
370 lines
15 KiB

* This file is part of Cockpit.
* Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat, Inc.
* Cockpit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Cockpit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Cockpit; If not, see <>.
import cockpit from "cockpit";
import React from "react";
import {
Alert, Card, CardTitle, CardHeader, CardActions, CardBody,
Text, TextVariants,
} from "@patternfly/react-core";
import { MinusIcon, PlusIcon } from "@patternfly/react-icons";
import * as utils from "./utils.js";
import { StdDetailsLayout } from "./details.jsx";
import { SidePanel } from "./side-panel.jsx";
import { Block } from "./content-views.jsx";
import { StorageButton, StorageOnOff } from "./storage-controls.jsx";
import {
dialog_open, SelectSpaces, BlockingMessage, TeardownMessage,
} from "./dialog.jsx";
const _ = cockpit.gettext;
class MDRaidSidebar extends React.Component {
render() {
const self = this;
const client = self.props.client;
const mdraid = self.props.mdraid;
function filter_inside_mdraid(spc) {
let block = spc.block;
if (client.blocks_part[block.path])
block = client.blocks[client.blocks_part[block.path].Table];
return block && block.MDRaid != mdraid.path;
function rescan(path) {
// mdraid often forgets to trigger udev, let's do it explicitly
return client.wait_for(() => client.blocks[path]).then(block => block.Rescan({ }));
function add_disk() {
Title: _("Add disks"),
Fields: [
SelectSpaces("disks", _("Disks"),
empty_warning: _("No disks are available."),
validate: function (disks) {
if (disks.length === 0)
return _("At least one disk is needed.");
spaces: utils.get_available_spaces(client).filter(filter_inside_mdraid)
Action: {
Title: _("Add"),
action: function(vals) {
return utils.prepare_available_spaces(client, vals.disks).then(paths =>
Promise.all( => mdraid.AddDevice(p, {}).then(() => rescan(p)))));
const members = client.mdraids_members[mdraid.path] || [];
const dynamic_members = (mdraid.Level != "raid0");
let n_spares = 0;
let n_recovering = 0;
mdraid.ActiveDevices.forEach(function(as) {
if (as[2].indexOf("spare") >= 0) {
if (as[1] < 0)
n_spares += 1;
n_recovering += 1;
/* Older versions of Udisks/storaged don't have a Running property */
let running = mdraid.Running;
if (running === undefined)
running = mdraid.ActiveDevices && mdraid.ActiveDevices.length > 0;
function render_member(block) {
const active_state = utils.array_find(mdraid.ActiveDevices, function(as) {
return as[0] == block.path;
function state_text(state) {
return {
faulty: _("Failed"),
in_sync: _("In sync"),
spare: active_state[1] < 0 ? _("Spare") : _("Recovering"),
write_mostly: _("Write-mostly"),
blocked: _("Blocked")
}[state] || cockpit.format(_("Unknown ($0)"), state);
const slot = active_state && active_state[1] >= 0 && active_state[1].toString();
let states = active_state && active_state[2].map(state_text).join(", ");
if (slot)
states = cockpit.format(_("Slot $0"), slot) + ", " + states;
const is_in_sync = (active_state && active_state[2].indexOf("in_sync") >= 0);
const is_recovering = (active_state && active_state[2].indexOf("spare") >= 0 && active_state[1] >= 0);
let remove_excuse = false;
if (!running)
remove_excuse = _("The RAID device must be running in order to remove disks.");
else if ((is_in_sync && n_recovering > 0) || is_recovering)
remove_excuse = _("This disk cannot be removed while the device is recovering.");
else if (is_in_sync && n_spares < 1)
remove_excuse = _("A spare disk needs to be added first before this disk can be removed.");
else if (members.length <= 1)
remove_excuse = _("The last disk of a RAID device cannot be removed.");
function remove() {
return mdraid.RemoveDevice(block.path, { wipe: { t: 'b', v: true } });
let action = null;
if (dynamic_members)
action = (
<StorageButton ariaLabel={_("Remove")} onClick={remove} excuse={remove_excuse}>
<MinusIcon />
return { client, block, actions: action, detail: states, key: block.path };
let add_excuse = false;
if (!running)
add_excuse = _("The RAID device must be running in order to add spare disks.");
let action = null;
if (dynamic_members)
action = (
<StorageButton ariaLabel={_("Add")} onClick={add_disk} excuse={add_excuse}>
<PlusIcon />
return <SidePanel title={_("Disks")} actions={action} rows={} />;
export class MDRaidDetails extends React.Component {
render() {
const client = this.props.client;
const mdraid = this.props.mdraid;
const block = mdraid && client.mdraids_block[mdraid.path];
function format_level(str) {
return {
raid0: _("RAID 0"),
