
Update runtime files.
This commit is contained in:
Justin M. Keyes 2018-10-29 09:47:02 +01:00
parent d252be36e2
commit 877d5c8be7
9 changed files with 471 additions and 184 deletions

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ function! spellfile#LoadFile(lang)
let lang = tolower(a:lang)
" If the URL changes we try all files again.
if s:spellfile_URL != g:spellfile_URL
@ -28,13 +29,13 @@ function! spellfile#LoadFile(lang)
" I will say this only once!
if has_key(s:donedict, a:lang . &enc)
if has_key(s:donedict, lang . &enc)
if &verbose
echomsg 'spellfile#LoadFile(): Tried this language/encoding before.'
let s:donedict[a:lang . &enc] = 1
let s:donedict[lang . &enc] = 1
" Find spell directories we can write in.
let [dirlist, dirchoices] = spellfile#GetDirChoices()
@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ function! spellfile#LoadFile(lang)
let newbufnr = winbufnr(0)
let fname = a:lang . '.ascii.spl'
let fname = lang . '.ascii.spl'
echo 'Could not find it, trying ' . fname . '...'
call spellfile#Nread(fname)
if getline(2) !~ 'VIMspell'

View File

@ -1118,7 +1118,7 @@ remembered.
:changes Print the change list. A ">" character indicates the
current position. Just after a change it is below the
newest entry, indicating that "g;" takes you to the
newest entry, indicating that `g;` takes you to the
newest entry position. The first column indicates the
count needed to take you to this position. Example:
@ -1128,8 +1128,8 @@ remembered.
1 14 54 the latest changed line
The "3g;" command takes you to line 9. Then the
output of ":changes is:
The `3g;` command takes you to line 9. Then the
output of `:changes` is:
change line col text ~
> 0 9 8 bla bla bla

View File

@ -1534,10 +1534,10 @@ A jump table for the options with a short description can be found at |Q_op|.
See also |map_bar|.
B A backslash has no special meaning in mappings,
abbreviations and the "to" part of the menu commands.
Remove this flag to be able to use a backslash like a
CTRL-V. For example, the command ":map X \<Esc>"
results in X being mapped to:
abbreviations, user commands and the "to" part of the
menu commands. Remove this flag to be able to use a
backslash like a CTRL-V. For example, the command
":map X \<Esc>" results in X being mapped to:
'B' included: "\^[" (^[ is a real <Esc>)
'B' excluded: "<Esc>" (5 characters)

View File

@ -282,6 +282,14 @@ the "#" is under your left hand middle finger (search to the left and up) and
the "*" is under your right hand middle finger (search to the right and down).
(this depends on your keyboard layout though).
In very rare cases a regular expression is used recursively. This can happen
when executing a pattern takes a long time and when checkig for messages on
channels a callback is invoked that also uses a pattern or an autocommand is
triggered. In most cases this should be fine, but if a pattern is in use when
it's used again it fails. Usually this means there is something wrong with
the pattern.
2. The definition of a pattern *search-pattern* *pattern* *[pattern]*
*regular-expression* *regexp* *Pattern*

View File

@ -317,8 +317,9 @@ when you use Vim. There are only two steps for adding a global plugin:
Where can you find plugins?
- Some are always loaded, you can see them in the directory $VIMRUNTIME/plugin.
- Some come with Vim. You can find them in the directory $VIMRUNTIME/macros
and its sub-directories.
and its sub-directories and under $VIM/vimfiles/pack/dist/opt/.
- Download from the net. There is a large collection on
- They are sometimes posted in a Vim |maillist|.
- You could write one yourself, see |write-plugin|.

View File

@ -57,10 +57,11 @@ vmap <S-Insert> <C-V>
" Use CTRL-Q to do what CTRL-V used to do
noremap <C-Q> <C-V>
" Use CTRL-S for saving, also in Insert mode
" Use CTRL-S for saving, also in Insert mode (<C-O> doesn't work well when
" using completions).
noremap <C-S> :update<CR>
vnoremap <C-S> <C-C>:update<CR>
inoremap <C-S> <C-O>:update<CR>
inoremap <C-S> <Esc>:update<CR>gi
" For CTRL-V to work autoselect must be off.
" On Unix we have two selections, autoselect can be used.

