
Update runtime files.

Omit getmousepos().
Patch v8.1.2304 is not ported yet.
This commit is contained in:
Jan Edmund Lazo 2021-04-24 15:38:31 -04:00
parent d270313c79
commit 52564c9aa2
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 64915E6E9F735B15
8 changed files with 163 additions and 111 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
" Vim autoload file for the tohtml plugin.
" Maintainer: Ben Fritz <>
" Last Change: 2018 Nov 11
" Last Change: 2019 Aug 16
" Additional contributors:
@ -364,6 +364,7 @@ func! tohtml#Diff2HTML(win_list, buf_list) "{{{
let body_line = ''
let html = []
let s:html5 = 0
if s:settings.use_xhtml
call add(html, xml_line)
@ -371,8 +372,9 @@ func! tohtml#Diff2HTML(win_list, buf_list) "{{{
call add(html, "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">")
call add(html, '<html xmlns="">')
elseif s:settings.use_css && !s:settings.no_pre
call add(html, "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"\">")
call add(html, "<!DOCTYPE html>")
call add(html, '<html>')
let s:html5 = 1
call add(html, '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"')
call add(html, ' "">')
@ -383,7 +385,11 @@ func! tohtml#Diff2HTML(win_list, buf_list) "{{{
" include encoding as close to the top as possible, but only if not already
" contained in XML information
if s:settings.encoding != "" && !s:settings.use_xhtml
call add(html, "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=" . s:settings.encoding . '"' . tag_close)
if s:html5
call add(html, '<meta charset="' . s:settings.encoding . '"' . tag_close)
call add(html, "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=" . s:settings.encoding . '"' . tag_close)
call add(html, '<title>diff</title>')
@ -392,6 +398,7 @@ func! tohtml#Diff2HTML(win_list, buf_list) "{{{
call add(html, '<meta name="settings" content="'.
\ join(filter(keys(s:settings),'s:settings[v:val]'),',').
\ ',prevent_copy='.s:settings.prevent_copy.
\ ',use_input_for_pc='.s:settings.use_input_for_pc.
\ '"'.tag_close)
call add(html, '<meta name="colorscheme" content="'.
\ (exists('g:colors_name')
@ -400,16 +407,8 @@ func! tohtml#Diff2HTML(win_list, buf_list) "{{{
call add(html, '</head>')
let body_line_num = len(html)
if !empty(s:settings.prevent_copy)
call add(html, "<body onload='FixCharWidth();".(s:settings.line_ids ? " JumpToLine();" : "")."'>")
call add(html, "<!-- hidden divs used by javascript to get the width of a char -->")
call add(html, "<div id='oneCharWidth'>0</div>")
call add(html, "<div id='oneInputWidth'><input size='1' value='0'".tag_close."</div>")
call add(html, "<div id='oneEmWidth' style='width: 1em;'></div>")
call add(html, '<body'.(s:settings.line_ids ? ' onload="JumpToLine();"' : '').'>')
call add(html, "<table border='1' width='100%' id='vimCodeElement".s:settings.id_suffix."'>")
call add(html, '<body'.(s:settings.line_ids ? ' onload="JumpToLine();"' : '').'>')
call add(html, "<table ".(s:settings.use_css? "" : "border='1' width='100%' ")."id='vimCodeElement".s:settings.id_suffix."'>")
call add(html, '<tr>')
for buf in a:win_list
@ -443,7 +442,7 @@ func! tohtml#Diff2HTML(win_list, buf_list) "{{{
" Grab the style information. Some of this will be duplicated so only insert
" it if it's not already there. {{{
let style_start = search('^<style type="text/css">')
let style_start = search('^<style\( type="text/css"\)\?>')
let style_end = search('^</style>')
if style_start > 0 && style_end > 0
@ -481,7 +480,7 @@ func! tohtml#Diff2HTML(win_list, buf_list) "{{{
" TODO: restore using grabbed lines if undolevel is 1?
normal! 2u
if s:settings.use_css
call add(html, '<td valign="top"><div>')
call add(html, '<td><div>')
elseif s:settings.use_xhtml
call add(html, '<td nowrap="nowrap" valign="top"><div>')
@ -515,7 +514,13 @@ func! tohtml#Diff2HTML(win_list, buf_list) "{{{
let name = substitute(name, '\d*\.x\?html$', '', '') . i . '.' . fnamemodify(copy(name), ":t:e")
let i += 1
let s:ei_sav = &eventignore
set eventignore+=FileType
exe "topleft new " . name
let &eventignore=s:ei_sav
unlet s:ei_sav
setlocal modifiable
" just in case some user autocmd creates content in the new buffer, make sure
@ -544,7 +549,7 @@ func! tohtml#Diff2HTML(win_list, buf_list) "{{{
" add required javascript in reverse order so we can just call append again
" and again without adjusting {{{
let s:uses_script = s:settings.dynamic_folds || s:settings.line_ids || !empty(s:settings.prevent_copy)
let s:uses_script = s:settings.dynamic_folds || s:settings.line_ids
" insert script closing tag if needed
if s:uses_script
@ -555,31 +560,6 @@ func! tohtml#Diff2HTML(win_list, buf_list) "{{{
\ ])
" insert script which corrects the size of small input elements in
" prevent_copy mode. See 2html.vim for details on why this is needed and how
" it works.
if !empty(s:settings.prevent_copy)
call append(style_start, [
\ '',
\ '/* simulate a "ch" unit by asking the browser how big a zero character is */',
\ 'function FixCharWidth() {',
