Windows CI build. Updated godot and voxel plugins

This commit is contained in:
Scott Wadden 2022-08-03 00:11:03 -03:00
parent f012621c67
commit fa3b6f1ff1
5 changed files with 157 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -37,5 +37,5 @@ jobs:
run: nimble dist_package
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: Enu macOS Universal
name: Enu macOS Distribution
path: dist/*.dmg

.github/workflows/dist_win.yaml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
name: Build on Windows
on: push
runs-on: windows-2022
- name: Check out repository code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Install Nim and build deps
run: choco install nim yasm innosetup rcedit zip
- name: Refresh path
run: refreshenv
- name: Install scons
run: python -m pip install scons
- name: Install mesa
uses: msys2/setup-msys2@v2
msystem: MINGW64
release: false
install: mingw-w64-x86_64-mesa
- name: Update path
run: echo "${HOME}/.nimble/bin;C:\tools\Nim\nim-1.6.6\bin;C:\msys64\mingw64\bin" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_PATH -Encoding utf8 -Append
- name: Install Nimble 0.14
run: |
nimble install -y nimble@#head
- name: Install nimble deps
run: nimble setup
- name: Save SHAs of submodules
run: 'git submodule status > .submodules.tmp'
- name: Prep dist config
run: cp dist_config.example.json dist_config.json
- name: prereq cache
id: prereq-cache
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: |
key: ${{ runner.os }}-prereq-cache-v1-${{ hashFiles('.submodules.tmp') }}
- name: build prereqs
run: nimble dist_prereqs
if: steps.prereq-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
- name: Copy mesa
run: copy c:\msys64\mingw64\bin\opengl32.dll vendor\godot\bin\opengl32.dll
# Godot crashes on exit when exporting the pck in CI.
# Seems to be a godot bug, possibly triggered by using
# mesa rather than normal opengl drivers.
# Will fail twice, then succeed on the 3rd attempt.
# God knows why.
- name: Dist
uses: nick-fields/retry@v2
timeout_minutes: 60
max_attempts: 3
command: nimble dist_package
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: Enu Windows Distribution
path: |

