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"""liquidctl monitor and control liquid coolers and other devices.
liquidctl [options] list
liquidctl [options] initialize [all]
liquidctl [options] status
liquidctl [options] set <channel> speed (<temperature> <percentage>) ...
liquidctl [options] set <channel> speed <percentage>
liquidctl [options] set <channel> color <mode> [<color>] ...
liquidctl --help
liquidctl --version
Device selection options (see: list -v):
-m, --match <substring> Filter devices by description substring
-n, --pick <number> Pick among many results for a given filter
--vendor <id> Filter devices by vendor id
--product <id> Filter devices by product id
--release <number> Filter devices by release number
--serial <number> Filter devices by serial number
--bus <bus> Filter devices by bus
--address <address> Filter devices by address in bus
--usb-port <port> Filter devices by USB port in bus
-d, --device <id> Select device by listing id
Animation options (devices/modes can support zero or more):
--speed <value> Abstract animation speed (device/mode specific)
--time-per-color <value> Time to wait on each color (seconds)
--time-off <value> Time to wait with the LED turned off (seconds)
--alert-threshold <number> Threshold temperature for a visual alert (°C)
--alert-color <color> Color used by the visual high temperature alert
Other options:
-v, --verbose Output additional information
-g, --debug Show debug information on stderr
--hid <module> Override API for USB HIDs: usb, hid or hidraw
--legacy-690lc Use Asetek 690LC in legacy mode (old Krakens)
--single-12v-ocp Enable single rail +12V OCP
--version Display the version number
--help Show this message
liquidctl list --verbose
liquidctl initialize all
liquidctl --match kraken set pump speed 90
liquidctl --product 0x170e set led color fading 350017 ff2608
liquidctl status
liquidctl monitor and control liquid coolers and other devices.
Copyright (C) 20182019 Jonas Malaco
Copyright (C) 20182019 each contribution's author
liquidctl includes contributions by CaseySJ and other authors.
liquidctl incorporates work by leaty, KsenijaS, Alexander Tong, Jens
Neumaier, Kristóf Jakab, Sean Nelson, Chris Griffith, notaz, realies
and Thomas Pircher.
Depending on how it is packaged, it might also bundle copies of
python, hidapi, libusb, cython-hidapi, pyusb and docopt.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
import datetime
import inspect
import logging
import os
import sys
from docopt import docopt
from liquidctl.driver import *
from liquidctl.util import color_from_str
from liquidctl.version import __version__
# conversion from CLI arg to internal option; as options as forwarded to bused
# and drivers, they must:
# - have no default value in the CLI level (not forwarded unless explicitly set);
# - and avoid unintentional conflicts with target function arguments
'--vendor': lambda x: int(x, 0),
'--product': lambda x: int(x, 0),
'--release': lambda x: int(x, 0),
'--serial': str,
'--bus': str,
'--address': str,
'--usb-port': lambda x: tuple(map(int, x.split('.'))),
'--match': str,
'--pick': int,
'--speed': str,
'--time-per-color': int,
'--time-off': int,
'--alert-threshold': int,
'--alert-color': color_from_str,
'--hid': str,
'--legacy-690lc': bool,
'--single-12v-ocp': bool,
'--verbose': bool,
'--debug': bool,
# options that cause liquidctl.driver.find_liquidctl_devices to ommit devices
# --device generates no option
# custom number formats for values of select units
'°C' : '.1f',
'rpm' : '.0f',
'V' : '.2f',
'A' : '.2f',
'W' : '.2f'
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _list_devices(devices, using_filters=False, device_id=None, verbose=False, debug=False, **opts):
for i, dev in enumerate(devices):
warnings = []
if not using_filters:
print(f'Device ID {i}: {dev.description}')
elif device_id is not None:
print(f'Device ID {device_id}: {dev.description}')
print(f'Result #{i}: {dev.description}')
if not verbose:
print(f'├── Vendor ID: {dev.vendor_id:#06x}')
print(f'├── Product ID: {dev.product_id:#06x}')
print(f'├── Release number: {dev.release_number:#06x}')
if dev.serial_number:
print(f'├── Serial number: {dev.serial_number}')
msg = 'could not read the serial number'
if sys.platform.startswith('linux') and os.geteuid:
msg += ' (requires root privileges)'
elif sys.platform in ['win32', 'cygwin'] and 'Hid' not in type(dev.device).__name__:
msg += ' (device possibly requires a kernel driver)'
if debug:
print(f'├── Bus: {dev.bus}')
print(f'├── Address: {dev.address}')
if dev.port:
port = '.'.join(map(str, dev.port))
print(f'├── Port: {port}')
print(f'└── Driver: {type(dev).__name__} using module {dev.device.api.__name__}')
if debug:
driver_hier = [i.__name__ for i in inspect.getmro(type(dev)) if i != object]
LOGGER.debug('hierarchy: %s; %s', ', '.join(driver_hier[1:]), type(dev.device).__name__)
for msg in warnings:
assert not 'device' in opts or len(devices) <= 1, 'too many results listed with --device'
def _print_dev_status(dev, status):
if not status:
tmp = []
kcols, vcols = 0, 0
for k, v, u in status:
if isinstance(v, datetime.timedelta):
v = str(v)
u = ''
valfmt = _VALUE_FORMATS.get(u, '')
v = f'{v:{valfmt}}'
kcols = max(kcols, len(k))
vcols = max(vcols, len(v))
tmp.append((k, v, u))
for k, v, u in tmp[:-1]:
print(f'├── {k:<{kcols}} {v:>{vcols}} {u}')
k, v, u = tmp[-1]
print(f'└── {k:<{kcols}} {v:>{vcols}} {u}')
def _device_set_color(dev, args, **opts):
color = map(color_from_str, args['<color>'])
dev.set_color(args['<channel>'], args['<mode>'], color, **opts)
def _device_set_speed(dev, args, **opts):
if len(args['<temperature>']) > 0:
profile = zip(map(int, args['<temperature>']), map(int, args['<percentage>']))
dev.set_speed_profile(args['<channel>'], profile, **opts)
dev.set_fixed_speed(args['<channel>'], int(args['<percentage>'][0]), **opts)
def _make_opts(args):
opts = {}
for arg, val in args.items():
if val is not None and arg in _PARSE_ARG:
opt = arg.replace('--', '').replace('-', '_')
opts[opt] = _PARSE_ARG[arg](val)
return opts
def _gen_version():
extra = None
from liquidctl.extraversion import __extraversion__
if not __extraversion__:
raise ValueError()
if __extraversion__['editable']:
extra = ['editable']
elif __extraversion__['dist_name'] and __extraversion__['dist_package']:
extra = [__extraversion__['dist_name'], __extraversion__['dist_package']]
extra = [__extraversion__['commit'][:12]]
if __extraversion__['dirty']:
extra[0] += '-dirty'
return 'liquidctl v{}'.format(__version__)
return 'liquidctl v{} ({})'.format(__version__, '; '.join(extra))
def main():
args = docopt(__doc__)
if args['--version']:
if args['--debug']:
args['--verbose'] = True
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='[%(levelname)s] %(name)s: %(message)s')
LOGGER.debug('running %s', _gen_version())
elif args['--verbose']:
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s')
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s')
sys.tracebacklimit = 0
opts = _make_opts(args)
filter_count = sum(1 for opt in opts if opt in _FILTER_OPTIONS)
device_id = None
if not args['--device']:
selected = list(find_liquidctl_devices(**opts))
device_id = int(args['--device'])
no_filters = {opt: val for opt, val in opts.items() if opt not in _FILTER_OPTIONS}
compat = list(find_liquidctl_devices(**no_filters))
if device_id < 0 or device_id >= len(compat):
raise IndexError('Device ID out of bounds')
if filter_count:
# check that --device matches other filter criteria
matched_devs = [dev.device for dev in find_liquidctl_devices(**opts)]
if compat[device_id].device not in matched_devs:
raise IndexError('Device ID does not match remaining selection criteria')
LOGGER.warning('mixing --device <id> with other filters is not recommended; '
'to disambiguate between results prefer --pick <result>')
selected = [compat[device_id]]
if args['list']:
_list_devices(selected, using_filters=bool(filter_count), device_id=device_id, **opts)
if len(selected) > 1 and not (args['status'] or args['all']):
raise SystemExit('Too many devices, filter or select one (see: liquidctl --help)')
elif len(selected) == 0:
raise SystemExit('No devices matches available drivers and selection criteria')
for dev in selected:
LOGGER.debug('device: %s', dev.description)
if args['initialize']:
_print_dev_status(dev, dev.initialize(**opts))
elif args['status']:
_print_dev_status(dev, dev.get_status(**opts))
elif args['set'] and args['speed']:
_device_set_speed(dev, args, **opts)
elif args['set'] and args['color']:
_device_set_color(dev, args, **opts)
raise Exception('Not sure what to do')
LOGGER.exception('Unexpected error with %s', dev.description)
def find_all_supported_devices(**opts):
LOGGER.warning('deprecated: use liquidctl.driver.find_liquidctl_devices instead')
return find_liquidctl_devices(**opts)
if __name__ == '__main__':