\ ' /* get the hidden element which gives the width of a single character */',
\ ' var goodWidth = document.getElementById("oneCharWidth").clientWidth;',
\ ' /* get all input elements, we''ll filter on class later */',
\ ' var inputTags = document.getElementsByTagName("input");',
\ ' var ratio = 5;',
\ ' var inputWidth = document.getElementById("oneInputWidth").clientWidth;',
\ ' var emWidth = document.getElementById("oneEmWidth").clientWidth;',
\ ' if (inputWidth > goodWidth) {',
\ ' while (ratio < 100*goodWidth/emWidth && ratio < 100) {',
\ ' ratio += 5;',
\ ' }',
\ ' document.getElementById("vimCodeElement'.s:settings.id_suffix.'").className = "em"+ratio;',
\ ' }',
\ '}'
\ ])
" insert javascript to get IDs from line numbers, and to open a fold before
" jumping to any lines contained therein
if s:settings.line_ids
@ -659,10 +639,9 @@ func! tohtml#Diff2HTML(win_list, buf_list) "{{{
if s:uses_script
" insert script tag; javascript is always needed for the line number
" normalization for URL hashes
" insert script tag if needed
call append(style_start, [
\ "<script type='text/javascript'>",
\ "<script" . (s:html5 ? "" : " type='text/javascript'") . ">",
\ s:settings.use_xhtml ? '//<![CDATA[' : "<!--"])
@ -673,11 +652,13 @@ func! tohtml#Diff2HTML(win_list, buf_list) "{{{
" is pretty useless for really long lines. {{{
if s:settings.use_css
call append(style_start,
\ ['<style type="text/css">']+
\ ['<style' . (s:html5 ? '' : 'type="text/css"') . '>']+
\ style+
\ [ s:settings.use_xhtml ? '' : '<!--',
\ 'table { table-layout: fixed; }',
\ 'html, body, table, tbody { width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; }',
\ 'table, td, th { border: 1px solid; }',
\ 'td { vertical-align: top; }',
\ 'th, td { width: '.printf("%.1f",100.0/len(a:win_list)).'%; }',
\ 'td div { overflow: auto; }',
\ s:settings.use_xhtml ? '' : '-->',
@ -720,21 +701,22 @@ func! tohtml#GetUserSettings() "{{{
" get current option settings with appropriate defaults {{{
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'no_progress', !has("statusline") )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'diff_one_file', 0 )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'number_lines', &number )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'pre_wrap', &wrap )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'use_css', 1 )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'ignore_conceal', 0 )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'ignore_folding', 0 )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'dynamic_folds', 0 )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'no_foldcolumn', user_settings.ignore_folding)
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'hover_unfold', 0 )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'no_pre', 0 )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'no_invalid', 0 )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'whole_filler', 0 )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'use_xhtml', 0 )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'line_ids', user_settings.number_lines )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'no_progress', !has("statusline") )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'diff_one_file', 0 )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'number_lines', &number )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'pre_wrap', &wrap )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'use_css', 1 )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'ignore_conceal', 0 )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'ignore_folding', 0 )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'dynamic_folds', 0 )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'no_foldcolumn', user_settings.ignore_folding)
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'hover_unfold', 0 )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'no_pre', 0 )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'no_invalid', 0 )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'whole_filler', 0 )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'use_xhtml', 0 )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'line_ids', user_settings.number_lines )
call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'use_input_for_pc', 'fallback')
" }}}
" override those settings that need it {{{
@ -868,6 +850,16 @@ func! tohtml#GetUserSettings() "{{{
let user_settings.no_invalid = 0
" enforce valid values for use_input_for_pc
if user_settings.use_input_for_pc !~# 'fallback\|none\|all'
let user_settings.use_input_for_pc = 'fallback'
echohl WarningMsg
echomsg '2html: "' . g:html_use_input_for_pc . '" is not valid for g:html_use_input_for_pc'
echomsg '2html: defaulting to "' . user_settings.use_input_for_pc . '"'
echohl None
sleep 3
if exists('g:html_id_expr')
let user_settings.id_suffix = eval(g:html_id_expr)
if user_settings.id_suffix !~ '^[-_:.A-Za-z0-9]*$'

