
994 lines
44 KiB

import pytest
from _testutils import MockHidapiDevice, Report
from liquidctl.driver.hwmon import HwmonDevice
from liquidctl.driver.aquacomputer import Aquacomputer
from liquidctl.error import NotSupportedByDriver, NotSupportedByDevice
def mockD5NextDevice():
device = _MockD5NextDevice()
dev = Aquacomputer(
"Mock Aquacomputer D5 Next",
return dev
class _MockD5NextDevice(MockHidapiDevice):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(vendor_id=0x0C70, product_id=0xF00E)
self.preload_read(Report(1, D5NEXT_SAMPLE_STATUS_REPORT))
self.preload_read(Report(3, D5NEXT_SAMPLE_CONTROL_REPORT))
self.preload_read(Report(3, D5NEXT_SAMPLE_CONTROL_REPORT))
def read(self, length):
pre = super().read(length)
if pre:
return pre
def test_d5next_connect(mockD5NextDevice):
def mock_open():
nonlocal opened
opened = True = mock_open
opened = False
with mockD5NextDevice.connect() as cm:
assert cm == mockD5NextDevice
assert opened
def test_d5next_initialize(mockD5NextDevice):
init_result = mockD5NextDevice.initialize()
# Verify firmware version
assert init_result[0][1] == 1023
# Verify serial number
assert init_result[1][1] == "03531-22908"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("has_hwmon,direct_access", [(False, False), (True, True)])
def test_d5next_get_status_directly(mockD5NextDevice, has_hwmon, direct_access):
if has_hwmon:
mockD5NextDevice._hwmon = HwmonDevice(None, None)
got = mockD5NextDevice.get_status(direct_access=direct_access)
expected = [
("Liquid temperature", pytest.approx(25.1, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 1", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Pump speed", 1976, "rpm"),
("Pump power", pytest.approx(2.58, 0.1), "W"),
("Pump voltage", pytest.approx(12.02, 0.1), "V"),
("Pump current", pytest.approx(0.21, 0.1), "A"),
("Fan speed", 365, "rpm"),
("Fan power", pytest.approx(0.38, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan voltage", pytest.approx(12.04, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan current", pytest.approx(0.03, 0.1), "A"),
("+5V voltage", pytest.approx(5.00, 0.1), "V"),
("+12V voltage", pytest.approx(12.04, 0.1), "V"),
assert sorted(got) == sorted(expected)
def test_d5next_get_status_from_hwmon(mockD5NextDevice, tmp_path):
mockD5NextDevice._hwmon = HwmonDevice("mock_module", tmp_path)
(tmp_path / "temp1_input").write_text("25100\n") # Liquid temperature
(tmp_path / "fan1_input").write_text("1976\n") # Pump speed
(tmp_path / "power1_input").write_text("2580000\n") # Pump power
(tmp_path / "in0_input").write_text("12020\n") # Pump voltage
(tmp_path / "curr1_input").write_text("215\n") # Pump current
(tmp_path / "fan2_input").write_text("365\n") # Fan speed
(tmp_path / "power2_input").write_text("380000\n") # Fan power
(tmp_path / "in1_input").write_text("12040\n") # Fan voltage
(tmp_path / "curr2_input").write_text("31\n") # Fan current
(tmp_path / "in2_input").write_text("4990\n") # +5V voltage
(tmp_path / "in3_input").write_text("12040\n") # +12V voltage
(tmp_path / "temp2_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 1 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp3_input").write_text("60000\n") # Soft. Sensor 2 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp4_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 3 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp5_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 4 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp6_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 5 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp7_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 6 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp8_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 7 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp9_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 8 temperature
got = mockD5NextDevice.get_status()
expected = [
("Liquid temperature", pytest.approx(25.1, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 1", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 2", pytest.approx(60, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 3", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 4", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 5", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 6", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 7", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 8", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Pump speed", 1976, "rpm"),
("Pump power", pytest.approx(2.58, 0.1), "W"),
("Pump voltage", pytest.approx(12.02, 0.1), "V"),
("Pump current", pytest.approx(0.21, 0.1), "A"),
("Fan speed", 365, "rpm"),
("Fan power", pytest.approx(0.38, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan voltage", pytest.approx(12.04, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan current", pytest.approx(0.03, 0.1), "A"),
("+5V voltage", pytest.approx(5.00, 0.1), "V"),
("+12V voltage", pytest.approx(12.04, 0.1), "V"),
assert sorted(got) == sorted(expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("has_hwmon,direct_access", [(False, False), (True, True)])
def test_d5next_set_fixed_speeds_directly(mockD5NextDevice, has_hwmon, direct_access, tmp_path):
"""For both test cases only direct access should be used"""
if has_hwmon:
mockD5NextDevice._hwmon = HwmonDevice("mock_module", tmp_path)
(tmp_path / "pwm1").write_text("0")
(tmp_path / "pwm1_enable").write_text("0")
(tmp_path / "pwm2").write_text("0")
(tmp_path / "pwm2_enable").write_text("0")
mockD5NextDevice.set_fixed_speed("pump", 84, direct_access=direct_access)
mockD5NextDevice.set_fixed_speed("fan", 50, direct_access=direct_access)
pump_report, fan_report = mockD5NextDevice.device.sent
assert pump_report.number == 3
assert[0x95:0x98] == [0, 32, 208] # 0, <8400>
assert fan_report.number == 3
assert[0x40:0x43] == [0, 19, 136] # 0, <5000>
# Assert that hwmon wasn't touched
if has_hwmon:
assert (tmp_path / "pwm1_enable").read_text() == "0"
assert (tmp_path / "pwm1").read_text() == "0"
