
Update runtime files

This commit is contained in:
Justin M. Keyes 2017-11-07 03:16:52 +01:00
parent 1a3e54231a
commit 8c3377ee76
15 changed files with 557 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -1032,6 +1032,7 @@ The names can be in upper- or lowercase.
window in the current tab page the current tab page is
closed |tab-page|.
Triggers the |QuitPre| autocommand event.
See |CTRL-W_q| for quitting another window.
:conf[irm] q[uit] Quit, but give prompt when changes have been made, or
the last file in the argument list has not been

View File

@ -5660,7 +5660,6 @@ mode([expr]) Return a string that indicates the current mode.
i Insert
R Replace |R|
Rv Virtual Replace |gR|
t Terminal
c Command-line
cv Vim Ex mode |gQ|
ce Normal Ex mode |Q|
@ -5668,6 +5667,7 @@ mode([expr]) Return a string that indicates the current mode.
rm The -- more -- prompt
r? A |:confirm| query of some sort
! Shell or external command is executing
t Terminal mode: keys go to the job
This is useful in the 'statusline' option or when used
with |remote_expr()| In most other places it always returns
"c" or "n".

View File

@ -787,10 +787,12 @@ by Vim.
8. Definitions *definitions*
buffer Contains lines of text, usually read from a file.
screen The whole area that Vim uses to work in. This can be
a terminal emulator window. Also called "the Vim
window A view on a buffer.
window A view on a buffer. There can be multiple windows for
one buffer.
A screen contains one or more windows, separated by status lines and with the
command line at the bottom.

View File

@ -354,12 +354,13 @@ On Unix systems the form "${HOME}" can be used too. The name between {} can
contain non-id characters then. Note that if you want to use this for the
"gf" command, you need to add the '{' and '}' characters to 'isfname'.
On MS-Windows, if $HOME is not defined as an environment variable, then
at runtime Vim will set it to the expansion of $HOMEDRIVE$HOMEPATH.
NOTE: expanding environment variables and "~/" is only done with the ":set"
command, not when assigning a value to an option with ":let".
On MS-Windows, if $HOME is not defined as an environment variable, then
at runtime Vim will set it to the expansion of $HOMEDRIVE$HOMEPATH.
Note the maximum length of an expanded option is limited. How much depends on
the system, mostly it is something like 256 or 1024 characters.

View File

@ -2108,6 +2108,16 @@ set "msql_minlines" to the value you desire. Example: >
:let msql_minlines = 200
N1QL *n1ql.vim* *ft-n1ql-syntax*
N1QL is a SQL-like declarative language for manipulating JSON documents in
Couchbase Server databases.
Vim syntax highlights N1QL statements, keywords, operators, types, comments,
and special values. Vim ignores syntactical elements specific to SQL or its
many dialects, like COLUMN or CHAR, that don't exist in N1QL.
NCF *ncf.vim* *ft-ncf-syntax*
There is one option for NCF syntax highlighting.

View File

@ -311,8 +311,9 @@ CTRL-W CTRL-C *CTRL-W_CTRL-C*
Quit the current window, unless it is the last window on the
screen. For {count} see |:quit|.
Without {count}: Quit the current window, unless it is the
last window on the screen.
If {count} is given quit the {count} window.
The buffer becomes hidden (unless there is another window
editing it or 'bufhidden' is `unload`, `delete` or `wipe`).
@ -994,6 +995,8 @@ list of buffers. |unlisted-buffer|
displayed in a window |hidden-buffer|
- a buffer with 'modifiable' off
= a readonly buffer
R a terminal buffer with a running job
F a terminal buffer with a finished job
+ a modified buffer
x a buffer with read errors

View File

@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
" Vim filetype plugin file
" Language: Verilog HDL
" Maintainer: Chih-Tsun Huang <>
" Last Change: Wed Sep 3 15:24:49 CST 2008
" URL:
" Maintainer: Chih-Tsun Huang <>
" Last Change: 2017 Aug 25 by Chih-Tsun Huang
" URL:
" Credits:
" Suggestions for improvement, bug reports by
" Shao <>
" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
@ -45,11 +49,16 @@ if exists("loaded_matchit")
\ '\<begin\>:\<end\>,' .
\ '\<case\>\|\<casex\>\|\<casez\>:\<endcase\>,' .
\ '\<module\>:\<endmodule\>,' .
\ '\<if\>:\<else\>,' .
\ '\<if\>:`\@<!\<else\>,' .
\ '\<function\>:\<endfunction\>,' .
\ '`ifdef\>:`else\>:`endif\>,' .
\ '`ifn\?def\>:`elsif\>:`else\>:`endif\>,' .
\ '\<task\>:\<endtask\>,' .
\ '\<specify\>:\<endspecify\>'
\ '\<specify\>:\<endspecify\>,' .
\ '\<config\>:\<endconfig\>,' .
\ '\<generate\>:\<endgenerate\>,' .
\ '\<fork\>:\<join\>,' .
\ '\<primitive\>:\<endprimitive\>,' .
\ '\<table\>:\<endtable\>'
" Reset 'cpoptions' back to the user's setting

