Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/Arman92/go-tdlib.git synced 2024-09-13 03:10:38 +02:00
2021-02-24 03:49:36 +08:00

36532 lines
1.4 MiB
Executable file

package tdlib
import (
type tdCommon struct {
Type string `json:"@type"`
Extra string `json:"@extra"`
// JSONInt64 alias for int64, in order to deal with json big number problem
type JSONInt64 int64
// MarshalJSON marshals to json
func (jsonInt *JSONInt64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
intStr := strconv.FormatInt(int64(*jsonInt), 10)
return []byte(intStr), nil
// UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json
func (jsonInt *JSONInt64) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
intStr := string(b)
intStr = strings.Replace(intStr, "\"", "", 2)
jsonBigInt, err := strconv.ParseInt(intStr, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
*jsonInt = JSONInt64(jsonBigInt)
return nil
// TdMessage is the interface for all messages send and received to/from tdlib
type TdMessage interface {
MessageType() string
// AuthenticationCodeTypeEnum Alias for abstract AuthenticationCodeType 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type AuthenticationCodeTypeEnum string
// AuthenticationCodeType enums
const (
AuthenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessageType AuthenticationCodeTypeEnum = "authenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage"
AuthenticationCodeTypeSmsType AuthenticationCodeTypeEnum = "authenticationCodeTypeSms"
AuthenticationCodeTypeCallType AuthenticationCodeTypeEnum = "authenticationCodeTypeCall"
AuthenticationCodeTypeFlashCallType AuthenticationCodeTypeEnum = "authenticationCodeTypeFlashCall"
// AuthorizationStateEnum Alias for abstract AuthorizationState 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type AuthorizationStateEnum string
// AuthorizationState enums
const (
AuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParametersType AuthorizationStateEnum = "authorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters"
AuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKeyType AuthorizationStateEnum = "authorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey"
AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumberType AuthorizationStateEnum = "authorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber"
AuthorizationStateWaitCodeType AuthorizationStateEnum = "authorizationStateWaitCode"
AuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmationType AuthorizationStateEnum = "authorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation"
AuthorizationStateWaitRegistrationType AuthorizationStateEnum = "authorizationStateWaitRegistration"
AuthorizationStateWaitPasswordType AuthorizationStateEnum = "authorizationStateWaitPassword"
AuthorizationStateReadyType AuthorizationStateEnum = "authorizationStateReady"
AuthorizationStateLoggingOutType AuthorizationStateEnum = "authorizationStateLoggingOut"
AuthorizationStateClosingType AuthorizationStateEnum = "authorizationStateClosing"
AuthorizationStateClosedType AuthorizationStateEnum = "authorizationStateClosed"
// InputFileEnum Alias for abstract InputFile 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type InputFileEnum string
// InputFile enums
const (
InputFileIDType InputFileEnum = "inputFileID"
InputFileRemoteType InputFileEnum = "inputFileRemote"
InputFileLocalType InputFileEnum = "inputFileLocal"
InputFileGeneratedType InputFileEnum = "inputFileGenerated"
// ThumbnailFormatEnum Alias for abstract ThumbnailFormat 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type ThumbnailFormatEnum string
// ThumbnailFormat enums
const (
ThumbnailFormatJpegType ThumbnailFormatEnum = "thumbnailFormatJpeg"
ThumbnailFormatPngType ThumbnailFormatEnum = "thumbnailFormatPng"
ThumbnailFormatWebpType ThumbnailFormatEnum = "thumbnailFormatWebp"
ThumbnailFormatGifType ThumbnailFormatEnum = "thumbnailFormatGif"
ThumbnailFormatTgsType ThumbnailFormatEnum = "thumbnailFormatTgs"
ThumbnailFormatMpeg4Type ThumbnailFormatEnum = "thumbnailFormatMpeg4"
// MaskPointEnum Alias for abstract MaskPoint 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type MaskPointEnum string
// MaskPoint enums
const (
MaskPointForeheadType MaskPointEnum = "maskPointForehead"
MaskPointEyesType MaskPointEnum = "maskPointEyes"
MaskPointMouthType MaskPointEnum = "maskPointMouth"
MaskPointChinType MaskPointEnum = "maskPointChin"
// PollTypeEnum Alias for abstract PollType 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type PollTypeEnum string
// PollType enums
const (
PollTypeRegularType PollTypeEnum = "pollTypeRegular"
PollTypeQuizType PollTypeEnum = "pollTypeQuiz"
// UserTypeEnum Alias for abstract UserType 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type UserTypeEnum string
// UserType enums
const (
UserTypeRegularType UserTypeEnum = "userTypeRegular"
UserTypeDeletedType UserTypeEnum = "userTypeDeleted"
UserTypeBotType UserTypeEnum = "userTypeBot"
UserTypeUnknownType UserTypeEnum = "userTypeUnknown"
// InputChatPhotoEnum Alias for abstract InputChatPhoto 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type InputChatPhotoEnum string
// InputChatPhoto enums
const (
InputChatPhotoPreviousType InputChatPhotoEnum = "inputChatPhotoPrevious"
InputChatPhotoStaticType InputChatPhotoEnum = "inputChatPhotoStatic"
InputChatPhotoAnimationType InputChatPhotoEnum = "inputChatPhotoAnimation"
// ChatMemberStatusEnum Alias for abstract ChatMemberStatus 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type ChatMemberStatusEnum string
// ChatMemberStatus enums
const (
ChatMemberStatusCreatorType ChatMemberStatusEnum = "chatMemberStatusCreator"
ChatMemberStatusAdministratorType ChatMemberStatusEnum = "chatMemberStatusAdministrator"
ChatMemberStatusMemberType ChatMemberStatusEnum = "chatMemberStatusMember"
ChatMemberStatusRestrictedType ChatMemberStatusEnum = "chatMemberStatusRestricted"
ChatMemberStatusLeftType ChatMemberStatusEnum = "chatMemberStatusLeft"
ChatMemberStatusBannedType ChatMemberStatusEnum = "chatMemberStatusBanned"
// ChatMembersFilterEnum Alias for abstract ChatMembersFilter 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type ChatMembersFilterEnum string
// ChatMembersFilter enums
const (
ChatMembersFilterContactsType ChatMembersFilterEnum = "chatMembersFilterContacts"
ChatMembersFilterAdministratorsType ChatMembersFilterEnum = "chatMembersFilterAdministrators"
ChatMembersFilterMembersType ChatMembersFilterEnum = "chatMembersFilterMembers"
ChatMembersFilterMentionType ChatMembersFilterEnum = "chatMembersFilterMention"
ChatMembersFilterRestrictedType ChatMembersFilterEnum = "chatMembersFilterRestricted"
ChatMembersFilterBannedType ChatMembersFilterEnum = "chatMembersFilterBanned"
ChatMembersFilterBotsType ChatMembersFilterEnum = "chatMembersFilterBots"
// SupergroupMembersFilterEnum Alias for abstract SupergroupMembersFilter 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type SupergroupMembersFilterEnum string
// SupergroupMembersFilter enums
const (
SupergroupMembersFilterRecentType SupergroupMembersFilterEnum = "supergroupMembersFilterRecent"
SupergroupMembersFilterContactsType SupergroupMembersFilterEnum = "supergroupMembersFilterContacts"
SupergroupMembersFilterAdministratorsType SupergroupMembersFilterEnum = "supergroupMembersFilterAdministrators"
SupergroupMembersFilterSearchType SupergroupMembersFilterEnum = "supergroupMembersFilterSearch"
SupergroupMembersFilterRestrictedType SupergroupMembersFilterEnum = "supergroupMembersFilterRestricted"
SupergroupMembersFilterBannedType SupergroupMembersFilterEnum = "supergroupMembersFilterBanned"
SupergroupMembersFilterMentionType SupergroupMembersFilterEnum = "supergroupMembersFilterMention"
SupergroupMembersFilterBotsType SupergroupMembersFilterEnum = "supergroupMembersFilterBots"
// SecretChatStateEnum Alias for abstract SecretChatState 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type SecretChatStateEnum string
// SecretChatState enums
const (
SecretChatStatePendingType SecretChatStateEnum = "secretChatStatePending"
SecretChatStateReadyType SecretChatStateEnum = "secretChatStateReady"
SecretChatStateClosedType SecretChatStateEnum = "secretChatStateClosed"
// MessageSenderEnum Alias for abstract MessageSender 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type MessageSenderEnum string
// MessageSender enums
const (
MessageSenderUserType MessageSenderEnum = "messageSenderUser"
MessageSenderChatType MessageSenderEnum = "messageSenderChat"
// MessageForwardOriginEnum Alias for abstract MessageForwardOrigin 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type MessageForwardOriginEnum string
// MessageForwardOrigin enums
const (
MessageForwardOriginUserType MessageForwardOriginEnum = "messageForwardOriginUser"
MessageForwardOriginChatType MessageForwardOriginEnum = "messageForwardOriginChat"
MessageForwardOriginHiddenUserType MessageForwardOriginEnum = "messageForwardOriginHiddenUser"
MessageForwardOriginChannelType MessageForwardOriginEnum = "messageForwardOriginChannel"
MessageForwardOriginMessageImportType MessageForwardOriginEnum = "messageForwardOriginMessageImport"
// MessageSendingStateEnum Alias for abstract MessageSendingState 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type MessageSendingStateEnum string
// MessageSendingState enums
const (
MessageSendingStatePendingType MessageSendingStateEnum = "messageSendingStatePending"
MessageSendingStateFailedType MessageSendingStateEnum = "messageSendingStateFailed"
// NotificationSettingsScopeEnum Alias for abstract NotificationSettingsScope 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type NotificationSettingsScopeEnum string
// NotificationSettingsScope enums
const (
NotificationSettingsScopePrivateChatsType NotificationSettingsScopeEnum = "notificationSettingsScopePrivateChats"
NotificationSettingsScopeGroupChatsType NotificationSettingsScopeEnum = "notificationSettingsScopeGroupChats"
NotificationSettingsScopeChannelChatsType NotificationSettingsScopeEnum = "notificationSettingsScopeChannelChats"
// ChatTypeEnum Alias for abstract ChatType 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type ChatTypeEnum string
// ChatType enums
const (
ChatTypePrivateType ChatTypeEnum = "chatTypePrivate"
ChatTypeBasicGroupType ChatTypeEnum = "chatTypeBasicGroup"
ChatTypeSupergroupType ChatTypeEnum = "chatTypeSupergroup"
ChatTypeSecretType ChatTypeEnum = "chatTypeSecret"
// ChatListEnum Alias for abstract ChatList 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type ChatListEnum string
// ChatList enums
const (
ChatListMainType ChatListEnum = "chatListMain"
ChatListArchiveType ChatListEnum = "chatListArchive"
ChatListFilterType ChatListEnum = "chatListFilter"
// ChatSourceEnum Alias for abstract ChatSource 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type ChatSourceEnum string
// ChatSource enums
const (
ChatSourceMtprotoProxyType ChatSourceEnum = "chatSourceMtprotoProxy"
ChatSourcePublicServiceAnnouncementType ChatSourceEnum = "chatSourcePublicServiceAnnouncement"
// PublicChatTypeEnum Alias for abstract PublicChatType 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type PublicChatTypeEnum string
// PublicChatType enums
const (
PublicChatTypeHasUsernameType PublicChatTypeEnum = "publicChatTypeHasUsername"
PublicChatTypeIsLocationBasedType PublicChatTypeEnum = "publicChatTypeIsLocationBased"
// ChatActionBarEnum Alias for abstract ChatActionBar 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type ChatActionBarEnum string
// ChatActionBar enums
const (
ChatActionBarReportSpamType ChatActionBarEnum = "chatActionBarReportSpam"
ChatActionBarReportUnrelatedLocationType ChatActionBarEnum = "chatActionBarReportUnrelatedLocation"
ChatActionBarInviteMembersType ChatActionBarEnum = "chatActionBarInviteMembers"
ChatActionBarReportAddBlockType ChatActionBarEnum = "chatActionBarReportAddBlock"
ChatActionBarAddContactType ChatActionBarEnum = "chatActionBarAddContact"
ChatActionBarSharePhoneNumberType ChatActionBarEnum = "chatActionBarSharePhoneNumber"
// KeyboardButtonTypeEnum Alias for abstract KeyboardButtonType 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type KeyboardButtonTypeEnum string
// KeyboardButtonType enums
const (
KeyboardButtonTypeTextType KeyboardButtonTypeEnum = "keyboardButtonTypeText"
KeyboardButtonTypeRequestPhoneNumberType KeyboardButtonTypeEnum = "keyboardButtonTypeRequestPhoneNumber"
KeyboardButtonTypeRequestLocationType KeyboardButtonTypeEnum = "keyboardButtonTypeRequestLocation"
KeyboardButtonTypeRequestPollType KeyboardButtonTypeEnum = "keyboardButtonTypeRequestPoll"
// InlineKeyboardButtonTypeEnum Alias for abstract InlineKeyboardButtonType 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type InlineKeyboardButtonTypeEnum string
// InlineKeyboardButtonType enums
const (
InlineKeyboardButtonTypeURLType InlineKeyboardButtonTypeEnum = "inlineKeyboardButtonTypeURL"
InlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginURLType InlineKeyboardButtonTypeEnum = "inlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginURL"
InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackType InlineKeyboardButtonTypeEnum = "inlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallback"
InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackWithPasswordType InlineKeyboardButtonTypeEnum = "inlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackWithPassword"
InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackGameType InlineKeyboardButtonTypeEnum = "inlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackGame"
InlineKeyboardButtonTypeSwitchInlineType InlineKeyboardButtonTypeEnum = "inlineKeyboardButtonTypeSwitchInline"
InlineKeyboardButtonTypeBuyType InlineKeyboardButtonTypeEnum = "inlineKeyboardButtonTypeBuy"
// ReplyMarkupEnum Alias for abstract ReplyMarkup 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type ReplyMarkupEnum string
// ReplyMarkup enums
const (
ReplyMarkupRemoveKeyboardType ReplyMarkupEnum = "replyMarkupRemoveKeyboard"
ReplyMarkupForceReplyType ReplyMarkupEnum = "replyMarkupForceReply"
ReplyMarkupShowKeyboardType ReplyMarkupEnum = "replyMarkupShowKeyboard"
ReplyMarkupInlineKeyboardType ReplyMarkupEnum = "replyMarkupInlineKeyboard"
// LoginURLInfoEnum Alias for abstract LoginURLInfo 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type LoginURLInfoEnum string
// LoginURLInfo enums
const (
LoginURLInfoOpenType LoginURLInfoEnum = "loginURLInfoOpen"
LoginURLInfoRequestConfirmationType LoginURLInfoEnum = "loginURLInfoRequestConfirmation"
// RichTextEnum Alias for abstract RichText 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type RichTextEnum string
// RichText enums
const (
RichTextPlainType RichTextEnum = "richTextPlain"
RichTextBoldType RichTextEnum = "richTextBold"
RichTextItalicType RichTextEnum = "richTextItalic"
RichTextUnderlineType RichTextEnum = "richTextUnderline"
RichTextStrikethroughType RichTextEnum = "richTextStrikethrough"
RichTextFixedType RichTextEnum = "richTextFixed"
RichTextURLType RichTextEnum = "richTextURL"
RichTextEmailAddressType RichTextEnum = "richTextEmailAddress"
RichTextSubscriptType RichTextEnum = "richTextSubscript"
RichTextSuperscriptType RichTextEnum = "richTextSuperscript"
RichTextMarkedType RichTextEnum = "richTextMarked"
RichTextPhoneNumberType RichTextEnum = "richTextPhoneNumber"
RichTextIconType RichTextEnum = "richTextIcon"
RichTextReferenceType RichTextEnum = "richTextReference"
RichTextAnchorType RichTextEnum = "richTextAnchor"
RichTextAnchorLinkType RichTextEnum = "richTextAnchorLink"
RichTextsType RichTextEnum = "richTexts"
// PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentEnum Alias for abstract PageBlockHorizontalAlignment 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentEnum string
// PageBlockHorizontalAlignment enums
const (
PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentLeftType PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentEnum = "pageBlockHorizontalAlignmentLeft"
PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentCenterType PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentEnum = "pageBlockHorizontalAlignmentCenter"
PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentRightType PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentEnum = "pageBlockHorizontalAlignmentRight"
// PageBlockVerticalAlignmentEnum Alias for abstract PageBlockVerticalAlignment 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type PageBlockVerticalAlignmentEnum string
// PageBlockVerticalAlignment enums
const (
PageBlockVerticalAlignmentTopType PageBlockVerticalAlignmentEnum = "pageBlockVerticalAlignmentTop"
PageBlockVerticalAlignmentMiddleType PageBlockVerticalAlignmentEnum = "pageBlockVerticalAlignmentMiddle"
PageBlockVerticalAlignmentBottomType PageBlockVerticalAlignmentEnum = "pageBlockVerticalAlignmentBottom"
// PageBlockEnum Alias for abstract PageBlock 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type PageBlockEnum string
// PageBlock enums
const (
PageBlockTitleType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockTitle"
PageBlockSubtitleType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockSubtitle"
PageBlockAuthorDateType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockAuthorDate"
PageBlockHeaderType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockHeader"
PageBlockSubheaderType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockSubheader"
PageBlockKickerType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockKicker"
PageBlockParagraphType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockParagraph"
PageBlockPreformattedType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockPreformatted"
PageBlockFooterType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockFooter"
PageBlockDividerType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockDivider"
PageBlockAnchorType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockAnchor"
PageBlockListType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockList"
PageBlockBlockQuoteType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockBlockQuote"
PageBlockPullQuoteType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockPullQuote"
PageBlockAnimationType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockAnimation"
PageBlockAudioType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockAudio"
PageBlockPhotoType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockPhoto"
PageBlockVideoType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockVideo"
PageBlockVoiceNoteType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockVoiceNote"
PageBlockCoverType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockCover"
PageBlockEmbeddedType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockEmbedded"
PageBlockEmbeddedPostType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockEmbeddedPost"
PageBlockCollageType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockCollage"
PageBlockSlideshowType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockSlideshow"
PageBlockChatLinkType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockChatLink"
PageBlockTableType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockTable"
PageBlockDetailsType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockDetails"
PageBlockRelatedArticlesType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockRelatedArticles"
PageBlockMapType PageBlockEnum = "pageBlockMap"
// InputCredentialsEnum Alias for abstract InputCredentials 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type InputCredentialsEnum string
// InputCredentials enums
const (
InputCredentialsSavedType InputCredentialsEnum = "inputCredentialsSaved"
InputCredentialsNewType InputCredentialsEnum = "inputCredentialsNew"
InputCredentialsApplePayType InputCredentialsEnum = "inputCredentialsApplePay"
InputCredentialsGooglePayType InputCredentialsEnum = "inputCredentialsGooglePay"