assert (tmp_path / "pwm2_enable").read_text() == "0"
assert (tmp_path / "pwm2").read_text() == "0"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("has_support", [False, True])
def test_d5next_set_fixed_speeds_hwmon(mockD5NextDevice, has_support, tmp_path):
mockD5NextDevice._hwmon = HwmonDevice("mock_module", tmp_path)
if has_support:
(tmp_path / "pwm1").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "pwm1_enable").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "pwm2").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "pwm2_enable").write_text("0\n")
mockD5NextDevice.set_fixed_speed("pump", 84)
mockD5NextDevice.set_fixed_speed("fan", 50)
if has_support:
assert (tmp_path / "pwm1_enable").read_text() == "1"
assert (tmp_path / "pwm1").read_text() == "214"
assert (tmp_path / "pwm2_enable").read_text() == "1"
assert (tmp_path / "pwm2").read_text() == "127"
# Assert fallback to direct access
pump_report, fan_report = mockD5NextDevice.device.sent
assert pump_report.number == 3
assert[0x95:0x98] == [0, 32, 208] # 0, <8400>
assert fan_report.number == 3
assert[0x40:0x43] == [0, 19, 136] # 0, <5000>
def test_d5next_speed_profiles_not_supported(mockD5NextDevice):
with pytest.raises(NotSupportedByDriver):
mockD5NextDevice.set_speed_profile("fan", None)
with pytest.raises(NotSupportedByDriver):
mockD5NextDevice.set_speed_profile("pump", None)
def mockFarbwerk360Device():
device = _MockFarbwerk360Device()
dev = Aquacomputer(
"Mock Aquacomputer Farbwerk 360",
return dev
class _MockFarbwerk360Device(MockHidapiDevice):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(vendor_id=0x0C70, product_id=0xF010)
self.preload_read(Report(1, FARBWERK360_SAMPLE_STATUS_REPORT))
def read(self, length):
pre = super().read(length)
if pre:
return pre
def test_farbwerk360_connect(mockFarbwerk360Device):
def mock_open():
nonlocal opened
opened = True = mock_open
opened = False
with mockFarbwerk360Device.connect() as cm:
assert cm == mockFarbwerk360Device
assert opened
def test_farbwerk360_initialize(mockFarbwerk360Device):
init_result = mockFarbwerk360Device.initialize()
# Verify firmware version
assert init_result[0][1] == 1022
# Verify serial number
assert init_result[1][1] == "16827-56978"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("has_hwmon,direct_access", [(False, False), (True, True)])
def test_farbwerk360_get_status_directly(mockFarbwerk360Device, has_hwmon, direct_access):
if has_hwmon:
mockFarbwerk360Device._hwmon = HwmonDevice(None, None)
got = mockFarbwerk360Device.get_status(direct_access=direct_access)
expected = [
("Sensor 1", pytest.approx(26.2, 0.1), "°C"),
("Sensor 2", pytest.approx(26.3, 0.1), "°C"),
("Sensor 3", pytest.approx(26.7, 0.1), "°C"),
("Sensor 4", pytest.approx(25.5, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 1", pytest.approx(52.00, 0.1), "°C"),
assert sorted(got) == sorted(expected)
def test_farbwerk360_get_status_from_hwmon(mockFarbwerk360Device, tmp_path):
mockFarbwerk360Device._hwmon = HwmonDevice("mock_module", tmp_path)
(tmp_path / "temp1_input").write_text("26200\n")
(tmp_path / "temp2_input").write_text("26310\n")
(tmp_path / "temp3_input").write_text("26710\n")
(tmp_path / "temp4_input").write_text("25520\n")
(tmp_path / "temp5_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 1 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp6_input").write_text("60000\n") # Soft. Sensor 2 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp7_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 3 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp8_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 4 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp9_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 5 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp10_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 6 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp11_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 7 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp12_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 8 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp13_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 9 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp14_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 10 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp15_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 11 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp16_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 12 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp17_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 13 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp18_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 14 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp19_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 15 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp20_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 16 temperature
got = mockFarbwerk360Device.get_status()
expected = [
("Sensor 1", pytest.approx(26.2, 0.1), "°C"),
("Sensor 2", pytest.approx(26.3, 0.1), "°C"),
("Sensor 3", pytest.approx(26.7, 0.1), "°C"),
("Sensor 4", pytest.approx(25.5, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 1", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 2", pytest.approx(60, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 3", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 4", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 5", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 6", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 7", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 8", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 9", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 10", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 11", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 12", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 13", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 14", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 15", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 16", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
