lua: add regex support, and `@match` support in treesitter queries

This commit is contained in:
Björn Linse 2019-11-04 20:40:30 +01:00
parent 08af82b9cb
commit 9c00fea585
6 changed files with 252 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -692,6 +692,35 @@ identical identifiers, highlighting both as |hl-WarningMsg|: >
((binary_expression left: (identifier) @WarningMsg.left right: (identifier) @WarningMsg.right)
(eq? @WarningMsg.left @WarningMsg.right))
VIM.REGEX *lua-regex*
Vim regexes can be used directly from lua. Currently they only allow
matching within a single line.
vim.regex({re}) *vim.regex()*
Parse the regex {re} and return a regex object. 'magic' and
'ignorecase' options are ignored, lua regexes always defaults to magic
and ignoring case. The behavior can be changed with flags in
the beginning of the string |/magic|.
Regex objects support the following methods:
regex:match_str({str}) *regex:match_str()*
Match the string against the regex. If the string should match the
regex precisely, surround the regex with `^` and `$`.
If the was a match, the byte indices for the beginning and end of
the match is returned. When there is no match, `nil` is returned.
As any integer is truth-y, `regex:match()` can be directly used
as a condition in an if-statement.
regex:match_line({bufnr}, {line_idx}[, {start}, {end}]) *regex:match_line()*
Match line {line_idx} (zero-based) in buffer {bufnr}. If {start} and
{end} are supplied, match only this byte index range. Otherwise see
|regex:match_str()|. If {start} is used, then the returned byte
indices will be relative {start}.
VIM *lua-builtin*

View File

@ -113,12 +113,33 @@ end
local Query = {}
Query.__index = Query
local magic_prefixes = {['\\v']=true, ['\\m']=true, ['\\M']=true, ['\\V']=true}
local function check_magic(str)
if string.len(str) < 2 or magic_prefixes[string.sub(str,1,2)] then
return str
return '\\v'..str
function M.parse_query(lang, query)
local self = setmetatable({}, Query)
self.query = vim._ts_parse_query(lang, query) = self.query:inspect()
self.captures =
self.regexes = {}
for id,preds in pairs( do
local regexes = {}
for i, pred in ipairs(preds) do
if (pred[1] == "match?" and type(pred[2]) == "number"
and type(pred[3]) == "string") then
regexes[i] = vim.regex(check_magic(pred[3]))
if next(regexes) then
self.regexes[id] = regexes
return self
@ -131,8 +152,13 @@ local function get_node_text(node, bufnr)
return string.sub(line, start_col+1, end_col)
local function match_preds(match, preds, bufnr)
for _, pred in pairs(preds) do
function Query:match_preds(match, pattern, bufnr)
local preds =[pattern]
if not preds then
return true
local regexes = self.regexes[pattern]
for i, pred in pairs(preds) do
if pred[1] == "eq?" then
local node = match[pred[2]]
local node_text = get_node_text(node, bufnr)
@ -149,6 +175,16 @@ local function match_preds(match, preds, bufnr)
if node_text ~= str or str == nil then
return false
elseif pred[1] == "match?" then
if not regexes or not regexes[i] then
return false
local node = match[pred[2]]
local start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col = node:range()
if start_row ~= end_row then
return false
return regexes[i]:match_line(bufnr, start_row, start_col, end_col)
return false
@ -164,8 +200,7 @@ function Query:iter_captures(node, bufnr, start, stop)
local function iter()
local capture, captured_node, match = raw_iter()
if match ~= nil then
local preds =[match.pattern]
local active = match_preds(match, preds, bufnr)
local active = self:match_preds(match, match.pattern, bufnr) = active
if not active then
return iter() -- tail call: try next match
@ -184,8 +219,7 @@ function Query:iter_matches(node, bufnr, start, stop)
local function iter()
local pattern, match = raw_iter()
if match ~= nil then
local preds =[pattern]
local active = (not preds) or match_preds(match, preds, bufnr)
local active = self:match_preds(match, pattern, bufnr)
if not active then
return iter() -- tail call: try next match

