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{"api":"# api\n\n\n> The tiny framework for building web interfaces.\n\n- **Do more with less**—We have minimized the concepts you need to learn to be productive. Views, actions, effects, and subscriptions are all pretty easy to get to grips with and work together seamlessly.\n- **Write what, not how**—With a declarative syntax that's easy to read and natural to write, Hyperapp is your tool of choice to develop purely functional, feature-rich, browser-based applications.\n- **Hypercharged**—Hyperapp is a modern VDOM engine, state management solution, and application design pattern all-in-one. Once you learn to use it, there'll be no end to what you can do.\n\nTo learn more, go to <https://hyperapp.dev> for documentation, guides, and examples.\n\n## Quickstart\n\nInstall Hyperapp with npm or Yarn:\n\n```console\nnpm i hyperapp\n```\n\nThen with a module bundler like [Parcel](https://parceljs.org) or [Webpack](https://webpack.js.org) import it in your application and get right down to business.\n\n```js\nimport { h, app } from \"hyperapp\"\n```\n\nDon't want to set up a build step? Import Hyperapp in a `<script>` tag as a module. Don't worry; modules are supported in all evergreen, self-updating desktop, and mobile browsers.\n\n```html\n<script type=\"module\">\n import { h, app } from \"https://unpkg.com/hyperapp\"\n</script>\n```\n\nHere's the first example to get you started: a counter that can go up or down. You can try it online [here](https://codesandbox.io/s/hyperapp-playground-fwjlo).\n\n```html\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang=\"en\">\n <head>\n <script type=\"module\">\n import { h, app } from \"https://unpkg.com/hyperapp\"\n\n app({\n init: 0,\n view: state =>\n h(\"main\", {}, [\n h(\"h1\", {}, state),\n h(\"button\", { onClick: state => state - 1 }, \"-\"),\n h(\"button\", { onClick: state => state + 1 }, \"+\")\n ]),\n node: document.getElementById(\"app\")\n })\n </script>\n </head>\n <body>\n <main id=\"app\"></main>\n </body>\n</html>\n```\n\nThe app starts off with `init` as the initial state. Our code doesn't explicitly maintain any state. Instead, we define actions to transform it and a view to visualize it. The view returns a plain object representation of the DOM known as a virtual DOM, and Hyperapp updates the real DOM to match it whenever the state changes.\n\nNow it's your turn! Experiment with the code a bit. Spend some time thinking about how the view reacts to changes in the state. Can you add a button that resets the counter back to zero? Or how about multiple counters?\n\n## Help, I'm stuck!\n\nWe love to talk JavaScript and Hyperapp. If you've hit a stumbling block, hop on the [Hyperapp Slack](https://hyperappjs.herokuapp.com) or drop by [Spectrum](https://spectrum.chat/hyperapp) to get support, and if you don't receive an answer, or if you remain stuck, please file an issue, and we'll try to help you out.\n\nIs anything wrong, unclear, missing? Help us [improve this page](https://github.com/jorgebucaran/hyperapp/fork).\n\n## Stay in the loop\n\n- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/hyperappjs)\n- [Awesome](https://github.com/jorgebucaran/awesome-hyperapp)\n- [/r/hyperapp](https://www.reddit.com/r/hyperapp)\n\n## License\n","ecosystem":"# ecosystem\n\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In lobortis dignissim tellus, eget vestibulum leo feugiat vel. Fusce ac odio at nulla feugiat tincidunt. Cras eu metus varius, placerat ex nec, commodo felis. Morbi ac tempus ligula, eget finibus mi. Maecenas porttitor est a lacus suscipit luctus. Suspendisse ornare mattis purus eu mollis. Maecenas pellentesque sem quam, eu imperdiet ante lobortis in. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur purus lectus, sollicitudin in tempus vel, dignissim vitae nibh. In eu elit non elit dapibus dignissim eu congue diam. Nullam ut tellus et erat egestas consectetur eu ut lorem.