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This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

// const tailwindColors = require("tailwindcss/colors")
// const tailwindPlugin = require("tailwindcss/plugin")
const tailwindPlugin = require("./lib/createPlugin")
const postcssJs = require("postcss-js")
const pc = require("picocolors")
const postcssPrefix = require("./lib/addPrefix")
const daisyuiInfo = require("../package.json")
const utilities = require("../dist/utilities")
const base = require("../dist/base")
const unstyled = require("../dist/unstyled")
const styled = require("../dist/styled")
const utilitiesUnstyled = require("../dist/utilities-unstyled")
const utilitiesStyled = require("../dist/utilities-styled")
const themes = require("./theming/themes")
const colorFunctions = require("./theming/functions")
const utilityClasses = require("./lib/utility-classes")
let colorObject = require("./theming/index")
const mainFunction = ({ addBase, addComponents, config }) => {
let logs = false
if (config("daisyui.logs") != false) {
logs = true
if (logs) {
console.log(`🌼 ${pc.magenta("daisyUI")} ${pc.dim(daisyuiInfo.version)}`)
// inject @base style
if (config("daisyui.base") != false) {
// inject components
let file = styled
if (config("daisyui.styled") == false) {
file = unstyled
// add prefix to class names if specified
const prefix = config("daisyui.prefix")
let postcssJsProcess
if (prefix) {
try {
postcssJsProcess = postcssJs.sync(postcssPrefix({ prefix, ignore: [] }))
} catch (error) {
logs && console.error(`Error occurred and prevent applying the "prefix" option:`, error)
const shouldApplyPrefix = prefix && postcssJsProcess
if (shouldApplyPrefix) {
file = postcssJsProcess(file)
const themeInjector = colorFunctions.injectThemes(addBase, config, themes)
// inject @utilities style needed by components
if (config("daisyui.utils") != false) {
addComponents(utilities, { variants: ["responsive"] })
let toAdd = utilitiesUnstyled // shadow clone here to avoid mutate the original
if (shouldApplyPrefix) {
toAdd = postcssJsProcess(toAdd)
addComponents(toAdd, { variants: ["responsive"] })
toAdd = utilitiesStyled
if (shouldApplyPrefix) {
toAdd = postcssJsProcess(toAdd)
addComponents(toAdd, { variants: ["responsive"] })
if (logs) {
if (config("daisyui.styled") == false) {
`├─ ${pc.yellow("")} ${pc.blue("styled")} ${pc.reset("config is")} ${pc.blue(
)} ${pc.dim("\tcomponents won't have design decisions")}`
if (config("daisyui.utils") == false) {
`├─ ${pc.yellow("")} ${pc.blue("utils")} ${pc.reset("config is")} ${pc.blue(
)} ${pc.dim("\tdaisyUI utility classes are disabled")}`
if (config("daisyui.prefix") && config("daisyui.prefix") !== "") {
`├─ ${pc.green("✔︎")} ${pc.blue("prefix")} is enabled${pc.dim(
"\t\tdaisyUI classnames must use"
)} ${pc.blue(config("daisyui.prefix"))} ${pc.dim("prefix")}`
if (themeInjector.themeOrder.length > 0) {
`├─ ${pc.green("✔︎")} ${themeInjector.themeOrder.length} ${
themeInjector.themeOrder.length > 1 ? "themes" : "theme"
} added${pc.dim("\t\thttps://daisyui.com/docs/themes")}`
if (themeInjector.themeOrder.length === 0) {
`├─ ${pc.yellow("")} All themes are disabled in config${pc.dim(
let messages = [
`${pc.green("❤︎")} ${pc.reset("Support daisyUI project:")}\t${pc.dim(
`${pc.green("★")} ${pc.reset("Star daisyUI on GitHub")}\t${pc.dim(
console.log(`╰─ ${messages[Math.floor(Math.random() * messages.length)]}`)
module.exports = tailwindPlugin(mainFunction, {
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
// adding all Tailwind `neutral` shades here so they don't get overridden by daisyUI `neutral` color
"neutral-50": "#fafafa",
"neutral-100": "#f5f5f5",
"neutral-200": "#e5e5e5",
"neutral-300": "#d4d4d4",
"neutral-400": "#a3a3a3",
"neutral-500": "#737373",
"neutral-600": "#525252",
"neutral-700": "#404040",
"neutral-800": "#262626",
"neutral-900": "#171717",
"neutral-950": "#0a0a0a",