assert sorted(got) == sorted(expected)
def test_farbwerk360_set_fixed_speeds_not_supported(mockFarbwerk360Device):
with pytest.raises(NotSupportedByDevice):
mockFarbwerk360Device.set_fixed_speed("fan", 42)
def test_farbwerk360_speed_profiles_not_supported(mockFarbwerk360Device):
with pytest.raises(NotSupportedByDevice):
mockFarbwerk360Device.set_speed_profile("fan", None)
def mockOctoDevice():
device = _MockOctoDevice()
dev = Aquacomputer(
"Mock Aquacomputer Octo",
return dev
class _MockOctoDevice(MockHidapiDevice):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(vendor_id=0x0C70, product_id=0xF011)
self.preload_read(Report(1, OCTO_SAMPLE_STATUS_REPORT))
self.preload_read(Report(3, OCTO_SAMPLE_CONTROL_REPORT))
self.preload_read(Report(3, OCTO_SAMPLE_CONTROL_REPORT))
def read(self, length):
pre = super().read(length)
if pre:
return pre
def test_octo_connect(mockOctoDevice):
def mock_open():
nonlocal opened
opened = True = mock_open
opened = False
with mockOctoDevice.connect() as cm:
assert cm == mockOctoDevice
assert opened
def test_octo_initialize(mockOctoDevice):
init_result = mockOctoDevice.initialize()
# Verify firmware version
assert init_result[0][1] == 1019
# Verify serial number
assert init_result[1][1] == "14994-51690"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("has_hwmon,direct_access", [(False, False), (True, True)])
def test_octo_get_status_directly(mockOctoDevice, has_hwmon, direct_access):
if has_hwmon:
mockOctoDevice._hwmon = HwmonDevice(None, None)
got = mockOctoDevice.get_status(direct_access=direct_access)
expected = [
("Sensor 1", pytest.approx(27.5, 0.1), "°C"),
("Sensor 2", pytest.approx(27.7, 0.1), "°C"),
("Sensor 3", pytest.approx(28.4, 0.1), "°C"),
("Sensor 4", pytest.approx(34.2, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 1", pytest.approx(37.84, 0.1), "°C"),
("Fan 1 speed", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 1 power", pytest.approx(0.01, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 1 voltage", pytest.approx(12.09, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 1 current", pytest.approx(0.001, 0.1), "A"),
("Fan 2 speed", pytest.approx(576, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 2 power", pytest.approx(1.03, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 2 voltage", pytest.approx(12.09, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 2 current", pytest.approx(0.35, 0.1), "A"),
("Fan 3 speed", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 3 power", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 3 voltage", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 3 current", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "A"),
("Fan 4 speed", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 4 power", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 4 voltage", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 4 current", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "A"),
("Fan 5 speed", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 5 power", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 5 voltage", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 5 current", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "A"),
("Fan 6 speed", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 6 power", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 6 voltage", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 6 current", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "A"),
("Fan 7 speed", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 7 power", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 7 voltage", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 7 current", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "A"),
("Fan 8 speed", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 8 power", pytest.approx(0.02, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 8 voltage", pytest.approx(12.09, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 8 current", pytest.approx(0.002, 0.1), "A"),
assert sorted(got) == sorted(expected)
def test_octo_get_status_from_hwmon(mockOctoDevice, tmp_path):
mockOctoDevice._hwmon = HwmonDevice("mock_module", tmp_path)
(tmp_path / "temp1_input").write_text("27580\n")
(tmp_path / "temp2_input").write_text("27670\n")
(tmp_path / "temp3_input").write_text("28370\n")
(tmp_path / "temp4_input").write_text("34240\n")
(tmp_path / "fan1_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "power1_input").write_text("10000\n")
(tmp_path / "in0_input").write_text("12090\n")
(tmp_path / "curr1_input").write_text("1\n")
(tmp_path / "fan2_input").write_text("576\n")
(tmp_path / "power2_input").write_text("1030000\n")
(tmp_path / "in1_input").write_text("12090\n")
(tmp_path / "curr2_input").write_text("350\n")
(tmp_path / "fan3_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "power3_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "in2_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "curr3_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "fan4_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "power4_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "in3_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "curr4_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "fan5_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "power5_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "in4_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "curr5_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "fan6_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "power6_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "in5_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "curr6_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "fan7_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "power7_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "in6_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "curr7_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "fan8_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "power8_input").write_text("20000\n")
