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Marvim the Paranoid Android 30a6e374d4
version.c: update [ci skip] #11995
vim-patch:8.0.1388: char not overwritten with ambiguous width char

vim-patch:8.1.1316: duplicated localtime() call
vim-patch:8.1.2134: modifier keys are not always recognized
vim-patch:8.1.2135: with modifyOtherKeys Alt-a does not work properly

vim-patch:8.2.0373: type of term_sendkeys() is unknown
vim-patch:8.2.0376: nasty callback test fails on some systems
vim-patch:8.2.0377: no CI test for a big-endian system
vim-patch:8.2.0383: wrong feature check causes test not to be run
vim-patch:8.2.0384: Travis CI has warnings
vim-patch:8.2.0390: terminal postponed scrollback test is flaky
vim-patch:8.2.0391: CI test coverage dropped
vim-patch:8.2.0394: Coverity complains about using NULL pointer
vim-patch:8.2.0395: build fails with FEAT_EVAL but without FEAT_MENU
vim-patch:8.2.0405: MSVC: build fails with some combination of features
vim-patch:8.2.0410: channel test fails too often on slow Mac
vim-patch:8.2.0411: Mac: breakcheck is using a value from the stone ages
vim-patch:8.2.0412: MS-Windows: cannot use vimtutor from the start menu
vim-patch:8.2.0417: Travis CI config can be improved
vim-patch:8.2.0428: buffer name may leak
vim-patch:8.2.0431: some compilers don't support using \e for Esc
vim-patch:8.2.0434: MS-Windows with VTP: Normal color not working
vim-patch:8.2.0435: channel contents might be freed twice
vim-patch:8.2.0437: MS-Windows installer contains old stuff
vim-patch:8.2.0438: terminal noblock test is very flaky on BSD
vim-patch:8.2.0440: terminal noblock test is still very flaky on BSD
vim-patch:8.2.0441: terminal noblock test is still failing on BSD
vim-patch:8.2.0442: channel contents might be used after being freed
vim-patch:8.2.0445: png and xpm files not in MS-Windows zip file
vim-patch:8.2.0447: terminal scroll tests fails on some systems
vim-patch:8.2.0451: Win32: double-width character displayed incorrectly
vim-patch:8.2.0452: channel_parse_messages() fails when called recursively
vim-patch:8.2.0455: cannot set the highlight group for a specific terminal
vim-patch:8.2.0460: build failure because of wrong feature name
vim-patch:8.2.0463: typos and other small problems
vim-patch:8.2.0466: not parsing messages recursively breaks the govim plugin
vim-patch:8.2.0468: GUI: pixel dust with some fonts and characters
vim-patch:8.2.0472: terminal highlight name is set twice, leaking memory
vim-patch:8.2.0475: channel out_cb test still fails sometimes on Mac
vim-patch:8.2.0476: terminal nasty callback test fails sometimes
vim-patch:8.2.0479: unloading shared libraries on exit has no purpose
vim-patch:8.2.0481: Travis is still using trusty
vim-patch:8.2.0490: Win32: VTP doesn't respect 'restorescreen'
vim-patch:8.2.0497: too verbose output from the asan build in Travis
vim-patch:8.2.0505: term_getty() not sufficiently tested

WinBar requires `W_WINROW` macro but it is removed in 7f21665673. Thus, the following patch is N/A:
vim-patch:8.0.1129: window toolbar missing a part of the patch

https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/11513 makes the following patches for WinBar N/A:
vim-patch:8.0.1520: cursor in wrong line when using a WinBar in Terminal window
vim-patch:8.1.1263: mouse clicks in WinBar not tested
vim-patch:8.1.1266: winbar test doesn't test enough
vim-patch:8.1.1272: click on WinBar of other window not tested
vim-patch:8.1.1456: WinBar not redrawn after scrolling one line

