
2219 lines
47 KiB

# Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
# Dependencies between third party crates is mapped out here manually. This is
# not so difficult and having it be tedious to add dependencies might help us
# avoid dependency hell later on. Always try to minimize dependencies.
# Versioning for third party rust crates is controlled in //Cargo.toml
# Use //tools/ instead of running "cargo install".
cargo_home = "//third_party/rust_crates"
rust_rlib("aho_corasick") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
extern_rlib = [ "memchr" ]
args = [
rust_rlib("ansi_term") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
if (is_win) {
extern_rlib = [ "winapi" ]
rust_rlib("arrayvec") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [ "nodrop" ]
args = [
rust_rlib("atty") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
if (is_posix) {
extern_rlib = [ "libc" ]
if (is_win) {
extern_rlib = [ "winapi" ]
rust_rlib("base64") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [ "byteorder" ]
args = [
rust_rlib("bitflags") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [ "default" ]
args = [
rust_rlib("byteorder") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
args = [
# Added by custom-build script.
cfg = [ "byteorder_i128" ]
rust_rlib("bytes") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("cfg_if") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
rust_rlib("clap") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
extern_rlib = [
args = [
if (is_posix) {
extern_rlib += [ "ansi_term" ]
rust_rlib("crossbeam_deque") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("crossbeam_epoch") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("crossbeam_queue") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [ "crossbeam_utils" ]
args = [
rust_rlib("crossbeam_utils") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("ct_logs") {
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [ "sct" ]
args = [
rust_rlib("dirs") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
if (is_posix) {
extern_rlib = [ "libc" ]
if (is_win) {
extern_rlib = [ "winapi" ]
rust_rlib("flatbuffers") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [ "smallvec" ]
args = [
rust_rlib("fnv") {
edition = "2015"
source_root =
args = [
rust_rlib("futures") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
args = [
rust_rlib("futures_cpupool") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("h2") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("http") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("httparse") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
args = [
# Added by custom-build script.
cfg = [ "httparse_simd" ]
rust_rlib("hyper") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("hyper_rustls") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("idna") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("indexmap") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
rust_rlib("integer_atomics") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
rust_rlib("iovec") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
if (is_posix) {
extern_rlib = [ "libc" ]
if (is_win) {
extern = [
label = ":winapi-0.2.8"
crate_name = "winapi"
crate_type = "rlib"
crate_version = "0.2.8"
rust_rlib("itoa") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
args = [
rust_rlib("lazy_static") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
rust_rlib("lazycell") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
rust_rlib("libc") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
args = [
# Added by custom-build script.
cfg = [
rust_rlib("lock_api") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
## Override: avoid dependency on on 'owning_ref'.
# "owning_ref",
args = [
## Override: avoid dependency on on 'owning_ref'.
# features = [ "owning_ref" ]
rust_rlib("log") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [ "cfg_if" ]
args = [
rust_rlib("matches") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
rust_rlib("memchr") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
args = [
# Added by custom-build script.
cfg = [
rust_rlib("memoffset") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
rust_rlib("mio") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
extern_rlib = [
args = [
if (is_posix) {
extern_rlib += [ "libc" ]
if (is_win) {
extern_rlib += [ "kernel32" ]
extern = [
label = ":miow-0.2.1"
crate_name = "miow"
crate_type = "rlib"
crate_version = "0.2.1"
label = ":winapi-0.2.8"
crate_name = "winapi"
crate_type = "rlib"
crate_version = "0.2.8"
rust_rlib("net2") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
extern_rlib = [ "cfg_if" ]
args = [
if (is_posix) {
extern_rlib += [ "libc" ]
if (is_win) {
extern_rlib += [ "winapi" ]
rust_rlib("nodrop") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
rust_rlib("num_cpus") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [ "libc" ]
args = [
## Override: avoid dependency on on 'owning_ref'.
# rust_rlib("owning_ref") {
# edition = "2015"
# source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
# extern_rlib = [ "stable_deref_trait" ]
# args = [
# "--cap-lints",
# "allow",
# ]
# }
rust_rlib("parking_lot") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
## Override: avoid dependency on on 'owning_ref'.
# "owning_ref",
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("parking_lot_core") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
# Added by custom-build script.
cfg = [ "has_localkey_try_with" ]
if (is_posix) {
extern_rlib += [ "libc" ]
if (is_win) {
extern_rlib += [ "winapi" ]
rust_rlib("percent_encoding") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
rust_rlib("rand") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
extern_rlib = [
args = [
# Added by custom-build script.
cfg = [
if (is_posix) {
extern_rlib += [ "libc" ]
if (is_win) {
extern_rlib += [ "winapi" ]
rust_rlib("rand_chacha") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
# Added by custom-build script.
cfg = [ "rustc_1_26" ]
# Override: use rand_core v0.4.0 instead of v0.3.1.
extern_rlib = [ "rand_core" ]