(tmp_path / "in7_input").write_text("12090\n")
(tmp_path / "curr8_input").write_text("2\n")
(tmp_path / "temp5_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 1 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp6_input").write_text("60000\n") # Soft. Sensor 2 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp7_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 3 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp8_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 4 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp9_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 5 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp10_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 6 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp11_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 7 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp12_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 8 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp13_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 9 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp14_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 10 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp15_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 11 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp16_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 12 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp17_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 13 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp18_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 14 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp19_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 15 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp20_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 16 temperature
got = mockOctoDevice.get_status()
expected = [
("Sensor 1", pytest.approx(27.5, 0.1), "°C"),
("Sensor 2", pytest.approx(27.7, 0.1), "°C"),
("Sensor 3", pytest.approx(28.4, 0.1), "°C"),
("Sensor 4", pytest.approx(34.2, 0.1), "°C"),
("Fan 1 speed", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 1 power", pytest.approx(0.01, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 1 voltage", pytest.approx(12.09, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 1 current", pytest.approx(0.001, 0.1), "A"),
("Fan 2 speed", pytest.approx(576, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 2 power", pytest.approx(1.03, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 2 voltage", pytest.approx(12.09, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 2 current", pytest.approx(0.35, 0.1), "A"),
("Fan 3 speed", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 3 power", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 3 voltage", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 3 current", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "A"),
("Fan 4 speed", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 4 power", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 4 voltage", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 4 current", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "A"),
("Fan 5 speed", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 5 power", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 5 voltage", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 5 current", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "A"),
("Fan 6 speed", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 6 power", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 6 voltage", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 6 current", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "A"),
("Fan 7 speed", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 7 power", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 7 voltage", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 7 current", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "A"),
("Fan 8 speed", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 8 power", pytest.approx(0.02, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 8 voltage", pytest.approx(12.09, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 8 current", pytest.approx(0.002, 0.1), "A"),
("Soft. Sensor 1", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 2", pytest.approx(60, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 3", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 4", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 5", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 6", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 7", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 8", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 9", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 10", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 11", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 12", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 13", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 14", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 15", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 16", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
assert sorted(got) == sorted(expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("has_hwmon,direct_access", [(False, False), (True, True)])
def test_octo_set_fixed_speeds_directly(mockOctoDevice, has_hwmon, direct_access, tmp_path):
"""For both test cases only direct access should be used"""
if has_hwmon:
mockOctoDevice._hwmon = HwmonDevice("mock_module", tmp_path)
(tmp_path / "pwm1").write_text("0")
(tmp_path / "pwm1_enable").write_text("0")
(tmp_path / "pwm2").write_text("0")
(tmp_path / "pwm2_enable").write_text("0")
