
1582 lines
54 KiB

* This file is part of Cockpit.
* Copyright (C) 2015 Red Hat, Inc.
* Cockpit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Cockpit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Cockpit; If not, see <>.
(function() {
"use strict";
var angular = require('angular');
* Some notes on the create fields.
* Namespaces should be created first, as they must exist before objects in
* them are created.
* Services should be created before pods (or replication controllers that
* make pods. This is because of the environment variables that pods get
* when they want to access a service.
* Create pods before replication controllers ... corner case, but keeps
* things sane.
var KUBE = "/api/v1";
var OPENSHIFT = "/oapi/v1";
var KUBEVIRT = "/apis/";
var DEFAULT = { api: KUBE, create: 0 };
var SCHEMA = flatSchema([
{ kind: "DeploymentConfig", type: "deploymentconfigs", api: OPENSHIFT },
{ kind: "Endpoints", type: "endpoints", api: KUBE },
{ kind: "Group", type: "groups", api: OPENSHIFT, global: true },
{ kind: "Image", type: "images", api: OPENSHIFT, global: true },
{ kind: "ImageStream", type: "imagestreams", api: OPENSHIFT },
{ kind: "ImageStreamImage", type: "imagestreamimages", api: OPENSHIFT },
{ kind: "ImageStreamTag", type: "imagestreamtags", api: OPENSHIFT },
{ kind: "LocalResourceAccessReview", type: "localresourceaccessreviews", api: OPENSHIFT },
{ kind: "Namespace", type: "namespaces", api: KUBE, global: true, create: -100 },
{ kind: "Node", type: "nodes", api: KUBE, global: true },
{ kind: "Pod", type: "pods", api: KUBE, create: -20 },
{ kind: "PolicyBinding", type: "policybindings", api: OPENSHIFT },
{ kind: "RoleBinding", type: "rolebindings", api: OPENSHIFT },
{ kind: "Route", type: "routes", api: OPENSHIFT },
{ kind: "PersistentVolume", type: "persistentvolumes", api: KUBE, global: true, create: -100 },
{ kind: "PersistentVolumeClaim", type: "persistentvolumeclaims", api: KUBE, create: -50 },
{ kind: "Project", type: "projects", api: OPENSHIFT, global: true, create: -90 },
{ kind: "ProjectRequest", type: "projectrequests", api: OPENSHIFT, global: true, create: -90 },
{ kind: "ReplicationController", type: "replicationcontrollers", api: KUBE, create: -60 },
{ kind: "Service", type: "services", api: KUBE, create: -80 },
{ kind: "SubjectAccessReview", type: "subjectaccessreviews", api: OPENSHIFT },
{ kind: "User", type: "users", api: OPENSHIFT, global: true },
{ kind: "VirtualMachine", type: "virtualmachines", api: KUBEVIRT },
var NAME_RE = /^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9_.]*[a-z0-9])?$/;
var USER_NAME_RE = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_.]([-a-zA-Z0-9 ,=@._]*[a-zA-Z0-9._])?$/;
/* Timeout for non-GET requests */
var REQ_TIMEOUT = "120s";
function debug() {
if (window.debugging == "all" || window.debugging == "kube")
console.debug.apply(console, arguments);
function hash(str) {
var h, i, chr, len;
if (str.length === 0)
return 0;
for (h = 0, i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) {
chr = str.charCodeAt(i);
h = ((h << 5) - h) + chr;
h |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer
return Math.abs(h);
function search(arr, val) {
var low = 0;
var high = arr.length - 1;
var mid, v;
while (low <= high) {
mid = (low + high) / 2 | 0;
v = arr[mid];
if (v < val)
low = mid + 1;
else if (v > val)
high = mid - 1;
return mid; /* key found */
return low;
* HashIndex
* A probablisting hash index, where items are added with
* various keys, and probable matches are returned. Similar
* to bloom filters, false positives are possible, but never
* false negatives.