// PassportElementTypeEnum Alias for abstract PassportElementType 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type PassportElementTypeEnum string
// PassportElementType enums
const (
PassportElementTypePersonalDetailsType PassportElementTypeEnum = "passportElementTypePersonalDetails"
PassportElementTypePassportType PassportElementTypeEnum = "passportElementTypePassport"
PassportElementTypeDriverLicenseType PassportElementTypeEnum = "passportElementTypeDriverLicense"
PassportElementTypeIDentityCardType PassportElementTypeEnum = "passportElementTypeIDentityCard"
PassportElementTypeInternalPassportType PassportElementTypeEnum = "passportElementTypeInternalPassport"
PassportElementTypeAddressType PassportElementTypeEnum = "passportElementTypeAddress"
PassportElementTypeUtilityBillType PassportElementTypeEnum = "passportElementTypeUtilityBill"
PassportElementTypeBankStatementType PassportElementTypeEnum = "passportElementTypeBankStatement"
PassportElementTypeRentalAgreementType PassportElementTypeEnum = "passportElementTypeRentalAgreement"
PassportElementTypePassportRegistrationType PassportElementTypeEnum = "passportElementTypePassportRegistration"
PassportElementTypeTemporaryRegistrationType PassportElementTypeEnum = "passportElementTypeTemporaryRegistration"
PassportElementTypePhoneNumberType PassportElementTypeEnum = "passportElementTypePhoneNumber"
PassportElementTypeEmailAddressType PassportElementTypeEnum = "passportElementTypeEmailAddress"
// PassportElementEnum Alias for abstract PassportElement 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type PassportElementEnum string
// PassportElement enums
const (
PassportElementPersonalDetailsType PassportElementEnum = "passportElementPersonalDetails"
PassportElementPassportType PassportElementEnum = "passportElementPassport"
PassportElementDriverLicenseType PassportElementEnum = "passportElementDriverLicense"
PassportElementIDentityCardType PassportElementEnum = "passportElementIDentityCard"
PassportElementInternalPassportType PassportElementEnum = "passportElementInternalPassport"
PassportElementAddressType PassportElementEnum = "passportElementAddress"
PassportElementUtilityBillType PassportElementEnum = "passportElementUtilityBill"
PassportElementBankStatementType PassportElementEnum = "passportElementBankStatement"
PassportElementRentalAgreementType PassportElementEnum = "passportElementRentalAgreement"
PassportElementPassportRegistrationType PassportElementEnum = "passportElementPassportRegistration"
PassportElementTemporaryRegistrationType PassportElementEnum = "passportElementTemporaryRegistration"
PassportElementPhoneNumberType PassportElementEnum = "passportElementPhoneNumber"
PassportElementEmailAddressType PassportElementEnum = "passportElementEmailAddress"
// InputPassportElementEnum Alias for abstract InputPassportElement 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type InputPassportElementEnum string
// InputPassportElement enums
const (
InputPassportElementPersonalDetailsType InputPassportElementEnum = "inputPassportElementPersonalDetails"
InputPassportElementPassportType InputPassportElementEnum = "inputPassportElementPassport"
InputPassportElementDriverLicenseType InputPassportElementEnum = "inputPassportElementDriverLicense"
InputPassportElementIDentityCardType InputPassportElementEnum = "inputPassportElementIDentityCard"
InputPassportElementInternalPassportType InputPassportElementEnum = "inputPassportElementInternalPassport"
InputPassportElementAddressType InputPassportElementEnum = "inputPassportElementAddress"
InputPassportElementUtilityBillType InputPassportElementEnum = "inputPassportElementUtilityBill"
InputPassportElementBankStatementType InputPassportElementEnum = "inputPassportElementBankStatement"
InputPassportElementRentalAgreementType InputPassportElementEnum = "inputPassportElementRentalAgreement"
InputPassportElementPassportRegistrationType InputPassportElementEnum = "inputPassportElementPassportRegistration"
InputPassportElementTemporaryRegistrationType InputPassportElementEnum = "inputPassportElementTemporaryRegistration"
InputPassportElementPhoneNumberType InputPassportElementEnum = "inputPassportElementPhoneNumber"
InputPassportElementEmailAddressType InputPassportElementEnum = "inputPassportElementEmailAddress"
// PassportElementErrorSourceEnum Alias for abstract PassportElementErrorSource 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type PassportElementErrorSourceEnum string
// PassportElementErrorSource enums
const (
PassportElementErrorSourceUnspecifiedType PassportElementErrorSourceEnum = "passportElementErrorSourceUnspecified"
PassportElementErrorSourceDataFieldType PassportElementErrorSourceEnum = "passportElementErrorSourceDataField"
PassportElementErrorSourceFrontSideType PassportElementErrorSourceEnum = "passportElementErrorSourceFrontSide"
PassportElementErrorSourceReverseSideType PassportElementErrorSourceEnum = "passportElementErrorSourceReverseSide"
PassportElementErrorSourceSelfieType PassportElementErrorSourceEnum = "passportElementErrorSourceSelfie"
PassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFileType PassportElementErrorSourceEnum = "passportElementErrorSourceTranslationFile"
PassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFilesType PassportElementErrorSourceEnum = "passportElementErrorSourceTranslationFiles"
PassportElementErrorSourceFileType PassportElementErrorSourceEnum = "passportElementErrorSourceFile"
PassportElementErrorSourceFilesType PassportElementErrorSourceEnum = "passportElementErrorSourceFiles"
// InputPassportElementErrorSourceEnum Alias for abstract InputPassportElementErrorSource 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type InputPassportElementErrorSourceEnum string
// InputPassportElementErrorSource enums
const (
InputPassportElementErrorSourceUnspecifiedType InputPassportElementErrorSourceEnum = "inputPassportElementErrorSourceUnspecified"
InputPassportElementErrorSourceDataFieldType InputPassportElementErrorSourceEnum = "inputPassportElementErrorSourceDataField"
InputPassportElementErrorSourceFrontSideType InputPassportElementErrorSourceEnum = "inputPassportElementErrorSourceFrontSide"
InputPassportElementErrorSourceReverseSideType InputPassportElementErrorSourceEnum = "inputPassportElementErrorSourceReverseSide"
InputPassportElementErrorSourceSelfieType InputPassportElementErrorSourceEnum = "inputPassportElementErrorSourceSelfie"
InputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFileType InputPassportElementErrorSourceEnum = "inputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFile"
InputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFilesType InputPassportElementErrorSourceEnum = "inputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFiles"
InputPassportElementErrorSourceFileType InputPassportElementErrorSourceEnum = "inputPassportElementErrorSourceFile"
InputPassportElementErrorSourceFilesType InputPassportElementErrorSourceEnum = "inputPassportElementErrorSourceFiles"
// MessageContentEnum Alias for abstract MessageContent 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type MessageContentEnum string
// MessageContent enums
const (
MessageTextType MessageContentEnum = "messageText"
MessageAnimationType MessageContentEnum = "messageAnimation"
MessageAudioType MessageContentEnum = "messageAudio"
MessageDocumentType MessageContentEnum = "messageDocument"
MessagePhotoType MessageContentEnum = "messagePhoto"
MessageExpiredPhotoType MessageContentEnum = "messageExpiredPhoto"
MessageStickerType MessageContentEnum = "messageSticker"
MessageVideoType MessageContentEnum = "messageVideo"
MessageExpiredVideoType MessageContentEnum = "messageExpiredVideo"
MessageVideoNoteType MessageContentEnum = "messageVideoNote"
MessageVoiceNoteType MessageContentEnum = "messageVoiceNote"
MessageLocationType MessageContentEnum = "messageLocation"
MessageVenueType MessageContentEnum = "messageVenue"
MessageContactType MessageContentEnum = "messageContact"
MessageDiceType MessageContentEnum = "messageDice"
MessageGameType MessageContentEnum = "messageGame"
MessagePollType MessageContentEnum = "messagePoll"
MessageInvoiceType MessageContentEnum = "messageInvoice"
MessageCallType MessageContentEnum = "messageCall"
MessageVoiceChatStartedType MessageContentEnum = "messageVoiceChatStarted"
MessageVoiceChatEndedType MessageContentEnum = "messageVoiceChatEnded"
MessageInviteVoiceChatParticipantsType MessageContentEnum = "messageInviteVoiceChatParticipants"
MessageBasicGroupChatCreateType MessageContentEnum = "messageBasicGroupChatCreate"
MessageSupergroupChatCreateType MessageContentEnum = "messageSupergroupChatCreate"
MessageChatChangeTitleType MessageContentEnum = "messageChatChangeTitle"
MessageChatChangePhotoType MessageContentEnum = "messageChatChangePhoto"
MessageChatDeletePhotoType MessageContentEnum = "messageChatDeletePhoto"
MessageChatAddMembersType MessageContentEnum = "messageChatAddMembers"
MessageChatJoinByLinkType MessageContentEnum = "messageChatJoinByLink"
MessageChatDeleteMemberType MessageContentEnum = "messageChatDeleteMember"
MessageChatUpgradeToType MessageContentEnum = "messageChatUpgradeTo"
MessageChatUpgradeFromType MessageContentEnum = "messageChatUpgradeFrom"
MessagePinMessageType MessageContentEnum = "messagePinMessage"
MessageScreenshotTakenType MessageContentEnum = "messageScreenshotTaken"
MessageChatSetTTLType MessageContentEnum = "messageChatSetTTL"
MessageCustomServiceActionType MessageContentEnum = "messageCustomServiceAction"
MessageGameScoreType MessageContentEnum = "messageGameScore"
MessagePaymentSuccessfulType MessageContentEnum = "messagePaymentSuccessful"
MessagePaymentSuccessfulBotType MessageContentEnum = "messagePaymentSuccessfulBot"
MessageContactRegisteredType MessageContentEnum = "messageContactRegistered"
MessageWebsiteConnectedType MessageContentEnum = "messageWebsiteConnected"
MessagePassportDataSentType MessageContentEnum = "messagePassportDataSent"
MessagePassportDataReceivedType MessageContentEnum = "messagePassportDataReceived"
MessageProximityAlertTriggeredType MessageContentEnum = "messageProximityAlertTriggered"
MessageUnsupportedType MessageContentEnum = "messageUnsupported"
// TextEntityTypeEnum Alias for abstract TextEntityType 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type TextEntityTypeEnum string
// TextEntityType enums
const (
TextEntityTypeMentionType TextEntityTypeEnum = "textEntityTypeMention"
TextEntityTypeHashtagType TextEntityTypeEnum = "textEntityTypeHashtag"
TextEntityTypeCashtagType TextEntityTypeEnum = "textEntityTypeCashtag"
TextEntityTypeBotCommandType TextEntityTypeEnum = "textEntityTypeBotCommand"
TextEntityTypeURLType TextEntityTypeEnum = "textEntityTypeURL"
TextEntityTypeEmailAddressType TextEntityTypeEnum = "textEntityTypeEmailAddress"
TextEntityTypePhoneNumberType TextEntityTypeEnum = "textEntityTypePhoneNumber"
TextEntityTypeBankCardNumberType TextEntityTypeEnum = "textEntityTypeBankCardNumber"
TextEntityTypeBoldType TextEntityTypeEnum = "textEntityTypeBold"
TextEntityTypeItalicType TextEntityTypeEnum = "textEntityTypeItalic"
TextEntityTypeUnderlineType TextEntityTypeEnum = "textEntityTypeUnderline"
TextEntityTypeStrikethroughType TextEntityTypeEnum = "textEntityTypeStrikethrough"
TextEntityTypeCodeType TextEntityTypeEnum = "textEntityTypeCode"
TextEntityTypePreType TextEntityTypeEnum = "textEntityTypePre"
TextEntityTypePreCodeType TextEntityTypeEnum = "textEntityTypePreCode"
TextEntityTypeTextURLType TextEntityTypeEnum = "textEntityTypeTextURL"
TextEntityTypeMentionNameType TextEntityTypeEnum = "textEntityTypeMentionName"
// MessageSchedulingStateEnum Alias for abstract MessageSchedulingState 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type MessageSchedulingStateEnum string
// MessageSchedulingState enums
const (
MessageSchedulingStateSendAtDateType MessageSchedulingStateEnum = "messageSchedulingStateSendAtDate"
MessageSchedulingStateSendWhenOnlineType MessageSchedulingStateEnum = "messageSchedulingStateSendWhenOnline"
// InputMessageContentEnum Alias for abstract InputMessageContent 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type InputMessageContentEnum string
// InputMessageContent enums
const (
InputMessageTextType InputMessageContentEnum = "inputMessageText"
InputMessageAnimationType InputMessageContentEnum = "inputMessageAnimation"
InputMessageAudioType InputMessageContentEnum = "inputMessageAudio"
InputMessageDocumentType InputMessageContentEnum = "inputMessageDocument"
InputMessagePhotoType InputMessageContentEnum = "inputMessagePhoto"
InputMessageStickerType InputMessageContentEnum = "inputMessageSticker"
InputMessageVideoType InputMessageContentEnum = "inputMessageVideo"
InputMessageVideoNoteType InputMessageContentEnum = "inputMessageVideoNote"
InputMessageVoiceNoteType InputMessageContentEnum = "inputMessageVoiceNote"
InputMessageLocationType InputMessageContentEnum = "inputMessageLocation"
InputMessageVenueType InputMessageContentEnum = "inputMessageVenue"
InputMessageContactType InputMessageContentEnum = "inputMessageContact"
InputMessageDiceType InputMessageContentEnum = "inputMessageDice"
InputMessageGameType InputMessageContentEnum = "inputMessageGame"
InputMessageInvoiceType InputMessageContentEnum = "inputMessageInvoice"
InputMessagePollType InputMessageContentEnum = "inputMessagePoll"
InputMessageForwardedType InputMessageContentEnum = "inputMessageForwarded"
// SearchMessagesFilterEnum Alias for abstract SearchMessagesFilter 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type SearchMessagesFilterEnum string
// SearchMessagesFilter enums
const (
SearchMessagesFilterEmptyType SearchMessagesFilterEnum = "searchMessagesFilterEmpty"
SearchMessagesFilterAnimationType SearchMessagesFilterEnum = "searchMessagesFilterAnimation"
SearchMessagesFilterAudioType SearchMessagesFilterEnum = "searchMessagesFilterAudio"
SearchMessagesFilterDocumentType SearchMessagesFilterEnum = "searchMessagesFilterDocument"
SearchMessagesFilterPhotoType SearchMessagesFilterEnum = "searchMessagesFilterPhoto"
SearchMessagesFilterVideoType SearchMessagesFilterEnum = "searchMessagesFilterVideo"
SearchMessagesFilterVoiceNoteType SearchMessagesFilterEnum = "searchMessagesFilterVoiceNote"
SearchMessagesFilterPhotoAndVideoType SearchMessagesFilterEnum = "searchMessagesFilterPhotoAndVideo"
SearchMessagesFilterURLType SearchMessagesFilterEnum = "searchMessagesFilterURL"
SearchMessagesFilterChatPhotoType SearchMessagesFilterEnum = "searchMessagesFilterChatPhoto"
SearchMessagesFilterCallType SearchMessagesFilterEnum = "searchMessagesFilterCall"
SearchMessagesFilterMissedCallType SearchMessagesFilterEnum = "searchMessagesFilterMissedCall"
SearchMessagesFilterVideoNoteType SearchMessagesFilterEnum = "searchMessagesFilterVideoNote"
SearchMessagesFilterVoiceAndVideoNoteType SearchMessagesFilterEnum = "searchMessagesFilterVoiceAndVideoNote"
SearchMessagesFilterMentionType SearchMessagesFilterEnum = "searchMessagesFilterMention"
SearchMessagesFilterUnreadMentionType SearchMessagesFilterEnum = "searchMessagesFilterUnreadMention"
SearchMessagesFilterFailedToSendType SearchMessagesFilterEnum = "searchMessagesFilterFailedToSend"
SearchMessagesFilterPinnedType SearchMessagesFilterEnum = "searchMessagesFilterPinned"
// ChatActionEnum Alias for abstract ChatAction 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type ChatActionEnum string
// ChatAction enums
const (
ChatActionTypingType ChatActionEnum = "chatActionTyping"
ChatActionRecordingVideoType ChatActionEnum = "chatActionRecordingVideo"
ChatActionUploadingVideoType ChatActionEnum = "chatActionUploadingVideo"
ChatActionRecordingVoiceNoteType ChatActionEnum = "chatActionRecordingVoiceNote"
ChatActionUploadingVoiceNoteType ChatActionEnum = "chatActionUploadingVoiceNote"
ChatActionUploadingPhotoType ChatActionEnum = "chatActionUploadingPhoto"
ChatActionUploadingDocumentType ChatActionEnum = "chatActionUploadingDocument"
ChatActionChoosingLocationType ChatActionEnum = "chatActionChoosingLocation"
ChatActionChoosingContactType ChatActionEnum = "chatActionChoosingContact"
ChatActionStartPlayingGameType ChatActionEnum = "chatActionStartPlayingGame"
ChatActionRecordingVideoNoteType ChatActionEnum = "chatActionRecordingVideoNote"
ChatActionUploadingVideoNoteType ChatActionEnum = "chatActionUploadingVideoNote"
ChatActionCancelType ChatActionEnum = "chatActionCancel"
// UserStatusEnum Alias for abstract UserStatus 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type UserStatusEnum string
// UserStatus enums
const (
UserStatusEmptyType UserStatusEnum = "userStatusEmpty"
UserStatusOnlineType UserStatusEnum = "userStatusOnline"
UserStatusOfflineType UserStatusEnum = "userStatusOffline"
UserStatusRecentlyType UserStatusEnum = "userStatusRecently"
UserStatusLastWeekType UserStatusEnum = "userStatusLastWeek"
UserStatusLastMonthType UserStatusEnum = "userStatusLastMonth"
// CallDiscardReasonEnum Alias for abstract CallDiscardReason 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type CallDiscardReasonEnum string
// CallDiscardReason enums
const (
CallDiscardReasonEmptyType CallDiscardReasonEnum = "callDiscardReasonEmpty"
CallDiscardReasonMissedType CallDiscardReasonEnum = "callDiscardReasonMissed"
CallDiscardReasonDeclinedType CallDiscardReasonEnum = "callDiscardReasonDeclined"
CallDiscardReasonDisconnectedType CallDiscardReasonEnum = "callDiscardReasonDisconnected"
CallDiscardReasonHungUpType CallDiscardReasonEnum = "callDiscardReasonHungUp"
// CallServerTypeEnum Alias for abstract CallServerType 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type CallServerTypeEnum string
// CallServerType enums
const (
CallServerTypeTelegramReflectorType CallServerTypeEnum = "callServerTypeTelegramReflector"
CallServerTypeWebrtcType CallServerTypeEnum = "callServerTypeWebrtc"
// CallStateEnum Alias for abstract CallState 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type CallStateEnum string
// CallState enums
const (
CallStatePendingType CallStateEnum = "callStatePending"
CallStateExchangingKeysType CallStateEnum = "callStateExchangingKeys"
CallStateReadyType CallStateEnum = "callStateReady"
CallStateHangingUpType CallStateEnum = "callStateHangingUp"
CallStateDiscardedType CallStateEnum = "callStateDiscarded"
CallStateErrorType CallStateEnum = "callStateError"
// CallProblemEnum Alias for abstract CallProblem 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type CallProblemEnum string
// CallProblem enums
const (
CallProblemEchoType CallProblemEnum = "callProblemEcho"
CallProblemNoiseType CallProblemEnum = "callProblemNoise"
CallProblemInterruptionsType CallProblemEnum = "callProblemInterruptions"
CallProblemDistortedSpeechType CallProblemEnum = "callProblemDistortedSpeech"
CallProblemSilentLocalType CallProblemEnum = "callProblemSilentLocal"
CallProblemSilentRemoteType CallProblemEnum = "callProblemSilentRemote"
CallProblemDroppedType CallProblemEnum = "callProblemDropped"
CallProblemDistortedVideoType CallProblemEnum = "callProblemDistortedVideo"
CallProblemPixelatedVideoType CallProblemEnum = "callProblemPixelatedVideo"
// DiceStickersEnum Alias for abstract DiceStickers 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type DiceStickersEnum string
// DiceStickers enums
const (
DiceStickersRegularType DiceStickersEnum = "diceStickersRegular"
DiceStickersSlotMachineType DiceStickersEnum = "diceStickersSlotMachine"
// InputInlineQueryResultEnum Alias for abstract InputInlineQueryResult 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type InputInlineQueryResultEnum string
// InputInlineQueryResult enums
const (
InputInlineQueryResultAnimationType InputInlineQueryResultEnum = "inputInlineQueryResultAnimation"
InputInlineQueryResultArticleType InputInlineQueryResultEnum = "inputInlineQueryResultArticle"
InputInlineQueryResultAudioType InputInlineQueryResultEnum = "inputInlineQueryResultAudio"
InputInlineQueryResultContactType InputInlineQueryResultEnum = "inputInlineQueryResultContact"