mockOctoDevice.set_fixed_speed("fan1", 84, direct_access=direct_access)
mockOctoDevice.set_fixed_speed("fan2", 50, direct_access=direct_access)
pump_report, fan_report = mockOctoDevice.device.sent
assert pump_report.number == 3
assert[0x59:0x5C] == [0, 32, 208] # 0, <8400>
assert fan_report.number == 3
assert[0xAE:0xB1] == [0, 19, 136] # 0, <5000>
# Assert that hwmon wasn't touched
if has_hwmon:
assert (tmp_path / "pwm1_enable").read_text() == "0"
assert (tmp_path / "pwm1").read_text() == "0"
assert (tmp_path / "pwm2_enable").read_text() == "0"
assert (tmp_path / "pwm2").read_text() == "0"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("has_support", [False, True])
def test_octo_set_fixed_speeds_hwmon(mockOctoDevice, has_support, tmp_path):
mockOctoDevice._hwmon = HwmonDevice("mock_module", tmp_path)
if has_support:
(tmp_path / "pwm1").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "pwm1_enable").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "pwm2").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "pwm2_enable").write_text("0\n")
mockOctoDevice.set_fixed_speed("fan1", 84)
mockOctoDevice.set_fixed_speed("fan2", 50)
if has_support:
assert (tmp_path / "pwm1_enable").read_text() == "1"
assert (tmp_path / "pwm1").read_text() == "214"
assert (tmp_path / "pwm2_enable").read_text() == "1"
assert (tmp_path / "pwm2").read_text() == "127"
# Assert fallback to direct access
pump_report, fan_report = mockOctoDevice.device.sent
assert pump_report.number == 3
assert[0x59:0x5C] == [0, 32, 208] # 0, <8400>
assert fan_report.number == 3
assert[0xAE:0xB1] == [0, 19, 136] # 0, <5000>
def test_octo_speed_profiles_not_supported(mockOctoDevice):
with pytest.raises(NotSupportedByDriver):
mockOctoDevice.set_speed_profile("fan", None)
def mockQuadroDevice():
device = _MockQuadroDevice()
dev = Aquacomputer(
"Mock Aquacomputer Quadro",
return dev
class _MockQuadroDevice(MockHidapiDevice):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(vendor_id=0x0C70, product_id=0xF00D)
self.preload_read(Report(1, QUADRO_SAMPLE_STATUS_REPORT))
self.preload_read(Report(3, QUADRO_SAMPLE_CONTROL_REPORT))
self.preload_read(Report(3, QUADRO_SAMPLE_CONTROL_REPORT))
def read(self, length):
pre = super().read(length)
if pre:
return pre
def test_quadro_connect(mockQuadroDevice):
def mock_open():
nonlocal opened
opened = True = mock_open
opened = False
with mockQuadroDevice.connect() as cm:
assert cm == mockQuadroDevice
assert opened
def test_quadro_initialize(mockQuadroDevice):
init_result = mockQuadroDevice.initialize()
# Verify firmware version
assert init_result[0][1] == 1032
# Verify serial number
assert init_result[1][1] == "23410-65344"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("has_hwmon,direct_access", [(False, False), (True, True)])
def test_quadro_get_status_directly(mockQuadroDevice, has_hwmon, direct_access):
if has_hwmon:
mockQuadroDevice._hwmon = HwmonDevice(None, None)
got = mockQuadroDevice.get_status(direct_access=direct_access)
expected = [
("Sensor 3", pytest.approx(16.17, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 1", pytest.approx(23.9, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 13", pytest.approx(50.0, 0.1), "°C"),
("Fan 1 speed", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 1 power", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 1 voltage", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 1 current", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "A"),
("Fan 2 speed", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 2 power", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 2 voltage", pytest.approx(12.07, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 2 current", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "A"),
("Fan 3 speed", pytest.approx(356, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 3 power", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 3 voltage", pytest.approx(12.07, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 3 current", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "A"),
("Fan 4 speed", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 4 power", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 4 voltage", pytest.approx(12.07, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 4 current", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "A"),
("Flow sensor", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "dL/h"),
assert sorted(got) == sorted(expected)
def test_quadro_get_status_from_hwmon(mockQuadroDevice, tmp_path):
mockQuadroDevice._hwmon = HwmonDevice("mock_module", tmp_path)
(tmp_path / "temp1_input").write_text("27580\n")
(tmp_path / "temp2_input").write_text("27670\n")
(tmp_path / "temp3_input").write_text("28370\n")
(tmp_path / "temp4_input").write_text("34240\n")
(tmp_path / "fan1_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "power1_input").write_text("10000\n")
(tmp_path / "in0_input").write_text("12090\n")
(tmp_path / "curr1_input").write_text("1\n")
(tmp_path / "fan2_input").write_text("576\n")
(tmp_path / "power2_input").write_text("1030000\n")
(tmp_path / "in1_input").write_text("12090\n")
(tmp_path / "curr2_input").write_text("350\n")
(tmp_path / "fan3_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "power3_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "in2_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "curr3_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "fan4_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "power4_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "in3_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "curr4_input").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "fan5_input").write_text("603\n")
