
491 lines
20 KiB

* This file is part of Cockpit.
* Copyright (C) 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
* Cockpit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Cockpit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Cockpit; If not, see <>.
import cockpit from "cockpit";
import React from "react";
import {
Alert, AlertActionCloseButton, Button,
Page, PageSection, PageSectionVariants
} from "@patternfly/react-core";
import { ExclamationCircleIcon, TrashIcon } from "@patternfly/react-icons";
import * as cockpitListing from "cockpit-components-listing.jsx";
import { OnOffSwitch } from "cockpit-components-onoff.jsx";
import { Modifications } from "cockpit-components-modifications.jsx";
import { EmptyStatePanel } from "cockpit-components-empty-state.jsx";
const _ = cockpit.gettext;
/* Show details for an alert, including possible solutions
* Props correspond to an item in the setroubleshoot dataStore
class SELinuxEventDetails extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
var expanded;
// all details are collapsed by default
if (props.details)
expanded = { return false });
this.state = {
solutionExpanded: expanded, // show details for solution
handleSolutionDetailsClick(itmIdx, e) {
var solutionExpanded = this.state.solutionExpanded;
solutionExpanded[itmIdx] = !solutionExpanded[itmIdx];
this.setState({ solutionExpanded: solutionExpanded });
runFix(itmIdx, runCommand) {
// make sure the details for the solution are collapsed, or they can hide the progress and result
var solutionExpanded = this.state.solutionExpanded;
if (solutionExpanded[itmIdx]) {
solutionExpanded[itmIdx] = false;
this.setState({ solutionExpanded: solutionExpanded });
var localId = this.props.details.localId;
var analysisId = this.props.details.pluginAnalysis[itmIdx].analysisId;
this.props.runFix(localId, analysisId, itmIdx, runCommand);
render() {
if (!this.props.details) {
// details should be requested by default, so we just need to wait for them
if (this.props.details === undefined)
return <EmptyStatePanel loading title={ _("Waiting for details...") } />;
return <EmptyStatePanel icon={ExclamationCircleIcon} title={ _("Unable to get alert details.") } />;
var self = this;
var fixEntries =, itmIdx) {
var fixit = null;
var fixit_command = null;
var msg = null;
/* some plugins like catchall_sebool don't report fixable as they offer multiple solutions;
* we can offer to run a single setsebool command for convenience */
var fixable = itm.fixable;
if (!fixable && itm.doText && itm.doText.startsWith("setsebool") && itm.doText.indexOf("\n") < 0) {
fixable = true;
fixit_command = itm.doText;
if (fixable) {
if ((itm.fix) && (itm.fix.plugin == itm.analysisId)) {
if (itm.fix.running) {
msg = (
<div className="spinner spinner-xs setroubleshoot-progress-spinner" />
<span className="setroubleshoot-progress-message"> { _("Applying solution...") }</span>
} else {
if (itm.fix.success) {
msg = (
<Alert isInline variant="success" title={ _("Solution applied successfully") }>
} else {
msg = (
<Alert isInline variant="danger" title={ _("Solution failed") }>
if (!itm.fix) {
fixit = (
<div className="setroubleshoot-listing-action">
<Button variant="secondary" onClick={ self.runFix.bind(self, itmIdx, fixit_command) }>
{ _("Apply this solution") }
} else {
fixit = (
<div className="setroubleshoot-listing-action">
<span>{ _("Unable to apply this solution automatically") }</span>
// Formatted solution
let doElement = "";
// One line usually means one command
if (itm.doText && itm.doText.indexOf("\n") < 0)
doElement = <pre>{itm.doText}</pre>;
// There can be text with commands. Command always starts on a new line with '#'
// Group subsequent commands into one `<pre>` element.