function HashIndex(size) {
var self = this;
var array = [];
self.add = function add(keys, value) {
var i, j, p, x, length = keys.length;
for (j = 0; j < length; j++) {
i = hash("" + keys[j]) % size;
p = array[i];
if (p === undefined)
p = array[i] = [];
x = search(p, value);
if (p[x] != value)
p.splice(x, 0, value);
self.get = function get(key) {
var p = array[hash("" + key) % size];
if (!p)
return [];
return p.slice();
self.all = function all(keys) {
var i, j, p, result, n;
var rl, rv, pv, ri, px;
for (j = 0, n = keys.length; j < n; j++) {
i = hash("" + keys[j]) % size;
p = array[i];
/* No match for this key, short cut out */
if (!p) {
result = [];
/* First key */
if (!result) {
result = p.slice();
/* Calculate intersection */
} else {
for (ri = 0, px = 0, rl = result.length; ri < rl; ) {
rv = result[ri];
pv = p[ri + px];
if (pv < rv) {
px += 1;
} else if (rv !== pv) {
result.splice(ri, 1);
rl -= 1;
} else {
ri += 1;
return result || [];
* A WeakMap implementation
* This works on ES5 browsers, with the caveat that the mapped
* items are discoverable with enough work.
* To be clear, the principal use of a WeakMap is to associate
* an value with an object, the object is the key. And then have
* that value go away when the object does. This is very, very
* similar to properties.
* The main difference is that any assigned values are not
* garbage collected if the *weakmap* itself is collected,
* and of course one can actually access the non-enumerable
* property that makes this work.
var weak_property = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2);
var local_seed = 1;
function SimpleWeakMap() {
var local_property = "weakmap" + local_seed;
local_seed += 1;
var self = this;
self.delete = function delete_(obj) {
var map = obj[weak_property];
if (map)
delete map[local_property];
self.has = function has(obj) {
var map = obj[weak_property];
return (map && local_property in map);
self.get = function has(obj) {
var map = obj[weak_property];
if (!map)
return undefined;
return map[local_property];
self.set = function set(obj, value) {
var map = obj[weak_property];
if (!map) {
map = function WeakMapData() { };
Object.defineProperty(obj, weak_property, {
enumerable: false, configurable: false,
writable: false, value: map,
map[local_property] = value;
function flatSchema(items) {
var i, len, ret = { "": DEFAULT };
for (i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) {
ret[items[i].type] = items[i];
ret[items[i].kind] = items[i];
return ret;
* Accepts:
* 1. an object
* 2. an involved object
* 2. a path string
* 3. type/kind, name, namespace
function resourcePath(args) {
var one = args[0];
if (one && typeof one === "object") {
if (one.metadata) {
/* An object with a link */
if (one.metadata.selfLink)
return one.metadata.selfLink;
/* Pull out the arguments */
args = [ one.kind,, one.metadata.namespace ];
} else if ( && one.kind) {
/* An involved object */
args = [ one.kind,, one.namespace ];
/* Already a path */
} else if (one && one[0] == '/') {
return one;
* Combine into a path.
var schema = SCHEMA[args[0]] || SCHEMA[""];
var path = schema.api;
if (! && args[2])
path += "/namespaces/" + args[2];
path += "/" + schema.type;
if (args[1])
path += "/" + encodeURIComponent(args[1]);
return path;
* Angular definitions start here
angular.module("kubeClient", [])
* A dict of schema information. The keys are both object types
* and resource kinds. The values are objects with the following
* properties:
* schema.kind The object kind
* schema.type The resource type (ie: used in urls)
* schema.api The api endpoint to use
* Set to true if resource is not namespaced.
.constant("KubevirtPrefix", KUBEVIRT)
* Regular Expression that names in kubernetes must match.
* kubeLoader
* Loads kubernetes objects either by watching them or loading
* objects explicitly. The loaded objects are available at
* the .objects property, although you probably want to
* use kubeSelect() to interact with these objects.
* loader.handle(objects, [removed])
* Tell the loader about a objects that has been loaded
* or removed elsewhere.