View File

@ -10105,21 +10105,6 @@ text...
Unlock the internal variable {name}. Does the
opposite of |:lockvar|.
:eval {expr} Evaluate {expr} and discard the result. Example: >
:eval append(Filter(Getlist()), '$')
< The expression is supposed to have a side effect,
since the resulting value is not used. In the example
the `append()` call appends the List with text to the
buffer. This is similar to `:call` but works with any
The command can be shortened to `:ev` or `:eva`, but
these are hard to recognize and therefore not to be
:if {expr1} *:if* *:end* *:endif* *:en* *E171* *E579* *E580*
:en[dif] Execute the commands until the next matching ":else"
or ":endif" if {expr1} evaluates to non-zero.
@ -10413,6 +10398,21 @@ text...
And to get a beep: >
:exe "normal \<Esc>"
:eval {expr} Evaluate {expr} and discard the result. Example: >
:eval append(Filter(Getlist()), '$')
< The expression is supposed to have a side effect,
since the resulting value is not used. In the example
the `append()` call appends the List with text to the
buffer. This is similar to `:call` but works with any
The command can be shortened to `:ev` or `:eva`, but
these are hard to recognize and therefore not to be
*:exe* *:execute*
:exe[cute] {expr1} .. Executes the string that results from the evaluation
of {expr1} as an Ex command.

View File

@ -944,6 +944,7 @@ These commands are not marks themselves, but jump to a mark:
- numbered marks '0 - '9
- last insert position '^
- last change position '.
- last affected text area '[ and ']
- the Visual area '< and '>
- line numbers in placed signs
- line numbers in quickfix positions