Most `Test_termcodes.vim` tests require removed options like `ttymouse`.
The following patches do not have relevant source code changes:
vim-patch:8.1.1137: xterm mouse wheel escape sequence is not tested
vim-patch:8.1.1142: no test for dragging the window separators with the mouse
vim-patch:8.1.1155: termcodes tests can be improved
vim-patch:8.1.1160: termcodes test would fail in a very big terminal
vim-patch:8.1.1165: no test for mouse clicks in the terminal tabpage line
vim-patch:8.1.1167: no test for closing tab by click in tabline
vim-patch:8.1.1175: no test for dragging a tab and double click for new tab
vim-patch:8.1.1176: test for dragging a tab is flaky
vim-patch:8.1.1178: when mouse click tests fails value of 'ttytype' is unknown
vim-patch:8.1.1179: no test for mouse clicks in the fold column
vim-patch:8.1.1181: tests for mouse clicks are a bit flaky
vim-patch:8.1.1216: mouse middle click is not tested
vim-patch:8.1.1223: middle mouse click test fails without a clipboard
vim-patch:8.1.1244: no tests for CTRL-mouse-click
vim-patch:8.1.1247: urxvt mouse codes are not tested
vim-patch:8.1.1248: no test for dec mouse
vim-patch:8.1.1250: no test for netterm mouse
vim-patch:8.1.1469: no test for checking the cursor style response
vim-patch:8.1.1471: 'background' not correctly set for 2-digit rgb termresponse
vim-patch:8.1.1472: add_termcap_entry() is not tested
vim-patch:8.1.1474: 'ttybuiltin' is not tested
vim-patch:8.1.2106: no tests for dragging the mouse beyond the window
vim-patch:8.1.2118: termcodes test fails when $TERM is "dumb"
vim-patch:8.1.2137: parsing the termresponse is not tested
vim-patch:8.1.2150: no test for 'ttymouse' set from xterm version response
vim-patch:8.1.2169: terminal flags are never reset
vim-patch:8.1.2174: screen not recognized as supporting "sgr" mouse codes
vim-patch:8.1.2306: double and triple clicks are not tested
2020-04-04 06:55:08 -07:00
.builds ci: SourceHut: revisit OpenBSD/FreeBSD config 2019-12-01 06:44:35 +01:00
.github doc [ci skip] #10177 2019-06-30 00:09:45 +02:00
ci Install pynvim with --user to avoid permission issues 2020-03-18 23:52:22 -04:00
cmake build/MSVC: fix gettext multibyte issue #11774 2020-01-28 00:56:26 -08:00
config env: try find library dir (like /usr[/local]/lib/nvim) and add it to &rtp 2020-02-07 09:22:55 +01:00
contrib cmake: use LibFindMacros for utf8proc (#11114) 2019-09-29 04:44:02 +02:00
man doc/manpage: Remove the extra nvim subdirectory 2020-02-10 07:10:06 -05:00
runtime api/ui: win_viewport event for visible range and cursor position in window 2020-04-01 19:43:55 +02:00
scripts vim-patch.sh: Fix creation of commit list for PR review 2020-03-31 22:40:33 -04:00
snap snap: set "classic" confinement #11601 2019-12-24 06:43:25 +01:00
src version.c: update [ci skip] #11995 2020-04-04 06:55:08 -07:00
test api/ui: win_viewport event for visible range and cursor position in window 2020-04-01 19:43:55 +02:00
third-party deps: Fix luv-static build issues #11961 2020-02-29 13:47:56 -08:00
unicode vim-patch:8.1.1470: new doublewidth Unicode character U32FF #10126 2019-06-06 11:35:23 +02:00
.clang-format lint: src/.clang-format 2018-11-28 03:48:06 +01:00
.editorconfig editorconfig: set default tab width to 8 (#9467) 2019-01-07 02:15:19 +01:00
.flake8 ci: pylint target via flake8 2019-07-29 22:14:23 +02:00
.gitattributes vim-patch:8.1.2182: test42 seen as binary by git diff #11256 2019-10-19 11:31:50 -07:00
.gitignore vim-patch:8.1.2402: typos and other small things 2019-12-07 11:48:55 -05:00
.luacheckrc Lua: vim.env, vim.{g,v,w,bo,wo} #11442 2019-11-24 02:28:48 -08:00
.luacov Lua: vim.validate() 2019-11-10 22:50:24 -08:00
.travis.yml Install gettext for msgfmt/msgmerge 2020-03-18 23:52:36 -04:00
BACKERS.md Update backer URL 2015-11-11 19:50:33 -08:00
BSDmakefile build: show a hint for BSD make (#7275) 2017-09-16 10:54:49 +02:00
CMakeLists.txt cmake: Check for -fno-common and use it if available 2020-02-23 09:49:33 +01:00
CONTRIBUTING.md CONTRIBUTING.md: mention "good first issue" label 2020-01-29 12:06:35 +01:00
LICENSE LICENSE: add LuaJIT notice. #899 2014-06-30 13:59:56 -04:00
MAINTAIN.md doc 2019-09-09 09:53:19 -07:00
Makefile oldtest: support for running by filename (#11473) 2019-12-02 17:18:37 +01:00
README.md doc [ci skip] 2019-12-31 02:25:10 -08:00
appveyor.yml ci: install perl provider 2020-01-20 19:43:58 -05:00
codecov.yml tree-sitter: vendor tree-sitter runtime 2019-09-28 14:30:48 +02:00