* loader.listen(callback, until)
* Register a callback to be invoked some time after new
* objects have been loaded. Returns an object with a
* .cancel() method, that can be used to stop listening.
* promise = loader.load(path)
* promise = loader.load(involvedObject)
* promise = loader.load(resource)
* promise = loader.load(kind, [name], [namespace])
* Load the resource at the path. Returns a promise that will
* resolve with the resource or an array of objects at the
* given path.
* loader.limits
* Contains various limits that govern what the loader loads
* from watches. Of note is loader.limits.namespace which is set
* to null for the loader to load all objects, or a namespace
* string or array of namespace strings for the loader to watch
* objects from specific namespaces.
* loader.limit(options)
* Adjust the loader limits that govern what the loader loads
* from watches. Options can contain a "namespace" field to
* set the namespace or namespaces to limit watching to.
* loader.reset()
* Clear out all loaded objects, and clear all watches. Also
* clears the limits and other state.
* loader.objects
* A dict of all loaded objects.
* promise =, until)
* Start watching the given resource type. The returned promise
* will be resolved when an initial set of objects have been
* loaded for the watch, or rejected if the watch has failed.
.factory("kubeLoader", [
function($q, $timeout, KubeWatch, KubeRequest, KUBE_SCHEMA) {
var self;
var callbacks = [];
var limits = { namespace: null };
/* All the current watches */
var watching = { };
/* All the loaded objects */
var objects = { };
/* Timeout batching */
var batch = null;
var batchTimeout = null;
function ensureWatch(what, namespace, increment) {
var schema = SCHEMA[what] || SCHEMA[""];
var watch, path = schema.api;
if (! && namespace)
path += "/namespaces/" + namespace;
path += "/" + schema.type;
if (!(path in watching)) {
watch = new KubeWatch(path, handleFrames);
watch.what = what; =;
watch.namespace = namespace;
watch.cancelWatch = watch.cancel;
/* Replace the cancel function with one that does ref counting */
watch.cancel = function() {
var w = watching[path];
if (w) {
w.references -= 1;
if (w.references <= 0) {
delete watching[path];
watching[path] = watch;
/* Increase the references here */
watching[path].references += increment;
return watching[path];
function ensureWatches(what, increment) {
var namespace = limits.namespace;
if (!angular.isArray(namespace))
return ensureWatch(what, namespace, increment);
var parts = [];
angular.forEach(namespace, function(val) {
parts.push(ensureWatch(what, val, increment));
var ret = $q.all(parts);
ret.cancel = function() {
angular.forEach(parts, function(val) {
return ret;
function handleFrames(frames) {
if (batch === null)
batch = frames;
batch.push.apply(batch, frames);
/* When called with empty data, flush, don't wait */
if (frames.length > 0) {
if (batchTimeout === null)
batchTimeout = window.setTimeout(handleTimeout, 150);
return; /* called again later */
function resourceVersion(resource) {
var version;
if (resource && resource.metadata)
version = parseInt(resource.metadata.resourceVersion, 10);
if (!isNaN(version))
return version;
function handleFlush(invoke) {
var drain = batch;
batch = null;
if (!drain)
var present = { };
var removed = { };
var i, len, link, resource;
var cVersion, lVersion;
for (i = 0, len = drain.length; i < len; i++) {
resource = drain[i].object;
if (resource) {
link = decodeURIComponent(resourcePath([resource]));
if (drain[i].type == "DELETED") {
delete objects[link];
delete present[link];
removed[link] = resource;
} else if (drain[i].checkResourceVersion) {
/* There is a race between items loaded from
* watchers and items loaded other ways such as
* from KubeMethods callbacks, where we might
* end up saving the older item if loader.load is
* called after the watcher has already loaded fresher
* data. Look at the resourceVersion and only add
* if it is the same or newer than what we already have.