View File

@ -453,6 +453,16 @@ conversion. See |-E| and |-s-ex| for details. It is probably best to create a
script to replace all the -c commands and use it with the -u flag instead of
specifying each command separately.
*hl-TOhtmlProgress* *TOhtml-progress-color*
When displayed, the progress bar will show colored boxes along the statusline
as the HTML conversion proceeds. By default, the background color as the
current "DiffDelete" highlight group is used. If "DiffDelete" and "StatusLine"
have the same background color, TOhtml will automatically adjust the color to
differ. If you do not like the automatically selected colors, you can define
your own highlight colors for the progress bar. Example: >
hi TOhtmlProgress guifg=#c0ffee ctermbg=7
Default: current 'number' setting.
When 0, buffer text is displayed in the generated HTML without line numbering.
@ -484,8 +494,8 @@ For example: >
Default: 1.
When 1, generate valid HTML 4.01 markup with CSS1 styling, supported in all
modern browsers and most old browsers.
When 1, generate valid HTML 5 markup with CSS styling, supported in all modern
browsers and many old browsers.
When 0, generate <font> tags and similar outdated markup. This is not
recommended but it may work better in really old browsers, email clients,
forum posts, and similar situations where basic CSS support is unavailable.
@ -557,23 +567,43 @@ affected in this way as follows:
Example, to make the fold column and line numbers uncopyable: >
:let g:html_prevent_copy = "fn"
This feature is currently implemented by inserting read-only <input> elements
into the markup to contain the uncopyable areas. This does not work well in
all cases. When pasting to some applications which understand HTML, the
<input> elements also get pasted. But plain-text paste destinations should
always work.
The method used to prevent copying in the generated page depends on the value
of |g:html_use_input_for_pc|.
Default: "fallback"
If |g:html_prevent_copy| is non-empty, then:
When "all", read-only <input> elements are used in place of normal text for
uncopyable regions. In some browsers, especially older browsers, after
selecting an entire page and copying the selection, the <input> tags are not
pasted with the page text. If |g:html_no_invalid| is 0, the <input> tags have
invalid type; this works in more browsers, but the page will not validate.
Note: this method does NOT work in recent versions of Chrome and equivalent
browsers; the <input> tags get pasted with the text.
When "fallback" (default value), the same <input> elements are generated for
older browsers, but newer browsers (detected by CSS feature query) hide the
<input> elements and instead use generated content in an ::before pseudoelement
to display the uncopyable text. This method should work with the largest
number of browsers, both old and new.
When "none", the <input> elements are not generated at all. Only the
generated-content method is used. This means that old browsers, notably
Internet Explorer, will either copy the text intended not to be copyable, or
the non-copyable text may not appear at all. However, this is the most
standards-based method, and there will be much less markup.
Default: 0.
When 0, if |g:html_prevent_copy| is non-empty, an invalid attribute is
intentionally inserted into the <input> element for the uncopyable areas. This
increases the number of applications you can paste to without also pasting the
<input> elements. Specifically, Microsoft Word will not paste the <input>
elements if they contain this invalid attribute.
When 1, no invalid markup is ever intentionally inserted, and the generated
page should validate. However, be careful pasting into Microsoft Word when
|g:html_prevent_copy| is non-empty; it can be hard to get rid of the <input>
elements which get pasted.
When 0, if |g:html_prevent_copy| is non-empty and |g:html_use_input_for_pc| is
not "none", an invalid attribute is intentionally inserted into the <input>
element for the uncopyable areas. This prevents pasting the <input> elements
in some applications. Specifically, some versions of Microsoft Word will not
paste the <input> elements if they contain this invalid attribute. When 1, no
invalid markup is inserted, and the generated page should validate. However,
<input> elements may be pasted into some applications and can be difficult to
remove afterward.
Default: 0.

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
" Vim filetype plugin
" Language: J
" Maintainer: David Bürgin <>
" URL:
" Last Change: 2015-09-27
" Maintainer: David Bürgin <>
" URL:
" Last Change: 2015-10-27
if exists('b:did_ftplugin')
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ setlocal include=\\v^\\s*(load\|require)\\s*'\\zs\\f+\\ze'
setlocal includeexpr=substitute(substitute(tr(v:fname,'\\','/'),'\\v^[^~][^/.]*(/[^/.]+)$','&\\1',''),'\\v^\\~[^/]+/','','')
setlocal suffixesadd=.ijs
let b:undo_ftplugin = 'setlocal matchpairs< formatoptions< commentstring< comments< iskeyword< path< include< includeexpr< suffixesadd<'
let b:undo_ftplugin = 'setlocal suffixesadd< includeexpr< include< path< matchpairs< formatoptions< commentstring< comments< iskeyword<'
" Section movement with ]] ][ [[ []. The start/end patterns below are amended
" inside the function in order to avoid matching on the current cursor line.

