Merge #11307 'Lua: vim.validate()'

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Justin M. Keyes 2019-11-11 21:25:16 -08:00 committato da GitHub
commit 0190de9aab
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ID Chiave GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
5 ha cambiato i file con 244 aggiunte e 19 eliminazioni

Vedi File

@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ return {
-- Relative (non-hidden) paths.
modules = {
['vim'] = 'runtime/lua/vim/shared.lua'
-- vim: ft=lua tw=80 sw=2 et

Vedi File

@ -847,4 +847,63 @@ pesc({s}) *vim.pesc()*
See also: ~
validate({opt}) *vim.validate()*
Validates a parameter specification (types and values).
Usage example: >
function, age, hobbies)
name={name, 'string'},
age={age, 'number'},
hobbies={hobbies, 'table'},
Examples with explicit argument values (can be run directly): >
vim.validate{arg1={{'foo'}, 'table'}, arg2={'foo', 'string'}}
=> NOP (success)
vim.validate{arg1={1, 'table'}}
=> error('arg1: expected table, got number')
vim.validate{arg1={3, function(a) return (a % 2) == 0 end, 'even number'}}
=> error('arg1: expected even number, got 3')
Parameters: ~
{opt} Map of parameter names to validations. Each key is
a parameter name; each value is a tuple in one of
these forms:
1. (arg_value, type_name, optional)
• arg_value: argument value
• type_name: string type name, one of: ("table",
"t", "string", "s", "number", "n", "boolean",
"b", "function", "f", "nil", "thread",
• optional: (optional) boolean, if true, `nil`
is valid
2. (arg_value, fn, msg)
• arg_value: argument value
• fn: any function accepting one argument,
returns true if and only if the argument is
• msg: (optional) error string if validation
is_callable({f}) *vim.is_callable()*
Returns true if object `f` can be called as a function.
Parameters: ~
{f} Any object
Return: ~
true if `f` is callable, else false