cVersion = resourceVersion(resource);
lVersion = resourceVersion(objects[link]);
if (!cVersion || !lVersion || cVersion >= lVersion) {
present[link] = resource;
objects[link] = resource;
} else {
present[link] = resource;
objects[link] = resource;
/* Run all the listeners and then digest */
invoke(present, removed);
function invokeCallbacks(/* ... */) {
var i, len, func;
for (i = 0, len = callbacks.length; i < len; i++) {
func = callbacks[i];
if (func)
func.apply(self, arguments);
function handleTimeout() {
batchTimeout = null;
function resetLoader() {
var link;
/* We drop any batched objects in flight */
batchTimeout = null;
batch = null;
/* Cancel all the watches */
var old = watching;
watching = { };
angular.forEach(old, function(w) {
/* Clear out everything */
for (link in objects)
delete objects[link];
for (link in limits)
delete limits[link];
limits.namespace = null;
/* Tell the callbacks we're resetting */
function handleObjects(objects, removed, kind) {
handleFrames( {
if (kind)
resource.kind = kind;
return {
type: removed ? "DELETED" : "ADDED",
object: resource,
checkResourceVersion: true
function loadObjects(/* ... */) {
var path = resourcePath(arguments);
var req = new KubeRequest("GET", path);
var promise = req.then(function(response) {
req = null;
var resource =;
if (!resource || !resource.kind) {
return null;
} else if (resource.kind.indexOf("List") === resource.kind.length - 4) {
handleObjects(resource.items, false, resource.kind.slice(0, -4));
return resource.items;
} else {
return resource;
}, function(response) {
req = null;
var resp =;
return $q.reject(resp || response);
promise.cancel = function cancel(ex) {
return promise;
function adjustNamespace(value) {
batchTimeout = null;
/* Convert this to our native format */
var only = { };
if (value === null) {
only = null;
} else if (angular.isArray(value)) {
angular.forEach(value, function(namespace) {
only[namespace] = true;
} else {
only[value] = true;
limits.namespace = value;
/* Flush everything that's outstanding */
var present = { }, removed = { };
handleFlush(function(a, b) {
present = a;
removed = b;
/* Remove objects that are not in these namespaces */
var meta, link;
for (link in objects) {
meta = objects[link].metadata;
if (only && meta.namespace && !(meta.namespace in only)) {
removed[link] = objects[link];
delete objects[link];
delete present[link];
/* Cancel any watches not applicable to these namespaces */
var path, w, reconnect = [ ];
for (path in watching) {
w = watching[path];
if ((!only && w.namespace) || (only && ! && !(w.namespace in only))) {
delete watching[path];
/* Tell the world what we did */
invokeCallbacks(present, removed);
/* Reconnect all the watches we cancelled with proper namespace */
angular.forEach(reconnect, function(w) {
ensureWatches(w.what, w.references);
function connectUntil(ret, until) {
if (until) {
if (until.$on) {
until.$on("$destroy", function() {
} else {
console.warn("invalid until passed to watch", until);
self = {
watch: function watch(what, until) {
var ret = ensureWatches(what, 1);
connectUntil(ret, until);
return ret;
load: function load(/* ... */) {
return loadObjects.apply(this, arguments);
limit: function limit(options) {
if ("namespace" in options)
reset: resetLoader,
listen: function listen(callback, until) {
if (callback.early)
var timeout = $timeout(function() {
timeout = null;, objects);
}, 0);
var ret = {
cancel: function() {
var i, len;
timeout = null;
for (i = 0, len = callbacks.length; i < len; i++) {
if (callbacks[i] === callback)
callbacks[i] = null;
connectUntil(ret, until);
return ret;
handle: function handle(objects, removed, kind) {
if (!angular.isArray(objects))
objects = [ objects ];
handleObjects(objects, removed, kind);
resolve: function resolve(/* ... */) {
return resourcePath(arguments);
objects: objects,
limits: limits,
return self;
* kubeSelect
* Allows selecting loaded objects based on various criteria. The
* goal here is to allow selection to be fast enough that it can be
* done repeatedly and regularly, without keeping caches of objects
* all over the place.