\n","guides":"# guides\nlorem lorem\n\nPellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In id turpis et nibh commodo viverra et eu nisl. Pellentesque imperdiet dapibus aliquam. Cras vulputate viverra neque nec ultricies. Mauris consectetur vulputate eleifend. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas a auctor augue. Donec iaculis urna eget nisi maximus, vel aliquam magna volutpat. Mauris mattis ac augue non pharetra. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum ultricies, turpis ac pretium fringilla, quam ante tincidunt nisi, quis venenatis turpis odio sed libero. Nullam pulvinar tempor elit, gravida eleifend odio viverra non.\n","quickstart":"## quickstart\n\n1 Install Hyperapp with npm or Yarn:\n\n---\n```console\nnpm i hyperapp\n```\n---\n\n\n\n\n2 Then with a module bundler like [Parcel](https://parceljs.org) or [Webpack](https://webpack.js.org) import it in your application and get right down to business.\n\n---\n```js\nimport { h, app } from \"hyperapp\"\n```\n---\n\n\n\n\n3 Don't want to set up a build step? Import Hyperapp in a `<script>` tag as a module. Don't worry; modules are supported in all evergreen, self-updating desktop, and mobile browsers.\n\n---\n```html\n<script type=\"module\">\n import { h, app } from \"https://unpkg.com/hyperapp\"\n</script>\n```\n---\n\n\n\n\nHere's the first example to get you started: a counter that can go up or down. You can try it online [here](https://codesandbox.io/s/hyperapp-playground-fwjlo).\n\n---","sponsor":"# sponsor\nlorem lorem lorem\n\nIn urna ex, finibus sit amet laoreet id, pharetra placerat lorem. Suspendisse laoreet pulvinar nunc, sed tristique ex venenatis tristique. Quisque non vulputate enim, vitae facilisis sapien. Nunc sagittis vel mi et tristique. In ornare leo et lectus ornare, vel pretium odio vulputate. Nam rhoncus quam vel neque rhoncus rutrum. Quisque posuere, purus sit amet ornare blandit, massa ligula sagittis magna, ut interdum purus neque et nisl. Integer eros sapien, faucibus at est vel, rhoncus gravida arcu. In volutpat sapien neque, vel malesuada sapien aliquam at.\n","tutorial":"# tutorial\n\n===================================\n\nWelcome! If you're new to Hyperapp, you've found the perfect place to start learning.\n\nThe Set-up\n-----------------------------------\n\nTogether we'll build a simple newsreader-like application. As we do, we'll work\nour way through the five core concepts: view, state, actions, effects and subscriptions.\n\nTo move things along, let's imagine we've already made a static version of the\napp we want to build, with this HTML:\n\n\n```html\n<div id=\"app\" class=\"container\">\n <div class=\"filter\">\n Filter:\n <span class=\"filter-word\">ocean</span>\n <button>&#9998;</button>\n </div>\n <div class=\"stories\">\n <ul>\n <li class=\"unread\">\n <p class=\"title\">The <em>Ocean </em>is Sinking</p>\n <p class=\"author\">Kat Stropher</p>\n </li>\n <li class=\"reading\">\n <p class=\"title\"><em>Ocean </em>life is brutal</p>\n <p class=\"author\">Surphy McBrah</p>\n </li>\n <li>\n <p class=\"title\">\n Family friendly fun at the\n <em>ocean </em>exhibit\n </p>\n <p class=\"author\">Guy Prosales</p>\n </li>\n </ul>\n </div>\n <div class=\"story\">\n <h1>Ocean life is brutal</h1>\n <p>\n Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do\n eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim\n ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut\n aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.\n </p>\n <p class=\"signature\">Surphy McBrah</p>\n </div>\n <div class=\"autoupdate\">\n Auto update:\n <input type=\"checkbox\" />\n </div>\n</div>\n```\n\n...and some CSS [here](https://zaceno.github.com/hatut/style.css).\n\nIt looks like this:\n\n\nWe'll start by making Hyperapp render the HTML for us. Then we will\nadd dynamic behavior to all the widgets, including text input and \ndynamically fetching stories.\n\nFirst, let's begin with the traditional \"Hello World!