
85 lines
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/* global cockpit */
import { LongRunningProcess, ProcessState } from './long-running-process.js';
// DOM objects
let state, command, run_button, output;
// default shell command for the long-running process to run
const default_command = "date; for i in `seq 30`; do echo $i; sleep 1; done";
// follow live output of the given unit, put into "output" <pre> area
function showJournal(unitName, filter_arg) {
// run at most one instance of journal tailing
if (showJournal.journalctl)
// reset previous output
output.innerHTML = "";
const argv = ["journalctl", "--output=cat", "--unit", unitName, "--follow", "--lines=all", filter_arg];
showJournal.journalctl = cockpit.spawn(argv, { superuser: "require", err: "message" })
.stream(data => output.append(document.createTextNode(data)))
.catch(ex => { output.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(ex) });
function update(process) {
state.innerHTML = cockpit.format("$0 $1", process.serviceName, process.state);
switch (process.state) {
case ProcessState.INIT:
case ProcessState.STOPPED:
run_button.innerHTML = "Start";
case ProcessState.RUNNING:
run_button.innerHTML = "Terminate";
// StateChangeTimestamp property is in µs since epoch, but journalctl expects seconds
showJournal(process.serviceName, "--since=@" + Math.floor(process.startTimestamp / 1000000));
case ProcessState.FAILED:
run_button.setAttribute("disabled", "");
run_button.innerHTML = "Start";
// Show the whole journal of this boot
showJournal(process.serviceName, "--boot");
throw new Error("unexpected process.state: " + process.state);
// called once after page initializes; set up the page
cockpit.transport.wait(() => {
state = document.getElementById("state");
command = document.getElementById("command");
run_button = document.getElementById("run");
output = document.getElementById("output");
command.value = default_command;
/* Build a service name which contains exactly the identifying properties for the
* command to re-attach to. For a single static command this is just the page name,
* but it could also include the command name or path, arguments, or a playbook name,
* etc. if the page is dealing with multiple commands. */
const serviceName = "cockpit-longrunning.service";
// Set up process manager; update() is called whenever the running state changes
const process = new LongRunningProcess(serviceName, update);
/* Start process on clicking the "Start" button
* This runs as root, thus will be shared with all privileged Cockpit sessions.
run_button.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (process.state === ProcessState.RUNNING)
else["/bin/sh", "-ec", command.value])
.catch(ex => {
state.innerHTML = "Error: " + ex.toString();
run_button.setAttribute("disabled", "");