
519 lines
23 KiB

import argparse
import asyncio
import json
import os
import unittest
import unittest.mock
import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Tuple
import systemd_ctypes
from cockpit.bridge import Bridge
MOCK_HOSTNAME = 'mockbox'
class test_iface(systemd_ctypes.bus.Object):
sig = systemd_ctypes.bus.Interface.Signal('s')
prop = systemd_ctypes.bus.Interface.Property('s', value='none')
class MockTransport(asyncio.Transport):
queue: asyncio.Queue[Tuple[str, bytes]]
next_id: int = 0
def send_json(self, _channel: str, **kwargs) -> None:
msg = {k.replace('_', '-'): v for k, v in kwargs.items()}
self.send_data(_channel, json.dumps(msg).encode('ascii'))
def send_data(self, channel: str, data: bytes) -> None:
msg = channel.encode('ascii') + b'\n' + data
msg = str(len(msg)).encode('ascii') + b'\n' + msg
def send_init(self, version=1, host=MOCK_HOSTNAME, **kwargs):
self.send_json('', command='init', version=version, host=host, **kwargs)
def get_id(self, prefix: str) -> str:
self.next_id += 1
return f'{prefix}.{self.next_id}'
def send_open(self, payload, channel=None, **kwargs):
if channel is None:
channel = self.get_id('channel')
self.send_json('', command='open', channel=channel, payload=payload, **kwargs)
return channel
async def check_open(self, payload, channel=None, problem=None, reply_keys: Optional[Dict[str, object]] = None, **kwargs):
ch = self.send_open(payload, channel, **kwargs)
if problem is None:
await self.assert_msg('', command='ready', channel=ch, **(reply_keys or {}))
assert ch in self.protocol.open_channels
await self.assert_msg('', command='close', channel=ch, problem=problem, **(reply_keys or {}))
assert ch not in self.protocol.open_channels
return ch
def send_done(self, channel, **kwargs):
self.send_json('', command='done', channel=channel, **kwargs)
def send_close(self, channel, **kwargs):
self.send_json('', command='close', channel=channel, **kwargs)
def send_ping(self, **kwargs):
self.send_json('', command='ping', **kwargs)
def __init__(self, protocol: asyncio.Protocol):
self.queue = asyncio.Queue()
self.protocol = protocol
def write(self, data: bytes) -> None:
# We know that the bridge only ever writes full frames at once, so we
# can disassemble them immediately.
_, channel, data = data.split(b'\n', 2)
self.queue.put_nowait((channel.decode('ascii'), data))
def close(self) -> None:
async def next_frame(self) -> Tuple[str, bytes]:
return await self.queue.get()
async def next_msg(self, expected_channel) -> Dict[str, Any]:
channel, data = await self.next_frame()
assert channel == expected_channel, data
return json.loads(data)
async def assert_data(self, expected_channel: str, expected_data: bytes) -> None:
channel, data = await self.next_frame()
assert channel == expected_channel
assert data == expected_data
async def assert_msg(self, expected_channel, **kwargs) -> None:
msg = await self.next_msg(expected_channel)
assert msg == msg | {k.replace('_', '-'): v for k, v in kwargs.items()}
# D-Bus helpers
internal_bus: str = ''
async def ensure_internal_bus(self):
if not self.internal_bus:
self.internal_bus = await self.check_open('dbus-json3', bus='internal')
assert self.protocol.open_channels[self.internal_bus].bus == self.protocol.internal_bus.client
return self.internal_bus
def send_bus_call(self, bus: str, path: str, iface: str, name: str, args: list) -> str:
tag = self.get_id('call')
self.send_json(bus, call=[path, iface, name, args], id=tag)
return tag
async def assert_bus_reply(self, tag: str, expected_reply: Optional[list] = None, bus: Optional[str] = None) -> list:
if bus is None:
bus = await self.ensure_internal_bus()
reply = await self.next_msg(bus)
assert 'id' in reply, reply
assert reply['id'] == tag, reply
assert 'reply' in reply, reply
if expected_reply is not None:
assert reply['reply'] == [expected_reply]
