--- - name: spin it up local_action: ec2 keypair={{ keypair }} image={{ image }} type={{ instance_type }} wait=true group={{ security_group }} ec2_access_key={{ transient_access_key }} ec2_secret_key={{ transient_secret_key }} ec2_url={{ os_ec2_url }} register: inst_res - name: add it to the special group local_action: add_host hostname={{ inst_res.instances[0].public_ip }} groupname=tmp_just_created - name: mail off about where it is local_action: mail to=sysadmin-main-members@fedoraproject.org from=ansible-create@fedoraproject.org subject={{ inst_res.instances[0].public_ip }} msg="cloud instance created on {{ inst_res.instances[0].public_ip }}\n instance id - {{ inst_res.instances[0].id }} - {{ hostbase }} {{ root_auth_users }} " - name: wait for the host to be hot local_action: wait_for host={{ inst_res.instances[0].public_ip }} port=22 delay=2 timeout=300