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
" Language: Verilog HDL
" Maintainer: Chih-Tsun Huang <>
" Last Change: 2017 Feb 24 by Chih-Tsun Huang
" Last Change: 2017 Aug 25 by Chih-Tsun Huang
" URL:
" Credits:
@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ let b:did_indent = 1
setlocal indentexpr=GetVerilogIndent()
setlocal indentkeys=!^F,o,O,0),=begin,=end,=join,=endcase
setlocal indentkeys+==endmodule,=endfunction,=endtask,=endspecify
setlocal indentkeys+==`else,=`endif
setlocal indentkeys+==endconfig,=endgenerate,=endprimitive,=endtable
setlocal indentkeys+==`else,=`elsif,=`endif
" Only define the function once.
if exists("*GetVerilogIndent")
@ -84,7 +85,9 @@ function GetVerilogIndent()
" Indent after if/else/for/case/always/initial/specify/fork blocks
elseif last_line =~ '`\@<!\<\(if\|else\)\>' ||
" Note: We exclude '`if' or '`else' and consider 'end else'
" 'end if' is redundant here
elseif last_line =~ '^\s*\(end\)\=\s*`\@<!\<\(if\|else\)\>' ||
\ last_line =~ '^\s*\<\(for\|case\%[[zx]]\)\>' ||
\ last_line =~ '^\s*\<\(always\|initial\)\>' ||
\ last_line =~ '^\s*\<\(specify\|fork\)\>'
@ -93,8 +96,8 @@ function GetVerilogIndent()
let ind = ind + offset
if vverb | echo vverb_str "Indent after a block statement." | endif
" Indent after function/task blocks
elseif last_line =~ '^\s*\<\(function\|task\)\>'
" Indent after function/task/config/generate/primitive/table blocks
elseif last_line =~ '^\s*\<\(function\|task\|config\|generate\|primitive\|table\)\>'
if last_line !~ '\<end\>\s*' . vlog_comment . '*$' ||
\ last_line =~ '\(//\|/\*\).*\(;\|\<end\>\)\s*' . vlog_comment . '*$'
let ind = ind + offset
@ -161,11 +164,11 @@ function GetVerilogIndent()
let ind = ind - offset
if vverb | echo vverb_str "De-indent after a close statement." | endif
" `ifdef and `else
elseif last_line =~ '^\s*`\<\(ifdef\|else\)\>'
" `ifdef or `ifndef or `elsif or `else
elseif last_line =~ '^\s*`\<\(ifn\?def\|elsif\|else\)\>'
let ind = ind + offset
if vverb
echo vverb_str "Indent after a `ifdef or `else statement."
echo vverb_str "Indent after a `ifdef or `ifndef or `elsif or `else statement."
@ -175,7 +178,8 @@ function GetVerilogIndent()
" De-indent on the end of the block
" join/end/endcase/endfunction/endtask/endspecify
if curr_line =~ '^\s*\<\(join\|end\|endcase\)\>' ||
\ curr_line =~ '^\s*\<\(endfunction\|endtask\|endspecify\)\>'
\ curr_line =~ '^\s*\<\(endfunction\|endtask\|endspecify\)\>' ||
\ curr_line =~ '^\s*\<\(endconfig\|endgenerate\|endprimitive\|endtable\)\>'
let ind = ind - offset
if vverb | echo vverb_str "De-indent the end of a block." | endif
elseif curr_line =~ '^\s*\<endmodule\>'
@ -186,7 +190,7 @@ function GetVerilogIndent()
" De-indent on a stand-alone 'begin'
elseif curr_line =~ '^\s*\<begin\>'
if last_line !~ '^\s*\<\(function\|task\|specify\|module\)\>' &&
if last_line !~ '^\s*\<\(function\|task\|specify\|module\|config\|generate\|primitive\|table\)\>' &&
\ last_line !~ '^\s*\()*\s*;\|)\+\)\s*' . vlog_comment . '*$' &&
\ ( last_line =~
\ '\<\(`\@<!if\|`\@<!else\|for\|case\%[[zx]]\|always\|initial\)\>' ||
@ -208,10 +212,10 @@ function GetVerilogIndent()
echo vverb_str "De-indent the end of a multiple statement."
" De-indent `else and `endif
elseif curr_line =~ '^\s*`\<\(else\|endif\)\>'
" De-indent `elsif or `else or `endif
elseif curr_line =~ '^\s*`\<\(elsif\|else\|endif\)\>'
let ind = ind - offset
if vverb | echo vverb_str "De-indent `else and `endif statement." | endif
if vverb | echo vverb_str "De-indent `elsif or `else or `endif statement." | endif

