#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # update.py - part of the FDroid server tools # Copyright (C) 2017, Torsten Grote # Copyright (C) 2016, Blue Jay Wireless # Copyright (C) 2014-2016, Hans-Christoph Steiner # Copyright (C) 2010-2015, Ciaran Gultnieks # Copyright (C) 2013-2014, Daniel Martí # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import collections import hashlib import json import logging import os import re import ruamel.yaml import shutil import tempfile import urllib.parse import zipfile import calendar import qrcode from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify from datetime import datetime, timezone from pathlib import Path from xml.dom.minidom import Document from . import _ from . import common from . import metadata from . import net from . import signindex from fdroidserver.common import ANTIFEATURES_CONFIG_NAME, CATEGORIES_CONFIG_NAME, CONFIG_CONFIG_NAME, MIRRORS_CONFIG_NAME, RELEASECHANNELS_CONFIG_NAME, DEFAULT_LOCALE, FDroidPopen, FDroidPopenBytes, load_stats_fdroid_signing_key_fingerprints from fdroidserver.exception import FDroidException, VerificationException def make(apps, apks, repodir, archive): """Generate the repo index files. This requires properly initialized options and config objects. Parameters ---------- apps OrderedDict of apps to go into the index, each app should have at least one associated apk apks list of apks to go into the index repodir the repo directory archive True if this is the archive repo, False if it's the main one. """ from fdroidserver.update import METADATA_VERSION if not hasattr(common.options, 'nosign') or not common.options.nosign: common.assert_config_keystore(common.config) # Historically the index has been sorted by App Name, so we enforce this ordering here sortedids = sorted(apps, key=lambda appid: common.get_app_display_name(apps[appid]).upper()) sortedapps = collections.OrderedDict() for appid in sortedids: sortedapps[appid] = apps[appid] repodict = collections.OrderedDict() repodict['timestamp'] = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) repodict['version'] = METADATA_VERSION if common.config['repo_maxage'] != 0: repodict['maxage'] = common.config['repo_maxage'] if archive: repodict['name'] = common.config['archive_name'] repodict['icon'] = common.config.get('archive_icon', common.default_config['repo_icon']) repodict['description'] = common.config['archive_description'] archive_url = common.config.get('archive_url', common.config['repo_url'][:-4] + 'archive') repodict['address'] = archive_url if 'archive_web_base_url' in common.config: repodict["webBaseUrl"] = common.config['archive_web_base_url'] repo_section = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlparse(archive_url).path) else: repodict['name'] = common.config['repo_name'] repodict['icon'] = common.config.get('repo_icon', common.default_config['repo_icon']) repodict['address'] = common.config['repo_url'] if 'repo_web_base_url' in common.config: repodict["webBaseUrl"] = common.config['repo_web_base_url'] repodict['description'] = common.config['repo_description'] repo_section = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlparse(common.config['repo_url']).path) add_mirrors_to_repodict(repo_section, repodict) requestsdict = collections.OrderedDict() for command in ('install', 'uninstall'): packageNames = [] key = command + '_list' if key in common.config: if isinstance(common.config[key], str): packageNames = [common.config[key]] elif all(isinstance(item, str) for item in common.config[key]): packageNames = common.config[key] else: raise TypeError(_('only accepts strings, lists, and tuples')) requestsdict[command] = packageNames fdroid_signing_key_fingerprints = load_stats_fdroid_signing_key_fingerprints() make_v0(sortedapps, apks, repodir, repodict, requestsdict, fdroid_signing_key_fingerprints) make_v1(sortedapps, apks, repodir, repodict, requestsdict, fdroid_signing_key_fingerprints) make_v2(sortedapps, apks, repodir, repodict, requestsdict, fdroid_signing_key_fingerprints, archive) make_website(sortedapps, repodir, repodict) make_altstore( sortedapps, apks, common.config, repodir, pretty=common.options.pretty, ) def _should_file_be_generated(path, magic_string): if os.path.exists(path): with open(path) as f: # if the magic_string is not in the first line the file should be overwritten if magic_string not in f.readline(): return False return True def make_website(apps, repodir, repodict): _ignored, repo_pubkey_fingerprint = extract_pubkey() repo_pubkey_fingerprint_stripped = repo_pubkey_fingerprint.replace(" ", "") link = repodict["address"] link_fingerprinted = ('{link}?fingerprint={fingerprint}' .format(link=link, fingerprint=repo_pubkey_fingerprint_stripped)) # do not change this string, as it will break updates for files with older versions of this string autogenerate_comment = "auto-generated - fdroid index updates will overwrite this file" if not os.path.exists(repodir): os.makedirs(repodir) qrcode.make(link_fingerprinted).save(os.path.join(repodir, "index.png")) html_name = 'index.html' html_file = os.path.join(repodir, html_name) if _should_file_be_generated(html_file, autogenerate_comment): with open(html_file, 'w') as f: name = repodict["name"] description = repodict["description"] icon = repodict["icon"] f.write(""" {name}


QR: test {description}

Currently it serves {number_of_apps} apps. To add it to your F-Droid app, scan the QR code (click it to enlarge) or use this link:


If you would like to manually verify the fingerprint (SHA-256) of the repository signing key, here it is:

""".format(autogenerate_comment=autogenerate_comment, description=description, fingerprint=repo_pubkey_fingerprint, icon=icon, link=link, link_fingerprinted=link_fingerprinted, name=name, number_of_apps=str(len(apps)))) css_file = os.path.join(repodir, "index.css") if _should_file_be_generated(css_file, autogenerate_comment): with open(css_file, "w") as f: # this auto generated comment was not included via .format(), as python seems to have problems with css files in combination with .format() f.write("""/* auto-generated - fdroid index updates will overwrite this file */ BODY { font-family : Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; color : #0000ee; background-color : #ffffff; } p { text-align : justify; } p.center { text-align : center; } TD { font-family : Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; color : #0000ee; } body,td { font-size : 14px; } TH { font-family : Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; color : #0000ee; background-color : #F5EAD4; } a:link { color : #bb0000; } a:visited { color : #ff0000; } .zitat { margin-left : 1cm; margin-right : 1cm; font-style : italic; } #intro { border-spacing : 1em; border : 1px solid gray; border-radius : 0.5em; box-shadow : 10px 10px 5px #888; margin : 1.5em; font-size : .9em; width : 600px; max-width : 90%; display : table; margin-left : auto; margin-right : auto; font-size : .8em; color : #555555; } #intro > p { margin-top : 0; } #intro p:last-child { margin-bottom : 0; } .last { border-bottom : 1px solid black; padding-bottom : .5em; text-align : center; } table { border-collapse : collapse; } h2 { text-align : center; } .perms { font-family : monospace; font-size : .8em; } .repoapplist { display : table; border-collapse : collapse; margin-left : auto; margin-right : auto; width : 600px; max-width : 90%; } .approw, appdetailrow { display : table-row; } .appdetailrow { display : flex; padding : .5em; } .appiconbig, .appdetailblock, .appdetailcell { display : table-cell } .appiconbig { vertical-align : middle; text-align : center; } .appdetailinner { width : 100%; } .applinkcell { text-align : center; float : right; width : 100%; margin-bottom : .1em; } .paddedlink { margin : 1em; } .approw { border-spacing : 1em; border : 1px solid gray; border-radius : 0.5em; padding : 0.5em; margin : 1.5em; } .appdetailinner .appdetailrow:first-child { background-color : #d5d5d5; } .appdetailinner .appdetailrow:first-child .appdetailcell { min-width : 33%; flex : 1 33%; text-align : center; } .appdetailinner .appdetailrow:first-child .appdetailcell:first-child { text-align : left; } .appdetailinner .appdetailrow:first-child .appdetailcell:last-child { float : none; text-align : right; } .minor-details { font-size : .8em; color : #555555; } .boldname { font-weight : bold; } #appcount { text-align : center; margin-bottom : .5em; } kbd { padding : 0.1em 0.6em; border : 1px solid #CCC; background-color : #F7F7F7; color : #333; box-shadow : 0px 1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0px 0px 0px 2px #FFF inset; border-radius : 3px; display : inline-block; margin : 0px 0.1em; text-shadow : 0px 1px 0px #FFF; white-space : nowrap; } div.filterline, div.repoline { display : table; margin-left : auto; margin-right : auto; margin-bottom : 1em; vertical-align : middle; display : table; font-size : .8em; } .filterline form { display : table-row; } .filterline .filtercell { display : table-cell; vertical-align : middle; } fieldset { float : left; } fieldset select, fieldset input, #reposelect select, #reposelect input { font-size : .9em; } .pager { display : table; margin-left : auto; margin-right : auto; width : 600px; max-width : 90%; padding-top : .6em; } /* should correspond to .repoapplist */ .pagerrow { display : table-row; } .pagercell { display : table-cell; } .pagercell.left { text-align : left; padding-right : 1em; } .pagercell.middle { text-align : center; font-size : .9em; color : #555; } .pagercell.right { text-align : right; padding-left : 1em; } .anti { color : peru; } .antibold { color : crimson; } #footer { text-align : center; margin-top : 1em; font-size : 11px; color : #555; } #footer img { vertical-align : middle; } @media (max-width: 600px) { .repoapplist { display : block; } .appdetailinner, .appdetailrow { display : block; } .appdetailcell { display : block; float : left; line-height : 1.5em; } }""") def dict_diff(source, target): if not isinstance(target, dict) or not isinstance(source, dict): return target result = {key: None for key in source if key not in target} for key, value in target.items(): if key not in source: result[key] = value elif value != source[key]: result[key] = dict_diff(source[key], value) return result def convert_datetime(obj): if isinstance(obj, datetime): # Java prefers milliseconds # we also need to account for time zone/daylight saving time return int(calendar.timegm(obj.timetuple()) * 1000) return obj def package_metadata(app, repodir): meta = {} for element in ( "added", # "binaries", "Categories", "Changelog", "IssueTracker", "lastUpdated", "License", "SourceCode", "Translation", "WebSite", "featureGraphic", "promoGraphic", "tvBanner", "screenshots", "AuthorEmail", "AuthorName", "AuthorPhone", "AuthorWebSite", "Bitcoin", "FlattrID", "Liberapay", "Litecoin", "OpenCollective", ): if element in app and app[element]: element_new = element[:1].lower() + element[1:] meta[element_new] = convert_datetime(app[element]) for element in ( "Name", "Summary", "Description", "video", ): element_new = element[:1].lower() + element[1:] if element in app and app[element]: meta[element_new] = {DEFAULT_LOCALE: convert_datetime(app[element])} elif "localized" in app: localized = {k: v[element_new] for k, v in app["localized"].items() if element_new in v} if localized: meta[element_new] = localized if "name" not in meta and app["AutoName"]: meta["name"] = {DEFAULT_LOCALE: app["AutoName"]} # fdroidserver/metadata.py App default if meta["license"] == "Unknown": del meta["license"] if app["Donate"]: meta["donate"] = [app["Donate"]] # TODO handle different resolutions if app.get("icon"): icon_path = os.path.join(repodir, "icons", app["icon"]) meta["icon"] = {DEFAULT_LOCALE: common.file_entry(icon_path)} if "iconv2" in app: meta["icon"] = app["iconv2"] return meta def convert_version(version, app, repodir): """Convert the internal representation of Builds: into index-v2 versions. The diff algorithm of index-v2 uses null/None to mean a field to be removed, so this function handles any Nones that are in the metadata file. """ ver = {} if "added" in version: ver["added"] = convert_datetime(version["added"]) else: ver["added"] = 0 ver["file"] = { "name": "/{}".format(version["apkName"]), version["hashType"]: version["hash"], "size": version["size"], } ipfsCIDv1 = version.get("ipfsCIDv1") if ipfsCIDv1: ver["file"]["ipfsCIDv1"] = ipfsCIDv1 if "srcname" in version: ver["src"] = common.file_entry(os.path.join(repodir, version["srcname"])) if "obbMainFile" in version: ver["obbMainFile"] = common.file_entry( os.path.join(repodir, version["obbMainFile"]), version["obbMainFileSha256"], ) if "obbPatchFile" in version: ver["obbPatchFile"] = common.file_entry( os.path.join(repodir, version["obbPatchFile"]), version["obbPatchFileSha256"], ) ver["manifest"] = manifest = {} for element in ( "nativecode", "versionName", "maxSdkVersion", ): if element in version: manifest[element] = version[element] if "versionCode" in version: manifest["versionCode"] = version["versionCode"] if "features" in version and version["features"]: manifest["features"] = features = [] for feature in version["features"]: # TODO get version from manifest, default (0) is omitted # features.append({"name": feature, "version": 1}) features.append({"name": feature}) if "minSdkVersion" in version: manifest["usesSdk"] = {} manifest["usesSdk"]["minSdkVersion"] = version["minSdkVersion"] if "targetSdkVersion" in version: manifest["usesSdk"]["targetSdkVersion"] = version["targetSdkVersion"] else: # https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#target