InputInlineQueryResultDocumentType InputInlineQueryResultEnum = "inputInlineQueryResultDocument"
InputInlineQueryResultGameType InputInlineQueryResultEnum = "inputInlineQueryResultGame"
InputInlineQueryResultLocationType InputInlineQueryResultEnum = "inputInlineQueryResultLocation"
InputInlineQueryResultPhotoType InputInlineQueryResultEnum = "inputInlineQueryResultPhoto"
InputInlineQueryResultStickerType InputInlineQueryResultEnum = "inputInlineQueryResultSticker"
InputInlineQueryResultVenueType InputInlineQueryResultEnum = "inputInlineQueryResultVenue"
InputInlineQueryResultVideoType InputInlineQueryResultEnum = "inputInlineQueryResultVideo"
InputInlineQueryResultVoiceNoteType InputInlineQueryResultEnum = "inputInlineQueryResultVoiceNote"
// InlineQueryResultEnum Alias for abstract InlineQueryResult 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type InlineQueryResultEnum string
// InlineQueryResult enums
const (
InlineQueryResultArticleType InlineQueryResultEnum = "inlineQueryResultArticle"
InlineQueryResultContactType InlineQueryResultEnum = "inlineQueryResultContact"
InlineQueryResultLocationType InlineQueryResultEnum = "inlineQueryResultLocation"
InlineQueryResultVenueType InlineQueryResultEnum = "inlineQueryResultVenue"
InlineQueryResultGameType InlineQueryResultEnum = "inlineQueryResultGame"
InlineQueryResultAnimationType InlineQueryResultEnum = "inlineQueryResultAnimation"
InlineQueryResultAudioType InlineQueryResultEnum = "inlineQueryResultAudio"
InlineQueryResultDocumentType InlineQueryResultEnum = "inlineQueryResultDocument"
InlineQueryResultPhotoType InlineQueryResultEnum = "inlineQueryResultPhoto"
InlineQueryResultStickerType InlineQueryResultEnum = "inlineQueryResultSticker"
InlineQueryResultVideoType InlineQueryResultEnum = "inlineQueryResultVideo"
InlineQueryResultVoiceNoteType InlineQueryResultEnum = "inlineQueryResultVoiceNote"
// CallbackQueryPayloadEnum Alias for abstract CallbackQueryPayload 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type CallbackQueryPayloadEnum string
// CallbackQueryPayload enums
const (
CallbackQueryPayloadDataType CallbackQueryPayloadEnum = "callbackQueryPayloadData"
CallbackQueryPayloadDataWithPasswordType CallbackQueryPayloadEnum = "callbackQueryPayloadDataWithPassword"
CallbackQueryPayloadGameType CallbackQueryPayloadEnum = "callbackQueryPayloadGame"
// ChatEventActionEnum Alias for abstract ChatEventAction 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type ChatEventActionEnum string
// ChatEventAction enums
const (
ChatEventMessageEditedType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventMessageEdited"
ChatEventMessageDeletedType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventMessageDeleted"
ChatEventPollStoppedType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventPollStopped"
ChatEventMessagePinnedType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventMessagePinned"
ChatEventMessageUnpinnedType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventMessageUnpinned"
ChatEventMemberJoinedType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventMemberJoined"
ChatEventMemberLeftType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventMemberLeft"
ChatEventMemberInvitedType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventMemberInvited"
ChatEventMemberPromotedType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventMemberPromoted"
ChatEventMemberRestrictedType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventMemberRestricted"
ChatEventTitleChangedType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventTitleChanged"
ChatEventPermissionsChangedType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventPermissionsChanged"
ChatEventDescriptionChangedType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventDescriptionChanged"
ChatEventUsernameChangedType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventUsernameChanged"
ChatEventPhotoChangedType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventPhotoChanged"
ChatEventInvitesToggledType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventInvitesToggled"
ChatEventLinkedChatChangedType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventLinkedChatChanged"
ChatEventSlowModeDelayChangedType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventSlowModeDelayChanged"
ChatEventSignMessagesToggledType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventSignMessagesToggled"
ChatEventStickerSetChangedType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventStickerSetChanged"
ChatEventLocationChangedType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventLocationChanged"
ChatEventIsAllHistoryAvailableToggledType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventIsAllHistoryAvailableToggled"
ChatEventVoiceChatCreatedType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventVoiceChatCreated"
ChatEventVoiceChatDiscardedType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventVoiceChatDiscarded"
ChatEventVoiceChatParticipantIsMutedToggledType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventVoiceChatParticipantIsMutedToggled"
ChatEventVoiceChatMuteNewParticipantsToggledType ChatEventActionEnum = "chatEventVoiceChatMuteNewParticipantsToggled"
// LanguagePackStringValueEnum Alias for abstract LanguagePackStringValue 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type LanguagePackStringValueEnum string
// LanguagePackStringValue enums
const (
LanguagePackStringValueOrdinaryType LanguagePackStringValueEnum = "languagePackStringValueOrdinary"
LanguagePackStringValuePluralizedType LanguagePackStringValueEnum = "languagePackStringValuePluralized"
LanguagePackStringValueDeletedType LanguagePackStringValueEnum = "languagePackStringValueDeleted"
// DeviceTokenEnum Alias for abstract DeviceToken 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type DeviceTokenEnum string
// DeviceToken enums
const (
DeviceTokenFirebaseCloudMessagingType DeviceTokenEnum = "deviceTokenFirebaseCloudMessaging"
DeviceTokenApplePushType DeviceTokenEnum = "deviceTokenApplePush"
DeviceTokenApplePushVoIPType DeviceTokenEnum = "deviceTokenApplePushVoIP"
DeviceTokenWindowsPushType DeviceTokenEnum = "deviceTokenWindowsPush"
DeviceTokenMicrosoftPushType DeviceTokenEnum = "deviceTokenMicrosoftPush"
DeviceTokenMicrosoftPushVoIPType DeviceTokenEnum = "deviceTokenMicrosoftPushVoIP"
DeviceTokenWebPushType DeviceTokenEnum = "deviceTokenWebPush"
DeviceTokenSimplePushType DeviceTokenEnum = "deviceTokenSimplePush"
DeviceTokenUbuntuPushType DeviceTokenEnum = "deviceTokenUbuntuPush"
DeviceTokenBlackBerryPushType DeviceTokenEnum = "deviceTokenBlackBerryPush"
DeviceTokenTizenPushType DeviceTokenEnum = "deviceTokenTizenPush"
// BackgroundFillEnum Alias for abstract BackgroundFill 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type BackgroundFillEnum string
// BackgroundFill enums
const (
BackgroundFillSolidType BackgroundFillEnum = "backgroundFillSolid"
BackgroundFillGradientType BackgroundFillEnum = "backgroundFillGradient"
// BackgroundTypeEnum Alias for abstract BackgroundType 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type BackgroundTypeEnum string
// BackgroundType enums
const (
BackgroundTypeWallpaperType BackgroundTypeEnum = "backgroundTypeWallpaper"
BackgroundTypePatternType BackgroundTypeEnum = "backgroundTypePattern"
BackgroundTypeFillType BackgroundTypeEnum = "backgroundTypeFill"
// InputBackgroundEnum Alias for abstract InputBackground 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type InputBackgroundEnum string
// InputBackground enums
const (
InputBackgroundLocalType InputBackgroundEnum = "inputBackgroundLocal"
InputBackgroundRemoteType InputBackgroundEnum = "inputBackgroundRemote"
// CanTransferOwnershipResultEnum Alias for abstract CanTransferOwnershipResult 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type CanTransferOwnershipResultEnum string
// CanTransferOwnershipResult enums
const (
CanTransferOwnershipResultOkType CanTransferOwnershipResultEnum = "canTransferOwnershipResultOk"
CanTransferOwnershipResultPasswordNeededType CanTransferOwnershipResultEnum = "canTransferOwnershipResultPasswordNeeded"
CanTransferOwnershipResultPasswordTooFreshType CanTransferOwnershipResultEnum = "canTransferOwnershipResultPasswordTooFresh"
CanTransferOwnershipResultSessionTooFreshType CanTransferOwnershipResultEnum = "canTransferOwnershipResultSessionTooFresh"
// CheckChatUsernameResultEnum Alias for abstract CheckChatUsernameResult 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type CheckChatUsernameResultEnum string
// CheckChatUsernameResult enums
const (
CheckChatUsernameResultOkType CheckChatUsernameResultEnum = "checkChatUsernameResultOk"
CheckChatUsernameResultUsernameInvalidType CheckChatUsernameResultEnum = "checkChatUsernameResultUsernameInvalid"
CheckChatUsernameResultUsernameOccupiedType CheckChatUsernameResultEnum = "checkChatUsernameResultUsernameOccupied"
CheckChatUsernameResultPublicChatsTooMuchType CheckChatUsernameResultEnum = "checkChatUsernameResultPublicChatsTooMuch"
CheckChatUsernameResultPublicGroupsUnavailableType CheckChatUsernameResultEnum = "checkChatUsernameResultPublicGroupsUnavailable"
// MessageFileTypeEnum Alias for abstract MessageFileType 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type MessageFileTypeEnum string
// MessageFileType enums
const (
MessageFileTypePrivateType MessageFileTypeEnum = "messageFileTypePrivate"
MessageFileTypeGroupType MessageFileTypeEnum = "messageFileTypeGroup"
MessageFileTypeUnknownType MessageFileTypeEnum = "messageFileTypeUnknown"
// PushMessageContentEnum Alias for abstract PushMessageContent 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type PushMessageContentEnum string
// PushMessageContent enums
const (
PushMessageContentHiddenType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentHidden"
PushMessageContentAnimationType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentAnimation"
PushMessageContentAudioType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentAudio"
PushMessageContentContactType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentContact"
PushMessageContentContactRegisteredType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentContactRegistered"
PushMessageContentDocumentType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentDocument"
PushMessageContentGameType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentGame"
PushMessageContentGameScoreType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentGameScore"
PushMessageContentInvoiceType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentInvoice"
PushMessageContentLocationType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentLocation"
PushMessageContentPhotoType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentPhoto"
PushMessageContentPollType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentPoll"
PushMessageContentScreenshotTakenType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentScreenshotTaken"
PushMessageContentStickerType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentSticker"
PushMessageContentTextType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentText"
PushMessageContentVideoType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentVideo"
PushMessageContentVideoNoteType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentVideoNote"
PushMessageContentVoiceNoteType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentVoiceNote"
PushMessageContentBasicGroupChatCreateType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentBasicGroupChatCreate"
PushMessageContentChatAddMembersType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentChatAddMembers"
PushMessageContentChatChangePhotoType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentChatChangePhoto"
PushMessageContentChatChangeTitleType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentChatChangeTitle"
PushMessageContentChatDeleteMemberType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentChatDeleteMember"
PushMessageContentChatJoinByLinkType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentChatJoinByLink"
PushMessageContentMessageForwardsType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentMessageForwards"
PushMessageContentMediaAlbumType PushMessageContentEnum = "pushMessageContentMediaAlbum"
// NotificationTypeEnum Alias for abstract NotificationType 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type NotificationTypeEnum string
// NotificationType enums
const (
NotificationTypeNewMessageType NotificationTypeEnum = "notificationTypeNewMessage"
NotificationTypeNewSecretChatType NotificationTypeEnum = "notificationTypeNewSecretChat"
NotificationTypeNewCallType NotificationTypeEnum = "notificationTypeNewCall"
NotificationTypeNewPushMessageType NotificationTypeEnum = "notificationTypeNewPushMessage"
// NotificationGroupTypeEnum Alias for abstract NotificationGroupType 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type NotificationGroupTypeEnum string
// NotificationGroupType enums
const (
NotificationGroupTypeMessagesType NotificationGroupTypeEnum = "notificationGroupTypeMessages"
NotificationGroupTypeMentionsType NotificationGroupTypeEnum = "notificationGroupTypeMentions"
NotificationGroupTypeSecretChatType NotificationGroupTypeEnum = "notificationGroupTypeSecretChat"
NotificationGroupTypeCallsType NotificationGroupTypeEnum = "notificationGroupTypeCalls"
// OptionValueEnum Alias for abstract OptionValue 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type OptionValueEnum string
// OptionValue enums
const (
OptionValueBooleanType OptionValueEnum = "optionValueBoolean"
OptionValueEmptyType OptionValueEnum = "optionValueEmpty"
OptionValueIntegerType OptionValueEnum = "optionValueInteger"
OptionValueStringType OptionValueEnum = "optionValueString"
// JsonValueEnum Alias for abstract JsonValue 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type JsonValueEnum string
// JsonValue enums
const (
JsonValueNullType JsonValueEnum = "jsonValueNull"
JsonValueBooleanType JsonValueEnum = "jsonValueBoolean"
JsonValueNumberType JsonValueEnum = "jsonValueNumber"
JsonValueStringType JsonValueEnum = "jsonValueString"
JsonValueArrayType JsonValueEnum = "jsonValueArray"
JsonValueObjectType JsonValueEnum = "jsonValueObject"
// UserPrivacySettingRuleEnum Alias for abstract UserPrivacySettingRule 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type UserPrivacySettingRuleEnum string
// UserPrivacySettingRule enums
const (
UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowAllType UserPrivacySettingRuleEnum = "userPrivacySettingRuleAllowAll"
UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowContactsType UserPrivacySettingRuleEnum = "userPrivacySettingRuleAllowContacts"
UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowUsersType UserPrivacySettingRuleEnum = "userPrivacySettingRuleAllowUsers"
UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowChatMembersType UserPrivacySettingRuleEnum = "userPrivacySettingRuleAllowChatMembers"
UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictAllType UserPrivacySettingRuleEnum = "userPrivacySettingRuleRestrictAll"
UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictContactsType UserPrivacySettingRuleEnum = "userPrivacySettingRuleRestrictContacts"
UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictUsersType UserPrivacySettingRuleEnum = "userPrivacySettingRuleRestrictUsers"
UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictChatMembersType UserPrivacySettingRuleEnum = "userPrivacySettingRuleRestrictChatMembers"
// UserPrivacySettingEnum Alias for abstract UserPrivacySetting 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type UserPrivacySettingEnum string
// UserPrivacySetting enums
const (
UserPrivacySettingShowStatusType UserPrivacySettingEnum = "userPrivacySettingShowStatus"
UserPrivacySettingShowProfilePhotoType UserPrivacySettingEnum = "userPrivacySettingShowProfilePhoto"
UserPrivacySettingShowLinkInForwardedMessagesType UserPrivacySettingEnum = "userPrivacySettingShowLinkInForwardedMessages"
UserPrivacySettingShowPhoneNumberType UserPrivacySettingEnum = "userPrivacySettingShowPhoneNumber"
UserPrivacySettingAllowChatInvitesType UserPrivacySettingEnum = "userPrivacySettingAllowChatInvites"
UserPrivacySettingAllowCallsType UserPrivacySettingEnum = "userPrivacySettingAllowCalls"
UserPrivacySettingAllowPeerToPeerCallsType UserPrivacySettingEnum = "userPrivacySettingAllowPeerToPeerCalls"
UserPrivacySettingAllowFindingByPhoneNumberType UserPrivacySettingEnum = "userPrivacySettingAllowFindingByPhoneNumber"
// ChatReportReasonEnum Alias for abstract ChatReportReason 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type ChatReportReasonEnum string
// ChatReportReason enums
const (
ChatReportReasonSpamType ChatReportReasonEnum = "chatReportReasonSpam"
ChatReportReasonViolenceType ChatReportReasonEnum = "chatReportReasonViolence"
ChatReportReasonPornographyType ChatReportReasonEnum = "chatReportReasonPornography"
ChatReportReasonChildAbuseType ChatReportReasonEnum = "chatReportReasonChildAbuse"
ChatReportReasonCopyrightType ChatReportReasonEnum = "chatReportReasonCopyright"
ChatReportReasonUnrelatedLocationType ChatReportReasonEnum = "chatReportReasonUnrelatedLocation"
ChatReportReasonFakeType ChatReportReasonEnum = "chatReportReasonFake"
ChatReportReasonCustomType ChatReportReasonEnum = "chatReportReasonCustom"
// FileTypeEnum Alias for abstract FileType 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type FileTypeEnum string
// FileType enums
const (
FileTypeNoneType FileTypeEnum = "fileTypeNone"
FileTypeAnimationType FileTypeEnum = "fileTypeAnimation"
FileTypeAudioType FileTypeEnum = "fileTypeAudio"
FileTypeDocumentType FileTypeEnum = "fileTypeDocument"
FileTypePhotoType FileTypeEnum = "fileTypePhoto"
FileTypeProfilePhotoType FileTypeEnum = "fileTypeProfilePhoto"
FileTypeSecretType FileTypeEnum = "fileTypeSecret"
FileTypeSecretThumbnailType FileTypeEnum = "fileTypeSecretThumbnail"
FileTypeSecureType FileTypeEnum = "fileTypeSecure"
FileTypeStickerType FileTypeEnum = "fileTypeSticker"
FileTypeThumbnailType FileTypeEnum = "fileTypeThumbnail"
FileTypeUnknownType FileTypeEnum = "fileTypeUnknown"
FileTypeVideoType FileTypeEnum = "fileTypeVideo"
FileTypeVideoNoteType FileTypeEnum = "fileTypeVideoNote"
FileTypeVoiceNoteType FileTypeEnum = "fileTypeVoiceNote"
FileTypeWallpaperType FileTypeEnum = "fileTypeWallpaper"
// NetworkTypeEnum Alias for abstract NetworkType 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type NetworkTypeEnum string
// NetworkType enums
const (
NetworkTypeNoneType NetworkTypeEnum = "networkTypeNone"
NetworkTypeMobileType NetworkTypeEnum = "networkTypeMobile"
NetworkTypeMobileRoamingType NetworkTypeEnum = "networkTypeMobileRoaming"
NetworkTypeWiFiType NetworkTypeEnum = "networkTypeWiFi"
NetworkTypeOtherType NetworkTypeEnum = "networkTypeOther"
// NetworkStatisticsEntryEnum Alias for abstract NetworkStatisticsEntry 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type NetworkStatisticsEntryEnum string
// NetworkStatisticsEntry enums
const (
NetworkStatisticsEntryFileType NetworkStatisticsEntryEnum = "networkStatisticsEntryFile"
NetworkStatisticsEntryCallType NetworkStatisticsEntryEnum = "networkStatisticsEntryCall"
// ConnectionStateEnum Alias for abstract ConnectionState 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type ConnectionStateEnum string
// ConnectionState enums
const (
ConnectionStateWaitingForNetworkType ConnectionStateEnum = "connectionStateWaitingForNetwork"
ConnectionStateConnectingToProxyType ConnectionStateEnum = "connectionStateConnectingToProxy"
ConnectionStateConnectingType ConnectionStateEnum = "connectionStateConnecting"
ConnectionStateUpdatingType ConnectionStateEnum = "connectionStateUpdating"
ConnectionStateReadyType ConnectionStateEnum = "connectionStateReady"