return reply['reply'][0]
async def assert_bus_error(self, tag: str, code: str, message: str, bus: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
if bus is None:
bus = await self.ensure_internal_bus()
reply = await self.next_msg(bus)
assert 'id' in reply, reply
assert reply['id'] == tag, reply
assert 'error' in reply, reply
assert reply['error'] == [code, [message]]
async def check_bus_call(self, path: str, iface: str, name: str, args: list, expected_reply: Optional[list] = None, bus: Optional[str] = None) -> list:
if bus is None:
bus = await self.ensure_internal_bus()
tag = self.send_bus_call(bus, path, iface, name, args)
return await self.assert_bus_reply(tag, expected_reply, bus=bus)
async def assert_bus_props(self, path: str, iface: str, expected_values: Dict[str, object], bus: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
values, = await self.check_bus_call(path, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties', 'GetAll', [iface], bus=bus)
for key, value in expected_values.items():
assert values[key]['v'] == value
async def assert_bus_meta(self, path: str, iface: str, expected: Iterable[str], bus: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
if bus is None:
bus = await self.ensure_internal_bus()
meta = await self.next_msg(bus)
assert 'meta' in meta, meta
assert set(meta['meta'][iface]['properties']) == set(expected)
async def assert_bus_notify(self, path: str, iface: str, expected: Dict[str, object], bus: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
if bus is None:
bus = await self.ensure_internal_bus()
notify = await self.next_msg(bus)
assert notify['notify'][path][iface] == expected
async def watch_bus(self, path: str, iface: str, expected: Dict[str, object], bus: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
if bus is None:
bus = await self.ensure_internal_bus()
tag = self.get_id('watch')
self.send_json(bus, watch={'path': path, 'interface': iface}, id=tag)
await self.assert_bus_meta(path, iface, expected, bus)
await self.assert_bus_notify(path, iface, expected, bus)
await self.assert_msg(bus, id=tag, reply=[])
async def assert_bus_signal(self, path: str, iface: str, name: str, args: list, bus: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
if bus is None:
bus = await self.ensure_internal_bus()
signal = await self.next_msg(bus)
assert 'signal' in signal, signal
assert signal['signal'] == [path, iface, name, args]
async def add_bus_match(self, path: str, iface: str, bus: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
if bus is None:
bus = await self.ensure_internal_bus()
self.send_json(bus, add_match={'path': path, 'interface': iface})
class TestBridge(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase):
transport: MockTransport
bridge: Bridge
async def start(self, args=None, send_init=True) -> None:
if args is None:
args = argparse.Namespace(privileged=False)
self.bridge = Bridge(args)
self.transport = MockTransport(self.bridge)
if send_init:
await self.transport.assert_msg('', command='init')
# We use this for assertions
self.superuser_bridges = list(self.bridge.superuser_rule.bridges)
def add_pseudo(self) -> None:
self.more_superuser_bridges = [*self.superuser_bridges, 'pseudo']
# Add pseudo to the existing set of superuser rules
configs = self.bridge.packages.get_bridge_configs()
'label': 'pseudo',
'spawn': [
sys.executable, os.path.abspath(f'{__file__}/../'),
sys.executable, '-m', 'cockpit.bridge', '--privileged'
'environ': [
'privileged': True
async def test_echo(self):
await self.start()
echo = await self.transport.check_open('echo')
self.transport.send_data(echo, b'foo')
await self.transport.assert_data(echo, b'foo')
await self.transport.assert_msg('', command='pong', channel=echo)
await self.transport.assert_msg('', command='done', channel=echo)
await self.transport.assert_msg('', command='close', channel=echo)
