Merge branch 'master' of git://

* 'master' of git://
  gitk: Do not mistake unchanged lines for submodule changes
  gitk: Use right colour for remote refs in the "Tags and heads" dialog
  gitk: Add Chinese (zh_CN) translation
  gitk: Make web links clickable
This commit is contained in:
Junio C Hamano 2019-09-16 10:25:08 -07:00
commit 3cb8921f74
2 changed files with 1427 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -3404,6 +3404,8 @@ set rectmask {
image create bitmap reficon-H -background black -foreground "#00ff00" \
-data $rectdata -maskdata $rectmask
image create bitmap reficon-R -background black -foreground "#ffddaa" \
-data $rectdata -maskdata $rectmask
image create bitmap reficon-o -background black -foreground "#ddddff" \
-data $rectdata -maskdata $rectmask
@ -7016,6 +7018,7 @@ proc commit_descriptor {p} {
# append some text to the ctext widget, and make any SHA1 ID
# that we know about be a clickable link.
# Also look for URLs of the form "http[s]://..." and make them web links.
proc appendwithlinks {text tags} {
global ctext linknum curview
@ -7032,6 +7035,18 @@ proc appendwithlinks {text tags} {
setlink $linkid link$linknum
incr linknum
set wlinks [regexp -indices -all -inline -line \
{https?://[^[:space:]]+} $text]
foreach l $wlinks {
set s2 [lindex $l 0]
set e2 [lindex $l 1]
set url [string range $text $s2 $e2]
incr e2
$ctext tag delete link$linknum
$ctext tag add link$linknum "$start + $s2 c" "$start + $e2 c"
setwlink $url link$linknum
incr linknum
proc setlink {id lk} {
@ -7064,6 +7079,18 @@ proc setlink {id lk} {
proc setwlink {url lk} {
global ctext
global linkfgcolor
global web_browser
if {$web_browser eq {}} return
$ctext tag conf $lk -foreground $linkfgcolor -underline 1
$ctext tag bind $lk <1> [list browseweb $url]
$ctext tag bind $lk <Enter> {linkcursor %W 1}
$ctext tag bind $lk <Leave> {linkcursor %W -1}
proc appendshortlink {id {pre {}} {post {}}} {
global ctext linknum
@ -7098,6 +7125,16 @@ proc linkcursor {w inc} {
proc browseweb {url} {
global web_browser
if {$web_browser eq {}} return
# Use eval here in case $web_browser is a command plus some arguments
if {[catch {eval exec $web_browser [list $url] &} err]} {
error_popup "[mc "Error starting web browser:"] $err"
proc viewnextline {dir} {
global canv linespc
@ -8191,11 +8228,11 @@ proc parseblobdiffline {ids line} {
} else {
$ctext insert end "$line\n" filesep
} elseif {![string compare -length 3 " >" $line]} {
} elseif {$currdiffsubmod != "" && ![string compare -length 3 " >" $line]} {
set $currdiffsubmod ""
set line [encoding convertfrom $diffencoding $line]
$ctext insert end "$line\n" dresult
} elseif {![string compare -length 3 " <" $line]} {
} elseif {$currdiffsubmod != "" && ![string compare -length 3 " <" $line]} {
set $currdiffsubmod ""
set line [encoding convertfrom $diffencoding $line]
$ctext insert end "$line\n" d0
@ -10022,6 +10059,7 @@ proc sel_reflist {w x y} {
set n [lindex $ref 0]
switch -- [lindex $ref 1] {
"H" {selbyid $headids($n)}
"R" {selbyid $headids($n)}
"T" {selbyid $tagids($n)}
"o" {selbyid $otherrefids($n)}
@ -10051,7 +10089,11 @@ proc refill_reflist {} {
foreach n [array names headids] {
if {[string match $reflistfilter $n]} {
if {[commitinview $headids($n) $curview]} {
lappend refs [list $n H]
if {[string match "remotes/*" $n]} {
lappend refs [list $n R]
} else {
lappend refs [list $n H]
} else {
interestedin $headids($n) {run refill_reflist}
@ -11488,7 +11530,7 @@ proc create_prefs_page {w} {
proc prefspage_general {notebook} {
global NS maxwidth maxgraphpct showneartags showlocalchanges
global tabstop limitdiffs autoselect autosellen extdifftool perfile_attrs
global hideremotes want_ttk have_ttk maxrefs
global hideremotes want_ttk have_ttk maxrefs web_browser
set page [create_prefs_page $notebook.general]
@ -11539,6 +11581,13 @@ proc prefspage_general {notebook} {
pack configure $page.extdifff.l -padx 10
grid x $page.extdifff $page.extdifft -sticky ew
${NS}::entry $page.webbrowser -textvariable web_browser
${NS}::frame $page.webbrowserf
${NS}::label $page.webbrowserf.l -text [mc "Web browser" ]
pack $page.webbrowserf.l -side left
pack configure $page.webbrowserf.l -padx 10
grid x $page.webbrowserf $page.webbrowser -sticky ew
${NS}::label $page.lgen -text [mc "General options"]
grid $page.lgen - -sticky w -pady 10
${NS}::checkbutton $page.want_ttk -variable want_ttk \
@ -12310,6 +12359,7 @@ if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} {
set bgcolor SystemWindow
set fgcolor SystemWindowText
set selectbgcolor SystemHighlight
set web_browser "cmd /c start"
} else {
set uicolor grey85
set uifgcolor black
@ -12317,6 +12367,11 @@ if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} {
set bgcolor white
set fgcolor black
set selectbgcolor gray85
if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
set web_browser "open"
} else {
set web_browser "xdg-open"
set diffcolors {red "#00a000" blue}
set diffcontext 3
@ -12390,6 +12445,7 @@ set config_variables {
filesepbgcolor filesepfgcolor linehoverbgcolor linehoverfgcolor
linehoveroutlinecolor mainheadcirclecolor workingfilescirclecolor
indexcirclecolor circlecolors linkfgcolor circleoutlinecolor
foreach var $config_variables {
config_init_trace $var

gitk-git/po/zh_CN.po Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff