
78 lines
2.1 KiB

package main
import (
func main() {
// Create new instance of client
client := tdlib.NewClient(tdlib.Config{
APIID: "187786",
APIHash: "e782045df67ba48e441ccb105da8fc85",
SystemLanguageCode: "en",
DeviceModel: "Server",
SystemVersion: "1.0.0",
ApplicationVersion: "1.0.0",
UseMessageDatabase: true,
UseFileDatabase: true,
UseChatInfoDatabase: true,
UseTestDataCenter: false,
DatabaseDirectory: "./tdlib-db",
FileDirectory: "./tdlib-files",
IgnoreFileNames: false,
// You can set user-name and password to empty of don't need it
// Socks5
client.AddProxy("", 1234, true, tdlib.NewProxyTypeSocks5("user-name", "password"))
// HTTP - HTTPS proxy
client.AddProxy("", 1234, true, tdlib.NewProxyTypeHttp("user-name", "password", false))
// MtProto Proxy
client.AddProxy("", 1234, true, tdlib.NewProxyTypeMtproto("MTPROTO-SECRET"))
// Handle Ctrl+C
ch := make(chan os.Signal, 2)
signal.Notify(ch, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
// Wait while we get AuthorizationReady!
// Note: See authorization example for complete auhtorization sequence example
currentState, _ := client.Authorize()
for ; currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() != tdlib.AuthorizationStateReadyType; currentState, _ = client.Authorize() {
time.Sleep(300 * time.Millisecond)
// Send "/start" text every 5 seconds to Forsquare bot chat
go func() {
// Should get chatID somehow, check out "getChats" example
chatID := int64(198529620) // Foursquare bot chat id
inputMsgTxt := tdlib.NewInputMessageText(tdlib.NewFormattedText("/start", nil), true, true)
client.SendMessage(chatID, 0, false, true, nil, inputMsgTxt)
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
// rawUpdates gets all updates comming from tdlib
rawUpdates := client.GetRawUpdatesChannel(100)
for update := range rawUpdates {
// Show all updates