
if (verbose_fd != NULL) {
putc(*s, verbose_fd);
if (*s == '\r' || *s == '\n') {
cur_col = 0;
} else if (*s == '\t') {
cur_col += (8 - cur_col % 8);
} else {
if (msg_silent != 0) /* should update msg_col */
msg_col = cur_col;
int redirecting(void)
return redir_fd != NULL || *p_vfile != NUL
|| redir_reg || redir_vname || capture_ga != NULL;
* Before giving verbose message.
* Must always be called paired with verbose_leave()!
void verbose_enter(void)
if (*p_vfile != NUL)
* After giving verbose message.
* Must always be called paired with verbose_enter()!
void verbose_leave(void)
if (*p_vfile != NUL)
if (--msg_silent < 0)
msg_silent = 0;
* Like verbose_enter() and set msg_scroll when displaying the message.
void verbose_enter_scroll(void)
if (*p_vfile != NUL)
/* always scroll up, don't overwrite */
msg_scroll = TRUE;
* Like verbose_leave() and set cmdline_row when displaying the message.
void verbose_leave_scroll(void)
if (*p_vfile != NUL) {
if (--msg_silent < 0)
msg_silent = 0;
} else
cmdline_row = msg_row;
* Called when 'verbosefile' is set: stop writing to the file.
void verbose_stop(void)
if (verbose_fd != NULL) {
verbose_fd = NULL;
verbose_did_open = FALSE;
* Open the file 'verbosefile'.
* Return FAIL or OK.
int verbose_open(void)
if (verbose_fd == NULL && !verbose_did_open) {
/* Only give the error message once. */
verbose_did_open = TRUE;
verbose_fd = os_fopen((char *)p_vfile, "a");
if (verbose_fd == NULL) {
EMSG2(_(e_notopen), p_vfile);
return FAIL;
return OK;
* Give a warning message (for searching).
* Use 'w' highlighting and may repeat the message after redrawing
void give_warning(char_u *message, bool hl) FUNC_ATTR_NONNULL_ARG(1)
// Don't do this for ":silent".
if (msg_silent != 0) {
// Don't want a hit-enter prompt here.
set_vim_var_string(VV_WARNINGMSG, (char *)message, -1);
if (hl) {
keep_msg_attr = HL_ATTR(HLF_W);
} else {
keep_msg_attr = 0;
if (msg_ext_kind == NULL) {
if (msg_attr((const char *)message, keep_msg_attr) && msg_scrolled == 0) {
set_keep_msg(message, keep_msg_attr);
msg_didout = false; // Overwrite this message.
msg_nowait = true; // Don't wait for this message.
msg_col = 0;
void give_warning2(char_u *const message, char_u *const a1, bool hl)
vim_snprintf((char *)IObuff, IOSIZE, (char *)message, a1);
give_warning(IObuff, hl);
* Advance msg cursor to column "col".
void msg_advance(int col)
if (msg_silent != 0) { /* nothing to advance to */
msg_col = col; /* for redirection, may fill it up later */
if (ui_has(kUIMessages)) {
// TODO(bfredl): use byte count as a basic proxy.
// later on we might add proper support for formatted messages.
while (msg_ext_cur_len < (size_t)col) {
msg_putchar(' ');
if (col >= Columns) /* not enough room */
col = Columns - 1;
if (cmdmsg_rl)
while (msg_col > Columns - col)
msg_putchar(' ');
while (msg_col < col)
msg_putchar(' ');
* Used for "confirm()" function, and the :confirm command prefix.
* Versions which haven't got flexible dialogs yet, and console
* versions, get this generic handler which uses the command line.
* type = one of:
* title = title string (can be NULL for default)
* (neither used in console dialogs at the moment)
* Format of the "buttons" string:
* "Button1Name\nButton2Name\nButton3Name"
* The first button should normally be the default/accept
* The second button should be the 'Cancel' button
* Other buttons- use your imagination!
* A '&' in a button name becomes a shortcut, so each '&' should be before a
* different letter.
do_dialog (
int type,
char_u *title,
char_u *message,
char_u *buttons,
int dfltbutton,
char_u *textfield, /* IObuff for inputdialog(), NULL
otherwise */
int ex_cmd /* when TRUE pressing : accepts default and starts
Ex command */
int retval = 0;
char_u *hotkeys;
int c;
int i;
if (silent_mode // No dialogs in silent mode ("ex -s")
|| !ui_active() // Without a UI Nvim waits for input forever.
