
1328 lines
41 KiB

// This is an open source non-commercial project. Dear PVS-Studio, please check
// it. PVS-Studio Static Code Analyzer for C, C++ and C#:
// Much of this code was adapted from 'if_py_both.h' from the original
// vim source
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include "nvim/api/buffer.h"
#include "nvim/api/private/helpers.h"
#include "nvim/api/private/defs.h"
#include "nvim/lua/executor.h"
#include "nvim/vim.h"
#include "nvim/buffer.h"
#include "nvim/change.h"
#include "nvim/charset.h"
#include "nvim/cursor.h"
#include "nvim/getchar.h"
#include "nvim/memline.h"
#include "nvim/memory.h"
#include "nvim/misc1.h"
#include "nvim/ex_cmds.h"
#include "nvim/mark.h"
#include "nvim/fileio.h"
#include "nvim/move.h"
#include "nvim/syntax.h"
#include "nvim/window.h"
#include "nvim/undo.h"
#include "nvim/ex_docmd.h"
#include "nvim/buffer_updates.h"
# include "api/buffer.c.generated.h"
/// \defgroup api-buffer
/// Unloaded Buffers:~
/// Buffers may be unloaded by the |:bunload| command or the buffer's
/// |'bufhidden'| option. When a buffer is unloaded its file contents are freed
/// from memory and vim cannot operate on the buffer lines until it is reloaded
/// (usually by opening the buffer again in a new window). API methods such as
/// |nvim_buf_get_lines()| and |nvim_buf_line_count()| will be affected.
/// You can use |nvim_buf_is_loaded()| or |nvim_buf_line_count()| to check
/// whether a buffer is loaded.
/// Gets the buffer line count
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
/// @return Line count, or 0 for unloaded buffer. |api-buffer|
Integer nvim_buf_line_count(Buffer buffer, Error *err)
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
return 0;
// return sentinel value if the buffer isn't loaded
if (buf->b_ml.ml_mfp == NULL) {
return 0;
return buf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
/// Gets a buffer line
/// @deprecated use nvim_buf_get_lines instead.
/// for positive indices (including 0) use
/// "nvim_buf_get_lines(buffer, index, index+1, true)"
/// for negative indices use
/// "nvim_buf_get_lines(buffer, index-1, index, true)"
/// @param buffer Buffer handle
/// @param index Line index
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
/// @return Line string
String buffer_get_line(Buffer buffer, Integer index, Error *err)
String rv = { .size = 0 };
index = convert_index(index);
Array slice = nvim_buf_get_lines(0, buffer, index, index+1, true, err);
if (!ERROR_SET(err) && slice.size) {
rv = slice.items[0].data.string;
return rv;
/// Activates buffer-update events on a channel, or as Lua callbacks.
/// @see |nvim_buf_detach()|
/// @see |api-buffer-updates-lua|
/// @param channel_id
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param send_buffer True if the initial notification should contain the
/// whole buffer: first notification will be `nvim_buf_lines_event`.
/// Else the first notification will be `nvim_buf_changedtick_event`.
/// Not for Lua callbacks.
/// @param opts Optional parameters.
/// - on_lines: Lua callback invoked on change.
/// Return `true` to detach. Args:
/// - buffer handle
/// - b:changedtick
/// - first line that changed (zero-indexed)
/// - last line that was changed
/// - last line in the updated range
/// - byte count of previous contents
/// - deleted_codepoints (if `utf_sizes` is true)
/// - deleted_codeunits (if `utf_sizes` is true)
/// - on_changedtick: Lua callback invoked on changedtick
/// increment without text change. Args:
/// - buffer handle
/// - b:changedtick
/// - on_detach: Lua callback invoked on detach. Args:
/// - buffer handle
/// - utf_sizes: include UTF-32 and UTF-16 size of the replaced
/// region, as args to `on_lines`.