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Packages Debian CI Downloads nvim

Neovim is a project that seeks to aggressively refactor Vim in order to:

See the Introduction wiki page and Roadmap for more information.


See :help nvim-features for the full list!

Install from package

Pre-built packages for Windows, macOS, and Linux are found on the Releases page.

Managed packages are in Homebrew, Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch Linux, Gentoo, and more!

Install from source

The build is CMake-based, but a Makefile is provided as a convenience.

make CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
sudo make install

To install to a non-default location:

make CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/full/path/
make install

To skip bundled (third-party/*) dependencies:

  1. Install the dependencies using a package manager.
    sudo apt install gperf luajit luarocks libuv1-dev libluajit-5.1-dev libunibilium-dev libmsgpack-dev libtermkey-dev libvterm-dev libutf8proc-dev
    sudo luarocks build mpack
    sudo luarocks build lpeg
    sudo luarocks build inspect
  2. Build with USE_BUNDLED=OFF:
    sudo make install

To inspect the build, these CMake features are useful:

  • cmake --build build --target help lists all build targets.
  • build/CMakeCache.txt (or cmake -LAH build/) contains the resolved values of all CMake variables.
  • build/compile_commands.json shows the full compiler invocations for each translation unit.

See the Building Neovim wiki page for details.

Transitioning from Vim

See :help nvim-from-vim for instructions.

Project layout

├─ ci/              build automation
├─ cmake/           build scripts
├─ runtime/         user plugins/docs
├─ src/nvim/        application source code (see src/nvim/README.md)
│  ├─ api/          API subsystem
│  ├─ eval/         VimL subsystem
│  ├─ event/        event-loop subsystem
│  ├─ generators/   code generation (pre-compilation)
│  ├─ lib/          generic data structures
│  ├─ lua/          Lua subsystem
│  ├─ msgpack_rpc/  RPC subsystem
│  ├─ os/           low-level platform code
│  └─ tui/          built-in UI
├─ third-party/     CMake subproject to build dependencies
└─ test/            tests (see test/README.md)


Neovim contributions since b17d96 are licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, except for contributions copied from Vim (identified by the vim-patch token). See LICENSE for details.

Vim is Charityware.  You can use and copy it as much as you like, but you are
encouraged to make a donation for needy children in Uganda.  Please see the
kcc section of the vim docs or visit the ICCF web site, available at these URLs:


You can also sponsor the development of Vim.  Vim sponsors can vote for
features.  The money goes to Uganda anyway.