
645 lines
24 KiB

* This file is part of Cockpit.
* Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
* Cockpit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Cockpit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Cockpit; If not, see <>.
import cockpit from "cockpit";
import React from "react";
import {
Card, CardBody, CardTitle, CardHeader, CardActions,
Checkbox, ClipboardCopy,
Form, FormGroup,
DataListItem, DataListItemRow, DataListItemCells, DataListCell, DataList,
Text, TextVariants, TextInput as TextInputPF, Stack,
} from "@patternfly/react-core";
import { EditIcon, MinusIcon, PlusIcon } from "@patternfly/react-icons";
import sha1 from "js-sha1";
import sha256 from "js-sha256";
import stable_stringify from "json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify";
import {
SelectOneRadio, TextInput, PassInput, Skip
} from "./dialog.jsx";
import { array_find, decode_filename, block_name } from "./utils.js";
import { fmt_to_fragments } from "utils.jsx";
import { StorageButton } from "./storage-controls.jsx";
import clevis_luks_passphrase_sh from "raw-loader!./";
const _ = cockpit.gettext;
/* Tang advertisement utilities
function get_tang_adv(url) {
return cockpit.spawn(["curl", "-sSf", url + "/adv"], { err: "message" })
.catch(error => {
return cockpit.reject(error.toString().replace(/^curl: \([0-9]+\) /, ""));
function tang_adv_payload(adv) {
return JSON.parse(cockpit.utf8_decoder().decode(cockpit.base64_decode(adv.payload)));
function jwk_b64_encode(bytes) {
// Use the urlsafe character set, and strip the padding.
return cockpit.base64_encode(bytes).replace(/\+/g, "-")
.replace(/\//g, "_")
.replace(/=+$/, '');
function compute_thp(jwk) {
RSA: ['kty', 'p', 'd', 'q', 'dp', 'dq', 'qi', 'oth'],
EC: ['kty', 'crv', 'x', 'y'],
oct: ['kty', 'k'],
if (!jwk.kty)
return "(no key type attribute=";
if (!REQUIRED_ATTRS[jwk.kty])
return cockpit.format("(unknown keytype $0)", jwk.kty);
const req = REQUIRED_ATTRS[jwk.kty];
const norm = { };
req.forEach(k => { if (k in jwk) norm[k] = jwk[k]; });
return {
sha256: jwk_b64_encode(sha256.digest(stable_stringify(norm))),
sha1: jwk_b64_encode(sha1.digest(stable_stringify(norm)))
function compute_sigkey_thps(adv) {
function is_signing_key(jwk) {
if (!jwk.use && !jwk.key_ops)
return true;
if (jwk.use == "sig")
return true;
if (jwk.key_ops && jwk.key_ops.indexOf("verify") >= 0)
return true;
return false;
return adv.keys.filter(is_signing_key).map(compute_thp);
/* Clevis operations
function clevis_add(block, pin, cfg, passphrase) {
const dev = decode_filename(block.Device);
return cockpit.spawn(["clevis", "luks", "bind", "-f", "-k", "-", "-d", dev, pin, JSON.stringify(cfg)],
{ superuser: true, err: "message" }).input(passphrase);
function clevis_remove(block, key) {
// clevis-luks-unbind needs a tty on stdin for some reason.
