
487 lines
17 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/python3 -cimport os, sys; os.execv(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[1]) + "/pywrap", sys.argv)
# This file is part of Cockpit.
# Copyright (C) 2022 Red Hat, Inc.
# Cockpit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Cockpit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Cockpit; If not, see <>.
# This module can convert profile data from CDP to LCOV, produce a
# HTML report, and post review comments.
# - write_lcov (coverage_data, outlabel)
# - create_coverage_report()
import glob
import gzip
import json
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from bisect import bisect_left
from task import github
BASE_DIR = os.path.realpath(f'{__file__}/../../..')
debug = False
# parse_vlq and parse_sourcemap are based on
#, licensed with
# "BSD-2-Clause License"
# Mapping of base64 letter -> integer value.
B64 = {c: i for i, c in
def parse_vlq(segment):
"""Parse a string of VLQ-encoded data.
a list of integers.
values = []
cur, shift = 0, 0
for c in segment:
val = B64[c]
# Each character is 6 bits:
# 5 of value and the high bit is the continuation.
val, cont = val & 0b11111, val >> 5
cur += val << shift
shift += 5
if not cont:
# The low bit of the unpacked value is the sign.
cur, sign = cur >> 1, cur & 1
if sign:
cur = -cur
cur, shift = 0, 0
if cur or shift:
raise Exception('leftover cur/shift in vlq decode')
return values
def parse_sourcemap(f, line_starts, dir_name):
smap = json.load(f)
sources = smap['sources']
mappings = smap['mappings']
lines = mappings.split(';')
our_map = []
our_sources = set()
for s in sources:
if "node_modules" not in s and (s.endswith(".js") or s.endswith(".jsx")):
dst_col, src_id, src_line = 0, 0, 0
for dst_line, line in enumerate(lines):
segments = line.split(',')
dst_col = 0
for segment in segments:
if not segment:
parse = parse_vlq(segment)
dst_col += parse[0]
src = None
if len(parse) > 1:
src_id += parse[1]
src = sources[src_id]
src_line += parse[2]
if src in our_sources:
norm_src = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dir_name, src))
our_map.append((line_starts[dst_line] + dst_col, norm_src, src_line))
return our_map
class DistFile:
def __init__(self, path):
line_starts = [0]
with open(path, newline='') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
line_starts.append(line_starts[-1] + len(line))
with open(path + ".map") as f:
self.smap = parse_sourcemap(f, line_starts, os.path.relpath(os.path.dirname(path), BASE_DIR))
def find_sources_slow(self, start, end):
res = []
for m in self.smap:
if m[0] >= start and m[0] < end:
return res
def find_sources(self, start, end):
res = []
i = bisect_left(self.smap, start, key=lambda m: m[0])
while i < len(self.smap) and self.smap[i][0] < end:
i += 1
if debug and res != self.find_sources_slow(start, end):
raise RuntimeError("Bug in find_sources")
return res
def get_dist_map(package):
dmap = {}
for manifest_json in glob.glob(f"{BASE_DIR}/dist/*/manifest.json") + glob.glob(f"{BASE_DIR}/dist/manifest.json"):
with open(manifest_json) as f:
m = json.load(f)
if "name" in m:
dmap[m["name"]] = os.path.dirname(manifest_json)
elif manifest_json == f"{BASE_DIR}/dist/manifest.json":
if "name" in package:
dmap[package["name"]] = os.path.dirname(manifest_json)
return dmap
def get_distfile(url, dist_map):
parts = url.split("/")
if len(parts) < 3 or "cockpit" not in parts:
return None
base = parts[-2]
file = parts[-1]
if file == "manifests.js":
return None
if base in dist_map:
path = dist_map[base] + "/" + file
path = f"{BASE_DIR}/dist/" + base + "/" + file
if os.path.exists(path) and os.path.exists(path + ".map"):
return DistFile(path)
sys.stderr.write(f"SKIP {url} -> {path}\n")
return None
def grow_array(arr, size, val):
if len(arr) < size:
arr.extend([val] * (size - len(arr)))
def record_covered(file_hits, src, line, hits):
if src in file_hits:
line_hits = file_hits[src]
line_hits = []
grow_array(line_hits, line + 1, None)
line_hits[line] = hits
file_hits[src] = line_hits
def record_range(file_hits, r, distfile):
sources = distfile.find_sources(r['startOffset'], r['endOffset'])
for src in sources:
record_covered(file_hits, src[1], src[2], r['count'])
def merge_hits(file_hits, hits):
for src in hits:
if src not in file_hits:
file_hits[src] = hits[src]
lines = file_hits[src]
merge_lines = hits[src]
grow_array(lines, len(merge_lines), None)
for i in range(len(merge_lines)):
if lines[i] is None:
lines[i] = merge_lines[i]
elif merge_lines[i] is not None:
lines[i] += merge_lines[i]
def print_file_coverage(path, line_hits, out):
lines_found = 0
lines_hit = 0
src = f"{BASE_DIR}/{path}"
for i in range(len(line_hits)):
if line_hits[i] is not None:
lines_found += 1
if line_hits[i] > 0:
lines_hit += 1
class DiffMap:
# Parse a unified diff and make a index for the added lines
def __init__(self, diff): = {}
self.source_map = {}
plus_name = None
diff_line = 0
with open(diff) as f:
for line in f.readlines():
diff_line += 1
if line.startswith("+++ /dev/null"):
# removed file, only `^-` following after that until the next hunk
elif line.startswith("+++ b/"):
plus_name = os.path.normpath(line[6:].strip())
plus_line = 1[plus_name] = {}
elif line.startswith("@@ "):
plus_line = int(line.split(" ")[2].split(",")[0])
elif line.startswith(" "):
plus_line += 1
elif line.startswith("+"):[plus_name][plus_line] = diff_line
self.source_map[diff_line] = (plus_name, plus_line, line[1:])
plus_line += 1
def find_line(self, file, line):
if file in and line in[file]:
return None
def find_source(self, diff_line):
return self.source_map[diff_line]
def print_diff_coverage(path, file_hits, out):
if not os.path.exists(path):
dm = DiffMap(path)
src = f"{BASE_DIR}/{path}"
lines_found = 0
lines_hit = 0
for f in file_hits:
line_hits = file_hits[f]
for i in range(len(line_hits)):
if line_hits[i] is not None:
diff_line = dm.find_line(f, i + 1)
if diff_line:
lines_found += 1
if line_hits[i] > 0:
lines_hit += 1
def write_lcov(covdata, outlabel):
with open(f"{BASE_DIR}/package.json") as f:
package = json.load(f)
dist_map = get_dist_map(package)
file_hits = {}
def covranges(functions):
for f in functions:
for r in f['ranges']:
yield r
# Coverage data is reported as a "count" value for a range of
# text. These ranges overlap when functions are nested. For
# example, take this source code:
# 1 . function foo(x) {
# 2 . function bar() {
# 3 . }
# 4 . if (x)
# 5 . bar();
# 6 . }
# 7 .
# 8 . foo(0)
# There will be a range with count 1 for the whole source code
# (lines 1 to 8) since all code is executed when loading a file.
# Then there will be a range with count 1 for "foo" (lines 1 to 6)
# since it is called from the top-level, and there will be a range
# with count 0 for "bar" (lines 2 and 3), since it is never
# actually called. If block-level precision has been enabled
# while collecting the coverage data, there will also be a range
# with count 0 for line 5, since that branch if the "if" is not
# executed.
# We process ranges like this in order, from longest to shortest,
# and record their counts for each line they cover. The count of a
# range that is processed later will overwrite any count that has
# been recorded earlier. This makes the count correct for nested
# functions since they are processed last.
# In the example, first lines 1 to 8 are set to count 1, then
# lines 1 to 6 are set to count 1 again, then lines 2 and 3 are
# set to count 0, and finally line 5 is also set to count 0:
# 1 1 function foo(x) {
# 2 0 function bar() {
# 3 0 }
# 4 1 if (x)
# 5 0 bar();
# 6 1 }
# 7 1
# 8 1 foo(0)
# Thus, when processing ranges for a single file, we must
# prioritize the counts of smaller ranges over larger ones, and
# can't just add them all up. This doesn't work, however, when
# something like webpack is involved, and a source file is copied
# into multiple files in "dist/".
# The coverage data contains ranges for all files that are loaded
# into the browser during the whole session, such as when
# transitioning from the login page to the shell, and when loading
# multiple iframes for the individual pages.
# For example, if both shell.js (loaded at the top-level) and
# overview.js (loaded into an iframe) include lib/button.js, then
# the coverage data might report that shell.js does execute line 5
# of lib/button.js and also that overview.js does not execute it.
# We need to add the counts up for line 5 so that the combined
# report says that is has been executed.
# The same applies to reloading and navigating in the browser. If
# a page is reloaded, there will be separate coverage reports for
# its files. For example, if a reload happens, shell.js will be
# mentioned twice in the report, and we need to add up the counts
# from each mention.
for script in covdata:
distfile = get_distfile(script['url'], dist_map)
if distfile:
ranges = sorted(covranges(script['functions']),
key=lambda r: r['endOffset'] - r['startOffset'], reverse=True)
hits = {}
for r in ranges:
record_range(hits, r, distfile)
merge_hits(file_hits, hits)
if len(file_hits) > 0:
os.makedirs(f"{BASE_DIR}/lcov", exist_ok=True)
filename = f"{BASE_DIR}/lcov/{outlabel}.info.gz"
with, "wt") as out:
for f in file_hits:
print_file_coverage(f, file_hits[f], out)
print_diff_coverage("lcov/github-pr.diff", file_hits, out)
print("Wrote coverage data to " + filename)
def get_review_comments(diff_info_file):
comments = []
cur_src = None
start_line = None
cur_line = None
def is_interesting_line(text):
# Don't complain when being told to shut up
if "// not-covered: " in text:
return False
# Don't complain about lines that contain only punctuation, or
# nothing but "else". We don't seem to get reliable
# information for them.
if not'[a-zA-Z0-9]', text.replace("else", "")):
return False
return True
def flush_cur_comment():
nonlocal comments
if cur_src:
ta_url = os.environ.get("TEST_ATTACHMENTS_URL", None)
comment = {"path": cur_src,
"line": cur_line}
if start_line != cur_line:
comment["start_line"] = start_line
body = f"These {cur_line - start_line + 1} added lines are not executed by any test."
body = "This added line is not executed by any test."
if ta_url:
body += f" [Details]({ta_url}/Coverage/lcov/github-pr.diff.gcov.html)"
comment["body"] = body
dm = DiffMap("lcov/github-pr.diff")
with open(diff_info_file) as f:
for line in f.readlines():
if line.startswith("DA:"):
parts = line[3:].split(",")
if int(parts[1]) == 0:
(src, line, text) = dm.find_source(int(parts[0]))
if not is_interesting_line(text):
if src == cur_src and line == cur_line + 1:
cur_line = line
cur_src = src
start_line = line
cur_line = line
return comments
def prepare_for_code_coverage():
# This gives us a convenient link at the top of the logs, see link-patterns.json
print("Code coverage report in Coverage/index.html")
os.makedirs("lcov", exist_ok=True)
with open("lcov/github-pr.diff", "w") as f:
subprocess.check_call(["git", "-c", "diff.noprefix=false", "diff", "--patience", "main"], stdout=f)
def create_coverage_report():
output = os.environ.get("TEST_ATTACHMENTS", BASE_DIR)
lcov_files = glob.glob(f"{BASE_DIR}/lcov/*.info.gz")
title = os.path.basename(subprocess.check_output(["git", "remote", "get-url", "origin"]))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
title = "?"
if len(lcov_files) > 0:
all_file = f"{BASE_DIR}/lcov/"
diff_file = f"{BASE_DIR}/lcov/"
subprocess.check_call(["lcov", "--quiet", "--output", all_file,
*sum(map(lambda f: ["--add", f], lcov_files), [])])
subprocess.check_call(["lcov", "--quiet", "--output", diff_file,
"--extract", all_file, "*/github-pr.diff"])
summary = subprocess.check_output(["genhtml", "--no-function-coverage",
"--prefix", os.getcwd(),
"--title", title,
"--output-dir", f"{output}/Coverage", all_file]).decode()
coverage = summary.split("\n")[-2]
match =".*lines\.*:\s*([\d\.]*%).*", coverage)
if match:
print("Overall line coverage:",
comments = get_review_comments(diff_file)
rev = os.environ.get("TEST_REVISION", None)
pull = os.environ.get("TEST_PULL", None)
if rev and pull:
api = github.GitHub()
old_comments = api.get(f"pulls/{pull}/comments?sort=created&direction=desc&per_page=100") or []
for oc in old_comments:
if ("body" in oc and "path" in oc and "line" in oc and
"not executed by any test." in oc["body"]):
if len(comments) > 0:"pulls/{pull}/reviews",
{"commit_id": rev, "event": "COMMENT",
"comments": comments})