manifest["usesSdk"]["targetSdkVersion"] = manifest["usesSdk"]["minSdkVersion"] if "signer" in version: manifest["signer"] = {"sha256": [version["signer"]]} for element in ("uses-permission", "uses-permission-sdk-23"): en = element.replace("uses-permission", "usesPermission").replace("-sdk-23", "Sdk23") if element in version and version[element]: manifest[en] = [] for perm in version[element]: if perm[1]: manifest[en].append({"name": perm[0], "maxSdkVersion": perm[1]}) else: manifest[en].append({"name": perm[0]}) # index-v2 has only per-version antifeatures, not per package. antiFeatures = app.get('AntiFeatures', {}).copy() for name, descdict in version.get('antiFeatures', dict()).items(): antiFeatures[name] = descdict if antiFeatures: ver['antiFeatures'] = { k: dict(sorted(antiFeatures[k].items())) for k in sorted(antiFeatures) } if "versionCode" in version: if version["versionCode"] > app["CurrentVersionCode"]: ver[RELEASECHANNELS_CONFIG_NAME] = ["Beta"] builds = app.get("Builds", []) if len(builds) > 0 and version["versionCode"] == builds[-1]["versionCode"]: if "localized" in app: localized = {k: v["whatsNew"] for k, v in app["localized"].items() if "whatsNew" in v} if localized: ver["whatsNew"] = localized for build in builds: if build['versionCode'] == version['versionCode'] and "whatsNew" in build: ver["whatsNew"] = build["whatsNew"] break return ver def v2_repo(repodict, repodir, archive): repo = {} repo["name"] = {DEFAULT_LOCALE: repodict["name"]} repo["description"] = {DEFAULT_LOCALE: repodict["description"]} repo["icon"] = { DEFAULT_LOCALE: common.file_entry("%s/icons/%s" % (repodir, repodict["icon"])) } config = common.load_localized_config(CONFIG_CONFIG_NAME, repodir) if config: repo["name"] = config["archive" if archive else "repo"]["name"] repo["description"] = config["archive" if archive else "repo"]["description"] repo["icon"] = config["archive" if archive else "repo"]["icon"] repo["address"] = repodict["address"] if "mirrors" in repodict: repo["mirrors"] = repodict["mirrors"] if "webBaseUrl" in repodict: repo["webBaseUrl"] = repodict["webBaseUrl"] repo["timestamp"] = repodict["timestamp"] antiFeatures = common.load_localized_config(ANTIFEATURES_CONFIG_NAME, repodir) if antiFeatures: repo[ANTIFEATURES_CONFIG_NAME] = antiFeatures categories = common.load_localized_config(CATEGORIES_CONFIG_NAME, repodir) if categories: repo[CATEGORIES_CONFIG_NAME] = categories releaseChannels = common.load_localized_config(RELEASECHANNELS_CONFIG_NAME, repodir) if releaseChannels: repo[RELEASECHANNELS_CONFIG_NAME] = releaseChannels return repo def make_v2(apps, packages, repodir, repodict, requestsdict, fdroid_signing_key_fingerprints, archive): def _index_encoder_default(obj): if isinstance(obj, set): return sorted(list(obj)) if isinstance(obj, datetime): # Java prefers milliseconds # we also need to account for time zone/daylight saving time return int(calendar.timegm(obj.timetuple()) * 1000) if isinstance(obj, dict): d = collections.OrderedDict() for key in sorted(obj.keys()): d[key] = obj[key] return d raise TypeError(repr(obj) + " is not JSON serializable") output = collections.OrderedDict() output["repo"] = v2_repo(repodict, repodir, archive) if requestsdict and (requestsdict["install"] or requestsdict["uninstall"]): output["repo"]["requests"] = requestsdict # establish sort order of the index v1_sort_packages(packages, fdroid_signing_key_fingerprints) output_packages = collections.OrderedDict() output['packages'] = output_packages categories_used_by_apps = set() for package in packages: packageName = package['packageName'] if packageName not in apps: logging.info(_('Ignoring package without metadata: ') + package['apkName']) continue if not package.get('versionName'): app = apps[packageName] for build in app.get('Builds', []): if build['versionCode'] == package['versionCode']: versionName = build.get('versionName') logging.info(_('Overriding blank versionName in {apkfilename} from metadata: {version}') .format(apkfilename=package['apkName'], version=versionName)) package['versionName'] = versionName break if packageName in output_packages: packagelist = output_packages[packageName] else: packagelist = {} output_packages[packageName] = packagelist app = apps[packageName] categories_used_by_apps.update(app.get('Categories', [])) packagelist["metadata"] = package_metadata(app, repodir) if "signer" in package: packagelist["metadata"]["preferredSigner"] = package["signer"] packagelist["versions"] = {} packagelist["versions"][package["hash"]] = convert_version(package, apps[packageName], repodir) if categories_used_by_apps and not output['repo'].get(CATEGORIES_CONFIG_NAME): output['repo'][CATEGORIES_CONFIG_NAME] = dict() # include definitions for "auto-defined" categories, e.g. just used in app metadata for category in sorted(categories_used_by_apps): if category not in output['repo'][CATEGORIES_CONFIG_NAME]: output['repo'][CATEGORIES_CONFIG_NAME][category] = {"name": {DEFAULT_LOCALE: category}} # do not include defined categories if no apps use them for category in list(output['repo'].get(CATEGORIES_CONFIG_NAME, list())): if category not in categories_used_by_apps: del output['repo'][CATEGORIES_CONFIG_NAME][category] msg = _('Category "{category}" defined but not used for any apps!') logging.warning(msg.format(category=category)) entry = {} entry["timestamp"] = repodict["timestamp"] entry["version"] = repodict["version"] if "maxage" in repodict: entry["maxAge"] = repodict["maxage"] json_name = 'index-v2.json' index_file = os.path.join(repodir, json_name) with open(index_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fp: if common.options.pretty: json.dump(output, fp, default=_index_encoder_default, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) else: json.dump(output, fp, default=_index_encoder_default, ensure_ascii=False) json_name = "tmp/{}_{}.json".format(repodir, convert_datetime(repodict["timestamp"])) with open(json_name, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fp: if common.options.pretty: json.dump(output, fp, default=_index_encoder_default, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) else: json.dump(output, fp, default=_index_encoder_default, ensure_ascii=False) entry["index"] = common.file_entry(index_file) entry["index"]["numPackages"] = len(output.get("packages", [])) indexes = sorted(Path().glob("tmp/{}*.json".format(repodir)), key=lambda x: x.name) indexes.pop() # remove current index # remove older indexes while len(indexes) > 10: indexes.pop(0).unlink() indexes = [json.loads(Path(fn).read_text(encoding="utf-8")) for fn in indexes] for diff in Path().glob("{}/diff/*.json".format(repodir)): diff.unlink() entry["diffs"] = {} for old in indexes: diff_name = str(old["repo"]["timestamp"]) + ".json" diff_file = os.path.join(repodir, "diff", diff_name) diff = dict_diff(old, output) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(repodir, "diff")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(repodir, "diff")) with open(diff_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fp: if common.options.pretty: json.dump(diff, fp, default=_index_encoder_default, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) else: json.dump(diff, fp, default=_index_encoder_default, ensure_ascii=False) entry["diffs"][old["repo"]["timestamp"]] = common.file_entry(diff_file) entry["diffs"][old["repo"]["timestamp"]]["numPackages"] = len(diff.get("packages", [])) json_name = "entry.json" index_file = os.path.join(repodir, json_name) with open(index_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fp: if common.options.pretty: json.dump(entry, fp, default=_index_encoder_default, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) else: json.dump(entry, fp, default=_index_encoder_default, ensure_ascii=False) if common.options.nosign: _copy_to_local_copy_dir(repodir, index_file) logging.debug(_('index-v2 must have a signature, use `fdroid signindex` to create it!')) else: signindex.config = common.config signindex.sign_index(repodir, json_name) def make_v1(apps, packages, repodir, repodict, requestsdict, fdroid_signing_key_fingerprints): def _index_encoder_default(obj): if isinstance(obj, set): return sorted(list(obj)) if isinstance(obj, datetime): # Java prefers milliseconds # we also need to account for time zone/daylight saving time return int(calendar.timegm(obj.timetuple()) * 1000) if isinstance(obj, dict): d = collections.OrderedDict() for key in sorted(obj.keys()): d[key] = obj[key] return d raise TypeError(repr(obj) + " is not JSON serializable") output = collections.OrderedDict() output['repo'] = repodict.copy() output['requests'] = requestsdict # index-v1 only supports a list of URL strings for additional mirrors mirrors = [] for mirror in repodict.get('mirrors', []): url = mirror['url'] if url != repodict['address']: mirrors.append(mirror['url']) if mirrors: output['repo']['mirrors'] = mirrors # establish sort order of the index v1_sort_packages(packages, fdroid_signing_key_fingerprints) appslist = [] output['apps'] = appslist for packageName, app_dict in apps.items(): d = collections.OrderedDict() appslist.append(d) for k, v in sorted(app_dict.items()): if not v: continue if k in ('Builds', 'metadatapath', 'ArchivePolicy', 'AutoName', 'AutoUpdateMode', 'MaintainerNotes', 'Provides', 'Repo', 'RepoType', 'RequiresRoot', 'UpdateCheckData', 'UpdateCheckIgnore', 'UpdateCheckMode', 'UpdateCheckName', 'NoSourceSince', 'VercodeOperation', 'summary', 'description', 'promoGraphic', 'screenshots', 'whatsNew', 'featureGraphic', 'iconv2', 'tvBanner', ): continue # name things after the App class fields in fdroidclient if k == 'id': k = 'packageName' elif k == 'CurrentVersionCode': # TODO make SuggestedVersionCode the canonical name k = 'suggestedVersionCode' v = str(v) elif k == 'CurrentVersion': # TODO make SuggestedVersionName the canonical name k = 'suggestedVersionName' else: k = k[:1].lower() + k[1:] d[k] = v # establish sort order in lists, sets, and localized dicts for app_dict in output['apps']: localized = app_dict.get('localized') if localized: lordered = collections.OrderedDict() for lkey, lvalue in sorted(localized.items()): lordered[lkey] = collections.OrderedDict() for ikey, iname in sorted(lvalue.items()): lordered[lkey][ikey] = iname app_dict['localized'] = lordered # v1 uses a list of keys for Anti-Features antiFeatures = app_dict.get('antiFeatures', dict()).keys() if antiFeatures: app_dict['antiFeatures'] = sorted(set(antiFeatures)) output_packages = collections.OrderedDict() output['packages'] = output_packages for package in packages: packageName = package['packageName'] if packageName not in apps: logging.info(_('Ignoring package without metadata: ') + package['apkName']) continue if not package.get('versionName'): app = apps[packageName] for build in app.get('Builds', []): if build['versionCode'] == package['versionCode']: versionName = build.get('versionName') logging.info(_('Overriding blank versionName in {apkfilename} from metadata: {version}') .format(apkfilename=package['apkName'], version=versionName)) package['versionName'] = versionName break if packageName in output_packages: packagelist = output_packages[packageName] else: packagelist = [] output_packages[packageName] = packagelist d = collections.OrderedDict() packagelist.append(d) for k, v in sorted(package.items()): if not v: continue if k in ('icon', 'icons', 'icons_src', 'ipfsCIDv1', 'name'): continue if k == 'antiFeatures': d[k] = sorted(v.keys()) continue d[k] = v json_name = 'index-v1.json' index_file = os.path.join(repodir, json_name) with open(index_file, 'w') as fp: if common.options.pretty: json.dump(output, fp, default=_index_encoder_default, indent=2) else: json.dump(output, fp, default=_index_encoder_default) if common.options.nosign: _copy_to_local_copy_dir(repodir, index_file) logging.debug(_('index-v1 must have a signature, use `fdroid signindex` to create it!')) else: signindex.config = common.config signindex.sign_index(repodir, json_name) def _copy_to_local_copy_dir(repodir, f): local_copy_dir = common.config.get('local_copy_dir', '') if os.path.exists(local_copy_dir): destdir = os.path.join(local_copy_dir, repodir) if not os.path.exists(destdir): os.mkdir(destdir) shutil.copy2(f, destdir, follow_symlinks=False) elif local_copy_dir: raise FDroidException(_('"local_copy_dir" {path} does not exist!') .format(path=local_copy_dir)) def v1_sort_packages(packages, fdroid_signing_key_fingerprints): """Sort the supplied list to ensure a deterministic sort order for package entries in the index file. This sort-order also expresses installation preference to the clients. (First in this list = first to install) Parameters ---------- packages list of packages which need to be sorted before but into index file. """ GROUP_DEV_SIGNED = 1 GROUP_FDROID_SIGNED = 2 GROUP_OTHER_SIGNED = 3 def v1_sort_keys(package): packageName = package.get('packageName', None) signer = package.get('signer', None) dev_signer = common.metadata_find_developer_signature(packageName) group = GROUP_OTHER_SIGNED if dev_signer and dev_signer == signer: group = GROUP_DEV_SIGNED else: fdroid_signer = fdroid_signing_key_fingerprints.get(packageName, {}).get('signer') if fdroid_signer and fdroid_signer == signer: group = GROUP_FDROID_SIGNED versionCode = None if package.get('versionCode', None): versionCode = -package['versionCode'] return packageName, group, signer, versionCode packages.sort(key=v1_sort_keys) def make_v0(apps, apks, repodir, repodict, requestsdict, fdroid_signing_key_fingerprints): """Aka index.jar aka index.xml.""" doc = Document() def addElement(name, value, doc, parent): el = doc.createElement(name) el.