
76 lines
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package org.fdroid.index
import java.security.MessageDigest
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException
public object IndexUtils {
public fun getFingerprint(certificate: String): String {
return sha256(certificate.decodeHex()).toHex()
* Get the standard, lowercase SHA-256 fingerprint used to represent an
* APK or JAR signing key. **NOTE**: this does not handle signers that
* have multiple X.509 signing certificates.
* <p>
* Calling the X.509 signing certificate the "signature" is incorrect, e.g.
* [android.content.pm.PackageInfo.signatures] or [android.content.pm.Signature].
* The Android docs about APK signatures call this the "signer".
* @see org.fdroid.fdroid.data.Apk#signer
* @see android.content.pm.PackageInfo#signatures
* @see <a href="https://source.android.com/docs/security/features/apksigning/v2">APK Signature Scheme v2</a>
public fun getPackageSigner(signerBytes: ByteArray): String {
return sha256(signerBytes).toHex()
* Get the fingerprint used to represent an APK signing key in F-Droid.
* This is a custom fingerprint algorithm that was kind of accidentally
* created. It is now here only for backwards compatibility. It should
* only ever be used for writing the `sig` value out to
* `index-v1.json`.
* @see getPackageSigner
* @see org.fdroid.fdroid.Utils.getPackageSigner
* @see org.fdroid.fdroid.data.Apk
@Deprecated("Only here for backwards compatibility when writing out index-v1.json")
public fun getsig(signerBytes: ByteArray): String {
return md5(signerBytes.toHex().encodeToByteArray()).toHex()
internal fun String.decodeHex(): ByteArray {
check(length % 2 == 0) { "Must have an even length" }
return chunked(2)
.map { it.toInt(16).toByte() }
internal fun ByteArray.toHex(): String = joinToString(separator = "") { eachByte ->
internal fun sha256(bytes: ByteArray): ByteArray {
val messageDigest: MessageDigest = try {
} catch (e: NoSuchAlgorithmException) {
throw AssertionError(e)
return messageDigest.digest()
@Deprecated("Only here for backwards compatibility when writing out index-v1.json")
internal fun md5(bytes: ByteArray): ByteArray {
val messageDigest: MessageDigest = try {
} catch (e: NoSuchAlgorithmException) {
throw AssertionError(e)
return messageDigest.digest()