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: C#
" Maintainer: Nick Jensen <>
" Former Maintainer: Anduin Withers <>
" Former Maintainer: Johannes Zellner <>
" Last Change: 2018-05-02
" Filenames: *.cs
" License: Vim (see :h license)
" Repository:
" Language: C#
" Maintainer: Nick Jensen <>
" Former Maintainers: Anduin Withers <>
" Johannes Zellner <>
" Last Change: 2018-06-29
" Filenames: *.cs
" License: Vim (see :h license)
" Repository:
" [1] ECMA TC39: C# Language Specification (WD13Oct01.doc)
@ -19,144 +19,190 @@ let s:cs_cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
syn keyword csType bool byte char decimal double float int long object sbyte short string T uint ulong ushort var void dynamic
syn keyword csStorage delegate enum interface namespace struct
syn keyword csRepeat break continue do for foreach goto return while
syn keyword csConditional else if switch
syn keyword csLabel case default
syn keyword csType bool byte char decimal double float int long object sbyte short string T uint ulong ushort var void dynamic
syn keyword csStorage delegate enum interface namespace struct
syn keyword csRepeat break continue do for foreach goto return while
syn keyword csConditional else if switch
syn keyword csLabel case default
syn match csOperatorError display +::+
syn match csGlobal display +global::+
" user labels (see [1] 8.6 Statements)
syn match csLabel display +^\s*\I\i*\s*:\([^:]\)\@=+
syn keyword csModifier abstract const extern internal override private protected public readonly sealed static virtual volatile
syn keyword csConstant false null true
syn keyword csException try catch finally throw when
syn keyword csLinq ascending by descending equals from group in into join let on orderby select where
syn keyword csAsync async await
syn match csLabel display +^\s*\I\i*\s*:\([^:]\)\@=+
syn keyword csModifier abstract const extern internal override private protected public readonly sealed static virtual volatile
syn keyword csConstant false null true
syn keyword csException try catch finally throw when
syn keyword csLinq ascending by descending equals from group in into join let on orderby select where
syn keyword csAsync async await
syn keyword csUnspecifiedStatement as base checked event fixed get in is lock nameof operator out params ref set sizeof stackalloc this typeof unchecked unsafe using
syn keyword csUnsupportedStatement add remove value
syn keyword csUnspecifiedKeyword explicit implicit
syn keyword csUnspecifiedStatement as base checked event fixed in is lock nameof operator out params ref sizeof stackalloc this typeof unchecked unsafe using
syn keyword csUnsupportedStatement add remove value
syn keyword csUnspecifiedKeyword explicit implicit
" Contextual Keywords
syn match csContextualStatement /\<yield[[:space:]\n]\+\(return\|break\)/me=s+5
syn match csContextualStatement /\<partial[[:space:]\n]\+\(class\|struct\|interface\)/me=s+7
syn match csContextualStatement /\<\(get\|set\)[[:space:]\n]*{/me=s+3
syn match csContextualStatement /\<where\>[^:]\+:/me=s+5
syn match csContextualStatement /\<yield[[:space:]\n]\+\(return\|break\)/me=s+5
syn match csContextualStatement /\<partial[[:space:]\n]\+\(class\|struct\|interface\)/me=s+7
syn match csContextualStatement /\<\(get\|set\)\(;\|[[:space:]\n]*{\)/me=s+3
syn match csContextualStatement /\<where\>[^:]\+:/me=s+5
" Punctuation
syn match csBraces "[{}\[\]]" display
syn match csParens "[()]" display
syn match csOpSymbols "[+\-><=]\{1,2}" display
syn match csOpSymbols "[!><+\-*/]=" display
syn match csOpSymbols "[!*/^]" display
syn match csOpSymbols "=>" display
syn match csEndColon ";" display
syn match csLogicSymbols "&&" display
syn match csLogicSymbols "||" display
syn match csLogicSymbols "?" display
syn match csLogicSymbols ":" display
" Comments
" PROVIDES: @csCommentHook
" TODO: include strings ?
syn keyword csTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX NOTE HACK
syn region csComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=@csCommentHook,csTodo,@Spell