\"\n\nHello World\n------------------------------\n\nCreate this html file:\n\n```html\n<!doctype html>\n<html>\n <head>\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"https://zaceno.github.com/hatut/style.css\">\n <script type=\"module\">\n\n// -- IMPORTS --\n\nimport {h, app} from \"https://unpkg.com/hyperapp?module\"\n\n\n \n// -- ACTIONS --\n\n\n \n// -- VIEWS ---\n\n \n \n// -- RUN --\n\napp({\n node: document.getElementById(\"app\"),\n view: () => h(\"h1\", {}, [\n \"Hello \", \n h(\"i\", {}, \"World!\")\n ])\n})\n </script>\n </head> \n <body>\n <div id=\"app\"></div>\n </body>\n</html>\n```\n\n> The section structure outlined in the comments is not important. It's\n> just a suggestion for how to organize the code we'll be\n> adding throughout the tutorial.\n\nOpen it in a browser, and you'll be greeted with an optimistic **Hello _World!_**.\n\nView\n------------------------------------\n\nLet's step through what just happened.\n\n### Virtual Nodes\n\nHyperapp exports the `app` and `h` functions.\n`h` is for creating _virtual nodes_, which is to say: plain javascript objects\nwhich _represent_ DOM nodes.\n\nThe result of \n\n```js\nh(\"h1\", {}, [\n \"Hello \", \n h(\"i\", {}, \"World!\")\n])\n```\n\nis a virtual node, representing\n\n```html\n<h1>\n Hello \n <i>World!</i>\n</h1>\n```\n\n### Rendering to the DOM\n\n`app` is the function that runs our app. It is called with a single argument - an object\nwhich can take several properties. For now we're just concerned with `view` and `node. `\n\nHyperapp calls the `view` function which tells it the DOM structure we want, in the form\nof virtual nodes. Hyperapp proceeds to create it for us, replacing the node specified in `node`.\n\nTo render the HTML we want, change the `view` to:\n\n```js\nview: () => h(\"div\", {id: \"app\", class: \"container\"}, [\n h(\"div\", {class: \"filter\"}, [\n \" Filter: \",\n h(\"span\", {class: \"filter-word\"}, \"ocean\"),\n h(\"button\", {}, \"\\u270E\")\n ]),\n h(\"div\", {class: \"stories\"}, [\n h(\"ul\", {}, [\n h(\"li\", {class: \"unread\"}, [\n h(\"p\", {class: \"title\"}, [\n \"The \",\n h(\"em\", {}, \"Ocean\"),\n \" is Sinking!\"\n ]),\n h(\"p\", {class: \"author\"}, \"Kat Stropher\")\n ]),\n h(\"li\", {class: \"reading\"}, [\n h(\"p\", {class: \"title\"}, [\n h(\"em\", {}, \"Ocean\"),\n \" life is brutal\"\n ]),\n h(\"p\", {class: \"author\"}, \"Surphy McBrah\"),\n ]),\n h(\"li\", {}, [\n h(\"p\", {class: \"title\"}, [\n \"Family friendly fun at the \",\n h(\"em\", {}, \"ocean\"),\n \" exhibit\"\n ]),\n h(\"p\", {class: \"author\"}, \"Guy Prosales\")\n ])\n ])\n ]),\n h(\"div\", {class: \"story\"}, [\n h(\"h1\", {}, \"Ocean life is brutal\"),\n h(\"p\", {}, `\n Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing\n elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et\n dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis\n nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip\n ex ea commodo consequat.\n `),\n h(\"p\", {class: \"signature\"}, \"Surphy McBrah\")\n ]),\n h(\"div\", {class: \"autoupdate\"}, [\n \"Auto update: \",\n h(\"input\", {type: \"checkbox\"})\n ])\n]),\n```\n\nTry it out to confirm that the result matches the screenshot above.\n\n> In many frameworks it is common to write your views/templates\n> using syntax that looks like HTML. This is possible with Hyperapp as well.\n> [JSX](https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx) \n> can compile a HTML-like syntax into `h` calls at build-time. If you'd rather\n> not use a build system, [htm](https://github.com/developit/htm) does the same at run-time.\n>\n> In this tutorial we'll stick with `h` to keep it simple and close to the metal.\n\n### Composing the view with reusable functions\n\nThe great thing about using plain functions to build up our virtual DOM\nis that we can break out repetitive or complicated parts into their own functions.