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
" Debugger commands.
" WORK IN PROGRESS - much doesn't work yet
" Open two terminal windows:
" 1. run a pty, as with ":term NONE"
" 2. run gdb, passing the pty
" The current window is used to edit source code and follows gdb.
" Author: Bram Moolenaar
" Copyright: Vim license applies
command -nargs=* -complete=file Termdebug call s:StartDebug(<q-args>)
if !exists('debugger')
let debugger = 'gdb'
func s:StartDebug(cmd)
" Open a terminal window without a job, to run the debugged program
let s:ptybuf = term_start('NONE', {})
let pty = job_info(term_getjob(s:ptybuf))['tty']
" Open a terminal window to run the debugger.
let cmd = [g:debugger, '-tty', pty, a:cmd]
echomsg 'executing "' . join(cmd) . '"'
let gdbbuf = term_start(cmd, {
\ 'exit_cb': function('s:EndDebug'),
\ 'term_finish': 'close'
\ })
func s:EndDebug(job, status)
exe 'bwipe! ' . s:ptybuf

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim support file to detect file types in scripts
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
" Last change: 2017 Mar 04
" Last change: 2017 Aug 27
" This file is called by an autocommand for every file that has just been
" loaded into a buffer. It checks if the type of file can be recognized by
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ else
set ft=virata
" Strace
elseif s:line1 =~ '^\(\[pid \d\+\] \)\=[0-9:.]* *execve(' || s:line1 =~ '^__libc_start_main'
elseif s:line1 =~# '[0-9:.]* *execve(' || s:line1 =~# '^__libc_start_main'
set ft=strace