async def test_host(self):
await self.start()
# try to open a null channel, explicitly naming our host
await self.transport.check_open('null', host=MOCK_HOSTNAME)
# try to open a null channel, no host
await self.transport.check_open('null')
# try to open a null channel, a different host (not yet supported)
await self.transport.check_open('null', host='other', problem='not-supported')
# make sure host check happens before superuser
# ie: requesting superuser=True on another host should fail because we
# can't contact the other host ('not-supported'), rather than trying to
# first go to our superuser self.bridge ('access-denied')
await self.transport.check_open('null', host='other', superuser=True, problem='not-supported')
# but make sure superuser is indeed failing as we expect, on our host
await self.transport.check_open('null', host=MOCK_HOSTNAME, superuser=True, problem='access-denied')
async def test_dbus_call_internal(self):
await self.start()
my_object = test_iface()
self.bridge.internal_bus.export('/foo', my_object)
assert my_object._dbus_bus == self.bridge.internal_bus.server
assert my_object._dbus_path == '/foo'
values, = await self.transport.check_bus_call('/foo', 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties', 'GetAll', ["test.iface"])
assert values == {'Prop': {'t': 's', 'v': 'none'}}
async def test_dbus_watch(self):
await self.start()
my_object = test_iface()
self.bridge.internal_bus.export('/foo', my_object)
assert my_object._dbus_bus == self.bridge.internal_bus.server
assert my_object._dbus_path == '/foo'
# Add a watch
internal = await self.transport.ensure_internal_bus()
self.transport.send_json(internal, watch={'path': '/foo', 'interface': 'test.iface'}, id='4')
meta = await self.transport.next_msg(internal)
assert meta['meta']['test.iface'] == {
'methods': {},
'properties': {'Prop': {'flags': 'r', 'type': 's'}},
'signals': {'Sig': {'in': ['s']}}
notify = await self.transport.next_msg(internal)
assert notify['notify']['/foo'] == {'test.iface': {'Prop': 'none'}}
reply = await self.transport.next_msg(internal)
assert reply == {'id': '4', 'reply': []}
# Change a property
my_object.prop = 'xyz'
notify = await self.transport.next_msg(internal)
assert 'notify' in notify
assert notify['notify']['/foo'] == {'test.iface': {'Prop': 'xyz'}}
async def verify_root_bridge_not_running(self):
assert self.bridge.superuser_rule.peer is None
await self.transport.assert_bus_props('/superuser', 'cockpit.Superuser',
{'Bridges': self.more_superuser_bridges, 'Current': 'none'})
null = await self.transport.check_open('null', superuser=True, problem='access-denied')
assert null not in self.bridge.open_channels
async def verify_root_bridge_running(self):
await self.transport.assert_bus_props('/superuser', 'cockpit.Superuser',
{'Bridges': self.more_superuser_bridges, 'Current': 'pseudo'})
assert self.bridge.superuser_rule.peer is not None
# try to open dbus on the root bridge
root_dbus = await self.transport.check_open('dbus-json3', bus='internal', superuser=True)
assert self.bridge.open_channels[root_dbus].name == 'pseudo'
assert self.bridge.open_channels[root_dbus].channels == {root_dbus}
# verify that the bridge thinks that it's the root bridge
await self.transport.assert_bus_props('/superuser', 'cockpit.Superuser',
{'Bridges': self.superuser_bridges, 'Current': 'root'}, bus=root_dbus)
# close up
async def test_superuser_dbus(self):
await self.start()
await self.verify_root_bridge_not_running()
# start the superuser bridge -- no password, so it should work straight away
() = await self.transport.check_bus_call('/superuser', 'cockpit.Superuser', 'Start', ['pseudo'])
await self.verify_root_bridge_running()
# open a channel on the root bridge
root_null = await self.transport.check_open('null', superuser=True)