Vedi File

@ -47,9 +47,7 @@ end)()
--@param plain If `true` use `sep` literally (passed to String.find)
--@returns Iterator over the split components
function vim.gsplit(s, sep, plain)
assert(type(s) == "string", string.format("Expected string, got %s", type(s)))
assert(type(sep) == "string", string.format("Expected string, got %s", type(sep)))
assert(type(plain) == "boolean" or type(plain) == "nil", string.format("Expected boolean or nil, got %s", type(plain)))
local start = 1
local done = false
@ -106,7 +104,7 @@ end
--@param value Value to compare
--@returns true if `t` contains `value`
function vim.tbl_contains(t, value)
assert(type(t) == 'table', string.format("Expected table, got %s", type(t)))
for _,v in ipairs(t) do
if v == value then
@ -176,7 +174,7 @@ end
--@param s String to trim
--@returns String with whitespace removed from its beginning and end
function vim.trim(s)
assert(type(s) == 'string', string.format("Expected string, got %s", type(s)))
return s:match('^%s*(.*%S)') or ''
@ -186,8 +184,98 @@ end
--@param s String to escape
--@returns %-escaped pattern string
function vim.pesc(s)
assert(type(s) == 'string', string.format("Expected string, got %s", type(s)))
return s:gsub('[%(%)%.%%%+%-%*%?%[%]%^%$]', '%%%1')
--- Validates a parameter specification (types and values).
--- Usage example:
--- <pre>
--- function, age, hobbies)
--- vim.validate{
--- name={name, 'string'},
--- age={age, 'number'},
--- hobbies={hobbies, 'table'},
--- }
--- ...
--- end
--- </pre>
--- Examples with explicit argument values (can be run directly):
--- <pre>
--- vim.validate{arg1={{'foo'}, 'table'}, arg2={'foo', 'string'}}
--- => NOP (success)
--- vim.validate{arg1={1, 'table'}}
--- => error('arg1: expected table, got number')
--- vim.validate{arg1={3, function(a) return (a % 2) == 0 end, 'even number'}}
--- => error('arg1: expected even number, got 3')
--- </pre>
--@param opt Map of parameter names to validations. Each key is a parameter
--- name; each value is a tuple in one of these forms:
--- 1. (arg_value, type_name, optional)
--- - arg_value: argument value
--- - type_name: string type name, one of: ("table", "t", "string",
--- "s", "number", "n", "boolean", "b", "function", "f", "nil",
--- "thread", "userdata")
--- - optional: (optional) boolean, if true, `nil` is valid
--- 2. (arg_value, fn, msg)
--- - arg_value: argument value
--- - fn: any function accepting one argument, returns true if and
--- only if the argument is valid
--- - msg: (optional) error string if validation fails
function vim.validate(opt) end -- luacheck: no unused
vim.validate = (function()
local type_names = {
t='table', s='string', n='number', b='boolean', f='function', c='callable',
['table']='table', ['string']='string', ['number']='number',
['boolean']='boolean', ['function']='function', ['callable']='callable',
['nil']='nil', ['thread']='thread', ['userdata']='userdata',
local function _type_name(t)
local tname = type_names[t]
if tname == nil then
error(string.format('invalid type name: %s', tostring(t)))
return tname
local function _is_type(val, t)
return t == 'callable' and vim.is_callable(val) or type(val) == t
return function(opt)
assert(type(opt) == 'table', string.format('opt: expected table, got %s', type(opt)))
for param_name, spec in pairs(opt) do
assert(type(spec) == 'table', string.format('%s: expected table, got %s', param_name, type(spec)))
local val = spec[1] -- Argument value.
local t = spec[2] -- Type name, or callable.
local optional = (true == spec[3])
if not vim.is_callable(t) then -- Check type name.
if (not optional or val ~= nil) and not _is_type(val, _type_name(t)) then
error(string.format("%s: expected %s, got %s", param_name, _type_name(t), type(val)))
elseif not t(val) then -- Check user-provided validation function.
error(string.format("%s: expected %s, got %s", param_name, (spec[3] or '?'), val))
return true
--- Returns true if object `f` can be called as a function.
--@param f Any object
--@return true if `f` is callable, else false
function vim.is_callable(f)
if type(f) == 'function' then return true end
local m = getmetatable(f)
if m == nil then return false end
return type(m.__call) == 'function'
return vim

Vedi File

@ -261,14 +261,14 @@ end
-- vim.fn.{func}(...)
local function fn_index(t, key)
local function func(...)
local function _fn_index(t, key)
local function _fn(...)
return, ...)
t[key] = func
return func
t[key] = _fn
return _fn
local fn = setmetatable({}, {__index=fn_index})
local fn = setmetatable({}, {__index=_fn_index})
local module = {
_update_package_paths = _update_package_paths,