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
" Maintainer: Debian Vim Maintainers <>
" Former Maintainers: Gerfried Fuchs <>
" Wichert Akkerman <>
" Last Change: 2016 Aug 30
" Last Change: 2017 Aug 18
" URL:
" Standard syntax initialization
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ syn case match
syn match debcontrolElse "^.*$"
" Common seperators
syn match debControlComma ", *"
syn match debControlSpace " "
syn match debControlComma ",[ \t]*"
syn match debControlSpace "[ \t]"
let s:kernels = '\%(linux\|hurd\|kfreebsd\|knetbsd\|kopensolaris\|netbsd\)'
let s:archs = '\%(alpha\|amd64\|armeb\|armel\|armhf\|arm64\|avr32\|hppa\|i386'
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ unlet s:kernels s:archs s:pairs
syn match debcontrolMultiArch contained "\%(no\|foreign\|allowed\|same\)"
syn match debcontrolName contained "[a-z0-9][a-z0-9+.-]\+"
syn match debcontrolPriority contained "\(extra\|important\|optional\|required\|standard\)"
syn match debcontrolSection contained "\v((contrib|non-free|non-US/main|non-US/contrib|non-US/non-free|restricted|universe|multiverse)/)?(admin|cli-mono|comm|database|debian-installer|debug|devel|doc|editors|education|electronics|embedded|fonts|games|gnome|gnustep|gnu-r|graphics|hamradio|haskell|httpd|interpreters|introspection|java|javascript|kde|kernel|libs|libdevel|lisp|localization|mail|math|metapackages|misc|net|news|ocaml|oldlibs|otherosfs|perl|php|python|ruby|rust|science|shells|sound|text|tex|utils|vcs|video|web|x11|xfce|zope)"
syn match debcontrolSection contained "\v((contrib|non-free|non-US/main|non-US/contrib|non-US/non-free|restricted|universe|multiverse)/)?(admin|cli-mono|comm|database|debian-installer|debug|devel|doc|editors|education|electronics|embedded|fonts|games|gnome|gnustep|gnu-r|graphics|hamradio|haskell|httpd|interpreters|introspection|java%(script)=|kde|kernel|libs|libdevel|lisp|localization|mail|math|metapackages|misc|net|news|ocaml|oldlibs|otherosfs|perl|php|python|ruby|rust|science|shells|sound|text|tex|utils|vcs|video|web|x11|xfce|zope)"
syn match debcontrolPackageType contained "u\?deb"
syn match debcontrolVariable contained "\${.\{-}}"
syn match debcontrolDmUpload contained "\cyes"
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ syn match debcontrolComment "^#.*$" contains=@Spell
syn case ignore
" List of all legal keys
syn match debcontrolKey contained "^\%(Source\|Package\|Section\|Priority\|\%(XSBC-Original-\)\=Maintainer\|Uploaders\|Build-\%(Conflicts\|Depends\)\%(-Indep\)\=\|Standards-Version\|\%(Pre-\)\=Depends\|Recommends\|Suggests\|Provides\|Replaces\|Conflicts\|Enhances\|Breaks\|Essential\|Architecture\|Multi-Arch\|Description\|Bugs\|Origin\|X[SB]-Python-Version\|Homepage\|\(XS-\)\=Vcs-\(Browser\|Arch\|Bzr\|Cvs\|Darcs\|Git\|Hg\|Mtn\|Svn\)\|\%(XC-\)\=Package-Type\): *"
syn match debcontrolKey contained "^\%(Source\|Package\|Section\|Priority\|\%(XSBC-Original-\)\=Maintainer\|Uploaders\|Build-\%(Conflicts\|Depends\)\%(-Arch\|-Indep\)\=\|Standards-Version\|\%(Pre-\)\=Depends\|Recommends\|Suggests\|Provides\|Replaces\|Conflicts\|Enhances\|Breaks\|Essential\|Architecture\|Multi-Arch\|Description\|Bugs\|Origin\|X[SB]-Python-Version\|Homepage\|\(XS-\)\=Vcs-\(Browser\|Arch\|Bzr\|Cvs\|Darcs\|Git\|Hg\|Mtn\|Svn\)\|\%(XC-\)\=Package-Type\|\%(XS-\)\=Testsuite\): *"
syn match debcontrolDeprecatedKey contained "^\%(\%(XS-\)\=DM-Upload-Allowed\): *"
@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ syn region debcontrolStrictField start="^\%(XS-\)\=Vcs-Git" end="$" contains=deb
syn region debcontrolStrictField start="^\%(XS-\)\=DM-Upload-Allowed" end="$" contains=debcontrolDeprecatedKey,debcontrolDmUpload oneline
" Catch-all for the other legal fields
syn region debcontrolField start="^\%(\%(XSBC-Original-\)\=Maintainer\|Standards-Version\|Essential\|Bugs\|Origin\|X[SB]-Python-Version\|\%(XS-\)\=Vcs-Mtn\):" end="$" contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolVariable,debcontrolEmail oneline
syn region debcontrolMultiField start="^\%(Build-\%(Conflicts\|Depends\)\%(-Indep\)\=\|\%(Pre-\)\=Depends\|Recommends\|Suggests\|Provides\|Replaces\|Conflicts\|Enhances\|Breaks\|Uploaders\|Description\):" skip="^ " end="^$"me=s-1 end="^[^ #]"me=s-1 contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolEmail,debcontrolVariable,debcontrolComment
syn region debcontrolMultiFieldSpell start="^\%(Description\):" skip="^ " end="^$"me=s-1 end="^[^ #]"me=s-1 contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolEmail,debcontrolVariable,debcontrolComment,@Spell
syn region debcontrolField start="^\%(\%(XSBC-Original-\)\=Maintainer\|Standards-Version\|Essential\|Bugs\|Origin\|X[SB]-Python-Version\|\%(XS-\)\=Vcs-Mtn\|\%(XS-\)\=Testsuite\):" end="$" contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolVariable,debcontrolEmail oneline
syn region debcontrolMultiField start="^\%(Build-\%(Conflicts\|Depends\)\%(-Arch\|-Indep\)\=\|\%(Pre-\)\=Depends\|Recommends\|Suggests\|Provides\|Replaces\|Conflicts\|Enhances\|Breaks\|Uploaders\|Description\):" skip="^[ \t]" end="^$"me=s-1 end="^[^ \t#]"me=s-1 contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolEmail,debcontrolVariable,debcontrolComment
syn region debcontrolMultiFieldSpell start="^\%(Description\):" skip="^[ \t]" end="^$"me=s-1 end="^[^ \t#]"me=s-1 contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolEmail,debcontrolVariable,debcontrolComment,@Spell
" Associate our matches and regions with pretty colours
hi def link debcontrolKey Keyword

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Murphi model checking language
" Maintainer: Matthew Fernandez <>
" Last Change: 2017 May 3
" Last Change: 2017 Aug 27
" Version: 2
" Remark: Originally authored by Diego Ongaro <>
@ -105,23 +105,23 @@ syn region murphiComment start="--" end="$" contains=murphiTodo
syn region murphiComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=murphiTodo
" Link the rules to some groups.
highlight link murphiComment Comment
highlight link murphiString String
highlight link murphiNumber Number
highlight link murphiBoolean Boolean
highlight link murphiIdentifier Identifier
highlight link murphiFunction Function
highlight link murphiStatement Statement
highlight link murphiConditional Conditional
highlight link murphiRepeat Repeat
highlight link murphiLabel Label
highlight link murphiOperator Operator
highlight link murphiKeyword Keyword
highlight link murphiType Type
highlight link murphiStructure Structure
highlight link murphiSpecial Special
highlight link murphiDelimiter Delimiter
highlight link murphiError Error
highlight link murphiTodo Todo
hi def link murphiComment Comment
hi def link murphiString String
hi def link murphiNumber Number
hi def link murphiBoolean Boolean
hi def link murphiIdentifier Identifier
hi def link murphiFunction Function
hi def link murphiStatement Statement
hi def link murphiConditional Conditional
hi def link murphiRepeat Repeat
hi def link murphiLabel Label
hi def link murphiOperator Operator
hi def link murphiKeyword Keyword
hi def link murphiType Type
hi def link murphiStructure Structure
hi def link murphiSpecial Special
hi def link murphiDelimiter Delimiter
hi def link murphiError Error
hi def link murphiTodo Todo
let b:current_syntax = "murphi"