# stop the bridge
stop = self.transport.send_bus_call(self.transport.internal_bus, '/superuser', 'cockpit.Superuser', 'Stop', [])
# that should have implicitly closed the open channel
await self.transport.assert_msg('', command='close', channel=root_null)
assert root_null not in self.bridge.open_channels
# The Stop method call is done now
await self.transport.assert_msg(self.transport.internal_bus, reply=[[]], id=stop)
def format_methods(methods: Dict[str, str]):
return {name: {'t': 'a{sv}', 'v': {'label': {'t': 's', 'v': label}}} for name, label in methods.items()}
async def test_superuser_dbus_pw(self):
await self.start()
await self.verify_root_bridge_not_running()
# watch for signals
await self.transport.add_bus_match('/superuser', 'cockpit.Superuser')
await self.transport.watch_bus('/superuser', 'cockpit.Superuser',
'Bridges': self.more_superuser_bridges,
'Current': 'none',
'Methods': self.format_methods({'pseudo': 'pseudo'}),
# start the bridge. with a password this is more complicated
with unittest.mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"PSEUDO_PASSWORD": "p4ssw0rd"}):
start = self.transport.send_bus_call(self.transport.internal_bus, '/superuser', 'cockpit.Superuser', 'Start', ['pseudo'])
# first, init state
await self.transport.assert_bus_notify('/superuser', 'cockpit.Superuser', {'Current': 'init'})
# then, we'll be asked for a password
await self.transport.assert_bus_signal('/superuser', 'cockpit.Superuser', 'Prompt', ['', 'can haz pw?', '', False, ''])
# give it
await self.transport.check_bus_call('/superuser', 'cockpit.Superuser', 'Answer', ['p4ssw0rd'])
# and now the bridge should be running
await self.transport.assert_bus_notify('/superuser', 'cockpit.Superuser', {'Current': 'pseudo'})
# Start call is now done
await self.transport.assert_bus_reply(start, [])
# double-check
await self.verify_root_bridge_running()
async def test_superuser_dbus_wrong_pw(self):
await self.start()
await self.verify_root_bridge_not_running()
# watch for signals
await self.transport.add_bus_match('/superuser', 'cockpit.Superuser')
await self.transport.watch_bus('/superuser', 'cockpit.Superuser',
'Bridges': self.more_superuser_bridges,
'Current': 'none',
'Methods': self.format_methods({'pseudo': 'pseudo'}),
# start the bridge. with a password this is more complicated
with unittest.mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"PSEUDO_PASSWORD": "p4ssw0rd"}):
start = self.transport.send_bus_call(self.transport.internal_bus, '/superuser', 'cockpit.Superuser', 'Start', ['pseudo'])
# first, init state
await self.transport.assert_bus_notify('/superuser', 'cockpit.Superuser', {'Current': 'init'})
# then, we'll be asked for a password
await self.transport.assert_bus_signal('/superuser', 'cockpit.Superuser', 'Prompt', ['', 'can haz pw?', '', False, ''])
# give it
await self.transport.check_bus_call('/superuser', 'cockpit.Superuser', 'Answer', ['p5ssw0rd']) # wrong password
# pseudo fails after the first wrong attempt
await self.transport.assert_bus_notify('/superuser', 'cockpit.Superuser', {'Current': 'none'})
# Start call is now done and returned failure
await self.transport.assert_bus_error(start, 'cockpit.Superuser.Error', 'pseudo says: Bad password\n')
# double-check
await self.verify_root_bridge_not_running()
async def test_superuser_init(self):
await self.start(send_init=False)
await self.transport.assert_msg('', command='init')
self.transport.send_init(superuser={"id": "pseudo"})
# this should work right away without auth
await self.transport.assert_msg('', command='superuser-init-done')
await self.verify_root_bridge_running()
async def test_superuser_init_pw(self):
await self.start(send_init=False)
with unittest.mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"PSEUDO_PASSWORD": "p4ssw0rd"}):
await self.transport.assert_msg('', command='init')
