
303 lines
12 KiB

import strformat, strutils, os, json
(target, lib_ext, exe_ext) = case host_os
of "windows": ("windows", ".dll", ".exe")
of "macosx" : ("osx", ".dylib", "")
else : ("x11", ".so", "")
cpu = if host_cpu == "arm64": "arm64"
else: "64"
generated_dir = "generated/godotapi"
api_json = "api.json"
generator = "tools/build_helpers"
godot_bin = this_dir() & &"/vendor/godot/bin/godot.{target}.opt.tools.{cpu}{exe_ext}"
godot_build_url = "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/development/compiling/index.html"
gcc_dlls = ["libgcc_s_seh-1.dll", "libwinpthread-1.dll"]
nim_dlls = ["pcre64.dll"]
godot_opts = "target=release_debug"
generator_path = ""
version = "0.1.99"
author = "Scott Wadden"
description = "Logo-like DSL for Godot"
license = "MIT"
install_files = @["enu.nim"]
bin_dir = "app/_dlls"
src_dir = "src"
bin = @["enu" & lib_ext]
requires "nim >= 1.6.4", "nim < 1.8.0",
"https://github.com/dsrw/model_citizen 0.7.1",
"https://github.com/dsrw/nanoid.nim 0.2.1",
"cligen 1.5.19",
proc gen: string =
if generator_path == "":
exec &"nimble c -d:ssl {generator}"
generator_path = find_exe generator
task build_godot, "Build godot":
mk_dir generated_dir
exec "git submodule update --init"
scons = find_exe "scons"
cores = gorge(gen() & " core_count")
if scons == "":
quit &"*** scons not found on path, and is required to build Godot. See {godot_build_url} ***"
with_dir "vendor/godot":
exec &"{scons} custom_modules=../modules platform={target} arch={cpu} {godot_opts} -j{cores}"
task build_headless, "build headless godot":
target = "server use_static_cpp=no"
task test, "run godot tests":
exec "nimble c tests/godot/tnode_factories"
cd "tests/godot/app"
exec this_dir() / &"vendor/godot/bin/godot_server.osx.opt.tools.{cpu} --quiet --script tests/tests.gdns"
proc find_and_copy_dlls(dep_path, dest: string, dlls: varargs[string]) =
for dep in dlls:
cp_file dep_path.join_path(dep), join_path(dest, dep)
proc download_fonts =
rm_dir "fonts"
mk_dir "fonts"
with_dir "fonts":
when host_os == "macosx":
exec "curl -OJL https://devimages-cdn.apple.com/design/resources/download/SF-Pro.dmg"
exec "curl -OJL https://devimages-cdn.apple.com/design/resources/download/SF-Mono.dmg"
exec "hdiutil attach SF-Mono.dmg"
exec "pkgutil --expand-full '/Volumes/SFMonoFonts/SF Mono Fonts.pkg' mono"
exec "hdiutil detach /Volumes/SFMonoFonts"
with_dir "mono/SFMonoFonts.pkg/Payload/Library/Fonts":
let dest = "../../../../../../app/themes"
cp_file "SF-Mono-Regular.otf", dest / "mono.otf"
cp_file "SF-Mono-RegularItalic.otf", dest / "mono-italic.otf"
cp_file "SF-Mono-Bold.otf", dest / "mono-bold.otf"
cp_file "SF-Mono-BoldItalic.otf", dest / "mono-bold-italic.otf"
exec "hdiutil attach SF-Pro.dmg"
exec "pkgutil --expand-full '/Volumes/SFProFonts/SF Pro Fonts.pkg' pro"
exec "hdiutil detach /Volumes/SFProFonts"
with_dir "pro/SFProFonts.pkg/Payload/Library/Fonts":
let dest = "../../../../../../app/themes"
cp_file "SF-Pro-Text-Regular.otf", dest / "text.otf"
cp_file "SF-Pro-Text-RegularItalic.otf", dest / "text-italic.otf"
cp_file "SF-Pro-Text-Bold.otf", dest / "text-bold.otf"
cp_file "SF-Pro-Text-BoldItalic.otf", dest / "text-bold-italic.otf"
cp_file "SF-Pro-Display-Regular.otf", dest / "display.otf"
cp_file "SF-Pro-Display-RegularItalic.otf", dest / "display-italic.otf"
cp_file "SF-Pro-Display-Bold.otf", dest / "display-bold.otf"
cp_file "SF-Pro-Display-BoldItalic.otf", dest / "display-bold-italic.otf"
exec "curl -OJL 'https://fonts.google.com/download?family=Roboto'"
exec "curl -OJL 'https://fonts.google.com/download?family=Roboto%20Mono'"
exec "unzip Roboto.zip"
exec "unzip -o Roboto_Mono.zip"
with_dir "static":
let dest = "../../app/themes"
cp_file "RobotoMono-Regular.ttf", dest / "mono.otf"
cp_file "RobotoMono-Italic.ttf", dest / "mono-italic.otf"
cp_file "RobotoMono-Bold.ttf", dest / "mono-bold.otf"
cp_file "RobotoMono-BoldItalic.ttf", dest / "mono-bold-italic.otf"
let dest = "../app/themes"
cp_file "Roboto-Regular.ttf", dest / "text.otf"
cp_file "Roboto-Italic.ttf", dest / "text-italic.otf"
cp_file "Roboto-Bold.ttf", dest / "text-bold.otf"
cp_file "Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf", dest / "text-bold-italic.otf"
# Roboto doesn't have a display version. Consider using something else
# here.
cp_file "Roboto-Regular.ttf", dest / "display.otf"
cp_file "Roboto-Italic.ttf", dest / "display-italic.otf"
cp_file "Roboto-Bold.ttf", dest / "display-bold.otf"
cp_file "Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf", dest / "display-bold-italic.otf"
rm_dir "fonts"
task prereqs, "Generate Godot API binding":
exec &"{godot_bin} --gdnative-generate-json-api {join_path generated_dir, api_json}"
exec &"{gen()} generate_api -d={generated_dir} -j={api_json}"
exec &"{gen()} copy_stdlib -d=vmlib/stdlib"
if host_os == "windows":
# Assumes mingw
# find_and_copy_dlls find_exe("gcc").parent_dir, join_path("app", "_dlls"), gcc_dlls
find_and_copy_dlls get_current_compiler_exe().parent_dir, join_path("vendor", "godot", "bin"), nim_dlls
task import_assets, "Import Godot assets. Only required if you're not using the Godot editor":
exec godot_bin & " app/project.godot --editor --quit"
task clean, "Remove files produced by build":
rm_dir generated_dir
rm_dir ".nimcache"
task edit, "Edit project in Godot":
exec godot_bin & " app/project.godot &"
task start, "Run Enu":
cd "app"
exec godot_bin & " --verbose scenes/game.tscn"
task build_and_start, "Build and start":
exec "nimble build"
task gen, "Generate build_helpers":
discard gen()
proc code_sign(id, path: string) =
exec &"codesign -s '{id}' -v --timestamp --options runtime {path}"
# NOTE! this is hacky and specific to my system. Will be fixed.
task dist_universal_mac, "Build Universal mac distribution":
lib_ext = ".dylib.x86"
cpu = "64"
exec "rm ../Nim"
exec "ln -s NimRosetta ../Nim"
var release_bin = &"vendor/godot/bin/godot.{target}.opt.{cpu}{exe_ext}"
exec &"{gen()} write_export_presets --enu_version {version}"
godot_opts = "target=release tools=no"
rm_dir "dist"
let config = read_file("dist_config.json").parse_json
mk_dir "dist"
exec "cp -r installer/Enu.app dist/Enu.app"
exec &"{gen()} write_info_plist --enu_version {version}"
exec "mkdir -p dist/Enu.app/Contents/MacOS"
exec "mkdir -p dist/Enu.app/Contents/Frameworks"
exec &"cp {release_bin} dist/Enu.app/Contents/MacOS/Enu.x86"
let pck_path = this_dir() & "/dist/Enu.app/Contents/Resources/Enu.pck"
exec &"{godot_bin} --path app --export-pack \"mac\" " & pck_path
exec "nimble build -d:release -d:dist"
exec "cp app/_dlls/enu.dylib dist/Enu.app/Contents/Frameworks/enu.dylib.x86"
lib_ext = ".dylib.arm64"
cpu = "arm64"
exec "rm ../Nim"
exec "ln -s NimNative ../Nim"
release_bin = &"vendor/godot/bin/godot.{target}.opt.{cpu}{exe_ext}"
exec &"cp {release_bin} dist/Enu.app/Contents/MacOS/Enu.arm64"
exec "nimble build -d:release -d:dist"
exec "cp app/_dlls/enu.dylib dist/Enu.app/Contents/Frameworks/enu.dylib.arm64"
exec "lipo -create dist/Enu.app/Contents/Frameworks/enu.dylib.x86 dist/Enu.app/Contents/Frameworks/enu.dylib.arm64 -output dist/Enu.app/Contents/Frameworks/enu.dylib"
exec "rm dist/Enu.app/Contents/Frameworks/enu.dylib.*"
exec "lipo -create dist/Enu.app/Contents/MacOS/Enu.x86 dist/Enu.app/Contents/MacOS/Enu.arm64 -output dist/Enu.app/Contents/MacOS/Enu"
exec "rm dist/Enu.app/Contents/MacOS/Enu.*"
exec "cp -r vmlib dist/Enu.app/Contents/Resources/vmlib"
if config["sign"].get_bool:
let id = config["id"].get_str
code_sign(id, "dist/Enu.app/Contents/Frameworks/enu.dylib")
code_sign(id, "dist/Enu.app")
let package_name = &"enu-{version}.dmg"
if config["package"].get_bool:
exec &"hdiutil create {package_name} -ov -volname Enu -fs HFS+ -srcfolder dist"
exec &"mv {package_name} dist"
if config["notarize"].get_bool:
username = config["notarize-username"].get_str
password = config["notarize-password"].get_str
exec &"xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id 'ca.dsrw.enu' --username '{username}' --password '{password}' --file dist/{package_name}"
task dist, "Build distribution":
let release_bin = &"vendor/godot/bin/godot.{target}.opt.{cpu}{exe_ext}"
exec &"{gen()} write_export_presets --enu_version {version}"
godot_opts = "target=release tools=no"
rm_dir "dist"
when host_os == "macosx":
let config = read_file("dist_config.json").parse_json
mk_dir "dist"
exec "cp -r installer/Enu.app dist/Enu.app"
exec &"{gen()} write_info_plist --enu_version {version}"
exec "mkdir -p dist/Enu.app/Contents/MacOS"
exec "mkdir -p dist/Enu.app/Contents/Frameworks"
exec &"cp {release_bin} dist/Enu.app/Contents/MacOS/Enu"
let pck_path = this_dir() & "/dist/Enu.app/Contents/Resources/Enu.pck"
exec &"{godot_bin} --path app --export-pack \"mac\" " & pck_path
exec "nimble build -d:release -d:danger -d:dist"
exec "cp app/_dlls/enu.dylib dist/Enu.app/Contents/Frameworks"
exec "cp -r vmlib dist/Enu.app/Contents/Resources/vmlib"
if config["sign"].get_bool:
let id = config["id"].get_str
code_sign(id, "dist/Enu.app/Contents/Frameworks/enu.dylib")
code_sign(id, "dist/Enu.app")
let package_name = &"enu-{version}.dmg"
if config["package"].get_bool:
exec &"hdiutil create {package_name} -ov -volname Enu -fs HFS+ -srcfolder dist"
exec &"mv {package_name} dist"
if config["notarize"].get_bool:
username = config["notarize-username"].get_str
password = config["notarize-password"].get_str
exec &"xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id 'ca.dsrw.enu' --username '{username}' --password '{password}' --file dist/{package_name}"
elif host_os == "windows":
let root = &"dist/enu-{version}"
mk_dir root
exec "strip " & release_bin
cp_file release_bin, root & "/enu.exe"
exec &"rcedit {root}/enu.exe --set-icon media/enu_icon.ico"
let pck_path = &"{this_dir()}/{root}/enu.pck"
exec &"{godot_bin} --path app --export-pack \"win\" " & pck_path
exec "nimble build -d:release -d:danger -d:dist"
cp_file "app/_dlls/enu.dll", root & "/enu.dll"
#find_and_copy_dlls find_exe("gcc").parent_dir, root, gcc_dlls
find_and_copy_dlls get_current_compiler_exe().parent_dir, root, nim_dlls
cp_dir "vmlib", root & "/vmlib"
exec &"iscc /DVersion={version} installer/enu.iss"
with_dir "dist":
exec &"zip -r enu-{version}-windows-x64.zip enu-{version}"
elif host_os == "linux":
let root = &"dist/enu-{version}"
mk_dir root & "/bin"
mk_dir root & "/lib"
exec "nimble build -d:release -d:dist"
exec "strip " & release_bin
cp_file release_bin, root & "/bin/enu"
cp_file "app/_dlls/enu.so", root & "/lib/enu.so"
cp_dir "vmlib", root & "/lib/vmlib"
exec "chmod +x " & root & "/bin/enu"
let pck_path = this_dir() & "/" & root & "/enu.pck"
exec &"{godot_bin} --path app --export-pack \"x11\" " & pck_path
with_dir "dist":
exec &"tar -czvf enu-{version}-linux-x64.tar.gz enu-{version}"
quit &"dist is currently unsupported on {host_os}"