// TopChatCategoryEnum Alias for abstract TopChatCategory 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type TopChatCategoryEnum string
// TopChatCategory enums
const (
TopChatCategoryUsersType TopChatCategoryEnum = "topChatCategoryUsers"
TopChatCategoryBotsType TopChatCategoryEnum = "topChatCategoryBots"
TopChatCategoryGroupsType TopChatCategoryEnum = "topChatCategoryGroups"
TopChatCategoryChannelsType TopChatCategoryEnum = "topChatCategoryChannels"
TopChatCategoryInlineBotsType TopChatCategoryEnum = "topChatCategoryInlineBots"
TopChatCategoryCallsType TopChatCategoryEnum = "topChatCategoryCalls"
TopChatCategoryForwardChatsType TopChatCategoryEnum = "topChatCategoryForwardChats"
// TMeURLTypeEnum Alias for abstract TMeURLType 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type TMeURLTypeEnum string
// TMeURLType enums
const (
TMeURLTypeUserType TMeURLTypeEnum = "tMeURLTypeUser"
TMeURLTypeSupergroupType TMeURLTypeEnum = "tMeURLTypeSupergroup"
TMeURLTypeChatInviteType TMeURLTypeEnum = "tMeURLTypeChatInvite"
TMeURLTypeStickerSetType TMeURLTypeEnum = "tMeURLTypeStickerSet"
// SuggestedActionEnum Alias for abstract SuggestedAction 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type SuggestedActionEnum string
// SuggestedAction enums
const (
SuggestedActionEnableArchiveAndMuteNewChatsType SuggestedActionEnum = "suggestedActionEnableArchiveAndMuteNewChats"
SuggestedActionCheckPhoneNumberType SuggestedActionEnum = "suggestedActionCheckPhoneNumber"
SuggestedActionSeeTicksHintType SuggestedActionEnum = "suggestedActionSeeTicksHint"
// TextParseModeEnum Alias for abstract TextParseMode 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type TextParseModeEnum string
// TextParseMode enums
const (
TextParseModeMarkdownType TextParseModeEnum = "textParseModeMarkdown"
TextParseModeHTMLType TextParseModeEnum = "textParseModeHTML"
// ProxyTypeEnum Alias for abstract ProxyType 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type ProxyTypeEnum string
// ProxyType enums
const (
ProxyTypeSocks5Type ProxyTypeEnum = "proxyTypeSocks5"
ProxyTypeHttpType ProxyTypeEnum = "proxyTypeHttp"
ProxyTypeMtprotoType ProxyTypeEnum = "proxyTypeMtproto"
// InputStickerEnum Alias for abstract InputSticker 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type InputStickerEnum string
// InputSticker enums
const (
InputStickerStaticType InputStickerEnum = "inputStickerStatic"
InputStickerAnimatedType InputStickerEnum = "inputStickerAnimated"
// StatisticalGraphEnum Alias for abstract StatisticalGraph 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type StatisticalGraphEnum string
// StatisticalGraph enums
const (
StatisticalGraphDataType StatisticalGraphEnum = "statisticalGraphData"
StatisticalGraphAsyncType StatisticalGraphEnum = "statisticalGraphAsync"
StatisticalGraphErrorType StatisticalGraphEnum = "statisticalGraphError"
// ChatStatisticsEnum Alias for abstract ChatStatistics 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type ChatStatisticsEnum string
// ChatStatistics enums
const (
ChatStatisticsSupergroupType ChatStatisticsEnum = "chatStatisticsSupergroup"
ChatStatisticsChannelType ChatStatisticsEnum = "chatStatisticsChannel"
// VectorPathCommandEnum Alias for abstract VectorPathCommand 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type VectorPathCommandEnum string
// VectorPathCommand enums
const (
VectorPathCommandLineType VectorPathCommandEnum = "vectorPathCommandLine"
VectorPathCommandCubicBezierCurveType VectorPathCommandEnum = "vectorPathCommandCubicBezierCurve"
// UpdateEnum Alias for abstract Update 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type UpdateEnum string
// Update enums
const (
UpdateAuthorizationStateType UpdateEnum = "updateAuthorizationState"
UpdateNewMessageType UpdateEnum = "updateNewMessage"
UpdateMessageSendAcknowledgedType UpdateEnum = "updateMessageSendAcknowledged"
UpdateMessageSendSucceededType UpdateEnum = "updateMessageSendSucceeded"
UpdateMessageSendFailedType UpdateEnum = "updateMessageSendFailed"
UpdateMessageContentType UpdateEnum = "updateMessageContent"
UpdateMessageEditedType UpdateEnum = "updateMessageEdited"
UpdateMessageIsPinnedType UpdateEnum = "updateMessageIsPinned"
UpdateMessageInteractionInfoType UpdateEnum = "updateMessageInteractionInfo"
UpdateMessageContentOpenedType UpdateEnum = "updateMessageContentOpened"
UpdateMessageMentionReadType UpdateEnum = "updateMessageMentionRead"
UpdateMessageLiveLocationViewedType UpdateEnum = "updateMessageLiveLocationViewed"
UpdateNewChatType UpdateEnum = "updateNewChat"
UpdateChatTitleType UpdateEnum = "updateChatTitle"
UpdateChatPhotoType UpdateEnum = "updateChatPhoto"
UpdateChatPermissionsType UpdateEnum = "updateChatPermissions"
UpdateChatLastMessageType UpdateEnum = "updateChatLastMessage"
UpdateChatPositionType UpdateEnum = "updateChatPosition"
UpdateChatIsMarkedAsUnreadType UpdateEnum = "updateChatIsMarkedAsUnread"
UpdateChatIsBlockedType UpdateEnum = "updateChatIsBlocked"
UpdateChatHasScheduledMessagesType UpdateEnum = "updateChatHasScheduledMessages"
UpdateChatVoiceChatType UpdateEnum = "updateChatVoiceChat"
UpdateChatDefaultDisableNotificationType UpdateEnum = "updateChatDefaultDisableNotification"
UpdateChatReadInboxType UpdateEnum = "updateChatReadInbox"
UpdateChatReadOutboxType UpdateEnum = "updateChatReadOutbox"
UpdateChatUnreadMentionCountType UpdateEnum = "updateChatUnreadMentionCount"
UpdateChatNotificationSettingsType UpdateEnum = "updateChatNotificationSettings"
UpdateScopeNotificationSettingsType UpdateEnum = "updateScopeNotificationSettings"
UpdateChatActionBarType UpdateEnum = "updateChatActionBar"
UpdateChatReplyMarkupType UpdateEnum = "updateChatReplyMarkup"
UpdateChatDraftMessageType UpdateEnum = "updateChatDraftMessage"
UpdateChatFiltersType UpdateEnum = "updateChatFilters"
UpdateChatOnlineMemberCountType UpdateEnum = "updateChatOnlineMemberCount"
UpdateNotificationType UpdateEnum = "updateNotification"
UpdateNotificationGroupType UpdateEnum = "updateNotificationGroup"
UpdateActiveNotificationsType UpdateEnum = "updateActiveNotifications"
UpdateHavePendingNotificationsType UpdateEnum = "updateHavePendingNotifications"
UpdateDeleteMessagesType UpdateEnum = "updateDeleteMessages"
UpdateUserChatActionType UpdateEnum = "updateUserChatAction"
UpdateUserStatusType UpdateEnum = "updateUserStatus"
UpdateUserType UpdateEnum = "updateUser"
UpdateBasicGroupType UpdateEnum = "updateBasicGroup"
UpdateSupergroupType UpdateEnum = "updateSupergroup"
UpdateSecretChatType UpdateEnum = "updateSecretChat"
UpdateUserFullInfoType UpdateEnum = "updateUserFullInfo"
UpdateBasicGroupFullInfoType UpdateEnum = "updateBasicGroupFullInfo"
UpdateSupergroupFullInfoType UpdateEnum = "updateSupergroupFullInfo"
UpdateServiceNotificationType UpdateEnum = "updateServiceNotification"
UpdateFileType UpdateEnum = "updateFile"
UpdateFileGenerationStartType UpdateEnum = "updateFileGenerationStart"
UpdateFileGenerationStopType UpdateEnum = "updateFileGenerationStop"
UpdateCallType UpdateEnum = "updateCall"
UpdateGroupCallType UpdateEnum = "updateGroupCall"
UpdateGroupCallParticipantType UpdateEnum = "updateGroupCallParticipant"
UpdateNewCallSignalingDataType UpdateEnum = "updateNewCallSignalingData"
UpdateUserPrivacySettingRulesType UpdateEnum = "updateUserPrivacySettingRules"
UpdateUnreadMessageCountType UpdateEnum = "updateUnreadMessageCount"
UpdateUnreadChatCountType UpdateEnum = "updateUnreadChatCount"
UpdateOptionType UpdateEnum = "updateOption"
UpdateStickerSetType UpdateEnum = "updateStickerSet"
UpdateInstalledStickerSetsType UpdateEnum = "updateInstalledStickerSets"
UpdateTrendingStickerSetsType UpdateEnum = "updateTrendingStickerSets"
UpdateRecentStickersType UpdateEnum = "updateRecentStickers"
UpdateFavoriteStickersType UpdateEnum = "updateFavoriteStickers"
UpdateSavedAnimationsType UpdateEnum = "updateSavedAnimations"
UpdateSelectedBackgroundType UpdateEnum = "updateSelectedBackground"
UpdateLanguagePackStringsType UpdateEnum = "updateLanguagePackStrings"
UpdateConnectionStateType UpdateEnum = "updateConnectionState"
UpdateTermsOfServiceType UpdateEnum = "updateTermsOfService"
UpdateUsersNearbyType UpdateEnum = "updateUsersNearby"
UpdateDiceEmojisType UpdateEnum = "updateDiceEmojis"
UpdateAnimationSearchParametersType UpdateEnum = "updateAnimationSearchParameters"
UpdateSuggestedActionsType UpdateEnum = "updateSuggestedActions"
UpdateNewInlineQueryType UpdateEnum = "updateNewInlineQuery"
UpdateNewChosenInlineResultType UpdateEnum = "updateNewChosenInlineResult"
UpdateNewCallbackQueryType UpdateEnum = "updateNewCallbackQuery"
UpdateNewInlineCallbackQueryType UpdateEnum = "updateNewInlineCallbackQuery"
UpdateNewShippingQueryType UpdateEnum = "updateNewShippingQuery"
UpdateNewPreCheckoutQueryType UpdateEnum = "updateNewPreCheckoutQuery"
UpdateNewCustomEventType UpdateEnum = "updateNewCustomEvent"
UpdateNewCustomQueryType UpdateEnum = "updateNewCustomQuery"
UpdatePollType UpdateEnum = "updatePoll"
UpdatePollAnswerType UpdateEnum = "updatePollAnswer"
// LogStreamEnum Alias for abstract LogStream 'Sub-Classes', used as constant-enum here
type LogStreamEnum string
// LogStream enums
const (
LogStreamDefaultType LogStreamEnum = "logStreamDefault"
LogStreamFileType LogStreamEnum = "logStreamFile"
LogStreamEmptyType LogStreamEnum = "logStreamEmpty"
) // AuthenticationCodeType Provides information about the method by which an authentication code is delivered to the user
type AuthenticationCodeType interface {
GetAuthenticationCodeTypeEnum() AuthenticationCodeTypeEnum
// AuthorizationState Represents the current authorization state of the TDLib client
type AuthorizationState interface {
GetAuthorizationStateEnum() AuthorizationStateEnum
// InputFile Points to a file
type InputFile interface {
GetInputFileEnum() InputFileEnum
// ThumbnailFormat Describes format of the thumbnail
type ThumbnailFormat interface {
GetThumbnailFormatEnum() ThumbnailFormatEnum
// MaskPoint Part of the face, relative to which a mask should be placed
type MaskPoint interface {
GetMaskPointEnum() MaskPointEnum
// PollType Describes the type of a poll
type PollType interface {
GetPollTypeEnum() PollTypeEnum
// UserType Represents the type of a user. The following types are possible: regular users, deleted users and bots
type UserType interface {
GetUserTypeEnum() UserTypeEnum
// InputChatPhoto Describes a photo to be set as a user profile or chat photo
type InputChatPhoto interface {
GetInputChatPhotoEnum() InputChatPhotoEnum
// ChatMemberStatus Provides information about the status of a member in a chat
type ChatMemberStatus interface {
GetChatMemberStatusEnum() ChatMemberStatusEnum
// ChatMembersFilter Specifies the kind of chat members to return in searchChatMembers
type ChatMembersFilter interface {
GetChatMembersFilterEnum() ChatMembersFilterEnum
// SupergroupMembersFilter Specifies the kind of chat members to return in getSupergroupMembers
type SupergroupMembersFilter interface {
GetSupergroupMembersFilterEnum() SupergroupMembersFilterEnum
// SecretChatState Describes the current secret chat state
type SecretChatState interface {
GetSecretChatStateEnum() SecretChatStateEnum
// MessageSender Contains information about the sender of a message
type MessageSender interface {
GetMessageSenderEnum() MessageSenderEnum
// MessageForwardOrigin Contains information about the origin of a forwarded message
type MessageForwardOrigin interface {
GetMessageForwardOriginEnum() MessageForwardOriginEnum
// MessageSendingState Contains information about the sending state of the message
type MessageSendingState interface {
GetMessageSendingStateEnum() MessageSendingStateEnum
// NotificationSettingsScope Describes the types of chats to which notification settings are applied
type NotificationSettingsScope interface {
GetNotificationSettingsScopeEnum() NotificationSettingsScopeEnum
// ChatType Describes the type of a chat
type ChatType interface {
GetChatTypeEnum() ChatTypeEnum
// ChatList Describes a list of chats
type ChatList interface {
GetChatListEnum() ChatListEnum
// ChatSource Describes a reason why an external chat is shown in a chat list
type ChatSource interface {
GetChatSourceEnum() ChatSourceEnum
// PublicChatType Describes a type of public chats
type PublicChatType interface {
GetPublicChatTypeEnum() PublicChatTypeEnum
// ChatActionBar Describes actions which should be possible to do through a chat action bar
type ChatActionBar interface {
GetChatActionBarEnum() ChatActionBarEnum
// KeyboardButtonType Describes a keyboard button type
type KeyboardButtonType interface {
GetKeyboardButtonTypeEnum() KeyboardButtonTypeEnum
// InlineKeyboardButtonType Describes the type of an inline keyboard button
type InlineKeyboardButtonType interface {
GetInlineKeyboardButtonTypeEnum() InlineKeyboardButtonTypeEnum
// ReplyMarkup Contains a description of a custom keyboard and actions that can be done with it to quickly reply to bots
type ReplyMarkup interface {
GetReplyMarkupEnum() ReplyMarkupEnum
// LoginURLInfo Contains information about an inline button of type inlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginUrl
type LoginURLInfo interface {
GetLoginURLInfoEnum() LoginURLInfoEnum
// RichText Describes a text object inside an instant-view web page
type RichText interface {
GetRichTextEnum() RichTextEnum
// PageBlockHorizontalAlignment Describes a horizontal alignment of a table cell content
type PageBlockHorizontalAlignment interface {
GetPageBlockHorizontalAlignmentEnum() PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentEnum
// PageBlockVerticalAlignment Describes a Vertical alignment of a table cell content
type PageBlockVerticalAlignment interface {
GetPageBlockVerticalAlignmentEnum() PageBlockVerticalAlignmentEnum
// PageBlock Describes a block of an instant view web page
type PageBlock interface {
GetPageBlockEnum() PageBlockEnum
// InputCredentials Contains information about the payment method chosen by the user
type InputCredentials interface {
GetInputCredentialsEnum() InputCredentialsEnum
// PassportElementType Contains the type of a Telegram Passport element
type PassportElementType interface {
GetPassportElementTypeEnum() PassportElementTypeEnum
// PassportElement Contains information about a Telegram Passport element
type PassportElement interface {
GetPassportElementEnum() PassportElementEnum
// InputPassportElement Contains information about a Telegram Passport element to be saved
type InputPassportElement interface {
GetInputPassportElementEnum() InputPassportElementEnum
// PassportElementErrorSource Contains the description of an error in a Telegram Passport element
type PassportElementErrorSource interface {
GetPassportElementErrorSourceEnum() PassportElementErrorSourceEnum
// InputPassportElementErrorSource Contains the description of an error in a Telegram Passport element; for bots only
type InputPassportElementErrorSource interface {
GetInputPassportElementErrorSourceEnum() InputPassportElementErrorSourceEnum
// MessageContent Contains the content of a message
type MessageContent interface {
GetMessageContentEnum() MessageContentEnum
// TextEntityType Represents a part of the text which must be formatted differently
type TextEntityType interface {
GetTextEntityTypeEnum() TextEntityTypeEnum
// MessageSchedulingState Contains information about the time when a scheduled message will be sent
type MessageSchedulingState interface {
GetMessageSchedulingStateEnum() MessageSchedulingStateEnum
// InputMessageContent The content of a message to send
type InputMessageContent interface {
GetInputMessageContentEnum() InputMessageContentEnum
// SearchMessagesFilter Represents a filter for message search results
type SearchMessagesFilter interface {
GetSearchMessagesFilterEnum() SearchMessagesFilterEnum
// ChatAction Describes the different types of activity in a chat
type ChatAction interface {
GetChatActionEnum() ChatActionEnum
// UserStatus Describes the last time the user was online
type UserStatus interface {
GetUserStatusEnum() UserStatusEnum
// CallDiscardReason Describes the reason why a call was discarded
type CallDiscardReason interface {
GetCallDiscardReasonEnum() CallDiscardReasonEnum
// CallServerType Describes the type of a call server
type CallServerType interface {
GetCallServerTypeEnum() CallServerTypeEnum
// CallState Describes the current call state
type CallState interface {
GetCallStateEnum() CallStateEnum
// CallProblem Describes the exact type of a problem with a call
type CallProblem interface {
GetCallProblemEnum() CallProblemEnum
// DiceStickers Contains animated stickers which should be used for dice animation rendering
type DiceStickers interface {
GetDiceStickersEnum() DiceStickersEnum
// InputInlineQueryResult Represents a single result of an inline query; for bots only
type InputInlineQueryResult interface {
GetInputInlineQueryResultEnum() InputInlineQueryResultEnum
// InlineQueryResult Represents a single result of an inline query
type InlineQueryResult interface {
GetInlineQueryResultEnum() InlineQueryResultEnum
// CallbackQueryPayload Represents a payload of a callback query
type CallbackQueryPayload interface {
GetCallbackQueryPayloadEnum() CallbackQueryPayloadEnum
// ChatEventAction Represents a chat event
type ChatEventAction interface {
GetChatEventActionEnum() ChatEventActionEnum
// LanguagePackStringValue Represents the value of a string in a language pack
type LanguagePackStringValue interface {
GetLanguagePackStringValueEnum() LanguagePackStringValueEnum
// DeviceToken Represents a data needed to subscribe for push notifications through registerDevice method. To use specific push notification service, the correct application platform must be specified and a valid server authentication data must be uploaded at https://my.telegram.org
type DeviceToken interface {
GetDeviceTokenEnum() DeviceTokenEnum
// BackgroundFill Describes a fill of a background
type BackgroundFill interface {
GetBackgroundFillEnum() BackgroundFillEnum
// BackgroundType Describes the type of a background
type BackgroundType interface {
GetBackgroundTypeEnum() BackgroundTypeEnum
// InputBackground Contains information about background to set
type InputBackground interface {
GetInputBackgroundEnum() InputBackgroundEnum
// CanTransferOwnershipResult Represents result of checking whether the current session can be used to transfer a chat ownership to another user
type CanTransferOwnershipResult interface {
GetCanTransferOwnershipResultEnum() CanTransferOwnershipResultEnum
// CheckChatUsernameResult Represents result of checking whether a username can be set for a chat
type CheckChatUsernameResult interface {
GetCheckChatUsernameResultEnum() CheckChatUsernameResultEnum
// MessageFileType Contains information about a file with messages exported from another app
type MessageFileType interface {
GetMessageFileTypeEnum() MessageFileTypeEnum
// PushMessageContent Contains content of a push message notification
type PushMessageContent interface {
GetPushMessageContentEnum() PushMessageContentEnum
// NotificationType Contains detailed information about a notification
type NotificationType interface {
GetNotificationTypeEnum() NotificationTypeEnum
// NotificationGroupType Describes the type of notifications in a notification group
type NotificationGroupType interface {
GetNotificationGroupTypeEnum() NotificationGroupTypeEnum
// OptionValue Represents the value of an option
type OptionValue interface {
GetOptionValueEnum() OptionValueEnum
// JsonValue Represents a JSON value
type JsonValue interface {
GetJsonValueEnum() JsonValueEnum
// UserPrivacySettingRule Represents a single rule for managing privacy settings
type UserPrivacySettingRule interface {
GetUserPrivacySettingRuleEnum() UserPrivacySettingRuleEnum
// UserPrivacySetting Describes available user privacy settings
type UserPrivacySetting interface {
GetUserPrivacySettingEnum() UserPrivacySettingEnum
// ChatReportReason Describes the reason why a chat is reported