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include "nvim/func_attr.h"
#include "nvim/api/private/defs.h"
#include "nvim/api/private/helpers.h"
#include "nvim/api/private/handle.h"
#include "nvim/api/vim.h"
#include "nvim/msgpack_rpc/channel.h"
#include "nvim/vim.h"
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@
#include "nvim/message.h"
#include "nvim/memline.h"
#include "nvim/buffer_defs.h"
#include "nvim/regexp.h"
#include "nvim/macros.h"
#include "nvim/screen.h"
#include "nvim/cursor.h"
@ -244,6 +246,14 @@ static int nlua_schedule(lua_State *const lstate)
return 0;
static struct luaL_Reg regex_meta[] = {
{ "__gc", regex_gc },
{ "__tostring", regex_tostring },
{ "match_str", regex_match_str },
{ "match_line", regex_match_line },
/// Initialize lua interpreter state
/// Called by lua interpreter itself to initialize state.
@ -291,6 +301,15 @@ static int nlua_state_init(lua_State *const lstate) FUNC_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
// call
lua_pushcfunction(lstate, &nlua_call);
lua_setfield(lstate, -2, "call");
// regex
lua_pushcfunction(lstate, &nlua_regex);
lua_setfield(lstate, -2, "regex");
luaL_newmetatable(lstate, "nvim_regex");
luaL_register(lstate, NULL, regex_meta);
lua_pushvalue(lstate, -1); // [meta, meta]
lua_setfield(lstate, -2, "__index"); // [meta]
lua_pop(lstate, 1); // don't use metatable now
// rpcrequest
lua_pushcfunction(lstate, &nlua_rpcrequest);
@ -1037,3 +1056,136 @@ static void nlua_add_treesitter(lua_State *const lstate) FUNC_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
lua_pushcfunction(lstate, ts_lua_parse_query);
lua_setfield(lstate, -2, "_ts_parse_query");
static int nlua_regex(lua_State *lstate)
Error err = ERROR_INIT;
const char *text = luaL_checkstring(lstate, 1);
regprog_T *prog = NULL;
prog = vim_regcomp((char_u *)text, RE_AUTO | RE_MAGIC | RE_STRICT);
if (ERROR_SET(&err)) {
return luaL_error(lstate, "couldn't parse regex: %s", err.msg);
regprog_T **p = lua_newuserdata(lstate, sizeof(regprog_T *));
*p = prog;
lua_getfield(lstate, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "nvim_regex"); // [udata, meta]
lua_setmetatable(lstate, -2); // [udata]
return 1;
static regprog_T **regex_check(lua_State *L)
return luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "nvim_regex");
static int regex_gc(lua_State *lstate)
regprog_T **prog = regex_check(lstate);
return 0;
static int regex_tostring(lua_State *lstate)
lua_pushstring(lstate, "<regex>");
return 1;
static int regex_match(lua_State *lstate, regprog_T **prog, char_u *str)
regmatch_T rm;
rm.regprog = *prog;
rm.rm_ic = false;
bool match = vim_regexec(&rm, str, 0);
*prog = rm.regprog;
if (match) {
lua_pushinteger(lstate, (lua_Integer)(rm.startp[0]-str));
lua_pushinteger(lstate, (lua_Integer)(rm.endp[0]-str));
return 2;
return 0;
static int regex_match_str(lua_State *lstate)
regprog_T **prog = regex_check(lstate);
const char *str = luaL_checkstring(lstate, 2);
int nret = regex_match(lstate, prog, (char_u *)str);
if (!*prog) {
return luaL_error(lstate, "regex: internal error");
return nret;
static int regex_match_line(lua_State *lstate)
regprog_T **prog = regex_check(lstate);
int narg = lua_gettop(lstate);
if (narg < 3) {
return luaL_error(lstate, "not enough args");
long bufnr = luaL_checkinteger(lstate, 2);
long rownr = luaL_checkinteger(lstate, 3);
long start = 0, end = -1;
if (narg >= 4) {
start = luaL_checkinteger(lstate, 4);
if (narg >= 5) {
end = luaL_checkinteger(lstate, 5);
if (end < 0) {
return luaL_error(lstate, "invalid end");
buf_T *buf = bufnr ? handle_get_buffer((int)bufnr) : curbuf;
if (!buf || buf->b_ml.ml_mfp == NULL) {
return luaL_error(lstate, "invalid buffer");
if (rownr >= buf->b_ml.ml_line_count) {
return luaL_error(lstate, "invalid row");
char_u *line = ml_get_buf(buf, rownr+1, false);
size_t len = STRLEN(line);
if (start < 0 || (size_t)start > len) {
return luaL_error(lstate, "invalid start");
char_u save = NUL;
if (end >= 0) {
if ((size_t)end > len || end < start) {
return luaL_error(lstate, "invalid end");
save = line[end];
line[end] = NUL;
int nret = regex_match(lstate, prog, line+start);
if (end >= 0) {
line[end] = save;
if (!*prog) {
return luaL_error(lstate, "regex: internal error");
return nret;

