- name: add infra repo action: get_url url=http://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/el/infrastructure.repo dest=/etc/yum.repos.d/ when: is_rhel is defined tags: - config - name: install cloud-utils action: yum name=cloud-utils state=present tags: - packages - name: growpart the second partition (/) to full size command: growpart /dev/vda 2 register: growpart always_run: true changed_when: "growpart.rc != 1" failed_when: growpart.rc == 2 - name: reboot the box command: /sbin/reboot when: growpart.rc == 0 ignore_errors: true - name: wait for it to come back (should be quick) local_action: wait_for host={{ inventory_hostname }} port=22 delay=10 timeout=120 when: growpart.rc == 0 - name: resize the /dev/vda 2 fs command: resize2fs /dev/vda2 when: growpart.rc == 0