type ChatReportReason interface {
GetChatReportReasonEnum() ChatReportReasonEnum
// FileType Represents the type of a file
type FileType interface {
GetFileTypeEnum() FileTypeEnum
// NetworkType Represents the type of a network
type NetworkType interface {
GetNetworkTypeEnum() NetworkTypeEnum
// NetworkStatisticsEntry Contains statistics about network usage
type NetworkStatisticsEntry interface {
GetNetworkStatisticsEntryEnum() NetworkStatisticsEntryEnum
// ConnectionState Describes the current state of the connection to Telegram servers
type ConnectionState interface {
GetConnectionStateEnum() ConnectionStateEnum
// TopChatCategory Represents the categories of chats for which a list of frequently used chats can be retrieved
type TopChatCategory interface {
GetTopChatCategoryEnum() TopChatCategoryEnum
// TMeURLType Describes the type of a URL linking to an internal Telegram entity
type TMeURLType interface {
GetTMeURLTypeEnum() TMeURLTypeEnum
// SuggestedAction Describes an action suggested to the current user
type SuggestedAction interface {
GetSuggestedActionEnum() SuggestedActionEnum
// TextParseMode Describes the way the text should be parsed for TextEntities
type TextParseMode interface {
GetTextParseModeEnum() TextParseModeEnum
// ProxyType Describes the type of a proxy server
type ProxyType interface {
GetProxyTypeEnum() ProxyTypeEnum
// InputSticker Describes a sticker that needs to be added to a sticker set
type InputSticker interface {
GetInputStickerEnum() InputStickerEnum
// StatisticalGraph Describes a statistical graph
type StatisticalGraph interface {
GetStatisticalGraphEnum() StatisticalGraphEnum
// ChatStatistics Contains a detailed statistics about a chat
type ChatStatistics interface {
GetChatStatisticsEnum() ChatStatisticsEnum
// VectorPathCommand Represents a vector path command
type VectorPathCommand interface {
GetVectorPathCommandEnum() VectorPathCommandEnum
// Update Contains notifications about data changes
type Update interface {
GetUpdateEnum() UpdateEnum
// LogStream Describes a stream to which TDLib internal log is written
type LogStream interface {
GetLogStreamEnum() LogStreamEnum
// Error An object of this type can be returned on every function call, in case of an error
type Error struct {
Code int32 `json:"code"` // Error code; subject to future changes. If the error code is 406, the error message must not be processed in any way and must not be displayed to the user
Message string `json:"message"` // Error message; subject to future changes
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of Error
func (error *Error) MessageType() string {
return "error"
// NewError creates a new Error
// @param code Error code; subject to future changes. If the error code is 406, the error message must not be processed in any way and must not be displayed to the user
// @param message Error message; subject to future changes
func NewError(code int32, message string) *Error {
errorTemp := Error{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "error"},
Code: code,
Message: message,
return &errorTemp
// Ok An object of this type is returned on a successful function call for certain functions
type Ok struct {
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of Ok
func (ok *Ok) MessageType() string {
return "ok"
// NewOk creates a new Ok
func NewOk() *Ok {
okTemp := Ok{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "ok"},
return &okTemp
// TdlibParameters Contains parameters for TDLib initialization
type TdlibParameters struct {
UseTestDc bool `json:"use_test_dc"` // If set to true, the Telegram test environment will be used instead of the production environment
DatabaseDirectory string `json:"database_directory"` // The path to the directory for the persistent database; if empty, the current working directory will be used
FilesDirectory string `json:"files_directory"` // The path to the directory for storing files; if empty, database_directory will be used
UseFileDatabase bool `json:"use_file_database"` // If set to true, information about downloaded and uploaded files will be saved between application restarts
UseChatInfoDatabase bool `json:"use_chat_info_database"` // If set to true, the library will maintain a cache of users, basic groups, supergroups, channels and secret chats. Implies use_file_database
UseMessageDatabase bool `json:"use_message_database"` // If set to true, the library will maintain a cache of chats and messages. Implies use_chat_info_database
UseSecretChats bool `json:"use_secret_chats"` // If set to true, support for secret chats will be enabled
APIID int32 `json:"api_id"` // Application identifier for Telegram API access, which can be obtained at https://my.telegram.org
APIHash string `json:"api_hash"` // Application identifier hash for Telegram API access, which can be obtained at https://my.telegram.org
SystemLanguageCode string `json:"system_language_code"` // IETF language tag of the user's operating system language; must be non-empty
DeviceModel string `json:"device_model"` // Model of the device the application is being run on; must be non-empty
SystemVersion string `json:"system_version"` // Version of the operating system the application is being run on. If empty, the version is automatically detected by TDLib
ApplicationVersion string `json:"application_version"` // Application version; must be non-empty
EnableStorageOptimizer bool `json:"enable_storage_optimizer"` // If set to true, old files will automatically be deleted
IgnoreFileNames bool `json:"ignore_file_names"` // If set to true, original file names will be ignored. Otherwise, downloaded files will be saved under names as close as possible to the original name
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of TdlibParameters
func (tdlibParameters *TdlibParameters) MessageType() string {
return "tdlibParameters"
// NewTdlibParameters creates a new TdlibParameters
// @param useTestDc If set to true, the Telegram test environment will be used instead of the production environment
// @param databaseDirectory The path to the directory for the persistent database; if empty, the current working directory will be used
// @param filesDirectory The path to the directory for storing files; if empty, database_directory will be used
// @param useFileDatabase If set to true, information about downloaded and uploaded files will be saved between application restarts
// @param useChatInfoDatabase If set to true, the library will maintain a cache of users, basic groups, supergroups, channels and secret chats. Implies use_file_database
// @param useMessageDatabase If set to true, the library will maintain a cache of chats and messages. Implies use_chat_info_database
// @param useSecretChats If set to true, support for secret chats will be enabled
// @param aPIID Application identifier for Telegram API access, which can be obtained at https://my.telegram.org
// @param aPIHash Application identifier hash for Telegram API access, which can be obtained at https://my.telegram.org
// @param systemLanguageCode IETF language tag of the user's operating system language; must be non-empty
// @param deviceModel Model of the device the application is being run on; must be non-empty
// @param systemVersion Version of the operating system the application is being run on. If empty, the version is automatically detected by TDLib
// @param applicationVersion Application version; must be non-empty
// @param enableStorageOptimizer If set to true, old files will automatically be deleted
// @param ignoreFileNames If set to true, original file names will be ignored. Otherwise, downloaded files will be saved under names as close as possible to the original name
func NewTdlibParameters(useTestDc bool, databaseDirectory string, filesDirectory string, useFileDatabase bool, useChatInfoDatabase bool, useMessageDatabase bool, useSecretChats bool, aPIID int32, aPIHash string, systemLanguageCode string, deviceModel string, systemVersion string, applicationVersion string, enableStorageOptimizer bool, ignoreFileNames bool) *TdlibParameters {
tdlibParametersTemp := TdlibParameters{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "tdlibParameters"},
UseTestDc: useTestDc,
DatabaseDirectory: databaseDirectory,
FilesDirectory: filesDirectory,
UseFileDatabase: useFileDatabase,
UseChatInfoDatabase: useChatInfoDatabase,
UseMessageDatabase: useMessageDatabase,
UseSecretChats: useSecretChats,
APIHash: aPIHash,
SystemLanguageCode: systemLanguageCode,
DeviceModel: deviceModel,
SystemVersion: systemVersion,
ApplicationVersion: applicationVersion,
EnableStorageOptimizer: enableStorageOptimizer,
IgnoreFileNames: ignoreFileNames,
return &tdlibParametersTemp
// AuthenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage An authentication code is delivered via a private Telegram message, which can be viewed from another active session
type AuthenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage struct {
Length int32 `json:"length"` // Length of the code
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of AuthenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage
func (authenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage *AuthenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage) MessageType() string {
return "authenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage"
// NewAuthenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage creates a new AuthenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage
// @param length Length of the code
func NewAuthenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage(length int32) *AuthenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage {
authenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessageTemp := AuthenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "authenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage"},
Length: length,
return &authenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessageTemp
// GetAuthenticationCodeTypeEnum return the enum type of this object
func (authenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage *AuthenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage) GetAuthenticationCodeTypeEnum() AuthenticationCodeTypeEnum {
return AuthenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessageType
// AuthenticationCodeTypeSms An authentication code is delivered via an SMS message to the specified phone number
type AuthenticationCodeTypeSms struct {
Length int32 `json:"length"` // Length of the code
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of AuthenticationCodeTypeSms
func (authenticationCodeTypeSms *AuthenticationCodeTypeSms) MessageType() string {
return "authenticationCodeTypeSms"
// NewAuthenticationCodeTypeSms creates a new AuthenticationCodeTypeSms
// @param length Length of the code
func NewAuthenticationCodeTypeSms(length int32) *AuthenticationCodeTypeSms {
authenticationCodeTypeSmsTemp := AuthenticationCodeTypeSms{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "authenticationCodeTypeSms"},
Length: length,
return &authenticationCodeTypeSmsTemp
// GetAuthenticationCodeTypeEnum return the enum type of this object
func (authenticationCodeTypeSms *AuthenticationCodeTypeSms) GetAuthenticationCodeTypeEnum() AuthenticationCodeTypeEnum {
return AuthenticationCodeTypeSmsType
// AuthenticationCodeTypeCall An authentication code is delivered via a phone call to the specified phone number
type AuthenticationCodeTypeCall struct {
Length int32 `json:"length"` // Length of the code
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of AuthenticationCodeTypeCall
func (authenticationCodeTypeCall *AuthenticationCodeTypeCall) MessageType() string {
return "authenticationCodeTypeCall"
// NewAuthenticationCodeTypeCall creates a new AuthenticationCodeTypeCall
// @param length Length of the code
func NewAuthenticationCodeTypeCall(length int32) *AuthenticationCodeTypeCall {
authenticationCodeTypeCallTemp := AuthenticationCodeTypeCall{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "authenticationCodeTypeCall"},
Length: length,
return &authenticationCodeTypeCallTemp
// GetAuthenticationCodeTypeEnum return the enum type of this object
func (authenticationCodeTypeCall *AuthenticationCodeTypeCall) GetAuthenticationCodeTypeEnum() AuthenticationCodeTypeEnum {
return AuthenticationCodeTypeCallType
// AuthenticationCodeTypeFlashCall An authentication code is delivered by an immediately cancelled call to the specified phone number. The number from which the call was made is the code
type AuthenticationCodeTypeFlashCall struct {
Pattern string `json:"pattern"` // Pattern of the phone number from which the call will be made
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of AuthenticationCodeTypeFlashCall
func (authenticationCodeTypeFlashCall *AuthenticationCodeTypeFlashCall) MessageType() string {
return "authenticationCodeTypeFlashCall"
// NewAuthenticationCodeTypeFlashCall creates a new AuthenticationCodeTypeFlashCall
// @param pattern Pattern of the phone number from which the call will be made
func NewAuthenticationCodeTypeFlashCall(pattern string) *AuthenticationCodeTypeFlashCall {
authenticationCodeTypeFlashCallTemp := AuthenticationCodeTypeFlashCall{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "authenticationCodeTypeFlashCall"},
Pattern: pattern,
return &authenticationCodeTypeFlashCallTemp
// GetAuthenticationCodeTypeEnum return the enum type of this object
func (authenticationCodeTypeFlashCall *AuthenticationCodeTypeFlashCall) GetAuthenticationCodeTypeEnum() AuthenticationCodeTypeEnum {
return AuthenticationCodeTypeFlashCallType
// AuthenticationCodeInfo Information about the authentication code that was sent
type AuthenticationCodeInfo struct {
PhoneNumber string `json:"phone_number"` // A phone number that is being authenticated
Type AuthenticationCodeType `json:"type"` // Describes the way the code was sent to the user
NextType AuthenticationCodeType `json:"next_type"` // Describes the way the next code will be sent to the user; may be null
Timeout int32 `json:"timeout"` // Timeout before the code should be re-sent, in seconds
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of AuthenticationCodeInfo
func (authenticationCodeInfo *AuthenticationCodeInfo) MessageType() string {
return "authenticationCodeInfo"
// NewAuthenticationCodeInfo creates a new AuthenticationCodeInfo
// @param phoneNumber A phone number that is being authenticated
// @param typeParam Describes the way the code was sent to the user
// @param nextType Describes the way the next code will be sent to the user; may be null
// @param timeout Timeout before the code should be re-sent, in seconds
func NewAuthenticationCodeInfo(phoneNumber string, typeParam AuthenticationCodeType, nextType AuthenticationCodeType, timeout int32) *AuthenticationCodeInfo {
authenticationCodeInfoTemp := AuthenticationCodeInfo{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "authenticationCodeInfo"},
PhoneNumber: phoneNumber,
Type: typeParam,
NextType: nextType,
Timeout: timeout,
return &authenticationCodeInfoTemp
// UnmarshalJSON unmarshal to json
func (authenticationCodeInfo *AuthenticationCodeInfo) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var objMap map[string]*json.RawMessage
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &objMap)
if err != nil {
return err
tempObj := struct {
PhoneNumber string `json:"phone_number"` // A phone number that is being authenticated
Timeout int32 `json:"timeout"` // Timeout before the code should be re-sent, in seconds
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &tempObj)
if err != nil {
return err
authenticationCodeInfo.tdCommon = tempObj.tdCommon
authenticationCodeInfo.PhoneNumber = tempObj.PhoneNumber
authenticationCodeInfo.Timeout = tempObj.Timeout
fieldType, _ := unmarshalAuthenticationCodeType(objMap["type"])
authenticationCodeInfo.Type = fieldType
fieldNextType, _ := unmarshalAuthenticationCodeType(objMap["next_type"])
authenticationCodeInfo.NextType = fieldNextType
return nil
// EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo Information about the email address authentication code that was sent
type EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo struct {
EmailAddressPattern string `json:"email_address_pattern"` // Pattern of the email address to which an authentication code was sent
Length int32 `json:"length"` // Length of the code; 0 if unknown
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo
func (emailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo *EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo) MessageType() string {
return "emailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo"
// NewEmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo creates a new EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo
// @param emailAddressPattern Pattern of the email address to which an authentication code was sent
// @param length Length of the code; 0 if unknown
func NewEmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo(emailAddressPattern string, length int32) *EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo {
emailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfoTemp := EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "emailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo"},
EmailAddressPattern: emailAddressPattern,
Length: length,
return &emailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfoTemp
// TextEntity Represents a part of the text that needs to be formatted in some unusual way
type TextEntity struct {
Offset int32 `json:"offset"` // Offset of the entity, in UTF-16 code units
Length int32 `json:"length"` // Length of the entity, in UTF-16 code units
Type TextEntityType `json:"type"` // Type of the entity
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of TextEntity
func (textEntity *TextEntity) MessageType() string {
return "textEntity"
// NewTextEntity creates a new TextEntity
// @param offset Offset of the entity, in UTF-16 code units
// @param length Length of the entity, in UTF-16 code units
// @param typeParam Type of the entity
func NewTextEntity(offset int32, length int32, typeParam TextEntityType) *TextEntity {
textEntityTemp := TextEntity{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "textEntity"},
Offset: offset,
Length: length,
Type: typeParam,
return &textEntityTemp
// UnmarshalJSON unmarshal to json
func (textEntity *TextEntity) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var objMap map[string]*json.RawMessage
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &objMap)
if err != nil {
return err
tempObj := struct {
Offset int32 `json:"offset"` // Offset of the entity, in UTF-16 code units
Length int32 `json:"length"` // Length of the entity, in UTF-16 code units
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &tempObj)
if err != nil {
return err
textEntity.tdCommon = tempObj.tdCommon
textEntity.Offset = tempObj.Offset
textEntity.Length = tempObj.Length
fieldType, _ := unmarshalTextEntityType(objMap["type"])
textEntity.Type = fieldType
return nil
// TextEntities Contains a list of text entities
type TextEntities struct {
Entities []TextEntity `json:"entities"` // List of text entities
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of TextEntities
func (textEntities *TextEntities) MessageType() string {
return "textEntities"
// NewTextEntities creates a new TextEntities
// @param entities List of text entities
func NewTextEntities(entities []TextEntity) *TextEntities {
textEntitiesTemp := TextEntities{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "textEntities"},
Entities: entities,
return &textEntitiesTemp
// FormattedText A text with some entities
type FormattedText struct {
Text string `json:"text"` // The text
Entities []TextEntity `json:"entities"` // Entities contained in the text. Entities can be nested, but must not mutually intersect with each other.