syn match csComment "//.*$" contains=@csCommentHook,csTodo,@Spell
syn keyword csTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX NOTE HACK TBD
syn region csComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=@csCommentHook,csTodo,@Spell
syn match csComment "//.*$" contains=@csCommentHook,csTodo,@Spell
" xml markup inside '///' comments
syn cluster xmlRegionHook add=csXmlCommentLeader
syn cluster xmlCdataHook add=csXmlCommentLeader
syn cluster xmlStartTagHook add=csXmlCommentLeader
syn keyword csXmlTag contained Libraries Packages Types Excluded ExcludedTypeName ExcludedLibraryName
syn keyword csXmlTag contained ExcludedBucketName TypeExcluded Type TypeKind TypeSignature AssemblyInfo
syn keyword csXmlTag contained AssemblyName AssemblyPublicKey AssemblyVersion AssemblyCulture Base
syn keyword csXmlTag contained BaseTypeName Interfaces Interface InterfaceName Attributes Attribute
syn keyword csXmlTag contained AttributeName Members Member MemberSignature MemberType MemberValue
syn keyword csXmlTag contained ReturnValue ReturnType Parameters Parameter MemberOfPackage
syn keyword csXmlTag contained ThreadingSafetyStatement Docs devdoc example overload remarks returns summary
syn keyword csXmlTag contained threadsafe value internalonly nodoc exception param permission platnote
syn keyword csXmlTag contained seealso b c i pre sub sup block code note paramref see subscript superscript
syn keyword csXmlTag contained list listheader item term description altcompliant altmember
syn cluster xmlRegionHook add=csXmlCommentLeader
syn cluster xmlCdataHook add=csXmlCommentLeader
syn cluster xmlStartTagHook add=csXmlCommentLeader
syn keyword csXmlTag contained Libraries Packages Types Excluded ExcludedTypeName ExcludedLibraryName
syn keyword csXmlTag contained ExcludedBucketName TypeExcluded Type TypeKind TypeSignature AssemblyInfo
syn keyword csXmlTag contained AssemblyName AssemblyPublicKey AssemblyVersion AssemblyCulture Base
syn keyword csXmlTag contained BaseTypeName Interfaces Interface InterfaceName Attributes Attribute
syn keyword csXmlTag contained AttributeName Members Member MemberSignature MemberType MemberValue
syn keyword csXmlTag contained ReturnValue ReturnType Parameters Parameter MemberOfPackage
syn keyword csXmlTag contained ThreadingSafetyStatement Docs devdoc example overload remarks returns summary
syn keyword csXmlTag contained threadsafe value internalonly nodoc exception param permission platnote
syn keyword csXmlTag contained seealso b c i pre sub sup block code note paramref see subscript superscript
syn keyword csXmlTag contained list listheader item term description altcompliant altmember
syn cluster xmlTagHook add=csXmlTag
syn match csXmlCommentLeader +\/\/\/+ contained
syn match csXmlComment +\/\/\/.*$+ contains=csXmlCommentLeader,@csXml,@Spell
syntax include @csXml syntax/xml.vim
hi def link xmlRegion Comment
syn match csXmlCommentLeader +\/\/\/+ contained
syn match csXmlComment +\/\/\/.*$+ contains=csXmlCommentLeader,@csXml,@Spell
syn include @csXml syntax/xml.vim
hi def link xmlRegion Comment
" [1] 9.5 Pre-processing directives
syn region csPreCondit
\ start="^\s*#\s*\(define\|undef\|if\|elif\|else\|endif\|line\|error\|warning\)"
\ skip="\\$" end="$" contains=csComment keepend
syn region csRegion matchgroup=csPreCondit start="^\s*#\s*region.*$"
\ end="^\s*#\s*endregion" transparent fold contains=TOP
syn region csSummary start="^\s*/// <summary" end="^\(\s*///\)\@!" transparent fold keepend
syn region csPreCondit start="^\s*#\s*\(define\|undef\|if\|elif\|else\|endif\|line\|error\|warning\)" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=csComment keepend
syn region csRegion matchgroup=csPreCondit start="^\s*#\s*region.*$" end="^\s*#\s*endregion" transparent fold contains=TOP
syn region csSummary start="^\s*/// <summary" end="^\%\(\s*///\)\@!" transparent fold keepend
syn region csClassType start="\(@\)\@<!class\>"hs=s+6 end="[:\n{]"he=e-1 contains=csClass