View File

@ -93,10 +93,7 @@ static PMap(cstr_t) *langs;
static void build_meta(lua_State *L, const char *tname, const luaL_Reg *meta)
if (luaL_newmetatable(L, tname)) { // [meta]
for (size_t i = 0; meta[i].name != NULL; i++) {
lua_pushcfunction(L, meta[i].func); // [meta, func]
lua_setfield(L, -2, meta[i].name); // [meta]
luaL_register(L, NULL, meta);
lua_pushvalue(L, -1); // [meta, meta]
lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index"); // [meta]

View File

@ -245,6 +245,11 @@ static int nlua_schedule(lua_State *const lstate)
(primitive_type) @type
(sized_type_specifier) @type
; defaults to very magic syntax, for best compatibility
((identifier) @Identifier (match? @Identifier "^l(u)a_"))
; still support \M etc prefixes
((identifier) @Constant (match? @Constant "\M^\[A-Z_]\+$"))
((binary_expression left: (identifier) @WarningMsg.left right: (identifier) @WarningMsg.right) (eq? @WarningMsg.left @WarningMsg.right))
(comment) @comment
@ -263,7 +268,7 @@ static int nlua_schedule(lua_State *const lstate)
[8] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Grey100, background = Screen.colors.Red},
[9] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Magenta, background = Screen.colors.Red},
[10] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Red, background = Screen.colors.Red},
[11] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Cyan4},
@ -297,10 +302,10 @@ static int nlua_schedule(lua_State *const lstate)
{2:/// Schedule Lua callback on main loop's event queue} |
{3:static} {3:int} nlua_schedule(lua_State *{3:const} lstate) |
{ |
{4:if} (lua_type(lstate, {5:1}) != LUA_TFUNCTION |
{4:if} ({11:lua_type}(lstate, {5:1}) != {5:LUA_TFUNCTION} |
|| {6:lstate} != {6:lstate}) { |
lua_pushliteral(lstate, {5:"vim.schedule: expected function"}); |
{4:return} lua_error(lstate); |
{11:lua_pushliteral}(lstate, {5:"vim.schedule: expected function"}); |
{4:return} {11:lua_error}(lstate); |
} |
{7:LuaRef} cb = nlua_ref(lstate, {5:1}); |
@ -319,10 +324,10 @@ static int nlua_schedule(lua_State *const lstate)
{2:/// Schedule Lua callback on main loop's event queue} |
{3:static} {3:int} nlua_schedule(lua_State *{3:const} lstate) |
{ |
{4:if} (lua_type(lstate, {5:1}) != LUA_TFUNCTION |
{4:if} ({11:lua_type}(lstate, {5:1}) != {5:LUA_TFUNCTION} |
|| {6:lstate} != {6:lstate}) { |
lua_pushliteral(lstate, {5:"vim.schedule: expected function"}); |
{4:return} lua_error(lstate); |
{11:lua_pushliteral}(lstate, {5:"vim.schedule: expected function"}); |
{4:return} {11:lua_error}(lstate); |
{8:*^/} |
} |

View File

@ -844,4 +844,22 @@ describe('lua stdlib', function()
eq('2', funcs.luaeval "BUF")
eq(2, funcs.luaeval "#vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()")
it('vim.regex', function()
exec_lua [[
re1 = vim.regex"ab\\+c"
vim.cmd "set nomagic ignorecase"
re2 = vim.regex"xYz"
eq({}, exec_lua[[return {re1:match_str("x ac")}]])
eq({3,7}, exec_lua[[return {re1:match_str("ac abbc")}]])
meths.buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, true, {"yy", "abc abbc"})
eq({}, exec_lua[[return {re1:match_line(0, 0)}]])
eq({0,3}, exec_lua[[return {re1:match_line(0, 1)}]])
eq({3,7}, exec_lua[[return {re1:match_line(0, 1, 1)}]])
eq({3,7}, exec_lua[[return {re1:match_line(0, 1, 1, 8)}]])
eq({}, exec_lua[[return {re1:match_line(0, 1, 1, 7)}]])
eq({0,3}, exec_lua[[return {re1:match_line(0, 1, 0, 7)}]])