runtime/syntax/n1ql.vim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: N1QL / Couchbase Server
" Maintainer: Eugene Ciurana <n1ql AT>
" Version: 1.0
" Source:
" License: Vim is Charityware. n1ql.vim syntax is Charityware.
" (c) Copyright 2017 by Eugene Ciurana / pr3d4t0r. Licensed
" under the standard VIM LICENSE - Vim command :help uganda.txt
" for details.
" Questions, comments: <n1ql AT>
" vim: set fileencoding=utf-8:
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syn case ignore
syn keyword n1qlSpecial DATASTORES
syn keyword n1qlSpecial DUAL
syn keyword n1qlSpecial FALSE
syn keyword n1qlSpecial INDEXES
syn keyword n1qlSpecial KEYSPACES
syn keyword n1qlSpecial MISSING
syn keyword n1qlSpecial NAMESPACES
syn keyword n1qlSpecial NULL
syn keyword n1qlSpecial TRUE
" *** keywords ***
syn keyword n1qlKeyword ALL
syn keyword n1qlKeyword ANY
syn keyword n1qlKeyword ASC
syn keyword n1qlKeyword BEGIN
syn keyword n1qlKeyword BETWEEN
syn keyword n1qlKeyword BREAK
syn keyword n1qlKeyword BUCKET
syn keyword n1qlKeyword CALL
syn keyword n1qlKeyword CASE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword CAST
syn keyword n1qlKeyword CLUSTER
syn keyword n1qlKeyword COLLATE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword COLLECTION
syn keyword n1qlKeyword CONNECT
syn keyword n1qlKeyword CONTINUE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword CORRELATE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword COVER
syn keyword n1qlKeyword DATABASE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword DATASET
syn keyword n1qlKeyword DATASTORE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword DECLARE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword DECREMENT
syn keyword n1qlKeyword DERIVED
syn keyword n1qlKeyword DESC
syn keyword n1qlKeyword DESCRIBE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword DO
syn keyword n1qlKeyword EACH
syn keyword n1qlKeyword ELEMENT
syn keyword n1qlKeyword ELSE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword END
syn keyword n1qlKeyword EVERY
syn keyword n1qlKeyword EXCLUDE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword EXISTS
syn keyword n1qlKeyword FETCH
syn keyword n1qlKeyword FIRST
syn keyword n1qlKeyword FLATTEN
syn keyword n1qlKeyword FOR
syn keyword n1qlKeyword FORCE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword FROM
syn keyword n1qlKeyword FUNCTION
syn keyword n1qlKeyword GROUP
syn keyword n1qlKeyword GSI
syn keyword n1qlKeyword HAVING
syn keyword n1qlKeyword IF
syn keyword n1qlKeyword IGNORE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword INCLUDE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword INCREMENT
syn keyword n1qlKeyword INDEX
syn keyword n1qlKeyword INITIAL
syn keyword n1qlKeyword INLINE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword INNER
syn keyword n1qlKeyword INTO
syn keyword n1qlKeyword KEY
syn keyword n1qlKeyword KEYS
syn keyword n1qlKeyword KEYSPACE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword KNOWN
syn keyword n1qlKeyword LAST
syn keyword n1qlKeyword LET
syn keyword n1qlKeyword LETTING
syn keyword n1qlKeyword LIMIT
syn keyword n1qlKeyword LOOP
syn keyword n1qlKeyword LSM
syn keyword n1qlKeyword MAP
syn keyword n1qlKeyword MAPPING
syn keyword n1qlKeyword MATCHED
syn keyword n1qlKeyword MATERIALIZED
syn keyword n1qlKeyword MERGE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword NAMESPACE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword NEST
syn keyword n1qlKeyword OPTION
syn keyword n1qlKeyword ORDER
syn keyword n1qlKeyword OUTER
syn keyword n1qlKeyword OVER
syn keyword n1qlKeyword PARSE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword PARTITION
syn keyword n1qlKeyword PASSWORD
syn keyword n1qlKeyword PATH
syn keyword n1qlKeyword POOL
syn keyword n1qlKeyword PRIMARY
syn keyword n1qlKeyword PRIVATE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword PRIVILEGE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword PROCEDURE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword PUBLIC