syn region csNewType start="\(@\)\@<!new\>"hs=s+4 end="[\(\<{\[]"he=e-1 contains=csNew contains=csNewType
syn region csIsType start="\v (is|as) "hs=s+4 end="\v[A-Za-z0-9]+" oneline contains=csIsAs
syn keyword csNew new contained
syn keyword csClass class contained
syn keyword csIsAs is as
syn region csClassType start="@\@1<!\<class\>"hs=s+6 end="[:\n{]"me=e-1 contains=csClass
syn region csNewType start="@\@1<!\<new\>"hs=s+4 end="[;\n{(<\[]"me=e-1 contains=csNew contains=csNewType
syn region csIsType start=" is "hs=s+4 end="[A-Za-z0-9]\+" oneline contains=csIsAs
syn region csIsType start=" as "hs=s+4 end="[A-Za-z0-9]\+" oneline contains=csIsAs
syn keyword csNew new contained
syn keyword csClass class contained
syn keyword csIsAs is as
" Strings and constants
syn match csSpecialError contained "\\."
syn match csSpecialCharError contained "[^']"
syn match csSpecialError "\\." contained
syn match csSpecialCharError "[^']" contained
" [1] Character literals
syn match csSpecialChar contained +\\["\\'0abfnrtvx]+
" unicode characters
syn match csUnicodeNumber +\\\(u\x\{4}\|U\x\{8}\)+ contained contains=csUnicodeSpecifier
syn match csUnicodeSpecifier +\\[uU]+ contained
syn region csVerbatimString start=+@"+ end=+"+ skip=+""+ contains=csVerbatimSpec,@Spell
syn match csVerbatimSpec +@"+he=s+1 contained
syn region csString start=+"+ end=+"+ end=+$+ contains=csSpecialChar,csSpecialError,csUnicodeNumber,@Spell
syn match csCharacter "'[^']*'" contains=csSpecialChar,csSpecialCharError
syn match csCharacter "'\\''" contains=csSpecialChar
syn match csCharacter "'[^\\]'"
syn match csNumber "\<\(0[0-7]*\|0[xX]\x\+\|\d\+\)[lL]\=\>"
syn match csNumber "\(\<\d\+\.\d*\|\.\d\+\)\([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fFdD]\="
syn match csNumber "\<\d\+[eE][-+]\=\d\+[fFdD]\=\>"
syn match csNumber "\<\d\+\([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fFdD]\>"
syn match csSpecialChar +\\["\\'0abfnrtvx]+ contained display
syn match csUnicodeNumber +\\u\x\{4}+ contained contains=csUnicodeSpecifier display
syn match csUnicodeNumber +\\U\x\{8}+ contained contains=csUnicodeSpecifier display
syn match csUnicodeSpecifier +\\[uU]+ contained display
syn region csString matchgroup=csQuote start=+"+ end=+"+ end=+$+ extend contains=csSpecialChar,csSpecialError,csUnicodeNumber,@Spell
syn match csCharacter "'[^']*'" contains=csSpecialChar,csSpecialCharError display
syn match csCharacter "'\\''" contains=csSpecialChar display
syn match csCharacter "'[^\\]'" display
syn match csNumber "\<0[0-7]*[lL]\=\>" display
syn match csNumber "\<0[xX]\x\+[lL]\=\>" display
syn match csNumber "\<\d\+[lL]\=\>" display
syn match csNumber "\<\d\+\.\d*\%\([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fFdD]\=" display
syn match csNumber "\.\d\+\%\([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fFdD]\=" display
syn match csNumber "\<\d\+[eE][-+]\=\d\+[fFdD]\=\>" display
syn match csNumber "\<\d\+\%\([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fFdD]\>" display
syn region csInterpolatedString matchgroup=csQuote start=+\$"+ end=+"+ end=+$+ extend contains=csInterpolation,csEscapedInterpolation,csSpecialChar,csSpecialError,csUnicodeNumber,@Spell
syn region csInterpolation matchgroup=csInterpolationDelimiter start=+{+ end=+}+ keepend contained contains=@csAll,csBracketed,csInterpolationAlign,csInterpolationFormat
syn match csEscapedInterpolation "{{" transparent contains=NONE display
syn match csEscapedInterpolation "}}" transparent contains=NONE display
syn region csInterpolationAlign matchgroup=csInterpolationAlignDel start=+,+ end=+}+ end=+:+me=e-1 contained contains=csNumber,csConstant,csCharacter,csParens,csOpSymbols,csString,csBracketed display
syn match csInterpolationFormat +:[^}]\+}+ contained contains=csInterpolationFormatDel display
syn match csInterpolationAlignDel +,+ contained display
syn match csInterpolationFormatDel +:+ contained display
syn region csVerbatimString matchgroup=csQuote start=+@"+ end=+"+ skip=+""+ extend contains=csVerbatimQuote,@Spell