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
/// @return False if attach failed (invalid parameter, or buffer isn't loaded);
/// otherwise True. TODO: LUA_API_NO_EVAL
Boolean nvim_buf_attach(uint64_t channel_id,
Buffer buffer,
Boolean send_buffer,
DictionaryOf(LuaRef) opts,
Error *err)
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
return false;
bool is_lua = (channel_id == LUA_INTERNAL_CALL);
BufUpdateCallbacks cb = BUF_UPDATE_CALLBACKS_INIT;
for (size_t i = 0; i < opts.size; i++) {
String k = opts.items[i].key;
Object *v = &opts.items[i].value;
if (is_lua && strequal("on_lines", {
if (v->type != kObjectTypeLuaRef) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation, "callback is not a function");
goto error;
cb.on_lines = v->data.luaref;
v->data.integer = LUA_NOREF;
} else if (is_lua && strequal("on_changedtick", {
if (v->type != kObjectTypeLuaRef) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation, "callback is not a function");
goto error;
cb.on_changedtick = v->data.luaref;
v->data.integer = LUA_NOREF;
} else if (is_lua && strequal("on_detach", {
if (v->type != kObjectTypeLuaRef) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation, "callback is not a function");
goto error;
cb.on_detach = v->data.luaref;
v->data.integer = LUA_NOREF;
} else if (is_lua && strequal("utf_sizes", {
if (v->type != kObjectTypeBoolean) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation, "utf_sizes must be boolean");
goto error;
cb.utf_sizes = v->data.boolean;
} else {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation, "unexpected key: %s",;
goto error;
return buf_updates_register(buf, channel_id, cb, send_buffer);
// TODO(bfredl): ASAN build should check that the ref table is empty?
return false;
/// Deactivates buffer-update events on the channel.
/// @see |nvim_buf_attach()|
/// @see |api-lua-detach| for detaching Lua callbacks
/// @param channel_id
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
/// @return False if detach failed (because the buffer isn't loaded);
/// otherwise True.
Boolean nvim_buf_detach(uint64_t channel_id,
Buffer buffer,
Error *err)
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
return false;
buf_updates_unregister(buf, channel_id);
return true;
/// Sets a buffer line
/// @deprecated use nvim_buf_set_lines instead.
/// for positive indices use
/// "nvim_buf_set_lines(buffer, index, index+1, true, [line])"
/// for negative indices use
/// "nvim_buf_set_lines(buffer, index-1, index, true, [line])"
/// @param buffer Buffer handle
/// @param index Line index
/// @param line Contents of the new line
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
void buffer_set_line(Buffer buffer, Integer index, String line, Error *err)
Object l = STRING_OBJ(line);
Array array = { .items = &l, .size = 1 };
index = convert_index(index);
nvim_buf_set_lines(0, buffer, index, index+1, true, array, err);
/// Deletes a buffer line
/// @deprecated use nvim_buf_set_lines instead.
/// for positive indices use
/// "nvim_buf_set_lines(buffer, index, index+1, true, [])"
/// for negative indices use
/// "nvim_buf_set_lines(buffer, index-1, index, true, [])"
/// @param buffer buffer handle
/// @param index line index
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
void buffer_del_line(Buffer buffer, Integer index, Error *err)
Array array = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
index = convert_index(index);
nvim_buf_set_lines(0, buffer, index, index+1, true, array, err);
/// Retrieves a line range from the buffer
/// @deprecated use nvim_buf_get_lines(buffer, newstart, newend, false)
/// where newstart = start + int(not include_start) - int(start < 0)
/// newend = end + int(include_end) - int(end < 0)
/// int(bool) = 1 if bool is true else 0
/// @param buffer Buffer handle
/// @param start First line index
/// @param end Last line index
/// @param include_start True if the slice includes the `start` parameter
/// @param include_end True if the slice includes the `end` parameter
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
/// @return Array of lines
ArrayOf(String) buffer_get_line_slice(Buffer buffer,
Integer start,
Integer end,
Boolean include_start,
Boolean include_end,
Error *err)
start = convert_index(start) + !include_start;
end = convert_index(end) + include_end;
return nvim_buf_get_lines(0, buffer, start , end, false, err);
/// Gets a line-range from the buffer.