syn keyword n1qlKeyword REALM
syn keyword n1qlKeyword REDUCE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword RETURN
syn keyword n1qlKeyword RETURNING
syn keyword n1qlKeyword ROLE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword SATISFIES
syn keyword n1qlKeyword SCHEMA
syn keyword n1qlKeyword SELF
syn keyword n1qlKeyword SEMI
syn keyword n1qlKeyword SHOW
syn keyword n1qlKeyword START
syn keyword n1qlKeyword STATISTICS
syn keyword n1qlKeyword SYSTEM
syn keyword n1qlKeyword THEN
syn keyword n1qlKeyword TRANSACTION
syn keyword n1qlKeyword TRIGGER
syn keyword n1qlKeyword UNDER
syn keyword n1qlKeyword UNKNOWN
syn keyword n1qlKeyword UNSET
syn keyword n1qlKeyword USE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword USER
syn keyword n1qlKeyword USING
syn keyword n1qlKeyword VALIDATE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword VALUE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword VALUED
syn keyword n1qlKeyword VALUES
syn keyword n1qlKeyword VIEW
syn keyword n1qlKeyword WHEN
syn keyword n1qlKeyword WHERE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword WHILE
syn keyword n1qlKeyword WITHIN
syn keyword n1qlKeyword WORK
" *** functions ***
syn keyword n1qlOperator ABS
syn keyword n1qlOperator ACOS
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_AGG
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_APPEND
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_AVG
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_CONCAT
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_CONTAINS
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_COUNT
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_DISTINCT
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_FLATTEN
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_IFNULL
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_INSERT
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_INTERSECT
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_LENGTH
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_MAX
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_MIN
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_POSITION
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_PREPEND
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_PUT
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_RANGE
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_REMOVE
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_REPEAT
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_REPLACE
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_REVERSE
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_SORT
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_START
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_SUM
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_SYMDIFF
syn keyword n1qlOperator ARRAY_UNION
syn keyword n1qlOperator ASIN
syn keyword n1qlOperator ATAN
syn keyword n1qlOperator ATAN2
syn keyword n1qlOperator AVG
syn keyword n1qlOperator BASE64
syn keyword n1qlOperator BASE64_DECODE
syn keyword n1qlOperator BASE64_ENCODE
syn keyword n1qlOperator CEIL
syn keyword n1qlOperator CLOCK_LOCAL
syn keyword n1qlOperator CLOCK_STR
syn keyword n1qlOperator CLOCK_TZ
syn keyword n1qlOperator CLOCK_UTC
syn keyword n1qlOperator CLOCL_MILLIS
syn keyword n1qlOperator CONTAINS
syn keyword n1qlOperator COS
syn keyword n1qlOperator COUNT
syn keyword n1qlOperator DATE_ADD_MILLIS
syn keyword n1qlOperator DATE_ADD_STR
syn keyword n1qlOperator DATE_DIFF_MILLIS
syn keyword n1qlOperator DATE_DIFF_STR
syn keyword n1qlOperator DATE_FORMAT_STR
syn keyword n1qlOperator DATE_PART_MILLIS
syn keyword n1qlOperator DATE_PART_STR
syn keyword n1qlOperator DATE_RANGE_MILLIS
syn keyword n1qlOperator DATE_RANGE_STR
syn keyword n1qlOperator DATE_TRUC_STR
syn keyword n1qlOperator DATE_TRUNC_MILLIS
syn keyword n1qlOperator DECODE_JSON
syn keyword n1qlOperator DEGREES
syn keyword n1qlOperator DURATION_TO_STR
syn keyword n1qlOperator E
syn keyword n1qlOperator ENCODED_SIZE
