worker: Set PATH based on UID instead of container's privileged state

PATH should be set based on a users UID from the perspective of the
container, not what the UID maps to outside the container.

Matches what guardian is doing:
bf4c737f2b/rundmc/processes/unix_env.go (L44-L46)

Now when someone `fly intercept`'s into a container they'll have
`/sbin` on their path and be able to `apt/apk` install whatever debug
tools they need.

Signed-off-by: Taylor Silva <>
This commit is contained in:
Taylor Silva 2021-05-05 18:12:07 -04:00
parent 286ce71f00
commit a3e1f08fc9
4 changed files with 76 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -14,7 +14,12 @@ import (
const GraceTimeKey = "garden.grace-time"
const (
SuperuserPath = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
Path = "PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"
GraceTimeKey = "garden.grace-time"
type UserNotFoundError struct {
User string
@ -340,7 +345,6 @@ func (c *Container) setupContainerdProcSpec(gdnProcSpec garden.ProcessSpec, cont
procSpec := containerSpec.Process
procSpec.Args = append([]string{gdnProcSpec.Path}, gdnProcSpec.Args...)
procSpec.Env = append(procSpec.Env, gdnProcSpec.Env...)
cwd := gdnProcSpec.Dir
if cwd == "" {
@ -374,9 +378,19 @@ func (c *Container) setupContainerdProcSpec(gdnProcSpec garden.ProcessSpec, cont
setUserEnv := fmt.Sprintf("USER=%s", gdnProcSpec.User)
procSpec.Env = append(procSpec.Env, setUserEnv)
procSpec.Env = append(procSpec.Env, usersPath(procSpec.User.UID))
return *procSpec, nil
func usersPath(uid uint32) string {
if uid == 0 {
return SuperuserPath
return Path
// stdinWrapper will normally transparently pass Reads through to the underlying
// reader, but if a read fails, it will nop (block) until the process has
// exited.

View File

@ -241,6 +241,66 @@ func (s *ContainerSuite) TestRunWithUserLookupSucceeds() {
func (s *ContainerSuite) TestRunWithRootUserHasSuperUserPath() {
Process: &specs.Process{},
Root: &specs.Root{},
}, nil)
s.containerdContainer.TaskReturns(s.containerdTask, nil)
s.containerdTask.ExecReturns(s.containerdProcess, nil)
expectedUser := specs.User{UID: 0, GID: 0, Username: "root"}
s.rootfsManager.LookupUserReturns(expectedUser, true, nil)
_, err := s.container.Run(garden.ProcessSpec{User: "root"}, garden.ProcessIO{})
_, _, procSpec, _ := s.containerdTask.ExecArgsForCall(0)
s.Equal(expectedUser, procSpec.User)
userEnvVarSet := false
expectedEnvVar := runtime.SuperuserPath
for _, envVar := range procSpec.Env {
if envVar == expectedEnvVar {
userEnvVarSet = true
func (s *ContainerSuite) TestRunWithNonRootUserHasUserPath() {
Process: &specs.Process{},
Root: &specs.Root{},
}, nil)
s.containerdContainer.TaskReturns(s.containerdTask, nil)
s.containerdTask.ExecReturns(s.containerdProcess, nil)
expectedUser := specs.User{UID: 6, GID: 6, Username: "games"}
s.rootfsManager.LookupUserReturns(expectedUser, true, nil)
_, err := s.container.Run(garden.ProcessSpec{User: "games"}, garden.ProcessIO{})
_, _, procSpec, _ := s.containerdTask.ExecArgsForCall(0)
s.Equal(expectedUser, procSpec.User)
userEnvVarSet := false
expectedEnvVar := runtime.Path
for _, envVar := range procSpec.Env {
if envVar == expectedEnvVar {
userEnvVarSet = true
func (s *ContainerSuite) TestRunWithUserLookupErrors() {
Process: &specs.Process{},

View File

@ -11,11 +11,6 @@ import (
specs ""
const (
SuperuserPath = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
Path = "PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"
const baseCgroupsPath = "garden"
var isSwapLimitEnabled bool
@ -75,8 +70,6 @@ func OciSpec(initBinPath string, gdn garden.ContainerSpec, maxUid, maxGid uint32
oci.Process.Env = envWithDefaultPath(oci.Process.Env, gdn.Privileged)
@ -193,24 +186,6 @@ func OciCgroupsPath(basePath, handle string, privileged bool) string {
return filepath.Join(basePath, handle)
// envWithDefaultPath returns the default PATH for a privileged/unprivileged
// user based on the existence of PATH already being set in the initial
// environment.
func envWithDefaultPath(env []string, privileged bool) []string {
for _, envVar := range env {
if strings.HasPrefix(envVar, "PATH=") {
return env
if privileged {
return append(env, SuperuserPath)
return append(env, Path)
// defaultGardenOciSpec represents a default set of properties necessary in
// order to satisfy the garden interface.

View File

@ -417,27 +417,6 @@ func (s *SpecSuite) TestContainerSpec() {
desc: "env + default path",
gdn: garden.ContainerSpec{
Handle: "handle", RootFSPath: "raw:///rootfs",
Env: []string{"foo=bar"},
check: func(oci *specs.Spec) {
s.Equal([]string{"foo=bar", spec.Path}, oci.Process.Env)
desc: "env + default root path",
gdn: garden.ContainerSpec{
Handle: "handle", RootFSPath: "raw:///rootfs",
Env: []string{"foo=bar"},
Privileged: true,
check: func(oci *specs.Spec) {
s.Equal([]string{"foo=bar", spec.SuperuserPath}, oci.Process.Env)
desc: "env with path already configured",
gdn: garden.ContainerSpec{