Add a script that can find a vm instance and kill/undefine it. Use with care!

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Kevin Fenzi 2013-08-27 20:54:20 +00:00
parent 33da79db04
commit 51bf4b6268
1 changed files with 250 additions and 0 deletions

scripts/killvm Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
#!/usr/bin/python -tt
# skvidal
# take builder/instance name
# look for it on buildvmhost boxes
# if it is there/up
# confirm to kill it
# destroy it
# lvremove the disk
# undefine it
import os
import sys
import socket
from socket import gaierror
import ansible
import ansible.runner
import ansible.playbook
import time
from ansible import callbacks
from pprint import pprint
import optparse
def get_ans_results(results, hostname):
if hostname in results['dark']:
return results['dark'][hostname]
if hostname in results['contacted']:
return results['contacted'][hostname]
return {}
def confirm():
ans = raw_input()
if ans.lower() == 'yes':
return True
return False
def find_instance(conn, instance):
vmdict = get_vm_to_host_map(conn)
if instance in vmdict:
return vmdict[instance]
return None
def get_vm_to_host_map(conn):
res =
vm_to_host = {}
for (host,data) in sorted(res['contacted'].items()):
for vm in data['list_vms']:
vm_to_host[vm] = host
return vm_to_host
def check_for_ans_error(results, hostname, err_codes=[], success_codes=[0],
return_on_error=['stdout', 'stderr']):
# returns True or False + dict
# dict includes 'msg'
# may include 'rc', 'stderr', 'stdout' and any other
# requested result codes
err_results = {}
if 'dark' in results and hostname in results['dark']:
err_results['msg'] = "Error: Could not contact/connect to %s." % hostname
return (True, err_results)
error = False
if err_codes or success_codes:
if hostname in results['contacted']:
if 'rc' in results['contacted'][hostname]:
rc = int(results['contacted'][hostname]['rc'])
err_results['rc'] = rc
# check for err codes first
if rc in err_codes:
error = True
err_results['msg'] = 'rc %s matched err_codes' % rc
elif rc not in success_codes:
error = True
err_results['msg'] = 'rc %s not in success_codes' % rc
elif 'failed' in results['contacted'][hostname] and results['contacted'][hostname]['failed']:
error = True
err_results['msg'] = 'results included failed as true'
if error:
for item in return_on_error:
if item in results['contacted'][hostname]:
err_results[item] = results['contacted'][hostname][item]
return error, err_results
def vm_is_defined(conn, vm, vmhost):
# get list of vms
conn.module_name = 'virt'
conn.module_args = 'command=list_vms'
results = get_ans_results(, vmhost)
# if vm is in in there
if vm in results.get('list_vms', []):
return True
return False
def vm_is_alive(conn, vm, vmhost):
if not vm_is_defined(conn, vm, vmhost):
return False
conn.module_name = 'virt'
conn.module_args = 'command=status guest=%s' % vm
results = get_ans_results(, vmhost)
if results.get('status', None) == 'running':
return True
return False
def wait_for_host(hn, timeout=300):
# watch for that host ssh to come up
conn = ansible.runner.Runner(host_list=hn +',', pattern=hn, remote_user='root')
is_up = False
start = time.time()
while not is_up:
if time.time() - start >= timeout:
raise Exception, "Hit Timeout waiting for %s to boot" % hn
res = get_ans_results(, hn)
if res.get('ping'):
def parse_args(args):
parser = optparse.OptionParser('\nkillvm [options] vm')
parser.add_option('-i', '--inventory', default='/srv/web/infra/ansible/inventory',
help="path to ansible inventory file")
parser.add_option('-p', '--pattern', default='buildvmhost:bvirthost:virthost:colo-virt',
help="ansible host pattern to use to look up vmhosts")
parser.add_option('-y', '--yes', default=False, dest='yes', action="store_true",
help='Do not confirm any of the destructive actions - just do them')
parser.add_option('--vg', default='/dev/vg_host01', dest='vg',
help='path to volumegroup to use on vmhost for vm disk: %default')
opts, args = parser.parse_args(args)
if not os.path.exists(opts.inventory):
print "Could not find ansible inventory at: %s" % opts.inventory
if len(args) != 1:
return opts, args
def main():
opts, args = parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
# args
vm = args[0]
ip = socket.gethostbyname(vm)
except gaierror,e:
print 'Could not find ip for %s' % vm
return 1
if vm.find('.') == -1:
print '%s was not a fqdn, cmon!' % vm
return 1
s_vm = vm.split('.')[0]
print 'Checking for %s' % vm
conn = ansible.runner.Runner(host_list=opts.inventory, pattern=opts.pattern, timeout=20, forks=30, remote_user='root')
vmhost = find_instance(conn, instance=vm)
if not vmhost:
print 'Could not find vm %s on any virthost in %s' % (vm, opts.pattern)
print 'Found on %s' % vmhost
vmhost_conn = ansible.runner.Runner(host_list=vmhost+',', pattern=vmhost, remote_user='root')
if vm_is_defined(vmhost_conn, vm, vmhost):
if vm_is_alive(vmhost_conn, vm, vmhost):
if not opts.yes:
print "%s is running. Okay to Destroy? ('yes' to confirm): " % vm,
if not confirm():
print 'Exiting on user input'
return 1
# destroy it
vmhost_conn.module_args = "command=destroy guest=%s" % vm
err, err_res = check_for_ans_error(, vmhost)
if err:
print 'Error destroying %s on %s' % (vm, vmhost)
print err_res
return 1
# undefine it
if not opts.yes:
print "%s is defined. Okay to Undefine? ('yes' to confirm): " % vm,
if not confirm():
print 'Exiting on user input'
return 1
vmhost_conn.module_args = "command=undefine guest=%s" % vm
err, err_res = check_for_ans_error(, vmhost)
if err:
print 'Error undefining %s on %s' % (vm, vmhost)
print err_res
return 1
# check for the lv being allocated already
lv_check = '/sbin/lvs %s/%s --noheadings' % (, s_vm)
results = get_ans_results(, vmhost)
if 'rc' not in results:
print 'Could not talk to vmhost about disks'
return 1
if results['rc'] == 0:
print 'Removing old disk: %s/%s' % (, s_vm)
# lvremove its disk
lvrm='/sbin/lvremove -f %s/%s' % (, s_vm)
results = get_ans_results(, vmhost)
if results.get('rc', None) != 0:
print "Could not remove lv for old vm %s" % vm
print results
return 1
if __name__ == "__main__":