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim indent file
" Language: J
" Maintainer: David Bürgin <>
" URL:
" Maintainer: David Bürgin <>
" URL:
" Last Change: 2015-01-11
if exists('b:did_indent')

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
" Vim plugin for converting a syntax highlighted file to HTML.
" Maintainer: Ben Fritz <>
" Last Change: 2018 Nov 11
" Last Change: 2019 Nov 13
" The core of the code is in $VIMRUNTIME/autoload/tohtml.vim and
" $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/2html.vim
@ -8,17 +8,46 @@
if exists('g:loaded_2html_plugin')
let g:loaded_2html_plugin = 'vim8.1_v1'
let g:loaded_2html_plugin = 'vim8.1_v2'
" Changelog: {{{
" 8.1_v1 (this version): Fix Bitbucket issue #6: Don't generate empty script
" tag.
" Fix Bitbucket issue #5: javascript should
" declare variables with "var".
" Fix Bitbucket issue #13: errors thrown sourcing
" 2html.vim directly when plugins not loaded.
" Fix Bitbucket issue #16: support 'vartabstop'.
" 8.1_v2 (this version): - Fix Bitbucket issue #19: fix calculation of tab
" stop position to use in expanding a tab, when that
" tab occurs after a syntax match which in turn
" comes after previously expanded tabs.
" - Set eventignore while splitting a window for the
" destination file to ignore FileType events;
" speeds up processing when the destination file
" already exists and HTML highlight takes too long.
" - Fix Bitbucket issue #20: progress bar could not be
" seen when DiffDelete background color matched
" StatusLine background color. Added TOhtmlProgress
" highlight group for manual user override, but
" calculate it to be visible compared to StatusLine
" by default.
" - Fix Bitbucket issue #1: Remove workaround for old
" browsers which don't support 'ch' CSS unit, since
" all modern browsers, including IE>=9, support it.
" - Fix Bitbucket issue #10: support termguicolors
" - Fix Bitbucket issue #21: default to using
" generated content instead of <input> tags for
" uncopyable text, so that text is correctly
" prevented from being copied in chrome. Use
" g:html_use_input_for_pc option to control the
" method used.
" - Switch to HTML5 to allow using vnu as a validator
" in unit test.
" - Fix fallback sizing of <input> tags for browsers
" without "ch" support.
" - Fix cursor on unselectable diff filler text.
" 8.1_v1 (Vim 8.1.0528): - Fix Bitbucket issue #6: Don't generate empty
" script tag.
" - Fix Bitbucket issue #5: javascript should
" declare variables with "var".
" - Fix Bitbucket issue #13: errors thrown sourcing
" 2html.vim directly when plugins not loaded.
" - Fix Bitbucket issue #16: support 'vartabstop'.
" 7.4 updates: {{{
" 7.4_v2 (Vim 7.4.0899): Fix error raised when converting a diff containing