## Override: use rand_core v0.4.0 instead of v0.3.1.
# extern = [
# {
# label = ":rand_core-0.3.1"
# crate_name = "rand_core"
# crate_type = "rlib"
# crate_version = "0.3.1"
# },
# ]
rust_rlib("rand_core") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
args = [
rust_rlib("rand_hc") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
# Override: use rand_core v0.4.0 instead of v0.3.1.
extern_rlib = [ "rand_core" ]
## Override: use rand_core v0.4.0 instead of v0.3.1.
# extern = [
# {
# label = ":rand_core-0.3.1"
# crate_name = "rand_core"
# crate_type = "rlib"
# crate_version = "0.3.1"
# },
# ]
rust_rlib("rand_isaac") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
# Override: use rand_core v0.4.0 instead of v0.3.1.
extern_rlib = [ "rand_core" ]
## Override: use rand_core v0.4.0 instead of v0.3.1.
# extern = [
# {
# label = ":rand_core-0.3.1"
# crate_name = "rand_core"
# crate_type = "rlib"
# crate_version = "0.3.1"
# },
# ]
rust_rlib("rand_jitter") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
extern_rlib = [ "rand_core" ]
args = [
if (is_mac) {
extern_rlib += [ "libc" ]
if (is_win) {
extern_rlib += [ "winapi" ]
rust_rlib("rand_os") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [ "rand_core" ]
args = [
if (is_posix) {
extern_rlib += [ "libc" ]
# Per the #[link(...)] attribute found in 'src/'.
if (is_mac) {
libs = [ "Security.framework" ]
if (is_win) {
extern_rlib += [ "winapi" ]
rust_rlib("rand_pcg") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [ "rand_core" ]
args = [
# Added by custom-build script.
cfg = [ "rustc_1_26" ]
rust_rlib("rand_xorshift") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
# Override: use rand_core v0.4.0 instead of v0.3.1.
extern_rlib = [ "rand_core" ]
## Override: use rand_core v0.4.0 instead of v0.3.1.
# extern = [
# {
# label = ":rand_core-0.3.1"
# crate_name = "rand_core"
# crate_type = "rlib"
# crate_version = "0.3.1"
# },
# ]
rust_rlib("regex") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
extern_rlib = [
args = [
# Added by custom-build script.
cfg = [
rust_rlib("regex_syntax") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [ "ucd_util" ]
args = [
rust_rlib("remove_dir_all") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
if (is_win) {
extern_rlib = [ "winapi" ]
rust_rlib("ring") {
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
deps = [
## Override: don't build 'ring-test' static library.
# ":ring-test",
extern_rlib = [
args = [
if (is_linux) {
extern_rlib += [ "lazy_static" ]
# Per the #[link(...)] attribute found in 'src/'.
if (is_mac) {
libs = [ "Security.framework" ]
if (is_win) {
extern_rlib += [ "winapi" ]
static_library("ring-core") {
include_dirs = [
sources = [
if (is_linux) {
sources += [
# Supress "warning: '_GNU_SOURCE' macro redefined."
cflags = [ "-Wno-macro-redefined" ]
if (is_mac) {
sources += [
if (is_win) {
libs = [
# Suppress "warning: '_addcarry_u64' is not a recognized builtin."
cflags = [ "-Wno-ignored-pragma-intrinsic" ]
## Override: don't build 'ring-test' static library.
# static_library("ring-test") {
# include_dirs = [ "$cargo_home/registry/src/" ]
# sources = [ "$cargo_home/registry/src/" ]
# }
rust_rlib("rustls") {
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("rustyline") {
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
extern_rlib = [
args = [
if (is_posix) {
extern_rlib += [
if (is_win) {
extern_rlib += [ "winapi" ]
rust_rlib("ryu") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
# Added by custom-build script.
cfg = [
rust_rlib("scopeguard") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
rust_rlib("sct") {
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("serde") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
args = [
# Added by custom-build script.
cfg = [
rust_rlib("serde_json") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [ "default" ]
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("slab") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
rust_rlib("smallvec") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
args = [
rust_rlib("source_map_mappings") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