\n\nAdd this function (in the \"VIEWS\" section):\n\n```js\nconst emphasize = (word, string) =>\n string.split(\" \").map(x => {\n if (x.toLowerCase() === word.toLowerCase()) {\n return h(\"em\", {}, x + \" \")\n } else {\n return x + \" \"\n }\n }) \n```\n\nIt lets you change this: \n\n```js\n ...\n h(\"p\", {class: \"title\"}, [\n \"The \",\n h(\"em\", {}, \"Ocean\"),\n \" is Sinking!\"\n ]),\n ...\n```\n\ninto this:\n\n```js\n ...\n h(\"p\", {class: \"title\"}, emphasize(\"ocean\",\n \"The Ocean is Sinking\"\n ))\n ...\n```\n\nStory thumbnails are repeated several times, so encapsulate\nthem in their own function:\n\n```js\nconst StoryThumbnail = props => h(\n \"li\",\n {class: {\n unread: props.unread,\n reading: props.reading,\n }},\n [\n h(\"p\", {class: \"title\"}, emphasize(props.filter, props.title)),\n h(\"p\", {class: \"author\"}, props.author)\n ]\n)\n```\n\n> The last example demonstrates a helpful feature of the `class` property. When\n> you set it to an object rather than a string, each key with a truthy value\n> will become a class in the class list.\n\nContinue by creating functions for each section of the view:\n\n```js\n\nconst StoryList = props => h(\"div\", {class: \"stories\"}, [\n h(\"ul\", {}, Object.keys(props.stories).map(id =>\n StoryThumbnail({\n id,\n title: props.stories[id].title,\n author: props.stories[id].author,\n unread: !props.stories[id].seen,\n reading: props.reading === id,\n filter: props.filter,\n })\n ))\n])\n\nconst Filter = props => h(\"div\", {class: \"filter\"}, [\n \"Filter:\",\n h(\"span\", {class: \"filter-word\"}, props.filter),\n h(\"button\", {}, \"\\u270E\")\n])\n\nconst StoryDetail = props => h(\"div\", {class: \"story\"}, [\n props && h(\"h1\", {}, props.title),\n props && h(\"p\", {}, `\n Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing\n elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et\n dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, qui\n nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip\n ex ea commodo consequat.\n `),\n props && h(\"p\", {class: \"signature\"}, props.author)\n])\n\nconst AutoUpdate = props => h(\"div\", {class: \"autoupdate\"}, [\n \"Auto update: \",\n h(\"input\", {type: \"checkbox\"})\n])\n\nconst Container = content => h(\"div\", {class: \"container\"}, content)\n\n```\n\n\nWith those the view can be written as:\n\n```js\nview: () => Container([\n Filter({\n filter: \"ocean\"\n }),\n StoryList({\n stories: {\n \"112\": {\n title: \"The Ocean is Sinking\",\n author: \"Kat Stropher\",\n seen: false,\n },\n \"113\": {\n title: \"Ocean life is brutal\",\n author: \"Surphy McBrah\",\n seen: true,\n },\n \"114\": {\n title: \"Family friendly fun at the ocean exhibit\",\n author: \"Guy Prosales\",\n seen: true,\n }\n },\n reading: \"113\",\n filter: \"ocean\"\n }),\n StoryDetail({\n title: \"Ocean life is brutal\",\n author: \"Surphy McBrah\",\n }),\n AutoUpdate(),\n])\n```\n\nWhat you see on the page should be exactly the same as before, because we haven't\nchanged what `view` returns. Using basic functional composition, we were able to make\nthe code a bit more manageable, and that's the only difference.\n\nState\n-------------------------------\n\nWith all that view logic broken out in separate functions, `view` is starting to look like\nplain _data_. The next step is to fully separate data from the view.\n\nAdd an `init` property to your app, with this pure data:\n\n```js\n init: {\n filter: \"ocean\",\n reading: \"113\",\n stories: {\n \"112\": {\n title: \"The Ocean is Sinking\",\n author: \"Kat Stropher\",\n seen: false,\n },\n \"113\": {\n title: \"Ocean life is brutal\",\n author: \"Surphy McBrah\",\n seen: true,\n },\n \"114\": {\n title: \"Family friendly fun at the ocean exhibit\",\n author: \"Guy Prosales\",\n seen: true,\n }\n }\n },\n```\n\nThe value of `init` becomes the app's _state_. Hyperapp calls `view` with the state\nas an argument, so it can be reduced to:\n\n```js\n view: state => Container([\n Filter(state),\n StoryList(state),\n StoryDetail(state.reading && state.stories[state.reading]),\n AutoUpdate(state),\n ]),\n```\n\nVisually, everything is _still_ the same. If you'd like to see a working example of the code so far, have a look [here](https://codesandbox.io/s/hyperapp-tutorial-step-1-gq662)\n\nActions\n---------------------\n\nNow that we know all about rendering views, it's finally time for some _action_!