* Resources may be filtered in a chain by calling various filter
* functions. Lets start with an example that finds a pod:
* pod = kubeSelect()
* .kind("Pod")
* .namespace("default")
* .name("docker-registry")
* .one();
* Calling kubeSelect() will return a dict with all loaded objects,
* containing unique keys, and then various filters can be called to
* further narrow results.
* You can also pass a dict of objects into kubeSelect() and then
* perform actions on it.
* The following filters are available by default:
* .kind(kind) Limit to specified kind
* .namespace(ns) Limit to specified namespace
* .name(name) Limit to this name
* .host(name) Limit to this host
* .label(selector) Limit to objects whose label match selector
* .one() Choose one of results, or null
* .extend(obj) Extend obj with the results
* Additional filters can be registered by calling the function:
* kubeSelect.register(name, function)
* kubeSelect.register(filterobj)
* Ask on FreeNode #cockpit for documentation on filters.
.factory("kubeSelect", [
function(loader) {
/* A list of all registered filters */
var filters = { };
/* A hash index */
var index = null;
/* The filter prototype for functions available on selector */
var proto = null;
/* Cache data */
var weakmap = new SimpleWeakMap();
var version = 1;
function listener(present, removed) {
version += 1;
/* Get called like this when reset */
if (!present) {
index = null;
/* Called like this when more objects arrive */
} else if (index) {
listener.early = true;
/* Create a new index and populate */
function indexCreate() {
/* TODO: Derive this value from cluster size */
index = new HashIndex(262139);
/* And index all the objects */
/* Populate index for the given objects and current filters */
function indexObjects(objects) {
var link, object, name, key, keys, filter;
for (link in objects) {
object = objects[link];
for (name in filters) {
filter = filters[name];
if (filter.digest) {
key =, object);
if (key)
index.add([ key ], link);
} else if (filter.digests) {
keys =, object);
if (keys.length)
index.add(keys, link);
/* Return a place to cache data related to obj */
function cached(obj) {
var data = weakmap.get(obj);
if (!data || data.version !== version) {
data = { version: version, length: data ? data.length : undefined };
weakmap.set(obj, data);
return data;
function makePrototypeCall(filter) {
return function() {
var cache = cached(this);
* Do this early, since some browsers cannot pass
* arguments to JSON.stringify()
var args =;
/* Fast path, already calculated results */
var desc = + ": " + JSON.stringify(args);
if (desc in cache)
return cache[desc];
var results;
if (filter.filter) {
results = filter.filter.apply(this, args);
} else {
if (!index)
if (!cache.indexed) {
cache.indexed = true;
if (filter.digests) {
results = digestsFilter(filter, this, args);
} else if (filter.digest) {
results = digestFilter(filter, this, args);
} else {
console.warn("invalid filter: " +;
results = { };
cache[desc] = results;
return results;
function makePrototype() {
var name, ret = {
length: {
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
get: function() { return cached(this).length; }
for (name in filters) {
ret[name] = {
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
value: makePrototypeCall(filters[name])
return ret;
function mixinSelection(results, length, indexed) {
var link, data;
if (length === undefined) {
length = 0;
for (link in results)
length += 1;
proto = proto || makePrototype();
Object.defineProperties(results, proto);
data = cached(results);
data.length = length;
data.selection = results;
data.indexed = indexed;
return results;
function digestFilter(filter, what, criteria) {
var p, pl, key, possible, link, object;
var results = { }, count = 0;
key = filter.digest.apply(null, criteria);
if (key !== null && key !== undefined) {