(tmp_path / "temp5_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 1 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp6_input").write_text("60000\n") # Soft. Sensor 2 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp7_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 3 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp8_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 4 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp9_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 5 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp10_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 6 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp11_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 7 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp12_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 8 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp13_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 9 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp14_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 10 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp15_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 11 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp16_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 12 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp17_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 13 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp18_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 14 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp19_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 15 temperature
(tmp_path / "temp20_input").write_text("50000\n") # Soft. Sensor 16 temperature
got = mockQuadroDevice.get_status()
expected = [
("Sensor 1", pytest.approx(27.5, 0.1), "°C"),
("Sensor 2", pytest.approx(27.7, 0.1), "°C"),
("Sensor 3", pytest.approx(28.4, 0.1), "°C"),
("Sensor 4", pytest.approx(34.2, 0.1), "°C"),
("Fan 1 speed", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 1 power", pytest.approx(0.01, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 1 voltage", pytest.approx(12.09, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 1 current", pytest.approx(0.001, 0.1), "A"),
("Fan 2 speed", pytest.approx(576, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 2 power", pytest.approx(1.03, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 2 voltage", pytest.approx(12.09, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 2 current", pytest.approx(0.35, 0.1), "A"),
("Fan 3 speed", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 3 power", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 3 voltage", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 3 current", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "A"),
("Fan 4 speed", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "rpm"),
("Fan 4 power", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "W"),
("Fan 4 voltage", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "V"),
("Fan 4 current", pytest.approx(0, 0.1), "A"),
("Flow sensor", pytest.approx(603, 0.1), "dL/h"),
("Soft. Sensor 1", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 2", pytest.approx(60, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 3", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 4", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 5", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 6", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 7", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 8", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 9", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 10", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 11", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 12", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 13", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 14", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 15", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
("Soft. Sensor 16", pytest.approx(50, 0.1), "°C"),
assert sorted(got) == sorted(expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("has_hwmon,direct_access", [(False, False), (True, True)])
def test_quadro_set_fixed_speeds_directly(mockQuadroDevice, has_hwmon, direct_access, tmp_path):
"""For both test cases only direct access should be used"""
if has_hwmon:
mockQuadroDevice._hwmon = HwmonDevice("mock_module", tmp_path)
(tmp_path / "pwm1").write_text("0")
(tmp_path / "pwm1_enable").write_text("0")
(tmp_path / "pwm2").write_text("0")
(tmp_path / "pwm2_enable").write_text("0")
mockQuadroDevice.set_fixed_speed("fan1", 84, direct_access=direct_access)
mockQuadroDevice.set_fixed_speed("fan2", 50, direct_access=direct_access)
pump_report, fan_report = mockQuadroDevice.device.sent
assert pump_report.number == 3
assert[0x35:0x38] == [0, 32, 208] # 0, <8400>
assert fan_report.number == 3
assert[0x8A:0x8D] == [0, 19, 136] # 0, <5000>
# Assert that hwmon wasn't touched
if has_hwmon:
assert (tmp_path / "pwm1_enable").read_text() == "0"
assert (tmp_path / "pwm1").read_text() == "0"
assert (tmp_path / "pwm2_enable").read_text() == "0"
assert (tmp_path / "pwm2").read_text() == "0"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("has_support", [False, True])
def test_quadro_set_fixed_speeds_hwmon(mockQuadroDevice, has_support, tmp_path):
mockQuadroDevice._hwmon = HwmonDevice("mock_module", tmp_path)
if has_support:
(tmp_path / "pwm1").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "pwm1_enable").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "pwm2").write_text("0\n")
(tmp_path / "pwm2_enable").write_text("0\n")
mockQuadroDevice.set_fixed_speed("fan1", 84)
mockQuadroDevice.set_fixed_speed("fan2", 50)
if has_support:
assert (tmp_path / "pwm1_enable").read_text() == "1"
assert (tmp_path / "pwm1").read_text() == "214"
assert (tmp_path / "pwm2_enable").read_text() == "1"
assert (tmp_path / "pwm2").read_text() == "127"
# Assert fallback to direct access
pump_report, fan_report = mockQuadroDevice.device.sent
assert pump_report.number == 3
assert[0x35:0x38] == [0, 32, 208] # 0, <8400>
assert fan_report.number == 3
assert[0x8A:0x8D] == [0, 19, 136] # 0, <5000>
def test_quadro_speed_profiles_not_supported(mockQuadroDevice):
with pytest.raises(NotSupportedByDriver):
mockQuadroDevice.set_speed_profile("fan", None)