\n\n### Reacting to events in the DOM\n\nThe first bit of dynamic behavior we will add is so that when you click\nthe pencil-button, a text input with the filter word appears.\n\nAdd an `onClick` property to the button in the filter view:\n\n```js\nconst Filter = props => h(\"div\", {class: \"filter\"}, [\n \"Filter:\",\n h(\"span\", {class: \"filter-word\"}, props.filter),\n h(\"button\", { onClick: StartEditingFilter }, \"\\u270E\") // <---\n])\n```\n\nThis makes Hyperapp bind a click-event handler on the button element, so\nthat when the button is clicked, an action named `StartEditingFilter` is\n_dispatched_. Create the action in the \"ACTIONS\" section:\n\n```js\nconst StartEditingFilter = state => ({...state, editingFilter: true})\n```\n\nActions are just functions describing transformations of the state.\nThis action keeps everything in the state the same except for `editingFilter`\nwhich it sets to `true`.\n\nWhen Hyperapp dispatches an action, it replaces the old state with the new\none calculated using the action. Then the DOM is modified to match what the\nview returns for this new state.\n\nWhen `editingFilter` is true, we want to have a text input instead of a \nspan with the filter word. We can express this in the `Filter` view using a\nternary operator (`a ? b : c`).\n\n```js\nconst Filter = props => h(\"div\", {class: \"filter\"}, [\n \"Filter:\",\n \n props.editingFilter // <---\n ? h(\"input\", {type: \"text\", value: props.filter}) // <---\n : h(\"span\", {class: \"filter-word\"}, props.filter),\n \n h(\"button\", { onClick: StartEditingFilter }, \"\\u270E\")\n])\n```\n\nNow, when you click the pencil button the text input appears. But we still need to add\na way to go back. We need an action to `StopEditingFilter`, and a button to dispatch it.\n\nAdd the action:\n\n```js\nconst StopEditingFilter = state => ({...state, editingFilter: false})\n```\n\nand update the `Filter` view again:\n\n```js\nconst Filter = props => h(\"div\", {class: \"filter\"}, [\n \"Filter:\",\n \n props.editingFilter\n ? h(\"input\", {type: \"text\", value: props.filter})\n : h(\"span\", {class: \"filter-word\"}, props.filter),\n\n props.editingFilter // <---\n ? h(\"button\", {onClick: StopEditingFilter}, \"\\u2713\") \n : h(\"button\", {onClick: StartEditingFilter}, \"\\u270E\"), // <---\n])\n```\n\nWhen you click the pencil button, it is replaced with a check-mark button that can take you back to the first state.\n\n\n\n\n### Capturing event-data in actions\n\nThe next step is to use the input for editing the filter word. Whatever we\ntype in the box should be emphasized in the story-list.\n\nUpdate the `Filter` view yet again:\n\n```js\nconst Filter = props => h(\"div\", {class: \"filter\"}, [\n \"Filter:\",\n \n props.editingFilter\n ? h(\"input\", {\n type: \"text\",\n value: props.filter,\n onInput: SetFilter, // <----\n })\n : h(\"span\", {class: \"filter-word\"}, props.filter),\n\n props.editingFilter\n ? h(\"button\", {onClick: StopEditingFilter}, \"\\u2713\") \n : h(\"button\", {onClick: StartEditingFilter}, \"\\u270E\"), \n])\n```\n\nThis will dispatch the `SetFilter` action everytime someone types in the input. Implement the action like this:\n\n```js\nconst SetFilter = (state, event) => ({...state, filter: event.target.value})\n```\n\nThe second argument to an action is known as the _payload_. Actions\ndispatched in response to an events on DOM elements receive the [event object](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event) for a payload. `event.target` refers to the input element in the DOM, and\n`event.target.value` refers to the current value entered into it.