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(value)) parent.appendChild(el) def addElementNonEmpty(name, value, doc, parent): if not value: return addElement(name, value, doc, parent) def addElementIfInApk(name, apk, key, doc, parent): if key not in apk: return value = str(apk[key]) addElement(name, value, doc, parent) def addElementCheckLocalized(name, app, key, doc, parent, default=''): """Fill in field from metadata or localized block. For name/summary/description, they can come only from the app source, or from a dir in fdroiddata. They can be entirely missing from the metadata file if there is localized versions. This will fetch those from the localized version if its not available in the metadata file. Attributes should be alpha-sorted, so they must be added in alpha- sort order. """ el = doc.createElement(name) value = app.get(key) lkey = key[:1].lower() + key[1:] localized = app.get('localized') if not value and localized: for lang in [DEFAULT_LOCALE] + [x for x in localized.keys()]: if not lang.startswith('en'): continue if lang in localized: value = localized[lang].get(lkey) if value: break if not value and localized and len(localized) > 1: lang = list(localized.keys())[0] value = localized[lang].get(lkey) if not value: value = default if not value and name == 'name' and app.get('AutoName'): value = app['AutoName'] el.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(value)) parent.appendChild(el) root = doc.createElement("fdroid") doc.appendChild(root) repoel = doc.createElement("repo") repoel.setAttribute("icon", repodict['icon']) if 'maxage' in repodict: repoel.setAttribute("maxage", str(repodict['maxage'])) repoel.setAttribute("name", repodict['name']) pubkey, repo_pubkey_fingerprint = extract_pubkey() repoel.setAttribute("pubkey", pubkey.decode('utf-8')) repoel.setAttribute("timestamp", '%d' % repodict['timestamp'].timestamp()) repoel.setAttribute("url", repodict['address']) repoel.setAttribute("version", str(repodict['version'])) addElement('description', repodict['description'], doc, repoel) # index v0 only supports a list of URL strings for additional mirrors for mirror in repodict.get('mirrors', []): url = mirror['url'] if url != repodict['address']: addElement('mirror', url, doc, repoel) root.appendChild(repoel) for command in ('install', 'uninstall'): for packageName in requestsdict[command]: element = doc.createElement(command) root.appendChild(element) element.setAttribute('packageName', packageName) for appid, app_dict in apps.items(): app = metadata.App(app_dict) if app.get('Disabled') is not None: continue # Get a list of the apks for this app... apklist = [] name_from_apk = None apksbyversion = collections.defaultdict(lambda: []) for apk in apks: if apk.get('versionCode') and apk.get('packageName') == appid: apksbyversion[apk['versionCode']].append(apk) if name_from_apk is None: name_from_apk = apk.get('name') for versionCode, apksforver in apksbyversion.items(): fdroid_signer = fdroid_signing_key_fingerprints.get(appid, {}).get('signer') fdroid_signed_apk = None name_match_apk = None for x in apksforver: if fdroid_signer and x.get('signer', None) == fdroid_signer: fdroid_signed_apk = x if common.apk_release_filename.match(x.get('apkName', '')): name_match_apk = x # choose which of the available versions is most # suiteable for index v0 if fdroid_signed_apk: apklist.append(fdroid_signed_apk) elif name_match_apk: apklist.append(name_match_apk) else: apklist.append(apksforver[0]) if len(apklist) == 0: continue apel = doc.createElement("application") apel.setAttribute("id", app.id) root.appendChild(apel) addElement('id', app.id, doc, apel) if app.added: addElement('added', app.added.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), doc, apel) if app.lastUpdated: addElement('lastupdated', app.lastUpdated.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), doc, apel) addElementCheckLocalized('name', app, 'Name', doc, apel, name_from_apk) addElementCheckLocalized('summary', app, 'Summary', doc, apel) if app.icon: addElement('icon', app.icon, doc, apel) addElementCheckLocalized('desc', app, 'Description', doc, apel, 'No description available') addElement('license', app.License, doc, apel) if app.Categories: addElement('categories', ','.join(app.Categories), doc, apel) # We put the first (primary) category in LAST, which will have # the desired effect of making clients that only understand one # category see that one. addElement('category', app.Categories[0], doc, apel) addElement('web', app.WebSite, doc, apel) addElement('source', app.SourceCode, doc, apel) addElement('tracker', app.IssueTracker, doc, apel) addElementNonEmpty('changelog', app.Changelog, doc, apel) addElementNonEmpty('author', app.AuthorName, doc, apel) addElementNonEmpty('email', app.AuthorEmail, doc, apel) addElementNonEmpty('donate', app.Donate, doc, apel) addElementNonEmpty('bitcoin', app.Bitcoin, doc, apel) addElementNonEmpty('litecoin', app.Litecoin, doc, apel) addElementNonEmpty('flattr', app.FlattrID, doc, apel) addElementNonEmpty('openCollective', app.OpenCollective, doc, apel) # These elements actually refer to the current version (i.e. which # one is recommended. They are historically mis-named, and need # changing, but stay like this for now to support existing clients. addElement('marketversion', app.CurrentVersion, doc, apel) addElement('marketvercode', str(app.CurrentVersionCode), doc, apel) if app.Provides: pv = app.Provides.split(',') addElementNonEmpty('provides', ','.join(pv), doc, apel) if app.RequiresRoot: addElement('requirements', 'root', doc, apel) # Sort the APK list into version order, just so the web site # doesn't have to do any work by default... apklist = sorted(apklist, key=lambda apk: apk['versionCode'], reverse=True) antiFeatures = list(app.AntiFeatures) if 'antiFeatures' in apklist[0]: antiFeatures.extend(apklist[0]['antiFeatures']) if antiFeatures: afout = sorted(set(antiFeatures)) addElementNonEmpty('antifeatures', ','.join(afout), doc, apel) # Check for duplicates - they will make the client unhappy... for i in range(len(apklist) - 1): first = apklist[i] second = apklist[i + 1] if first['versionCode'] == second['versionCode'] \ and first['sig'] == second['sig']: if first['hash'] == second['hash']: raise FDroidException('"{0}/{1}" and "{0}/{2}" are exact duplicates!'.format( repodir, first['apkName'], second['apkName'])) else: raise FDroidException('duplicates: "{0}/{1}" - "{0}/{2}"'.format( repodir, first['apkName'], second['apkName'])) current_version_code = 0 current_version_file = None for apk in apklist: file_extension = common.get_file_extension(apk['apkName']) # find the APK for the "Current Version" if current_version_code < app.CurrentVersionCode: current_version_file = apk['apkName'] if current_version_code < apk['versionCode']: current_version_code = apk['versionCode'] apkel = doc.createElement("package") apel.appendChild(apkel) versionName = apk.get('versionName') if not versionName: for build in app.get('Builds', []): if ( build['versionCode'] == apk['versionCode'] and 'versionName' in build ): versionName = build['versionName'] break if versionName: addElement('version', versionName, doc, apkel) addElement('versioncode', str(apk['versionCode']), doc, apkel) addElement('apkname', apk['apkName'], doc, apkel) addElementIfInApk('srcname', apk, 'srcname', doc, apkel) hashel = doc.createElement("hash") hashel.setAttribute('type', 'sha256') hashel.