
26 lines
1013 B

- name: check it out
local_action: shell nc -d -z -w 5 {{ inventory_hostname }} 22 >>/dev/null
register: host_is_up
ignore_errors: true
- name: spin it up
local_action: ec2 keypair={{ keypair }} image={{ image }} type={{ instance_type }} wait=true group={{ security_group }} ec2_access_key={{ persist_access_key }} ec2_secret_key={{ persist_secret_key }} ec2_url={{ os_ec2_url }}
register: inst_res
when: host_is_up|failed
- name: assign it a special ip
local_action: shell euca-associate-address --config {{ persist_config }} -i {{ inst_res.instances[0].id }} {{ public_ip }}
when: host_is_up|failed
- name: wait for the reassignation
local_action: wait_for host={{ public_ip }} port=22 delay=20 timeout=300
when: host_is_up|failed
# attach and mount volumes
- name: attach volumes to the system
local_action: shell euca-attach-volume --config {{ persist_config }} -i {{ inst_res.instances[0].id }} {{ item }}
with_items: volumes
when: volumes is defined and host_is_up|failed