\n\nNow see what happens when you erase \"ocean\" and type \"friendly\" instead:\n\n\n\n\n### Actions with custom payloads\n\nNext up: selecting stories by clicking them in the list.\n\nThe following action sets the `reading` property in the state to a story-id, which amounts to \"selecting\" the story:\n\n```js\nconst SelectStory = (state, id) => ({...state, reading: id})\n```\n\nIt has a payload, but it's not an event object. It's a custom value telling us which\nstory was clicked. How are actions dispatched with custom payloads?  Like this:\n\n```js\n\nconst StoryThumbnail = props => h(\n \"li\",\n { \n onClick: [SelectStory, props.id], // <----\n class: {\n unread: props.unread,\n reading: props.reading,\n }\n },\n [\n h(\"p\", {class: \"title\"}, emphasize(props.filter, props.title)),\n h(\"p\", {class: \"author\"}, props.author)\n ]\n)\n```\n\nInstead of just specifying the action, we give a length-2 array with the action first and the custom payload second.\n\nSelecting stories works now, but the feature is not quite done. When a story is selected,\nwe need to set its `seen` property to `true`, so we can highlight which stories the user has yet to read. Update the `SelectStory` action:\n\n```js\nconst SelectStory = (state, id) => ({\n ...state, // keep all state the same, except for the following:\n reading: id,\n stories: {\n ...state.stories, //keep stories the same, except for:\n [id]: {\n ...state.stories[id], //keep this story the same, except for:\n seen: true,\n }\n }\n})\n```\n\nNow, when you select a blue-edged story it turns yellow because it is selected, and when you select something else,\nthe edge turns gray to indicate you've read the story.\n\n\n\n\n### Payload filters\n\nThere's one little thing we should fix about `SetFilter`. See how it's dependent on the complex `event` object? \nIt would be easier to test and reuse if it were simply:\n\n```js\nconst SetFilter = (state, word) => ({...state, filter: word})\n```\n\nBut we don't know the word beforehand, so how can we set it as a custom payload? Change the `Filter` view \nagain (last time - I promise!):\n\n```js\nconst Filter = props => h(\"div\", {class: \"filter\"}, [\n \"Filter:\",\n \n props.editingFilter\n ? h(\"input\", {\n type: \"text\",\n value: props.filter,\n onInput: [SetFilter, event => event.target.value], // <----\n })\n : h(\"span\", {class: \"filter-word\"}, props.filter),\n\n props.editingFilter\n ? h(\"button\", {onClick: StopEditingFilter}, \"\\u2713\") \n : h(\"button\", {onClick: StartEditingFilter}, \"\\u270E\"), \n])\n```\n\nWhen we give a _function_ as the custom payload, Hyperapp considers it a _payload filter_ and passes the default\npayload through it, providing the returned value as payload to the action.\n\n> Payload filters are also useful when you need a payload that is a combination of custom data and event data\n\nIf you'd like to see a working example of the code so far, have a look [here](https://codesandbox.io/s/hyperapp-tutorial-step-2-5yv34)\n\nEffects\n----------------------------\n\nUntil now, the list of stories has been defined in the state and doesn't change. What we really want is\nfor stories matching the filter to be dynamically loaded. When we click the check-mark button\n(indicating we are done editing the filter), we want to query an API and display the stories it responds with.\n\n### Actions can return effects\n\nAdd this import (to the \"IMPORTS\" section):\n\n```js\nimport {Http} from \"https:/unpkg.com/hyperapp-fx@next?module\"\n```\n\nUse the imported `Http` in the `StopEditingFilter` action like this:\n\n```js \nconst StopEditingFilter = state => [\n {\n ...state,\n editingFilter: false,\n },\n Http({ // <---\n url: `https://zaceno.github.io/hatut/data/${state.filter.toLowerCase()}.json`, // <---\n response: \"json\", // <---\n action: GotStories, // <---\n }) \n]\n```\n\nThe call to `Http(...)