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import strformat, strutils, os, json
import strformat, strutils, strscans, os, json
(target, lib_ext, exe_ext) = case host_os
@ -130,16 +130,26 @@ proc download_fonts =
exec "unzip"
exec "unzip -o"
proc mingw_path: string =
var pre, match: string
let shim_help = gorge_ex("gcc --shimgen-help")
# chocolatey uses shim exes, so we need to parse shimgen-help to find the real
# gcc path
if shim_help.exit_code < 1 and shim_help.output.scanf("$+Target: '$+'", pre, match):
proc gen_binding_and_copy_stdlib =
mk_dir generated_dir
exec &"{godot_bin} --gdnative-generate-json-api {join_path generated_dir, api_json}"
exec &"{gen()} generate_api -d={generated_dir} -j={api_json}"
exec &"{gen()} copy_stdlib -d=vmlib/stdlib"
if host_os == "windows":
# Assumes mingw
# find_and_copy_dlls find_exe("gcc").parent_dir, join_path("app", "_dlls"), gcc_dlls
find_and_copy_dlls mingw_path(), join_path("app", "_dlls"), gcc_dlls
find_and_copy_dlls get_current_compiler_exe().parent_dir, join_path("vendor", "godot", "bin"), nim_dlls
mk_dir generated_dir
exec &"{godot_bin} --verbose --gdnative-generate-json-api {join_path generated_dir, api_json}"
exec &"{gen()} generate_api -d={generated_dir} -j={api_json}"
exec &"{gen()} copy_stdlib -d=vmlib/stdlib"
task prereqs, "Generate Godot API binding":
@ -179,70 +189,92 @@ task dist_prereqs, "Build godot debug and release versions, and download fonts":
cpu = "64"
when host_os == "macosx":
cpu = "arm64"
cpu = "arm64"
task dist_package, "Build Universal mac distribution":
proc nim_build(target, cpu: string) =
rm_dir ".nim_cache"
let cmd = &"nim c --cpu:{cpu} -l:'-target {target}-apple-macos11' " &
&"-t:'-target {target}-apple-macos11' -d:release -d:dist " &
&"-o:dist/{target} src/enu.nim"
exec cmd
task dist_package, "Build distribution binaries":
let git_version = static_exec("git describe --tags HEAD").strip
rm_dir "dist"
mk_dir "dist"
exec "cp -r installer/ dist/"
exec "mkdir -p dist/"
exec "mkdir -p dist/"
exec &"{gen()} write_export_presets --enu_version {version}"
exec &"{gen()} write_info_plist --enu_version {version}"
cpu = "64"
var release_bin = &"vendor/godot/bin/godot.{target}.opt.{cpu}{exe_ext}"
exec &"cp {release_bin} dist/"
nim_build "x86_64", "amd64"
when host_os == "windows":
let release_bin = &"vendor/godot/bin/godot.{target}.opt.{cpu}{exe_ext}"
let root = &"dist/enu-{git_version}"
mk_dir root
exec "strip " & release_bin
cp_file release_bin, root & "/enu.exe"
exec &"rcedit {root}/enu.exe --set-icon media/enu_icon.ico"
exec &"{gen()} write_export_presets --enu_version {version}"
let pck_path = &"{this_dir()}/{root}/enu.pck"
exec &"{godot_bin} --verbose --path app --export-pack \"win\" " & pck_path
exec "nimble build -d:release -d:dist"
cp_file "app/_dlls/enu.dll", root & "/enu.dll"
find_and_copy_dlls mingw_path(), root, gcc_dlls
find_and_copy_dlls get_current_compiler_exe().parent_dir, root, nim_dlls
cp_dir "vmlib", root & "/vmlib"
exec &"iscc /DVersion={git_version} installer/enu.iss"
with_dir "dist":
exec &"zip -r enu-{git_version} enu-{git_version}"
cpu = "arm64"
release_bin = &"vendor/godot/bin/godot.{target}.opt.{cpu}{exe_ext}"
exec &"cp {release_bin} dist/"
nim_build "arm64", "arm64"
elif host_os == "macosx":
proc nim_build(target, cpu: string) =
rm_dir ".nim_cache"
let cmd = &"nim c --cpu:{cpu} -l:'-target {target}-apple-macos11' " &
&"-t:'-target {target}-apple-macos11' -d:release -d:dist " &
&"-o:dist/{target} src/enu.nim"
exec cmd
let config = read_file("dist_config.json").parse_json
let pck_path = this_dir() & "/dist/"
exec "cp -r installer/ dist/"
exec "mkdir -p dist/"
exec "mkdir -p dist/"
exec &"{gen()} write_export_presets --enu_version {version}"
exec &"{gen()} write_info_plist --enu_version {version}"
exec &"{godot_bin} --path app --export-pack \"mac\" " & pck_path
cpu = "64"
var release_bin = &"vendor/godot/bin/godot.{target}.opt.{cpu}{exe_ext}"
exec &"cp {release_bin} dist/"
nim_build "x86_64", "amd64"
exec "lipo -create dist/ dist/ -output dist/"
exec "rm dist/*"
cpu = "arm64"
release_bin = &"vendor/godot/bin/godot.{target}.opt.{cpu}{exe_ext}"
exec &"cp {release_bin} dist/"
nim_build "arm64", "arm64"
exec "lipo -create dist/ dist/ -output dist/"
exec "rm dist/*"
let config = read_file("dist_config.json").parse_json
let pck_path = this_dir() & "/dist/"
exec "cp -r vmlib dist/"
exec &"{godot_bin} --path app --export-pack \"mac\" " & pck_path
if config["sign"].get_bool:
let id = config["id"].get_str
code_sign(id, "dist/")
code_sign(id, "dist/")
exec "lipo -create dist/ dist/ -output dist/"
exec "rm dist/*"
let git_version = static_exec("git describe --tags HEAD")
let package_name = &"enu-{git_version}.dmg"
if config["package"].get_bool:
exec "lipo -create dist/ dist/ -output dist/"
exec "rm dist/*"
exec &"hdiutil create {package_name} -ov -volname Enu -fs HFS+ -srcfolder dist"
exec &"mv {package_name} dist"
exec "cp -r vmlib dist/"
if config["notarize"].get_bool:
username = config["notarize-username"].get_str
password = config["notarize-password"].get_str
if config["sign"].get_bool:
let id = config["id"].get_str
code_sign(id, "dist/")
code_sign(id, "dist/")
exec &"xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id 'ca.dsrw.enu' --username '{username}' --password '{password}' --file dist/{package_name}"
let package_name = &"enu-{git_version}.dmg"
if config["package"].get_bool:
exec &"hdiutil create {package_name} -ov -volname Enu -fs HFS+ -srcfolder dist"
exec &"mv {package_name} dist"
if config["notarize"].get_bool:
username = config["notarize-username"].get_str
password = config["notarize-password"].get_str
exec &"xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id 'ca.dsrw.enu' --username '{username}' --password '{password}' --file dist/{package_name}"
task dist_universal_mac, "Build Universal mac distribution":
@ -298,7 +330,7 @@ task dist, "Build distribution":
exec &"{godot_bin} --path app --export-pack \"win\" " & pck_path
exec "nimble build -d:release -d:danger -d:dist"
cp_file "app/_dlls/enu.dll", root & "/enu.dll"
#find_and_copy_dlls find_exe("gcc").parent_dir, root, gcc_dlls
find_and_copy_dlls mingw_path(), root, gcc_dlls
find_and_copy_dlls get_current_compiler_exe().parent_dir, root, nim_dlls
cp_dir "vmlib", root & "/vmlib"
exec &"iscc /DVersion={version} installer/enu.iss"

vendor/godot vendored

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit c515ff5c3fdd5860db385577b4cc94cdf413b7a9
Subproject commit df695e2f8dc020f67087087f120e806611575c41

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 874925395efeecf67235608287cb98dad4e9c875
Subproject commit e690497838f7ae7b0bf71ce497bbbdc80eb2a747