syn match csVerbatimQuote +""+ contained
syn match csQuoteError +@$"+he=s+2,me=s+2
syn region csInterVerbString matchgroup=csQuote start=+\$@"+ end=+"+ skip=+""+ extend contains=csInterpolation,csEscapedInterpolation,csSpecialChar,csSpecialError,csUnicodeNumber,csVerbatimQuote,@Spell
syn region csBracketed matchgroup=csParens start=+(+ end=+)+ contained transparent contains=@csAll,csBracketed
syn cluster csAll contains=csCharacter,csClassType,csComment,csContextualStatement,csEndColon,csInterpolatedString,csIsType,csLabel,csLogicSymbols,csNewType,csConstant,csNumber,csOpSymbols,csOperatorError,csParens,csPreCondit,csRegion,csString,csSummary,csUnicodeNumber,csUnicodeSpecifier,csVerbatimString
" The default highlighting.
hi def link csType Type
hi def link csNewType Type
hi def link csClassType Type
hi def link csIsType Type
hi def link csStorage StorageClass
hi def link csClass StorageClass
hi def link csRepeat Repeat
hi def link csConditional Conditional
hi def link csLabel Label
hi def link csModifier StorageClass
hi def link csConstant Constant
hi def link csException Exception
hi def link csUnspecifiedStatement Statement
hi def link csUnsupportedStatement Statement
hi def link csUnspecifiedKeyword Keyword
hi def link csNew Statement
hi def link csLinq Statement
hi def link csIsAs Keyword
hi def link csAsync Keyword
hi def link csContextualStatement Statement
hi def link csOperatorError Error
hi def link csInterfaceDeclaration Include
hi def link csType Type
hi def link csNewType Type
hi def link csClassType Type
hi def link csIsType Type
hi def link csStorage StorageClass
hi def link csClass StorageClass
hi def link csRepeat Repeat
hi def link csConditional Conditional
hi def link csLabel Label
hi def link csModifier StorageClass
hi def link csConstant Constant
hi def link csException Exception
hi def link csUnspecifiedStatement Statement
hi def link csUnsupportedStatement Statement
hi def link csUnspecifiedKeyword Keyword
hi def link csNew Statement
hi def link csLinq Statement
hi def link csIsAs Keyword
hi def link csAsync Keyword
hi def link csContextualStatement Statement
hi def link csOperatorError Error
hi def link csInterfaceDeclaration Include
hi def link csTodo Todo
hi def link csComment Comment
hi def link csTodo Todo
hi def link csComment Comment
hi def link csSpecialError Error
hi def link csSpecialCharError Error
hi def link csString String
hi def link csVerbatimString String
hi def link csVerbatimSpec SpecialChar
hi def link csPreCondit PreCondit
hi def link csCharacter Character
hi def link csSpecialChar SpecialChar
hi def link csNumber Number
hi def link csUnicodeNumber SpecialChar
hi def link csUnicodeSpecifier SpecialChar
hi def link csEndColon Statement
hi def link csOpSymbols Operator
hi def link csLogicSymbols Boolean
hi def link csBraces Function
hi def link csParens Operator
hi def link csSpecialError Error
hi def link csSpecialCharError Error
hi def link csString String
hi def link csQuote String
hi def link csQuoteError Error
hi def link csInterpolatedString String
hi def link csVerbatimString String
hi def link csInterVerbString String
hi def link csVerbatimQuote SpecialChar
hi def link csPreCondit PreCondit
hi def link csCharacter Character
hi def link csSpecialChar SpecialChar
hi def link csNumber Number
hi def link csUnicodeNumber SpecialChar
hi def link csUnicodeSpecifier SpecialChar
hi def link csInterpolationDelimiter Delimiter
hi def link csInterpolationAlignDel csInterpolationDelimiter
hi def link csInterpolationFormat csInterpolationDelimiter
hi def link csInterpolationFormatDel csInterpolationDelimiter
" xml markup
hi def link csXmlCommentLeader Comment
hi def link csXmlComment Comment
hi def link csXmlTag Statement
hi def link csXmlCommentLeader Comment
hi def link csXmlComment Comment
hi def link csXmlTag Statement
let b:current_syntax = "cs"
let &cpo = s:cs_cpo_save
unlet s:cs_cpo_save
" vim: ts=8
" vim: vts=16,28