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of FormattedText
func (formattedText *FormattedText) MessageType() string {
return "formattedText"
// NewFormattedText creates a new FormattedText
// @param text The text
// @param entities Entities contained in the text. Entities can be nested, but must not mutually intersect with each other.
func NewFormattedText(text string, entities []TextEntity) *FormattedText {
formattedTextTemp := FormattedText{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "formattedText"},
Text: text,
Entities: entities,
return &formattedTextTemp
// TermsOfService Contains Telegram terms of service
type TermsOfService struct {
Text *FormattedText `json:"text"` // Text of the terms of service
MinUserAge int32 `json:"min_user_age"` // The minimum age of a user to be able to accept the terms; 0 if any
ShowPopup bool `json:"show_popup"` // True, if a blocking popup with terms of service must be shown to the user
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of TermsOfService
func (termsOfService *TermsOfService) MessageType() string {
return "termsOfService"
// NewTermsOfService creates a new TermsOfService
// @param text Text of the terms of service
// @param minUserAge The minimum age of a user to be able to accept the terms; 0 if any
// @param showPopup True, if a blocking popup with terms of service must be shown to the user
func NewTermsOfService(text *FormattedText, minUserAge int32, showPopup bool) *TermsOfService {
termsOfServiceTemp := TermsOfService{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "termsOfService"},
Text: text,
MinUserAge: minUserAge,
ShowPopup: showPopup,
return &termsOfServiceTemp
// AuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters TDLib needs TdlibParameters for initialization
type AuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters struct {
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of AuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters
func (authorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters *AuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters) MessageType() string {
return "authorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters"
// NewAuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters creates a new AuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters
func NewAuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters() *AuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters {
authorizationStateWaitTdlibParametersTemp := AuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "authorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters"},
return &authorizationStateWaitTdlibParametersTemp
// GetAuthorizationStateEnum return the enum type of this object
func (authorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters *AuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters) GetAuthorizationStateEnum() AuthorizationStateEnum {
return AuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParametersType
// AuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey TDLib needs an encryption key to decrypt the local database
type AuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey struct {
IsEncrypted bool `json:"is_encrypted"` // True, if the database is currently encrypted
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of AuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey
func (authorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey *AuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey) MessageType() string {
return "authorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey"
// NewAuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey creates a new AuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey
// @param isEncrypted True, if the database is currently encrypted
func NewAuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey(isEncrypted bool) *AuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey {
authorizationStateWaitEncryptionKeyTemp := AuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "authorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey"},
IsEncrypted: isEncrypted,
return &authorizationStateWaitEncryptionKeyTemp
// GetAuthorizationStateEnum return the enum type of this object
func (authorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey *AuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey) GetAuthorizationStateEnum() AuthorizationStateEnum {
return AuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKeyType
// AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber TDLib needs the user's phone number to authorize. Call `setAuthenticationPhoneNumber` to provide the phone number, or use `requestQrCodeAuthentication`, or `checkAuthenticationBotToken` for other authentication options
type AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber struct {
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber
func (authorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber *AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber) MessageType() string {
return "authorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber"
// NewAuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber creates a new AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber
func NewAuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber() *AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber {
authorizationStateWaitPhoneNumberTemp := AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "authorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber"},
return &authorizationStateWaitPhoneNumberTemp
// GetAuthorizationStateEnum return the enum type of this object
func (authorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber *AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber) GetAuthorizationStateEnum() AuthorizationStateEnum {
return AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumberType
// AuthorizationStateWaitCode TDLib needs the user's authentication code to authorize
type AuthorizationStateWaitCode struct {
CodeInfo *AuthenticationCodeInfo `json:"code_info"` // Information about the authorization code that was sent
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of AuthorizationStateWaitCode
func (authorizationStateWaitCode *AuthorizationStateWaitCode) MessageType() string {
return "authorizationStateWaitCode"
// NewAuthorizationStateWaitCode creates a new AuthorizationStateWaitCode
// @param codeInfo Information about the authorization code that was sent
func NewAuthorizationStateWaitCode(codeInfo *AuthenticationCodeInfo) *AuthorizationStateWaitCode {
authorizationStateWaitCodeTemp := AuthorizationStateWaitCode{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "authorizationStateWaitCode"},
CodeInfo: codeInfo,
return &authorizationStateWaitCodeTemp
// GetAuthorizationStateEnum return the enum type of this object
func (authorizationStateWaitCode *AuthorizationStateWaitCode) GetAuthorizationStateEnum() AuthorizationStateEnum {
return AuthorizationStateWaitCodeType
// AuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation The user needs to confirm authorization on another logged in device by scanning a QR code with the provided link
type AuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation struct {
Link string `json:"link"` // A tg:// URL for the QR code. The link will be updated frequently
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of AuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation
func (authorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation *AuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation) MessageType() string {
return "authorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation"
// NewAuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation creates a new AuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation
// @param link A tg:// URL for the QR code. The link will be updated frequently
func NewAuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation(link string) *AuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation {
authorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmationTemp := AuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "authorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation"},
Link: link,
return &authorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmationTemp
// GetAuthorizationStateEnum return the enum type of this object
func (authorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation *AuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation) GetAuthorizationStateEnum() AuthorizationStateEnum {
return AuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmationType
// AuthorizationStateWaitRegistration The user is unregistered and need to accept terms of service and enter their first name and last name to finish registration
type AuthorizationStateWaitRegistration struct {
TermsOfService *TermsOfService `json:"terms_of_service"` // Telegram terms of service
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of AuthorizationStateWaitRegistration
func (authorizationStateWaitRegistration *AuthorizationStateWaitRegistration) MessageType() string {
return "authorizationStateWaitRegistration"
// NewAuthorizationStateWaitRegistration creates a new AuthorizationStateWaitRegistration
// @param termsOfService Telegram terms of service
func NewAuthorizationStateWaitRegistration(termsOfService *TermsOfService) *AuthorizationStateWaitRegistration {
authorizationStateWaitRegistrationTemp := AuthorizationStateWaitRegistration{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "authorizationStateWaitRegistration"},
TermsOfService: termsOfService,
return &authorizationStateWaitRegistrationTemp
// GetAuthorizationStateEnum return the enum type of this object
func (authorizationStateWaitRegistration *AuthorizationStateWaitRegistration) GetAuthorizationStateEnum() AuthorizationStateEnum {
return AuthorizationStateWaitRegistrationType
// AuthorizationStateWaitPassword The user has been authorized, but needs to enter a password to start using the application
type AuthorizationStateWaitPassword struct {
PasswordHint string `json:"password_hint"` // Hint for the password; may be empty
HasRecoveryEmailAddress bool `json:"has_recovery_email_address"` // True, if a recovery email address has been set up
RecoveryEmailAddressPattern string `json:"recovery_email_address_pattern"` // Pattern of the email address to which the recovery email was sent; empty until a recovery email has been sent
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of AuthorizationStateWaitPassword
func (authorizationStateWaitPassword *AuthorizationStateWaitPassword) MessageType() string {
return "authorizationStateWaitPassword"
// NewAuthorizationStateWaitPassword creates a new AuthorizationStateWaitPassword
// @param passwordHint Hint for the password; may be empty
// @param hasRecoveryEmailAddress True, if a recovery email address has been set up
// @param recoveryEmailAddressPattern Pattern of the email address to which the recovery email was sent; empty until a recovery email has been sent
func NewAuthorizationStateWaitPassword(passwordHint string, hasRecoveryEmailAddress bool, recoveryEmailAddressPattern string) *AuthorizationStateWaitPassword {
authorizationStateWaitPasswordTemp := AuthorizationStateWaitPassword{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "authorizationStateWaitPassword"},
PasswordHint: passwordHint,
HasRecoveryEmailAddress: hasRecoveryEmailAddress,
RecoveryEmailAddressPattern: recoveryEmailAddressPattern,
return &authorizationStateWaitPasswordTemp
// GetAuthorizationStateEnum return the enum type of this object
func (authorizationStateWaitPassword *AuthorizationStateWaitPassword) GetAuthorizationStateEnum() AuthorizationStateEnum {
return AuthorizationStateWaitPasswordType
// AuthorizationStateReady The user has been successfully authorized. TDLib is now ready to answer queries
type AuthorizationStateReady struct {
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of AuthorizationStateReady
func (authorizationStateReady *AuthorizationStateReady) MessageType() string {
return "authorizationStateReady"
// NewAuthorizationStateReady creates a new AuthorizationStateReady
func NewAuthorizationStateReady() *AuthorizationStateReady {
authorizationStateReadyTemp := AuthorizationStateReady{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "authorizationStateReady"},
return &authorizationStateReadyTemp
// GetAuthorizationStateEnum return the enum type of this object
func (authorizationStateReady *AuthorizationStateReady) GetAuthorizationStateEnum() AuthorizationStateEnum {
return AuthorizationStateReadyType
// AuthorizationStateLoggingOut The user is currently logging out
type AuthorizationStateLoggingOut struct {
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of AuthorizationStateLoggingOut
func (authorizationStateLoggingOut *AuthorizationStateLoggingOut) MessageType() string {
return "authorizationStateLoggingOut"
// NewAuthorizationStateLoggingOut creates a new AuthorizationStateLoggingOut
func NewAuthorizationStateLoggingOut() *AuthorizationStateLoggingOut {
authorizationStateLoggingOutTemp := AuthorizationStateLoggingOut{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "authorizationStateLoggingOut"},
return &authorizationStateLoggingOutTemp
// GetAuthorizationStateEnum return the enum type of this object
func (authorizationStateLoggingOut *AuthorizationStateLoggingOut) GetAuthorizationStateEnum() AuthorizationStateEnum {
return AuthorizationStateLoggingOutType
// AuthorizationStateClosing TDLib is closing, all subsequent queries will be answered with the error 500. Note that closing TDLib can take a while. All resources will be freed only after authorizationStateClosed has been received
type AuthorizationStateClosing struct {
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of AuthorizationStateClosing
func (authorizationStateClosing *AuthorizationStateClosing) MessageType() string {
return "authorizationStateClosing"
// NewAuthorizationStateClosing creates a new AuthorizationStateClosing
func NewAuthorizationStateClosing() *AuthorizationStateClosing {
authorizationStateClosingTemp := AuthorizationStateClosing{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "authorizationStateClosing"},
return &authorizationStateClosingTemp
// GetAuthorizationStateEnum return the enum type of this object
func (authorizationStateClosing *AuthorizationStateClosing) GetAuthorizationStateEnum() AuthorizationStateEnum {
return AuthorizationStateClosingType
// AuthorizationStateClosed TDLib client is in its final state. All databases are closed and all resources are released. No other updates will be received after this. All queries will be responded to
type AuthorizationStateClosed struct {
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of AuthorizationStateClosed
func (authorizationStateClosed *AuthorizationStateClosed) MessageType() string {
return "authorizationStateClosed"
// NewAuthorizationStateClosed creates a new AuthorizationStateClosed
func NewAuthorizationStateClosed() *AuthorizationStateClosed {
authorizationStateClosedTemp := AuthorizationStateClosed{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "authorizationStateClosed"},
return &authorizationStateClosedTemp
// GetAuthorizationStateEnum return the enum type of this object
func (authorizationStateClosed *AuthorizationStateClosed) GetAuthorizationStateEnum() AuthorizationStateEnum {
return AuthorizationStateClosedType
// PasswordState Represents the current state of 2-step verification
type PasswordState struct {
HasPassword bool `json:"has_password"` // True, if a 2-step verification password is set
PasswordHint string `json:"password_hint"` // Hint for the password; may be empty
HasRecoveryEmailAddress bool `json:"has_recovery_email_address"` // True, if a recovery email is set
HasPassportData bool `json:"has_passport_data"` // True, if some Telegram Passport elements were saved
RecoveryEmailAddressCodeInfo *EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo `json:"recovery_email_address_code_info"` // Information about the recovery email address to which the confirmation email was sent; may be null
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of PasswordState
func (passwordState *PasswordState) MessageType() string {
return "passwordState"
// NewPasswordState creates a new PasswordState
// @param hasPassword True, if a 2-step verification password is set
// @param passwordHint Hint for the password; may be empty
// @param hasRecoveryEmailAddress True, if a recovery email is set
// @param hasPassportData True, if some Telegram Passport elements were saved
// @param recoveryEmailAddressCodeInfo Information about the recovery email address to which the confirmation email was sent; may be null
func NewPasswordState(hasPassword bool, passwordHint string, hasRecoveryEmailAddress bool, hasPassportData bool, recoveryEmailAddressCodeInfo *EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo) *PasswordState {
passwordStateTemp := PasswordState{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "passwordState"},
HasPassword: hasPassword,
PasswordHint: passwordHint,
HasRecoveryEmailAddress: hasRecoveryEmailAddress,
HasPassportData: hasPassportData,
RecoveryEmailAddressCodeInfo: recoveryEmailAddressCodeInfo,
return &passwordStateTemp
// RecoveryEmailAddress Contains information about the current recovery email address
type RecoveryEmailAddress struct {
RecoveryEmailAddress string `json:"recovery_email_address"` // Recovery email address
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of RecoveryEmailAddress
func (recoveryEmailAddress *RecoveryEmailAddress) MessageType() string {
return "recoveryEmailAddress"
// NewRecoveryEmailAddress creates a new RecoveryEmailAddress
// @param recoveryEmailAddress Recovery email address
func NewRecoveryEmailAddress(recoveryEmailAddress string) *RecoveryEmailAddress {
recoveryEmailAddressTemp := RecoveryEmailAddress{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "recoveryEmailAddress"},
RecoveryEmailAddress: recoveryEmailAddress,
return &recoveryEmailAddressTemp
// TemporaryPasswordState Returns information about the availability of a temporary password, which can be used for payments
type TemporaryPasswordState struct {
HasPassword bool `json:"has_password"` // True, if a temporary password is available
ValidFor int32 `json:"valid_for"` // Time left before the temporary password expires, in seconds
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of TemporaryPasswordState
func (temporaryPasswordState *TemporaryPasswordState) MessageType() string {
return "temporaryPasswordState"
// NewTemporaryPasswordState creates a new TemporaryPasswordState
// @param hasPassword True, if a temporary password is available
// @param validFor Time left before the temporary password expires, in seconds
func NewTemporaryPasswordState(hasPassword bool, validFor int32) *TemporaryPasswordState {
temporaryPasswordStateTemp := TemporaryPasswordState{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "temporaryPasswordState"},
HasPassword: hasPassword,
ValidFor: validFor,
return &temporaryPasswordStateTemp
// LocalFile Represents a local file
type LocalFile struct {
Path string `json:"path"` // Local path to the locally available file part; may be empty
CanBeDownloaded bool `json:"can_be_downloaded"` // True, if it is possible to try to download or generate the file
CanBeDeleted bool `json:"can_be_deleted"` // True, if the file can be deleted
IsDownloadingActive bool `json:"is_downloading_active"` // True, if the file is currently being downloaded (or a local copy is being generated by some other means)
IsDownloadingCompleted bool `json:"is_downloading_completed"` // True, if the local copy is fully available
DownloadOffset int32 `json:"download_offset"` // Download will be started from this offset. downloaded_prefix_size is calculated from this offset
DownloadedPrefixSize int32 `json:"downloaded_prefix_size"` // If is_downloading_completed is false, then only some prefix of the file starting from download_offset is ready to be read. downloaded_prefix_size is the size of that prefix
DownloadedSize int32 `json:"downloaded_size"` // Total downloaded file bytes. Should be used only for calculating download progress. The actual file size may be bigger, and some parts of it may contain garbage
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of LocalFile
func (localFile *LocalFile) MessageType() string {
return "localFile"
// NewLocalFile creates a new LocalFile
// @param path Local path to the locally available file part; may be empty
// @param canBeDownloaded True, if it is possible to try to download or generate the file
// @param canBeDeleted True, if the file can be deleted
// @param isDownloadingActive True, if the file is currently being downloaded (or a local copy is being generated by some other means)
// @param isDownloadingCompleted True, if the local copy is fully available
// @param downloadOffset Download will be started from this offset. downloaded_prefix_size is calculated from this offset
// @param downloadedPrefixSize If is_downloading_completed is false, then only some prefix of the file starting from download_offset is ready to be read. downloaded_prefix_size is the size of that prefix
// @param downloadedSize Total downloaded file bytes. Should be used only for calculating download progress. The actual file size may be bigger, and some parts of it may contain garbage
func NewLocalFile(path string, canBeDownloaded bool, canBeDeleted bool, isDownloadingActive bool, isDownloadingCompleted bool, downloadOffset int32, downloadedPrefixSize int32, downloadedSize int32) *LocalFile {
localFileTemp := LocalFile{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "localFile"},
Path: path,
CanBeDownloaded: canBeDownloaded,
CanBeDeleted: canBeDeleted,
IsDownloadingActive: isDownloadingActive,
IsDownloadingCompleted: isDownloadingCompleted,
DownloadOffset: downloadOffset,
DownloadedPrefixSize: downloadedPrefixSize,
DownloadedSize: downloadedSize,
return &localFileTemp
// RemoteFile Represents a remote file
type RemoteFile struct {
ID string `json:"id"` // Remote file identifier; may be empty. Can be used by the current user across application restarts or even from other devices. Uniquely identifies a file, but a file can have a lot of different valid identifiers.
UniqueID string `json:"unique_id"` // Unique file identifier; may be empty if unknown. The unique file identifier which is the same for the same file even for different users and is persistent over time
IsUploadingActive bool `json:"is_uploading_active"` // True, if the file is currently being uploaded (or a remote copy is being generated by some other means)
IsUploadingCompleted bool `json:"is_uploading_completed"` // True, if a remote copy is fully available
UploadedSize int32 `json:"uploaded_size"` // Size of the remote available part of the file; 0 if unknown
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of RemoteFile
func (remoteFile *RemoteFile) MessageType() string {
return "remoteFile"
// NewRemoteFile creates a new RemoteFile
// @param iD Remote file identifier; may be empty. Can be used by the current user across application restarts or even from other devices. Uniquely identifies a file, but a file can have a lot of different valid identifiers.