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(apk['hash'])) apkel.appendChild(hashel) addElement('size', str(apk['size']), doc, apkel) addElementIfInApk('sdkver', apk, 'minSdkVersion', doc, apkel) addElementIfInApk('targetSdkVersion', apk, 'targetSdkVersion', doc, apkel) addElementIfInApk('maxsdkver', apk, 'maxSdkVersion', doc, apkel) addElementIfInApk('obbMainFile', apk, 'obbMainFile', doc, apkel) addElementIfInApk('obbMainFileSha256', apk, 'obbMainFileSha256', doc, apkel) addElementIfInApk('obbPatchFile', apk, 'obbPatchFile', doc, apkel) addElementIfInApk('obbPatchFileSha256', apk, 'obbPatchFileSha256', doc, apkel) if 'added' in apk: addElement('added', apk['added'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), doc, apkel) if file_extension == 'apk': # sig is required for APKs, but only APKs addElement('sig', apk['sig'], doc, apkel) old_permissions = set() sorted_permissions = sorted(apk['uses-permission']) for perm in sorted_permissions: perm_name = perm[0] if perm_name.startswith("android.permission."): perm_name = perm_name[19:] old_permissions.add(perm_name) addElementNonEmpty('permissions', ','.join(sorted(old_permissions)), doc, apkel) for permission in sorted_permissions: permel = doc.createElement('uses-permission') if permission[1] is not None: permel.setAttribute('maxSdkVersion', '%d' % permission[1]) apkel.appendChild(permel) permel.setAttribute('name', permission[0]) for permission_sdk_23 in sorted(apk['uses-permission-sdk-23']): permel = doc.createElement('uses-permission-sdk-23') if permission_sdk_23[1] is not None: permel.setAttribute('maxSdkVersion', '%d' % permission_sdk_23[1]) apkel.appendChild(permel) permel.setAttribute('name', permission_sdk_23[0]) if 'nativecode' in apk: addElement('nativecode', ','.join(sorted(apk['nativecode'])), doc, apkel) addElementNonEmpty('features', ','.join(sorted(apk['features'])), doc, apkel) if current_version_file is not None \ and common.config['make_current_version_link'] \ and repodir == 'repo': # only create these namefield = common.config['current_version_name_source'] name = app.get(namefield) if not name and namefield == 'Name': name = app.get('localized', {}).get(DEFAULT_LOCALE, {}).get('name') if not name: name = app.id sanitized_name = re.sub(b'''[ '"&%?+=/]''', b'', str(name).encode('utf-8')) apklinkname = sanitized_name + os.path.splitext(current_version_file)[1].encode('utf-8') current_version_path = os.path.join(repodir, current_version_file).encode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape') if os.path.islink(apklinkname): os.remove(apklinkname) os.symlink(current_version_path, apklinkname) # also symlink gpg signature, if it exists for extension in (b'.asc', b'.sig'): sigfile_path = current_version_path + extension if os.path.exists(sigfile_path): siglinkname = apklinkname + extension if os.path.islink(siglinkname): os.remove(siglinkname) os.symlink(sigfile_path, siglinkname) if common.options.pretty: output = doc.toprettyxml(encoding='utf-8') else: output = doc.toxml(encoding='utf-8') with open(os.path.join(repodir, 'index.xml'), 'wb') as f: f.write(output) if 'repo_keyalias' in common.config \ or (common.options.nosign and 'repo_pubkey' in common.config): if common.options.nosign: logging.info(_("Creating unsigned index in preparation for signing")) else: logging.info(_("Creating signed index with this key (SHA256):")) logging.info("%s" % repo_pubkey_fingerprint) # Create a jar of the index... jar_output = 'index_unsigned.jar' if common.options.nosign else 'index.jar' p = FDroidPopen(['jar', 'cf', jar_output, 'index.xml'], cwd=repodir) if p.returncode != 0: raise FDroidException("Failed to create {0}".format(jar_output)) # Sign the index... signed = os.path.join(repodir, 'index.jar') if common.options.nosign: _copy_to_local_copy_dir(repodir, os.path.join(repodir, jar_output)) # Remove old signed index if not signing if os.path.exists(signed): os.remove(signed) else: signindex.config = common.config signindex.sign_jar(signed, use_old_algs=True) # Copy the repo icon into the repo directory... icon_dir = os.path.join(repodir, 'icons') repo_icon = common.config.get('repo_icon', common.default_config['repo_icon']) iconfilename = os.path.join(icon_dir, os.path.basename(repo_icon)) if os.path.exists(repo_icon): shutil.copyfile(common.config['repo_icon'], iconfilename) else: logging.warning(_('repo_icon "repo/icons/%s" does not exist, generating placeholder.') % repo_icon) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(iconfilename), exist_ok=True) try: qrcode.make(common.config['repo_url']).save(iconfilename) except Exception: exampleicon = os.path.join(common.get_examples_dir(), common.default_config['repo_icon']) shutil.copy(exampleicon, iconfilename) def extract_pubkey(): """Extract and return the repository's public key from the keystore. Returns ------- public key in hex repository fingerprint """ if 'repo_pubkey' in common.config: pubkey = unhexlify(common.config['repo_pubkey']) elif 'keystorepass' in common.config: env_vars = {'LC_ALL': 'C.UTF-8', 'FDROID_KEY_STORE_PASS': common.config['keystorepass']} p = FDroidPopenBytes([common.config['keytool'], '-exportcert', '-alias', common.config['repo_keyalias'], '-keystore', common.config['keystore'], '-storepass:env', 'FDROID_KEY_STORE_PASS'] + list(common.config['smartcardoptions']), envs=env_vars, output=False, stderr_to_stdout=False) if p.returncode != 0 or len(p.output) < 20: msg = "Failed to get repo pubkey!" if common.config['keystore'] == 'NONE': msg += ' Is your crypto smartcard plugged in?' raise FDroidException(msg) pubkey = p.output else: raise FDroidException(_('Neither "repo_pubkey" nor "keystorepass" set in config.yml')) repo_pubkey_fingerprint = common.get_cert_fingerprint(pubkey) return hexlify(pubkey), repo_pubkey_fingerprint def add_mirrors_to_repodict(repo_section, repodict): """Convert config into final dict of mirror metadata for the repo. Internally and in index-v2, mirrors is a list of dicts, but it can be specified in the config as a string or list of strings. Also, index v0 and v1 use a list of URL strings as the data structure. The first entry is traditionally the primary mirror and canonical URL. 