raid1: _("RAID 1"),
raid4: _("RAID 4"),
raid5: _("RAID 5"),
raid6: _("RAID 6"),
raid10: _("RAID 10")
}[str] || cockpit.format(_("RAID ($0)"), str);
let level = format_level(mdraid.Level);
if (mdraid.NumDevices > 0)
level += ", " + cockpit.format(_("$0 disks"), mdraid.NumDevices);
if (mdraid.ChunkSize > 0)
level += ", " + cockpit.format(_("$0 chunk size"), utils.fmt_size(mdraid.ChunkSize));
function toggle_bitmap(val) {
return mdraid.SetBitmapLocation(utils.encode_filename(val ? 'internal' : 'none'), {});
let bitmap = null;
if (mdraid.BitmapLocation) {
const value = utils.decode_filename(mdraid.BitmapLocation) != "none";
bitmap = (
<DescriptionListTerm>{_("storage", "Bitmap")}</DescriptionListTerm>
<StorageOnOff state={value} aria-label={_("Toggle bitmap")} onChange={toggle_bitmap} />
let degraded_message = null;
if (mdraid.Degraded > 0) {
const text = cockpit.format(
cockpit.ngettext("$0 disk is missing", "$0 disks are missing", mdraid.Degraded),
degraded_message = (
<Alert isInline variant="danger" title={_("The RAID array is in a degraded state")}> {text} </Alert>
/* Older versions of Udisks/storaged don't have a Running property */
let running = mdraid.Running;
if (running === undefined)
running = mdraid.ActiveDevices && mdraid.ActiveDevices.length > 0;
function start() {
return mdraid.Start({ "start-degraded": { t: 'b', v: true } });
function stop() {
const usage = utils.get_active_usage(client, block ? block.path : "", _("stop"));
if (usage.Blocking) {
Title: cockpit.format(_("$0 is in use"), utils.mdraid_name(mdraid)),
Body: BlockingMessage(usage),
if (usage.Teardown) {
Title: cockpit.format(_("Confirm stopping of $0"),
Teardown: TeardownMessage(usage),
Action: {
Title: _("Stop device"),
action: function () {
return utils.teardown_active_usage(client, usage)
.then(function () {
return mdraid.Stop({});
Inits: [
init_active_usage_processes(client, usage)
return mdraid.Stop({});
function delete_dialog() {
const location = cockpit.location;
function delete_() {
if (mdraid.Delete)
return mdraid.Delete({ 'tear-down': { t: 'b', v: true } }).then(utils.reload_systemd);
// If we don't have a Delete method, we simulate
// it by stopping the array and wiping all
// members.
function wipe_members() {
return Promise.all(client.mdraids_members[mdraid.path].map(member => member.Format('empty', { })));
if (mdraid.ActiveDevices && mdraid.ActiveDevices.length > 0)
return mdraid.Stop({}).then(wipe_members);
return wipe_members();
const usage = utils.get_active_usage(client, block ? block.path : "", _("delete"));
if (usage.Blocking) {
Title: cockpit.format(_("$0 is in use"), utils.mdraid_name(mdraid)),
Body: BlockingMessage(usage)
Title: cockpit.format(_("Permanently delete $0?"), utils.mdraid_name(mdraid)),
Teardown: TeardownMessage(usage),
Action: {
Title: _("Delete"),
Danger: _("Deleting erases all data on a RAID device."),
action: function () {
return utils.teardown_active_usage(client, usage)
.then(function () {
Inits: [
init_active_usage_processes(client, usage)
const header = (
<CardTitle><Text component={TextVariants.h2}>{ cockpit.format(_("RAID device $0"), utils.mdraid_name(mdraid)) }</Text></CardTitle>
{ running
? <StorageButton onClick={stop}>{_("Stop")}</StorageButton>
: <StorageButton onClick={start}>{_("Start")}</StorageButton>
{ "\n" }
<StorageButton kind="danger" onClick={delete_dialog}>{_("Delete")}</StorageButton>
<DescriptionList className="pf-m-horizontal-on-sm">
<DescriptionListTerm>{_("storage", "Device")}</DescriptionListTerm>
<DescriptionListDescription>{ block ? utils.decode_filename(block.PreferredDevice) : "-" }</DescriptionListDescription>
<DescriptionListTerm>{_("storage", "UUID")}</DescriptionListTerm>
<DescriptionListDescription>{ mdraid.UUID }</DescriptionListDescription>
<DescriptionListTerm>{_("storage", "Capacity")}</DescriptionListTerm>
<DescriptionListDescription>{ utils.fmt_size_long(mdraid.Size) }</DescriptionListDescription>
<DescriptionListTerm>{_("storage", "RAID level")}</DescriptionListTerm>
<DescriptionListDescription>{ level }</DescriptionListDescription>
{ bitmap }
<DescriptionListTerm>{_("storage", "State")}</DescriptionListTerm>
<DescriptionListDescription>{ running ? _("Running") : _("Not running") }</DescriptionListDescription>
const sidebar = <MDRaidSidebar client={this.props.client} mdraid={mdraid} />;
const content = <Block client={this.props.client} block={block} />;
return <StdDetailsLayout client={this.props.client} alert={degraded_message}
header={ header }
sidebar={ sidebar }
content={ content }