// @param uniqueID Unique file identifier; may be empty if unknown. The unique file identifier which is the same for the same file even for different users and is persistent over time
// @param isUploadingActive True, if the file is currently being uploaded (or a remote copy is being generated by some other means)
// @param isUploadingCompleted True, if a remote copy is fully available
// @param uploadedSize Size of the remote available part of the file; 0 if unknown
func NewRemoteFile(iD string, uniqueID string, isUploadingActive bool, isUploadingCompleted bool, uploadedSize int32) *RemoteFile {
remoteFileTemp := RemoteFile{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "remoteFile"},
ID: iD,
UniqueID: uniqueID,
IsUploadingActive: isUploadingActive,
IsUploadingCompleted: isUploadingCompleted,
UploadedSize: uploadedSize,
return &remoteFileTemp
// File Represents a file
type File struct {
ID int32 `json:"id"` // Unique file identifier
Size int32 `json:"size"` // File size; 0 if unknown
ExpectedSize int32 `json:"expected_size"` // Expected file size in case the exact file size is unknown, but an approximate size is known. Can be used to show download/upload progress
Local *LocalFile `json:"local"` // Information about the local copy of the file
Remote *RemoteFile `json:"remote"` // Information about the remote copy of the file
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of File
func (file *File) MessageType() string {
return "file"
// NewFile creates a new File
// @param iD Unique file identifier
// @param size File size; 0 if unknown
// @param expectedSize Expected file size in case the exact file size is unknown, but an approximate size is known. Can be used to show download/upload progress
// @param local Information about the local copy of the file
// @param remote Information about the remote copy of the file
func NewFile(iD int32, size int32, expectedSize int32, local *LocalFile, remote *RemoteFile) *File {
fileTemp := File{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "file"},
ID: iD,
Size: size,
ExpectedSize: expectedSize,
Local: local,
Remote: remote,
return &fileTemp
// InputFileID A file defined by its unique ID
type InputFileID struct {
ID int32 `json:"id"` // Unique file identifier
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of InputFileID
func (inputFileID *InputFileID) MessageType() string {
return "inputFileId"
// NewInputFileID creates a new InputFileID
// @param iD Unique file identifier
func NewInputFileID(iD int32) *InputFileID {
inputFileIDTemp := InputFileID{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "inputFileId"},
ID: iD,
return &inputFileIDTemp
// GetInputFileEnum return the enum type of this object
func (inputFileID *InputFileID) GetInputFileEnum() InputFileEnum {
return InputFileIDType
// InputFileRemote A file defined by its remote ID. The remote ID is guaranteed to be usable only if the corresponding file is still accessible to the user and known to TDLib.
type InputFileRemote struct {
ID string `json:"id"` // Remote file identifier
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of InputFileRemote
func (inputFileRemote *InputFileRemote) MessageType() string {
return "inputFileRemote"
// NewInputFileRemote creates a new InputFileRemote
// @param iD Remote file identifier
func NewInputFileRemote(iD string) *InputFileRemote {
inputFileRemoteTemp := InputFileRemote{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "inputFileRemote"},
ID: iD,
return &inputFileRemoteTemp
// GetInputFileEnum return the enum type of this object
func (inputFileRemote *InputFileRemote) GetInputFileEnum() InputFileEnum {
return InputFileRemoteType
// InputFileLocal A file defined by a local path
type InputFileLocal struct {
Path string `json:"path"` // Local path to the file
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of InputFileLocal
func (inputFileLocal *InputFileLocal) MessageType() string {
return "inputFileLocal"
// NewInputFileLocal creates a new InputFileLocal
// @param path Local path to the file
func NewInputFileLocal(path string) *InputFileLocal {
inputFileLocalTemp := InputFileLocal{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "inputFileLocal"},
Path: path,
return &inputFileLocalTemp
// GetInputFileEnum return the enum type of this object
func (inputFileLocal *InputFileLocal) GetInputFileEnum() InputFileEnum {
return InputFileLocalType
// InputFileGenerated A file generated by the application
type InputFileGenerated struct {
OriginalPath string `json:"original_path"` // Local path to a file from which the file is generated; may be empty if there is no such file
Conversion string `json:"conversion"` // String specifying the conversion applied to the original file; should be persistent across application restarts. Conversions beginning with '#' are reserved for internal TDLib usage
ExpectedSize int32 `json:"expected_size"` // Expected size of the generated file; 0 if unknown
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of InputFileGenerated
func (inputFileGenerated *InputFileGenerated) MessageType() string {
return "inputFileGenerated"
// NewInputFileGenerated creates a new InputFileGenerated
// @param originalPath Local path to a file from which the file is generated; may be empty if there is no such file
// @param conversion String specifying the conversion applied to the original file; should be persistent across application restarts. Conversions beginning with '#' are reserved for internal TDLib usage
// @param expectedSize Expected size of the generated file; 0 if unknown
func NewInputFileGenerated(originalPath string, conversion string, expectedSize int32) *InputFileGenerated {
inputFileGeneratedTemp := InputFileGenerated{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "inputFileGenerated"},
OriginalPath: originalPath,
Conversion: conversion,
ExpectedSize: expectedSize,
return &inputFileGeneratedTemp
// GetInputFileEnum return the enum type of this object
func (inputFileGenerated *InputFileGenerated) GetInputFileEnum() InputFileEnum {
return InputFileGeneratedType
// PhotoSize Describes an image in JPEG format
type PhotoSize struct {
Type string `json:"type"` // Image type (see https://core.telegram.org/constructor/photoSize)
Photo *File `json:"photo"` // Information about the image file
Width int32 `json:"width"` // Image width
Height int32 `json:"height"` // Image height
ProgressiveSizes []int32 `json:"progressive_sizes"` // Sizes of progressive JPEG file prefixes, which can be used to preliminarily show the image
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of PhotoSize
func (photoSize *PhotoSize) MessageType() string {
return "photoSize"
// NewPhotoSize creates a new PhotoSize
// @param typeParam Image type (see https://core.telegram.org/constructor/photoSize)
// @param photo Information about the image file
// @param width Image width
// @param height Image height
// @param progressiveSizes Sizes of progressive JPEG file prefixes, which can be used to preliminarily show the image
func NewPhotoSize(typeParam string, photo *File, width int32, height int32, progressiveSizes []int32) *PhotoSize {
photoSizeTemp := PhotoSize{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "photoSize"},
Type: typeParam,
Photo: photo,
Width: width,
Height: height,
ProgressiveSizes: progressiveSizes,
return &photoSizeTemp
// Minithumbnail Thumbnail image of a very poor quality and low resolution
type Minithumbnail struct {
Width int32 `json:"width"` // Thumbnail width, usually doesn't exceed 40
Height int32 `json:"height"` // Thumbnail height, usually doesn't exceed 40
Data []byte `json:"data"` // The thumbnail in JPEG format
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of Minithumbnail
func (minithumbnail *Minithumbnail) MessageType() string {
return "minithumbnail"
// NewMinithumbnail creates a new Minithumbnail
// @param width Thumbnail width, usually doesn't exceed 40
// @param height Thumbnail height, usually doesn't exceed 40
// @param data The thumbnail in JPEG format
func NewMinithumbnail(width int32, height int32, data []byte) *Minithumbnail {
minithumbnailTemp := Minithumbnail{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "minithumbnail"},
Width: width,
Height: height,
Data: data,
return &minithumbnailTemp
// ThumbnailFormatJpeg The thumbnail is in JPEG format
type ThumbnailFormatJpeg struct {
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of ThumbnailFormatJpeg
func (thumbnailFormatJpeg *ThumbnailFormatJpeg) MessageType() string {
return "thumbnailFormatJpeg"
// NewThumbnailFormatJpeg creates a new ThumbnailFormatJpeg
func NewThumbnailFormatJpeg() *ThumbnailFormatJpeg {
thumbnailFormatJpegTemp := ThumbnailFormatJpeg{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "thumbnailFormatJpeg"},
return &thumbnailFormatJpegTemp
// GetThumbnailFormatEnum return the enum type of this object
func (thumbnailFormatJpeg *ThumbnailFormatJpeg) GetThumbnailFormatEnum() ThumbnailFormatEnum {
return ThumbnailFormatJpegType
// ThumbnailFormatPng The thumbnail is in PNG format. It will be used only for background patterns
type ThumbnailFormatPng struct {
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of ThumbnailFormatPng
func (thumbnailFormatPng *ThumbnailFormatPng) MessageType() string {
return "thumbnailFormatPng"
// NewThumbnailFormatPng creates a new ThumbnailFormatPng
func NewThumbnailFormatPng() *ThumbnailFormatPng {
thumbnailFormatPngTemp := ThumbnailFormatPng{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "thumbnailFormatPng"},
return &thumbnailFormatPngTemp
// GetThumbnailFormatEnum return the enum type of this object
func (thumbnailFormatPng *ThumbnailFormatPng) GetThumbnailFormatEnum() ThumbnailFormatEnum {
return ThumbnailFormatPngType
// ThumbnailFormatWebp The thumbnail is in WEBP format. It will be used only for some stickers
type ThumbnailFormatWebp struct {
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of ThumbnailFormatWebp
func (thumbnailFormatWebp *ThumbnailFormatWebp) MessageType() string {
return "thumbnailFormatWebp"
// NewThumbnailFormatWebp creates a new ThumbnailFormatWebp
func NewThumbnailFormatWebp() *ThumbnailFormatWebp {
thumbnailFormatWebpTemp := ThumbnailFormatWebp{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "thumbnailFormatWebp"},
return &thumbnailFormatWebpTemp
// GetThumbnailFormatEnum return the enum type of this object
func (thumbnailFormatWebp *ThumbnailFormatWebp) GetThumbnailFormatEnum() ThumbnailFormatEnum {
return ThumbnailFormatWebpType
// ThumbnailFormatGif The thumbnail is in static GIF format. It will be used only for some bot inline results
type ThumbnailFormatGif struct {
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of ThumbnailFormatGif
func (thumbnailFormatGif *ThumbnailFormatGif) MessageType() string {
return "thumbnailFormatGif"
// NewThumbnailFormatGif creates a new ThumbnailFormatGif
func NewThumbnailFormatGif() *ThumbnailFormatGif {
thumbnailFormatGifTemp := ThumbnailFormatGif{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "thumbnailFormatGif"},
return &thumbnailFormatGifTemp
// GetThumbnailFormatEnum return the enum type of this object
func (thumbnailFormatGif *ThumbnailFormatGif) GetThumbnailFormatEnum() ThumbnailFormatEnum {
return ThumbnailFormatGifType
// ThumbnailFormatTgs The thumbnail is in TGS format. It will be used only for animated sticker sets
type ThumbnailFormatTgs struct {
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of ThumbnailFormatTgs
func (thumbnailFormatTgs *ThumbnailFormatTgs) MessageType() string {
return "thumbnailFormatTgs"
// NewThumbnailFormatTgs creates a new ThumbnailFormatTgs
func NewThumbnailFormatTgs() *ThumbnailFormatTgs {
thumbnailFormatTgsTemp := ThumbnailFormatTgs{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "thumbnailFormatTgs"},
return &thumbnailFormatTgsTemp
// GetThumbnailFormatEnum return the enum type of this object
func (thumbnailFormatTgs *ThumbnailFormatTgs) GetThumbnailFormatEnum() ThumbnailFormatEnum {
return ThumbnailFormatTgsType
// ThumbnailFormatMpeg4 The thumbnail is in MPEG4 format. It will be used only for some animations and videos
type ThumbnailFormatMpeg4 struct {
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of ThumbnailFormatMpeg4
func (thumbnailFormatMpeg4 *ThumbnailFormatMpeg4) MessageType() string {
return "thumbnailFormatMpeg4"
// NewThumbnailFormatMpeg4 creates a new ThumbnailFormatMpeg4
func NewThumbnailFormatMpeg4() *ThumbnailFormatMpeg4 {
thumbnailFormatMpeg4Temp := ThumbnailFormatMpeg4{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "thumbnailFormatMpeg4"},
return &thumbnailFormatMpeg4Temp
// GetThumbnailFormatEnum return the enum type of this object
func (thumbnailFormatMpeg4 *ThumbnailFormatMpeg4) GetThumbnailFormatEnum() ThumbnailFormatEnum {
return ThumbnailFormatMpeg4Type
// Thumbnail Represents a thumbnail
type Thumbnail struct {
Format ThumbnailFormat `json:"format"` // Thumbnail format
Width int32 `json:"width"` // Thumbnail width
Height int32 `json:"height"` // Thumbnail height
File *File `json:"file"` // The thumbnail
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of Thumbnail
func (thumbnail *Thumbnail) MessageType() string {
return "thumbnail"
// NewThumbnail creates a new Thumbnail
// @param format Thumbnail format
// @param width Thumbnail width
// @param height Thumbnail height
// @param file The thumbnail
func NewThumbnail(format ThumbnailFormat, width int32, height int32, file *File) *Thumbnail {
thumbnailTemp := Thumbnail{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "thumbnail"},
Format: format,
Width: width,
Height: height,
File: file,
return &thumbnailTemp
// UnmarshalJSON unmarshal to json
func (thumbnail *Thumbnail) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var objMap map[string]*json.RawMessage
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &objMap)
if err != nil {
return err
tempObj := struct {
Width int32 `json:"width"` // Thumbnail width
Height int32 `json:"height"` // Thumbnail height
File *File `json:"file"` // The thumbnail
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &tempObj)
if err != nil {
return err
thumbnail.tdCommon = tempObj.tdCommon
thumbnail.Width = tempObj.Width
thumbnail.Height = tempObj.Height
thumbnail.File = tempObj.File
fieldFormat, _ := unmarshalThumbnailFormat(objMap["format"])
thumbnail.Format = fieldFormat
return nil
// MaskPointForehead A mask should be placed relatively to the forehead
type MaskPointForehead struct {
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of MaskPointForehead
func (maskPointForehead *MaskPointForehead) MessageType() string {
return "maskPointForehead"
// NewMaskPointForehead creates a new MaskPointForehead
func NewMaskPointForehead() *MaskPointForehead {
maskPointForeheadTemp := MaskPointForehead{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "maskPointForehead"},
return &maskPointForeheadTemp
// GetMaskPointEnum return the enum type of this object
func (maskPointForehead *MaskPointForehead) GetMaskPointEnum() MaskPointEnum {
return MaskPointForeheadType
// MaskPointEyes A mask should be placed relatively to the eyes
type MaskPointEyes struct {
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of MaskPointEyes
func (maskPointEyes *MaskPointEyes) MessageType() string {
return "maskPointEyes"
// NewMaskPointEyes creates a new MaskPointEyes
func NewMaskPointEyes() *MaskPointEyes {
maskPointEyesTemp := MaskPointEyes{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "maskPointEyes"},
return &maskPointEyesTemp
// GetMaskPointEnum return the enum type of this object
func (maskPointEyes *MaskPointEyes) GetMaskPointEnum() MaskPointEnum {
return MaskPointEyesType
// MaskPointMouth A mask should be placed relatively to the mouth
type MaskPointMouth struct {
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of MaskPointMouth
func (maskPointMouth *MaskPointMouth) MessageType() string {
return "maskPointMouth"
// NewMaskPointMouth creates a new MaskPointMouth
func NewMaskPointMouth() *MaskPointMouth {
maskPointMouthTemp := MaskPointMouth{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "maskPointMouth"},
return &maskPointMouthTemp
// GetMaskPointEnum return the enum type of this object
func (maskPointMouth *MaskPointMouth) GetMaskPointEnum() MaskPointEnum {
return MaskPointMouthType
// MaskPointChin A mask should be placed relatively to the chin
type MaskPointChin struct {
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of MaskPointChin
func (maskPointChin *MaskPointChin) MessageType() string {
return "maskPointChin"
// NewMaskPointChin creates a new MaskPointChin
func NewMaskPointChin() *MaskPointChin {
maskPointChinTemp := MaskPointChin{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "maskPointChin"},
return &maskPointChinTemp
// GetMaskPointEnum return the enum type of this object
func (maskPointChin *MaskPointChin) GetMaskPointEnum() MaskPointEnum {
return MaskPointChinType
// MaskPosition Position on a photo where a mask should be placed
type MaskPosition struct {
Point MaskPoint `json:"point"` // Part of the face, relative to which the mask should be placed
XShift float64 `json:"x_shift"` // Shift by X-axis measured in widths of the mask scaled to the face size, from left to right. (For example, -1.0 will place the mask just to the left of the default mask position)
YShift float64 `json:"y_shift"` // Shift by Y-axis measured in heights of the mask scaled to the face size, from top to bottom. (For example, 1.0 will place the mask just below the default mask position)
Scale float64 `json:"scale"` // Mask scaling coefficient. (For example, 2.0 means a doubled size)
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of MaskPosition
func (maskPosition *MaskPosition) MessageType() string {
return "maskPosition"
// NewMaskPosition creates a new MaskPosition
// @param point Part of the face, relative to which the mask should be placed
// @param xShift Shift by X-axis measured in widths of the mask scaled to the face size, from left to right. (For example, -1.0 will place the mask just to the left of the default mask position)
// @param yShift Shift by Y-axis measured in heights of the mask scaled to the face size, from top to bottom. (For example, 1.0 will place the mask just below the default mask position)
// @param scale Mask scaling coefficient. (For example, 2.0 means a doubled size)
func NewMaskPosition(point MaskPoint, xShift float64, yShift float64, scale float64) *MaskPosition {
maskPositionTemp := MaskPosition{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "maskPosition"},
Point: point,
XShift: xShift,
YShift: yShift,
Scale: scale,
return &maskPositionTemp
// UnmarshalJSON unmarshal to json
func (maskPosition *MaskPosition) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var objMap map[string]*json.RawMessage
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &objMap)
if err != nil {
return err
tempObj := struct {
XShift float64 `json:"x_shift"` // Shift by X-axis measured in widths of the mask scaled to the face size, from left to right. (For example, -1.0 will place the mask just to the left of the default mask position)
YShift float64 `json:"y_shift"` // Shift by Y-axis measured in heights of the mask scaled to the face size, from top to bottom. (For example, 1.0 will place the mask just below the default mask position)
Scale float64 `json:"scale"` // Mask scaling coefficient. (For example, 2.0 means a doubled size)
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &tempObj)
if err != nil {
return err
maskPosition.tdCommon = tempObj.tdCommon
maskPosition.XShift = tempObj.XShift
maskPosition.YShift = tempObj.YShift
maskPosition.Scale = tempObj.Scale
fieldPoint, _ := unmarshalMaskPoint(objMap["point"])
maskPosition.Point = fieldPoint
return nil
// ClosedVectorPath Represents a closed vector path. The path begins at the end point of the last command
type ClosedVectorPath struct {
Commands []VectorPathCommand `json:"commands"` // List of vector path commands
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of ClosedVectorPath
func (closedVectorPath *ClosedVectorPath) MessageType() string {
return "closedVectorPath"
// NewClosedVectorPath creates a new ClosedVectorPath
// @param commands List of vector path commands
func NewClosedVectorPath(commands []VectorPathCommand) *ClosedVectorPath {
closedVectorPathTemp := ClosedVectorPath{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "closedVectorPath"},
Commands: commands,
return &closedVectorPathTemp
// PollOption Describes one answer option of a poll
type PollOption struct {
Text string `json:"text"` // Option text; 1-100 characters
VoterCount int32 `json:"voter_count"` // Number of voters for this option, available only for closed or voted polls
VotePercentage int32 `json:"vote_percentage"` // The percentage of votes for this option; 0-100
IsChosen bool `json:"is_chosen"` // True, if the option was chosen by the user
IsBeingChosen bool `json:"is_being_chosen"` // True, if the option is being chosen by a pending setPollAnswer request
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of PollOption
func (pollOption *PollOption) MessageType() string {
return "pollOption"
// NewPollOption creates a new PollOption
// @param text Option text; 1-100 characters
// @param voterCount Number of voters for this option, available only for closed or voted polls
// @param votePercentage The percentage of votes for this option; 0-100
// @param isChosen True, if the option was chosen by the user
// @param isBeingChosen True, if the option is being chosen by a pending setPollAnswer request
func NewPollOption(text string, voterCount int32, votePercentage int32, isChosen bool, isBeingChosen bool) *PollOption {
pollOptionTemp := PollOption{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "pollOption"},
Text: text,
VoterCount: voterCount,
VotePercentage: votePercentage,
IsChosen: isChosen,
IsBeingChosen: isBeingChosen,
return &pollOptionTemp
// PollTypeRegular A regular poll
type PollTypeRegular struct {
AllowMultipleAnswers bool `json:"allow_multiple_answers"` // True, if multiple answer options can be chosen simultaneously
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of PollTypeRegular
func (pollTypeRegular *PollTypeRegular) MessageType() string {