# Override: use rand v0.6.5 instead of v0.4.6.
args = [
## Override: use rand v0.6.5 instead of v0.4.6.
# extern = [
# {
# label = ":rand-0.4.6"
# crate_name = "rand"
# crate_type = "rlib"
# crate_version = "0.4.6"
# },
# ]
rust_rlib("spin") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
## Override: avoid dependency on on 'owning_ref'.
# rust_rlib("stable_deref_trait") {
# edition = "2015"
# source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
# features = [
# "default",
# "std",
# ]
# args = [
# "--cap-lints",
# "allow",
# ]
# }
rust_rlib("string") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
rust_rlib("strsim") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
rust_rlib("tempfile") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
if (is_posix) {
extern_rlib += [ "libc" ]
if (is_win) {
extern_rlib += [ "winapi" ]
rust_rlib("textwrap") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [ "unicode_width" ]
args = [
rust_rlib("thread_local") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [ "lazy_static" ]
args = [
rust_rlib("time") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [ "libc" ]
args = [
if (is_win) {
extern_rlib += [ "winapi" ]
rust_rlib("tokio") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
extern_rlib = [
args = [
if (is_posix) {
extern_rlib += [ "tokio_uds" ]
rust_rlib("tokio_codec") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("tokio_current_thread") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("tokio_executor") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("tokio_fs") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("tokio_io") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("tokio_process") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
if (is_posix) {
extern_rlib += [
if (is_win) {
extern_rlib += [
rust_rlib("tokio_reactor") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("tokio_rustls") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("tokio_sync") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("tokio_tcp") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("tokio_threadpool") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("tokio_timer") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("tokio_trace_core") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [ "lazy_static" ]
args = [
rust_rlib("tokio_udp") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("try_lock") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
rust_rlib("ucd_util") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
rust_rlib("unicode_bidi") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [ "default" ]
extern_rlib = [ "matches" ]
args = [
rust_rlib("unicode_normalization") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [ "smallvec" ]
args = [
rust_rlib("unicode_segmentation") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
rust_rlib("unicode_width") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [ "default" ]
args = [
rust_rlib("untrusted") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
rust_rlib("url") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("utf8_ranges") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
rust_rlib("utime") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [ "libc" ]
args = [
if (is_win) {
extern_rlib += [ "kernel32" ]
extern = [
label = ":winapi-0.2.8"
crate_name = "winapi"
crate_type = "rlib"
crate_version = "0.2.8"
# if (is_posix) {
# # Override: 'kernel32' should be a windows-only dependency.
# extern_rlib += [ "kernel32" ]
# # Override: 'winapi' should be a windows-only dependency.
# extern = [
# {
# label = ":winapi-0.2.8"
# crate_name = "winapi"
# crate_type = "rlib"
# crate_version = "0.2.8"
# },
# ]
# }
rust_rlib("vec_map") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
rust_rlib("vlq") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
rust_rlib("want") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("webpki") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("webpki_roots") {
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
## Override: use rand v0.6.5 instead.
# rust_rlib("rand-0.4.6") {
# crate_name = "rand"
# crate_version = "0.4.6"
# edition = "2015"
# source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
# features = [
# "default",
# "libc",
# "std",
# ]
# args = [
# "--cap-lints",
# "allow",
# ]
# if (is_posix) {
# extern_rlib = [ "libc" ]
# }
# # Per the #[link(...)] attribute found in 'src/'.
# if (is_mac) {
# libs = [ "Security.framework" ]
# }
# if (is_win) {
# extern_rlib = [ "winapi" ]
# }
# }
## Override: use rand_core v0.4.0 instead.
# rust_rlib("rand_core-0.3.1") {
# crate_name = "rand_core"
# crate_version = "0.3.1"
# edition = "2015"
# source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
# extern_rlib = [ "rand_core" ]
# args = [
# "--cap-lints",
# "allow",
# ]
# }
if (is_posix) {
rust_rlib("arc_swap") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
rust_rlib("mio_uds") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("nix") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("signal_hook") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("signal_hook_registry") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("tokio_signal") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("tokio_uds") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("utf8parse") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [
rust_rlib("void") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
args = [
if (is_win) {
rust_rlib("kernel32") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern = [
label = ":winapi-0.2.8"
crate_name = "winapi"
crate_type = "rlib"
crate_version = "0.2.8"
args = [
# Added by custom-build script.
libs = [ "kernel32.lib" ]
rust_rlib("mio_named_pipes") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("miow") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
args = [
rust_rlib("socket2") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [ "winapi" ]
args = [
rust_rlib("winapi") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
features = [
# Added by custom-build script.
args = [
# Added by custom-build script.
libs = [
rust_rlib("ws2_32") {
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern = [
label = ":winapi-0.2.8"
crate_name = "winapi"
crate_type = "rlib"
crate_version = "0.2.8"
args = [
# Added by custom-build script.
libs = [ "ws2_32.lib" ]
rust_rlib("miow-0.2.1") {
crate_name = "miow"
crate_version = "0.2.1"
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
extern_rlib = [
extern = [
label = ":winapi-0.2.8"
crate_name = "winapi"
crate_type = "rlib"
crate_version = "0.2.8"
args = [
rust_rlib("winapi-0.2.8") {
crate_name = "winapi"
crate_version = "0.2.8"
edition = "2015"
source_root = "$cargo_home/registry/src/"
args = [