/// Indexing is zero-based, end-exclusive. Negative indices are interpreted
/// as length+1+index: -1 refers to the index past the end. So to get the
/// last element use start=-2 and end=-1.
/// Out-of-bounds indices are clamped to the nearest valid value, unless
/// `strict_indexing` is set.
/// @param channel_id
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param start First line index
/// @param end Last line index (exclusive)
/// @param strict_indexing Whether out-of-bounds should be an error.
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
/// @return Array of lines, or empty array for unloaded buffer.
ArrayOf(String) nvim_buf_get_lines(uint64_t channel_id,
Buffer buffer,
Integer start,
Integer end,
Boolean strict_indexing,
Error *err)
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
return rv;
// return sentinel value if the buffer isn't loaded
if (buf->b_ml.ml_mfp == NULL) {
return rv;
bool oob = false;
start = normalize_index(buf, start, &oob);
end = normalize_index(buf, end, &oob);
if (strict_indexing && oob) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation, "Index out of bounds");
return rv;
if (start >= end) {
// Return 0-length array
return rv;
rv.size = (size_t)(end - start);
rv.items = xcalloc(sizeof(Object), rv.size);
if (!buf_collect_lines(buf, rv.size, start,
(channel_id != VIML_INTERNAL_CALL), &rv, err)) {
goto end;
if (ERROR_SET(err)) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < rv.size; i++) {
rv.items = NULL;
return rv;
/// Replaces a line range on the buffer
/// @deprecated use nvim_buf_set_lines(buffer, newstart, newend, false, lines)
/// where newstart = start + int(not include_start) + int(start < 0)
/// newend = end + int(include_end) + int(end < 0)
/// int(bool) = 1 if bool is true else 0
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param start First line index
/// @param end Last line index
/// @param include_start True if the slice includes the `start` parameter
/// @param include_end True if the slice includes the `end` parameter
/// @param replacement Array of lines to use as replacement (0-length
// array will delete the line range)
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
void buffer_set_line_slice(Buffer buffer,
Integer start,
Integer end,
Boolean include_start,
Boolean include_end,
ArrayOf(String) replacement,
Error *err)
start = convert_index(start) + !include_start;
end = convert_index(end) + include_end;
nvim_buf_set_lines(0, buffer, start, end, false, replacement, err);
/// Sets (replaces) a line-range in the buffer.
/// Indexing is zero-based, end-exclusive. Negative indices are interpreted
/// as length+1+index: -1 refers to the index past the end. So to change
/// or delete the last element use start=-2 and end=-1.
/// To insert lines at a given index, set `start` and `end` to the same index.
/// To delete a range of lines, set `replacement` to an empty array.
/// Out-of-bounds indices are clamped to the nearest valid value, unless
/// `strict_indexing` is set.
/// @param channel_id
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param start First line index
/// @param end Last line index (exclusive)
/// @param strict_indexing Whether out-of-bounds should be an error.
/// @param replacement Array of lines to use as replacement
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
void nvim_buf_set_lines(uint64_t channel_id,
Buffer buffer,
Integer start,
Integer end,
Boolean strict_indexing,
ArrayOf(String) replacement,
Error *err)
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
bool oob = false;
start = normalize_index(buf, start, &oob);
end = normalize_index(buf, end, &oob);
if (strict_indexing && oob) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation, "Index out of bounds");
if (start > end) {
"Argument \"start\" is higher than \"end\"");
for (size_t i = 0; i < replacement.size; i++) {
if (replacement.items[i].type != kObjectTypeString) {
"All items in the replacement array must be strings");
// Disallow newlines in the middle of the line.
if (channel_id != VIML_INTERNAL_CALL) {
const String l = replacement.items[i].data.string;
if (memchr(, NL, l.size)) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation,
"String cannot contain newlines");
size_t new_len = replacement.size;
size_t old_len = (size_t)(end - start);
ptrdiff_t extra = 0; // lines added to text, can be negative
char **lines = (new_len != 0) ? xcalloc(new_len, sizeof(char *)) : NULL;
for (size_t i = 0; i < new_len; i++) {
const String l = replacement.items[i].data.string;
// Fill lines[i] with l's contents. Convert NULs to newlines as required by
// NL-used-for-NUL.