return cockpit.spawn(["clevis", "luks", "unbind", "-d", decode_filename(block.Device), "-s", key.slot, "-f"],
{ superuser: true, pty: true, err: "message" });
export function clevis_recover_passphrase(block, just_type) {
const dev = decode_filename(block.Device);
const args = [];
if (just_type)
return cockpit.script(clevis_luks_passphrase_sh, args,
{ superuser: true, err: "message" })
.then(output => output.trim());
function clevis_unlock(block) {
const dev = decode_filename(block.Device);
const clear_dev = "luks-" + block.IdUUID;
return cockpit.spawn(["clevis", "luks", "unlock", "-d", dev, "-n", clear_dev],
{ superuser: true });
export function unlock_with_type(client, block, passphrase, passphrase_type) {
const crypto = client.blocks_crypto[block.path];
if (passphrase)
return crypto.Unlock(passphrase, {});
else if (passphrase_type == "stored")
return crypto.Unlock("", {});
else if (passphrase_type == "clevis")
return clevis_unlock(block);
else {
// This should always be caught and should never show up in the UI
return Promise.reject(new Error("No passphrase"));
/* Passphrase operations
function passphrase_add(block, new_passphrase, old_passphrase) {
const dev = decode_filename(block.Device);
return cockpit.spawn(["cryptsetup", "luksAddKey", dev],
{ superuser: true, err: "message" }).input(old_passphrase + "\n" + new_passphrase);
function passphrase_change(block, key, new_passphrase, old_passphrase) {
const dev = decode_filename(block.Device);
return cockpit.spawn(["cryptsetup", "luksChangeKey", dev, "--key-slot", key.slot.toString()],
{ superuser: true, err: "message" }).input(old_passphrase + "\n" + new_passphrase + "\n");
function slot_remove(block, slot, passphrase) {
const dev = decode_filename(block.Device);
const opts = { superuser: true, err: "message" };
const cmd = ["cryptsetup", "luksKillSlot", dev, slot.toString()];
if (passphrase === false) {
cmd.splice(2, 0, "-q");
opts.pty = true;
const spawn = cockpit.spawn(cmd, opts);
if (passphrase !== false)
spawn.input(passphrase + "\n");
return spawn;
function passphrase_test(block, passphrase) {
const dev = decode_filename(block.Device);
return (cockpit.spawn(["cryptsetup", "luksOpen", "--test-passphrase", dev],
{ superuser: true, err: "message" }).input(passphrase)
.then(() => true)
.catch(() => false));
/* Dialogs
export function existing_passphrase_fields(explanation) {
return [
Skip("medskip", { visible: vals => vals.needs_explicit_passphrase }),
PassInput("passphrase", _("Disk passphrase"),
visible: vals => vals.needs_explicit_passphrase,
validate: val => !val.length && _("Passphrase cannot be empty"),
explanation: explanation
function get_stored_passphrase(block, just_type) {
const pub_config = array_find(block.Configuration, function (c) { return c[0] == "crypttab" });
if (pub_config && pub_config[1]["passphrase-path"] && decode_filename(pub_config[1]["passphrase-path"].v) != "") {
if (just_type)
return Promise.resolve("stored");
return block.GetSecretConfiguration({}).then(function (items) {
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (items[i][0] == 'crypttab' && items[i][1]['passphrase-contents'])
return decode_filename(items[i][1]['passphrase-contents'].v);
return "";
export function get_existing_passphrase(block, just_type) {
return clevis_recover_passphrase(block, just_type).then(passphrase => {
return passphrase || get_stored_passphrase(block, just_type);
export function request_passphrase_on_error_handler(dlg, vals, recovered_passphrase, block) {
return function (error) {
if (vals.passphrase === undefined) {
return (passphrase_test(block, recovered_passphrase)
.then(good => {
if (!good)
dlg.set_values({ needs_explicit_passphrase: true });
return Promise.reject(error);
} else
return Promise.reject(error);
export function init_existing_passphrase(block, just_type, callback) {
return {
title: _("Unlocking disk"),
func: dlg => {
return get_existing_passphrase(block, just_type).then(passphrase => {
if (!passphrase)
dlg.set_values({ needs_explicit_passphrase: true });
if (callback)
return passphrase;
function parse_url(url) {
// clevis-encrypt-tang defaults to "http://" (via curl), so we do the same here.