if (itm.doText && itm.doText.indexOf("\n") >= 0) {
const parts = [];
const lines = itm.doText.split("\n");
let lastCommand = false;
lines.forEach(l => {
if (l[0] == "#") { // command
if (lastCommand) // When appending command remove "# ". Only the first command keeps it and it is removed later on
parts[parts.length - 1] += ("\n" + l.substr(2));
lastCommand = true;
} else {
lastCommand = false;
doElement = => p[0] == "#" ? <pre key={p}>{p.substr(2)}</pre> : <span key={p}>{p}</span>);
var detailsLink = <Button variant="link" isInline onClick={ self.handleSolutionDetailsClick.bind(self, itmIdx) }>{ _("solution details") }</Button>;
var doState;
var doElem;
var caret;
if (self.state.solutionExpanded[itmIdx]) {
caret = <i className="fa fa-angle-down" />;
doState = <div>{caret} {detailsLink}</div>;
doElem = doElement;
} else {
caret = <i className="fa fa-angle-right" />;
doState = <div>{caret} {detailsLink}</div>;
doElem = null;
return (
<div className="list-group-item selinux-details" key={itm.analysisId + (itm.ifText || "") + (itm.doText || "")}>
return (
<div className="list-group">
/* Show the audit log events for an alert */
const SELinuxEventLog = ({ details }) => {
if (!details) {
// details should be requested by default, so we just need to wait for them
if (details === undefined)
return <EmptyStatePanel loading title={ _("Waiting for details...") } />;
return <EmptyStatePanel icon={ExclamationCircleIcon} title={ _("Unable to get alert details.") } />;
const logEntries =, idx) => {
// use the alert id and index in the event log array as the data key for react
// if the log becomes dynamic, the entire log line might need to be considered as the key
return <div key={ details.localId + "." + idx }>{itm}</div>;
return <div className="setroubleshoot-log">{logEntries}</div>;
/* Component to show a dismissable error, message as child text
* dismissError callback function triggered when the close button is pressed
class DismissableError extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.handleDismissError = this.handleDismissError.bind(this);
handleDismissError(e) {
// only consider primary mouse button
if (!e || e.button !== 0)
if (this.props.dismissError)
render() {
return (
<Alert isInline
variant='danger' title={this.props.children}
actionClose={<AlertActionCloseButton onClose={this.handleDismissError} />} />
/* Component to show selinux status and offer an option to change it
* selinuxStatus status of selinux on the system, properties as defined in selinux-client.js
* selinuxStatusError error message from reading or setting selinux status/mode
* changeSelinuxMode function to use for changing the selinux enforcing mode
* dismissError function to dismiss the error message
class SELinuxStatus extends React.Component {
render() {
var errorMessage;
if (this.props.selinuxStatusError) {
errorMessage = (
<DismissableError dismissError={this.props.dismissError}>{this.props.selinuxStatusError}</DismissableError>
if (this.props.selinuxStatus.enabled === undefined) {
// we don't know the current state
return (
<h3>{_("SELinux system status is unknown.")}</h3>
} else if (!this.props.selinuxStatus.enabled) {
// selinux is disabled on the system, not much we can do
return (
<h3>{_("SELinux is disabled on the system.")}</h3>
var note = null;
var configUnknown = (this.props.selinuxStatus.configEnforcing === undefined);
if (configUnknown)
note = _("The configured state is unknown, it might change on the next boot.");
else if (!configUnknown && this.props.selinuxStatus.enforcing !== this.props.selinuxStatus.configEnforcing)
note = _("Setting deviates from the configured state and will revert on the next boot.");
const statusMsg = this.props.selinuxStatus.enforcing ? _("Enforcing") : _("Permissive");
return (
<div className="selinux-policy-ct">
<div className="selinux-state">
<h2>{_("SELinux policy")}</h2>
<OnOffSwitch state={this.props.selinuxStatus.enforcing} onChange={this.props.changeSelinuxMode} />
<span className="status">{ statusMsg }</span>
{ note !== null &&
<label className="note">
<i className="pficon pficon-info" />
{ note }
