run std test with cargo test (#3344)

Removes three CI jobs
This commit is contained in:
Bartek Iwańczuk 2019-11-15 19:31:53 +01:00 committed by Ry Dahl
parent 411f53f7bb
commit 34ed16ed3a
3 changed files with 93 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ jobs:
os: [macOS-latest, windows-2019, ubuntu-16.04]
kind: ['test', 'test_debug', 'test_std', 'bench', 'lint']
kind: ['test', 'test_debug', 'bench', 'lint']
- os: windows-2019
kind: 'bench'
@ -119,18 +119,9 @@ jobs:
run: cargo clippy --all-targets --release --locked -- -D clippy::all
- name: Build
if: matrix.kind == 'test' || matrix.kind == 'bench' || matrix.kind == 'test_std'
if: matrix.kind == 'test' || matrix.kind == 'bench'
run: cargo build --release --locked --all-targets
# TODO(ry) Remove this step, and move the following test to
# cli/tests/
# TODO(ry) Remove the "cd std".
- name: std test
if: matrix.kind == 'test_std'
run: |
cd std
../target/release/deno test -A
- name: Test
if: matrix.kind == 'test'
run: cargo test --release --locked --all-targets

View File

@ -1,25 +1,32 @@
// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// TODO(ry) Current std tests are run in .github/workflows/build.yml but ideally
// they would be called as part of "cargo test". "deno test" is too slow to do
// this desierable thing:
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate tempfile;
mod util;
use util::*;
fn std_tests() {
let mut deno = deno_cmd()
.expect("failed to spawn script");
let status = deno.wait().expect("failed to wait for the child process");
assert_eq!(Some(0), status.code());
// TODO: fix tests in debug mode
// Runs only on release build
mod tests {
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate tempfile;
use deno_cli::test_util::*;
use std::process::Command;
use tempfile::TempDir;
fn std_tests() {
let dir = TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail");
let mut deno_cmd = Command::new(deno_exe_path());
deno_cmd.env("DENO_DIR", dir.path());
let mut cwd = root_path();
let mut deno = deno_cmd
.current_dir(cwd) // note: std tests expect to run from "std" dir
// .arg("-Ldebug")
.expect("failed to spawn script");
let status = deno.wait().expect("failed to wait for the child process");

View File

@ -116,6 +116,28 @@ export interface RunTestModulesOptions extends RunTestsOptions {
allowNone?: boolean;
* Renders test file that will be run.
* It's done to optimize compilation of test files, because
* dynamically importing them one by one takes very long time.
* @TODO(bartlomieju): try to optimize compilation by reusing same compiler host
* multiple times
* @param testModules
function renderTestFile(testModules: string[]): string {
let testFile = "";
for (const testModule of testModules) {
// NOTE: this is intentional that template string is not used
// because of TS compiler quirkness of trying to import it
// rather than treating it like a variable
testFile += 'import "' + testModule + '"\n';
return testFile;
* Import the specified test modules and run their tests as a suite.
@ -153,8 +175,9 @@ export async function runTestModules({
disableLog = false
}: RunTestModulesOptions = {}): Promise<void> {
let moduleCount = 0;
const testModules = [];
for await (const testModule of findTestModules(include, exclude)) {
await import(testModule);
@ -168,6 +191,44 @@ export async function runTestModules({
// Create temporary test file which contains
// all matched modules as import statements.
const testFile = renderTestFile(testModules);
// Select where temporary test file will be stored.
// If `DENO_DIR` is set it means that user intentionally wants to store
// modules there - so it's a sane default to store there.
// Fallback is current directory which again seems like a sane default,
// user is probably working on project in this directory or even
// cd'ed into current directory to quickly run test from this directory.
const root = Deno.env("DENO_DIR") || Deno.cwd();
const testFilePath = join(root, ".deno.test.ts");
const data = new TextEncoder().encode(testFile);
await Deno.writeFile(testFilePath, data);
// Import temporary test file and delete it immediately after importing so it's not cluttering disk.
// You may think that this will cause recompilation on each run, but this actually
// tricks Deno to not recompile files if there's no need.
// Eg.
// 1. On first run of $DENO_DIR/.deno.test.ts Deno will compile and cache temporary test file and all of its imports
// 2. Temporary test file is removed by test runner
// 3. On next test run file is created again. If no new modules were added then temporary file contents are identical.
// Deno will not compile temporary test file again, but load it directly into V8.
// 4. Deno starts loading imports one by one.
// 5. If imported file is outdated, Deno will recompile this single file.
let err;
try {
await import(`file://${testFilePath}`);
} catch (e) {
err = e;
} finally {
await Deno.remove(testFilePath);
if (err) {
throw err;
if (!disableLog) {
console.log(`Found ${moduleCount} matching test modules.`);