return "pollTypeRegular"
// NewPollTypeRegular creates a new PollTypeRegular
// @param allowMultipleAnswers True, if multiple answer options can be chosen simultaneously
func NewPollTypeRegular(allowMultipleAnswers bool) *PollTypeRegular {
pollTypeRegularTemp := PollTypeRegular{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "pollTypeRegular"},
AllowMultipleAnswers: allowMultipleAnswers,
return &pollTypeRegularTemp
// GetPollTypeEnum return the enum type of this object
func (pollTypeRegular *PollTypeRegular) GetPollTypeEnum() PollTypeEnum {
return PollTypeRegularType
// PollTypeQuiz A poll in quiz mode, which has exactly one correct answer option and can be answered only once
type PollTypeQuiz struct {
CorrectOptionID int32 `json:"correct_option_id"` // 0-based identifier of the correct answer option; -1 for a yet unanswered poll
Explanation *FormattedText `json:"explanation"` // Text that is shown when the user chooses an incorrect answer or taps on the lamp icon; 0-200 characters with at most 2 line feeds; empty for a yet unanswered poll
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of PollTypeQuiz
func (pollTypeQuiz *PollTypeQuiz) MessageType() string {
return "pollTypeQuiz"
// NewPollTypeQuiz creates a new PollTypeQuiz
// @param correctOptionID 0-based identifier of the correct answer option; -1 for a yet unanswered poll
// @param explanation Text that is shown when the user chooses an incorrect answer or taps on the lamp icon; 0-200 characters with at most 2 line feeds; empty for a yet unanswered poll
func NewPollTypeQuiz(correctOptionID int32, explanation *FormattedText) *PollTypeQuiz {
pollTypeQuizTemp := PollTypeQuiz{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "pollTypeQuiz"},
CorrectOptionID: correctOptionID,
Explanation: explanation,
return &pollTypeQuizTemp
// GetPollTypeEnum return the enum type of this object
func (pollTypeQuiz *PollTypeQuiz) GetPollTypeEnum() PollTypeEnum {
return PollTypeQuizType
// Animation Describes an animation file. The animation must be encoded in GIF or MPEG4 format
type Animation struct {
Duration int32 `json:"duration"` // Duration of the animation, in seconds; as defined by the sender
Width int32 `json:"width"` // Width of the animation
Height int32 `json:"height"` // Height of the animation
FileName string `json:"file_name"` // Original name of the file; as defined by the sender
MimeType string `json:"mime_type"` // MIME type of the file, usually "image/gif" or "video/mp4"
HasStickers bool `json:"has_stickers"` // True, if stickers were added to the animation. The list of corresponding sticker set can be received using getAttachedStickerSets
Minithumbnail *Minithumbnail `json:"minithumbnail"` // Animation minithumbnail; may be null
Thumbnail *Thumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` // Animation thumbnail in JPEG or MPEG4 format; may be null
Animation *File `json:"animation"` // File containing the animation
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of Animation
func (animation *Animation) MessageType() string {
return "animation"
// NewAnimation creates a new Animation
// @param duration Duration of the animation, in seconds; as defined by the sender
// @param width Width of the animation
// @param height Height of the animation
// @param fileName Original name of the file; as defined by the sender
// @param mimeType MIME type of the file, usually "image/gif" or "video/mp4"
// @param hasStickers True, if stickers were added to the animation. The list of corresponding sticker set can be received using getAttachedStickerSets
// @param minithumbnail Animation minithumbnail; may be null
// @param thumbnail Animation thumbnail in JPEG or MPEG4 format; may be null
// @param animation File containing the animation
func NewAnimation(duration int32, width int32, height int32, fileName string, mimeType string, hasStickers bool, minithumbnail *Minithumbnail, thumbnail *Thumbnail, animation *File) *Animation {
animationTemp := Animation{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "animation"},
Duration: duration,
Width: width,
Height: height,
FileName: fileName,
MimeType: mimeType,
HasStickers: hasStickers,
Minithumbnail: minithumbnail,
Thumbnail: thumbnail,
Animation: animation,
return &animationTemp
// Audio Describes an audio file. Audio is usually in MP3 or M4A format
type Audio struct {
Duration int32 `json:"duration"` // Duration of the audio, in seconds; as defined by the sender
Title string `json:"title"` // Title of the audio; as defined by the sender
Performer string `json:"performer"` // Performer of the audio; as defined by the sender
FileName string `json:"file_name"` // Original name of the file; as defined by the sender
MimeType string `json:"mime_type"` // The MIME type of the file; as defined by the sender
AlbumCoverMinithumbnail *Minithumbnail `json:"album_cover_minithumbnail"` // The minithumbnail of the album cover; may be null
AlbumCoverThumbnail *Thumbnail `json:"album_cover_thumbnail"` // The thumbnail of the album cover in JPEG format; as defined by the sender. The full size thumbnail should be extracted from the downloaded file; may be null
Audio *File `json:"audio"` // File containing the audio
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of Audio
func (audio *Audio) MessageType() string {
return "audio"
// NewAudio creates a new Audio
// @param duration Duration of the audio, in seconds; as defined by the sender
// @param title Title of the audio; as defined by the sender
// @param performer Performer of the audio; as defined by the sender
// @param fileName Original name of the file; as defined by the sender
// @param mimeType The MIME type of the file; as defined by the sender
// @param albumCoverMinithumbnail The minithumbnail of the album cover; may be null
// @param albumCoverThumbnail The thumbnail of the album cover in JPEG format; as defined by the sender. The full size thumbnail should be extracted from the downloaded file; may be null
// @param audio File containing the audio
func NewAudio(duration int32, title string, performer string, fileName string, mimeType string, albumCoverMinithumbnail *Minithumbnail, albumCoverThumbnail *Thumbnail, audio *File) *Audio {
audioTemp := Audio{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "audio"},
Duration: duration,
Title: title,
Performer: performer,
FileName: fileName,
MimeType: mimeType,
AlbumCoverMinithumbnail: albumCoverMinithumbnail,
AlbumCoverThumbnail: albumCoverThumbnail,
Audio: audio,
return &audioTemp
// Document Describes a document of any type
type Document struct {
FileName string `json:"file_name"` // Original name of the file; as defined by the sender
MimeType string `json:"mime_type"` // MIME type of the file; as defined by the sender
Minithumbnail *Minithumbnail `json:"minithumbnail"` // Document minithumbnail; may be null
Thumbnail *Thumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` // Document thumbnail in JPEG or PNG format (PNG will be used only for background patterns); as defined by the sender; may be null
Document *File `json:"document"` // File containing the document
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of Document
func (document *Document) MessageType() string {
return "document"
// NewDocument creates a new Document
// @param fileName Original name of the file; as defined by the sender
// @param mimeType MIME type of the file; as defined by the sender
// @param minithumbnail Document minithumbnail; may be null
// @param thumbnail Document thumbnail in JPEG or PNG format (PNG will be used only for background patterns); as defined by the sender; may be null
// @param document File containing the document
func NewDocument(fileName string, mimeType string, minithumbnail *Minithumbnail, thumbnail *Thumbnail, document *File) *Document {
documentTemp := Document{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "document"},
FileName: fileName,
MimeType: mimeType,
Minithumbnail: minithumbnail,
Thumbnail: thumbnail,
Document: document,
return &documentTemp
// Photo Describes a photo
type Photo struct {
HasStickers bool `json:"has_stickers"` // True, if stickers were added to the photo. The list of corresponding sticker sets can be received using getAttachedStickerSets
Minithumbnail *Minithumbnail `json:"minithumbnail"` // Photo minithumbnail; may be null
Sizes []PhotoSize `json:"sizes"` // Available variants of the photo, in different sizes
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of Photo
func (photo *Photo) MessageType() string {
return "photo"
// NewPhoto creates a new Photo
// @param hasStickers True, if stickers were added to the photo. The list of corresponding sticker sets can be received using getAttachedStickerSets
// @param minithumbnail Photo minithumbnail; may be null
// @param sizes Available variants of the photo, in different sizes
func NewPhoto(hasStickers bool, minithumbnail *Minithumbnail, sizes []PhotoSize) *Photo {
photoTemp := Photo{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "photo"},
HasStickers: hasStickers,
Minithumbnail: minithumbnail,
Sizes: sizes,
return &photoTemp
// Sticker Describes a sticker
type Sticker struct {
SetID JSONInt64 `json:"set_id"` // The identifier of the sticker set to which the sticker belongs; 0 if none
Width int32 `json:"width"` // Sticker width; as defined by the sender
Height int32 `json:"height"` // Sticker height; as defined by the sender
Emoji string `json:"emoji"` // Emoji corresponding to the sticker
IsAnimated bool `json:"is_animated"` // True, if the sticker is an animated sticker in TGS format
IsMask bool `json:"is_mask"` // True, if the sticker is a mask
MaskPosition *MaskPosition `json:"mask_position"` // Position where the mask should be placed; may be null
Outline []ClosedVectorPath `json:"outline"` // Sticker's outline represented as a list of closed vector paths; may be empty. The coordinate system origin is in the upper-left corner
Thumbnail *Thumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` // Sticker thumbnail in WEBP or JPEG format; may be null
Sticker *File `json:"sticker"` // File containing the sticker
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of Sticker
func (sticker *Sticker) MessageType() string {
return "sticker"
// NewSticker creates a new Sticker
// @param setID The identifier of the sticker set to which the sticker belongs; 0 if none
// @param width Sticker width; as defined by the sender
// @param height Sticker height; as defined by the sender
// @param emoji Emoji corresponding to the sticker
// @param isAnimated True, if the sticker is an animated sticker in TGS format
// @param isMask True, if the sticker is a mask
// @param maskPosition Position where the mask should be placed; may be null
// @param outline Sticker's outline represented as a list of closed vector paths; may be empty. The coordinate system origin is in the upper-left corner
// @param thumbnail Sticker thumbnail in WEBP or JPEG format; may be null
// @param sticker File containing the sticker
func NewSticker(setID JSONInt64, width int32, height int32, emoji string, isAnimated bool, isMask bool, maskPosition *MaskPosition, outline []ClosedVectorPath, thumbnail *Thumbnail, sticker *File) *Sticker {
stickerTemp := Sticker{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "sticker"},
SetID: setID,
Width: width,
Height: height,
Emoji: emoji,
IsAnimated: isAnimated,
IsMask: isMask,
MaskPosition: maskPosition,
Outline: outline,
Thumbnail: thumbnail,
Sticker: sticker,
return &stickerTemp
// Video Describes a video file
type Video struct {
Duration int32 `json:"duration"` // Duration of the video, in seconds; as defined by the sender
Width int32 `json:"width"` // Video width; as defined by the sender
Height int32 `json:"height"` // Video height; as defined by the sender
FileName string `json:"file_name"` // Original name of the file; as defined by the sender
MimeType string `json:"mime_type"` // MIME type of the file; as defined by the sender
HasStickers bool `json:"has_stickers"` // True, if stickers were added to the video. The list of corresponding sticker sets can be received using getAttachedStickerSets
SupportsStreaming bool `json:"supports_streaming"` // True, if the video should be tried to be streamed
Minithumbnail *Minithumbnail `json:"minithumbnail"` // Video minithumbnail; may be null
Thumbnail *Thumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` // Video thumbnail in JPEG or MPEG4 format; as defined by the sender; may be null
Video *File `json:"video"` // File containing the video
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of Video
func (video *Video) MessageType() string {
return "video"
// NewVideo creates a new Video
// @param duration Duration of the video, in seconds; as defined by the sender
// @param width Video width; as defined by the sender
// @param height Video height; as defined by the sender
// @param fileName Original name of the file; as defined by the sender
// @param mimeType MIME type of the file; as defined by the sender
// @param hasStickers True, if stickers were added to the video. The list of corresponding sticker sets can be received using getAttachedStickerSets
// @param supportsStreaming True, if the video should be tried to be streamed
// @param minithumbnail Video minithumbnail; may be null
// @param thumbnail Video thumbnail in JPEG or MPEG4 format; as defined by the sender; may be null
// @param video File containing the video
func NewVideo(duration int32, width int32, height int32, fileName string, mimeType string, hasStickers bool, supportsStreaming bool, minithumbnail *Minithumbnail, thumbnail *Thumbnail, video *File) *Video {
videoTemp := Video{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "video"},
Duration: duration,
Width: width,
Height: height,
FileName: fileName,
MimeType: mimeType,
HasStickers: hasStickers,
SupportsStreaming: supportsStreaming,
Minithumbnail: minithumbnail,
Thumbnail: thumbnail,
Video: video,
return &videoTemp
// VideoNote Describes a video note. The video must be equal in width and height, cropped to a circle, and stored in MPEG4 format
type VideoNote struct {
Duration int32 `json:"duration"` // Duration of the video, in seconds; as defined by the sender
Length int32 `json:"length"` // Video width and height; as defined by the sender
Minithumbnail *Minithumbnail `json:"minithumbnail"` // Video minithumbnail; may be null
Thumbnail *Thumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` // Video thumbnail in JPEG format; as defined by the sender; may be null
Video *File `json:"video"` // File containing the video
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of VideoNote
func (videoNote *VideoNote) MessageType() string {
return "videoNote"
// NewVideoNote creates a new VideoNote
// @param duration Duration of the video, in seconds; as defined by the sender
// @param length Video width and height; as defined by the sender
// @param minithumbnail Video minithumbnail; may be null
// @param thumbnail Video thumbnail in JPEG format; as defined by the sender; may be null
// @param video File containing the video
func NewVideoNote(duration int32, length int32, minithumbnail *Minithumbnail, thumbnail *Thumbnail, video *File) *VideoNote {
videoNoteTemp := VideoNote{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "videoNote"},
Duration: duration,
Length: length,
Minithumbnail: minithumbnail,
Thumbnail: thumbnail,
Video: video,
return &videoNoteTemp
// VoiceNote Describes a voice note. The voice note must be encoded with the Opus codec, and stored inside an OGG container. Voice notes can have only a single audio channel
type VoiceNote struct {
Duration int32 `json:"duration"` // Duration of the voice note, in seconds; as defined by the sender
Waveform []byte `json:"waveform"` // A waveform representation of the voice note in 5-bit format
MimeType string `json:"mime_type"` // MIME type of the file; as defined by the sender
Voice *File `json:"voice"` // File containing the voice note
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of VoiceNote
func (voiceNote *VoiceNote) MessageType() string {
return "voiceNote"
// NewVoiceNote creates a new VoiceNote
// @param duration Duration of the voice note, in seconds; as defined by the sender
// @param waveform A waveform representation of the voice note in 5-bit format
// @param mimeType MIME type of the file; as defined by the sender
// @param voice File containing the voice note
func NewVoiceNote(duration int32, waveform []byte, mimeType string, voice *File) *VoiceNote {
voiceNoteTemp := VoiceNote{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "voiceNote"},
Duration: duration,
Waveform: waveform,
MimeType: mimeType,
Voice: voice,
return &voiceNoteTemp
// Contact Describes a user contact
type Contact struct {
PhoneNumber string `json:"phone_number"` // Phone number of the user
FirstName string `json:"first_name"` // First name of the user; 1-255 characters in length
LastName string `json:"last_name"` // Last name of the user
Vcard string `json:"vcard"` // Additional data about the user in a form of vCard; 0-2048 bytes in length
UserID int32 `json:"user_id"` // Identifier of the user, if known; otherwise 0
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of Contact
func (contact *Contact) MessageType() string {
return "contact"
// NewContact creates a new Contact
// @param phoneNumber Phone number of the user
// @param firstName First name of the user; 1-255 characters in length
// @param lastName Last name of the user
// @param vcard Additional data about the user in a form of vCard; 0-2048 bytes in length
// @param userID Identifier of the user, if known; otherwise 0
func NewContact(phoneNumber string, firstName string, lastName string, vcard string, userID int32) *Contact {
contactTemp := Contact{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "contact"},
PhoneNumber: phoneNumber,
FirstName: firstName,
LastName: lastName,
Vcard: vcard,
UserID: userID,
return &contactTemp
// Location Describes a location on planet Earth
type Location struct {
Latitude float64 `json:"latitude"` // Latitude of the location in degrees; as defined by the sender
Longitude float64 `json:"longitude"` // Longitude of the location, in degrees; as defined by the sender
HorizontalAccuracy float64 `json:"horizontal_accuracy"` // The estimated horizontal accuracy of the location, in meters; as defined by the sender. 0 if unknown
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of Location
func (location *Location) MessageType() string {
return "location"
// NewLocation creates a new Location
// @param latitude Latitude of the location in degrees; as defined by the sender
// @param longitude Longitude of the location, in degrees; as defined by the sender
// @param horizontalAccuracy The estimated horizontal accuracy of the location, in meters; as defined by the sender. 0 if unknown
func NewLocation(latitude float64, longitude float64, horizontalAccuracy float64) *Location {
locationTemp := Location{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "location"},
Latitude: latitude,
Longitude: longitude,
HorizontalAccuracy: horizontalAccuracy,
return &locationTemp
// Venue Describes a venue
type Venue struct {
Location *Location `json:"location"` // Venue location; as defined by the sender
Title string `json:"title"` // Venue name; as defined by the sender
Address string `json:"address"` // Venue address; as defined by the sender
Provider string `json:"provider"` // Provider of the venue database; as defined by the sender. Currently only "foursquare" and "gplaces" (Google Places) need to be supported
ID string `json:"id"` // Identifier of the venue in the provider database; as defined by the sender
Type string `json:"type"` // Type of the venue in the provider database; as defined by the sender
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of Venue
func (venue *Venue) MessageType() string {
return "venue"
// NewVenue creates a new Venue
// @param location Venue location; as defined by the sender
// @param title Venue name; as defined by the sender
// @param address Venue address; as defined by the sender
// @param provider Provider of the venue database; as defined by the sender. Currently only "foursquare" and "gplaces" (Google Places) need to be supported
// @param iD Identifier of the venue in the provider database; as defined by the sender
// @param typeParam Type of the venue in the provider database; as defined by the sender
func NewVenue(location *Location, title string, address string, provider string, iD string, typeParam string) *Venue {
venueTemp := Venue{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "venue"},
Location: location,
Title: title,
Address: address,
Provider: provider,
ID: iD,
Type: typeParam,
return &venueTemp
// Game Describes a game
type Game struct {
ID JSONInt64 `json:"id"` // Game ID
ShortName string `json:"short_name"` // Game short name. To share a game use the URL https://t.me/{bot_username}?game={game_short_name}
Title string `json:"title"` // Game title
Text *FormattedText `json:"text"` // Game text, usually containing scoreboards for a game
Description string `json:"description"` //
Photo *Photo `json:"photo"` // Game photo
Animation *Animation `json:"animation"` // Game animation; may be null
// MessageType return the string telegram-type of Game
func (game *Game) MessageType() string {
return "game"
// NewGame creates a new Game
// @param iD Game ID
// @param shortName Game short name. To share a game use the URL https://t.me/{bot_username}?game={game_short_name}
// @param title Game title
// @param text Game text, usually containing scoreboards for a game
// @param description
// @param photo Game photo
// @param animation Game animation; may be null
func NewGame(iD JSONInt64, shortName string, title string, text *FormattedText, description string, photo *Photo, animation *Animation) *Game {
gameTemp := Game{
tdCommon: tdCommon{Type: "game"},
ID: iD,
ShortName: shortName,
Title: title,
Text: text,
Description: description,
Photo: photo,
Animation: animation,
return &gameTemp
// Poll Describes a poll
type Poll struct {
ID JSONInt64 `json:"id"` // Unique poll identifier
Question string `json:"question"` // Poll question; 1-300 characters