/* The listing only shows if we have a connection to the dbus API
* Otherwise we have blank slate: trying to connect, error
* Expected properties:
* connected true if the client is connected to setroubleshoot-server via dbus
* error error message to show (in EmptyState if not connected, as a dismissable alert otherwise
* dismissError callback, triggered for the dismissable error in connected state
* deleteAlert callback, triggered with an alert id as parameter to trigger deletion
* entries setroubleshoot entries
* - runFix function to run fix
* - details fix details as provided by the setroubleshoot client
* - description brief description of the error
* - count how many times (>= 1) this alert occurred
* selinuxStatus status of selinux on the system, properties as defined in selinux-client.js
* selinuxStatusError error message from reading or setting selinux status/mode
* changeSelinuxMode function to use for changing the selinux enforcing mode
* dismissStatusError function that is triggered to dismiss the selinux status error
export class SETroubleshootPage extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.handleDeleteAlert = this.handleDeleteAlert.bind(this);
this.handleDismissError = this.handleDismissError.bind(this);
handleDeleteAlert(alertId, e) {
// only consider primary mouse button
if (!e || e.button !== 0)
if (this.props.deleteAlert)
handleDismissError(e) {
// only consider primary mouse button
if (!e || e.button !== 0)
if (this.props.dismissError)
render() {
// if selinux is disabled, we only show EmptyState
if (this.props.selinuxStatus.enabled === false) {
return <EmptyStatePanel icon={ ExclamationCircleIcon } title={ _("SELinux is disabled on the system") } />;
var self = this;
var entries;
var troubleshooting;
var modifications;
var title = _("SELinux access control errors");
var emptyCaption = _("No SELinux alerts.");
if (!this.props.connected) {
if (this.props.connecting) {
emptyCaption = (
<div className="spinner spinner-sm" />
<span>{_("Connecting to SETroubleshoot daemon...")}</span>
} else {
// if we don't have setroubleshoot-server, be more subtle about saying that
title = "";
emptyCaption = (
{_("Install setroubleshoot-server to troubleshoot SELinux events.")}
} else {
entries =, index) {
itm.runFix = self.props.runFix;
var listingDetail;
if (itm.details && 'firstSeen' in itm.details) {
if (itm.details.reportCount >= 2) {
listingDetail = cockpit.format(_("Occurred between $0 and $1"),
} else {
listingDetail = cockpit.format(_("Occurred $0"), itm.details.firstSeen.calendar());
var onDeleteClick;
if (itm.details)
onDeleteClick = self.handleDeleteAlert.bind(self, itm.details.localId);
var dismissAction = (
<Button id="selinux-alert-dismiss"
aria-label={ _("Dismiss") }
isDisabled={ !onDeleteClick || !self.props.deleteAlert }>
<TrashIcon />
var tabRenderers = [
name: _("Solutions"),
renderer: SELinuxEventDetails,
data: itm,
name: _("Audit log"),
renderer: SELinuxEventLog,
data: itm,
// if the alert has level "red", it's critical
var criticalAlert = null;
if (itm.details && 'level' in itm.details && itm.details.level == "red")
criticalAlert = <span className="fa fa-exclamation-triangle" />;
var columns = [
{ name: itm.description, header: true }
var title;
if (itm.count > 1) {
title = cockpit.format(cockpit.ngettext("$0 occurrence", "$1 occurrences", itm.count),
columns.push(<span className="badge" title={title}>{itm.count}</span>);
} else {
columns.push(<span />);
return (
key={itm.details ? itm.details.localId : index}
listingActions={dismissAction} />
troubleshooting = (
title={ title }
emptyCaption={ emptyCaption }
modifications = (
title={ _("System modifications") }
permitted={ this.props.selinuxStatus.permitted }
shell={ "semanage import <<EOF\n" + + "\nEOF" }
ansible={ this.props.selinuxStatus.ansible }
entries={ this.props.selinuxStatus.modifications }
failed={ this.props.selinuxStatus.failed }
var errorMessage;
if (this.props.error) {
errorMessage = (
<Alert isInline
variant='danger' title={this.props.error}
actionClose={<AlertActionCloseButton onClose={this.handleDismissError} />} />
return (
<PageSection variant={PageSectionVariants.light}>