View File

@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
" Language: OpenBSD packet filter configuration (pf.conf)
" Original Author: Camiel Dobbelaar <>
" Maintainer: Lauri Tirkkonen <>
" Last Change: 2016 Jul 06
" Last Change: 2018 Jul 16
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let b:current_syntax = "pf"
setlocal foldmethod=syntax
syn iskeyword @,48-57,_,-,+
syn sync fromstart
@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ syn keyword pfCmd anchor antispoof block include match pass queue
syn keyword pfCmd queue set table
syn match pfCmd /^\s*load\sanchor\>/
syn keyword pfTodo TODO XXX contained
syn keyword pfWildAddr all any
syn keyword pfWildAddr any no-route urpf-failed self
syn match pfComment /#.*$/ contains=pfTodo
syn match pfCont /\\$/
syn match pfErrClose /}/
@ -36,57 +37,6 @@ syn region pfList start=/{/ end=/}/ transparent contains=ALLBUT,pfErrClose,@pfN
syn region pfString start=/"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/ contains=pfIPv4,pfIPv6,pfNetmask,pfTable,pfVar
syn region pfString start=/'/ skip=/\\'/ end=/'/ contains=pfIPv4,pfIPv6,pfNetmask,pfTable,pfVar
syn keyword pfService 802-11-iapp Microsoft-SQL-Monitor
syn keyword pfService Microsoft-SQL-Server NeXTStep NextStep
syn keyword pfService afpovertcp afs3-bos afs3-callback afs3-errors
syn keyword pfService afs3-fileserver afs3-kaserver afs3-prserver
syn keyword pfService afs3-rmtsys afs3-update afs3-vlserver
syn keyword pfService afs3-volser amt-redir-tcp amt-redir-tls
syn keyword pfService amt-soap-http amt-soap-https asf-rmcp at-echo
syn keyword pfService at-nbp at-rtmp at-zis auth authentication
syn keyword pfService bfd-control bfd-echo bftp bgp bgpd biff bootpc
syn keyword pfService bootps canna cddb cddbp chargen chat cmd
syn keyword pfService cmip-agent cmip-man comsat conference
syn keyword pfService conserver courier csnet-ns cso-ns cvspserver
syn keyword pfService daap datametrics daytime dhcpd-sync
syn keyword pfService dhcpv6-client dhcpv6-server discard domain
syn keyword pfService echo efs eklogin ekshell ekshell2 epmap eppc
syn keyword pfService exec finger ftp ftp-data git gopher hostname
syn keyword pfService hostnames hprop http https hunt hylafax iapp
syn keyword pfService icb ident imap imap2 imap3 imaps ingreslock
syn keyword pfService ipp iprop ipsec-msft ipsec-nat-t ipx irc
syn keyword pfService isakmp iscsi isisd iso-tsap kauth kdc kerberos
syn keyword pfService kerberos-adm kerberos-iv kerberos-sec
syn keyword pfService kerberos_master kf kip klogin kpasswd kpop
syn keyword pfService krb524 krb_prop krbupdate krcmd kreg kshell kx
syn keyword pfService l2tp ldap ldaps ldp link login mail mdns
syn keyword pfService mdnsresponder microsoft-ds ms-sql-m ms-sql-s
syn keyword pfService msa msp mtp mysql name nameserver netbios-dgm
syn keyword pfService netbios-ns netbios-ssn netnews netplan netrjs
syn keyword pfService netstat netwall newdate nextstep nfs nfsd
syn keyword pfService nicname nnsp nntp ntalk ntp null openwebnet
syn keyword pfService ospf6d ospfapi ospfd photuris pop2 pop3 pop3pw
syn keyword pfService pop3s poppassd portmap postgresql postoffice
syn keyword pfService pptp presence printer prospero prospero-np
syn keyword pfService puppet pwdgen qotd quote radacct radius
syn keyword pfService radius-acct rdp readnews remotefs resource rfb
syn keyword pfService rfe rfs rfs_server ripd ripng rje rkinit rlp
syn keyword pfService routed router rpc rpcbind rsync rtelnet rtsp
syn keyword pfService sa-msg-port sane-port sftp shell sieve silc
syn keyword pfService sink sip smtp smtps smux snmp snmp-trap
syn keyword pfService snmptrap snpp socks source spamd spamd-cfg
syn keyword pfService spamd-sync spooler spop3 ssdp ssh submission
syn keyword pfService sunrpc supdup supfiledbg supfilesrv support
syn keyword pfService svn svrloc swat syslog syslog-tls systat
syn keyword pfService tacacs tacas+ talk tap tcpmux telnet tempo
syn keyword pfService tftp time timed timeserver timserver tsap
syn keyword pfService ttylink ttytst ub-dns-control ulistserv untp
syn keyword pfService usenet users uucp uucp-path uucpd vnc vxlan
syn keyword pfService wais webster who whod whois www x400 x400-snd
syn keyword pfService xcept xdmcp xmpp-bosh xmpp-client xmpp-server
syn keyword pfService z3950 zabbix-agent zabbix-trapper zebra
syn keyword pfService zebrasrv
hi def link pfCmd Statement
hi def link pfComment Comment
hi def link pfCont Statement
@ -103,4 +53,281 @@ hi def link pfVar Identifier
hi def link pfVarAssign Identifier
hi def link pfWildAddr Type
let b:current_syntax = "pf"
" from OpenBSD src/etc/services r1.95