self.transport.send_init(superuser={"id": "pseudo"})
await self.transport.assert_msg('', command='authorize', cookie='supermarius')
self.transport.send_json('', command='authorize', cookie='supermarius', response='p4ssw0rd')
# that should have worked
await self.transport.assert_msg('', command='superuser-init-done')
await self.verify_root_bridge_running()
async def test_no_login_messages(self):
await self.start()
await self.transport.check_bus_call('/LoginMessages', 'cockpit.LoginMessages', 'Get', [], ["{}"])
await self.transport.check_bus_call('/LoginMessages', 'cockpit.LoginMessages', 'Dismiss', [], [])
await self.transport.check_bus_call('/LoginMessages', 'cockpit.LoginMessages', 'Get', [], ["{}"])
async def test_login_messages(self):
fd = os.memfd_create('login messages')
os.write(fd, b"msg")
with unittest.mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"COCKPIT_LOGIN_MESSAGES_MEMFD": str(fd)}):
await self.start()
await self.transport.check_bus_call('/LoginMessages', 'cockpit.LoginMessages', 'Get', [], ["msg"])
# repeated read should get the messages again
await self.transport.check_bus_call('/LoginMessages', 'cockpit.LoginMessages', 'Get', [], ["msg"])
# ...but not after they were dismissed
await self.transport.check_bus_call('/LoginMessages', 'cockpit.LoginMessages', 'Dismiss', [], [])
await self.transport.check_bus_call('/LoginMessages', 'cockpit.LoginMessages', 'Get', [], ["{}"])
# idempotency
await self.transport.check_bus_call('/LoginMessages', 'cockpit.LoginMessages', 'Dismiss', [], [])
await self.transport.check_bus_call('/LoginMessages', 'cockpit.LoginMessages', 'Get', [], ["{}"])
async def test_freeze(self):
await self.start()
koelle = await self.transport.check_open('echo')
malle = await self.transport.check_open('echo')
# send a bunch of data to frozen koelle
self.transport.send_data(koelle, b'x1')
self.transport.send_data(koelle, b'x2')
self.transport.send_data(koelle, b'x3')
# malle never freezes
self.transport.send_data(malle, b'yy')
# unfreeze koelle
# malle should have sent its messages first
await self.transport.assert_data(malle, b'yy')
await self.transport.assert_msg('', command='done', channel=malle)
await self.transport.assert_msg('', command='close', channel=malle)
# the data from koelle should still be in the right order, though
await self.transport.assert_data(koelle, b'x1')
await self.transport.assert_data(koelle, b'x2')
await self.transport.assert_data(koelle, b'x3')
await self.transport.assert_msg('', command='done', channel=koelle)
await self.transport.assert_msg('', command='close', channel=koelle)
async def test_internal_metrics(self):
await self.start()
metrics = [
{"name": "cpu.core.user", "derive": "rate"},
{"name": "memory.used"},
interval = 100
source = 'internal'
await self.transport.check_open('metrics1', source=source, interval=interval, metrics=metrics)
_, data = await self.transport.next_frame()
# first message is always the meta message
meta = json.loads(data)
assert isinstance(meta['timestamp'], float)
assert meta['interval'] == interval
assert meta['source'] == source
assert isinstance(meta['metrics'], list)
instances = len([m['instances'] for m in meta['metrics'] if m['name'] == 'cpu.core.user'][0])
# actual data
_, data = await self.transport.next_frame()
data = json.loads(data)
# cpu.core.user instances should be the same as meta sent instances
assert instances == len(data[0][0])
# all instances should be False, as this is a rate
assert not all(d for d in data[0][0])
# memory.used should be an integer
assert isinstance(data[0][1], int)
async def test_fsread1_errors(self):
await self.start()
await self.transport.check_open('fsread1', path='/etc/shadow', problem='access-denied')
await self.transport.check_open('fsread1', path='/', problem='internal-error',
reply_keys={'message': "[Errno 21] Is a directory: '/'"})