lines[i] = xmemdupz(, l.size);
memchrsub(lines[i], NUL, NL, l.size);
aco_save_T aco;
aucmd_prepbuf(&aco, (buf_T *)buf);
if (!MODIFIABLE(buf)) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeException, "Buffer is not 'modifiable'");
goto end;
if (u_save((linenr_T)(start - 1), (linenr_T)end) == FAIL) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeException, "Failed to save undo information");
goto end;
// If the size of the range is reducing (ie, new_len < old_len) we
// need to delete some old_len. We do this at the start, by
// repeatedly deleting line "start".
size_t to_delete = (new_len < old_len) ? (size_t)(old_len - new_len) : 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < to_delete; i++) {
if (ml_delete((linenr_T)start, false) == FAIL) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeException, "Failed to delete line");
goto end;
if (to_delete > 0) {
extra -= (ptrdiff_t)to_delete;
// For as long as possible, replace the existing old_len with the
// new old_len. This is a more efficient operation, as it requires
// less memory allocation and freeing.
size_t to_replace = old_len < new_len ? old_len : new_len;
for (size_t i = 0; i < to_replace; i++) {
int64_t lnum = start + (int64_t)i;
if (lnum >= MAXLNUM) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation, "Index value is too high");
goto end;
if (ml_replace((linenr_T)lnum, (char_u *)lines[i], false) == FAIL) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeException, "Failed to replace line");
goto end;
// Mark lines that haven't been passed to the buffer as they need
// to be freed later
lines[i] = NULL;
// Now we may need to insert the remaining new old_len
for (size_t i = to_replace; i < new_len; i++) {
int64_t lnum = start + (int64_t)i - 1;
if (lnum >= MAXLNUM) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation, "Index value is too high");
goto end;
if (ml_append((linenr_T)lnum, (char_u *)lines[i], 0, false) == FAIL) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeException, "Failed to insert line");
goto end;
// Same as with replacing, but we also need to free lines
lines[i] = NULL;
// Adjust marks. Invalidate any which lie in the
// changed range, and move any in the remainder of the buffer.
// Only adjust marks if we managed to switch to a window that holds
// the buffer, otherwise line numbers will be invalid.
(linenr_T)(end - 1),
changed_lines((linenr_T)start, 0, (linenr_T)end, (long)extra, true);
fix_cursor((linenr_T)start, (linenr_T)end, (linenr_T)extra);
for (size_t i = 0; i < new_len; i++) {
/// Returns the byte offset of a line (0-indexed). |api-indexing|
/// Line 1 (index=0) has offset 0. UTF-8 bytes are counted. EOL is one byte.
/// 'fileformat' and 'fileencoding' are ignored. The line index just after the
/// last line gives the total byte-count of the buffer. A final EOL byte is
/// counted if it would be written, see 'eol'.
/// Unlike |line2byte()|, throws error for out-of-bounds indexing.
/// Returns -1 for unloaded buffer.
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param index Line index
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
/// @return Integer byte offset, or -1 for unloaded buffer.
Integer nvim_buf_get_offset(Buffer buffer, Integer index, Error *err)
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
return 0;
// return sentinel value if the buffer isn't loaded
if (buf->b_ml.ml_mfp == NULL) {
return -1;
if (index < 0 || index > buf->b_ml.ml_line_count) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation, "Index out of bounds");
return 0;
return ml_find_line_or_offset(buf, (int)index+1, NULL, true);
/// Gets a buffer-scoped (b:) variable.
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param name Variable name
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
/// @return Variable value
Object nvim_buf_get_var(Buffer buffer, String name, Error *err)
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
return (Object) OBJECT_INIT;
return dict_get_value(buf->b_vars, name, err);
/// Gets a changed tick of a buffer
/// @param[in] buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
/// @return `b:changedtick` value.
Integer nvim_buf_get_changedtick(Buffer buffer, Error *err)
const buf_T *const buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
return -1;
return buf_get_changedtick(buf);
/// Gets a list of buffer-local |mapping| definitions.