Vedi File

@ -230,12 +230,12 @@ describe('lua stdlib', function()
-- Validates args.
eq(true, pcall(split, 'string', 'string', nil))
eq('Error executing lua: .../shared.lua: Expected string, got number',
pcall_err(split, 1, 'string', nil))
eq('Error executing lua: .../shared.lua: Expected string, got number',
pcall_err(split, 'string', 1, nil))
eq('Error executing lua: .../shared.lua: Expected boolean or nil, got number',
eq(true, pcall(split, 'string', 'string'))
eq('Error executing lua: .../shared.lua: s: expected string, got number',
pcall_err(split, 1, 'string'))
eq('Error executing lua: .../shared.lua: sep: expected string, got number',
pcall_err(split, 'string', 1))
eq('Error executing lua: .../shared.lua: plain: expected boolean, got number',
pcall_err(split, 'string', 'string', 1))
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ describe('lua stdlib', function()
-- Validates args.
eq('Error executing lua: .../shared.lua: Expected string, got number',
eq('Error executing lua: .../shared.lua: s: expected string, got number',
pcall_err(trim, 2))
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ describe('lua stdlib', function()
eq('foo%%%-bar', exec_lua([[return vim.pesc(vim.pesc('foo-bar'))]]))
-- Validates args.
eq("Error executing lua: .../shared.lua: Expected string, got number",
eq('Error executing lua: .../shared.lua: s: expected string, got number',
pcall_err(exec_lua, [[return vim.pesc(2)]]))
@ -402,4 +402,79 @@ describe('lua stdlib', function()
eq({3, NIL}, meths.get_var('yy'))
it('vim.validate', function()
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={{}, 'table' }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={{}, 't' }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={nil, 't', true }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={{ foo='foo' }, 't' }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={{ 'foo' }, 't' }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={'foo', 'string' }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={'foo', 's' }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={'', 's' }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={nil, 's', true }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={1, 'number' }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={1, 'n' }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={0, 'n' }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={0.1, 'n' }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={nil, 'n', true }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={true, 'boolean' }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={true, 'b' }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={false, 'b' }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={nil, 'b', true }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={function()end, 'function' }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={function()end, 'f' }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={nil, 'f', true }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={nil, 'nil' }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={nil, 'nil', true }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={coroutine.create(function()end), 'thread' }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={nil, 'thread', true }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={{}, 't' }, arg2={ 'foo', 's' }}")
exec_lua("vim.validate{arg1={2, function(a) return (a % 2) == 0 end, 'even number' }}")
eq("Error executing lua: .../shared.lua: 1: expected table, got number",
pcall_err(exec_lua, "vim.validate{ 1, 'x' }"))
eq("Error executing lua: .../shared.lua: invalid type name: x",
pcall_err(exec_lua, "vim.validate{ arg1={ 1, 'x' }}"))
eq("Error executing lua: .../shared.lua: invalid type name: 1",
pcall_err(exec_lua, "vim.validate{ arg1={ 1, 1 }}"))
eq("Error executing lua: .../shared.lua: invalid type name: nil",
pcall_err(exec_lua, "vim.validate{ arg1={ 1 }}"))
-- Validated parameters are required by default.
eq("Error executing lua: .../shared.lua: arg1: expected string, got nil",
pcall_err(exec_lua, "vim.validate{ arg1={ nil, 's' }}"))
-- Explicitly required.
eq("Error executing lua: .../shared.lua: arg1: expected string, got nil",
pcall_err(exec_lua, "vim.validate{ arg1={ nil, 's', false }}"))
eq("Error executing lua: .../shared.lua: arg1: expected table, got number",
pcall_err(exec_lua, "vim.validate{arg1={1, 't'}}"))
eq("Error executing lua: .../shared.lua: arg2: expected string, got number",
pcall_err(exec_lua, "vim.validate{arg1={{}, 't'}, arg2={1, 's'}}"))
eq("Error executing lua: .../shared.lua: arg2: expected string, got nil",
pcall_err(exec_lua, "vim.validate{arg1={{}, 't'}, arg2={nil, 's'}}"))
eq("Error executing lua: .../shared.lua: arg2: expected string, got nil",
pcall_err(exec_lua, "vim.validate{arg1={{}, 't'}, arg2={nil, 's'}}"))
eq("Error executing lua: .../shared.lua: arg1: expected even number, got 3",
pcall_err(exec_lua, "vim.validate{arg1={3, function(a) return a == 1 end, 'even number'}}"))
eq("Error executing lua: .../shared.lua: arg1: expected ?, got 3",
pcall_err(exec_lua, "vim.validate{arg1={3, function(a) return a == 1 end}}"))
it('vim.is_callable', function()
eq(true, exec_lua("return vim.is_callable(function()end)"))
eq(true, exec_lua([[
local meta = { __call = function()end }
local function new_callable()
return setmetatable({}, meta)
local callable = new_callable()
return vim.is_callable(callable)
eq(false, exec_lua("return vim.is_callable(1)"))
eq(false, exec_lua("return vim.is_callable('foo')"))
eq(false, exec_lua("return vim.is_callable({})"))