syn keyword n1qlOperator ENCODE_JSON
syn keyword n1qlOperator EXP
syn keyword n1qlOperator FLOOR
syn keyword n1qlOperator GREATEST
syn keyword n1qlOperator IFINF
syn keyword n1qlOperator IFMISSING
syn keyword n1qlOperator IFMISSINGORNULL
syn keyword n1qlOperator IFNAN
syn keyword n1qlOperator IFNANORINF
syn keyword n1qlOperator IFNULL
syn keyword n1qlOperator INITCAP
syn keyword n1qlOperator ISARRAY
syn keyword n1qlOperator ISATOM
syn keyword n1qlOperator ISBOOLEAN
syn keyword n1qlOperator ISNUMBER
syn keyword n1qlOperator ISOBJECT
syn keyword n1qlOperator ISSTRING
syn keyword n1qlOperator LEAST
syn keyword n1qlOperator LENGTH
syn keyword n1qlOperator LN
syn keyword n1qlOperator LOG
syn keyword n1qlOperator LOWER
syn keyword n1qlOperator LTRIM
syn keyword n1qlOperator MAX
syn keyword n1qlOperator META
syn keyword n1qlOperator MILLIS
syn keyword n1qlOperator MILLIS_TO_LOCAL
syn keyword n1qlOperator MILLIS_TO_STR
syn keyword n1qlOperator MILLIS_TO_TZ
syn keyword n1qlOperator MILLIS_TO_UTC
syn keyword n1qlOperator MILLIS_TO_ZONE_NAME
syn keyword n1qlOperator MIN
syn keyword n1qlOperator MISSINGIF
syn keyword n1qlOperator NANIF
syn keyword n1qlOperator NEGINFIF
syn keyword n1qlOperator NOW_LOCAL
syn keyword n1qlOperator NOW_MILLIS
syn keyword n1qlOperator NOW_STR
syn keyword n1qlOperator NOW_TZ
syn keyword n1qlOperator NOW_UTC
syn keyword n1qlOperator NULLIF
syn keyword n1qlOperator OBJECT_ADD
syn keyword n1qlOperator OBJECT_CONCAT
syn keyword n1qlOperator OBJECT_INNER_PAIRS
syn keyword n1qlOperator OBJECT_INNER_VALUES
syn keyword n1qlOperator OBJECT_LENGTH
syn keyword n1qlOperator OBJECT_NAMES
syn keyword n1qlOperator OBJECT_PAIRS
syn keyword n1qlOperator OBJECT_PUT
syn keyword n1qlOperator OBJECT_REMOVE
syn keyword n1qlOperator OBJECT_RENAME
syn keyword n1qlOperator OBJECT_REPLACE
syn keyword n1qlOperator OBJECT_UNWRAP
syn keyword n1qlOperator OBJECT_VALUES
syn keyword n1qlOperator PI
syn keyword n1qlOperator POLY_LENGTH
syn keyword n1qlOperator POSINIF
syn keyword n1qlOperator POSITION
syn keyword n1qlOperator POWER
syn keyword n1qlOperator RADIANS
syn keyword n1qlOperator RANDOM
syn keyword n1qlOperator REGEXP_CONTAINS
syn keyword n1qlOperator REGEXP_LIKE
syn keyword n1qlOperator REGEXP_POSITION
syn keyword n1qlOperator REGEXP_REPLACE
syn keyword n1qlOperator REPEAT
syn keyword n1qlOperator REPLACE
syn keyword n1qlOperator REVERSE
syn keyword n1qlOperator ROUND
syn keyword n1qlOperator RTRIM
syn keyword n1qlOperator SIGN
syn keyword n1qlOperator SIN
syn keyword n1qlOperator SPLIT
syn keyword n1qlOperator SQRT
syn keyword n1qlOperator STR_TO_DURATION
syn keyword n1qlOperator STR_TO_MILLIS
syn keyword n1qlOperator STR_TO_TZ
syn keyword n1qlOperator STR_TO_UTC
syn keyword n1qlOperator STR_TO_ZONE_NAME
syn keyword n1qlOperator SUBSTR
syn keyword n1qlOperator SUFFIXES
syn keyword n1qlOperator SUM
syn keyword n1qlOperator TAN
syn keyword n1qlOperator TITLE
syn keyword n1qlOperator TOARRAY
syn keyword n1qlOperator TOATOM
syn keyword n1qlOperator TOBOOLEAN
syn keyword n1qlOperator TOKENS
syn keyword n1qlOperator TONUMBER
syn keyword n1qlOperator TOOBJECT
syn keyword n1qlOperator TOSTRING
syn keyword n1qlOperator TRIM
syn keyword n1qlOperator TRUNC
syn keyword n1qlOperator TYPE
syn keyword n1qlOperator UPPER
syn keyword n1qlOperator UUID
syn keyword n1qlOperator WEEKDAY_MILLIS
syn keyword n1qlOperator WEEKDAY_STR
" *** operators ***
syn keyword n1qlOperator AND
syn keyword n1qlOperator AS
syn keyword n1qlOperator BY
syn keyword n1qlOperator DISTINCT
syn keyword n1qlOperator EXCEPT
syn keyword n1qlOperator ILIKE
syn keyword n1qlOperator IN
syn keyword n1qlOperator INTERSECT
syn keyword n1qlOperator IS
syn keyword n1qlOperator JOIN
syn keyword n1qlOperator LEFT
syn keyword n1qlOperator LIKE
syn keyword n1qlOperator MINUS
syn keyword n1qlOperator NEST
syn keyword n1qlOperator NESTING
syn keyword n1qlOperator NOT
syn keyword n1qlOperator OFFSET
syn keyword n1qlOperator ON
syn keyword n1qlOperator OR
syn keyword n1qlOperator OUT
syn keyword n1qlOperator RIGHT