/// @param mode Mode short-name ("n", "i", "v", ...)
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
/// @returns Array of maparg()-like dictionaries describing mappings.
/// The "buffer" key holds the associated buffer handle.
ArrayOf(Dictionary) nvim_buf_get_keymap(Buffer buffer, String mode, Error *err)
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
return (Array)ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
return keymap_array(mode, buf);
/// Sets a buffer-local |mapping| for the given mode.
/// @see |nvim_set_keymap()|
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
void nvim_buf_set_keymap(Buffer buffer, String mode, String lhs, String rhs,
Dictionary opts, Error *err)
modify_keymap(buffer, false, mode, lhs, rhs, opts, err);
/// Unmaps a buffer-local |mapping| for the given mode.
/// @see |nvim_del_keymap()|
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
void nvim_buf_del_keymap(Buffer buffer, String mode, String lhs, Error *err)
String rhs = { .data = "", .size = 0 };
Dictionary opts = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
modify_keymap(buffer, true, mode, lhs, rhs, opts, err);
/// Gets a map of buffer-local |user-commands|.
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param opts Optional parameters. Currently not used.
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any.
/// @returns Map of maps describing commands.
Dictionary nvim_buf_get_commands(Buffer buffer, Dictionary opts, Error *err)
bool global = (buffer == -1);
bool builtin = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < opts.size; i++) {
String k = opts.items[i].key;
Object v = opts.items[i].value;
if (!strequal("builtin", {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation, "unexpected key: %s",;
return (Dictionary)ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
if (strequal("builtin", {
builtin =;
if (global) {
if (builtin) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation, "builtin=true not implemented");
return (Dictionary)ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
return commands_array(NULL);
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (builtin || !buf) {
return (Dictionary)ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
return commands_array(buf);
/// Sets a buffer-scoped (b:) variable
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param name Variable name
/// @param value Variable value
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
void nvim_buf_set_var(Buffer buffer, String name, Object value, Error *err)
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
dict_set_var(buf->b_vars, name, value, false, false, err);
/// Removes a buffer-scoped (b:) variable
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param name Variable name
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
void nvim_buf_del_var(Buffer buffer, String name, Error *err)
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
dict_set_var(buf->b_vars, name, NIL, true, false, err);
/// Sets a buffer-scoped (b:) variable
/// @deprecated
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param name Variable name
/// @param value Variable value
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
/// @return Old value or nil if there was no previous value.
/// @warning It may return nil if there was no previous value
/// or if previous value was `v:null`.
Object buffer_set_var(Buffer buffer, String name, Object value, Error *err)
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
return (Object) OBJECT_INIT;
return dict_set_var(buf->b_vars, name, value, false, true, err);
/// Removes a buffer-scoped (b:) variable
/// @deprecated
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param name Variable name
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
/// @return Old value
Object buffer_del_var(Buffer buffer, String name, Error *err)
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
return (Object) OBJECT_INIT;
return dict_set_var(buf->b_vars, name, NIL, true, true, err);
/// Gets a buffer option value
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param name Option name
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
/// @return Option value
Object nvim_buf_get_option(Buffer buffer, String name, Error *err)
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
return (Object) OBJECT_INIT;
return get_option_from(buf, SREQ_BUF, name, err);
/// Sets a buffer option value. Passing 'nil' as value deletes the option (only
/// works if there's a global fallback)
/// @param channel_id
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param name Option name
/// @param value Option value
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
void nvim_buf_set_option(uint64_t channel_id, Buffer buffer,
String name, Object value, Error *err)
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
set_option_to(channel_id, buf, SREQ_BUF, name, value, err);
/// Gets the buffer number
/// @deprecated The buffer number now is equal to the object id,
/// so there is no need to use this function.
