
179 lines
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package org.fdroid.download
import mu.KotlinLogging
import org.fdroid.fdroid.ProgressListener
import java.io.File
import java.io.FileOutputStream
import java.io.IOException
import java.io.InputStream
import java.io.OutputStream
public abstract class Downloader constructor(
protected val outputFile: File,
) {
public companion object {
private val log = KotlinLogging.logger {}
* If you ask for the cacheTag before calling download(), you will get the
* same one you passed in (if any). If you call it after download(), you
* will get the new cacheTag from the server, or null if there was none.
* If this cacheTag matches that returned by the server, then no download will
* take place, and a status code of 304 will be returned by download().
public var cacheTag: String? = null
private var cancelled = false
private var progressListener: ProgressListener? = null
* Call this to start the download.
* Never call this more than once. Create a new [Downloader], if you need to download again!
@Throws(IOException::class, InterruptedException::class)
public abstract fun download()
protected abstract fun getInputStream(resumable: Boolean): InputStream
protected open suspend fun getBytes(resumable: Boolean, receiver: (ByteArray) -> Unit) {
throw NotImplementedError()
* Returns the size of the file to be downloaded in bytes.
* Note this is -1 when the size is unknown.
* Used only for progress reporting.
protected abstract fun totalDownloadSize(): Long
* After calling [download], this returns true if a new file was downloaded and
* false if the file on the server has not changed and thus was not downloaded.
public abstract fun hasChanged(): Boolean
public abstract fun close()
public fun setListener(listener: ProgressListener) {
progressListener = listener
@Throws(IOException::class, InterruptedException::class)
protected fun downloadFromStream(isResume: Boolean) {
log.debug { "Downloading from stream" }
try {
FileOutputStream(outputFile, isResume).use { outputStream ->
getInputStream(isResume).use { input ->
// Getting the input stream is slow(ish) for HTTP downloads, so we'll check if
// we were interrupted before proceeding to the download.
copyInputToOutputStream(input, outputStream)
// Even if we have completely downloaded the file, we should probably respect
// the wishes of the user who wanted to cancel us.
} finally {
@Throws(InterruptedException::class, IOException::class, NoResumeException::class)
protected suspend fun downloadFromBytesReceiver(isResume: Boolean) {
try {
FileOutputStream(outputFile, isResume).use { outputStream ->
var bytesCopied = outputFile.length()
var lastTimeReported = 0L
val bytesTotal = totalDownloadSize()
getBytes(isResume) { bytes ->
// Getting the input stream is slow(ish) for HTTP downloads, so we'll check if
// we were interrupted before proceeding to the download.
bytesCopied += bytes.size
lastTimeReported = reportProgress(lastTimeReported, bytesCopied, bytesTotal)
// force progress reporting at the end
reportProgress(0L, bytesCopied, bytesTotal)
// Even if we have completely downloaded the file, we should probably respect
// the wishes of the user who wanted to cancel us.
} finally {
* This copies the downloaded data from the [InputStream] to the [OutputStream],
* keeping track of the number of bytes that have flown through for the [progressListener].
* Attention: The caller is responsible for closing the streams.
@Throws(IOException::class, InterruptedException::class)
private fun copyInputToOutputStream(input: InputStream, output: OutputStream) {
try {
var bytesCopied = outputFile.length()
var lastTimeReported = 0L
val bytesTotal = totalDownloadSize()
val buffer = ByteArray(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
var numBytes = input.read(buffer)
while (numBytes >= 0) {
output.write(buffer, 0, numBytes)
bytesCopied += numBytes
lastTimeReported = reportProgress(lastTimeReported, bytesCopied, bytesTotal)
numBytes = input.read(buffer)
// force progress reporting at the end
reportProgress(0L, bytesCopied, bytesTotal)
} finally {
progressListener = null
private fun reportProgress(lastTimeReported: Long, bytesRead: Long, bytesTotal: Long): Long {
val now = System.currentTimeMillis()
return if (now - lastTimeReported > 100) {
log.debug { "onProgress: $bytesRead/$bytesTotal" }
progressListener?.onProgress(bytesRead, bytesTotal)
} else {
* Cancel a running download, triggering an [InterruptedException]
public fun cancelDownload() {
cancelled = true
* After every network operation that could take a while, we will check if an
* interrupt occurred during that blocking operation. The goal is to ensure we
* don't move onto another slow, network operation if we have cancelled the
* download.
* @throws InterruptedException
private fun throwExceptionIfInterrupted() {
if (cancelled) {
log.debug { "Received interrupt, cancelling download" }
throw InterruptedException()