syn keyword n1qlOperator SOME
syn keyword n1qlOperator TO
syn keyword n1qlOperator UNION
syn keyword n1qlOperator UNIQUE
syn keyword n1qlOperator UNNEST
syn keyword n1qlOperator VIA
syn keyword n1qlOperator WITH
syn keyword n1qlOperator XOR
" *** statements ***
syn keyword n1qlStatement ALTER
syn keyword n1qlStatement ANALYZE
syn keyword n1qlStatement BUILD
syn keyword n1qlStatement COMMIT
syn keyword n1qlStatement CREATE
syn keyword n1qlStatement DELETE
syn keyword n1qlStatement DROP
syn keyword n1qlStatement EXECUTE
syn keyword n1qlStatement EXPLAIN
syn keyword n1qlStatement GRANT
syn keyword n1qlStatement INFER
syn keyword n1qlStatement INSERT
syn keyword n1qlStatement MERGE
syn keyword n1qlStatement PREPARE
syn keyword n1qlStatement RENAME
syn keyword n1qlStatement REVOKE
syn keyword n1qlStatement ROLLBACK
syn keyword n1qlStatement SELECT
syn keyword n1qlStatement SET
syn keyword n1qlStatement TRUNCATE
syn keyword n1qlStatement UPDATE
syn keyword n1qlStatement UPSERT
" *** types ***
syn keyword n1qlType ARRAY
syn keyword n1qlType BINARY
syn keyword n1qlType BOOLEAN
syn keyword n1qlType NUMBER
syn keyword n1qlType OBJECT
syn keyword n1qlType RAW
syn keyword n1qlType STRING
" *** strings and characters ***
syn region n1qlString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+
syn region n1qlString start=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ end=+'+
syn region n1qlBucketSpec start=+`+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ end=+`+
" *** numbers ***
syn match n1qlNumber "-\=\<\d*\.\=[0-9_]\>"
" *** comments ***
syn region n1qlComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=n1qlTODO
syn match n1qlComment "--.*$" contains=n1qlTODO
syn sync ccomment n1qlComment
" *** TODO ***
syn keyword n1qlTODO contained TODO FIXME XXX DEBUG NOTE
" *** enable ***
hi def link n1qlBucketSpec Underlined
hi def link n1qlComment Comment
hi def link n1qlKeyword Macro
hi def link n1qlOperator Function
hi def link n1qlSpecial Special
hi def link n1qlStatement Statement
hi def link n1qlString String
hi def link n1qlTODO Todo
hi def link n1qlType Type
let b:current_syntax = "n1ql"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
" Maintainer: Zhen-Huan Hu <>
" Original Maintainer: James Kidd <>
" Version: 3.0.0
" Last Change: Mar 10, 2017
" Last Change: Aug 26, 2017
" 2017 Mar 7
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ syn match sasDataStepStatement '\v%(^|;)\s*\zs%(dcl|declare)>' display contained
syn match sasDataStepStatement '\v%(^|;)\s*\zsods>' display contained contains=sasGlobalStatementKeyword nextgroup=sasGlobalStatementODSKeyword skipwhite skipnl skipempty
syn match sasDataStepStatement '\v%(^|;)\s*\zs%(format|informat|input|put)>' display contained contains=sasDataStepStatementKeyword nextgroup=sasFormatContext skipwhite skipnl skipempty
syn match sasDataStepStatement '\v%(^|;)\s*\zs%(cards|datalines|lines)4=\s*;' display contained contains=sasDataStepStatementKeyword nextgroup=sasDataLine skipwhite skipnl skipempty
syn region sasDataLine start='^' end='^;'me=s-1 contained
syn region sasDataLine start='^' end='^\s*;'me=s-1 contained
syn region sasDataStep matchgroup=sasSectionKeyword start='\v%(^|;)\s*\zsdata>' end='\v%(^|;)\s*%(run|data|proc|endsas)>'me=s-1 fold contains=@sasBasicSyntax,@sasDataStepSyntax
syn cluster sasDataStepSyntax contains=sasDataStepFunction,sasDataStepHashOperator,sasDataStepHashAttribute,sasDataStepHashMethod,sasDataStepControl,sasDataStepStatement

View File

@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ syn match vimHiBang contained "!" skipwhite nextgroup=@vimHighlightCluster
syn match vimHiGroup contained "\i\+"
syn case ignore
syn keyword vimHiAttrib contained none bold inverse italic reverse standout underline undercurl
syn keyword vimHiAttrib contained none bold inverse italic reverse standout underline undercurl nocombine
syn keyword vimFgBgAttrib contained none bg background fg foreground
syn case match
syn match vimHiAttribList contained "\i\+" contains=vimHiAttrib