Add unit tests for mch_[gs]etperm.

Use preprocessor trick proposed by @mahkoh to import 'defines' like
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Wienecke 2014-03-11 19:11:46 +01:00 committed by Thiago de Arruda
parent 231d4511d1
commit 1f578ec5a1
7 changed files with 103 additions and 2 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
# Folder generated by the unit tests
# luarocks, not added as a subtree because of the large number of blobs

View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ cmake: clean deps
rm -rf build
$(MAKE) -C src/testdir clean
$(MAKE) -C test/includes clean
install: build/bin/nvim
$(MAKE) -C build install

View File

@ -6,4 +6,5 @@ eval "$(luarocks path)"
if [ -z "$BUSTED_OUTPUT_TYPE" ]; then
export BUSTED_OUTPUT_TYPE="utf_terminal"
make -C ./test/includes
busted --pattern=.moon -o $BUSTED_OUTPUT_TYPE ./test

test/includes/Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
POST = $(shell find pre -name '*.h' | sed 's/^pre/post/')
all: $(POST)
$(POST): post/%: pre/%
@echo GEN $*
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@cc -std=c99 -E -P $< -o $@
rm -rf post

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <sys/stat.h>
static const mode_t kS_IFMT = S_IFMT;
static const mode_t kS_IFSOCK = S_IFSOCK;
static const mode_t kS_IFLNK = S_IFLNK;
static const mode_t kS_IFREG = S_IFREG;
static const mode_t kS_IFBLK = S_IFBLK;
static const mode_t kS_IFDIR = S_IFDIR;
static const mode_t kS_IFCHR = S_IFCHR;
static const mode_t kS_IFIFO = S_IFIFO;
static const mode_t kS_ISUID = S_ISUID;
static const mode_t kS_ISGID = S_ISGID;
static const mode_t kS_ISVTX = S_ISVTX;
static const mode_t kS_IRWXU = S_IRWXU;
static const mode_t kS_IRUSR = S_IRUSR;
static const mode_t kS_IWUSR = S_IWUSR;
static const mode_t kS_IXUSR = S_IXUSR;
static const mode_t kS_IRWXG = S_IRWXG;
static const mode_t kS_IRGRP = S_IRGRP;
static const mode_t kS_IWGRP = S_IWGRP;
static const mode_t kS_IXGRP = S_IXGRP;
static const mode_t kS_IRWXO = S_IRWXO;
static const mode_t kS_IROTH = S_IROTH;
static const mode_t kS_IWOTH = S_IWOTH;
static const mode_t kS_IXOTH = S_IXOTH;

View File

@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ cimport = (path) ->
return libnvim
cppimport = (path) ->
return cimport './test/includes/post/' .. path
cimport './src/types.h'
-- take a pointer to a C-allocated string and return an interned
@ -37,8 +40,10 @@ to_cstr = (string) ->
return {
cimport: cimport
cppimport: cppimport
internalize: internalize
eq: (expected, actual) -> assert.are.same expected, actual
neq: (expected, actual) -> assert.are_not.same expected, actual
ffi: ffi
lib: libnvim
cstr: cstr

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{:cimport, :internalize, :eq, :ffi, :lib, :cstr, :to_cstr} = require 'test.unit.helpers'
{:cimport, :cppimport, :internalize, :eq, :neq, :ffi, :lib, :cstr, :to_cstr} = require 'test.unit.helpers'
require 'lfs'
require 'bit'
-- fs = cimport './src/os/os.h'
-- remove these statements once 'cimport' is working properly for misc1.h
@ -15,16 +16,20 @@ int mch_dirname(char_u *buf, int len);
int mch_isdir(char_u * name);
int is_executable(char_u *name);
int mch_can_exe(char_u *name);
long mch_getperm(char_u *name);
int mch_setperm(char_u *name, long perm);
-- import constants parsed by ffi
{:OK, :FAIL} = lib
{:TRUE, :FALSE} = lib
cppimport 'sys/stat.h'
describe 'fs function', ->
setup ->
lfs.mkdir 'unit-test-directory'
lfs.touch 'unit-test-directory/test.file'
( 'unit-test-directory/test.file', 'w').close!
-- Since the tests are executed, they are called by an executable. We use
-- that executable for several asserts.
@ -35,6 +40,7 @@ describe 'fs function', ->
export directory, executable_name = string.match(absolute_executable, '^(.*)/(.*)$')
teardown ->
os.remove 'unit-test-directory/test.file'
lfs.rmdir 'unit-test-directory'
describe 'mch_dirname', ->
@ -266,3 +272,51 @@ describe 'fs function', ->
relative_executable = './' .. executable_name
eq TRUE, (mch_can_exe relative_executable)
lfs.chdir old_dir
describe 'file permissions', ->
mch_getperm = (filename) ->
perm = fs.mch_getperm (to_cstr filename)
tonumber perm
mch_setperm = (filename, perm) ->
fs.mch_setperm (to_cstr filename), perm
bit_set = (number, check_bit) ->
if 0 == ( number, check_bit) then false else true
set_bit = (number, to_set) ->
return bit.bor number, to_set
unset_bit = (number, to_unset) ->
return number, (bit.bnot to_unset)
describe 'mch_getperm', ->
it 'returns -1 when the given file does not exist', ->
eq -1, (mch_getperm 'non-existing-file')
it 'returns a perm > 0 when given an existing file', ->
assert.is_true (mch_getperm 'unit-test-directory') > 0
it 'returns S_IRUSR when the file is readable', ->
perm = mch_getperm 'unit-test-directory'
assert.is_true (bit_set perm, ffi.C.kS_IRUSR)
describe 'mch_setperm', ->
it 'can set and unset the executable bit of a file', ->
perm = mch_getperm 'unit-test-directory/test.file'
perm = unset_bit perm, ffi.C.kS_IXUSR
eq OK, (mch_setperm 'unit-test-directory/test.file', perm)
perm = mch_getperm 'unit-test-directory/test.file'
assert.is_false (bit_set perm, ffi.C.kS_IXUSR)
perm = set_bit perm, ffi.C.kS_IXUSR
eq OK, mch_setperm 'unit-test-directory/test.file', perm
perm = mch_getperm 'unit-test-directory/test.file'
assert.is_true (bit_set perm, ffi.C.kS_IXUSR)
it 'fails if given file does not exist', ->
perm = ffi.C.kS_IXUSR
eq FAIL, (mch_setperm 'non-existing-file', perm)