'mirrors' should not be present in the index if there is only the canonical URL, and no other mirrors. The metadata items for each mirror entry are sorted by key to ensure minimum diffs in the index files. """ mirrors_config = common.config.get('mirrors', []) if type(mirrors_config) not in (list, tuple): mirrors_config = [mirrors_config] mirrors_yml = Path(f'config/{MIRRORS_CONFIG_NAME}.yml') if mirrors_yml.exists(): if mirrors_config: raise FDroidException( _('mirrors set twice, in config.yml and {path}!').format( path=mirrors_yml ) ) with mirrors_yml.open() as fp: mirrors_config = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ='safe').load(fp) if not isinstance(mirrors_config, list): msg = _('{path} is not list, but a {datatype}!') raise TypeError( msg.format(path=mirrors_yml, datatype=type(mirrors_config).__name__) ) if type(mirrors_config) not in (list, tuple, set): msg = 'In config.yml, mirrors: is not list, but a {datatype}!' raise TypeError(msg.format(datatype=type(mirrors_config).__name__)) mirrorcheckfailed = False mirrors = [] urls = set() for mirror in mirrors_config: if isinstance(mirror, str): mirror = {'url': mirror} elif not isinstance(mirror, dict): logging.error( _('Bad entry type "{mirrortype}" in mirrors config: {mirror}').format( mirrortype=type(mirror), mirror=mirror ) ) mirrorcheckfailed = True continue config_url = mirror['url'] base = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlparse(config_url).path.rstrip('/')) if common.config.get('nonstandardwebroot') is not True and base != 'fdroid': logging.error(_("mirror '%s' does not end with 'fdroid'!") % config_url) mirrorcheckfailed = True # must end with / or urljoin strips a whole path segment if config_url.endswith('/'): mirror['url'] = urllib.parse.urljoin(config_url, repo_section) else: mirror['url'] = urllib.parse.urljoin(config_url + '/', repo_section) mirrors.append(mirror) if mirror['url'] in urls: mirrorcheckfailed = True logging.error( _('Duplicate entry "%s" in mirrors config!') % mirror['url'] ) urls.add(mirror['url']) for mirror in common.config.get('servergitmirrors', []): for url in get_mirror_service_urls(mirror): mirrors.append({'url': url + '/' + repo_section}) if mirrorcheckfailed: raise FDroidException(_("Malformed repository mirrors.")) if not mirrors: return repodict['mirrors'] = [] canonical_url = repodict['address'] found_primary = False for mirror in mirrors: if canonical_url == mirror['url']: found_primary = True mirror['isPrimary'] = True sortedmirror = dict() for k in sorted(mirror.keys()): sortedmirror[k] = mirror[k] repodict['mirrors'].insert(0, sortedmirror) else: repodict['mirrors'].append(mirror) if repodict['mirrors'] and not found_primary: repodict['mirrors'].insert(0, {'isPrimary': True, 'url': repodict['address']}) def get_mirror_service_urls(mirror): """Get direct URLs from git service for use by fdroidclient. Via 'servergitmirrors', fdroidserver can create and push a mirror to certain well known git services like GitLab or GitHub. This will always use the 'master' branch since that is the default branch in git. The files are then accessible via alternate URLs, where they are served in their raw format via a CDN rather than from git. Both of the GitLab URLs will work with F-Droid, but only the GitLab Pages will work in the browser This is because the "raw" URLs are not served with the correct mime types, so any index.html which is put in the repo will not be rendered. Putting an index.html file in the repo root is a common way for to make information about the repo available to end user. """ url = mirror['url'] if url.startswith('git@'): url = re.sub(r'^git@([^:]+):(.+)', r'https://\1/\2', url) segments = url.split("/") if segments[4].endswith('.git'): segments[4] = segments[4][:-4] hostname = segments[2] user = segments[3] repo = segments[4] branch = "master" folder = "fdroid" urls = [] if hostname == "github.com": # Github-like RAW segments "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/user/repo/branch/folder" segments[2] = "raw.githubusercontent.com" segments.extend([branch, folder]) urls.append('/'.join(segments)) elif hostname == "gitlab.com": git_mirror_path = os.path.join('git-mirror', folder) if common.get_dir_size(git_mirror_path) <= common.GITLAB_COM_PAGES_MAX_SIZE: # Gitlab-like Pages segments "https://user.gitlab.io/repo/folder" gitlab_pages = ["https:", "", user + ".gitlab.io", repo, folder] urls.append('/'.join(gitlab_pages)) else: logging.warning( _( 'Skipping GitLab Pages mirror because the repo is too large (>%.2fGB)!' ) % (common.GITLAB_COM_PAGES_MAX_SIZE / 1000000000) ) # GitLab Raw "https://gitlab.com/user/repo/-/raw/branch/folder" gitlab_raw = segments + ['-', 'raw', branch, folder] urls.append('/'.join(gitlab_raw)) # GitLab Artifacts "https://user.gitlab.io/-/repo/-/jobs/job_id/artifacts/public/folder" job_id = os.getenv('CI_JOB_ID') try: int(job_id) gitlab_artifacts = [ "https:", "", user + ".gitlab.io", '-', repo, '-', 'jobs', job_id, 'artifacts', 'public', folder, ] urls.append('/'.join(gitlab_artifacts)) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass # no Job ID to use, ignore return urls def download_repo_index(url_str, etag=None, verify_fingerprint=True, timeout=600): """Download and verifies index v1 file, then returns its data. Use the versioned functions to be sure you are getting the expected data format. """ return download_repo_index_v1(url_str, etag, verify_fingerprint, timeout) def download_repo_index_v1(url_str, etag=None, verify_fingerprint=True, timeout=600): """Download and verifies index v1 file, then returns its data. Downloads the repository index from the given :param url_str and verifies the repository's fingerprint if :param verify_fingerprint is not False. Raises ------ VerificationException() if the repository could not be verified Returns ------- A tuple consisting of: - The index in JSON v1 format or None if the index did not change - The new eTag as returned by the HTTP request """ url = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url_str) fingerprint = None if verify_fingerprint: query = urllib.parse.parse_qs(url.query) if 'fingerprint' not in query: raise VerificationException(_("No fingerprint in URL.")) fingerprint = query['fingerprint'][0] if url.path.endswith('/index-v1.jar'): path = url.path[:-13].rstrip('/') else: path = url.path.rstrip('/') url = urllib.parse.SplitResult(url.scheme, url.netloc, path + '/index-v1.jar', '', '') download, new_etag = net.http_get(url.geturl(), etag, timeout) if download is None: return None, new_etag with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fp: fp.write(download) fp.flush() index, public_key, public_key_fingerprint = get_index_from_jar( fp.name, fingerprint, allow_deprecated=True ) index["repo"]["pubkey"] = hexlify(public_key).decode() index["repo"]["fingerprint"] = public_key_fingerprint index["apps"] = [metadata.App(app) for app in index["apps"]] return index, new_etag def