syn keyword pfService 802-11-iapp
syn keyword pfService Microsoft-SQL-Monitor
syn keyword pfService Microsoft-SQL-Server
syn keyword pfService NeXTStep
syn keyword pfService NextStep
syn keyword pfService afpovertcp
syn keyword pfService afs3-bos
syn keyword pfService afs3-callback
syn keyword pfService afs3-errors
syn keyword pfService afs3-fileserver
syn keyword pfService afs3-kaserver
syn keyword pfService afs3-prserver
syn keyword pfService afs3-rmtsys
syn keyword pfService afs3-update
syn keyword pfService afs3-vlserver
syn keyword pfService afs3-volser
syn keyword pfService amt-redir-tcp
syn keyword pfService amt-redir-tls
syn keyword pfService amt-soap-http
syn keyword pfService amt-soap-https
syn keyword pfService asf-rmcp
syn keyword pfService at-echo
syn keyword pfService at-nbp
syn keyword pfService at-rtmp
syn keyword pfService at-zis
syn keyword pfService auth
syn keyword pfService authentication
syn keyword pfService bfd-control
syn keyword pfService bfd-echo
syn keyword pfService bftp
syn keyword pfService bgp
syn keyword pfService bgpd
syn keyword pfService biff
syn keyword pfService bootpc
syn keyword pfService bootps
syn keyword pfService canna
syn keyword pfService cddb
syn keyword pfService cddbp
syn keyword pfService chargen
syn keyword pfService chat
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syn keyword pfService cmip-agent
syn keyword pfService cmip-man
syn keyword pfService comsat
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syn keyword pfService conserver
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syn keyword pfService csnet-ns
syn keyword pfService cso-ns
syn keyword pfService cvspserver
syn keyword pfService daap
syn keyword pfService datametrics
syn keyword pfService daytime
syn keyword pfService dhcpd-sync
syn keyword pfService dhcpv6-client
syn keyword pfService dhcpv6-server
syn keyword pfService discard
syn keyword pfService domain
syn keyword pfService echo
syn keyword pfService efs
syn keyword pfService eklogin
syn keyword pfService ekshell
syn keyword pfService ekshell2
syn keyword pfService epmap
syn keyword pfService eppc
syn keyword pfService exec
syn keyword pfService finger
syn keyword pfService ftp
syn keyword pfService ftp-data
syn keyword pfService git
syn keyword pfService gopher
syn keyword pfService gre-in-udp
syn keyword pfService gre-udp-dtls
syn keyword pfService hostname
syn keyword pfService hostnames
syn keyword pfService hprop
syn keyword pfService http
syn keyword pfService https
syn keyword pfService hunt
syn keyword pfService hylafax
syn keyword pfService iapp
syn keyword pfService icb
syn keyword pfService ident
syn keyword pfService imap
syn keyword pfService imap2
syn keyword pfService imap3
syn keyword pfService imaps
syn keyword pfService ingreslock
syn keyword pfService ipp
syn keyword pfService iprop
syn keyword pfService ipsec-msft
syn keyword pfService ipsec-nat-t
syn keyword pfService ipx
syn keyword pfService irc
syn keyword pfService isakmp
syn keyword pfService iscsi
syn keyword pfService isisd
syn keyword pfService iso-tsap
syn keyword pfService kauth
syn keyword pfService kdc
syn keyword pfService kerberos
syn keyword pfService kerberos-adm
syn keyword pfService kerberos-iv
syn keyword pfService kerberos-sec
syn keyword pfService kerberos_master
syn keyword pfService kf
syn keyword pfService kip
syn keyword pfService klogin
syn keyword pfService kpasswd
syn keyword pfService kpop
syn keyword pfService krb524
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syn keyword pfService krbupdate
syn keyword pfService krcmd
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syn keyword pfService ldaps
syn keyword pfService ldp
syn keyword pfService link
syn keyword pfService login
syn keyword pfService mail
syn keyword pfService mdns
syn keyword pfService mdnsresponder
syn keyword pfService microsoft-ds
syn keyword pfService ms-sql-m
syn keyword pfService ms-sql-s
syn keyword pfService msa
syn keyword pfService msp
syn keyword pfService mtp
syn keyword pfService mysql
syn keyword pfService name
syn keyword pfService nameserver
syn keyword pfService netbios-dgm
syn keyword pfService netbios-ns
syn keyword pfService netbios-ssn
syn keyword pfService netnews
syn keyword pfService netplan
syn keyword pfService netrjs
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syn keyword pfService nfsd
syn keyword pfService nicname
syn keyword pfService nnsp
syn keyword pfService nntp
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syn keyword pfService ntp
syn keyword pfService null
syn keyword pfService openwebnet
syn keyword pfService ospf6d