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
/// @return Buffer number
Integer nvim_buf_get_number(Buffer buffer, Error *err)
Integer rv = 0;
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
return rv;
return buf->b_fnum;
/// Gets the full file name for the buffer
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
/// @return Buffer name
String nvim_buf_get_name(Buffer buffer, Error *err)
String rv = STRING_INIT;
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf || buf->b_ffname == NULL) {
return rv;
return cstr_to_string((char *)buf->b_ffname);
/// Sets the full file name for a buffer
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param name Buffer name
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
void nvim_buf_set_name(Buffer buffer, String name, Error *err)
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
// Using aucmd_*: autocommands will be executed by rename_buffer
aco_save_T aco;
aucmd_prepbuf(&aco, buf);
int ren_ret = rename_buffer((char_u *);
if (try_end(err)) {
if (ren_ret == FAIL) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeException, "Failed to rename buffer");
/// Checks if a buffer is valid and loaded. See |api-buffer| for more info
/// about unloaded buffers.
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @return true if the buffer is valid and loaded, false otherwise.
Boolean nvim_buf_is_loaded(Buffer buffer)
Error stub = ERROR_INIT;
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, &stub);
return buf && buf->b_ml.ml_mfp != NULL;
/// Checks if a buffer is valid.
/// @note Even if a buffer is valid it may have been unloaded. See |api-buffer|
/// for more info about unloaded buffers.
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @return true if the buffer is valid, false otherwise.
Boolean nvim_buf_is_valid(Buffer buffer)
Error stub = ERROR_INIT;
Boolean ret = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, &stub) != NULL;
return ret;
/// Inserts a sequence of lines to a buffer at a certain index
/// @deprecated use nvim_buf_set_lines(buffer, lnum, lnum, true, lines)
/// @param buffer Buffer handle
/// @param lnum Insert the lines after `lnum`. If negative, appends to
/// the end of the buffer.
/// @param lines Array of lines
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
void buffer_insert(Buffer buffer,
Integer lnum,
ArrayOf(String) lines,
Error *err)
// "lnum" will be the index of the line after inserting,
// no matter if it is negative or not
nvim_buf_set_lines(0, buffer, lnum, lnum, true, lines, err);
/// Return a tuple (row,col) representing the position of the named mark.
/// Marks are (1,0)-indexed. |api-indexing|
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param name Mark name
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
/// @return (row, col) tuple
ArrayOf(Integer, 2) nvim_buf_get_mark(Buffer buffer, String name, Error *err)
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
return rv;
if (name.size != 1) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation,
"Mark name must be a single character");
return rv;
pos_T *posp;
char mark = *;
bufref_T save_buf;
switch_buffer(&save_buf, buf);
posp = getmark(mark, false);
if (try_end(err)) {
return rv;
if (posp == NULL) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation, "Invalid mark name");
return rv;
ADD(rv, INTEGER_OBJ(posp->lnum));
ADD(rv, INTEGER_OBJ(posp->col));
return rv;
/// Adds a highlight to buffer.
/// Useful for plugins that dynamically generate highlights to a buffer
/// (like a semantic highlighter or linter). The function adds a single
/// highlight to a buffer. Unlike |matchaddpos()| highlights follow changes to
/// line numbering (as lines are inserted/removed above the highlighted line),
/// like signs and marks do.
/// Namespaces are used for batch deletion/updating of a set of highlights. To
/// create a namespace, use |nvim_create_namespace| which returns a namespace
/// id. Pass it in to this function as `ns_id` to add highlights to the
/// namespace. All highlights in the same namespace can then be cleared with
/// single call to |nvim_buf_clear_namespace|. If the highlight never will be
/// deleted by an API call, pass `ns_id = -1`.
/// As a shorthand, `ns_id = 0` can be used to create a new namespace for the
/// highlight, the allocated id is then returned. If `hl_group` is the empty
/// string no highlight is added, but a new `ns_id` is still returned. This is
/// supported for backwards compatibility, new code should use
/// |nvim_create_namespace| to create a new empty namespace.