if (!/^[a-zA-Z]+:\/\//.test(url))
url = "http://" + url;
try {
return new URL(url);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof TypeError)
return null;
throw e;
function validate_url(url) {
if (url.length === 0)
return _("Address cannot be empty");
if (!parse_url(url))
return _("Address is not a valid URL");
function add_dialog(client, block) {
let recovered_passphrase;
Title: _("Add key"),
Fields: [
SelectOneRadio("type", _("Key source"),
value: "luks-passphrase",
visible: vals => client.features.clevis,
widest_title: _("Repeat passphrase"),
choices: [
{ value: "luks-passphrase", title: _("Passphrase") },
{ value: "tang", title: _("Tang keyserver") }
PassInput("new_passphrase", _("New passphrase"),
visible: vals => !client.features.clevis || vals.type == "luks-passphrase",
validate: val => !val.length && _("Passphrase cannot be empty"),
PassInput("new_passphrase2", _("Repeat passphrase"),
visible: vals => !client.features.clevis || vals.type == "luks-passphrase",
validate: (val, vals) => {
return (vals.new_passphrase.length &&
vals.new_passphrase != val &&
_("Passphrases do not match"));
TextInput("tang_url", _("Keyserver address"),
visible: vals => client.features.clevis && vals.type == "tang",
validate: validate_url
].concat(existing_passphrase_fields(_("Saving a new passphrase requires unlocking the disk. Please provide a current disk passphrase."))),
Action: {
Title: _("Add"),
action: function (vals) {
const existing_passphrase = vals.passphrase || recovered_passphrase;
if (!client.features.clevis || vals.type == "luks-passphrase") {
return passphrase_add(block, vals.new_passphrase, existing_passphrase);
} else {
return get_tang_adv(vals.tang_url).then(function (adv) {
edit_tang_adv(client, block, null,
vals.tang_url, adv, existing_passphrase);
Inits: [
init_existing_passphrase(block, false, pp => { recovered_passphrase = pp })
function edit_passphrase_dialog(block, key) {
Title: _("Change passphrase"),
Fields: [
PassInput("old_passphrase", _("Old passphrase"),
{ validate: val => !val.length && _("Passphrase cannot be empty") }),
PassInput("new_passphrase", _("New passphrase"),
{ validate: val => !val.length && _("Passphrase cannot be empty") }),
PassInput("new_passphrase2", _("Repeat passphrase"),
{ validate: (val, vals) => vals.new_passphrase.length && vals.new_passphrase != val && _("Passphrases do not match") })
Action: {
Title: _("Save"),
action: vals => passphrase_change(block, key, vals.new_passphrase, vals.old_passphrase)
function edit_clevis_dialog(client, block, key) {
let recovered_passphrase;
Title: _("Edit Tang keyserver"),
Fields: [
TextInput("tang_url", _("Keyserver address"),
validate: validate_url,
value: key.url
].concat(existing_passphrase_fields(_("Saving a new passphrase requires unlocking the disk. Please provide a current disk passphrase."))),
Action: {
Title: _("Save"),
action: function (vals) {
const existing_passphrase = vals.passphrase || recovered_passphrase;
return get_tang_adv(vals.tang_url).then(adv => {
edit_tang_adv(client, block, key, vals.tang_url, adv, existing_passphrase);
Inits: [
init_existing_passphrase(block, false, pp => { recovered_passphrase = pp })
function edit_tang_adv(client, block, key, url, adv, passphrase) {
const parsed = parse_url(url);
const cmd = cockpit.format("ssh $0 tang-show-keys $1", parsed.hostname, parsed.port);
const sigkey_thps = compute_sigkey_thps(tang_adv_payload(adv));
const dlg = dialog_open({
Title: _("Verify key"),
Body: (
<p>{_("Make sure the key hash from the Tang server matches one of the following:")}</p>
<h2 className="sigkey-heading">{_("SHA256")}</h2>
{ => <p key={s} className="sigkey-hash">{s.sha256}</p>) }
<h2 className="sigkey-heading">{_("SHA1")}</h2>
{ => <p key={s} className="sigkey-hash">{s.sha1}</p>) }
{_("Manually check with SSH: ")}
<ClipboardCopy hoverTip={_("Copy to clipboard")}
clickTip={_("Successfully copied to clipboard!")}
Fields: existing_passphrase_fields(_("Saving a new passphrase requires unlocking the disk. Please provide a current disk passphrase.")),
Action: {
Title: _("Trust key"),
action: function (vals) {
return clevis_add(block, "tang", { url: url, adv: adv }, vals.passphrase || passphrase).then(() => {
if (key)
return clevis_remove(block, key);
.catch(request_passphrase_on_error_handler(dlg, vals, passphrase, block));
const RemovePassphraseField = (tag, key, dev) => {
function validate(val) {
if (val === "")
return _("Passphrase can not be empty");