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: J
" Maintainer: David Bürgin <>
" URL:
" Last Change: 2015-01-11
" Maintainer: David Bürgin <>
" URL:
" Last Change: 2019-11-12
if exists('b:current_syntax')
@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ syntax match jControl /\<\%(for\|goto\|label\)_\a\k*\./
" Standard library names. A few names need to be defined with ":syntax match"
" because they would otherwise take precedence over the corresponding jControl
" and jDefineExpression items.
syntax keyword jStdlibAdverb define each every fapplylines inv inverse items leaf rows rxapply rxmerge table
syntax keyword jStdlibConjunction bind cuts def on
syntax keyword jStdlibVerb AND Endian IFDEF OR XOR anddf android_exec_am android_exec_host andunzip apply boxopen boxxopen bx calendar cd cdcb cder cderx cdf charsub chopstring cleartags clear coclass cocreate cocurrent codestroy coerase cofind cofindv cofullname coinfo coinsert compare coname conames conew conl conouns conounsx copath copathnl copathnlx coreset costate cut cutLF cutopen cutpara datatype dbctx dberm dberr dbg dbjmp dblocals dblxq dblxs dbnxt dbq dbr dbret dbrr dbrrx dbrun dbs dbsig dbsq dbss dbst dbstack dbstk dbstop dbstopme dbstopnext dbstops dbtrace dbview deb debc delstring detab dfh dir dircompare dircompares dirfind dirpath dirss dirssrplc dirtree dirused dlb dltb dltbs dquote drop dropafter dropto dtb dtbs echo empty endian erase evtloop exit expand f2utf8 fappend fappends fboxname fc fcompare fcompares fcopynew fdir ferase fetch fexist fexists fgets file2url fixdotdot fliprgb fmakex foldpara foldtext fpathcreate fpathname fputs fread freadblock freadr freads frename freplace fsize fss fssrplc fstamp fstringreplace ftype fview fwrite fwritenew fwrites getalpha getargs getdate getenv getqtbin hfd hostpathsep ic install iospath isatty isotimestamp isutf8 jcwdpath joinstring jpath jpathsep jsystemdefs launch list ljust load loadd loadtags mema memf memr memw nameclass namelist names nc nl pick quote require rjust rplc rxE rxall rxcomp rxcut rxeq rxerror rxfirst rxfree rxfrom rxhandles rxin rxindex rxinfo rxmatch rxmatches rxrplc rxutf8 script scriptd scripts setalpha setbreak shell show sign sminfo smoutput sort split splitnostring splitstring ss startupandroid startupconsole startupide stderr stdin stdout stringreplace symdat symget symset ta tagcp tagopen tagselect take takeafter taketo timespacex timestamp timex tmoutput toCRLF toHOST toJ todate todayno tolower topara toupper tsdiff tsrep tstamp type ucp ucpcount unxlib usleep utf8 uucp valdate wcsize weekday weeknumber weeksinyear winpathsep xedit
syntax keyword jStdlibVerb AND Endian IFDEF OR XOR abspath anddf android_exec_am android_exec_host android_getdisplaymetrics andunzip apply boxopen boxxopen bx calendar cd cdcb cder cderx cdf charsub chopstring clear coclass cocreate cocurrent codestroy coerase cofind cofindv cofullname coinfo coinsert compare coname conames conew conl conouns conounsx copath copathnl copathnlx coreset costate cut cutLF cutopen cutpara datatype dbctx dbcut dberm dberr dbg dbinto dbjmp dblocals dblxq dblxs dbnxt dbout dbover dbq dbr dbret dbrr dbrrx dbrun dbs dbsig dbsq dbss dbst dbstack dbstk dbstop dbstopme dbstopnext dbstops dbtrace dbview deb debc delstring detab dfh dir dircompare dircompares dirfind dirpath dirss dirssrplc dirtree dirused dlb dltb dltbs dquote drop dropafter dropto dtb dtbs echo empty endian erase evtloop exit expand f2utf8 fappend fappends fboxname fc fcompare fcompares fcopynew fdir ferase fetch fexist fexists fgets file2url fixdotdot fliprgb fmakex foldpara foldtext fpathcreate fpathname fputs fread freadblock freadr freads frename freplace fsize fss fssrplc fstamp fstringreplace ftype fview fwrite fwritenew fwrites getalpha getargs getdate getenv getqtbin hfd hostpathsep ic install iospath isatty isotimestamp isutf16 isutf8 jcwdpath joinstring jpath jpathsep jsystemdefs launch list ljust load loadd mema memf memr memu memw nameclass namelist names nc nl pick quote require rjust rplc rxE rxall rxcomp rxcut rxeq rxerror rxfirst rxfree rxfrom rxhandles rxin rxindex rxinfo rxmatch rxmatches rxrplc rxutf8 script scriptd scripts setalpha setbreak shell show sign sminfo smoutput sort split splitnostring splitstring ss startupandroid stderr stdin stdout stringreplace symdat symget symset take takeafter taketo timespacex timestamp timex tmoutput toCRLF toHOST toJ todate todayno tolist tolower topara toupper tsdiff tsrep tstamp type ucp ucpcount undquote unxlib usleep utf8 uucp valdate wcsize weekday weeknumber weeksinyear winpathsep xedit
syntax match jStdlibNoun /\<\%(adverb\|conjunction\|dyad\|monad\|noun\|verb\)\>/
syntax match jStdlibVerb /\<\%(Note\|\%(assert\|break\|do\)\.\@!\)\>/