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param ns_id namespace to use or -1 for ungrouped highlight
/// @param hl_group Name of the highlight group to use
/// @param line Line to highlight (zero-indexed)
/// @param col_start Start of (byte-indexed) column range to highlight
/// @param col_end End of (byte-indexed) column range to highlight,
/// or -1 to highlight to end of line
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
/// @return The ns_id that was used
Integer nvim_buf_add_highlight(Buffer buffer,
Integer ns_id,
String hl_group,
Integer line,
Integer col_start,
Integer col_end,
Error *err)
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
return 0;
if (line < 0 || line >= MAXLNUM) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation, "Line number outside range");
return 0;
if (col_start < 0 || col_start > MAXCOL) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation, "Column value outside range");
return 0;
if (col_end < 0 || col_end > MAXCOL) {
col_end = MAXCOL;
int hlg_id = 0;
if (hl_group.size > 0) {
hlg_id = syn_check_group((char_u *), (int)hl_group.size);
ns_id = bufhl_add_hl(buf, (int)ns_id, hlg_id, (linenr_T)line+1,
(colnr_T)col_start+1, (colnr_T)col_end);
return ns_id;
/// Clears namespaced objects, highlights and virtual text, from a line range
/// Lines are 0-indexed. |api-indexing| To clear the namespace in the entire
/// buffer, specify line_start=0 and line_end=-1.
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param ns_id Namespace to clear, or -1 to clear all namespaces.
/// @param line_start Start of range of lines to clear
/// @param line_end End of range of lines to clear (exclusive) or -1 to clear
/// to end of buffer.
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
void nvim_buf_clear_namespace(Buffer buffer,
Integer ns_id,
Integer line_start,
Integer line_end,
Error *err)
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
if (line_start < 0 || line_start >= MAXLNUM) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation, "Line number outside range");
if (line_end < 0 || line_end > MAXLNUM) {
line_end = MAXLNUM;
bufhl_clear_line_range(buf, (int)ns_id, (int)line_start+1, (int)line_end);
/// Clears highlights and virtual text from namespace and range of lines
/// @deprecated use |nvim_buf_clear_namespace|.
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param ns_id Namespace to clear, or -1 to clear all.
/// @param line_start Start of range of lines to clear
/// @param line_end End of range of lines to clear (exclusive) or -1 to clear
/// to end of file.
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
void nvim_buf_clear_highlight(Buffer buffer,
Integer ns_id,
Integer line_start,
Integer line_end,
Error *err)
nvim_buf_clear_namespace(buffer, ns_id, line_start, line_end, err);
/// Set the virtual text (annotation) for a buffer line.
/// By default (and currently the only option) the text will be placed after
/// the buffer text. Virtual text will never cause reflow, rather virtual
/// text will be truncated at the end of the screen line. The virtual text will
/// begin one cell (|lcs-eol| or space) after the ordinary text.
/// Namespaces are used to support batch deletion/updating of virtual text.
/// To create a namespace, use |nvim_create_namespace|. Virtual text is
/// cleared using |nvim_buf_clear_namespace|. The same `ns_id` can be used for
/// both virtual text and highlights added by |nvim_buf_add_highlight|, both
/// can then be cleared with a single call to |nvim_buf_clear_namespace|. If the
/// virtual text never will be cleared by an API call, pass `ns_id = -1`.
/// As a shorthand, `ns_id = 0` can be used to create a new namespace for the
/// virtual text, the allocated id is then returned.
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param ns_id Namespace to use or 0 to create a namespace,
/// or -1 for a ungrouped annotation
/// @param line Line to annotate with virtual text (zero-indexed)
/// @param chunks A list of [text, hl_group] arrays, each representing a
/// text chunk with specified highlight. `hl_group` element
/// can be omitted for no highlight.
/// @param opts Optional parameters. Currently not used.
