- name: make fedimg server hosts: fedimg;fedimg-stg user: root gather_facts: False vars_files: - /srv/web/infra/ansible/vars/global.yml - "{{ private }}/vars.yml" - /srv/web/infra/ansible/vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml tasks: - include: "{{ tasks }}/virt_instance_create.yml" handlers: - include: "{{ handlers }}/restart_services.yml" - name: dole out the generic configuration hosts: fedimg;fedimg-stg user: root gather_facts: True vars_files: - /srv/web/infra/ansible/vars/global.yml - "{{ private }}/vars.yml" - /srv/web/infra/ansible/vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml roles: - base - rkhunter - { role: denyhosts, when: ansible_distribution_major_version != '7' } - fas_client - nagios_client - hosts - collectd/base - fedmsg/base - sudo tasks: - include: "{{ tasks }}/yumrepos.yml" - include: "{{ tasks }}/2fa_client.yml" - include: "{{ tasks }}/motd.yml" handlers: - include: "{{ handlers }}/restart_services.yml" - name: dole out the service-specific config hosts: fedimg;fedimg-stg user: root gather_facts: True roles: - fedmsg/hub #- fedimg #- role: collectd/fedmsg-service # process: fedmsg-hub vars_files: - /srv/web/infra/ansible/vars/global.yml - "{{ private }}/vars.yml" - "{{ vars_path }}/{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml" handlers: - include: "{{ handlers }}/restart_services.yml"