possible = index.get(key);
} else {
possible = [];
for (p = 0, pl = possible.length; p < pl; p++) {
link = possible[p];
object = what[link];
if (object) {
if (key ===, object)) {
results[link] = object;
count += 1;
return mixinSelection(results, count, true);
function digestsFilter(filter, what, criteria) {
var keys, keyn, keyo, k, link, match, object, possible;
var p, pl, j, jl;
var results = { }, count = 0;
keys = filter.digests.apply(null, criteria);
keyn = keys.length;
if (keyn > 0) {
possible = index.all(keys);
} else {
possible = [];
for (p = 0, pl = possible.length; p < pl; p++) {
link = possible[p];
object = what[link];
if (object) {
keyo =, object);
match = false;
/* Search for first key */
for (j = 0, jl = keyo.length; !match && j < jl; j++) {
if (keys[0] === keyo[j]) {
match = true;
for (k = 0; match && k < keyn; k++) {
if (keys[k] !== keyo[j + k])
match = false;
if (match) {
results[link] = object;
count += 1;
return mixinSelection(results, count, true);
function registerFilter(filter, optional) {
if (typeof (optional) == "function") {
filter = {
name: filter,
filter: optional,
filters[] = filter;
index = null;
proto = null;
version += 1;
/* The one filter */
registerFilter("one", function() {
var link;
for (link in this)
return this[link];
return null;
/* The extend filter */
registerFilter("extend", function(target) {
var link;
for (link in this)
target[link] = this[link];
return target;
/* The label filter */
name: "label",
digests: function(arg) {
var ret = [];
if (!arg)
return ret;
var i, meta = arg.metadata;
var labels = meta ? meta.labels : arg;
for (i in labels || [])
ret.push(i + "=" + labels[i]);
return ret;
/* The namespace filter */
name: "namespace",
digest: function(arg) {
if (!arg)
return null;
if (typeof arg === "string")
return arg;
var meta = arg.metadata;
return meta ? meta.namespace : null;
/* The name filter */
name: "name",
digest: function(arg) {
if (!arg)
return null;
if (typeof arg === "string")
return arg;
var meta = arg.metadata;
return meta ? : null;
/* The kind filter */
name: "kind",
digest: function(arg) {
if (!arg)
return null;
if (typeof arg === "string")
return arg;
return arg.kind;
/* The host filter */
name: "host",
digest: function(arg) {
if (!arg)
return null;
if (typeof arg === "string")
return arg;
var spec = arg.spec;
return spec ? spec.nodeName : null;
/* The namespace filter */
name: "uid",
digest: function(arg) {
if (!arg)
return null;
if (typeof arg === "string")
return arg;
var meta = arg.metadata;
return meta ? meta.uid : null;
/* The statusPhase filter */
name: "statusPhase",
digest: function(arg) {
var status;
if (typeof arg == "string") {
return arg;
} else {
status = arg.status || { };
return status.phase ? status.phase : null;
var empty = { };
function select(arg) {
var cache, indexed = false;
if (arg === undefined) {
arg = loader.objects;
indexed = true;
} else if (!arg) {
arg = empty;
/* Next the specific object */
if (typeof arg !== "object") {
console.warn("Pass resources or resource dicts or null to kubeSelect()");
arg = empty;
cache = cached(arg);
if (cache.selection)
return cache.selection;
/* A single resource object */
var meta, single;
if (typeof arg.kind === "string") {
if (!cache.single) {
meta = arg.meta || { };
single = { };
single[meta.selfLink || 1] = arg;
cache.single = mixinSelection(single, undefined, false);
return cache.single;
return mixinSelection(arg, undefined, indexed);
/* A seldom used 'static' method */
select.register = registerFilter;
return select;
* kubeMethods
* Methods that operate on kubernetes objects.
* promise = methods.create(objects, namespace)
* Create the given resource or objects in the specified namespace.
* promise = methods.remove(resource)
* promise = methods.remove(path)
* promise = methods.remove(type, name, namespace)
* Delete the given resource from kubernetes.