` does _not_ immediately execute the API request. `Http` is an _effect creator_. It returns\nan _effect_ bound to the options we provided. \n\nWhen Hyperapp sees an action return an array, it takes the first element of the array to be the new state, and the rest to\nbe _effects_. Effects are executed by Hyperapp as part of processing the action's return value.\n\n> Hyperapp provides effect creators for many common situations. If you've got an unusual case or are working\n> with less common APIs you may need to implement your own effects. Don't worry - it's easy! See the \n> [API reference]() for more information.\n\n### Effects can dispatch actions\n\nOne of the options we passed to `Http` was `action: GotStories`. The way this effect works is that when the response comes\nback from the api, an action named `GotStories` (yet to be implemented) will be dispatched, with the response body as the payload.\n\nThe response body is in json, but the payload will be a javascript object, thanks to the parsing hint `response: \"json\"`. It will look like this (although the details depend on your filter of course):\n\n```js\n{\n \"112\": {\n title: \"The Ocean is Sinking\",\n author: \"Kat Stropher\",\n },\n \"113\": {\n title: \"Ocean life is brutal\",\n author: \"Surphy McBrah\",\n },\n \"114\": {\n title: \"Family friendly fun at the ocean exhibit\",\n author: \"Guy Prosales\",\n }\n}\n```\n\nThe job of `GotStories` is to load this data into the state, in place of the stories we already have there. As it\ndoes, it should take care to remember which story was selected, and which stories we have seen, if they were already\nin the previous state. This will be our most complex action yet, and it could look like this:\n\n```js\nconst GotStories = (state, response) => {\n const stories = {}\n Object.keys(response).forEach(id => {\n stories[id] = {...response[id], seen: false}\n if (state.stories[id] && state.stories[id].seen) {\n stories[id].seen = true\n }\n })\n const reading = stories[state.reading] ? state.reading :  null\n return {\n ...state,\n stories,\n reading,\n }\n}\n```\n\nTry it out! Enter \"life\" in the filter input. When you click the check-mark button some new\nstories are loaded all with blue edges except for \"Ocean life is brutal\" because it is\nstill selected.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n### Running effects on initialization\n\nThe next obvious step is to load the _initial_ stories from the API as well. Change init to this:\n\n\n```js\n init: [\n {\n editingFilter: false,\n autoUpdate: false,\n filter: \"ocean\",\n reading: null,\n stories: {}, // <---\n },\n Http({ // <---\n url: `https://zaceno.github.io/hatut/data/ocean.json`, // <---\n response: 'json', // <---\n action: GotStories, // <---\n })\n ],\n```\n\nHyperapp treats the init-value the same way as it treats return values from actions. By adding the `Http` effect\nin `init`, the app will fire the API request immediately, so we don't need the stories in the state from the start.\n\n\n\n\n### Tracking state for asynchronous effects\n\nIf we could display a spinner while we wait for stories to load, it would make for a smoother user experience. To\ndo that, we will need a new state property to tell us if we're waiting for a repsonse - and\nconsequently wether or not to render the spinner.\n\nCreate this action: \n\n```js\nconst FetchStories = state => [\n {...state, fetching: true},\n Http({\n url: `https://zaceno.github.io/hatut/data/${state.filter.toLowerCase()}.json`,\n response: 'json',\n action: GotStories,\n })\n]\n```\n\nInstead of dispatching this action, we will use it to simplify `StopEditingFilter`:\n\n```js \nconst StopEditingFilter = state => FetchStories({...state, editingFilter: false})\n```\n\n... and `init` as well:\n\n```js\n init: FetchStories({\n editingFilter: false,\n autoUpdate: false,\n filter: \"ocean\",\n reading: null,\n stories: {},\n }),\n```\n\nNow, when `StopEditingFilter` is dispatched, _and_ at initialization, the API call goes out and the\n`fetching` prop is set to `true`. Also, notice how we refactored out the repetitive use of `Http`.