) {
return dfltbutton; // return default option
int save_msg_silent = msg_silent;
int oldState = State;
msg_silent = 0; // If dialog prompts for input, user needs to see it! #8788
State = CONFIRM;
* Since we wait for a keypress, don't make the
* user press RETURN as well afterwards.
hotkeys = msg_show_console_dialog(message, buttons, dfltbutton);
for (;; ) {
// Get a typed character directly from the user.
c = get_keystroke(NULL);
switch (c) {
case CAR: /* User accepts default option */
case NL:
retval = dfltbutton;
case Ctrl_C: /* User aborts/cancels */
case ESC:
retval = 0;
default: /* Could be a hotkey? */
if (c < 0) { /* special keys are ignored here */
if (c == ':' && ex_cmd) {
retval = dfltbutton;
// Make the character lowercase, as chars in "hotkeys" are.
c = mb_tolower(c);
retval = 1;
for (i = 0; hotkeys[i]; i++) {
if (utf_ptr2char(hotkeys + i) == c) {
i += utfc_ptr2len(hotkeys + i) - 1;
if (hotkeys[i])
/* No hotkey match, so keep waiting */
msg_silent = save_msg_silent;
State = oldState;
return retval;
* Copy one character from "*from" to "*to", taking care of multi-byte
* characters. Return the length of the character in bytes.
static int
copy_char (
char_u *from,
char_u *to,
int lowercase /* make character lower case */
if (lowercase) {
int c = mb_tolower(utf_ptr2char(from));
return utf_char2bytes(c, to);
int len = utfc_ptr2len(from);
memmove(to, from, (size_t)len);
return len;
#define HAS_HOTKEY_LEN 30
#define HOTK_LEN (has_mbyte ? MB_MAXBYTES : 1)
/// Allocates memory for dialog string & for storing hotkeys
/// Finds the size of memory required for the confirm_msg & for storing hotkeys
/// and then allocates the memory for them.
/// has_hotkey array is also filled-up.
/// @param message Message which will be part of the confirm_msg
/// @param buttons String containing button names
/// @param[out] has_hotkey An element in this array is set to true if
/// corresponding button has a hotkey
/// @return Pointer to memory allocated for storing hotkeys
static char_u * console_dialog_alloc(const char_u *message,
char_u *buttons,
bool has_hotkey[])
int lenhotkey = HOTK_LEN; // count first button
has_hotkey[0] = false;
// Compute the size of memory to allocate.
int len = 0;
int idx = 0;
char_u *r = buttons;
while (*r) {
if (*r == DLG_BUTTON_SEP) {
len += 3; // '\n' -> ', '; 'x' -> '(x)'
lenhotkey += HOTK_LEN; // each button needs a hotkey
if (idx < HAS_HOTKEY_LEN - 1) {
has_hotkey[++idx] = false;
} else if (*r == DLG_HOTKEY_CHAR) {
len++; // '&a' -> '[a]'
if (idx < HAS_HOTKEY_LEN - 1) {
has_hotkey[idx] = true;
// Advance to the next character
len += (int)(STRLEN(message)
+ 2 // for the NL's
+ STRLEN(buttons)
+ 3); // for the ": " and NUL
lenhotkey++; // for the NUL
// If no hotkey is specified, first char is used.
if (!has_hotkey[0]) {
len += 2; // "x" -> "[x]"
// Now allocate space for the strings
confirm_msg = xmalloc(len);
*confirm_msg = NUL;
return xmalloc(lenhotkey);
* Format the dialog string, and display it at the bottom of
* the screen. Return a string of hotkey chars (if defined) for
* each 'button'. If a button has no hotkey defined, the first character of
* the button is used.
* The hotkeys can be multi-byte characters, but without combining chars.