syn keyword pfService ospfapi
syn keyword pfService ospfd
syn keyword pfService photuris
syn keyword pfService pop2
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syn keyword pfService pop3s
syn keyword pfService poppassd
syn keyword pfService portmap
syn keyword pfService postgresql
syn keyword pfService postoffice
syn keyword pfService pptp
syn keyword pfService presence
syn keyword pfService printer
syn keyword pfService prospero
syn keyword pfService prospero-np
syn keyword pfService puppet
syn keyword pfService pwdgen
syn keyword pfService qotd
syn keyword pfService quote
syn keyword pfService radacct
syn keyword pfService radius
syn keyword pfService radius-acct
syn keyword pfService rdp
syn keyword pfService readnews
syn keyword pfService remotefs
syn keyword pfService resource
syn keyword pfService rfb
syn keyword pfService rfe
syn keyword pfService rfs
syn keyword pfService rfs_server
syn keyword pfService ripd
syn keyword pfService ripng
syn keyword pfService rje
syn keyword pfService rkinit
syn keyword pfService rlp
syn keyword pfService routed
syn keyword pfService router
syn keyword pfService rpc
syn keyword pfService rpcbind
syn keyword pfService rsync
syn keyword pfService rtelnet
syn keyword pfService rtsp
syn keyword pfService sa-msg-port
syn keyword pfService sane-port
syn keyword pfService sftp
syn keyword pfService shell
syn keyword pfService sieve
syn keyword pfService silc
syn keyword pfService sink
syn keyword pfService sip
syn keyword pfService smtp
syn keyword pfService smtps
syn keyword pfService smux
syn keyword pfService snmp
syn keyword pfService snmp-trap
syn keyword pfService snmptrap
syn keyword pfService snpp
syn keyword pfService socks
syn keyword pfService source
syn keyword pfService spamd
syn keyword pfService spamd-cfg
syn keyword pfService spamd-sync
syn keyword pfService spooler
syn keyword pfService spop3
syn keyword pfService ssdp
syn keyword pfService ssh
syn keyword pfService submission
syn keyword pfService sunrpc
syn keyword pfService supdup
syn keyword pfService supfiledbg
syn keyword pfService supfilesrv
syn keyword pfService support
syn keyword pfService svn
syn keyword pfService svrloc
syn keyword pfService swat
syn keyword pfService syslog
syn keyword pfService syslog-tls
syn keyword pfService systat
syn keyword pfService tacacs
syn keyword pfService tacas+
syn keyword pfService talk
syn keyword pfService tap
syn keyword pfService tcpmux
syn keyword pfService telnet
syn keyword pfService tempo
syn keyword pfService tftp
syn keyword pfService time
syn keyword pfService timed
syn keyword pfService timeserver
syn keyword pfService timserver
syn keyword pfService tsap
syn keyword pfService ttylink
syn keyword pfService ttytst
syn keyword pfService ub-dns-control
syn keyword pfService ulistserv
syn keyword pfService untp
syn keyword pfService usenet
syn keyword pfService users
syn keyword pfService uucp
syn keyword pfService uucp-path
syn keyword pfService uucpd
syn keyword pfService vnc
syn keyword pfService vxlan
syn keyword pfService wais
syn keyword pfService webster
syn keyword pfService who
syn keyword pfService whod
syn keyword pfService whois
syn keyword pfService www
syn keyword pfService x400
syn keyword pfService x400-snd
syn keyword pfService xcept
syn keyword pfService xdmcp
syn keyword pfService xmpp-bosh
syn keyword pfService xmpp-client
syn keyword pfService xmpp-server
syn keyword pfService z3950
syn keyword pfService zabbix-agent
syn keyword pfService zabbix-trapper
syn keyword pfService zebra
syn keyword pfService zebrasrv

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: sudoers(5) configuration files
" Previous Maintainer: Nikolai Weibull <>
" Latest Revision: 2011-02-24
" Latest Revision: 2018-07-19
" Recent Changes: Support for #include and #includedir.
if exists("b:current_syntax")
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ syn cluster sudoersCmndSpecList contains=sudoersUserRunasBegin,sudoersPASS
syn keyword sudoersTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX NOTE
syn region sudoersComment display oneline start='#' end='$' contains=sudoersTodo
syn region sudoersInclude display oneline start='#\(include\|includedir\)' end='$'
syn keyword sudoersAlias User_Alias Runas_Alias nextgroup=sudoersUserAlias skipwhite skipnl
syn keyword sudoersAlias Host_Alias nextgroup=sudoersHostAlias skipwhite skipnl
@ -335,6 +337,7 @@ hi def link sudoersIntegerValue Number
hi def link sudoersStringValue String
hi def link sudoersListValue String
hi def link sudoersPASSWD Special
hi def link sudoersInclude Statement
let b:current_syntax = "sudoers"