\n\nWe also need to set `fetching: false` in `GotStories`:\n\n```js\nconst GotStories = (state, response) => {\n const stories = {}\n Object.keys(response).forEach(id => {\n stories[id] = {...response[id], seen: false}\n if (state.stories[id] && state.stories[id].seen) {\n stories[id].seen = true\n }\n })\n const reading = stories[state.reading] ? state.reading :  null\n return {\n ...state,\n stories,\n reading,\n fetching: false, // <---\n }\n}\n```\n\nWith this, we know that when `fetching` is `true` we are waiting for a response, and should display\nthe spinner in the `StoryList` view:\n\n```js\nconst StoryList = props => h(\"div\", {class: \"stories\"}, [\n\n props.fetching && h(\"div\", {class: \"loadscreen\"}, [ // <---\n h(\"div\", {class: \"spinner\"}) // <---\n ]), // <---\n \n h(\"ul\", {}, Object.keys(props.stories).map(id => \n StoryThumbnail({\n id, \n title: props.stories[id].title,\n author: props.stories[id].author,\n unread: !props.stories[id].seen,\n reading: props.reading === id,\n filter: props.filter\n })\n ))\n])\n```\n\nWhen the app loads, and when you change the filter, you should see the spinner appear until the stories are loaded.\n\n\n\n> If you aren't seeing the spinner, it might just be happening too fast. Try choking your network speed. In the Chrome\n> browser you can set your network speed to \"slow 3g\" under the network tab in the developer tools.\n\nIf you'd like to see a working example of the code so far, have a look [here](https://codesandbox.io/s/hyperapp-tutorial-step-3-2mmug)\n\nSubscriptions\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe last feature we'll add is to make our app periodically check for new stories matching the filter. There won't actually\nbe any because it's not a real service, but you'll know it's happening when you see the spinner pop up every five\nseconds. \n\nHowever, we want to make it opt-in. That's what the auto update checkbox at the bottom is for. We need a\nproperty in the state to track wether the box is checked or not. \n\nChange the `AutoUpdate` view:\n\n```js\nconst AutoUpdate = props => h(\"div\", {class: \"autoupdate\"}, [\n \"Auto update: \",\n h(\"input\", {\n type: \"checkbox\",\n checked: props.autoUpdate, // <---\n onInput: ToggleAutoUpdate, // <---\n })\n])\n```\n\nand implement the `ToggleAutoUpdate` action:\n\n```js\nconst ToggleAutoUpdate = state => ({...state, autoUpdate: !state.autoUpdate})\n```\n\nNow we've got `autoUpdate` in the state tracking the checkbox. All we need now, is to set up `FetchStories`\nto be dispatched every five seconds when `autoUpdate` is `true`.\n\nImport the `interval` _subscription creator_:\n\n```js\nimport {interval} from \"https://unpkg.com/@hyperapp/time?module\"\n```\n\nAdd a `subscriptions` property to your app, with a conditional declaration of `interval` like this:\n\n```js\n subscriptions: state => [\n state.autoUpdate && interval(FetchStories, {delay: 5000})\n ]\n```\n\nHyperapp will call `subscriptions` every time the state changes. If it notices a\nnew subscription, it will be started, or if one has been removed it will be stopped.\n\nThe options we passed to the `interval` subscription state that `FetchStories` should be dispatched every five seconds. It\nwill start when we check the auto update box, and stop when it is unchecked.\n\n\n\n> As with effects, Hyperapp offers subscriptions for the most common cases, but you\n> may need to implement your own. Refer to the [API reference](). Again, \n> it is no big deal - just not in scope for this tutorial.\n\nIf you'd like to see a working example of the final code, have a look [here](https://codesandbox.io/s/hyperapp-tutorial-step-4-8u9q8)\n\nConclusion\n------------------\n\nCongratulations on completing this Hyperapp tutorial!\n\nAlong the way you've familiarized yourself with\nthe core concepts: _view_, _state_, _actions_, _effects_ & _subscriptions_. And that's really all you need to\nbuild any web application.\n\n\n"}