download_repo_index_v2(url_str, etag=None, verify_fingerprint=True, timeout=600): """Download and verifies index v2 file, then returns its data. Downloads the repository index from the given :param url_str and verifies the repository's fingerprint if :param verify_fingerprint is not False. In order to verify the data, the fingerprint must be provided as part of the URL. Raises ------ VerificationException() if the repository could not be verified Returns ------- A tuple consisting of: - The index in JSON v2 format or None if the index did not change - The new eTag as returned by the HTTP request """ url = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url_str) fingerprint = None if verify_fingerprint: query = urllib.parse.parse_qs(url.query) if 'fingerprint' not in query: raise VerificationException(_("No fingerprint in URL.")) fingerprint = query['fingerprint'][0] if url.path.endswith('/entry.jar') or url.path.endswith('/index-v2.json'): path = url.path.rsplit('/', 1)[0] else: path = url.path.rstrip('/') url = urllib.parse.SplitResult(url.scheme, url.netloc, path + '/entry.jar', '', '') download, new_etag = net.http_get(url.geturl(), etag, timeout) if download is None: return None, new_etag # jarsigner is used to verify the JAR, it requires a file for input with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dirname: with (Path(dirname) / 'entry.jar').open('wb') as fp: fp.write(download) fp.flush() entry, public_key, fingerprint = get_index_from_jar(fp.name, fingerprint) name = entry['index']['name'] sha256 = entry['index']['sha256'] url = urllib.parse.SplitResult(url.scheme, url.netloc, path + name, '', '') index, _ignored = net.http_get(url.geturl(), None, timeout) if sha256 != hashlib.sha256(index).hexdigest(): raise VerificationException( _("SHA-256 of {url} does not match entry!").format(url=url) ) return json.loads(index), new_etag def get_index_from_jar(jarfile, fingerprint=None, allow_deprecated=False): """Return the data, public key and fingerprint from an index JAR with one JSON file. The F-Droid index files always contain a single data file and a JAR Signature. Since index-v1, the data file is always JSON. That single data file is named the same as the JAR file. Parameters ---------- fingerprint is the SHA-256 fingerprint of signing key. Only hex digits count, all other chars will can be discarded. Raises ------ VerificationException() if the repository could not be verified """ logging.debug(_('Verifying index signature:')) if allow_deprecated: common.verify_deprecated_jar_signature(jarfile) else: common.verify_jar_signature(jarfile) with zipfile.ZipFile(jarfile) as jar: public_key, public_key_fingerprint = get_public_key_from_jar(jar) if fingerprint is not None: fingerprint = re.sub(r'[^0-9A-F]', r'', fingerprint.upper()) if fingerprint != public_key_fingerprint: raise VerificationException( _("The repository's fingerprint does not match.") ) for f in jar.namelist(): if not f.startswith('META-INF/'): jsonfile = f break data = json.loads(jar.read(jsonfile)) return data, public_key, public_key_fingerprint def get_public_key_from_jar(jar): """Get the public key and its fingerprint from a JAR file. Raises ------ VerificationException() if the JAR was not signed exactly once Parameters ---------- jar a zipfile.ZipFile object Returns ------- the public key from the jar and its fingerprint """ # extract certificate from jar certs = [n for n in jar.namelist() if common.SIGNATURE_BLOCK_FILE_REGEX.match(n)] if len(certs) < 1: raise VerificationException(_("Found no signing certificates for repository.")) if len(certs) > 1: raise VerificationException(_("Found multiple signing certificates for repository.")) # extract public key from certificate public_key = common.get_certificate(jar.read(certs[0])) public_key_fingerprint = common.get_cert_fingerprint(public_key).replace(' ', '') return public_key, public_key_fingerprint def make_altstore(apps, apks, config, repodir, pretty=False): """Assemble altstore-index.json for iOS (.ipa) apps. builds index files based on: https://faq.altstore.io/distribute-your-apps/make-a-source https://faq.altstore.io/distribute-your-apps/updating-apps """ if not any(Path(repodir).glob('*.ipa')): # no IPA files present in repo, nothing to do here, exiting early return indent = 2 if pretty else None # for now alt-store support is english only for lang in ['en']: # prepare minimal altstore index idx = { 'name': config['repo_name'], "apps": [], "news": [], } # add optional values if available # idx["subtitle"] F-Droid doesn't have a corresponding value if config.get("repo_description"): idx['description'] = config['repo_description'] if (Path(repodir) / 'icons' / config['repo_icon']).exists(): idx['iconURL'] = f"{config['repo_url']}/icons/{config['repo_icon']}" # idx["headerURL"] F-Droid doesn't have a corresponding value # idx["website"] F-Droid doesn't have a corresponding value # idx["patreonURL"] F-Droid doesn't have a corresponding value # idx["tintColor"] F-Droid doesn't have a corresponding value # idx["featuredApps"] = [] maybe mappable to F-Droids what's new? # assemble "apps" for packageName, app in apps.items(): app_name = app.get("Name") or app.get("AutoName") icon_url = "{}{}".format( config['repo_url'], app.get('iconv2', {}).get(DEFAULT_LOCALE, {}).get('name', ''), ) screenshot_urls = [ "{}{}".format(config["repo_url"], s["name"]) for s in app.get("screenshots", {}) .get("phone", {}) .get(DEFAULT_LOCALE, {}) ] a = { "name": app_name, 'bundleIdentifier': packageName, 'developerName': app.get("AuthorName") or f"{app_name} team", 'iconURL': icon_url, "localizedDescription": "", 'appPermissions': { "entitlements": set(), "privacy": {}, }, 'versions': [], } if app.get('summary'): a['subtitle'] = app['summary'] # a["tintColor"] F-Droid doesn't have a corresponding value # a["category"] F-Droid doesn't have a corresponding value # a['patreon'] F-Droid doesn't have a corresponding value a["screenshots"] = screenshot_urls # populate 'versions' for apk in apks: last4 = apk.get('apkName', '').lower()[-4:] if apk['packageName'] == packageName and last4 == '.ipa': v = { "version": apk["versionName"], "date": apk["added"].isoformat(), "downloadURL": f"{config['repo_url']}/{apk['apkName']}", "size": apk['size'], } # v['localizedDescription'] maybe what's new text? v["minOSVersion"] = apk["ipa_MinimumOSVersion"] v["maxOSVersion"] = apk["ipa_DTPlatformVersion"] # writing this spot here has the effect that always the # permissions of the latest processed permissions list used a['appPermissions']['privacy'] = apk['ipa_permissions'] a['appPermissions']['entitlements'] = list(apk['ipa_entitlements']) a['versions'].append(v) if len(a['versions']) > 0: idx['apps'].append(a) with open(Path(repodir) / 'altstore-index.json', "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(idx, f, indent=indent)