.factory("kubeMethods", [
function($q, KUBE_SCHEMA, KubeRequest, loader) {
function createCompare(a, b) {
var sa = KUBE_SCHEMA[a.kind].create || 0;
var sb = KUBE_SCHEMA[b.kind].create || 0;
return sa - sb;
function createObjects(objects, namespace) {
var defer = $q.defer();
var promise = defer.promise;
var request = null;
if (!angular.isArray(objects)) {
if (objects.kind == "List")
objects = objects.items;
objects = [ objects ];
var haveNs = false;
var wantNs = false;
objects.forEach(function(resource) {
var meta = resource.metadata || { };
if ((resource.kind == "Namespace" || resource.kind == "Project") && === namespace)
haveNs = true;
var schema = SCHEMA[resource.kind] || SCHEMA[""];
if (!
wantNs = true;
/* Shallow copy of the array, we modify it below */
objects = objects.slice();
/* Create the namespace */
if (namespace && wantNs && !haveNs) {
apiVersion : "v1",
kind : "Namespace",
metadata : { name: namespace }
/* Now sort the array with create preference */
function step() {
var resource = objects.shift();
if (!resource) {
var path = resourcePath([resource.kind, null, namespace || "default"]);
path += "?timeout=" + REQ_TIMEOUT;
request = new KubeRequest("POST", path, JSON.stringify(resource))
.then(function(response) {
var meta;
debug("created resource:", path,;
if ( {
/* HACK: */
if ( == "Project") {
meta = || { };
delete meta.selfLink;
}, function(response) {
var resp =;
var code = response.status;
if (resp && resp.code)
code = resp.code;
/* Ignore failures creating the namespace if it already exists */
if (resource.kind == "Namespace" && (code === 409 || code === 403)) {
debug("skipping namespace creation");
} else {
debug("create failed:", path, resp || response);
defer.reject(resp || response);
promise.cancel = function cancel() {
if (request)
return promise;
function deleteResource(/* ... */) {
var path = resourcePath(arguments);
var resource = loader.objects[path];
path += "?timeout=" + REQ_TIMEOUT;
var promise = new KubeRequest("DELETE", path);
return promise.then(function() {
debug("deleted resource:", path, resource);
if (resource)
loader.handle(resource, true);
}, function(response) {
var resp =;
return $q.reject(resp || response);
function patchResource(resource, patch) {
var path = resourcePath([resource]);
path += "?timeout=" + REQ_TIMEOUT;
var body = JSON.stringify(patch);
var config = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/strategic-merge-patch+json" } };
var promise = new KubeRequest("PATCH", path, body, config);
return promise.then(function(response) {
debug("patched resource:", path,;
if (
}, function(response) {
var resp =;
return $q.reject(resp || response);
function generalMethodRequest(method, resource, body, config) {
var path = resourcePath([resource]);
if (method != "GET")
path += "?timeout=" + REQ_TIMEOUT;
var promise = new KubeRequest(method, path, JSON.stringify(body), config);
return promise.then(function(response) {
var resp =;
return resp || response;
}, function(response) {
var resp =;
return $q.reject(resp || response);
function putResource(resource, body, config) {
return generalMethodRequest("PUT", resource, body, config);
function postResource(resource, body, config) {
return generalMethodRequest("POST", resource, body, config);
function checkResource(resource, targets) {
var defer = $q.defer();
var ex, exs = [];
if (!targets)
targets = { };
/* Some simple metadata checks */
var meta = resource.metadata;
if (meta) {
ex = null;
if ( !== undefined) {
var check_re = (resource.kind == "User") ? USER_NAME_RE : NAME_RE;
if (!
ex = new Error("The name cannot be empty");
else if (!check_re.test(
if (check_re == NAME_RE) {
ex = new Error("The name contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed");
} else {
ex = new Error("The name contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers, spaces and the following symbols are allowed: , = @ . _");
if (ex) { = targets[""];
ex = null;
if (meta.namespace !== undefined) {
if (!meta.namespace)
ex = new Error("The namespace cannot be empty");
else if (!NAME_RE.test(meta.namespace))
ex = new Error("The name contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed");
if (ex) { = targets["metadata.namespace"];
if (exs.length)
return defer.promise;
return {
"create": createObjects,
"delete": deleteResource,
"check": checkResource,
"patch": patchResource,
post: postResource,
put: putResource,
* KubeRequest
* Create a new low level kubernetes request. These are instantiated
* by kubeLoader or kubeMethods, and typically not used directly.