return {
tag: tag,
title: null,
options: { validate: validate },
initial_value: "",
bare: true,
render: (val, change, validated, error) => {
return (
<Stack hasGutter>
<p>{ fmt_to_fragments(_("Passphrase removal may prevent unlocking $0."), <b>{dev}</b>) }</p>
<Checkbox id="force-remove-passphrase"
isChecked={val !== false}
label={_("Confirm removal with an alternate passphrase")}
onChange={checked => change(checked ? "" : false)}
body={val === false
? <p className="slot-warning">
{_("Removing a passphrase without confirmation of another passphrase may prevent unlocking or key management, if other passphrases are forgotten or lost.")}
: <FormGroup label={_("Passphrase from any other key slot")} fieldId="remove-passphrase">
<TextInputPF id="remove-passphrase" type="password" value={val} onChange={value => change(value)} />
function remove_passphrase_dialog(block, key) {
Title: cockpit.format(_("Remove passphrase in key slot $0?"), key.slot),
Fields: [
RemovePassphraseField("passphrase", key, block_name(block))
isFormHorizontal: false,
Action: {
DangerButton: true,
Title: _("Remove"),
action: function (vals) {
return slot_remove(block, key.slot, vals.passphrase);
const RemoveClevisField = (tag, key, dev) => {
return {
tag: tag,
title: null,
options: { },
initial_value: "",
bare: true,
render: (val, change) => {
return (
<div data-field={tag}>
<p>{ fmt_to_fragments(_("Remove $0?"), <b>{key.url}</b>) }</p>
<p className="slot-warning">{ fmt_to_fragments(_("Keyserver removal may prevent unlocking $0."), <b>{dev}</b>) }</p>
function remove_clevis_dialog(client, block, key) {
Title: _("Remove Tang keyserver?"),
Fields: [
RemoveClevisField("keyserver", key, block_name(block))
Action: {
DangerButton: true,
Title: _("Remove"),
action: function () {
return clevis_remove(block, key);
export class CryptoKeyslots extends React.Component {
render() {
const { client, block, slots, slot_error, max_slots } = this.props;
if ((slots == null && slot_error == null) || slot_error == "not-found")
return null;
function decode_clevis_slot(slot) {
if (slot.ClevisConfig) {
const clevis = JSON.parse(slot.ClevisConfig.v);
if ( && == "tang" && clevis.tang) {
return {
slot: slot.Index.v,
type: "tang",
url: clevis.tang.url
} else {
return {
slot: slot.Index.v,
type: "unknown",
} else {
return {
slot: slot.Index.v,
type: "luks-passphrase"
const keys = slots ? => !!k) : [];
let rows;
if (keys.length == 0) {
let text;
if (slot_error) {
if (slot_error.problem == "access-denied")
text = _("The currently logged in user is not permitted to see information about keys.");
text = slot_error.toString();
} else {
text = _("No keys added");
rows = <tr><td className="text-center">{text}</td></tr>;
} else {
rows = [];
const add_row = (slot, type, desc, edit, edit_excuse, remove) => {
<DataListItem key={slot}>
<DataListCell key="key-type">
{ type }
<DataListCell key="desc" isFilled={false}>
{ desc }
<DataListCell key="key-slot">
{ cockpit.format(_("Slot $0"), slot) }
<DataListCell key="text-right" isFilled={false} alignRight>
<StorageButton onClick={edit}
excuse={(keys.length == max_slots)
? _("Editing a key requires a free slot")
: null}>
<EditIcon />
{ "\n" }
<StorageButton onClick={remove}
excuse={keys.length == 1 ? _("The last key slot can not be removed") : null}>
<MinusIcon />
keys.sort((a, b) => a.slot - b.slot).forEach(key => {
if (key.type == "luks-passphrase") {
_("Passphrase"), "",
() => edit_passphrase_dialog(block, key), null,
() => remove_passphrase_dialog(block, key));
} else if (key.type == "tang") {
_("Keyserver"), key.url,
() => edit_clevis_dialog(client, block, key), null,
() => remove_clevis_dialog(client, block, key));
} else {
_("Unknown type"), "",
null, _("Key slots with unknown types can not be edited here"),
() => remove_clevis_dialog(client, block, key));
const remaining = max_slots - keys.length;
return (
<Card className="key-slot-panel">
<span className="key-slot-panel-remaining">
{ remaining < 6 ? (remaining ? cockpit.format(cockpit.ngettext("$0 slot remains", "$0 slots remain", remaining), remaining) : _("No available slots")) : null }
<StorageButton onClick={() => add_dialog(client, block)}
excuse={(keys.length == max_slots)
? _("No free key slots")
: null}>
<PlusIcon />
<CardTitle><Text component={TextVariants.h2}>{_("Keys")}</Text></CardTitle>
<CardBody className="contains-list">
<DataList isCompact className="crypto-keyslots-list" aria-label={_("Keys")}>