* Returns an allocated string with hotkeys.
static char_u *msg_show_console_dialog(char_u *message, char_u *buttons, int dfltbutton)
bool has_hotkey[HAS_HOTKEY_LEN] = {false};
char_u *hotk = console_dialog_alloc(message, buttons, has_hotkey);
copy_hotkeys_and_msg(message, buttons, dfltbutton, has_hotkey, hotk);
return hotk;
/// Copies hotkeys & dialog message into the memory allocated for it
/// @param message Message which will be part of the confirm_msg
/// @param buttons String containing button names
/// @param default_button_idx Number of default button
/// @param has_hotkey An element in this array is true if corresponding button
/// has a hotkey
/// @param[out] hotkeys_ptr Pointer to the memory location where hotkeys will be copied
static void copy_hotkeys_and_msg(const char_u *message, char_u *buttons,
int default_button_idx, const bool has_hotkey[],
char_u *hotkeys_ptr)
*confirm_msg = '\n';
STRCPY(confirm_msg + 1, message);
char_u *msgp = confirm_msg + 1 + STRLEN(message);
// Define first default hotkey. Keep the hotkey string NUL
// terminated to avoid reading past the end.
hotkeys_ptr[copy_char(buttons, hotkeys_ptr, TRUE)] = NUL;
// Remember where the choices start, displaying starts here when
// "hotkeys_ptr" typed at the more prompt.
confirm_msg_tail = msgp;
*msgp++ = '\n';
bool first_hotkey = false; // Is the first char of button a hotkey
if (!has_hotkey[0]) {
first_hotkey = true; // If no hotkey is specified, first char is used
int idx = 0;
char_u *r = buttons;
while (*r) {
if (*r == DLG_BUTTON_SEP) {
*msgp++ = ',';
*msgp++ = ' '; // '\n' -> ', '
// Advance to next hotkey and set default hotkey
hotkeys_ptr += (has_mbyte) ? STRLEN(hotkeys_ptr): 1;
hotkeys_ptr[copy_char(r + 1, hotkeys_ptr, TRUE)] = NUL;
if (default_button_idx) {
// If no hotkey is specified, first char is used.
if (idx < HAS_HOTKEY_LEN - 1 && !has_hotkey[++idx]) {
first_hotkey = true;
} else if (*r == DLG_HOTKEY_CHAR || first_hotkey) {
if (*r == DLG_HOTKEY_CHAR) {
first_hotkey = false;
if (*r == DLG_HOTKEY_CHAR) { // '&&a' -> '&a'
*msgp++ = *r;
} else {
// '&a' -> '[a]'
*msgp++ = (default_button_idx == 1) ? '[' : '(';
msgp += copy_char(r, msgp, FALSE);
*msgp++ = (default_button_idx == 1) ? ']' : ')';
// redefine hotkey
hotkeys_ptr[copy_char(r, hotkeys_ptr, TRUE)] = NUL;
} else {
// everything else copy literally
msgp += copy_char(r, msgp, FALSE);
// advance to the next character
*msgp++ = ':';
*msgp++ = ' ';
*msgp = NUL;
* Display the ":confirm" message. Also called when screen resized.
void display_confirm_msg(void)
// Avoid that 'q' at the more prompt truncates the message here.
if (confirm_msg != NULL) {
msg_puts_attr((const char *)confirm_msg, HL_ATTR(HLF_M));
int vim_dialog_yesno(int type, char_u *title, char_u *message, int dflt)
if (do_dialog(type,
title == NULL ? (char_u *)_("Question") : title,
(char_u *)_("&Yes\n&No"), dflt, NULL, FALSE) == 1)
return VIM_YES;
return VIM_NO;
int vim_dialog_yesnocancel(int type, char_u *title, char_u *message, int dflt)
switch (do_dialog(type,
title == NULL ? (char_u *)_("Question") : title,
(char_u *)_("&Yes\n&No\n&Cancel"), dflt, NULL, FALSE)) {
case 1: return VIM_YES;
case 2: return VIM_NO;
return VIM_CANCEL;
int vim_dialog_yesnoallcancel(int type, char_u *title, char_u *message, int dflt)
switch (do_dialog(type,
title == NULL ? (char_u *)"Question" : title,
(char_u *)_("&Yes\n&No\nSave &All\n&Discard All\n&Cancel"),
dflt, NULL, FALSE)) {
case 1: return VIM_YES;
case 2: return VIM_NO;
case 3: return VIM_ALL;
case 4: return VIM_DISCARDALL;
return VIM_CANCEL;