* An implementation of KubeRequest must be provided. It has the
* following characteristics.
* promise = KubeRequest(method, path, [body, [config]])
* Creates a new request, for the given HTTP method and path. If body
* is present it will be sent as the request body. If it an object or
* array it will be encoded as JSON before being sent.
* If present the config object may include the following properties:
* headers An dict of headers to include
* In addition the config object can include implementation specific
* settings or data.
* If successful the promise will resolve with a response object that
* includes the following:
* status Status code
* statusText Status reason or message
* data Response body, JSON decoded if response is json
* headers Response headers
* Implementation specific fields may also be present
.provider("KubeRequest", [
function() {
var self = this;
/* Until we come up with a good default implementation, must be provided */
self.KubeRequestFactory = "MissingKubeRequest";
function load(injector, name) {
if (angular.isString(name))
return injector.get(name, "KubeRequest");
return injector.invoke(name);
self.$get = [
function($injector) {
return load($injector, self.KubeRequestFactory);
.factory("MissingKubeRequest", [
function() {
return function MissingKubeRequest(path, callback) {
throw new Error("no KubeRequestFactory set");
* KubeSocket
* Create a new low level kubernetes websocket request
* An implementation of KubeSocket must be provided. It has the
* following characteristics.
* ws = KubeSocket(path, [config])
* Creates a new websocket request, for the given path.
* headers An dict of headers to include
* protocals An list or string of websocket protocols
* In addition the config object can include implementation specific
* settings or data.
* A object is returned that implements the Web API
* Websocket interface. Specifically it should
* expose a 'readyState' attribute, provide
* open and close functions, and emit open, close and
* message events.
* Implementation specific fields may also be present
.provider("KubeSocket", [
function() {
var self = this;
/* Until we come up with a good default implementation, must be provided */
self.KubeSocketFactory = "MissingKubeSocket";
function load(injector, name) {
if (angular.isString(name))
return injector.get(name, "KubeSocket");
return injector.invoke(name);
self.$get = [
function($injector) {
return load($injector, self.KubeSocketFactory);
.factory("MissingKubeSocket", [
function() {
return function MissingKubeSocket(path, callback) {
throw Error("no KubeSocketFactory set");
* KubeWatch
* Create a new low level kubernetes watch. These are instantiated
* by kubeLoader, and typically not used directly.
* An implementation of the KubeWatch must be provided. It has the
* following characteristics:
* promise = KubeWatch(path, callback)
* The watch is given two arguments. The first is the kube resource
* url to watch (without query string) a callback to invoke with
* watch frames.
* The watch returns a deferred promise which will resolve when the initial
* set of items has loaded, it will fail if the watch fails. The promise
* should also have a promise.cancel() method which is invoked when the
* watch should be stopped.
* callback(frames)
* The callback is invoked with an array of kubernetes watch frames that
* look like: { type: "ADDED", object: { ... } }
.provider("KubeWatch", [
function() {
var self = this;
/* Until we come up with a good default implementation, must be provided */
self.KubeWatchFactory = "MissingKubeWatch";
function load(injector, name) {
if (angular.isString(name))
return injector.get(name, "KubeWatch");
return injector.invoke(name);
self.$get = [
function($injector) {
return load($injector, self.KubeWatchFactory);
.factory("MissingKubeWatch", [
function() {
return function MissingKubeWatch(path, callback) {
throw Error("no KubeWatchFactory set");
.provider("KubeDiscoverSettings", [
function() {
var self = this;
/* Until we come up with a good default implementation, must be provided */
self.KubeDiscoverSettingsFactory = "MissingKubeDiscoverSettings";
function load(injector, name) {
if (angular.isString(name))
return injector.get(name, "KubeDiscoverSettings");
return injector.invoke(name);
self.$get = [
function($injector) {
return load($injector, self.KubeDiscoverSettingsFactory);
.factory("MissingKubeDiscoverSettings", [
function() {
return function MissingKubeDiscoverSettings(path, callback) {
throw Error("no KubeDiscoverSettingsFactory set");