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
/// @return The ns_id that was used
Integer nvim_buf_set_virtual_text(Buffer buffer,
Integer ns_id,
Integer line,
Array chunks,
Dictionary opts,
Error *err)
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
return 0;
if (line < 0 || line >= MAXLNUM) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation, "Line number outside range");
return 0;
if (opts.size > 0) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation, "opts dict isn't empty");
return 0;
VirtText virt_text = KV_INITIAL_VALUE;
for (size_t i = 0; i < chunks.size; i++) {
if (chunks.items[i].type != kObjectTypeArray) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation, "Chunk is not an array");
goto free_exit;
Array chunk = chunks.items[i].data.array;
if (chunk.size == 0 || chunk.size > 2
|| chunk.items[0].type != kObjectTypeString
|| (chunk.size == 2 && chunk.items[1].type != kObjectTypeString)) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation,
"Chunk is not an array with one or two strings");
goto free_exit;
String str = chunk.items[0].data.string;
char *text = transstr(str.size > 0 ? : ""); // allocates
int hl_id = 0;
if (chunk.size == 2) {
String hl = chunk.items[1].data.string;
if (hl.size > 0) {
hl_id = syn_check_group((char_u *), (int)hl.size);
kv_push(virt_text, ((VirtTextChunk){ .text = text, .hl_id = hl_id }));
ns_id = bufhl_add_virt_text(buf, (int)ns_id, (linenr_T)line+1,
return ns_id;
return 0;
/// Get the virtual text (annotation) for a buffer line.
/// The virtual text is returned as list of lists, whereas the inner lists have
/// either one or two elements. The first element is the actual text, the
/// optional second element is the highlight group.
/// The format is exactly the same as given to nvim_buf_set_virtual_text().
/// If there is no virtual text associated with the given line, an empty list
/// is returned.
/// @param buffer Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
/// @param line Line to get the virtual text from (zero-indexed)
/// @param[out] err Error details, if any
/// @return List of virtual text chunks
Array nvim_buf_get_virtual_text(Buffer buffer, Integer lnum, Error *err)
Array chunks = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
return chunks;
if (lnum < 0 || lnum >= MAXLNUM) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeValidation, "Line number outside range");
return chunks;
BufhlLine *lineinfo = bufhl_tree_ref(&buf->b_bufhl_info, (linenr_T)(lnum + 1),
if (!lineinfo) {
return chunks;
for (size_t i = 0; i < lineinfo->virt_text.size; i++) {
Array chunk = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
VirtTextChunk *vtc = &lineinfo->virt_text.items[i];
ADD(chunk, STRING_OBJ(cstr_to_string(vtc->text)));
if (vtc->hl_id > 0) {
ADD(chunk, STRING_OBJ(cstr_to_string(
(const char *)syn_id2name(vtc->hl_id))));
ADD(chunks, ARRAY_OBJ(chunk));
return chunks;
Dictionary nvim__uf_stats(Buffer buffer, Error *err)
Dictionary rv = ARRAY_DICT_INIT;
buf_T *buf = find_buffer_by_handle(buffer, err);
if (!buf) {
return rv;
// Number of times the cached line was flushed.
// This should generally not increase while editing the same
// line in the same mode.
PUT(rv, "flush_count", INTEGER_OBJ(buf->flush_count));
// lnum of current line
PUT(rv, "current_lnum", INTEGER_OBJ(buf->b_ml.ml_line_lnum));
// whether the line has unflushed changes.
PUT(rv, "line_dirty", BOOLEAN_OBJ(buf->b_ml.ml_flags & ML_LINE_DIRTY));
// NB: this should be zero at any time API functions are called,
// this exists to debug issues
PUT(rv, "dirty_bytes", INTEGER_OBJ((Integer)buf->deleted_bytes));
return rv;
// Check if deleting lines made the cursor position invalid.
// Changed lines from `lo` to `hi`; added `extra` lines (negative if deleted).
static void fix_cursor(linenr_T lo, linenr_T hi, linenr_T extra)
if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum >= lo) {
// Adjust cursor position if it's in/after the changed lines.
if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum >= hi) {
curwin->w_cursor.lnum += extra;
} else if (extra < 0) {
curwin->w_cursor.lnum = lo;
} else {
// Normalizes 0-based indexes to buffer line numbers
static int64_t normalize_index(buf_T *buf, int64_t index, bool *oob)
int64_t line_count = buf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
// Fix if < 0
index = index < 0 ? line_count + index +1 : index;
// Check for oob
if (index > line_count) {
*oob = true;
index = line_count;
} else if (index < 0) {
*oob = true;
index = 0;
// Convert the index to a vim line number
return index;
static int64_t convert_index(int64_t index)
return index < 0 ? index - 1 : index;